[Walter de Soysa, son of Charles Henry de Soysa, Sri Lankan tea planter and philanthropist.] Autograph Letter Signed from his wife Maria Albo de Soysa to ?Mr. Powell?, attacking his character and their divorce settlement. With Sinhalese document.

Walter de Soysa, son of Sri Lankan tea planter and philanthropist Charles Henry de Soysa of Moratuwa and Alfred House, Colombo, Ceylon
Publication details: 
?Address - / c/o Mrs. G?m? / Glencairn / Colpetty. / 23rd Nov: 1911 / Colombo / Ceylon?

James Samuel Walter de Soysa (b.1880) was one of the children of the vastly wealthy Ceylonese tea planter and philanthropist Charles Henry de Soysa (1836-1890) of Moratuwa and Alfred House, Colombo. An Anglican, he was educated at Cambridge, and was a bencher of the Inner Temple. In 1904 he married Maria Micada Piedra Albo, of a distinguished Spanish family. They lived in London in Kensington, and in Ceylon, where he had his own plantations.

[Frederick Sandys [Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys], English painter, associated with the Pre-Raphaelites and the Norwich School.] Autograph Signature to printed voucher for Old Welcome Club, Earl’s Court.

Frederick Sandys [Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys] (1829-1904), English painter, associated with the Pre-Raphaelites and the Norwich School [Old Welcome Club, Earl’s Court; Imre Kiralfy]
Publication details: 
Voucher with printed date 27 August 1897. Old Welcome Club, Earl's Court [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The ‘Old Empire Club’, presided over by Field-Marshal Lord Roberts of Kandahar, was part of Imre Kiralfy’s ‘Empire of India’ exhibition. The voucher, printed in red, is an attractive item, 13 x 7.5 cm, with perforated edge. In good condition, laid down on leaf carrying typed biographical details. Signed ‘Fredk. Sandys.’ with stamped number 732. Reads: ‘Name and Address of the Holder must be filled in / OLD WELCOME CLUB, / EARL’S COURT. / FRIDAY, 27th AUGUST, 1897. / Gentlemen’s Voucher, No. [732] / Admit ... / of ... / Signed [Fredk.

[Sir Richard Runciman Terry, musicologist and choirmaster at Westminster Cathedral.] Autograph Letter Signed to Dr. W. J. Phillips, with ‘Copy of Testimonial’ in favour of Phillips' application as organist and choirmaster at Salisbury Cathedral.

Sir Richard Runciman Terry (1864-1938), organist, choir master and musicologist, Master of Music at Westminster Cathedral [Dr William James Phillips (1873-1963)]
Publication details: 
ALS from Terry to Phillips, 'at Cronkley / Horley Bridge / Aug 31. 1916'. Testimonial: 'Westminster Cathedral / August 31. 1916'.

See Terry’s entry in the Oxford DNB. At the time of writing Dr. W. J. Phillips was the organist at St Barnabas, Pimlico; he was unsuccessful in the present application, but was subsequently organist of the Chapel Royal at Hampton Court. See his entry in Humphreys and Evans, ‘Dictionary of Composers for the Church in Great Britain and Ireland’ (1997). These two items are uniform on a total of three leaves of light paper. Both discoloured and worn, and folded three times. ONE: ALS from Terry to Phillips. 1p, 4to. He is ‘most pleased to have opportunity of supporting’ Phillips’s application.

[Sir Fitzroy Kelly, judge, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Tory politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Aspinall’, regarding his secretary taking his chance, and prospects in the legal profession.

Sir Fitzroy Kelly (1796-1880), judge, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Tory politician
Publication details: 
1 June 1878; on letterhead of 3 Connaught Place, W. [London]

A spirited and characteristically-forceful letter, casting interesting light on the social side of London legal practice in the Victorian period. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 8vo. On Bifolium with thin mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with some nicking and light creasing at edges. Begins: ‘D[ea]r Aspinall, / I suppose from my not having heard from you no one knows of a case in point. So, unless you tell me there is some precedent - of danger, I’ll recommend my secretary to take his chance.

[High Court of Admiralty (Sir William Scott): the wreck of the Eliza (James Driver, Master), 4 August 1818.] Two manuscript documents: an affidavit by 'Messrs. Cobb & Son / Margate / by favor of Mr. Meagher', and a memorandum regarding a dispute.

