[‘The Lion Hunter’: Roualeyn George Gordon-Cumming, Scottish traveller and big game hunter.] Autograph Letter Signed, arranging for a portrait to be sent to the fencing master H. C. Angelo via a ‘pampered menial’.

‘The Lion Hunter’: Roualeyn George Gordon-Cumming (1820-1866), Scottish traveller and big game hunter, whose trophies were exhibited around Britain [Henry Charles Angelo, fencing master]
Publication details: 
'232 Piccadilly [London] / Septem 28. 56' [1856].

At the time of writing Gordon-Cumming’s trophies were being exhibited at this Piccadilly address, having previously formed part of the Great Exhibition. The recipient Henry Charles Angelo (1806-1866) was a member of the celebrated family of fencing masters, and was at this time teaching the art at the Cavalry College, Richmond. 2pp, 12mo. On the rectos of the two leaves of a bifolium, with the recipient’s name written lengthwise on the verso of the first leaf: ‘H. C. Angelo Esqr’. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice.

['The tarn is metres above the level my legs would take me': Norman Nicholson, Cumbrian poet.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Eric’, commenting wistfully on two correspondents pointing out a ‘simple slip’ in Hunter Davies’ ‘Walk Around the Lakes’.

Norman Nicholson [Norman Cornthwaite Nicholson] (1914-1987), Cumbrian poet [Millom, Cumbria; Lake District; Hunter Davies]
Publication details: 
25 September 1981; Millom, Cumbria.

1p, landscape 8vo. In fair condition; a little creased. Folded twice. Nicholson’s signature is a stylized squiggle, and there are a few minor autograph corrections to the typescript. The letter begins: ‘Dear Eric / I think the correspondent is probably right and that it is Windermere and not Coniston Water which can be seen from near Stickle Tarn.’ Nicholson cannot speak from experience, ‘as the tarn is metres above the level my legs would take me, but the map does seem to confirm what the two correspondents say’.

[Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, radical Liberal politician and central figure in the Crawford Scandal.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Charles W. Dilke’) regarding his 1878 pamphlet ‘Parliamentary Reform’, mentioning W. H. Smith and Prof. W. A. Hunter.

Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke (1843–1911), radical Liberal politician and author, ruined by the Crawford Scandal [Professor William Alexander Hunter (1844-1898) of University College; W. H. Smith]
Publication details: 
7 December [no year, but post 1878]. On House of Commons letterhead [Westminster].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Lurid claims of three-in-a-bed adulteries put a paid to Dilke’s political ambitions (he had been touted as a future prime minister), and rendered him the butt of musical hall jokes. The recipient is not named. 2pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. The letter begins: ‘Dear Sir, / I suppose a pamphlet is meant - called I think “Parliamentary Reform” - (but I’m not quite sure), written about 1878 & sold at Smith’s bookstall.

[John Watson Gordon, Scottish portrait painter] Autograph Letters Signed John Watson Gordon to JSH Bromhead Esq (no further details known) about requesting autographs from his contacts in the Art World for Bromhead's collection.

John Watson Gordon [Sir John Watson Gordon PRSA RA (1788 – 1864), Scottish portrait painter and President of the Royal Scottish Academy.
Publication details: 
12[3] George Street, Edinburgh, 20 April 1850. To Bromhead at 'Walton le Soken by Colchester, Essex'..

Two pages, 12mo, black-bordered. Text: I think I shall have it in my power to procure you all the autographs you mention, I have enclosed a note of Sir Willm Allans [not present] & intended to hae sent only the signature but as it relates to his last illness it may be interesting to you on that account. I think I have some letters of Sir David Wilkier, and will look out for them.

[Sir William Hunter, Scottish historian, statistician and Indian civil servant.] Autograph Presentation Inscription, with Signature ('W W Hunter').

Sir William Hunter [Sir William Wilson Hunter] (1840-1900), Scottish historian, statistician, Indian civil servant and editor of the Imperial Gazetteer of India and Oxford 'Rulers of India' series
Publication details: 
Oaken Holt. 1895.

