[Philip Schaff, Swiss-born Protestant theologian who settled in America.] Autograph Letter Signed, in English, to ‘Mrs. Reynolds’, regarding the Pan-Presbyterian Council and his activities in London.

Philip Schaff (1819-1893), Protestant theologian, born in Switzerland, educated in Germany, who settled in America; sympathetic to the Oxford Movement
Publication details: 
23 June 1888. 21 Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square, on letterhead of the Hotel Metropole, London.

See his entry in Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2pp, 12mo. Closely-written in a neat and elegant hand, signed ‘Philip Schaff’. In good condition, on browned paper, folded twice for postage. Begins: ‘My dear Mrs. Reynolds: / Many thanks for your kind invitation in which Mrs.

['An utterly unreadable book': Edward Bouverie Pusey, Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford and a leading figure of the Oxford Movement.] Autograph Letter Signed to a peer, discussing his pamphlet and book on 'Marriage with a Deceased Wife’s Sister'.

Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800-1882), Regius Professor of Hebrew at the University of Oxford, a leading figure in the Oxford Movement
Publication details: 
30 June 1880. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Sixty-one lines of text in Pusey’s distinctive minuscule (and not always easily decipherable) hand. Aged and worn. The item has been repaired after damp damage, with the second leaf laid down on a piece of thick paper. Loss of a few words of text. Pusey begins by stating that his pamphlet ‘God’s Prohibition of the Marriage with a Deceased Wife’s Sister’ (1860), which he believes is out of print, is ‘more readable than the longer book’ (‘Marriage with a Deceased Wife’s Sister’, 1849), of whose ‘very heavy form’ he gives a description.

[Gotthard Victor Lechler, German Lutheran theologian.] Four Autograph Letters Signed, in German.

Gotthard Victor Lechler (1811-1881), German Lutheran theologian
Gotthard Victor Lechler
Gotthard Victor Lechler2
Publication details: 
20 May and 14 November 1882; 23 July and 14 August 1883.
Gotthard Victor Lechler
Gotthard Victor Lechler2

See his entry in Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed. The four items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Each letter signed ‘Gotthard Lechler’. A total of 200 lines of closely-written text, on 11pp, 8vo, and on three bifoliums and a single leaf. ONE (20 May 1882): Addressed to ‘Lieber Freund!’ 3pp, 8vo. 44 lines. 3pp, 8vo. TWO (14 November 1882): Addressed to ‘Verehrter Freund!’ 2pp, 8vo. 42 lines. THREE (23 July 1883): Addressed to ‘Verehrter, geliebter Freund!’ 4pp, 8vo. 83 lines. FOUR (14 August 1883): ‘Lieber und verehter Freund!’ 2pp, 8vo. 31 lines. See scans of sample letter.

[Alexander Balmain Bruce [Prof. A. B. Bruce, D.D.], Scottish theologian and minister of the Free Church of Scotland.] Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. Frederic Damstini Cremer, regarding a passage in his 'The Kingdom of God' and Edwin Pinder Barrow.

Alexander Balmain Bruce [Prof. A. B. Bruce, D.D.] (1831-1899), Scottish theologian and minister of the Free Church of Scotland [Rev. Frederic Damstini Cremer, Rector of Keighley]
Publication details: 
‘32 Hamilton Park Terrace / Glasgow / 21 May 1892’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Addressed ‘Revd. F. Damstini Cremer / The Rectory / Keighley / England’. Signed ‘A. B. Bruce’. He begins by confirming that Cremer has has not mistaken his meaning ‘on p. 32 “The Kingdom of God”’, reaffirming over a paragraph what it is he was saying regarding the temptation of Christ. ‘It seems a considerable liberty, but then the Scripture writers do take liberties in their quotations & use of Holy Writ’.

[Frederick William Robertson, celebrated Victorian preacher and theologian, admired by Dickens.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Miss Smith’, playfully offering to assist her in her ‘atheistical’ and her sister in her’demonological investigations’.

Frederick William Robertson (1816-1853), Anglican preacher and theologian, Oxford friend of Ruskin, admired by Dickens, patronized by Lord Shaftesbury and the Marquis of Lansdowne
Publication details: 
8 November [no year]; 60 Montpellier Road [Brighton].

