[Sir Wentworth Dilke [Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, 1st Baronet], Leading Commissioner of the Great Exhibition.]

Sir Wentworth Dilke [Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, 1st Baronet] (1810-1869), Leading Commissioner of the Great Exhibition of 1851,
Publication details: 
'76 Sloane Street [London] / 3. October 1856.'

See his entry, with those of his father and son (all three named Charles Wentworth Dilke) in the Oxford DNB. With regard to the present item the ODNB states: 'His deep involvement in the project [i.e. the 1851 Great Exhibition] is demonstrated by his massive bequest of exhibition material now held at the Victoria and Albert Museum.' 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with a crease to one corner. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to 'Henry Maudsley Esq' and signed 'C Wentworth Dilke'.

[Sir Frank Dicksee, Victorian artist, President of the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Orchardson, regarding a meeting by the committee for the Royal Academy summer exhibition, with reference to Onslow Ford.

Frank Dicksee [Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee] (1853-1928), Victorian artist, President of the Royal Academy [Lady Orchardson [Ellen Orchardson, née Moxon] , wife of Sir William Quiller Orchardson, RA]
Publication details: 
14 December [no year, but before 1901]. On letterhead of Greville House, 3 Greville Place, St John's Wood, N.W. [London]

See the entries for Dicksee and Lady Orchardson’s husband Sir William Quiller Orchardson (1832-1910), RA, in the Oxford DNB. Lady Orchardson (1853-1917) was the daughter of the London publisher Charles Moxon. The Orchardsons married in 1873. Among their four children was the painter Charles Moxon Quiller Orchardson (1873-1917), who studied in the Royal Academy Schools and was killed in action during World War One. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Signed ‘Frank Dicksee’.

[[Act of Parliament; establishment of the Science Museum, etc.] [Printed] An Act for releasing the Lands of the Commissions for the Exhibition of 1851, upon Repayment of Monies granted in aid of their Funds. [12th July 1858]

[Act of Parliament; establishment of the Science Museum, etc.]
Publication details: 
Eyre and Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, 1858.

Four pages, sm. fol., bifolium. damaged at join not affecting text, removed from bound volume. Whereas the Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851 have purchased Lands at Kensington Gore with a view to secure adequate space in the Metropolis for Institutions connected with Science and Art [...].

[[Act of Parliament; establishment of the Science Museum, etc.] [Printed] An Act for releasing the Lands of the Commissions for the Exhibition of 1851, upon Repayment of Monies granted in aid of their Funds. [12th July 1858]

[Act of Parliament; establishment of the Science Museum, etc.]
Publication details: 
Eyre and Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, 1858.

Four pages, sm. fol., bifolium. damaged at join not affecting text, removed from bound volume. Whereas the Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851 have purchased Lands at Kensington Gore with a view to secure adequate space in the Metropolis for Institutions connected with Science and Art [...].

[Ernest Pauer, Austrian pianist and composer, Professor at the Royal Academy of Music.] Autograph Note Signed to ‘Miss Alain’, apologising for being unable to ‘arrange for the lessons you desire to take’.

Ernst Pauer (1826-1905), Austrian pianist and composer active in England, Professor at the Royal Academy of Music (later the Royal College of Music)
Publication details: 
22 February 1889; on letterhead of 3 Onslow Houses, South Kensington, SW [London].

Pauer, who had studied piano with Mozart’s son, gave daily recitals during the Great Exhibition of 1862, and was later appointed Professor at the newly-formed Royal College of Music (later the Royal College of Music), also working at Cambridge University. 2pp, 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Reads: ‘Dear Miss Alain / I do not see any chance of being able to arrange for the lessons you desire to take. I need not tell you that I am sorry that I cannot fulfil your wish. / In haste yrs truly / E Pauer’.

[Henry Perlee Parker of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. P. Parker') to 'Mr Johnson' [E. A. Johnson], regarding his departure for Newcastle, the artist J. C. Zeitter, Emmerson, the Newcastle Exhibition.