On 12mo leaf, intended to be inserted in a book. In good condition lightly aged and worn. Centred on the page the inscription reads: 'With the author's kind remembrances. | W W Hunter. | Oaken Holt. | 1895.' The reverse is blank.

[Malcolm Flemyng, Scottish physiologist and medical author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Malcolm Flemyng') [to his London publisher John Nourse], ordering books, discussing his 'Lectures', and requesting news of a 'Discovery' by William Hunter.

Malcolm Flemyng (c.1700-1764), Scottish physiologist and medical author [John Nourse (1705-1780), London scientific bookseller and publisher; William Hunter (1718-1783), anatomist]
Publication details: 
Caistor [Lincolnshire]; 23 April 1758.

The recipient of the present letter is not named, but it is the scientific bookseller and publisher John Nourse (1705-1780), who the following year would published the 'Lectures' referred to in the letter: 'An Introduction to Physiology, being A Course of Lectures upon The most important Parts of the Animal Oeconomy', 'Printed for J. Nourse at the Lamb opposite Katherine-Street in the Strand.

[Sir Henry Hallett Dale (1875-1968), Nobel Prize winning pharmacologist and physiologist.] Typed Letter Signed ('H. H. Dale') to historian of medicine Richard A. Hunter, with signed photograph as chairman of Wellcome Trustees.

Sir Henry Hallett Dale (1875-1968), pharmacologist and physiologist, joint winner of 1936 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine [Richard Alfred Hunter (1923-1981), physician and historian of medicine]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of the Wellcome Trust, 24 Harley Street, London, W1. 10 July 1956.

For his study of acetylcholine as agent in the chemical transmission of nerve impulses (neurotransmission) Dale shared the 1936 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Otto Loewi. For more information on letter's recipient Richard A. Hunter see Munk's Roll. Both items in good condition, lightly aged, the letter having a few unobtrusive pinholes to the top inner corner. ONE: TLS to Hunter, signed 'H. H. Dale'. 1p, 12mo. The letterhead, in addition to naming the five trustees, states that the 'Scientific Secretary of the Wellcome Trust is 'Dr. F. H. K.

[Sir Everard Home, Serjeant Surgeon to King George III.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Messrs. Laddiges', i.e. firm of George Laddiges, Hackney nurseryman, regarding bananas cultivated to 'perfection', with reference to 'Mr Eyton' and Kew.

Sir Everard Home, 1st Baronet (1756-1832), Serjeant Surgeon to King George III, brother-in-law and pupil at St George's Hospital of John Hunter (1728-1793) [George Laddiges, Hackney nurseryman]
Publication details: 
Sackville St [London]; 30 October 1826.

An interesting letter regarding the early cultivation of bananas in London. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight nicking to one edge. Neatly written over nine lines. Reads: 'Sir Everard Home is much obliged to Messrs. Laddiges for a present of some very fine Bananas, which were quite ripe, and had a flavour Sir Everard had no idea that they ever could acquire in this Climate. He mentioned yesterday to Mr Eyton with astonishment who said they had fruited at Kew, but not He believed to such perfection'.

[Sir Samuel White, explorer, discoverer of Lake Albert.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Sam W Baker') to 'Mr. Warner' (headmaster of Newton College, Devon), on an attack of gout and his decision to 'resign the Presidentship' (of the College governors).

Sir Samuel Baker [Sir Samuel White Baker] (1821-1893), explorer, big game hunter, Ottoman Empire Pasha, Governor-General of Equatorial Nile Basin, discoverer of Lake Albert [Newton College, Devon]
Publication details: 
Sandford Orleigh, Newton Abbot [Devon]. 13 July 1891.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with minor damage at head. Folded once. He begins by requesting with 'much respect' to be excused 'on your great day', and explains: 'I write this from my bed, where I am confined with that delectable complaint the gout, and the moment I can move I must be off somewhere, either to Bath, or Buxton, to go through a regular course -'. He complains: 'This country does not agree with one -; we arrived in England 1 May, and I have already had three attacks of gout. I was seven months absent and was entirely free from it.