High Court of Admiralty, London (Sir William Scott): The wreck of the Eliza (James Driver, Master), 4 August 1818 [Messrs Cobb & Son, Margate]
Publication details: 
[High Court of Admiralty, London.] Neither item dated, but both circa 1819 (the memorandum on paper watermarked 1817).

The Eliza was on her way to Bristol from Memel in Prussia when she was wrecked on the Kentish Knock on 4 August 1818. The court is not named, but the second document contains a reference to 'the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court'. ONE: Affidavit headed ‘Eliza James Driver Master.’ 1p, foolscap 8vo. Forty-six lines, closely written. Text clear and entire on aged paper with chipping along head of leaf. On reverse: ‘Messrs. Cobb & Son / Margate / by favor of Mr.

[Christopher Hampton, English playwright and two-time Oscar-winning Hollywood screenwriter.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Whitworth’, announcing his ‘new translation of “Uncle Vanya”’ and discussing a forthcoming interview.

Christopher Hampton [Sir Christopher James Hampton] (b.1946), English playwright and two-time Oscar-winning Hollywood screenwriter
Publication details: 
28 October 1969; on letterhead of the Royal Court Theatre (The English Stage Company), Sloane Square, London.

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. Ten lines in a close, controlled hand. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Whitworth’ and signed ‘Christopher Hampton’. He writes to confirm that he will be free on the date he suggested he ‘might be able to come down to meet you’. He also gives an alternative date. ‘At the moment I’m working on a new translation of “Uncle Vanya”, which was to be finished by the end of November.

[Ernst Philipp Graf von Brunnow, longtime Russian Ambassador to the Court of St James [Great Britain].] Autograph Signature and valediction of letter in English.

Ernst Philipp Graf von Brunnow (1797-1875), Baltic German diplomat who served in the Russian Empire, for thirty years (1840-1854, 1858-1874) Russian Ambassador to the Court of St James [Great Britain]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

A close, controlled hand, on a slip of paper 10 x 1 cm. See Image. In good condition, lightly aged with a little light red spotting. Reads: ?Believe me / faithfully yours / Brunnow?.

[The Alien Office, Whitehall.] Eleven Manuscript Affidavits, sworn and signed by emigrants from Europe before six London magistrates including Sir George Farrant and David William Gregorie, who also sign.

[The Alien Office, Whitehall] London magistrates William Beckett, Sir George Farrant, David William Gregorie, Edward Markland, William Lorance Rogers, William Archibald Armstrong White
Publication details: 
[Alien Office, Whitehall.] Between 1824 and 1829. All but the last at the London police offices at Bow Street, Great Marlborough Street, Hatton Garden, Queen Square.

An interesting collection of eleven items from the reign of George IV, giving a view of administration of immigration in London (and one item from Manchester, Number Six below). The Alien Office was created as a department of the Home Office to implement the Aliens Act 1793, which attempted to control the influx of foreign visitors and refugees caused by the turmoil in France. It ceased to exist following the Registration of Aliens Act 1836. created to control the influx of French refugees and suspected revolutionaries.

[Duke of Newcastle (Henry, 2nd Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne).] Autograph Signature, with that of Henry Saxby, to extracted manuscript document with debenture entry.

Duke of Newcastle [Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, 9th Earl of Lincoln and 2nd Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne, KG, PC] (1720-1794); Henry Saxby
Publication details: 
Circa 11 October 1773. [London.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. While shunning the limelight, Newcastle was an influential figure in British politics; it was through his lobbying that his cousin Sir Henry Clinton was appointed commander-in-chief of the British forces in America during the American Revolution. According to Timothy Mowl's 1996 biography of Horace Walpole, Newcastle was 'famed for an unusually large penis', which he deployed on both sexes. On one side of a 12 x 19 piece of laid paper, with large triangle cut at top right (not near signature).

[Lord Sankey [John Sankey, 1st Viscount Sankey], judge, Labour politician whose committee drew up the 1940 Sankey Declaration of the Rights of Man.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘[A.G.L.] Rogers’, regarding a 'hostel' and the Bishop of St David's.

