[Ecclesiastical atlas,1843, with maps by von Stülpnagel and letterpress by Wiltsch.] ‘Atlas sacer sive ecclesiasticus inde ab antiquissimis religionis Christianae propagatae temporibus usqe ad primordia saeculi decimi sexti'.

Joanne Elieser Theodoro Wiltsch, Cand. Rever. Minist. [Johann Elieser Theodor Wiltsch] (1803-1873); Johann Friedrich von Stülpnagel (1786-1865), Prussian cartographer [F. D. Maurice; Queen’s College]
Publication details: 
Gothae, Sumptibus Justi Perths. MDCCCXLIII. [1843.]

The full title reads: ‘Atlas sacer sive ecclesiasticus / inde / ab antiquissimis religionis Christianae propagatae temporibus usqe [sic] ad primordia saeculi decimi sexti, / respectu habito / Judaeorum per totum orbem dissipatorum nec non regionum a gentilibus ac Mohammedannis incultarum / singulis tabulis, / descriptus / a / Joanne Elieser Theodoro Wiltsch / Cand. Rever. Minist.’ A folio volume, with the five maps, each of which is double-page folio, all having borders and boundaries picked out in colours.

[ Eighteenth-century French map. ] Attractive manuscript map in colours, captioned in French and titled 'Plan & description De Certains Prez Appartenants Aux Dames Religieuses de lopital & A Jacques Gviot & autres'.

[ Eighteenth-century French map ] [ Chanu, Bayeux? La Châtaigneraie, Vendée? ] [ Jacques Guiot; Maupas ]
French Map
Publication details: 
France [ Chanu, Bayeux? La Châtaigneraie, Vendée? ] Eighteenth century?
French Map

On piece of 38 x 30 cm watermarked paper. In fair condition, lightly aged. In red, green and sepia. Within a border, and with 'OCCIDENT' at the head, 'ORIANT' at the foot, 'MIDY' to the left and 'SEPTENTRION' to the right. Attractive in design, with capital letters in red and simple tree design around the boders of fields.

British Army Boer War map of 'Melmonth [ i.e. Melmoth ]': 'Sheet No. 37' in 'Transvaal (Major Jackson's Series)'.

Major H. M. Jackson, Royal Engineers [ Field Intelligence Department, Pretoria; Boer War map: Melmoth, Transvaal ]
Publication details: 
[ British Army ] Field Intelligence Department, Pretoria, 1901. 'Photo-lithographed - Pretoria - June 1901 | Mapping Section - Field Intelligence Dept - Army Head Qrs.'

Photolithographically printed in black on one side of a 51 x 63 cm. piece of cloth, folding into a 16.5 x 11 cm. packet, in green printed cloth covers backed with card. In good condition, lightly-aged, with minor signs of age and wear. Cover reads: 'Transvaal. | (Major Jackson's Series). | Sheet No. 37. | Melmonth. | Field Intelligence Department. | Pretoria, 1901.' Signed in pencil on front cover 'G S Scovell | Cam Hrs.' In top left-hand corner of map: 'No. 37'. In bottom left-hand corner: 'Compiled in Surveyor General's Office - Pretoria underdirection [sic] of MAJOR H. M. JACKSON R.E. Mch.

Printed map, titled 'Indian and Eastern Engineer. | Key Plan, showing the disposition of the Ships of H.M. Fleet, assembled at Spithead on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee Review, 26th June, 1897.' With 'Tabular Statement' on reverse.

[Royal Navy Diamond Jubilee Review, Spithead, 1897; The Indian and Eastern Engineer, monthly magazine]
Publication details: 
'Indian and Eastern Engineer', Calcutta. 1897.

Printed in black on both sides of a 36 x 53 cm piece of wove paper with watermark of 'W F & Co'. In very good condition, lightly-aged and folded three times. The 'Key Plan' is on one side, showing the disposition of the fleet on a map of the Portsmouth area, with a note of 'Foreign Men of War', 'British Battle Ships and Cruisers', '3rd Class Cruisers Gun Vessels and Torpedo Gunboats', 'Special Merchant Vessels', 'Destoryers & Gunboats' and 'Torpedo Boats'.

