[Major Book Sales; Libri, etc; Book Trade History] Seven Autograph Letters Signed, five signed William Boone and two signed Thomas Boone, all to the Duke of Newcastle, with additional lists.

William and Thomas Boone, booksellers [Henry Pelham, 5th Duke of Newcastle, statesman and collector]
Publication details: 
29 New Bond Street, [London], 1859 (William) and 1862 (Thomas).

Total 18pp., 8vo (letters), 3pp., 4to (lists), and one page 8vo (list). The dealers are giving advice and information to the collector, particularly relating to the Dawson Turner Sale (1859) and the Libri Sale (1859), often illegibly or nearly so. A. William Boone (4 June 1859) advises that a holograph letter of Napoleon will attract interest enough to justify two guineas and would sell for more in Paris. He believes a volume on Scottish affairs would realize fully ?420.

[Newcastle and Berwick Railway, 1846.] Manuscript 'Minutes on projected Railways in the Manor of Tynemouth' by 'Thorp & Dickson', Alnwick attorneys, 'Read to Mr. Hudson' (i.e. George Hudson, 'the Railway King').

Newcastle and Berwick Railway, 1846: Thorp and Dickson, Alnwick attorneys [George Hudson (1800-1871), 'he Railway King'; Duke of Northumberland; Manor of Tynemouth]
Publication details: 
?Alnwick October 23 - 1846?. ?Thorp & Dickson?.

See Hudsons's entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, foolscap 8vo, on three leaves, with fourth covering leaf ('23rd Oct. 1846. / Copy / Railway Minutes / Thorp & Dickson / &c &c'). Attached at one corner with red ribbon. Headed: 'Alnwick October 23 - 1846 / Minutes on projected Railways / in the Manor of Tynemouth - / Read to Mr. Hudson, of which he requested a copy.' There are five minutes, the last covering two pages. The first three read: '1.

[Duke of Newcastle (Henry, 2nd Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne).] Autograph Signature, with that of Henry Saxby, to extracted manuscript document with debenture entry.

Duke of Newcastle [Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, 9th Earl of Lincoln and 2nd Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne, KG, PC] (1720-1794); Henry Saxby
Publication details: 
Circa 11 October 1773. [London.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. While shunning the limelight, Newcastle was an influential figure in British politics; it was through his lobbying that his cousin Sir Henry Clinton was appointed commander-in-chief of the British forces in America during the American Revolution. According to Timothy Mowl's 1996 biography of Horace Walpole, Newcastle was 'famed for an unusually large penis', which he deployed on both sexes. On one side of a 12 x 19 piece of laid paper, with large triangle cut at top right (not near signature).

[Georgian Northumberland: legal documents.] Two printed lists of justices of the peace, in extracts from the Commission of the Peace for Northurmberland, one of them amended in manuscript; and two lists of grand juries, magistrates and counsel.

Georgian Northumberland: Justices of the Peace, 1820 and 1830; Grand Juries, 1834 and 1836 [R. Walker, Printer, Newcastle.]
Publication details: 
The two printed items by R. Walker, Printer, Newcastle, 1820 and 1830. The manuscript lists from 1834 and 1836.

ONE: Printed document in the person of King George IV, containing a list of several hundred men appointed as justices of the peace, with extensive manuscript emendations and deletions in red and black ink. (A few names are added, but mostly the names of the dead are struck out.) Dated 16 November [1820] and signed in type ‘BATHURST.’ The first page is headed ‘Extracted from the Commission of the Peace for Northumberland.’ Aged and worn, with closed tear along fold-line of second leaf, the bottom corner of which is torn away, resulting in loss from around sixteen lines of text.

[George Holyoake, radical editor who coined the terms 'secularism' and 'jingoism'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. J. Holyoake') to 'Watson'

George Holyoake [George Jacob Holyoake] (1817-1906), radical editor who coined the terms 'secularism' and 'jingoism'
Publication details: 
25 March 1900. Eastern Lodge, Brighton.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. Folded twice. Only the conclusion of the letter is in Holyoake's hand. It carries an unusually large and bold signature. In reply to a letter of Watson's he states that he was not aware of the 'paper in the Westminster Gazette [...] until four days after its appearance'. He asks him to send 'the Leader referring to its appearance which you mention', and commends Watson's son for bringing it to his notice. Holyoake does not know if the matter has 'been mentioned elsewhere in Newcastle'.