An amusing and entertaining letter from a man destined for ‘une triste vie et une triste ministère’ (see his entry in the Oxford DNB). 3pp, 16mo. Bifolium. Thirty-seven lines of text, neatly and closely written. In fair condition, worn and grubby. Folded twice for postage. Signed ‘Fred: W: Robertson’. Begins: ‘My dear Miss Smith / Could you but see the piles of books & papers that are as yet only partially disinterred from their temporary coffins you would conceive my dismay and despair at your question. I will become a disciple of Comte to please you.

['Scotland's greatest nineteenth-century churchman': Thomas Chalmers, Professor of Theology, economist, leader of both the Church and Free Church of Scotland.] Autograph Memorandum on church extension, for Thomas Henry Lister.

Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847), 'Scotland's greatest nineteenth-century churchman', Professor of Theology, economist, leader of the Church of Scotland and Free Church of Scotland [Thomas Henry Lister]
Publication details: 
[24 February 1836.]

A document of some historical significance.

[Charles Gore, theologian and Bishop of Oxford.] Autograph Card Signed to Sir W. D. Ross, Oxford Vice-Chancellor, with reference to ‘the meeting for Oxford House in Magd. Hall last summer’.

Charles Gore (1853-1932), theologian, Bishop of Oxford (previously Worcester and Birmingham) and chaplain to Queen Victoria and King Edward VII [Sir W. D. Ross (1877-1971), Oxford Vice-Chancellor]
Publication details: 
‘6 Margaret St / W. [London] Septr. 26. 19.’ [1919]

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. Plain postcard, with stamp printed in red. In fair condition, discoloured and worn. Addressed by Gore to ‘W. D. Ross Esq / 6 Charlbery Road / Oxford’. Begins: ‘Will you forgive a p. c.? I have no secretary & am rather overwhelmed with applications. You may not know that I did the thing you suggest at the meeting for Oxford House in Magd. Hall last summer. But besides this I must respectfully say that I cannot undertake any more work than I have already on hand up to next Easter. Forgive me. I have the best will. / Charles Gore’.

[F. D. Maurice [John Frederick Denison Maurice], Anglican theologian, one of the founders of Christian Socialism.] Printed offprint of synopsis of Royal Institution talk: ‘Milton considered as a Schoolmaster.'

F. D. Maurice [John Frederick Denison Maurice] (1805-1872), Anglican theologian, one of the founders of Christian Socialism [John Milton; Royal Institution of Great Britain]
Publication details: 
'Royal Institution of Great Britain. / Weekly Evening Meeting, / Friday, January 30, 1857.' [London.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The full text of Maurice’s lecture was printed posthumously on pp.268-299 of his ‘The Friendship of Books and Other Lectures’ (1880). Although reset, the text of the present six-page synopsis does not appear to differ from that printed on pp.328-333 of the ‘Notices of the Proceedings’, vol.2 (1854-1858). No other copy of this offprint has been traced. In very good condition, lightly aged. Drophead title: ‘Royal Institution of Great Britain. / Weekly Evening Meeting, / Friday, January 30, 1857. / William Pole, Esq. M.A. F.R.S.

[A. C. Fraser [Alexander Campbell Fraser], Scottish philosopher and theologian.] Autograph Letter Signed, referring to his forthcoming edition of Bishop Berkeley, and two recent reviews by him.

Alexander Campbell Fraser (1819-1914), Scottish philosopher and theologian, editor and biographer of George Berkeley
Publication details: 
23 October 1865; University of Edinburgh.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. With mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged, folded for postage. Recipient (‘Sir’) not named. Signed ‘A. C. Fraser’. He is ‘pleased to think that anything [he has] written has given pleasure’ to the recipient. ‘As yet my productions have been occasional & fragmentary, but I am now engaged in a larger work - an edition of Berkeley’s writings, for the Oxford Press.’ Postscript: ‘I have an article in the last (September) North British Review on Mill & Hamilton, & in the October Macmillans Magazine on the “Literary Life of Isaac Taylor”’.