Lord Sankey [John Sankey, 1st Viscount Sankey (1866-1948)], High Court judge, Labour politician who chaired the committee that drew up the 1940 Sankey Declaration of the Rights of Man [A.G.L. Rogers]
Publication details: 
1 January 1926. On embossed letterhead of the Royal Courts of Justice.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son and editor of the economist Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), for information regarding whom see his entry in the Oxford DNB. A little grubby, but in fair condition, folded once. Good clear signature. Reads: ‘The 1st. of January 1926. / My dear Rogers, / Many thanks for your letter and information re the hostel. I have already brought it before The Bishop of St. David’s and hope that something may result. / With kind regards and best wishes.

[J. S. M. Fonblanque, legal writer and Commissioner of Bankruptcy.] Autograph Letter Signed

J. S. M. Fonblanque [John Samuel Martin de Grenier Fonblanque] (1787-1865), legal writer and Commissioner of Bankruptcy [Henry Holmes Joy (1805-1875)?; Lord Brougham
Publication details: 
5 August 1844. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with closed tear (not affecting text) to a fold on second leaf, which also carries traces of mount on its blank reverse. Small printed slip relating to the Court of Bankruptcy, bearing Fonblanque’s name, laid down at head of first page. Folded four times for postage. Signed ‘J S M Fonblanque’.

[Lord Albemarle, Whig politician.] Autograph Signature (‘Albemarle’) to a long secretarial letter to the surgeon William Barnard Boddy, describing in detail the state of his cataracts, and discussing possible treatment.

Lord Albemarle [William Charles Keppel, 4th Earl of Albemarle] (1772-1849), Whig politician, Master of the Horse who travelled with Queen Victoria to coronation [William Barnard Boddy (1796-1884)]
Publication details: 
24 October 1845; Quidenham, near Kenninghall, Norfolk.

An interesting item from a medical point of view, with a well-informed patient describing and discussing his condition, symptoms and treatment options. Three years after the writing of this letter the appropriately-named Boddy, who is addressed here as ‘W. Barnard Boddy Esqr / 3. Saville Row. Walworth’, published ‘Diet and Cholera’ (London, 1848). 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Fifty-five lines of closely-written text. The signature is large and shaky, and the use of an amanuensis is understandable in the light of the content of the letter.

[John Randall, coachmaker] Two Autograph Letter Signed ('John Randall') from the London coachmaker John Randall to 'monsieur le Doctor Brown' [i.e. Sir Charles Brown], physician to the Queen of Prussia, one giving an Estimate for work.

John Randall, 80 Long Acre, London, coachmaker and freemason [Sir Charles Brown (c.1747-1827) of Potsdam, 'First Physician to the King of Prussia, his Court and Army']
Publication details: 
London, Long Acre 1788 AND London; 30 June 1789.

(1788) Letter, bifolium, , cr. 8vo, good condition, one page giving assurances as to quality, etc., with list (essentially a quote) of prices/features of A new Fashionable Chariot with a [?] light coloured cloth, Painted a Green [?] Patent yellow, made of the best materials & season'd timber, followed by a price list of various features (blinds, plated head plates, steps, strong plated harness, packing etc etc). See image. (1799) 1p., 4to, bifolium, very good, on lightly-aged paper.

[ Sylvia Pankhurst; suffragette and activist; Pamphlet ] The Execution of an East London Boy.

E. Sylvia Pankhurst [ Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst (1882–1960), campaigner for the suffrage and suffragette movement, a socialist and later a communist , and so on.]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from the WOMAN'S DREADNOUGHT, April 22nd, 1916, published by the Worker's Suffrage Foundation [...]

Leaflet, 4pp., sl. dusted, aged, one small closed tear, ow. good. Pankhurst prints selections from the letters of a Private on the Western Front who was court-martialled and executed. Apparently very scarce, two copies (USA) listed in WorldCat (and one of those might be microform).

[William Frederick Wyndham, diplomat.] Autograph Memorandum Signed (W Wyndham | His Majestys Envoy Extra at the Court of Tuscany'), with seal, to Italian document signed by Lorenzo Fabbrucci, Cammillo Cateni and Giovanni Gualberto Uccelli.

William Frederick Wyndham (1763-1828), British envoy to the Court of Tuscany, son of 2nd and father of 4th Earl of Egremont; Cammillo di Paolo Cateni; Giovanni Gualberto Uccelli; Lorenzo Fabbrucci
Publication details: 
From Florence. Wyndham's memorandum signed 13 January 1800; the Italian text 2 January 1800.

