[Peter Pears, English tenor.] Two Typed Letters Signed, sent to individuals writing about the dying Benjamin Britten. With printed programme and libretti of their ‘Concert in aid of the Sandham Memorial Chapel, Burghclere’.

Peter Pears [Peter Neville Luard Pears] (1910-1986), English tenor, closely associated with the composer Benjamin Britten [Sandham Memorial Chapel, Burghclere]
Publication details: 
The two letters from 1976, both on letterhead of The Red House, Aldeburgh-on-Sea, Suffolk. Printed programme: The Stone Gallery, The Vyne, nr. Basingstoke', 20 April 1958.

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. The material is in good condition, lightly aged, except that the envelopes of the first two items are somewhat worn and grubby. ONE: TLS to Douglas C. Dorrington. 1p, 12mo. The address to ‘Dear Mr. Dorrington’ and signature ‘Peter Pears’ are in autograph; the rest is typed. Written while Britten is dying. Reads: ‘Benjamin Britten wishes me to thank you for your kind message.

[ James Parsons of York, Congregational minister. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. James Everett

James Parsons (1799-1877) of Salem Chapel, York, Congregational minister [ James Everett (1784-1872), Methodist minister ]
Publication details: 
23 St Saviourgate [ York ]. 31 August 1839.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of tape adhering to one edge from mount. He is 'requested by the Committee of our Auxiliary in aid of the London Missionary Society to ask for your presence and assistance at our approaching anniversary in aid of that Institution'. He gives the date and details of the event, to be held at Salem Chapel, including 'a public breakfast in the school room in the morning, and a meeting in the evening'. He names two individuals from whom help is expected, with mention of 'two of the native refugees from Madagascar'.

[ James Parsons of York, Congregational minister. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. T. <Greenway?>, regarding his preaching twice in Salem Chapel, with one 'Collection for the Port of Hull Society'.

James Parsons (1799-1877) of Salem Chapel, York, Congregational minister
Publication details: 
York. 27 February 1866.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. He reminds him that when he was in York, he stated his 'willingness to preach twice in Salem Chapel, and have one Collection for the Port of Hull Society, during the present year', adding that 'the Deacons of our Church concur in such arrangement'. He proposes a date, and asks for a reply.

[ The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Canterbury, Kent. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Saml. Webb.') from Samuel Webb to Manchester philanthropist John Fernley

Samuel Webb of the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel [ St Peter's Methodist Church ], Canterbury, Kent [ John Fernley (1796-1873), Wesleyan Methodist and philanthropist of Manchester and Southport ]
Publication details: 
Canterbury [ Kent ]. 13 October 1838.

The Chapel was erected in 1811 and still stands, albeit with unsympathetic internal alterations dating from the 1990s. Kelly's Directory of 1889 describes it thus: 'The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel (situated in St. Peter's Street) is a handsome building, with portico, erected in 1811, and provides accommodation for 960 persons. Ministers are elected at the Annual Wesleyan Conference.' 2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, with two postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, 'To J. Fernley | Manchester | Care of the Rev. J.: Rigg, | Wesleyan Minister, | Oldham St. | Manchester'.

[ Ernest Hawkins, Canon of Westminster. ] Autograph Letter Signed, writing in affectionate terms ('My dear') to an unnamed recipient, about 'your little manual'.

Ernest Hawkins (1802-1868), Canon of Westminster, missionary society administrator and ecclesiastical author
Publication details: 
'79 Pallmall [sic] [ Pall Mall, London ] | July 3. 1851'.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Begins: 'My dear | Our Jubilee bustle - & subsequently four days spent at Oxford on a College Election have prevented my attending to your little manual - The last corrections which you made - are now sent to the Printer - & a revise shall be sent in a day or two.' He ends by expressing relief at the 'improving accounts of your poor brothers family'.

[ Oldham Street Methodist Chapel, Manchester. ] Forms of application for permission to 'erect a chapel' and 'sell trust property', signed by the trustees, with Autograph Letter Signed from John Bedford and copies of letters from Edwin H. Tindall.