Henry Perlee Parker (1785-1873) of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, genre and portrait painter [E. A. Johnson of the Zoological Gardens, Regents Park, entomologist; John [Johann Christian] Zeitter (1798-1862)]
Publication details: 
'Sunday Evening | June 2nd –' [1833]. 27 Newcastle Street, Strand [London].

3pp, 4to. Bifolium, addressed, with postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, 'to | Mr Johnson | Zoological Gardens | Regents Park | or Wellington Cottage | Wellington Place | Camden Town'. In good condition, lightly aged, with paper repairs last leaf. Folded several times.

[John Mortimer Hunt, partner in Bond Street silversmiths Hunt & Roskell.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Mortimer Hunt'), regarding a 'stone implement' brought by 'Mr Roskell' from Australia, the Society of Antiquaries, and the recipient's health.

John Mortimer Hunt, partner in the firm of Hunt & Roskell [successors to Storr & Mortimer], jewellers and silversmiths, Bond Street, London [Australia; Australian archaeology]
Publication details: 
156 New Bond Street [London]. 31 May 1871.

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. For information regarding this renowned firm of silversmiths, which possessed the royal warrant and mounted a sumptuous display at the Great Exhibition, see Norman Mosley Penzer, 'Paul Storr, 1771-1844, Silversmith and Goldsmith' (1954), and John Culme, 'Directory of Gold and Silversmiths' (2000). The nature of the '”Australian” implement' which is the subject of the letter is unclear, but information on Hunt's partner's connection with Australia is to be found in L. W.

[Thomas Clater, English artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos Clater') to T. W. Winstanley, Secretary, Royal Manchester Institution, giving catalogue details of two paintings he is exhibiting in the Manchester Exhibition of 1842.

Thomas Clater (1789-1867), English artist [T. W. Winstanley, Secretary, Royal Manchester Institution; Manchester Exhibition, 1842]
Publication details: 
11 Whiteheads Grove, Chelsea. 12 August 1842.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed by Clater on verso of second leaf to 'T. W. Winstanley | Royal Manchester | Institution'. Opens: 'Dear Sir | I beg leave to forward to your Exhibition two pictures'. 'No 1', which Winstanley has given the catalogue number 294 is 'May day', priced at 100 guineas, for which Clater provides a six-line poetic quotation. 'No 2' (catalogue number 135) is 'The Village Post Office', priced at 30 guineas.

[Caleb Robert Stanley, English artist.] Autograph communication, with Stanley's name ('C R Stanley') and address, to [T. W. Winstanley] Secretary, Royal Manchester Institution, giving details of two paintings for its 1842 exhibition.

Caleb Robert Stanley [C. R. Stanley] (1795-1868), English artist [T. W. Winstanley, Secretary, Royal Manchester Institution; Manchester Exhibition, 1842]
Publication details: 
'C R Stanley | 25 Gt Maddox St | Hanover Sqre. [London]' 9 August 1842.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed by Stanley, with red wax seal, on reverse of second leaf, to 'The Secretary | In the Manchester Institution | Moseley [sic] St | Manchester'. The text itself consists of the names and prices of the two pictures to be submitted to the 1842 show, with the date and Stanley's name and address: 'No 1. | Water Mill | North Devon | 25£ with Frame. | No 2 | Lane Scene | Painted from Nature | 25£ with Frame | C R Stanley | 25 Gt Maddox St | Hanover Sqre. | August 9th. 1842'.

[Mansion House Banquet, 1888, featuring the Coldstream Guards Band.] Printed 'Plan of Tables' titled: 'Mansion House Banquet to the Executive Council of the British Section, Paris Exhibition, 1889. The Right Honourable Polydore de Keyser Lord Mayor.'

Mansion House Banquet, 1888; Coldstream Guards Band; Paris Exhibition, 1889; Polydore de Keyser; W. G. Forbes
Publication details: 
Jas. Truscott & Son, London. Mansion House, London.] Banquet on 31 July 1888.