2pp, 8vo. On first leaf of bifolium. Text complete and clearly legible, on aged and worn paper. The first page is begins with text in the hand of Cammillo Cateni, headed 'Adì 2 Gennaio 1800', written on behalf of Cateni and Giovanni Gualterro Uccelli, 'Medici filii di questa Citta di Firenze', attesting the signature of 'la Siga. Angiola Lucchi'.

[Sir Humphry Mackworth, politician, and industrial entrepreneur.] Manuscript Draft Petition from Mackworth's partners to the Lord Chancellor, claiming that 'mismanagement' of interests in Neath (Wales), and New York, will leave them 'entirely ruined'

Sir Humphry Mackworth [Sir Humphrey Mackworth], Tory politician and dubious industrial entrepreneur in Neath, Wales, and New York [Company of Mine Adventurers of England]
Publication details: 
[High Court of Chancery, London.] Circa 1721.

Mackworth was a flamboyant character, but whatever his flaws he played a major and innovative role in energising Welsh industry in the late Stuart period. For information on him and his dubious ventures, see his entries in the Oxford DNB (where his first name is spelt 'Humphry') and the Dictionary of Welsh Biography (where it is spelt 'Humphrey').

[Quo Tai-chi [Quo Taichi], Chinese Ambassador to London.] Autograph Signature ['Autograph | Quo Tai-chi'.

Quo Tai-chi [Quo Taichi] (1888-1952), Kuomintang Chinese Ambassador to London, 1932-1940
Publication details: 
No date or place [1930s?].

On 6 x 11 cm piece of paper, laid down on slightly larger piece of grey paper cut from an album. In good condition, lightly aged. The only writing, in a large firm hand, is 'Autograph | Quo Tai-chi'. At the head of the mount, in a contemporary hand: 'Quo-Tai-Chi (Dr) Chinese Ambassador in London'.

[King George V of Hanover.] Secretarial Letter Signed ('George R'), in English, to the dancing partner of his youth Lady Ann Cullum, giving news of his family and court. With two letters to Lady Cullum from Count Linsingen, and royal seal in red wax.

George V [Georg V] (1819-1878), last king of Hanover, cousin of Queen Victoria; Carl Baron von Linsingen (1822-1872) [Lady Ann Cullum, widow of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
King George V's letter: 28 November [1865]; Herrenhausen. Count Linsingen's two letters: 12 November and 18 December 1865; both from Hanover.

Four items, all in good condition, lightly aged, the three letters with stubs and labels used in mounting in an album. In addition to the pleasant picture they paint of the court gathered around the blind king in the last year of his kingdom's existence (with an interesting reference to the new palace he had built his wife at Marienburg), the three letters indicate a surprisingly cordial state in nineteenth-century Anglo-German relations.

['Johnson's Alamode Beef House': celebrated London eaterie associated with Charles Dickens.] Autograph Letter Signed from proprietor R. J. P. Jaquet, asking Sir Herbert Taylor to help with application to Bow Street magistrates Birnie and Minshull.

'Johnson's Alamode Beef House', Drury Lane, London, Robert John Philip Jaquet, (1799-1867), proprietor [Sir Herbert Taylor (1775-1839); Sir Richard Birnie (c.1760-1832); Charles Dickens; Bow Street]
Publication details: 
21 Clare Court [Drury Lane, Covent Garden, London]; 2 March 1829.

An interesting document relative to London social history, and a nice piece of Dickensiana. George Johnson is said to have established his celebrated restaurant Johnson's Alamode Beef House at 21 Clare Court, Drury Lane, in the 1780s, although the present letter states that it was licensed around 1805 . In 1824 a twelve-year-old Charles Dickens – employed in a nearby blacking warehouse as a result of his father's imprisionment for debt – himself experienced an incident which he later made use of in 'David Copperfield'.

[John Coakley Lettsom, physician, founder of the Medical Society of London, friend of Benjamin Franklin.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. C Lettsom'), to Charles Taylor, expressing great distress on the death of his son John Miers Lettsom, M.D.

John Coakley Lettsom (1744-1815), physician, philanthropist, abolitionist, founder in 1773 of the Medical Society of London, friend of Benjamin Franklin [his son John Miers Lettsom, M.D. (1771-1800)]
Publication details: 
'Sambrook Co [Sambrook Court, Basinghall Street, London]; 29 January 1800.