[ Oldham Street Methodist Chapel, Manchester; Edwin H. Tindall; John Bedford (1810-1879) of Charlton, President of the Methodist Conference, 1867]
Publication details: 
[ Oldham Street Methodist Chapel, Manchester, Lancashire. ] 1875 (letters) and 1879 (forms of application). Tindall's second letter from 18 Acomb Street, Manchester. Bedford's letter from 2 George Street, Carlisle.

See S. Taylor and J. Holder, 'Manchester's Northern Quarter' (English Heritage, 2008), which refers to 'the construction in 1781 of a Methodist Chapel, in a grand Georgian-Gothic style on Oldham Street, which replaced the earlier chapel on Birchin Lane'. This is said by Taylor and Holder to have been replaced, 1855-1856, by the Methodist Central Hall, which still stands. The dramatic changes being proposed in the present collection would appear to have been contemplated in the face of a new and large working class congregation.

[ James Parsons of Lendal Chapel, York, Congregational minister and 'the most remarkable pulpit orator of his time'. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. James Everett, requesting his presence at a meeting at Salem Chapel on behalf of schools.

James Parsons (1799-1877), Congregational minister, a popular preacher at Lendal Chapel, York [ James Everett (1784-1872), Methodist minister ]
Publication details: 
St Saviourgate [ York ]. 25 January [ c.1842 ].

2pp., 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged, neatly attached by stub to another leaf. He hopes Everett will be 'able and willing to comply' with his request that he attends, at a future date, in 'the school room of Salem Chapel at a meeting on behalf of our Sabbath and day schools'. As Everett is 'relieved from some of [his] wonted Engagements', Parsons hopes 'that no obstacle will exist'. According to Everett's entry in the Oxford DNB, he 'moved to York in 1839. Through failure of health he was […] made a supernumerary minister in 1842, but remained in York, writing more actively than ever'.

Number of the South Atlantic Bulletin, inscribed by Fredson Bowers, author of the leading article 'Death in Victory'.

Fredson Bowers [ Harry Levin; William Shakespeare ]
Publication details: 
[ Chapel Hill, North Carolina. ] South Atlantic Bulletin, South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Vol. XXX No. 2, March 1965.

16pp., 4to. Stapled. In fair condition, on aged paper a little rolled at head and foot. Bowers' article, 'an attempt to understand the workings of Shakespeare's tragic effect', is on the first seven pages. He has inscribed the head of the first page: 'For Harry Levin - | With my compliments - | Fredson Bowers'. From the papers of the American critic Harry Levin (1912-1994). Now scarce.

[ James Everett, Manchester bookseller and Wesleyan minister. ] Autograph Letter Signed to him from 'W. Brailsford', urging him to preach a 'preparatory Sermon' at a meeting of 'the Missionary committee' in Longholme.

W. Brailsford of Longholme [ James Everett (1784-1872), Wesleyan minister and Manchester bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Longholme [ Manchester ]. 24 September 1832.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse to 'Mr. Everett | Market Street | Manchester'. Brailsford has been 'desired by the Missionary committee connected with this place to write you & earnestly to request the favour of yr. Services at their approaching Anniversary which is fixed for Monday Oct. 22nd. by preaching a preparatory Sermon on the Sunday eveng. Oct 21.

[ Sir George Thomas Smart, English composer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('George Smart') to 'Mr. Taylor' regarding a mistake in 'Cards' and the 'state of poor Walker'.

[ George Smart ] Sir George Thomas Smart (1776-1867), English composer and musician, organist at the Chapel Royal
Publication details: 
91 Great Portland Street [ London ]. 27 June 1826.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged. He asks him 'to forward these Cards immediately (I have sent one to Mr. Doane) as many have call'd asking if they are to be engaged'. He expresses his regret for 'the mistake in the Name card', but it is too late to alter it. The 'sole cause' of the error was his 'constantly thinking of the state of poor Walker'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Extracts from The Registers of The Nonconformist Chapel at Dukinfield, co. Chester, kept by The Rev. Samuel Angier, 1677 to 1713. A Paper read before the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 24th February, 1881.