[Isaac Watts.] Printed pamphlet: ‘The End of Time. / An Extract from Dr. Isaac Watts.’

Isaac Watts (1674-1748), English Congregational minister, hymnologist (‘Godfather of English Hymnody’), theologian, and logician
Publication details: 
No date. ‘No. 4.’ The Religious Tract Society, instituted 1799, 56, Paternoster Row; and 65, St. Paul’s Churchyard. Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Duke street, Lambeth.

Four copies on JISC (only one in a deposit library, NLS); now scarce. 12pp, 12mo. Disbound. Worn and discoloured. After the end of the prose work are two poems (pp.11-12): ‘Hymn. / Frail Life and Succeeding Eternity’ and ‘The Danger of Delay.’ In addition to being the ‘Godfather of English Hymnody’, Watts was a noted logician, producing a successful work on the subject, and despite the repetition of the phrase ‘Time shall end!’ throughout, the present extract treats the subject of ‘The End of Time’ in an unusually thoughtful way for a work of theology.

[Herbert Edward Ryle, as Bishop of Winchester.] Typed Letter Signed (‘Herbert. E. Winton:’) to ‘Mr. de Winton’, praising his ‘investigation’, which will ‘avert the indignation of the Northerners’.

Herbert Edward Ryle (1856-1925), successively Dean of Westminster, Bishop of Exeter and Bishop of Winchester; biblical scholar
Publication details: 
30 September 1905. On letterhead of Farnham Castle, Surrey.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and with slight creasing to one edge. Folded once. In his view de Winton’s ‘investigation will certainly successfully appease Lord Cross, & avert the indignation of the Northerners. It certainly most satisfactorily justifies your suggestion.’ He ends in the hope that ‘we are now fairly well advanced towards the completion of our Scheme.’

[Adolph Saphir, Hungarian Jew who became a Free Church of Scotland minister.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘A Saphir’), asking ‘Mr Maclaren’ to give his writings a ‘little impulse’ in Edinburgh.

Adolph Saphir [Aaron Adolph Saphir] (1831-1891), Christian polemicist, a Hungarian Jew who settled in England as a Free Church of Scotland minister
Publication details: 
25 October [no year, but after 1880]. 57 Ladbroke Grove W. [London.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition; with slight traces of mount on blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. He begins by explaining that he was ‘not able to call before leaving Edinburgh’, as he was ‘much harried at last’.

[Alexander Knox, the sage of Bellevue] A very substantial Autograph Letter Signed Alex Knox, to a Mr [Mangen?], more an Essay than a letter, including a personal credo, comment on John Wesley, and on current politics (agitators; Castereagh)

Alexander Knox (1757 – 1831), Irish theological writer.
Publication details: 
Bellevue, 7 Dec. [1819]. Note: The year seems to be in a different hand. Watermark obscured but could be1818.

Eleven (11) pages, 12mo, 3 bifoliums, remnants of crude binding (sewing with paper spine), text complete, final page chipped with no loss, foxing and staining NOT obscuring text. More an Essay than a Letter. He asks that a packet that accompanied this letter should be forwarded (NOT present) and emphasises that he only wants a reply when it suits his correspondent who is not necessarily required to read his letters (!) until an interval of time leaves you at liberty. His correspondent has expressed his liking for the preface submitted to him.

[L'Abbé Michaud, Roman Catholic theologian.] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Michaud') [to Hunt?], in French, regarding the recipient's articles in the 'Day of Rest' and 'Contemporary Review', and Michaud's dealings with Alexander Strahan.

L'Abbé Michaud [Eugène Michaud] (1839-1917), Roman Catholic theologian, after the Vatican Council a member of the breakaway Old Catholic movement [Alexander Strahan, publisher, Contemporary Review]
Publication details: 
Paris-Auteuil, Villa Montmorency. 4 November 1873.

p, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The recipient is not named. Addressed to 'Révérend et cher Monsieur'. Sixteen neatly-written lines of text. He thanks him 'mille fois' for the number of the 'Day of Rest'. He has read the recipient's article, as well as that of 'Madame Hunt', but he is sorry 'de n'être pas assez versé dans la connaissance de la langue anglaise, pour pouvoir apprécier vos écrits comme ils le méritent'. He hopes to make progress, and is at present reading the recipient's piece in the Contemporary Review, 'qui m'intéresse beaucoup'.

