
[Alicia de Larrocha, Spanish pianist.] Autograph Note Signed in Spanish.

Alicia de Larrocha y de la Calle (1923-2009), outstanding Spanish pianist and composer
Publication details: 
18 June 1975. No place.

1p, landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. In response to a request for an autograph: ‘Para Paul-Marcel como recuerdo afectuoso. / Alicia de Larrocha / 18. 6 – 1975’. See Image.

[Humphrey Lyttelton, jazz musician, author and broadcaster, presenter of the BBC radio panel show ‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue’.] Autograph Signature written on flap of envelope.

Humphrey Lyttelton [Humphrey Richard Adeane Lyttelton, nicknamed ‘Humph’] (1921-2008), jazz musician, author and broadcaster, presenter of the BBC radio panel show ‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue'
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See the biography of this much-beloved figure in the Oxford DNB. Stylish signature ‘Humphrey Lyttelton’, on irregularly-shaped piece of paper, roughly 7.5 x 4.5 cm, torn from an envelope flap. Somewhat worn and a little creased.

[Peter Pears, English tenor.] Two Typed Letters Signed, sent to individuals writing about the dying Benjamin Britten. With printed programme and libretti of their ‘Concert in aid of the Sandham Memorial Chapel, Burghclere’.

Peter Pears [Peter Neville Luard Pears] (1910-1986), English tenor, closely associated with the composer Benjamin Britten [Sandham Memorial Chapel, Burghclere]
Publication details: 
The two letters from 1976, both on letterhead of The Red House, Aldeburgh-on-Sea, Suffolk. Printed programme: The Stone Gallery, The Vyne, nr. Basingstoke', 20 April 1958.

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. The material is in good condition, lightly aged, except that the envelopes of the first two items are somewhat worn and grubby. ONE: TLS to Douglas C. Dorrington. 1p, 12mo. The address to ‘Dear Mr. Dorrington’ and signature ‘Peter Pears’ are in autograph; the rest is typed. Written while Britten is dying. Reads: ‘Benjamin Britten wishes me to thank you for your kind message.

[Gordon Jacob [Gordon Percival Septimus Jacob], English composer.] Four Autograph Letters Signed about musical matters to the violinist Marion Margaret Scott, one, written during wartime, attacking Benjamin Britten and ‘young men who shelter abroad’.

Gordon Jacob [Gordon Percival Septimus Jacob] (1895-1984), composer, for forty years professor at the Royal College of Music [Marion Margaret Scott (1877-1953), violinist with her own string quartet]
Publication details: 
Three of the four on letterhead of Mayfield, West Street, Ewell, Surrey: 1 April, 5 May and 13 August 1928. The other dated 14 August 1941; 75 West Street, Ewell Surrey.

See his entry, together with that of Benjamin Britten, in the Oxford DNB, the latter explaining the context of the last letter, which is an attack on Britten and Peter Pears for not returning from the United States to wartime England. From the Scott papers. Each letter 2pp, 12mo, on a single leaf (a total of 8pp, 12mo). In good condition, lightly aged. Each letter folded for postage. All four letters addressed to ‘Miss Scott’, and each signed ‘Gordon Jacob’. ONE (1 April 1929): He will be ‘most delighted’ to give her ‘any information you may require about my work’.

[Gordon Jacob [Gordon Percival Septimus Jacob], English composer.] Four Autograph Letters Signed about musical matters to the violinist Marion Margaret Scott, one, written during wartime, attacking Benjamin Britten and ‘young men who shelter abroad’.

Gordon Jacob [Gordon Percival Septimus Jacob] (1895-1984), composer, for forty years professor at the Royal College of Music [Marion Margaret Scott (1877-1953), violinist with her own string quartet]
Publication details: 
Three of the four on letterhead of Mayfield, West Street, Ewell, Surrey: 1 April, 5 May and 13 August 1928. The other dated 14 August 1941; 75 West Street, Ewell Surrey.