J. P. Earwaker [Rev. Samuel Angier; the Nonconformist Chapel, Dukinfield, County Chester]
Publication details: 
For Private Circulation. Liverpool: T. Brakell, Printer, 58, Dale Street. 1882.

28pp., 8vo. Disbound pamphlet. In good condition, on aged paper, with manuscript shelfmark at foot of title-page. Uncommon. No copies at the British Library or at Doctor Williams's Library, and only four copies traced on COPAC.

[Newman Hall, 'The Dissenters' Bishop'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Newman Hall') to an unnamed recipient.

Rev. Dr Christopher Newman Hall (1816-1902), Congregational minister, known in later life as 'The Dissenters' Bishop'
Publication details: 
[Albion Chapel] Hull [Yorkshire]. 25 December 1850.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper, in a windowpane mount. It gives him 'much pain' to refuse the recipient's 'kind and friendly invitation': 'My Sundays for 12 Months are engaged. I fear some kind friends forget I am a settled Pastor & not at liberty to accept one twentieth of the Invitations I get. I have only a few Sundays which I feel I can consistently spend away from home - & these are generally engaged several months in advance'.

Holograph Poem by the Congregational minister Richard Winter Hamilton, beginning 'Dear Sister, Christian Heroine!'

Richard Winter Hamilton (1794-1848), Congregational minister of Albion and Belgrave Chapels, Leeds
Publication details: 
Leeds. 20 November 1827.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on a lightly aged and worn leaf removed from an album. The poem is twenty lines long, arranged in five four-line stanzas. The first stanza reads 'Dear Sister, Christian Heroine! | Stranger to me thy form & voice - | I venerate that zeal of thine, | And while I blush, for thee rejoice'. The second stanza is somewhat heretical: 'Nor Male nor Female is in Him | Who Born of Woman, both hath sav'd: | She conquers every terror grim, - | She thousand deaths for Him has brav'd!' The third stanza begins: '"A woman slew him:" Gideon'ss son'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Moncure D. Conway') from the freethinker Moncure Daniel Conway, Minister at South Place Chapel, to J. T. Baron of Blackburn, discussing his essay 'The Pound of Flesh' and enclosing a printed programme of lectures.

Moncure D. Conway [Moncure Daniel Conway] (1832-1907), American-born Minister at South Place Chapel, Finsbury, London; Unitarian, abolitionist, supporter of women's suffrage, freethinker
Publication details: 
Letter: Inglewood, on letterhead of 'The Club, Bedford Park, Chiswick'. 3 July [1882]. Programme: South Place Chapel, Finsbury, London. July 1882.

Both items good, on lightly-aged paper. LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In envelope, with stamp and postmarks, addressed to Baron at 48 Griffin Street, Wilton, Blackburn. He writes that he has 'been trying in vain to find the Nineteenth Century containing my essay - The Pound of Flesh'. He is 'pretty sure - but not absolutely - that it was in the number for May 1880'. The 'paper' is 'much more completely given' in his book 'The Wandering Jew', and he is enclosing a copy of a programme with an advertisement for the latter and another of his books, 'Demonology'.

Manuscript minutes and resolutions, taken by Richard Pryce, of a meeting held in 1833 at the Red Lion public house, Aston, Bampton, Oxfordshire, to oppose the enclosure of common land in the parish; with copies of letters to Charles Leake and others.

Rev. Richard Pryce, minister of Cote Chapel [Caroline Ann Horde; Charles Leake, Witney solicitor; Aston; Bampton; Oxfordshire; Rev. Barrow; Rev. Dr Winstanley; enclosures of common land]
Publication details: 
Dated from the Red Lion public house, Aston, Bampton, Oxfordshire, 12 and 16 November 1833.

Folio, 7 pp. Stitched into orginal brown wraps. In good condition, lightly dogeared and aged. On Britannia laid paper watermarked 'WE | 1833'. The minutes of the first meeting, and the copies of the two letters, are all signed by Pryce as chairman. The four pages of the minutes of the first meeting are headed 'Red Lion Aston Bampton Oxon. Novr 12th 1833'.