[Frederick Courteney Selous, explorer and hunter, inspiration for Rider Haggard's 'Allan Quatermain'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. C. Selous', giving permission to quote from his book, 'Travel and Adventure in South East Africa'.

F. C. Selous [Frederick Courteney Selous] (1851-1917), explorer, big game hunter in Africa, inspiration for Rider Haggard's 'Allan Quatermain', friend of Theodore Roosevelt and Cecil Rhodes
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Heatherside, Worpledon, Surrey. 11 June 1902.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. He begins by informing the unnamed recipient that the reason for the delay in answering his letter is that Selous has 'just returned to this country from a trip to Hungary'. For his part, Selous will be 'very pleased if you will quote anything you like from my book, “Travel and Adventure in S. E. Africa”. He presumes that 'the publishers, to whom the book I suppose really belongs, will have no objection either, as to quote any passage from a book is to call attention to the book itself, which may result in the sale of a copy'.

[Karl Johan Andersson [Charles John Andersson], Swedish explorer in Africa.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Chs. J. Andersson'), in English, suggesting that his London publisher 'Mr. Blackett' advertise that the Swedish king has given him a medal.

Karl Johan Andersson [Charles John Andersson] (1827-1867), Swedish explorer in Africa, hunter, ornithologist, travel writer [Henry Blackett (1825-1871), London publisher (Hurst & Blackett)]
Publication details: 
14 Cecil Street, Strand [London]. 26 June 1856.

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with fold lines. Annotated up one margin: 'Writer of Travels &c'. Andersson writes: 'Dear Mr. Blackett, - | I enclose a literal translation of a paragraph extracted from one of the best Swedish newspapers, by which you will see that the King has honoured me with a medal. If you think that this paragraph may be of any use to you when advertising the 2d. Edition of “Lake Ngami”, it is quite at your service. Of course you may put it any [sic] language you may think proper. | Yours faithfully | Chs. J.

[Pembroke College Mission (now Pembroke House), Walworth, South London.] Eleven printed volumes of annual reports: 'Pembroke College (Cambridge) Mission. Fifth [to Fifteenth] Annual Report.'

Pembroke College Mission (now Pembroke House), Walworth, South London [Elephant and Castle; Borough; Cambridge University missions and settlements; Rev. R. J. Milward; Rev. W. A. Hunter]
Publication details: 
[Pembroke College, Cambridge.] Eleven numbers: Fifth (November 1890) to Fifteenth (December 1900). [All printed by J. Hall & Son, Printers, Cambridge.]

Eleven volumes, 1890-1900, each of around 50pp, 16mo. Uniform (but for a few decorative features) in grey printed wraps. The sixth annual report (November 1891) has an attractive frontispiece illustration of 'Proposed New Buildings, when completed'; the seventh (December 1892) has two plates showing the interior of the mission building 'when used as church' and 'when used as hall'. The other volumes each have frontispiece maps of the environs of the 'Mission Hall' and 'Missioners' House'.

][ Thomas Orby Dundas, M.P. for Winchelsea, Lord of the Admiralty. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos. Orby Hunter') stating mortgage terms, with two memoranda in the case 'Creuzer v. Bishop of London', one signed 'W. Graves'.

Thomas Orby Hunter (c.1716-1769), of Crowland, Lincolnshire, and Waverley Abbey, Surrey, Member of Parliament for Winchelsea and a Lord of the Admiralty [Gibbs Crawfurd; Creuzer v. Bishop of London]
Publication details: 
Admiralty [ London ]. 18 March 1762.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper. Hunter's letter, on the recto of the first leaf, reads: 'I write you this letter to inform you, that I agree to the proposal you made to me yesterday, that the growing Interest on the Mortgage shall be four and a half Per Cent, to Comence [sic] from the dates the last payments were due upon.' On the reverse of the first leaf are two memoranda in the court case 'Creuzer agst. Bp, London'. The first, signed by 'W. Graves', states that 'This paper Writing was produced & shewn to Mr. Richd. Burn at the time of swearing his Afft. in this Cause the 10th.