On a piece of paper, folded three times into a packet. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The plan covers the whole of one side, with the names of around 150 invitees (including George Augustus Sala, Henry Trueman Wood, A. M. Broadley, Prince Iskandar Ali of Moorshedabad and the Mayor of Colchester) printed in black ink on a seating diagram in brownish-red. Dead centre at the top table is the Lord Mayor of London, flanked by the French ambassador and 'M. Georges Berger (Director-General of the Paris Exhibition). To the right of the ambassador are Sir Lyon Playfair and Sir Lothian Bell.

[ Lord Glasgow. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Glasgow'), to the Hon. Sec. of the Naval and Military Relief Exhibition, Edinburgh, sending his best wishes but declining to take part in its fund.

George Frederick Boyle, 6th Earl of Glasgow [ Lord Glasgow ] (1825-1890), Scottish peer and Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
21 Chapel Street, Belgrave Square, London S.W. 20 April 1889.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. 'While wishing all good success to the proposed Naval & Military Relief Exhibition', he is sorry that he does not feel able to 'take part in the <?> fund'.

[ Arnold Rattenbury, poet: inscribed copy. ] "Mozart Pieces" with Woodcuts by Thomas Bewick .

Arnold Rattenbury (1921-2007), poet and exhibition designer; his wife Sim Rattenbury [ born Simonette Cooper-Willis ]
Publication details: 
Arnold Rattenbury - 127 Kenilworth Court Lower Richmond Road SW15 [ London ]. For New Year 1971.

16pp., 16mo. Stapled. One minor manuscript correction. Aged and worn, in lightly-stained card covers carrying six Bewick woodcuts in black, with text lengthwise and upwards in red. The insides of the covers are red in colour, and on the front inside cover is written 'love from | Sim & Arnold'. Whether the hand is Rattenbury's or his wife's is not clear. Fourteen poems, from 'Considering K 279 to K 284' to 'Koechel's Adoration'.

[ Cecil Lawson, landscape painter. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Cecil Lawson') to London art dealer C. W. Deschamps, regarding the Melbourne International Exhibition.

Cecil Lawson [ Cecil Gordon Lawson ] (1849-1882), English landscape painter [ Charles William Deschamps (1848-1908), London art dealer ]
Publication details: 
Bolton Bridge, Skipton, Yorkshire. 21 July 1880.

1p., 16mo. In fair condition, on aged paper with traces of mount adhering to reverse. Reads: 'Dear Sir | Will you kindly let me know the latest date for sending pictures to the Melbourne International Exhibition and Oblige | Yours very sincerely | Cecil Lawson.'

[ Thomas Wilkinson Wallis, wood carver ('the Grinling Gibbons of the 19th century'). ] Eight autograph items: six journal fragments, including eight pages on the 1851 Great Exhibition; description of his 'Trophies of Spring'; letter to his daughter.

Thomas Wilkinson Wallis (1821-1903), wood carver ('the Grinling Gibbons of the 19th century'), sculptor and painter of Louth in Lincolnshire [ The Great Exhibition, 1851 ]
Publication details: 
The letter to his daughter dated from Louth [ Lincolnshire ], 18 October 1884. Description of carving from 1851. Fragments from journal dealing with events in 1837, 1851, 1862 and 1866.

Thomas Wilkinson Wallis was the greatest wood carver of Victorian England. Born in impoverished circumstances in Hull, by 1844 he had established his own business in Louth Lincolnshire, and for the 1851 he submitted seven carvings, 'of which ‘Trophy of Spring’ was awarded a medal. It was his most intricate carving, it took him 8 months to complete and was considered to surpass the work of Grinling Gibbons.

[ Printed item with ownership signature of John Carter. ] The Cardboard Court. Playing Cards Through History.

Frank N. Jones, Director, Peabody Institute Library [ Peabody Institute of the City of Baltimore; John Carter [ John Waynflete Carter ] (1905-1975), diplomat and bookman ]
Publication details: 
'An Exhibition on the History of Playing Cards, Peabody Institute Library, Baltimore. 1 November - 31 December 1960.