Manuscript and printed ephemera relating to the work of a Committee to remove the encumbrances on the Unitarian Chapel in Brighton.

[New Road Chapel; Brighton Unitarian Church]
New Road Chapel; Brighton Unitarian Church
Publication details: 
New Road Chapel; Brighton Unitarian Church

Five manuscripts items, 15pp., 4to (4), fol.(1); three printed items, 4to, some with MS. additions. The Manuscripts items are related to the printed and are as follows: a. List of Subcriptions recd towards building the Chapel at Brighton (names and amounts). [1820] - Total, £1591.11-; b. [Fol., partly detached at fold marks] List of subscriptions (name, place, amount, or just town or city for some reason) and donations, Aug. 1834. with crossings out and calculations, and a list including periodicals (as subscribers?); c.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Dav. Davison') to the Committee, Unitarian Association, Walbrook Buildings.

Rev. David Davison (1795-1859), minister of the Old Jewry Chapel, Jewin Street, London [Unitarianism]
Publication details: 
6 October 1831; Islington.

12mo, 2 pp. In bifolium. Twenty-two lines of text, clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with thin strip from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf, which carries the address, a red wax seal, and docketing. On behalf of 'Mr Palmer of Carmarthen (late of Liverpool)', he is applying for 'a grant of Tracts for distribution in that town'. He concurs with Palmer that the tracts 'may be circulated there with great facility & made materially to serve the cause of Unitarianism'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E Herbert') to Wyatt, on the subject of 'the lighting of the Wilton Chapel'.

Edward Herbert (d.1870?) [Thomas Henry Wyatt (1807-1880); Wilton House]
Publication details: 
Cairo. Feby. 18. 1864.'

12mo, 2 pp. With mourning border. 42 lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and worn paper, with slight chipping to extremities. Herbert has not yet received Wyatt's 'promised letter', but wants 'to say one word [...] about the lighting of the Wilton Chapel. The Gap must be brought to the centre of the Ceiling before the works are completed, as Mr. Olivier wishes to give Eveng. Lectures to the Servants on different occasions & I thought a Corona in the centre would light the whole [...] I can quite trust to yr. Taste to choose one.

Coloured lithographic dioramic print, captioned 'Spooner's Protean Views, No. 8. St. George's Chapel Windsor Castle. In which the scene changes to the splendid ceremony of the interment of King William the Fourth'.

William Spooner, printseller, 377 Strand [diorama; dioramic print; King William IV; St George's Chapel, Windsor]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1837]. 'London W. Spooner 377 Strand'.

Dimensions of print roughly 17.5 x 13.5 cm. On original grey paper windowpane mount (28 x 23 cm). Engraved label (2.5 x 11 cm) beneath the print, with a couple of remarque-style illustrations. The print itself is good, although a little aged and spotted; the margins and mount being rather more heavily affected. Attractive and unusual item, the image changing when held up to the light. Two soldiers are shown dwarfed by the high ceiling of the chapel, which is decked with brightly-coloured flags. When held to the light the chapel is filled with the mourning congregation. Scarce.

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr Thompson, Edinburgh.

James Thomson (1768-1855), editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica (1795-6); from 1805 parish minister in Eccles, Berwickshire [Rev. Thomas Lewis (d.1852) of the Union Chapel, Islington]
Publication details: 
Date not given (before 1852). 17 Stamford Street, Blackfriars.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with thin strip of black mount adhering at head on reverse (not affecting text). He has received Thompson's note 'intimating to me the necessity under which the Revd Mr Lewis and the Committee of Union Chapel find themselves reluctantly placed, to refuse our deputation an opportunity of pleading the Cause of our Society on the present occasion'. Refers to the 'great liberality of the Members of the Union Chapel' and 'their attachment to the good Cause'.

Three Autograph Letters Signed by Ramsden to Cuming Walters, with two printed documents, relating to an address given by Cuming Walters to the Heywood Fellowship on 'Brotherhood Sunday'.

T. Ramsden, Hon. Sec., Heywood Brotherhood ('held in Market Street Wesleyan Church') [J. Cuming Walters, Editor, Manchester City News; Heywood, Lancashire]
Publication details: 
[Heywood, Lancashire.] November 1930.