[ Sir John Mowbray, Member of Parliament for Oxford University. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J R Mowbray') to Lady Hunter, giving reasons why her friend 'Mr Wiles' should vote for Lord Chandos and the Conservatives in the forthcoming General Election.

Sir John Robert Mowbray [formerly Cornish], 1st Baronet (1815-1899), Conservative politician, Member of Parliament for Oxford University for over thirty years
Publication details: 
Warennes Wood [ Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire ]. 28 June 1859.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He asks her to say, 'in answer to the enquiries of Mr. Wiles that Lord Chandos comes forward as a Member of the Conservative party & a supporter of Lord Derby in opposition to the heterogenous combination found under Lord Palmerston'.

[ Tanganyika Territory in the nineteen-thirties; Big Game Hunting ] Six long Autograph Letters Signed from Hugo Meynell to his father F. H. Lindley Meynell, including a sixteen-page letter describing a safari in the Serengeti.

Hugo Meynell (1909-1960), son of Francis Hugo Lindley Meynell (1880-1941) of Hoar Cross, Burton-on-Trent [ Tanganyika Territory in the nineteen-thirties; big game hunting in Africa; African Safari]
Publication details: 
Four of the letters on letterheads of Mtotohovu, Tanga, Tanganyika Territory; one on letterhead of Union-Castle Line SS 'Durham Castle', and another from Thaba Bosigo, Fouriesburg Rail, Orange Free State. Between 1 September 1932 and 4 January 1933.

A total of 46pp., mostly on 4to Mtotohovu letterheads. In fair condition, aged and worn. From the Meynell family papers. In the first letter he describes his preparations for an elephant shoot on the Serengeti: 'I a taking a 400 elephant gun a 300 high velocity gun, and a shot gun. My escort consists of a gun bearer, cook, tent boy lorry driver & skinner.' Of the participants in the '"Ngoma" native dance games' he writes: 'they really were awful, covered in red & yellow clay or mud - they really did look maniacs & I am sure are more than half Savages'.

[ Red Cross Gardens, Southwark, London. ] Draft manuscript indenture assignment signed by the Earl of Ducie, Lancelot William Bennett, Charles Stewart Loch, Mary Lumsden, Helen Ironside, Janet Johnson, Thomas Slingsby Tanner, Cecil Antony Nussey.

[ Red Cross Garden recreation ground, Southwark, London ] Henry John Reynolds-Moreton (1827-1921), 3rd Earl of Ducie; Charles Stewart Loch (1849-1923), charity commissioner [ Octavia Hill (1838-1912)]
Publication details: 
[ Red Cross Garden, Southwark, London. ] Dated 15 August 1914.

On three sides of a vellum bifolium supplied by the London law stationers Witherby & Co. Dimensions of leaf 39 x 26 cm. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. The document is a draft, with several emendations in pencil, including a lengthy addition in the margin of first page, and a shorter one on the second page. Laid out in customary style, within red rules. Docketed on fourth side: 'Dated 15th August 1914 | The Earl of Ducie and Others | to | The Earl of Ducie and Others | Red Cross Garden | Assignment'. With stamp of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, signed by Hugh de Bock Porter.

[ Andrew Ainslie Common, English astronomer and astronomical photographer. ] Typed Letter Signed ('A. A. Common') to the Sandwich bankers Messrs Emmerson & Co., with receipt, regarding golf balls purchased from Ramsay Hunter of St. George's Golf Club

A. A. Common [ Andrew Ainslie Common ] (1841-1903), astronomer and astronomical photographer [ Ramsay Hunter, Scottish greenkeeper and 'architect' of the [Royal] St George's Golf Club, Sandwich, Kent]
Publication details: 
Both letter and receipt from Eaton Rise, Ealing. W. [London] 31 March and 12 May 1900.