42pp., 8vo. Duplicated stapled typescript, with text on rectos only. Not illustrated. Introduction by Jones, in which he explains that 'the list is arranged chronologically under the country of origin, plus special types of cards as, for example, transformation, etc. A selected bibliography has been included for those who may wish to go into these matters more extensively.' A scholarly production, with 264 entries and four-page bibliography. Aged and worn, with printed card cover (on which a playing card has been laid down as part of design) detached and chipped.

[ Printed catalogue; Zoffany ] Loan Exhibition of 18th Century English Conversation Pieces.

Philip Sassoon [ Sir Philip Sassoon (1888-1939), politician, art collector and social host ]
Publication details: 
[ 25 Park Lane, London. ] March 1930. [ At foot of back cover: 'M. W. D. N.' ]

36pp., 4to. Stapled pamphlet. Aged and worn. Pencil annotations throughout. Four-page 'Foreword' by 'Philip Sassoon', followed by four-page 'Short Biography of Painters and Index Numbers'. The twenty-three page catalogue (with marginal pencil annotations) features 152 items, and is followed by a three-page 'Index to Exhibitors'. Loosely inserted is a duplicated typescript (1p., 12mo), giving the address, opening times, and prices. John Zoffany is well represented.

[ The Hollands ] Autograph Letter Signed "C Fox" to "Sharpe" , about the Duc de Richelieu (6th Duke) abd his trip to Scotland.).

Charles Richard Fox (1796-1873), soldier/politician etc., illegitimate son of Henry Richard, 3rd Bar.Holland and Lady Elizabeth Vassall, later Lady Webster and even later later Lady Holland.
Publication details: 
"A.Rd" [ Addison Road ], [27 July 1857?]

Three pages, 8vo, sl. crumpled but text clear and complete, though something of a scrawl. He apologises for hasty writing, and asks of "the Exhibition at Manchester [Art Treasures Exhibition?] is open or to be seen on Sundays [Underlined]. The D[uc] de Richelieu is going to Scotland & can only go there on Sunday. To save time perhaps you would be so good as to answer him yes [underlined] or no [underlined][.] [H]e knows English thouroughly well". He gives the full Holland House address for where the Duc is staying.

[ The Imperial Institute, London. ] Galley proofs of address by W. Martin Wood, with manuscript heading: 'On occasion of the reading of a paper on "the Imperial Institute & its advantages to India" by General Sir Orfeur Cavenagh K.C.S.I. [...]'.

The Imperial Institute (established 1887), later Commonwealth Institute; East India Association; 1886 Colonial and Indian Exhibition; Sir Richard Temple; W. Martin Wood; Sir Orfeur Cavenagh
Publication details: 
'[...] before the East India Association. Sir Richard Temple in the chair'. [ The Imperial Institute, London. Circa 1887. ]

Printed in a single column on one side of a piece of 64 x 15 cm piece of paper. Aged and worn, with a couple of holes at head causing loss to eight lines of text. Full heading in manuscript: 'On occasion of the reading of a paper on "the Imperial Institute & its advantages to India" by General Sir Orfeur Cavenagh K.C.S.I. before the East India Association. Sir Richard Temple in the chair'.

[ Richard Redgrave, RA. ] Autograph Note in the third person, and Autograph Letter Signed ('Rich Redgrave'), to Clara Angela Macirone, in the latter complaining of the 'labours' caused by his work on the 1862 International Exhibition in London.

Richard Redgrave (1804-1888), RA, artist and art director of the South Kensington Museum [ Clara Angela Macirone (1821-1895), pianist and composer; 1862 International Exhibition, London ]
Publication details: 
Note: Mickleham; 5 June 1847. Letter: Kensington; 6 May 1862.

Both items in fair condition, on aged paper. NOTE: 1p, 12mo. He thanks her for an invitation to one of her concerts, 'rendered, as it is, more agreeable by the compliment she so agreeably pays to the sister art which he pursues'. LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He would have replied sooner to her concert invitation, 'but the arrangement of pictures for the Gt Exhibition occupied my time up to the last moment of opening and has done for many weeks'. He has been 'so wearied with my late work that I am proposing to get away from town for a little rest the very concert day.