See his entry, together with that of Benjamin Britten, in the Oxford DNB, the latter explaining the context of the last letter, which is an attack on Britten and Peter Pears for not returning from the United States to wartime England. From the Scott papers. Each letter 2pp, 12mo, on a single leaf (a total of 8pp, 12mo). In good condition, lightly aged. Each letter folded for postage. All four letters addressed to ‘Miss Scott’, and each signed ‘Gordon Jacob’. ONE (1 April 1929): He will be ‘most delighted’ to give her ‘any information you may require about my work’.

[Vic Oliver [Victor Oliver von Samek], Austrian-born British musician and comedian who married Winston Churchill’s daughter.] Publicity photograph with facsimile signature.

Vic Oliver [Victor Oliver von Samek] (1898-1964), Austrian-born British musician and comedian who married Winston Churchill’s daughter Sarah
Publication details: 
No year or date (1930s).

7 x 9 cm photographic print. 6 x 7 cm black and white head-and-shoulders portrait of Oliver looking intently leftwards, in a double-breasted suit and tie. Facsimile of signature ‘Vic Oliver’ at foot. In good condition, lightly aged. Scan on application.

[Sir Landon Ronald, conductor and composer, Principal of the Guildhall School of Music, London.] Typed Letter Signed to W. J. Phillips ('My dear old Phil '), lamenting his absence on a 'great night, and one I shall never forget'.

Sir Landon Ronald (1872-1938), conductor and composer, Principal of the Guildhall School of Music, London
Publication details: 
12 November 1935. On letterhead of the Guildhall School of Music, John Carpenter Street, Victoria Embankment, EC4 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with one short closed tear to an edge. Folded twice for postage. The salutation (‘My dear old “Phil,” ’) and the signature ‘Landon Ronald’ are in autograph, the rest typed. The recipient is ‘Dr. W. J. Phillips, / “Kelvinside,” / Malcolm Road, / Wimbledon, S.W.’ He sends a ‘thousand thanks’ for Phillips’s ‘delightful telegram’. ‘It was indeed good of you to think of us all down here. It was a great night, and one I shall never forget.

[John Goss, Communist baritone.] Autograph Signature on part of printed page from programme.

John Goss (1894-1953), Communist baritone singer associated with Peter Warlock and Frederick Delius
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in Grove’s. A good large firm signature, 'John Goss'. On irregularly-shaped piece of laid paper cut from a printed programme, a 9.5 x 8 cm rectangle with one large triangle cut from a corner. Written over part of the words to the song 'I am a brisk and sprightly lad'. The printing on the back headed ' Once I loved a maiden fair Anon., 1600 / I am a brisk and sprightly lad Anon., 1750 / MR. JOHN GOSS.'

[Liverpool concerts for ‘Spain Relief’, 1939: John Goss, Communist baritone.] Two Typed Letters Signed to ‘Mr. Cameron’ and one Typed Card Signed to ‘Miss Cameron’, on behalf of the Musician’s Group of the Left Book Club.

John Goss (1894-1953), Communist baritone associated with Peter Warlock and Frederick Delius [Spanish Civil War; Left Book Club; Liverpool]
Publication details: 
The letters to ‘Mr. Cameron’ dated 21 December 1938 and 9 January 1939; both from 35a Woburn Square, WC1 [London]. The card undated [early 1939], with London postmark.

See his entry in Grove’s. Each with his firm signature 'John Goss'. The two letters in fair condition, on aged and creased paper, folded for postage, the first of the two with a short closed tear to one edge. The card in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: TLS to ‘Mr. Cameron’, 21 December 1938. 1p, 4to. Cameron’s letter ‘to the convener of the Musician’s Group of the Left Book Club’ has been passed to him.

[Dame Isobel Baillie, Scottish soprano and teacher at the Royal College of Music.] Typed Letter Signed to James Butt, recommending ‘a young New Zealand girl with a sweet voice’ (Kiri Te Kanawa?) for ‘sacred work’.