[Large printed colour poster, issued by the Army Bureau of Current Affairs.] The Infinite Variety of the U.S.S.R. [ABCA Map Review No. 2.]

ABCA Map Review No. 2 [Army Bureau of Current Affairs (A.B.C.A.), W. E. Williams, Director; Second World War propaganda]
Publication details: 
'Printed for H.M. Stationery Office by Fosh and Cross, Ltd.' 'The period from November 23 to December 6, 1942.'

Printed on both sides of a piece of paper roughly 38 x 100 cm. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Folded four times. The outer side, printed in black and white, carries the article on the Soviet Union, with thirteen photographs (including ones of Stalin and four other party leaders) and a large map. The other side carries the ABCA Map Review No. 2, covering the period from 23 November to 6 December 1942, with large coloured map, and dealing with seven themes from 'Russia' to 'The Prospects for Italy' and 'The War against Want'. An attractive piece of modern design.

[Large printed colour poster, issued by the Army Bureau of Current Affairs.] Britain's Radio Covers The World. [ABCA Map Review No. 6.]

ABCA Map Review No. 6 [Army Bureau of Current Affairs (A.B.C.A.), W. E. Williams, Director; Second World War propaganda; British Broadcasting Corporation; BBC]
Publication details: 
'Printed for H.M. Stationery Office by Fosh & Cross, Ltd.' 'The period from January 18th to January 31st, 1943.'

Printed on both sides of a piece of paper roughly 38 x 100 cm. In good condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Folded four times. The outer side, printed in black and white, carries the article on 'the vast broadcasting network which spreads across the world from Britain', with large stylised map, with BBC microphone, indicating 'The BBC broadcasts day and night in 47 languages, to 200,000,000 listeners every week.'.

Map by A. B. Becher showing 'The Course of the Quorra, (the Joliba or Niger of Park) from the Journals of Messrs. Richard and John Lander. With their Route from Badagry to the Northward, in 1830.'

Alexander Bridport Becher, 1796-1876 [Hugh Clapperton (1788-1827); Richard Lemon Lander (1804-1834); John Lander (1807-1839); Niger [Quorra] River, Nigeria; Africa]
Map by A. B. Becher showing 'The Course of the Quorra
Publication details: 
'A. B. Becher, del. J. & C. Walker, Sculpt.' [Produced to accompany the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, vol. 1, 1831.]
Map by A. B. Becher showing 'The Course of the Quorra

Approximately 27.5 x 31 cm. Printed in black and white, with relief shown by hill shading. A detailed map, showing the routes of the 1830 expeditions in Nigeria of the Landers' and of Captain Clapperton. Lightly aged, with closed tears unobtrusively repaired with archival paper. Small vignettes of 'Eboe House' and 'Hut called in Borgoo, Catambo.'

Autograph Letter Signed from Abbott Lawrence, United States Minister to the Court of St James, to James Wyld, Member of Parliament for Bodmin, concerning his gift to the American people of his 'New Map of Central America'.

Abbott Lawrence (1792-1855), United States Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of St James, 1849-1852, founder of Lawrence, Massachusetts [James Wyld (1812-1887), mapmaker]
Abbott Lawrence (1792-1855), United States Envoy Extraordinary...
Publication details: 
28 February 1850; 138 Piccadilly, London.
Abbott Lawrence (1792-1855), United States Envoy Extraordinary...

4to, 1 p. Text clear and complete. In original envelope, addressed by Lawrence and with his red wax seal and frank ('Abbott Lawrence'), 'To | James Wyld Esqre M.P. | &c &c &c | Charing Cross East'. On aged and stained paper. He thanks him for his 'New Map of Central America', which he will 'transmit to Washington, where I believe it will be thought, that you have made ample provision for the "Mosquito Indians"'. The following year Wyld would erect his 'Great Globe' in Leicester Square, where it would remain until 1862.