Lettsom's entry in the Oxford DNB erroneously states that his son John Miers Lettsom, M.D., 'a physician of promise', died in 1799. For the true details, see Gentleman's Magazine, January 1800. 1p, 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn, with thin strip of paper adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf, which is addressed, with fragment of seal in black wax, to 'Mr Charles Taylor | 134 | Cheapside'. The recipient may well be Charles Taylor (d.1816), physician, originally a Manchester calico printer and dyer, who later became Secretary of the Society of Arts, London.

[Joseph Jekyll, lawyer, politician and wit.] Autograph jeu d'esprit, signed 'J Jekyll.', addressed to 'Mr Erskine' [i.e. Thomas Erskine, future Lord Chancellor], short poem regarding 'Mrs. Crewe' and Jekyll sitting 'on Lunacy'.

Joseph Jekyll (1754-1837), Scottish lawyer, politician and wit [Lord Erskine [Thomas Erskine, 1st Baron Erskine] (1750-1823), Lord Chancellor]
Publication details: 
No place. Dated 30 June 1800.

1p, 8vo. On bifolium addressed on verso of second leaf to 'Mr. Erskine'. In good condition, lightly aged. Autograph jeu d'esprit, signed at foot 'J. Jekyll. | June 30th. 1800'. A short poem reading: 'Tell Mrs. Crewe | I envy You. | But sit on Lu- | nacy. || Yet Mrs. Crewe | will think I'm stu | pid in my lu | -cid Intervals.' Jekyll's entry in the Oxford DNB concludes, perhaps unkindly: 'If he is remembered by later generations, it is chiefly as a wit. It has to be said, however, that his wit, which consisted in large measure of excruciating puns, has not lasted well.'

[Louise Creighton, author and suffragist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Louise Creighton') regarding her availability for a public meeting.

Louise Creighton [Louise Hume Creighton, née von Glehn] (1850-1936) author, suffragist and social reformer [Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hampton Court Palace. 15 December [1916].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The male recipient is not named. The year has been added in another hand at the head of the first page. She will be 'pleased to speak at your proposed meeting if possible'. She a question regarding the timing of the meeting, which would have to be in 'the week beginning Jan. 29 to suit me'. She gives a number of dates and times when she has 'engagements in London', concluding: 'If you can fix the meeting so as to make it possible for me to keep these engagements I will come'.

[ Edward Morrison, Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica. ] Autograph Signature ('Edw: Morrison Lt: Govr | Commr of the Forces at Jamaica <?>', on part of official letter concerning the court martial of Lieutenant Robert Irvine.

Edward Morrison, Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica, 1811-1813
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ Jamaica, 1811. ]

On both sides of a 13 x 20 cm piece of paper cut from an official letter. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The recto reads: '[…] Having received the enclosed Papers since I wrote to you on the 27th inst transmitting the Proceedings of a General Court Martial on the Trial of Lieutt Irwine of the 55th Regt. I think it right to transmit them to you as they are documents relating to […]'. Reverse reads: 'I have the honour to be Sir | Your most obedient humble | Servant | Edw: Morrison Lt: Govr | Commr of the Forces at Jamaica <?>'.

[ Katherine Austen, diarist and poet ] Printed Document with MS adds, Signed "Katherine Austen". Receipt of "Tally levied" and money paid to her., partially filled in.

Katherine Austen (1629 – ca. 1683), diarist and poet best known for "Book M"
Publication details: 
24 November 1679.

One page, 4to, fold marks, edge curled.

[ Arthur Wellesley Batson, composer, artist and cleric. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A Wellesley Batson') to 'Johnnie', whom he has seen in Marlow Church, causing him to reminisce about their time at Whitbourne.

Arthur Wellesley Batson (1852-1917), composer, artist and cleric, Rector of Ringstead, Norfolk
Publication details: 
Ringstead Rectory, Lynn. 16 July 1890.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The letter begins: 'My dear Johnnie - | I saw you in Marlow Church the Sunday before last & recognised you although when I saw you last you had long curls falling on your shoulders 10 years ago!' He hopes to meet with him if he is still at Marlow when he goes there again. 'Edward stayed here for a week a short time ago.' The letter concludes: 'I often think of my Whitbourne days & Barkie & the good times we had.' From the papers of the Harington baronets of Whitbourne Court. Batson was a student of theology at Oxford in 1881.