It is a singular circumstance that no information whatsoever is available on the Heywood Brotherhood (whose President was the Reverend F. Gordon Mee) on the internet. The five items clear and complete on lightly-aged paper. All leaves of the three letters on the Brotherhood's letterhead (featuring the names and addresses of five of its officials). Letter One (2 pp, one 8vo and one 12mo, with small ink stain at head of first leaf): 18 November 1930. Ramsden asks to 'have the subject of the address you propose to give at our "Brotherhood Sunday" on Sunday, Nov. 30/30'.

Handbill advertisement for 'A Sermon, on behalf of the Home Missionary Society', to be preached by 'The Rev. John Thomas, Minister of the New Chapel, Highgate.' Contemporary manuscript for printing, on London Missionary Society, on reverse.

Rev. John Thomas, Minister of the New Chapel, Highgate [the Home Missionary Society; London Missionary Society; Somerset Auxiliary Missionary Society; William Bragg, Printer, Cheapside, Taunton]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1830]. Printer unnamed [William Bragg, Printer, Cheapside, Taunton, Devon].

From a collection of material relating to William Bragg, Printer, of Cheapside, Taunton, Devon. Printed on one side of a piece of wove paper, 22 x 27.5 cm. Grubby and lightly creased, with central spike hole, slight wear and loss to extremities, and 5 cm closed tear. Text clear and entire. Twelve lines of printed text, in a variety of types and point sizes, reading 'A Sermon, on behalf of the Home Missionary Society, will be preached at Paul's Meeting, Taunton, On Friday Evening, April 14, 1826. By The Rev. John Thomas, Minister of the New Chapel, Highgate.

A Selection of Psalms and Hymns, for the Use of the Congregation at Portland Chapel, St. Mary-la-Bonne.

[the Portland Chapel, St. Mary-la-bonne [Marylebone], London; hymnology]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by W. Flint, Old Bailey; and may be had at the Chapel. 1804.

12mo, 30 pages. In contemporary nonce-binding of brown boards tied with twine. Presumably incomplete, as sequential translations of only thirty psalms are present, ending with the hundred-and-fourth. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and none on COPAC.

Autograph Letter Signed to Joseph Procter.

John Clayton, junior (1780-1865), Minister of Poultry Chapel, London
Publication details: 
29 December 1826; Devonshire Square.

Four pages, 12mo. Very good, with strip of brown paper adhering at the head. Text clear and entire. A long letter, casting light on the effects on the English middle classes of the financial crisis of 1825. Clayton begins by thanking Procter for the 'card case'. He 'will gladly do any thing that may fall within [his] power, to assist the Associate Fund', but does not think that he can 'do much'. 'The times are such, that Cases of

Handbill of 'Rules for conducting the six-pence <...> Society, In Aid of the Funds for defraying the <Expence> of carrying on the Worship of God, In York-street Chapel, Manchester.'

York Street Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Todmorton, Manchester
Publication details: 
To commence from the first of January, 1820. [...] W. Cowdroy, printer, Manchester.'

On one side of a piece of paper roughly 22 x 14 cms. Good, apart from some repaired damage at head from scorching, resulting in loss to two lines of text. Title followed by the eight rules of the Society over twenty-one lines of text. At foot names of the sixteen members of the Committee (eight ladies and eight gentlemen), together with those of the treasurer and secretary. According to BBTI William Cowdroy Jr was a printer, publisher and newspaper proprietor between 1795 and 1824.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Woodward'.

Eliot O'Hara (1890-1969), American watercolour artist
Publication details: 
March 12? 1936' [deleted] 'Thursday'; 10 East Taylor St, Savannah Gardens.

Three pages, small octavo. Good, though a little aged. He is having an exhibition of his 'new Mexican things [...] and teaching a small class' in Savannah. He is pleased that Woodward is going to Chapel Hill ('They need a breath of fresh air.'). The rest of the letter consists of an interesting assessment of the artistic situation in the area, beginning, 'In N.

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