[Christ’s Hospital, London public school.] Six forms and circulars relating to the application for admission of Stanley Thomas Cross (later of the League of Nations); two letters from Cross to his mother about going up to Pembroke College, Oxford.

Christ’s Hospital (The Blue-coat School), charitable public school founded by Henry VIII [Stanley Thomas Cross (1884-1950) of the League of Nations; City of London; Pembroke College, Oxford]
Publication details: 
Eight items from Christ's Hospital, London and West Horsham. The first six from 1894 and 1895, the last two from around 1903.

Eight items from the papers of Stanley Thomas Cross, including six evocative pieces of Christ’s Hospital ephemera. Four of the items have some singing to extremities (in a couple of cases affecting a few words of text), otherwise the material is in fair condition. The material ranges in dimension from foolscap 8vo to 12mo. Items One to Five are printed circulars (each with the school crest) relating to the Christ’s Hospital admissions process, dating from 1894 and 1895, all from ‘R. L. Franks, Clerk’. ONE: 17 October 1894.

[Lady Pembroke, object of the affections of the insane King George III.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Eliz: Pembroke’) to her nephew the Hon. George Ellis, having received permission from the Queen to allow him to ‘cut a dash abroad’.

Lady Pembroke [Elizabeth Herbert [née Spencer], Countess of Pembroke and Montgomery] (1737-1831), object of the affections of King George III during his first bout of insanity [Hon. George Ellis]
Publication details: 
'Saturday morning. 29th. June. [no year]'

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, which states that ‘During his periods of ‘madness’, George III imagined that he was married to Lady Pembroke. Apparently, 'his infatuation went back to the days when he was only seventeen and she, of the same age, was Elizabeth Spencer'. The king went so far as to make 'her handsome offers if she would be his mistress.’ [...] In 1804 the king suffered another attack of dementia and again announced his desire for Lady Pembroke. This situation aroused some amusement among younger courtiers since she was by this time almost seventy years old.” 1p, 12mo.

[Pembroke College Mission (now Pembroke House), Walworth, South London.] Eleven printed volumes of annual reports: 'Pembroke College (Cambridge) Mission. Fifth [to Fifteenth] Annual Report.'

Pembroke College Mission (now Pembroke House), Walworth, South London [Elephant and Castle; Borough; Cambridge University missions and settlements; Rev. R. J. Milward; Rev. W. A. Hunter]
Publication details: 
[Pembroke College, Cambridge.] Eleven numbers: Fifth (November 1890) to Fifteenth (December 1900). [All printed by J. Hall & Son, Printers, Cambridge.]

Eleven volumes, 1890-1900, each of around 50pp, 16mo. Uniform (but for a few decorative features) in grey printed wraps. The sixth annual report (November 1891) has an attractive frontispiece illustration of 'Proposed New Buildings, when completed'; the seventh (December 1892) has two plates showing the interior of the mission building 'when used as church' and 'when used as hall'. The other volumes each have frontispiece maps of the environs of the 'Mission Hall' and 'Missioners' House'.

[Arthur Cowper Ranyard, astrophysicist and mathematician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Cowper Ranyard') to 'Mr. Herbert', regarding 'the card with Shelley's philosophic verse', 'the loss of friends', and 'pleasure in useful work'.

A. Cowper Ranyard [Arthur Cowper Ranyard] (1845-1894), astrophysicist and mathematician
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 25 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. [London] 22 December 1883.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Folded twice. After thanking him for sending 'the card with Shelley's philosophic verse', he continues: 'I am sorry that you have so sad a memory connected with 1883 - the year gets with me sadder for the loss of friends and with hopes dashed too'. Nevertheless he looks forward, and hopes 'for pleasure in useful work for both of us'.

[ Emma Vesey, Viscountess de Vesci, philanthropist. ] Autograph Signature ('Emma de Vesci').

Emma Vesey, Viscountess de Vesci [ Emma de Vesci ] (1819-1884), philanthropist, wife of Thomas Vesey, 3rd Viscount de Vesci, and daughter of daughter of George Herbert, 11th Earl of Pembroke
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 3 x 11 cm. slip of paper, cut from the end of a letter. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads 'Yrs very sincerely | Emma de Vesci'. Fragment of letter on reverse: '[...] random of all the monies you have sent to Messrs. Puget & Bainbridge. I [...]'. Lady de Vesci founded the Abbeyleix Baby Linen Society, a co-operative supplying affordable children clothes.

Manuscript Catalogue of 'Books received by R. H. Grubbe by bequest from W. J. Grubbe who received them by bequest from Louis H. Hall to be handed on for the most part to descendants of Dr. George William Hall, Master of Pembroke College, Oxford.'

Louis Edmund Hall (b.1863); Rev. Reginald Hall Grubbe (b.1862) [ Dr George William Hall (1770-1843), Master of Pembroke College, Oxford and Vice-Chancellor ]
Publication details: 
'These books were recevied by the above R. H. G. in March & June 1926.'

49pp. In 4to notebook with red cloth spine and black cloth boards. Internally in good condition, lightly aged, in aged and worn covers. An alphabetical list, with entries covering two facing pages, divided into three columns: 'Name of Book', 'Description' and 'How disposed of'. Almost all the entries in the last column are 'H[enr]y Hall', but one item is recorded as being 'Sent to Julia Hall'. The serious library of an educated Englishman, with almost no fiction present. Nearly all the books date from the period 1770-1900, although 'Gloucestershire Visitation of 1623' is also present.