Dame Isobel Baillie [née Isabella Douglas Baillie] (1895-1983), Scottish soprano and teacher at the Royal College of Music and elsewhere [James Butt; Kiri Te Kanawa?]
Publication details: 
17 January 1968; on letterhead of 3 Langford Close, London, NW8.

1p, 12mo. On blue-grey paper with matching stamped, postmarked envelope with typed address to ‘Mr. James Butt / 23 Hartop Rd. / St. Marychurch / TORQUAY’. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Good large signature: ‘Isobel Baillie’. In response to his enquiry, she reports that she has ‘several good pupils who could make satisfactory Sacred Records’, but she would like him to hear them first.

[Sir Thomas Beecham and his second wife Betty [née Margaret Humby]. Autograph Signature ‘Thomas Beecham’ and ‘Betty Beecham’, on printed menu of Festival Luncheon for the Scottish Music Merchants’ Association.

Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961), conductor, and his second wife Betty [née Margaret Humby] (1908-1958) [Scottish Music Merchants’ Association Festival Luncheon, 1950]
Sir Thomas Beecham
Publication details: 
30 August 1950. Royal British Hotel, Edinburgh.
Sir Thomas Beecham

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Menu printed in blue on one side of 4to leaf, folded into 16 x 15 cm bifolium-style card. Front cover with patches of discoloration, and back cover bearing evidence of previous mounting (layer of dried out glue), otherwise in good condition. Front cover reads: ‘Scottish Music Merchants’ Association / Festival Luncheon / Royal British Hotel, Edinburgh / Wednesday, 30th August 1950 / Chairman: / R. W. Cresswell’. In space between ‘1950’ and ‘Chaiman:’ is large clear signature ‘Betty Beecham.’ At foot of page is large signature ‘Thomas Beecham’.

[Julius Harrison, conductor and composer.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Boosey’ [of the music publishers Boosey & Hawkes], giving his opinion of a batch of music manuscripts sent to him.

Julius Harrison [Julius Allan Greenway Harrison] (1885-1963), conductor and composer, Professor of Composition and Director of Opera, Royal Academy of Music [Boosey & Hawkes, London music publishers]
Publication details: 
11 December 1934; on letterhead of 5D Holmesdale Gardens, Hastings.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with pinholes to one corner. Signed ‘Julius Harrison’. Begins ‘Dear Boosey, / From the recent batch sent, I return the enclosed which I fancy may all be useful in the English market. / I am struck with the “Flowers in the Valley” as a possible Alto lead number. Please see my remarks thereon.’ He explains that he is ‘trying to find an Alto lead piece for Cleethorpes Festival next July’, and could include the ‘Flowers’ if it were ‘published in C as soon as possible’.

[Julius Harrison, conductor and composer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Francis' regarding examinations he is supervising at Worcester.

Julius Harrison [Julius Allan Greenway Harrison] (1885-1963), conductor and composer, Professor of Composition and Director of Opera, Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
ONE: 27 May 1935; 5D Holmesdale Gardens, Hastings, on his cancelled letterhead as Musical Director to the Corporation, County Borough of Hastings. TWO: 23 April 1941; Glencairn, Pickersleigh Road, Malvern, on cancelled Hastings letterhead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items in good condition, lightly aged. The first on thinner paper and lightly creased. Both folded for postage. Each addressed to 'My dear Francis' and signed 'Julius Harrision' ONE (27 May 1935): 2pp, 4to. He is supervising examinations at Worcester, and discusses arrangements. 'My people left Stourport for Worcester many years ago, but I rather fancy that Worcester will be too far from Birmingham to stay there. I shall, I think, stay in Birmingham itself.' He will be 'away down the Mediterranean until the 14th.

[Nicolai Malko, Russian (Ukrainian?) composer who settled in America, mentor of Shostakovich.] Autograph Card Signed in Russian and English, to M. Calvocoressi (see Wikipedia).