[Orby Shipley, liturgical scholar and Roman Catholic convert.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Orby Shipley') to an unidentified collector of rare theological works, regarding his plans for reprinting Roman Catholic titles, and a meeting.

Orby Shipley (1832-1916), religious writer, liturgical scholar and Roman Catholic convert [William Wilfred Oates, Roman Catholic London publisher; Burns & Oates]
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of 39 Thurloe Square, S.W. [London] 4 December 1884 and 8 December 1884.

Both in fair condition, lightly aged, on bifoliums, stitched together. ONE: 4 December 1884. 4pp, 12mo. The recipient is not identified. Begins: 'My dear Sir | I am advised by more than one common friend to take the liberty of writing to you. Mr. Oates [publisher], amongst others, tells me that you have great knowledge of old Catholic literature & have collected many curious & valuable books. As I think you see the Tablet, I should like to direct your attention to a letter which I hope may appear in the next or the following number on some points on which I wish for information.

[ 'A New Work on Evolution.' ] Prospectus for the second edition of 'Fallen Angels, A Disquisition upon Human Existence - An Attempt to Elucidate some of its Mysteries, especially those of Evil and Suffering.' With printed publicity card.

'One of Them' [ i.e. Frederick Braby ] [ Gay and Bird, London publishers ]
Publication details: 
London: Gay and Bird, 5 Chandos Street, Strand. [ 1894. ]

Four pages, 4to, bifolium, some foxing but mainly good condition.The work was hugely popular, going through numerous editions between 1894 and 1907. The title is (deliberately) misleading. The work is an exploration of theological rather than biological questions, with the author stating that 'The How, Why, and Wherefore have not received the full amount of profound and reverent study that the ineffably intrinsic importance of the subject to ourselves warrants.' Lewis Carroll had a copy in his library.

[John Caird, Principal of the University of Glasgow.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Caird.') to 'Miss Marshall', regarding his wife's illness, and the recipient sharing 'in the management of her stall'.

John Caird (1820-1898), Church of Scotland theologian, noted preacher, and Principal of the University of Glasgow, 1873-1898
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The University, Glasgow. 14 March [no year].

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He sends her belated thanks for her 'kind compliance with Mrs. Caird's request'. His wife has been very ill since he received her letter, but he believes that 'the critical stage of the disease is fairly over; & besides her illness, the death of an old servant, has left me little time to attend to other engagements'. Mrs Caird is 'much gratified' that Marshall is 'to share in management of her stall'.

[Francis Crawford Burkitt, Norris Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. C Burkitt') to 'Mr Bushell' [W. D. B ushell, Chaplain of Harrow], on his election as professor, regarding his theological position.

F. C. Burkitt [Francis Crawford Burkitt] (1864-1935), theologian and scholar, Norris Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge [William Done Bushell (1838-1917), Chaplain of Harrow School;
Publication details: 
On letterhead of St Keynes, Cambridge. 14 November 1905.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. A long and interesting letter, describing in detail his position on his election as Cambridge Professor of Divinity. He begins by thanking him for writing, adding: 'You can imagine that we are feeling just now quite beside ourselves.' He agrees with him that 'the Professorship is a great responsibility to a layman'. He continues: 'The Heads have elected me, knowing that their choice represents a definite endorsement of what may be called in newspapers “free, advanced criticism”.

[Philip Henry Wicksteed, economist, theologian and Dante scholar.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Philip H. Wicksteed'), first to 'Mrs. Chepmell', second to 'Mrs. Borrer', topics including his love of his work, a bicycling holiday, a meeting.

Philip Henry Wicksteed (1844-1927), economist, Unitarian theologian, classicist, medievalist, literary critic and Dante scholar
Publication details: 
[Chepmell letter on letterhead of Childrey near Wantage, 7 February 1904. Borrer letter on letterhead of Mount Pleasant, Sidmouth, 22 April 1904.