[Henry Perlee Parker of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. P. Parker') to 'Mr Johnson' [E. A. Johnson], regarding his departure for Newcastle, the artist J. C. Zeitter, Emmerson, the Newcastle Exhibition.

Henry Perlee Parker (1785-1873) of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, genre and portrait painter [E. A. Johnson of the Zoological Gardens, Regents Park, entomologist; John [Johann Christian] Zeitter (1798-1862)]
Publication details: 
'Sunday Evening | June 2nd –' [1833]. 27 Newcastle Street, Strand [London].

3pp, 4to. Bifolium, addressed, with postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, 'to | Mr Johnson | Zoological Gardens | Regents Park | or Wellington Cottage | Wellington Place | Camden Town'. In good condition, lightly aged, with paper repairs last leaf. Folded several times.

[The Stephenson Centenary 1881'.] Well-designed lithographic poster, 'Presented as a memento of the Centennial Commemoration' by Thomas Pumphrey, Newcastle grocer, with central portrait of Stephenson surrounded by seven related engravings.

The Stephenson Centenary, 1881; Thomas Pumphrey, Grocer, Newcastle-on-Tyne; George Stephenson (1781-1848), engineer, 'Father of the Railways'
Publication details: 
'Presented as a memento of the Centennial Commemoration, by Thomas Pumphrey, Grocer, 48, Cloth Market, Newcastle-on-Tyne.' 9 June 1881.

An extremely attractive memento, no other copy of which has been traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. Lithographic printing in black on 57 x 44.5 cm piece of wove paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight creasing to margin at one edge, and the merest of spotting. Folded four times.

[James Simpson, educationalist, phrenologist and friend of Sir Walter Scott.] Autograph Letter Signed to geologist William Hutton of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, writing enthusiastically about his lectures around England on non-sectarian popular education.

James Simpson (1781-1853), Scottish advocate, educationalist, phrenologist, friend of Sir Walter Scott [William Hutton (1797-1860), geologist; Sir Thomas Wyse; Professor Dionysius Lardne]
Publication details: 
Bath; 30 August 1836.

The background to this letter is explained in Simpson's entry in the Oxford DNB which states that he 'took a deep interest in the movement for better elementary education. He was one of the founders of the Edinburgh modern infant school, in which he attempted to solve the problem of religious education by allowing parents to select religious instructors themselves. Failing to receive adequate support, however, the school was ultimately sold to the kirk session of New Greyfriars.

[ The 'Bottle Trade' in eighteenth century England. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos Dale') from Thomas Dale of Shields [ South Shields ] to Charles Wren of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, regarding the 'Bottle Trade', the Eden Treaty, and the 'Shields Houses'

Thomas Dale of Shields [ South Shields ] [ Charles Wren of Newcastle upon Tyne; the Eden Treaty, 1786 ]
Publication details: 
Shields [ South Shields, Northumberland ]. 27 February [ no year, circa 1786 ].

4pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. An excellent letter on an unusual subject, written in forthright style. The author – who like the recipient is a member of the local mercantile community – gets down to business immediately: 'Sir | The late great demand for Bottles in England was the effect of Mr Pits [sic] commercial Treaty with France.

Printed pamphlet: 'A Vindication of the Catholic Religion; in Reply to the Speech of Captain Gordon, delivered in Brunswich Place Chapel, March 2, 1831.

[ Charles Larkin ] [ E. Mackenzie, Jun., Printer, Newcastle upon Tyne; Captain James Edward Gordon, Secretary, The British Reformation Society ]
Publication details: 
Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed and published by E. Mackenzie, Jun. 129, Pilgrim Street. 1831.

59 + [1]pp., 8vo. Stitched and disbound. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The author is not named on the title-page, but the text ends, p.59, with the signature in type of 'CHARLES LARKIN.' The final page carries a list of 'Errata'.

[ Robert Stephenson, railway engineer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rob Stephenson') to '- Moberley Esq', regarding the purchase of a 'Machine'.

Robert Stephenson (1803-1859), pioneering railway engineer, constructor of 'Stephenson's Rocket'.
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 24 Great George Street, Westminster [ London ]. 1 June 1852.

2pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, with the text of the letter on the first leaf, and the second laid down on a leaf removed from an album. Stephenson's letter in good condition, on lightly aged paper. He writes that he is sending the recipient the reply he has received from 'Mr Harrison'. He feels that it would be better for Moberley to 'purchase the old Machine of the Contractors Messrs Rush & Lawton'. He does not know their address, but if they send him 'any drawing, it will be forwarded'. Rush and Lawton were Newcastle railway contractors. The recipient is probably W. H.

[ Lord Charles Clinton, Conservative politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Clinton') to the Provost of Eton, regarding the hanging of his portrait on 'the pannels [sic] of the College Hall'.

Lord Charles Clinton [ Lord Charles Pelham Pelham-Clinton ] (1813-1894), son of Henry Pelham-Clinton, 4th Duke of Newcastle
Publication details: 
Farnham Castle. 18 December 1857.

2pp., 12mo. He 'unfeignedly' feels his 'unworthiness to be placed among those sons of Eton whose portraits are intended to grace the pannels [sic] of the College Hall'. He will comply with the Provost's wish, 'as soon as opportunity permits, & after I have learnt from you the most suitable mode of carrying your design into execution'.

[Newcastle; Pamphlet ] A copy of the ward list of burgesses of the Borough of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne. From the 1st. day of November, 1835, to the 1st day of November, 1836, inclusive, etc.

Publication details: 
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Printed by W. Boag, Nos. 2 & 3, foot of Dean Street, 1835.

Pamphlet, [68]pp., not paginated, count includes title (first page present), disbound, grubby, minor ink stains on title (and inked ticks for some of the entries), other staining, first three leaves detached, ow fair. One copy only recorded on COPAC/WorldCat, at BL.

[Duke of Newcastle; horse-racing] Autograph Letter Signed "Newcastle" to "Frank" about a race-meeting.

Henry Pelham Alexander Pelham-Clinton, 6th Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne (1834–1879), English nobleman
Publication details: 
No place, 7 Dec. 1878

Three pages, 8vo, bifolium, small stain, otherwise good condition. He comments initially on a cutting (from a newspaper?). Singular to relate there is more truth in that cutting than you wd imagine. Before leaving London I had persuaded Miss Kellogg to come to Brighton for the race week: I got a letter from her to say [...].

[Printed item, inscribed by the author John Holland.] Tyne Banks. A Poetical Sketch. By a Visitor in Newcastle.

'A Visitor in Newcastle' [i.e. John Holland (1794-1872)]
Publication details: 
Newcastle: Printed for the Author, for private presentation only, by J. Blackwell and Co., Courant Office [ Newcastle ]. 1832.

40pp., 12mo. Stitched and disbound. Internally in fair condition, on aged paper, with outer leaves stained. The margins have been slightly trimmed, affecting the author's presentation at the head of the title page, which reads: 'Mr Walker | With J. Holland's Respe | Octr. 26 <...>'. Full page 'Preface' in small print, dated 'Newcastle, September, 1832', on p.3, and full-page 'Note', in even smaller print, on the following page. A nicely printed poem, with numerous elucidatory footnotes in small print.

[Printed exhibition catalogue.] William Butler Yeats 1865-1939 | Catalogue of an Exhibition 13th-22nd May 1965 | Opened by T. R. Henn, C.B.E., D.Litt. Fellow of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge.

[W. B. Yeats [William Butler Yeats]; T. R. Henn [Thomas Rice Henn]; the Library, University of Newcastle upon Tyne; St Catharine's College, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Newcastle upon Tyne. The Library. [1965.]

[18]pp., 4to. Duplicated typed pamphlet, printed on the rectos of eighteen leaves, stapled into green card covers. Full-page introduction followed by catalogue with 59 entries, with commentary. Scarce: no copy traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[William Wight of Ednam, Scottish poet.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Wight') to his 'dear new Friend' 'Mr. Falconer' of Newcastle, containing his poem 'My Absent Friend'.

William Wight (c.1781-1821) of Ednam, Scottish poet [Falconer of Newcastle]
Publication details: 
Ednam. 8 October 1817.

3pp., 12mo. Originally a bifolium, but with the two leaves now separated. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper watermarked 'S S | 1817'. The reverse of the second leaf is addressed to 'Mr. Falconer, | Newcastle on Tyne.' He begins by thanking Falconer for the 'nice little collection of Poems [...] The "Wreath" will often amuse my solitary hours'. After some pieties he states: 'I gladly subjoin a few verses for your amusement, and that of Miss Falconer [...] How glad I should be to see you and her again at Ednam!