Nicolai Malko [Nicolai Andreyevich Malko] (1883-1961), Russian composer who settled in America, mentor of Shostakovich
Publication details: 
‘Mills College, California. July 30th 1939 / Permanent Addresse: Bernstoffsvej, 242. / Charlottenlund, Denmark’. With postage stamp and postmark of Oakland, California, 31 July 1939.

On a postcard with a bromide print of a modernist architectural image of a flight of outdoor steps and its stone surroundings. Creased and worn. Addressed to ‘M. Calvocoressi, Esq. / 5 Bramerton Str / London S. W. 3 / England / Europe’. Reads: ‘Dear Mr Calvocoressi, [19 words in Cyrillic script] Helas the score is lost. I am so sorry I could not send it to you. / [3 words in Cyrilic script]! / With kindest regards, / Yours sincerely / Nicolai Malko’

[Clarence Raybould, English conductor, pianist and composer.] Typed Letter Signed to the music bookseller Leonard Hyman, discussing his own reitrement in the light of Hyman's.

Clarence Raybould [Robert Clarence Raybould] (1886-1972), English conductor, pianist and composer [Leonard Hyman, music bookseller]
Publication details: 
14 January 1961. On his letterhead, R1p, 4to. On lightly aged and somewhat creased paper. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘Leonard Hyman, Esq.’ and signed ‘Clarence Ranworth, 2 The Glen, Farnborough, Kent. [with 'Orpington' typed to the right]

1p, 4to. On lightly aged and somewhat creased paper. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘Leonard Hyman, Esq.’ and signed ‘Clarence Raybould’. He has received his Catalogue No. 87 and is sorry to learn of his ‘impending retirement from your business’. ‘The world is always the poor when someone of your integrity decides he has had enough of the intrigues of present-day life!’ He wishes him ‘a happy period of quieter days’: ‘I myself cease to bulk of my work in June of this present year, when I terminate a long association with the Senior Orchestra of the Royal Academy of Music.

[Walter Bache, English pianist and conductor who championed Liszt and the New German School.] Autograph Card Signed to ‘Mrs. Lewis’, gracefully declining a invitation.

Walter Bache (1842-1888), English pianist and conductor who championed Liszt and the New German School
Publication details: 
11 June [no year]. With letterhead of 17 Eastbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged, but with unobtrusive part of paper mount still adhering to one corner. Good bold signature ‘Walter Bache’. Reads: ‘Dear Mrs. Lewis / It is most kind of you to keep me still in your remembrance! I am teaching every day & all day - alas! & Friday is just my afternoon at the Academy. So I cannot possibly accept your most welcome invitation, for which please accept my best thanks.’

[Sir Adrian Boult, distinguished English conductor.] Autograph Signature 'Adrian C. Boult' on card.

Sir Adrian Boult [Sir Adrian Cedric Boult] (1889-1983), distinguished English conductor, at the BBC and with the London Philharmonic Orchestra
[Sir Adrian Boult
Publication details: 
No date or place.
[Sir Adrian Boult

See Michael Kennedy's assessment of Boult, in his entry in the Oxford DNB: 'In the music he admired most, Boult was often a great conductor; in the rest, an extremely conscientious one.' Good bold signature ('Adrian C. Boult') is centred on one side of an 11.5 x 9 cm piece of card. The signature and the space around it are clear, but the discoloured card has a smudge on it, and carries traces of previous mount on reverse. At foot of signed side, in pencil:Sir Adrian Boult - Conductor of the B.B.C.Orchestra London / Famous English Conductor'. See Image.

[Sir Cliff Richard, popular British singer and film actor.] Autograph Signature to black and white print of publicity photograph of him in swimming trunks, seated on a beach between two girls in bikinis.