[Printed pamphlet.] Workmen's International Exhibition, 1870. Report of the General Conference of Delegates, held at the Theatre of the Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, on Monday, January 10, 1870.

[ Conference of Delegates, Workmen's International Exhibition, 1870; Theatre of the Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, London; A. J. Mundella; T. H. Huxley; Auberon Herbert; Samuel Morley ]
Publication details: 
London: Published at the Offices of the Workmen's International Exibition, 150, Strand, W.C. [1870.] [Dunlop & Co., Printers, King's-head Court, Shoe Lane, E.C.]

40pp., 12mo. In small print. In good condition, in brown paper wraps with manuscript label. Giving the text of speeches by delegates including the MPs Samuel Morley, Thomas Hughes, W. H. Smith, and A. J. Mundella; Auberon Herbert; and the chairman T. H. Huxley. Stamp and shelfmark of the Board of Education Library on title-page, and stamp on front wrap.

[New York World's Fair 1939.] Collection mainly consisting of publicity and administrative material: press releases, information bulletins, contracts, contact lists, photographs, plans, coloured panorama, book, newspapers, pamphlets, questionnaire.

New York World's Fair 1939 [Grover A. Whalen (1886-1962); Frank Monaghan; Bayard F. Pope]
Publication details: 
New York World's Fair 1939, Main Office, 24th Floor Empire State Building, 350 Fifth Avenue, New York City, N.Y. Produced between 1938 and 1940.

Attended by 44 million people, the New York World's Fair was an enormous enterprise, with a vast number of exhibits and pavilions from all over the world spread out over 1216 acres of the Flushing Meadows/Corona Park district. The fair's official 'theme' was 'the demonstration of "a happier way of American living through a recognition of the interdependence of man, and the building of a better world of tomorrow with the tools of today"'.

[Walter William Ouless, portrait painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. W. Ouless') to 'Mr. White' [John Forbes White?], regarding the contribution of paintings to an exhibition in Aberdeen.

Walter William Ouless (1848-1933), RA, British portrait painter from Jersey [John Forbes White of Aberdeen?; Herbert Stacy Marks (1829-1898); Sir Alexander Matheson (1805-1886)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 12 Bryanston Square. 27 October 1887.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. Ouless regrets that he has 'nothing available' for 'the Aberdeen Exhibition this year', 'unless it be Marks' portrait [Henry Stacy Marks, artist] which is my property & now at Manchester, but as it was painted 12 years ago I do not think you will consider it suitable'. He suggest asking the Highland Railway Company whether they might lend the 'half length by me of Sir A. Matheson'. The letter ends: 'I wish I had something more recent which I could propose. I hope another year you will ask me again.'

[Facsimiles of the first two Royal Academy catalogues, 'Reprinted at the expense of Sir Thomas Lawrence', circa 1825.] 'The Exhibition of the Royal Academy, MDCCLXIX. The first.' and 'The Exhibition of the Royal Academy, MDCCLXX. The second.'

The Royal Academy, London [Ralph Nicholson Wornum (1812-1877), Keeper and Secretary of the National Gallery of London; Sir Thomas Lawrence]
Publication details: 
[Both items circa 1825?] First (1769) catalogue: 'Printed by William Bunce, Printer to the Royal Academy.' Second (1770) catalogue: 'Printed by W. Griffin, Printer to the Royal Academy.'

Both catalogues disbound from a volume of pamphlets, and bound together with library stitching. Aged and worn, with wear and chipping to extremities. The first (1769) catalogue with library shelfmark in manuscript on reverse of title-leaf. Flyleaf with ownership inscription of 'R. N. Wornum | 1855' and note 'Reprinted at the expense of Sir Thomas Lawrence'. First (1769) catalogue: 15pp., 4to. On laid paper with crown and monogram 'G R' watermark. Second (1770) catalogue: 22pp., 4to. On wove paper with '1825' watermark.