For more information on Common, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items on aged and worn paper. ONE: Typed Letter Signed. 31 March 1900. 1p., 4to. 'I bought a gross of balls of Hunter and paid for them on the understanding that I should take them as I wanted them'. He has a rough idea how many he has had, and will be 'able to say exactly when I look in my locker'. He ends by asking the firm to refer to Hunter's books regarding the matter. TWO: Typed Receipt, signed by Common over two red Inland Revenue penny stamps. 12 May 1900. 1p., 4to. 'Received of Messrs Emmerson & Co.

[George Lillie Craik, Scottish literary critic.] Four Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Geo. L. Craik') to 'the forgotten tenant of Craigcrook' John Hunter

George Lillie Craik (1798-1866), Scottish author and literary critic, Professor of English Literature and History at the Queen's College, Belfast [John Hunter (1801-1869) of Craigcrook]
Publication details: 
The first letter addressed from Holywood, Belfast; the other two in envelopes with Belfast postmarks. Three letters dated 25 July 1861 and 13 and 23 January 1862. The other letter undated.

Totalling 16pp., 12mo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With two envelopes (both initaled 'G. L. C.') with Penny Red postage stamps and Belfast postmarks (13 and 25 January 1862), both addressed by Craik to 'John Hunter, Esq: | Craigcrook | by Edinburgh', also a similar envelope, with Belfast postmark dated 27 August 1861, addressed to Hunter at 'Robertson's Lodgings | 24 St. Stephen's Green North | Dublin'. Chatty, friendly letters in a crabbed, difficult hand. On 13 January 1862 Craik writes: 'I am very glad you have spoken to Dr. John Brown.

[Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Jeffrey') to his nephew by marriage John Hunter, describing his anxiety on losing Hunter as his 'agent and adviser', on his appointment as Auditor of the Court of Sessions.

Francis Jeffrey (1773-1850), Lord Jeffrey, editor of the 'Edinburgh Review' [John Hunter (1801-1869) of Craigcrook, son of Professor James Hunter (1745-1837), and nephew by marriage of Jeffrey]
Publication details: 
Craigcrook. 25 October 1849.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper, with closed tears unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. Addressed to 'John Hunter Esqre | Auditor of Court of Sn.' Written three months before Jeffrey's death, the letter begins: 'My dear Hunter - I hope you do not think that I have been forgetful of you - or indifferent to your fortunes - or ungrateful for your very kind expressions - and I firmly believe feelings - towards me - because I may appear to have been slow in offering you my congratulations on your late appointment [as Auditor of the Court of Sessions]'.

[Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey.] Autograph Letter Signed to Dr James Hunter, Professor of Logic, St Andrews, writing with great affection on his return from America.

Francis Jeffrey (1773-1850), Lord Jeffrey, editor of the 'Edinburgh Review' [Dr James Hunter (1745-1837), Professor of Logic at the University of St Andrews]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh. 12 March 1814.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. On aged paper unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. Addressed, with postmarks, on the reverse of the second leaf: 'To | Dr James Hunter | Professor of Logic | St Andrews'. He begins by complaining that he has 'only this day got rid of the end of the session - and of the review - and here - for the first time since my return - a morning to myself - and my friends'. He is happy to find himself 'at home again [...] Mrs J. suffered a great deal during the voyage', but has recovered. It will give them both great pleasure 'to see you here'.

[W. Macqueen-Pope, theatre manager and historian.] Typed Letter Signed 'W. Macqueen-Pope') to 'Mr O'Donnell' [the ghost hunter Elliott O'Donnell], regarding 'the Ghost' at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, and the possibility of a 'night vigil' there.

W. Macqueen-Pope [Walter James Macqueen-Pope] (1888-1960), theatre manager and historian [Elliott O'Donnell (1872-1965), Irish ghost hunter]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 5-6 Coventry Street, W1. [London] 6 December 1951.