Autograph Letter Signed from Bartholomew Price, Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Oxford, proposing to Julian Yonge ('Yonge') that his sister Charlotte Yonge write a series of educational books for the Clarendon Press.

Bartholomew Price (1818-1891), Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy and Master of Pembroke College, Oxford, mathematician [Julian Yonge (1830-1892), brother of writer Charlotte Mary Yonge]
Publication details: 
Bude, Cornwall. 24 July 1865.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. With mourning border. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'My dear Yonge, | I dare say you remember my telling you of the proposed series of educational books to be issued from the Clarendon Press, Oxford, and asking whether your sister would be willing to undertake any English books, if the Delegates of the Press should make an offer to her.

Autograph Letter Signed and Typed Note from the novelist and biographer Ralph Straus to Mrs. Roscoe [Secretary, Society of Women Journalists], the former discussing the newly-formed Collins Crime Club, 'J. J. Connington' and M. R. K. Burge.

Ralph Straus (1882-1950), Manchester-born writer, educated at Harrow and Pembroke College, Cambridge [Mrs Roscoe; Collins Crime Club; Sir Godfrey Collins; 'J. J. Connington' [Alfred Walter Stewart]]
Publication details: 
Autograph Letter Signed: From Exeter, but on his letterhead, 8E Hyde Park Mansions, NW1 [London]; 14 May 1930. Typed Note: On his letterhead, The Tanyard, Shorne, near Gravesend; 26 August 1945.

Both items in poor condition, with burn marks and damp damage [fire damaged much of the Society's archive]. Some of the text of the autograph letter has faded, and it may be that the signature to the typed note has washed away. Autograph Letter Signed: 2pp., 4to. He begins by offering to 'oppose anybody' in a debate that Mrs Roscoe is organising (at the Society of Women Journalists).

Autograph Letter Signed from the English playwright and comic author Tom Taylor to 'Col: Cunningham' [later Sir Alexander Cunningham], regarding a painting of the Countess of Pembroke, and Cunningham's collection of pictures.

Tom Taylor (1817-1880), English playwright and art critic at The Times, whose play 'Our American Cousin' was being performed when Lincoln was assassinated [Sir Alexander Cunningham (1814-1893)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Local Government Act Office, 8 Richmond Terrace, Whitehall. 24 November [no year].

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Untidily-written by Taylor, with several ink smudges. The letter begins: 'Dear Col: Cunningham | I find recorded, in my catalogues, no other portrait of Eliz: Countess of Pembroke & her son, except the one in the Earl of Pembroke's possession at Wilton House. There is a repetition of the group of mother & son in that picture, with the Earl in it, in Wilton House. Lord Normanton has a head of the Lady, painted at the same time, apparently'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Trollope') from Rev. William Trollope, classics master at Christ's Hospital, offering the London publishers Cadell & Davies his 'Analecta Theologica'. Together with the a statement of account by Cadell & Davies.

Rev. William Trollope (1798-1863), MA, Pembroke College, Cambridge, one of the masters of Christ's Hospital [Cadell & Davies, London publishers; Thomas Cadell (1773-1836); William Davies]
Publication details: 
Trollope's letter: Christs Hospital. 12 September 1827. The statement of account at 28 December 1829 (volume 1) and August 1835 (volume 2).

Trollope's letter: 3pp., 12mo. 48 lines. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper. Addressed, with postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Messrs. Cadell & Co. | Booksellers | Strand.' Trollope begins by announcing that he has 'a work nearly ready for the Press, wh. may probably be worth your attention [...] It is designed as companion to Mr Horne's work on the Scriptures, of wh. as you are the publishers, you may perhaps have no objection to engage in another, wh.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E Herbert') to Wyatt, on the subject of 'the lighting of the Wilton Chapel'.

Edward Herbert (d.1870?) [Thomas Henry Wyatt (1807-1880); Wilton House]
Publication details: 
Cairo. Feby. 18. 1864.'

12mo, 2 pp. With mourning border. 42 lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and worn paper, with slight chipping to extremities. Herbert has not yet received Wyatt's 'promised letter', but wants 'to say one word [...] about the lighting of the Wilton Chapel. The Gap must be brought to the centre of the Ceiling before the works are completed, as Mr. Olivier wishes to give Eveng. Lectures to the Servants on different occasions & I thought a Corona in the centre would light the whole [...] I can quite trust to yr. Taste to choose one.

Poemata, quae de praemio Oxoniensibus posito Annis 1806, 1807, et 1808, infeliciter contenderunt; non in publicum edita, amicis tantum privatim deferenda.

[Abraham John Valpy (1787-1854); Pembroke College, Oxford; Trafalgar]
Publication details: 
[London] Londini: In Aedibus Valpianis, Pridie Idus Octobres, 1809. [A. J. Valpy]

Octavo: [ii] + [41] + [1] pp. A little dogeared, on lightly aged paper, and with slight damp staining to one corner at rear. In worn and stained original grey wraps, repaired with strip of brown paper at spine. Three Latin poems by Valpy: 'Trafalgar', 'Plata Fluvius' and 'Delphi'. COPAC lists only three copies: at the British Library, the Bodleian and Durham.

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