[ Joseph von Linden, senior minister of the Kingdom of Württemberg. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Joseph Linden') to his 'sister' ['the Baroness de Linden'), regarding a visit by 'Edmond and Eugenie'.

Joseph von Linden [ Joseph Franz Peter Freiherr von Linden ] (1804-1895), senior minister of the Kingdom of Württemberg
Publication details: 
No place. 'Friday' [ dated in another hand 'July 1864' ].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. In a close, disciplined hand. Reads: 'My dear Sister | Edmond and Eugenie will pass this evening by us. If the preparations of your travel do not trouble you too much, we should be extremely glad to see you also in our house with your dear children - at half past 6 o'clock'. Note in a contemporary hand at foot: 'July 1864 | To the Baroness de Linden | from the Minister her Brother in law'.

[ Richard Royston, 'bookseller to three kings'. ] Autograph Signature, with that of 'Jo Smyther', to a Latin bond (by Giles Horsington for Hercules Comander, both signing), with English memorandum, regarding an obligation to pay Anne Blofeild.

[ Richard Royston (1601-1686), 'bookseller to three kings'; Joseph Smyther; Hercules Comander, scrivener; Giles Horsington; Henry Lacock; the Court of Chancery ]
Publication details: 
[ The Court of Chancery, London. ] 1664, 1665 and 1669.

1p., folio. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, with the neat, controlled signature of 'Richard Royston' at the foot, with that of 'Jo Smyther' above it. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with two seals cut from the first leaf. The document was produced in the Chancery suit 'Kensey ads Smythyer': there is a note by 'Heydon' of the Court on the reverse of the first leaf, and the following docketing – written at different points in different hands – on the reverse of the second: 'Mr.

[ Sir Nicholas Conyngham Tindal, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to J. L. Adolphus, regarding 'the proof Sheet of the judgment of the Court of Exchequer Chamber in Wilson v. Fuller'.

Sir Nicholas Conyngham Tindal (1776-1846), Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas [ John Leycester Adolphus (c.1794-1862), English lawyer, jurist and author ]
Publication details: 
Croydon. 19 August 1843.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Laid down on a piece of card cut from an album. Reads 'The Lord Chief Justice Tindal returns to Mr J. L. Adolphus, the proof Sheet of the judgment of the Court of Exchequer Chamber in Wilson v. Fuller. He has made no other alteration therein than the addition of a word, thinking the Judgment expresses very clearly and faithfully what was delivered by the Court'. See both men's entries in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

[In original boards, with catalogue of Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, London booksellers.] Memoir of the Early Life of William Cowper, Esq. written by himself, And never before published..

William Cowper [ Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, London. ]
Publication details: 
Second edition. London: Printed for R. Edwards, Crane Court, Fleet Street; and sold by all booksellers. 1816. [ Printed by R. Edwards, Crane Court, Fleet Street, London. ] With catalogue of Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, London, 1816.

Subtitle: 'With an Appendix containing some interesting letters, and other authentic documents, illustrative of the memoir.' 130pp., 12mo. Frontispiece. Bound in at the end is a twelve-page catalogue, dated 1 October 1816, and with drophead title: 'Valuable Periodical Works, Published by Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, London. Beneath the drophead title is a woodcut of a lion. Only one copy of the trade catalogue traced on OCLC WorldCat.

[ The Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, in the aftermath to the Great War. ] Typed circular, with cyclostyled signature of 'O. Murray' [ Sir Oswyn Murray ], inviting the parents of cadets to withdraw their offspring as fewer officers are needed.

Sir Oswyn Murray [ Sir Oswyn Alexander Ruthven Murray ] (1873-1936), Permanent Secretary to the Admiralty, 1917-1936 [ Sir Richard Harington of Whitbourne Court ]
Publication details: 
Embossed letterhead of the Admiralty, S.W.1. [ London ] 1 March 1920. [ 'C. W. 3832.' ]

2pp., foolscap 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged. In good condition, lightly aged and neatly folded. Addressed with typed name of 'Sir R. Harington, Bart.', followed by his address 'Whitbourne Court, | Worcester' in manuscript.

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