1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with cropped margins. He begins by explaining that O'Donnell's letter has been sent to him 'from Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, on the staff of which I am and whose whose [sic] historian I am too'. He continues: 'I fear a night vigil would be of little use so far as the Ghost is concerned. He is a day time visitant. Never yet has he been seen before 9 a.m. or after six p.m. Between those hours - frequently.' He refers O'Donnell to the 'full account' in his book 'Theatre Royal'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (the first '(Hon) Donough O'Brien') from the genealogist Hon. Donough O'Brien, fourth son of Lord Inchiquin, to the ghost hunter Elliott O'Connell, the first regarding a genealogical table, the second arranging to meet.

The Hon. Donough O’Brien (1879-1968), genealogist, fourth son of Edward Donough O'Brien, 14th Baron Inchiquin [Elliott O'Connell (1872-1965), ghost hunter]
Publication details: 
Letter One: on letterhead of 2 Upper Berkeley Street, Portman Square, W1 [London]. 25 February 1940. Letter Two: The Vicarage, Abingdon, Berkshire. 12 April 1948.

Letter One: 1p., 12mo. Signed '(Hon) Donough O'Brien'. Good, on aged paper, with a couple of short closed tears at head. Addressed to 'Elliott O'Connell Esqre of The Red House, Guilsborough, Northants.' He is sending him a copy of his 'Genealogical Table of the Princes of Ireland', 'in a cardboard-roll to see': 'The descents are from the Common Ancestor, Milesius, King of Spain and Ireland'. The price is two pounds, and he believes that 'it is the first time that the 23 lines have been set out on one Chart and in their appropriate places of Geniture, and over so distant a period of time'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Gerald Massey') from the poet and writer Thomas Gerald Massey to the autograph hunter John Bacon of Blackburn, discussing his English publications, and stating that he is 'busy with the real Work of my life'.

Gerald Massey [Thomas Gerald Massey] (1828-1907), English poet and writer [John Bacon of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
New Southgate, London N. 11 August 1882.

2pp., 4to. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In envelope, with postmark and stamp, addressed to 'John Bacon Esqr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Hayward') from the essayist and translator Abraham Hayward to the autograph hunter John T. Baron of Blackburn

Abraham Hayward (1801-1884), essayist and translator [John T. Baron of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
8 St. James's St. [London] 14 March 1882.

1p., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In worn envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed by Hayward to 'J. T. Baron Esq. | Witton | Blackburn'. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir | Messrs Longman are the publishers of my Biographical & Critical Essays & my Translation of Faust. But any bookseller will get them for you, with the exception of the First Series of my Essays, which is out of print. | faithfully yours | A. Hayward'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W C Hazlitt') from the author and bibliographer William Carew Hazlitt, grandson of the essayist William Hazlitt, to autograph hunter John Baron of Blackburn, discussing his published writings.

William Carew Hazlitt (1834-1913), author and bibliographer, grandson of the essayist William Hazlitt (1778-1830) [John J. Baron of Blackburne, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
Barnes Common, Surrey. 18 July 1882.

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. In envelope, with stamp and postmarks, addressed to 'John J. Baron Esqr. | 48 Griffin St. | Witton | Blackburne | Lancashire'. Although Hazlitt's handwriting is legendarily attrocious, the reader escapes lightly on this occasion. Hazlitt regrets that he has no copy of either of the books Baron names, as he 'printed only a few copies for presents. Nor have I any photograph of myself.' He is 'extremely glad that the perusal of my publications' has 'proved agreeable' to Baron.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Southesk') from the Scottish nobleman and poet James Carnegie, 9th Earl of Southesk [Sir James Carnegie of Kinnaird and of Pitcarrow], dealing cannily with the autograph hunter John J. Baron of Blackburn.