Sir Cliff Richard (born 1940 as Harry Rodger Webb), popular British singer and film actor, the top-selling artist in the English singles chart, behind the Beatles and Elvis Presley
Cliff Richard
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Early 1960s.]
Cliff Richard

Lightly-written signature (?Cliff Richard?) in blue ink at bottom left of 21 x 16 cm photographic print on glossy paper of black and white publicity photograph of a tanned Richard sitting in swimming trunks with his hands on his knees, looking at the viewer between two rather plain brunettes in bikinis. The print is somewhat creased and worn, with minor discoloration to white border at the top edge. See Image.

[Keith Falkner, English bass-baritone, Director of the Royal College of Music, London.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to ‘Miss Scott’ [the musicologist Marion Scott], the first agreeing to sing at an 'At Home', the second while at work for the RAF.

Keith Falkner [Sir Donald Keith Falkner] (1900-1994), distinguished English bass-baritone, Director of the Royal College of Music, London [Marion Margaret Scott (1877-1953), musicologist]
Publication details: 
ONE: 10 June 1928, from 60 Mayfield Road, Sanderstead, Surrey. TWO: 18 August 1941, ‘as from R.A.F. Middle Wallop. / Nr. Stockbridge. Hants.’, on cancelled letterhead of the Officers Mess, RAF ‘Woodlands’, Clamp Hill, Stanmore, Middlesex.

See his entry and hers in the Oxford DNB. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged, and each folded once for postage. Neatly and firmly written. Both addressed to ‘Dear Miss Scott’ and signed ‘Keith Falkner’. ONE: 2pp, 12mo. Eleven lines. He will be ‘pleased to sing in the “Peasant Cantata” at the Union “At Home” on June 28th’ and asks to know ‘which version you will be doing as soon as you decide?’ He ends with thanks for her ‘kind sympathy - I do appreciate it very much’. TWO: 2pp, 8vo. Twenty-three lines of text.

[Lionel Tertis, viola player, Professor of Viola at the Royal Academy of Music.] Autograph Letter Signed, thanking ‘Miss Scott’ [the musicoloigst Marion Scott] for ‘such a nice tea-party’ and urging her to come to lunch.

Lionel Tertis (1876-1975), viola player, Professor of Viola at the Royal Academy of Music [Marion Margaret Scott (1877-1953), musicologist]
Publication details: 
8 December 1929. On letterhead of Smalldown, Belmont, Surrey.

See his entry and hers in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded once for postage. Signed ‘Lionel Tetris.’ Begins ‘Dear Miss Scott / It was so kind of you to give us such a nice tea-party yesterday[.] We thoroughly enjoyed it and thank you very much indeed. / We hope you will come & see us soon[.] Won’t you come to Lunch one day?’

[Ernest Pauer, Austrian pianist and composer, Professor at the Royal Academy of Music.] Autograph Note Signed to ‘Miss Alain’, apologising for being unable to ‘arrange for the lessons you desire to take’.

Ernst Pauer (1826-1905), Austrian pianist and composer active in England, Professor at the Royal Academy of Music (later the Royal College of Music)
Publication details: 
22 February 1889; on letterhead of 3 Onslow Houses, South Kensington, SW [London].

Pauer, who had studied piano with Mozart’s son, gave daily recitals during the Great Exhibition of 1862, and was later appointed Professor at the newly-formed Royal College of Music (later the Royal College of Music), also working at Cambridge University. 2pp, 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Reads: ‘Dear Miss Alain / I do not see any chance of being able to arrange for the lessons you desire to take. I need not tell you that I am sorry that I cannot fulfil your wish. / In haste yrs truly / E Pauer’.

[Sir George Power, operatic D’Oyly Carte tenor in Gilbert and Sullivan productions.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Lane’, inviting her to join a ‘small orchestra’ which his friend Rev. Eric O. Norman is forming.

Sir George Power (1846-1928), tenor in early D'Oyly Carte productions of Gilbert and Sullivan operas, including Ralph Rackstraw in H.M.S. Pinafore, and Frederic in The Pirates of Penzance
Publication details: 
16 April [1920]; on letterhead of 31 Addison Road, Kensington, W.14 [London].