[Printed item.] Worshipful Company of Fan Makers. Catalogue of Fourth Competitive Exhibition of Fans, etc.

[Worshipful Company of Fan Makers, London]
Publication details: 
Held by kind permission at Drapers' Hall [London], May, 1897.

58 + [2]pp., 8vo. Frontispiece photograph of Queen Victoria, seated with a fan. In yellow wraps ornately printed in brown (discoloured gold?). Disbound from volume of pamphlets, with library stitching to spine and small '5' in ink at head of cover. Advertisements on wraps and final leaf. Descriptions of 479 fans (no illustrations), the first four lent by Queen Victoria. Four page index listing scores of lenders, including Mrs Leopold de Rothschild, Princess Louise, the Marchioness of Bristol, the Irish Lace Depot, the London Glove Company, and the Duchess of York.

[Printed exhibition catalogue.] William Butler Yeats 1865-1939 | Catalogue of an Exhibition 13th-22nd May 1965 | Opened by T. R. Henn, C.B.E., D.Litt. Fellow of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge.

[W. B. Yeats [William Butler Yeats]; T. R. Henn [Thomas Rice Henn]; the Library, University of Newcastle upon Tyne; St Catharine's College, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Newcastle upon Tyne. The Library. [1965.]

[18]pp., 4to. Duplicated typed pamphlet, printed on the rectos of eighteen leaves, stapled into green card covers. Full-page introduction followed by catalogue with 59 entries, with commentary. Scarce: no copy traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] Intermediate Education Board for Ireland. 1909. Exhibition and Prize Lists. Boys & Girls.

[Intermediate Education Board for Ireland]
Publication details: 
Dublin: Printed for the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland By Browne and Nolan, Ltd., Nassau Street. [1909.]

73pp., 8vo. In blue card wraps, with notice on pink slip tipped-in at front. In fair condition, on aged paper, with rusting staples. Shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Giving the names and schools of the recipients of various prizes. Scarce.

[Printed paper.] Special Report to the Honourable the Minister of Education, on the Ontario Educational Exhibit, and the Educational Features of the International Exhibition, at Philadelphia, 1876.

J. George Hodgins, LL.D., Deputy Minister [Ontario Educational Exhibit, International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876]
Publication details: 
Toronto: Printed by Hunter, Rose & Co., 25 Wellington St West. 1877.

vii + [1] + 306pp., 8vo. With sixteen plates (of engraved illustrations and plans) and fold-out frontispiece as called for. In grey printed wraps. Shelfmark and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London.

[Printed paper.] Mémoire préparé par la Section Catholique du Bureau d'Éducation, Province de Manitoba, en vue de l'Exposition Coloniale de Londres, 1886.

[Section Catholique du Bureau d'Éducation, Province de Manitoba; Exposition Coloniale de Londres (Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London), 1886]
Publication details: 
Winnipeg: Imprimé par Ordre du Bureau d'Éducation. 1886.

71pp., 8vo. In light-green printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, in like wraps. With stamps, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. 3 copies on OCLC WorldCat.

[Booklet; Ballantyne Press] Edinburgh Exhibitiuon 1886 | Printing as in the Olden Time at the Ballantyne Press Olde Streete | CATALOGUE

[Ballantyne Press; Walter Scott]
Publication details: 
The Ballantyne Press | Ballantyne & Hanson, Edinburgh London, [1886]

Booklet, [16pp., 16mo, inc. paper covers. foxing, mainly good condition. Two copies listed on COPAC, Edinburgh and the National Library of Scotland.

[Sir Charles Holroyd, English engraver, first Keeper of the Tate Gallery.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Thomson'

Sir Charles Holroyd (1861-1917), English engraver, first Keeper of the Tate Gallery, and Director of the National Gallery
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the National Gallery, British Art, Millbank, London, S.W. 28 February 1906.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He writes to apologise that he 'cannot get away to see the Holbein' at the previously arranged time, because he has a meeting with 'my accounting officer'. He suggests an alternative time, and apologises 'heartily for my mistake'.

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