James Carnegie (1827-1905), 9th Earl of Southesk [Sir James Carnegie of Kinnaird and of Pitcarrow], Scottish nobleman and poet
Publication details: 
Hotel des Princes, Biarritz, France. On his monogrammed letterhead. 21 January 1883.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In original envelope, with stamp, three postmarks and red wax seal, addressed by Southesk to 'John J. Baron Esq. | 48 Griffin Street | Wilton | Blackburn | England.' Unaware that Baron is a barefaced autograph hunter, he expresses regret that, having no copies of his own works to hand, he is 'unable to accede to the very gratifying request of the lady referred to by you, as desirous to have two verses of my poems, in my own handwriting'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Rev. Charles Rogers, LLD, to the autograph hunter J. T. Baron of Blackburn, discussing the availability of his 'Boswelliana' and 'Century of Scottish Life'.

Rev. Charles Rogers, LLD (1825–1890), Church of Scotland minister and historian [John T. Baron of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 3 Brandon Street, Edinburgh. 15 March1882.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With remains of envelope, addressed by Rogers. He states that his 'Boswelliana', which was 'published at a guinea can be got for twelve shillings', and that 'a bookseller has undertaken to hunt for 'A Century of Scottish Life' which has long been sold off; it will cost you six shillings - six was the original price.' After forwarding the address of Sabine Baring-Gould he states that he is 'now living in Edinburgh at the above address'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Westland Marston') from the dramatist and critic John Westland Marston to John T. Baron of Blackburn, discussing his only novel, and his correspondence with Charles Dickens and Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

John Westland Marston (1819-1890), English dramatist and critic, associated with the Pre-Raphaelites [John T. Baron of Blackburn; Charles Dickens; Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Ward and Lock]
Publication details: 
Both from 191 Euston Road, London. 19 August 1882 and 7 July 1883.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Both of them bifoliums with mourning borders; and both in their original envelopes, addressed by Marston, with stamp and postmarks. ONE: 4pp., 12mo. He begins by stating that he is gratified to find that his poems please Baron. 'The only novel I wrote, (it is more than 20 years ago) has I believe been long out of print. A comparatively short tale entitled "Family Credit" together with other sketches and essays (chiefly contributed to "Household Worlds' [sic] was published many years gone by Messr. Ward and Lock as the 1st.

Autograph Signature of John Hunter, LLD, Professor of Humanity at the University of St Andrews, with accompanying note by Rev. Thomas Dick.

John Hunter (1745-1837), Professor of Humanity, University of St Andrews, Fife, and classical scholar [Rev. Thomas Dick (1774-1857), writer on science]
Publication details: 
[February 1834]; St Andrews, Fife.

On one side of piece of paper approximately 18 x 8.5 cm. Neatly placed in a windowpane mount of laid paper, 25 x 20 cm. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Written in a clear, firm hand: 'John Hunter LL.D. | Profr. of Humanity | St. Andrews. | Fife.' Beneath this, along the foot of the page, in a small hand (identified in note on mount as 'The writing of Dr Dick, author of "The Christian Philosopher &c'): 'Dr Hunter is about 90 years of age, and still retains his bodily & mental vigour | This Autograph was written in Feby. 1834. T. D.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('James Donnet') to Mrs Hollingworth, discussing autograph collecting.

Sir James Donnet [Sir James John Louis Donnet] (1816-1905), inspector-general of hospitals and fleets [autograph collecting]
Publication details: 
24 March 1895; on letterhead of 5 Park Road, Bognor, Sussex.

12mo, 4 pp. Text clear and complete. Very good on lightly-aged paper, with thin strip from stub still adhering. Thanking her for 'sending me the acceptable autographs you have. Though seemingly scraps of paper they possess for the initiated a value, for I believe every individual to be possessed of a romance which opportunity and occasion bring to the fore and make of him a personage whose writing is worthy of preservation. The diamond in its mine is of no value, but when found, cut, and set in its golden framework, it is prized and esteemed'. Defends 'the collector' against criticism.

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