[The 5th Duke of Newcastle, as Colonial Secretary.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Newcastle'), regarding the 'system of promotion in the Colonial Service', in reply to the recommendation by Liberal MP and banker Thomson Hankey that he employ 'Mr Price'.

Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle under Lyme (1811-1864), Liberal politician [Thomson Hankey junior (1805-1893), banker and MP]
Publication details: 
Colonial Office [Whitehall, London]. 27 September 1853.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Newcastle has already been informed of Price's wish to be placed in the Colonial Office by 'the Duke of Roxburghe and others, whose interest in his wefare, would have great weight with me, if I felt that I could consistently with the present claims upon me, hold out any hope of complying with Mr. Price's request'.

[Pattison family of farmers in the Bishop Auckland area of County Durham.] Manuscript diary and accounts, in 'The Newcastle Memorandum-book Or, a Methodical Pocket-journal.'

[Pattison family of farmers in the Bishop Auckland area of County Durham] [Farming in Georgian England]
Publication details: 
Newcastle: Printed by and for S. Hodgson. 'For the Year M.XCCCI [1801]. The Forty-seventh edition.'

The manuscript material is on 109pp. of the 12mo printed diary. On aged paper, with manuscript entirely legible, but some staining to printed matter, in original worn calf binding. The manuscript paints a vivid picture of the life of a prosperous Georgian agriculturalist in all its aspects, from itemised financial accounts to country pastimes and the weather. It is presumably in the hand of George Pattison, whose name is given prominence among those of other members of the Pattison family written out over two pages at the rear of the volume.

[Dr Robert Steavenson of Newcastle upon Tyne.] Manuscript copy of his bill to the trustees of Lieutenant James Boyd, itemising disbursements (mainly clothing). With signed note by David Williamson [later Lord Balgray] and signatures of two trustees.

Dr Robert Steavenson (1756-1828) of Newcastle upon Tyne [John Dundas, WS, and James Bruce, Trustees of Lieutenant James Boyd; Lieutenant General Robertson]
Publication details: 
Dated from Northumber[land] Street [Newcastle upon Tyne]. With short signed note by David Williamson [later Lord Balgray], dated Edinburgh [Scotland], 4 August 1813.

1p., foolscap 8vo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Headed: 'Trustees of Lieut. J. Boyd or Executors of Lieut. Genl. Robertson on account of Mr. Boyd | To Dr Stevenson'. Docketted on reverse: 'Copy | Account | Due by the Trustee of Lieut: J. Boyd to Doctor Steavenson | 1813 | Compd. J.W.' and 'Genl. Robertsons Trustees Order | by you for Remitting

Autograph Note, in the third person, from [Algernon George Percy, 6th] Duke of Northumberland, agreeing to 'take a copy of the History of Newcastle, as requested by Mr Robinson'.

Algernon George Percy (1810-1899), 6th Duke of Northumberland, British peer and Conservative politician
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Albury Park, Guildford. 20 April 1885.

1p., 16mo. Letterhead printed in green on green paper. In fair condition, on aged and dusty paper, with traces of pervious mount along one margin. The note reads: 'The Duke of Northumberland will take a copy of the History of Newcastle, as requested by Mr Robinson in his letter of the 17th., to be sent to Alnwick Castle - | April 20. 85.' The reference is presumably to Richard Welford's 'History of Newcastle and Gateshead', published in London by Walter Scott between 1884 and 1887.

Two Autograph Letters Signed ('Tommy', 'T G R' and 'T') from Thomas German Reed, proprietor, the Gallery of Illustration, Regent Street, London, to Edward Dean Davies, lessee, Theatre Royal, Newcastle, written in affectionate and high-spirited terms.

Thomas German Reed (1817-1888), English musician and actor, proprietor of the Gallery of Illustration, 14 Regent Street, London [Edward Dean Davis (1806-1887), lessee of the Theatre Royal, Newcastle]
Publication details: 
Letter One: on letterhead of the Gallery of Illustration, 14 Regent Street [London]. 24 December 1863. Letter Two: 'Sat. S. C.'