Engraved, cloth-backed maps by Hewitt of the 'Northern Part of Scotland' and 'Southern Part of Scotland', decorated with engraved views [said to be by William Daniell] of 'the Island of Staffa' and 'Port Patrick in Wigton Shire'. In original cloth.

[Nathaniel Rogers Hewitt and William Daniell, engravers; map of Scotland from John Thomson's 'New General Atlas', 1821]
 'Northern Part of Scotland' and 'Southern Part of Scotland'
Publication details: 
[J. Thomson, Edinburgh: c. 1821.] 'Hewitt, Sc. Buckingham Pl. Fitzroy Sqr.'
 'Northern Part of Scotland' and 'Southern Part of Scotland'

The two maps facing one another in the original green cloth binding, with that of northern Scotland to the left and of southern Scotland to the right. Each map consisting of eight 25 x 15 cm panels, each of two rows of four panels each. Printed in black, with additional lines in red and blue. Worn and aged, but in fair condition overal, clear and complete. Small armorial stamp in gilt on front board, and in ink on reverse of one of the maps.

Manuscript Map, in colours, by Corporal A. Hunter, of the 'Bilstien [sic, for 'Bilstein'] Defences. scale 1/6250'.

Bilstein (Germany) [Junkermuehle, Nassenstein]
Publication details: 

Dimensions of paper roughly. Creased, with fraying to extremities, closed tears, and some staining and fading due to damp. A careful production, detailing the fortification to the towns of Bilstein (north-east of Cologne), Junkermuehle and Nassenstein, in black, yellow, red and green, with attractive lettering. 'References' are to 'barbed wire entanglements', 'main roads', 'Woods', 'stream', 'bye Roads' and 'Bridges'. Pencil additions include position of 'SNIPERS'. Ascribed at foot to 'Cpl. A. Hunter' and dated 'February 1919'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Charle | Geographe rue de Sevres | No. 48.'), in French, to the French Minister of War, 'Monseigneur le Maréchal Duc de Bellune'.

J. B. L. Charle, French cartographer [Claude Victor-Perrin (1764-1841), Duc de Belluno (Bellune)]
Publication details: 
4 October 1823; Paris.

One page, on the recto of the second leaf of a bifolium, leaf dimensions 31 x 20 cm. In fair condition on lightly-aged paper with slight wear to extremities. According to his entry in the catalogue of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Charles was a 'Géographe attaché au Dépôt général de la guerre en 1933 [sic], ancien membre de la Société de Géographie. - Dessinateur, il eut une production cartographique très abondante à partir de 1823'. Neatly laid out.

Three printed plans (numbered 1, 2 and 3) each entitled "Plan of Property in the Isle of Ely belonging to the Master, Fellows and Scholars of Clare College, Cambridge. To be sold by auction by Messrs. Bidwell & Sons. June, 1912."

Bidwell & Sons, Surveyors & Auctioneers [Clare College, Cambridge; Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire]
Publication details: 
All three plans by Bidwell & Sons, Surveyors & Auctioneers, Ely; & 11, Benet Street, Cambridge. 1912.

Each plan printed in black on one side of a piece of paper, with areas picked off in blue, green, orange, pink and yellow. Plan No. 1: 72 x 86 cm. Plan No. 2: 88 x 68 cm. Plan No. 3: 76 x 89 cm. The first two very good on lightly aged and creased paper; the third as the first two apart from some wear along a crease resulting in two areas of loss each roughly 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 cm. The various properties (over seventy lots) are numbered, with names of the proprietors of neighbouring estates given.

Early Kent Maps. (Sixteenth century).

Grevile M. Livett, B.A., F.S.A., Honorary Canon of Rochester
Publication details: 
[1937;] 'Reprinted from "Archaeologia Cantiana," Vol. XLIX. Printed by Headley Brothers, Ashford, Kent.

Offprint of pp.247-77. Small 8vo. 4 plates, 3 of them folding. Foxed, loose copy with closed tear and crease to first leaf. In original light-brown printed wraps, which have become detached.. Presentation copy, with inscription to 'Mr. Edward Lynam from the writer' on front wrap. Manuscript annotation in pencil, presumably by Lynam.

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