[L'Abbé Michaud, Roman Catholic theologian.] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Michaud') [to Hunt?], in French, regarding the recipient's articles in the 'Day of Rest' and 'Contemporary Review', and Michaud's dealings with Alexander Strahan.

L'Abbé Michaud [Eugène Michaud] (1839-1917), Roman Catholic theologian, after the Vatican Council a member of the breakaway Old Catholic movement [Alexander Strahan, publisher, Contemporary Review]
Publication details: 
Paris-Auteuil, Villa Montmorency. 4 November 1873.

p, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The recipient is not named. Addressed to 'Révérend et cher Monsieur'. Sixteen neatly-written lines of text. He thanks him 'mille fois' for the number of the 'Day of Rest'. He has read the recipient's article, as well as that of 'Madame Hunt', but he is sorry 'de n'être pas assez versé dans la connaissance de la langue anglaise, pour pouvoir apprécier vos écrits comme ils le méritent'. He hopes to make progress, and is at present reading the recipient's piece in the Contemporary Review, 'qui m'intéresse beaucoup'.

[ Quakers and pacifism in the eighteenth century. ] Printed form ('No. 40.'), a warrant of distress for 'one of the people called quakers', who has failed to provide a substitute to serve in the militia.

Quakers and pacifism in the eighteenth century [ W. Strahan and M. Woodfall, Law-Printers to his Majesty; T. Cadell, Bookseller in the Strand, London; Francis Newbold (b.1768), Macclesfield surgeon ]
Publication details: 
Printed by W. Strahan and M. Woodfall, Law-Printers to his Majesty; for T. Cadell, and sold only by the said T. Cadell, Bookseller in the Strand. Late eighteenth century ('in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and [blank]').

1p., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn laid paper, 1.5" closed tear. A printed form which has not been completed in manuscript. At top right: 'No. 40.', and the royal coat of arms at head. A rare and interesting piece of pacifist and Quaker ephemera, and a testament to nonviolent resistance.

[Rev. David Henry Urquhart.] Autograph Letter Signed from his wife Eliza Urquhart to his publishers [Cadell & Davies], urging them to send proofs [of his 'Commentaries on Classical Learning'] more quickly, or 'the Season will inevitably be lost'.

Rev. David Henry Urquhart (c.1754-1829), Prebendary of Lincoln [Cadell & Davies, London publishers; Thomas Cadell (1773-1836); William Davies; Andrew Strahan (1750-1831), printer; Spottiswoode]
Publication details: 
Doncaster. 5 May [1803].

1p., 4to. On aged paper, with damage and discoloration to one margin. Eliza Urquhart begins her letter: 'Gentlemen, | Mr Urquhart has desired me to acquaint you that he thinks it would be adviseable immediately to see Mr Spotswood [i.e. Spottiswoode, then an employee of the book's printer Andrew Strahan] on the subject of accelerating the printing of his work, as from the present tardiness with which the proofs are sent, he thinks the Season will inevitably be lost'.

[printed pamphlet] A Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the Protection afforded the King's Majesty [George III] during a long and an arduous Reign. [...] the 25th of October 1809. Being the Day on which His Majesty began His happy Reign.

[prayer for King George III, 1809; George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, the King's printers; liturgies and prayers]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1809.

Small 4to, 4 pp. Disbound (from a collection of pamphlets assembled by Gilbert Buchanan), and with neat strip of tape along margin of last page. Good, with neat vertical fold from placement in 8vo volume. Uncommon. COPAC only lists copies at Cambridge, Oxford, Lambeth Palace and the British LIbrary.

[printed pamphlet on King George III's illness] A Prayer to be used on Litany Days before the Litany, and on other Days immediately before the Prayer for all Conditions of Men, [...] during His Majesty's present Indisposition.

[Prayer for King George III, 1788; Charles Eyre and Andrew Strahan, the King's Printers; liturgies, forms of prayer]
Printed pamphlet on King George III's illness
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Charles Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1788.
Printed pamphlet on King George III's illness

Small 4to, 4 pp. Disbound (from a collection of pamphlets assembled by Gilbert Buchanan), and with neat strip of tape along margin of last page. Good, with neat vertical fold from placement in 8vo volume. Uncommon: most of the entries listed on COPAC are for the electronic reproduction.

[printed pamphlet] A Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the Protection afforded the King's Majesty [George III] during a long and an arduous Reign. [...] the 25th of October 1809. Being the Day on which His Majesty began His happy Reign.