Both letters are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. 'Mrs. Chepmell' was the wife of Edward Charles Chepmell (1820-1885), society homeopathist. Mrs. Borrer' was the wife of Cary Hampton Borrer (1838-1918) of Hurstpierpoint. ONE: To 'Dear Mrs. Chepmell', 7 February 1904. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Begins: 'I find that Mr. Cranage the Cambridge secretary [Rev. David Herbert Somerset Cranage (1866-1957)] is coming down to Hurstpierpoint on Thursday & is going to lunch with Mrs.

[ William Jacobson, Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University. ] Autograph Note in the third person to 'Mr Baker', regarding his bill.

William Jacobson (1803-1884), Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University and Canon of Christ Church; Bishop of Chester
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Christ Church, Oxford. 20 June 1861.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with light staining to corners from previous mounting. Reads: 'Dr Jacobson presents his Compliments to Mr Baker and begs leave to inclose a Post Office Order for the Amount of his Bill of May 21st.'

[ Printed defence of the Belfast Wesleyan Ministerial Association. ] Calvinism not the Theology of the Bible. A Reply to Rev. Dr. Watts' Treatise [...] By the Rev. Wm. Appelbe, LL.D., T.C.D. With Observations appended by the Rev. George Vance.

Rev. William Appelbe, LL.D., T.C.D.; Rev. George Vance [ Robert Watts (1820-1895 of the Presbyterian College, Belfast); the Belfast Wesleyan Ministerial Association ]
Publication details: 
Belfast: Phillips & Sons, Bridge Street. Dublin: J. Robertson & Co., Grafton Street. [ 1872 ] [ Allen, Johnston & Co., Book Printers, Up. Arthur St., Belfast. ]

The full title reads: 'Calvinism not the Theology of the Bible. A Reply to Rev. Dr. Watts' Treatise, entitled “Arminian Departures from Reformation Principles, as exhibited in the Writings of Watson and Wesley, and in the Publications of the Belfast Wesleyan Ministerial Association.” By the Rev. Wm. Appelbe, LL.D., T.C.D. With Observations appended by the Rev. George Vance.' No copy at the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at Manchester and Queen's University Belfast. 44pp., 8vo. No wraps. Disbound. Stabbed as issued. In fair condition, lightly aged.

[ James Baldwin Brown, Congregational minister and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Baldwin Brown'), regarding the sending of a volume on his son's return.

James Baldwin Brown (1820-1884), Congregational minister and author, noted for his liberal views
Publication details: 
5 The Paragon, Streatham Hill. 16 April [ no year ].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. The male recipient is unnamed. He does not wish him to think that he is indifferent to his application for 'the Volume of <?> life which you have written for'. He continues: 'My Son has got it, and he is away from home. But he is returning shortly and I shall be able to send it to you'. Brown was Minister in Derby, in 1843; at Claylands Chapel, Clapham Road, in 1846; and at Brixton Independent Chapel, Brixton Road, from 1870 until his death.

[ Baron von Bunsen, Prussian diplomat. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Bunsen') to 'Mrs. Alexander', regarding 'Mr Gobah' letting her house.

Baron von Bunsen [ Christian Karl Josias von Bunsen ] (1791-1860), Prussian diplomat, scholar, and theologian who supported the German constitutional movement
Publication details: 
[ London? ] 'Friday 19/6 [ 19 June, no year ]'.

1p., 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Friday 19/6 | Dear Mrs. Alexander | One word to-day: Mr Gobah takes the house, on your terms. Pray, send the Inventory. More to-morrow. | Ever yrs | Bunsen'. Presumably written during Bunsen's long residence in London.

[ 'A New Work on Evolution.' ] Prospectus for the second edition of 'Fallen Angels, A Disquisition upon Human Existence - An Attempt to Elucidate some of its Mysteries, especially those of Evil and Suffering.' With printed publicity card.