2pp, 12mo. Seventeen lines of text, with a few lines and the signature written lengthwise on the second page. On bifolium. Accompanied by the letter’s stamped and postmarked envelope, addressed by Power to ‘Mrs Lane / 67 Addison Road / W14’. (Note that she lives in the same street.) Both letter and envelope in good condition, lightly aged. Letter folded once. Signed ‘Geo. Power’. He explains that a friend of his, Rev. Eric O. Norman’, ‘who is a fine musician & pianist is trying to get together a small orchestra for a concert on the 24th. May’ and he wonders whether she would ‘care to join’.

[Sheena Tennant, Scottish composer and Margot Asquith's niece.] Two pieces of printed sheet music: her piano accompaniments of 'An Irish Cradle Song', 'From Poems by W. B. Yeats'; and Yeats's 'The Lake Isle of Innisfree'.

Sheena Lilian Grant Tennant (1883-1974, later Kendall), daughter of James Tennant (1852-1933) of Fairlieburne, Fairlie, Ayrshire, Scotland, industrialist and cousin of Margot Asquith [W. B. Yeats]
Publication details: 
Both items published by The Frederick Harris Company, London. 'An Irish Cradle Song' from 85 Newman Street, Oxford Street, W. [1914.] 'The Lake Isle of Innisfree' from 40 Berners Street, London, W1. [1917]

Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Excessively scarce, with COPAC only listing one copy (at the British Library) of both items. ONE: 'An Irish Cradle Song. Words by W. B. Yeats. From Poems by W. B. Yeats, published by T. Fisher Unwin'. [1914.] 5 + [1]pp., folio. Title page carries the gaelic motto: Goth yani me von gilli beg, | N heur ve thu more a creena. TWO: 'The Lake Isle of Innisfree. Words by W. B. Yeats'. [1917.] 5 + [1]pp., folio. Illustration of tree on bank of lake on front cover.

[Jules Massenet, French composer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. Massenet') [to husband of Swedish soprano Sigrid Arnoldson-Fischhof?], written on a trip with his wife, regarding a portrait of 'votre “merveille” de femme', and 'notre grand ami Hengel'

Jules Massenet [Jules Émile Frédéric Massenet] (1842-1912), French composer [Sigrid Arnoldson-Fischhof (1861-1943), Swedish soprano]
Publication details: 
8 February [no year]. No place.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. On aged paper, with punch hole through both leaves at head, small closed cut along bottom edge of first leaf, and with paper and part of another letter (from an album) glued onto the reverse of the second leaf. Folded once. The signature 'M. Massenet' is explained in Massenet's obituary in the Musical Times, 1 September 1912, which speaks of 'the composer's known antipathy to the name Jules […] He preferred to be called “M. Massenet” simply'. The recipient of this enthusiastic letter is not named.

[Dudley Moore, comedian and jazz musician, interviewed by Les Tomkins for 'Crescendo'.] Typescript of 'The Serious Side of Dudley Moore', with second part ('More Music and Moore'), gig review, and carbon of Tomkins letter to editor Victor Graham.

Dudley Moore, comedian and musician, half of the 'Pete and Dud' duo with Peter Cook; Les Tomkins, Features Editor of the jazz music magazine 'Crescendo'
Publication details: 
The interview appeared in the July and August 1966 numbers of 'Crescendo' magazine [London].

The interview was published in two numbers of 'Crescendo' ('The world's most authoritative music magazine', founded 1962). The first part, retitled 'Music & Moore | Les Tomkins interviews “The Genuine Dud” – was the leading article (pp.18-19) of the July 1966 number of ), with Moore featuring on the cover. The second part was published in the following number, August 1966, pp.18-19 and 25. Four items, all in good condition, with light aging. ONE: Carbon typescript of first part of interview, with title (replaced on publication): 'The Serious Side of Dudley Moore | A Les Tomkins Interview'.