Letter One: 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. With decorative letterhead in red. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear Old DD' and 'E. D. Davis'. He realises that Davis is in 'a precious state of mind', and will only send 'a few lines to exchange domestic greetings of kindliness & good fellowship from the circle of Balham to the Square in N'Castle - the waters of the Thames mingle with those of the Tyne'.

[Printed chapbook.] The History of Stoney Bowes, otherwise Andrew Robinson Bowes: being a Minute Memoir of his Infamous and Notorious Character.

[Andrew Robinson Stoney Bowes (1747-1810); John Ross, printer, Arcade, Newcastle upon Tyne; Thomas Hutchinson]
Publication details: 
Printed by J. Ross, Arcade, Newcastle. [Slug: 'Printed and published by J. Ross, Newcastle.'] [1850.]

24pp., 16mo. Woodcut vignette on title-page, showing man in military uniform restraining a struggling woman, under a tree. Stitched, in plain cream wraps. Internally fair, on aged paper, in worn wraps. Ownership inscription on flyleaf of 'John Hutchinson | October 1850'. Thirteen line note by Hutchinson on rear flyleaf, concerning the Bowes family, and further manuscript notes by him on pp. 13, 17, 21 and 22. Slip of paper with another note by Hutchinson loosely inserted.

Manuscript letter from 'the undersigned ladies and gentlemen of the "Delia" company', at the Tyne Theatre, Newcastle upon Tyne, to Frank Rothsay, signed by sixteen individuals on presenting him with a token of appreciation of his management.

Frank Rothsay, Victorian actor-manager of the Tyne Theatre, Newcastle upon Tyne, and the Borough Theatre, Stratford
Publication details: 
Tyne Theatre, Newcastle upon Tyne. 5 October 1889.

1p., foolscap 8vo. Stained, worn and creased, but a unique memento of a Newcastle institution and Grade I listed building, founded in 1867 as the Tyne Theatre and Opera House, and now bearing the euphonious name of the Mill Volvo Tyne Theatre.

The History and the Mystery of Good Friday. By Robert Robinson, of Cambridge. A new edition, corrected. To which is added, A Brief Account of the Life and Writings of the Author.

Robert Robinson, of Cambridge [K. Anderson, Printer, Newcastle]
The History and the Mystery of Good Friday
Publication details: 
Printed for and sold by J. Marshall, Bookseller, Gateshead. Sold also by the Booksellers in Newcastle, Shields, Sunderland, Durham, &c. and Longman, Hurst, and Co. London. K. Anderson, Printer, Newcastle. 1805.
The History and the Mystery of Good Friday

12mo, 48 pp. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Rebound in the twentieth century in worn workmanlike blue wraps, with the outer edges of the pamphlet rounded off. The text of the work covers pp.3-40; with the 'Brief Account' on pp.41-48. A scarce piece of provincial printing: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC, and the only copy on WorldCat at the New York Public Library.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A H Calvert') from the actress Adelaide Helen Calvert to an unnamed theatre proprietor [E. D. Davies, Lessee, Theatre-Royal, Newcastle?], discussing a forthcoming bill.

Adelaide Helen Calvert [nee Biddles] (1837-1921), English actress, wife of the actor-manager Charles Alexander Calvert (1828-1879) [Theatre-Royal, Newcastle]
Adelaide Helen Calvert to an unnamed theatre proprietor
Publication details: 
Undated [before 1879]; on part of playbill for 'Benefit of Mr. Chas. Calvert' at the Theatre-Royal, Newcastle. [M. Benson, Printer, Side, Newcastle.]
Adelaide Helen Calvert to an unnamed theatre proprietor

12mo, 3 pp. On bifolium, with the printed playbill for the 'Benefit of Mr. Chas. Calvert' at the Theatre-Royal, Newcastle, on the recto of the first page (including a performance of Much Ado About Nothing, with Calvert as Benedick and Miss Fanny Alexander as Beatrice. The letter is 42 lines long. She feels that, 'with but one rehearsal', the 'Merchante's Storye will scarcely go', and suggests performing 'Nine Points, The Household Fairy, and Head of the Family' instead, considering it 'a good bill' and 'lighter works for all the company'.

Archaeologia Aeliana: or, Miscellaneous Tracts, relating to Antiquity. Published by the Society of Antiquaries, of Newcastle upon Tyne. [Bound up by Rev. Joseph Cook of Newton Hall, with six significant manuscript and printed items.]

Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne [Rev. Joseph Cook (1759-1844) of Newton Hall, Northumberland, Vicar of Chatton and Shilbottle; James Losh (1753-1833)]
Publication details: 
All volumes printed in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Volumes I and II: 1832. Printed by Sarah Hodgson, Union-Street. Volume III, parts I and II: 1840. T. and J. Hodgson, Union Street. Volume IV, part II: 1842. Printed by G. Bouchier Richardson.

A total of six parts: Vols I and II complete in leather bindings; the rest (vol. III, pts I & II, and vol. IV, pt II, only) in original grey wraps with white paper printed labels. From the collection of the Rev. Joseph S. Cook, and with his bookplate by Bewick's studio (featuring his coat of arms, an illustration of Newton Hall, and a facsimile of his signature) in the first two volumes, and his ownership inscription to the two parts of vol. III. (Cook contributes a paper to the first volume.) Internally all parts are sound and tight, on lightly-aged paper.

[Printed pamphlet by Henry Stebbing] Another Fragment. [A satire on the Duke of Newcastle's election as Chancellor of the University of Cambridge]

[Henry Stebbing (c.1687-1763) or his son Henry Stebbing (1716-1787)] [Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton (1720-1794), Duke of Newcastle and Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, 1748-1768]
[Printed pamphlet by Henry Stebbing] Another Fragment
Publication details: 
[1750 or 1751] London: Printed for A. Pope, near the Royal Exchange, and sold by all the Booksellers in London, Oxford, and Cambridge.
[Printed pamphlet by Henry Stebbing] Another Fragment

8vo, iv + 26 pp. In modern grey boards. Text clear and complete. On aged paper, with small holes to first two leaves (not affecting text). The imprint is fictitious. A sequel to 'A Fragment' (London, 1750), a satire on the election of the Duke of Newcastle to the Chancellorship of the University of Cambridge in July 1749. Described in the 'Editor's Preface' as a 'learned, elaborate, curious and antient Fragment, [...] communicated to me by a celebrated Gomerian, Professor of the University of Combrigue'. Attributed to the elder Stebbing by Halkett and Laing, and to the younger in ESTC.

Two signed receipts to the Honourable Coast Committee of Northumberland: the first for printing and paper from John Catnach ('Jno. Catnach') of Alnwick, and the second on John's behalf by his wife Mary ('Mary Catnach'), for stationery.

John Catnach (1769-1813), Alnwick and Newcastle printer, his wife Mary Catnach (née Hutchinson), parents of the London broadsheet publisher James Catnach (1792-1841) [Thomas Bewick; Northumberland]
Publication details: 
John Catnach's bill/receipt, 12 April/29 June 1795. Mary Catnach's bill and receipt, 10 March 1795.

Both items in good condition on lightly-aged paper. Both 1 p, on 12mo landscape slips. John Catnach's bill and receipt: 'The Honb. Coast Comit. | April 12 1795. | To J. Catnach | Printing 200 Signal for the Coast 7s .. 0 | 5 qrs. Best Wove foolscap for Do. 1s..2d Per qr 5 .. 10 | £0 .. 12 .. 10 | Recd the above from Thos. Adams Esqr. | [signed] Jno. Catnach | June 29th. 1796.' Docketed on reverse with calculation. Mary Catnach's bill and receipt: 'The Honble Coast Committee | 1795 To J Catnach Dr. | March 10th. 3 Quarto Copy Books at 1/6 - 0 . 4 . 6 | Same time recd. Paymt of Jas.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Richard] Welford [of the Newcastle Chronicle].

George Troup (1811-1879), editor, Tait's Edinburgh Magazine [Richard Welford; Newcastle Chronicle]
Publication details: 
2 November 1859; Tait's Magazine Office, 34 Paternoster Row, London, E.C.

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. 58 lines of text. Clear and complete. On aged paper, with the outer pages grubby and stained. The delay in replying to Welford's letter is due to the fact that it 'fell aside in Edinburgh and did not reach my hands until lately'. 'I was engaged in a veryy subordinate capacity on Taits Magazine when the shilling series commenced - and for some years - and again had it as my own property from 1846 to 1850 and have had it again for some years; yet I do not remember having ever seen a notice in the Newcastle Chronicle'.

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