'One of Them' [ i.e. Frederick Braby ] [ Gay and Bird, London publishers ]
Publication details: 
London: Gay and Bird, 5 Chandos Street, Strand. [ 1894. ]

The work was hugely popular, going through numerous editions between 1894 and 1907. The title is (deliberately) misleading. The work is an exploration of theological rather than biological questions, with the author stating that 'The How, Why, and Wherefore have not received the full amount of profound and reverent study that the ineffably intrinsic importance of the subject to ourselves warrants.' Lewis Carroll had a copy in his library.

[ Joseph Blanco White (born José María Blanco y Crespo), Spanish author and poet. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Blanco White') to 'Miss Jordan', giving advice regarding her Spanish studies, and revealing his attutude to his native language.

Joseph Blanco White [ born José María Blanco y Crespo ] (1775-1841), Spanish author and poet settled in England, associated with the Oxford Movement
Publication details: 
Place not stated [ Oxford ]. 5 July 1829.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with small strip of mount obscuring part of a couple of words on reverse of second leaf. A good letter of forty-nine lines, revealing White's attitude to his native language. He is answering her queries regarding her Spanish studies, and is sending a 'small parcel' to 'lay the foundation' of her 'Spanish Library'. He explains: 'You need not be shocked at the apparent weight of the obligation. I never read a Spanish book if I can help it. It is too painful for me, and I really wish I could forget the language.

[ Charles de Coetlogon, divine. ] Manuscript 'Inventory of Mr De Coetlogon's Books'.

Charles de Coetlogon [ Charles Edward de Coetlogon ] (1747-1820), Church of England clergyman, preacher and theologian, vicar of Godstone, Surrey
Publication details: 
Undated [ post 1800 ].

3pp., 4to. On bifolium of watermarked laid paper. With additional slip of paper listing around twenty titles loosely inserted. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The first page is headed: 'Inventory of Mr De Coetlogon's Books.' Beneath the main heading is a list of 25 titles, with the subheading '1st. Shelf Drawing Room Right hand Corner of fire Place.' The second page continues with two more columns of similar books. The third page, also in two columns, is headed 'Shelf of Books. - left hand of fire-place'.

[ Matthew Tindall, English Deist. ] Autograph Signature ('Matth Tindall') on an Exchequer receipt.

Matthew Tindall (1657-1733), influential English Deist writer
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 21 August 1716.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper, with vertical closed tear (away from signature). Laid out in the usual style, with printed text completed in manuscript. Recording payment of three pounds on an annuity. With signature of witness 'J Thomas'.

[ Francis Paget, Bishop of Oxford. ] Autograph Note Signed ('F. Oxon.') to 'Mr. Hutchison' [ Rev. Robert Hutchison of Woodeaton or his son Robert Hamilton Hutchison ].

Francis Paget (1851-1911), 33rd Bishop of Oxford, and Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology at the University of Oxford
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Cuddesdon, Oxford. 6 April 1904.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: '6 April 1904. | Dear Mr. Hutchison, | With all good wishes, I send, duly signed, the enclosed, received this morning. | Yours very sincerely, | F Oxon.'

[ C. A. Ogilvie, Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology at Oxford. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Chs. A. Ogilvie, Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology.'), confirming that Robert Hutchison of Exeter College has attended his lectures.

C. A. Ogilvie [ Charles Atmore Ogilvie ] (1793-1873), Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology at the University of Oxford [ Robert Hutchison of Exeter College ]
Publication details: 
'Ch. Ch. [ Christ Church ] Oxford, March 23rd, 1868.'

On one side of a 7 x 20 cm slip of grey paper. In good condition, lightly-aged. Reads: 'I certify that Robert Hutchison, Scholar of Exeter College, attended my Course of Lectures of the Lent Term, 1868: | Chs. A. Ogilvie, Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology. | Ch. Ch. | Oxford, | March 23rd, 1868.'

[ Religion; Theology; Pamphlet ] Penitence and Confession. A Sermon preached at St. Mary Magdalene, Oxford on the first Sunday in Lent, 1859.

Richard St. John Tyrwhitt, M.A.
Publication details: 
"Published by Request". Oxford and London: John Henry and James Parker, 1859.

Disbound, 14pp. 8vo, lacking wraps,some discolouration, small piece torn from title , mainly good.WorldCat records copies at the copyright libraries and Yale.

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