[ Ludwig Straus; violinist ] Autograph Note Signed Ludwig Straus to a Miss White, with thanks.

Ludwig Straus (1835 – 1899), Austrian violinist
Publication details: 
[Headed] 7 Cranmer Road, Cambridge BUT handwritten, Folkestone, 26 Sept. 1897.

One page, 16mo, bifolium, fod mark, good condition. To Miss White with kind regards and mny thanks for having made me so comfortable inher well appointed house.

[Eric Coates, composer of 'The Dam Busters March'.] Autograph Signed Inscription to May Hirst, on reverse of a 'Photograph of Original Full Score of The Three Bears.

Eric Coates [Eric Francis Harrison Coates] (1886-1957), English composer of light music, best-known for 'The Dam Busters March'
Publication details: 
No date (but 1926 or after) or place.

On reverse of 11.25 x 8.25 cm card carrying a black and white print of the autograph score of Coates's second 'phantasy', 'The Three Bears' (1926). In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'To May Hirst | with best wishes | from | Eric Coates | Photograph of | Original Full Score of | The Three Bears'.

[Duke Ellington interviewed in 1964.] Typescript of Les Tomkins 'Crescendo' interview 'That's where the tailoring comes in', with 'The Duke presents a bouquet to our audiences' and 'Duke Ellington's [unpublished] comments on Crescendo'.

Duke Ellington [Edward Kennedy Ellington] (1899-1974), jazz musician, composer, band leader and pianist; Les Tomkins, Features Editor of the jazz music magazine 'Crescendo'
Publication details: 
The interview appeared in the April 1964 number of 'Crescendo' magazine [London].

The interview – retitled 'Duke looks back – and forward | in an interview with Les Tompkins' – features on pp.6-7 of the April 1964 number of 'Crescendo'. (Sammy Davis Jr features on the cover, with the announcement 'NOT A WORD ABOUT THE BEATLES!') Three items, the typescript of the interview and two accompanying pieces (one not used). All three in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Carbon typescript, titled 'That's where the tailoring comes in | Duke Ellington talks to Les Tomkins'. 6pp, 4to. On six leaves, stapled together at a corner.

[Dudley Moore, comedian and jazz musician, interviewed by Les Tomkins for 'Crescendo'.] Typescript of 'The Serious Side of Dudley Moore', with second part ('More Music and Moore'), gig review, and carbon of Tomkins letter to editor Victor Graham.

Dudley Moore, comedian and musician, half of the 'Pete and Dud' duo with Peter Cook; Les Tomkins, Features Editor of the jazz music magazine 'Crescendo'
Publication details: 
The interview appeared in the July and August 1966 numbers of 'Crescendo' magazine [London].

The interview was published in two numbers of 'Crescendo' ('The world's most authoritative music magazine', founded 1962). The first part, retitled 'Music & Moore | Les Tomkins interviews “The Genuine Dud”' – was the leading article (pp.18-19) of the July 1966 number of ), with Moore featuring on the cover. The second part was published in the following number, August 1966, pp.18-19 and 25. Four items, all in good condition, with light aging.

[Jules Massenet, French composer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. Massenet') [to husband of Swedish soprano Sigrid Arnoldson-Fischhof?], written on a trip with his wife, regarding a portrait of 'votre “merveille” de femme', and 'notre grand ami Hengel'

Jules Massenet [Jules Émile Frédéric Massenet] (1842-1912), French composer [Sigrid Arnoldson-Fischhof (1861-1943), Swedish soprano]
Publication details: 
8 February [no year]. No place.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. On aged paper, with punch hole through both leaves at head, small closed cut along bottom edge of first leaf, and with paper and part of another letter (from an album) glued onto the reverse of the second leaf. Folded once. The signature 'M. Massenet' is explained in Massenet's obituary in the Musical Times, 1 September 1912, which speaks of 'the composer's known antipathy to the name Jules […] He preferred to be called “M. Massenet” simply'. The recipient of this enthusiastic letter is not named.

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