[prayer for King George III, 1809; George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, the King's printers; liturgies and prayers]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1809.

Small 4to, 4 pp. Disbound (from a collection of pamphlets assembled by Gilbert Buchanan), and with neat strip of tape along margin of last page. Good, with neat vertical fold from placement in 8vo volume. Uncommon. COPAC only lists copies at Cambridge, Oxford, Lambeth Palace and the British LIbrary.

[pamphlet on King George III's illness] A Prayer to be used Immediately before the Litany when it shall be read; [...] to be continued during His Majesty's present Indisposition.'

[Prayer for King George III, 1810; George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, the King's Printers; liturgies, forms of prayer]
Printed pamphlet on King George III's illness
Publication details: 
London: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1810.
Printed pamphlet on King George III's illness

Small 4to, 4 pp. Disbound, and with neat strip of tape along margin of last page. Good, with neat vertical fold from placement in 8vo volume. A few contemporary pencil notes in margin, presumably by Gilbert Buchanan, from whose collection of pamphlets the item derives. Uncommon. Five copies on COPAC: Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Lambeth Palace and the British Library.

[pamphlet on King George III's illness] A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God; [...] for the signal Interposition of His good Providence in delivering our most Gracious Sovereign from the severe Illness with which he hath been afflicted.

[Prayer and Thanksgiving for the recovery of King George III, 1789; Charles Eyre and Andrew Strahan, the King's Printers; liturgies; forms of prayer]
Pamphlet on King George III's illness
Publication details: 
By His Majesty's Special Command. London: Printed by Charles Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1789.
Pamphlet on King George III's illness

Small 4to, 12 pp. Disbound, with neat strip of ribbon to margin of last page, and vertical fold from placement in 8vo volume. Very good, with neat repairs to last two leaves. Cropped contemporary ownership signature of Gilbert Buchanan (from whose collection of pamphlets the item derives) at head of title-page. This original is uncommon: the large majority of the entries for this item on COPAC are for electronic reproductions.

[printed handbill] A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, For His Majesty the King's Recovery from His late dangerous Sickness. To be used At Morning and Evening Service, After the General Thanksgiving.

[madness of King George III; George Eyre and Andrew Strahan]
[madness of King George III]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1801.
[madness of King George III]

Small 4to, 3 pp. Paginated [1]-4. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Formerly a bifolium, but with the two leaves now separated and attached by a thin strip. Part of mount adhering to second leaf.

Autograph draft of letter to the Editor of the Daily Chronicle, rebutting in strong terms the claim that Knowles was editor of the Contemporary Review.

Alexander Strahan [Alexander Stuart Strahan] (1833-1918), English publisher [Sir James Thomas Knowles (1831-1908); Alfred Tennyson]
Publication details: 
14 February 1908; on letterhead of Oakhurst, Ravenscourt Park, W.

12mo (17.5 x 11 cm): 5 pp. On two bifolium letterheads and half of a third. The text of each page is clear and complete on aged and lightly-spotted paper, but gaps between the various sections indicate that the draft is incomplete. Begins 'Sir | I see that in your obituary notice of Sir James Knowles inn today's paper you say that he was the Editor of the Contemporary Review from 1870 to 1877. | This is news to me. I was the Editor and proprietor of the Contemporary Review all these years, and I think I ought to know the facts of the matter.

Anno Vicesimo Octavo Georgii III. Regis. CAP. LXIII. An Act for charging several Estates in the Counties of Northumberland, Cumberland, and Durham, settled upon the late Charles Radcliffe deceased, for Life, with Remainder to his First and other Sons

[Act of Parliament; Charles Radcliffe; Anthony James, Earl of Newburgh; Northumberland; Cumberland; Durham]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Charles Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1788.

Folio: sixteen leaves on laid paper. Unbound and stabbed, with two staples (now rusted) added subsequently. Good, with first leaf lightly discoloured. Title-leaf, and text on next fifteen paginated 1131-1159.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent (John Tyndall?).

Alexander Strahan
Publication details: 
21 January 1874; on letterhead '12, Paternoster Row, London'.

Two pages, octavo. Good, apart from damage and loss to one edge caused by removal from mount. Would appear to relate to the controversy between the surgeon Sir Henry Thompson (1820-1904) and John Tyndall (1820-1893), held in the pages of Strahan's 'Contemporary Review'. Reads 'I herewith send you the proof of your reply to Sir Henry Thompson | Please revise and return it tomorrow.

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