
[Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau.] Vellum Certificate, Signed as Grand Master, admitting Jacques Giraud de Moucy into the Ordre de Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel et de St. Lazare de Jerusalem. With Signed Note by Louis-Marie Pidou de Saint-Olon

Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau (1638-1720) [Louis-Marie Pidou de Saint-Olon (1637-1717), Bishop of Baghdad; Jacques Giraud de Moucy; Ordre de Notre-Dame de Mont-Carmel; Louis XIV]
Publication details: 
[Ordre de Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel et de Saint Lazare de Jérusalem.] Paris, 16 July 1700.

See A. de Marcy's 'Liste des Chevaliers' (1875), which reproduces from the registers the notice of the admission into the order on 16 July 1700 of 'Jacques Giraud de Moucy, cy-devant mousquetaire, commandant des gardes de S. A. R. Madame la duchesse d'Orléans'. On a 37 x 51 cm piece of vellum, folded three times into a 30 x 12.5 cm packet. In good condition, clean and crisp.

[ Eighteenth-century French map. ] Attractive manuscript map in colours, captioned in French and titled 'Plan & description De Certains Prez Appartenants Aux Dames Religieuses de lopital & A Jacques Gviot & autres'.

[ Eighteenth-century French map ] [ Chanu, Bayeux? La Châtaigneraie, Vendée? ] [ Jacques Guiot; Maupas ]
French Map
Publication details: 
France [ Chanu, Bayeux? La Châtaigneraie, Vendée? ] Eighteenth century?
French Map

On piece of 38 x 30 cm watermarked paper. In fair condition, lightly aged. In red, green and sepia. Within a border, and with 'OCCIDENT' at the head, 'ORIANT' at the foot, 'MIDY' to the left and 'SEPTENTRION' to the right. Attractive in design, with capital letters in red and simple tree design around the boders of fields.

[Printed item.] Séance du Sénat du 22 Juin 1865. Opinion de M. Le Procurer Général Dupin Sénateur sur Le Luxe Effréné des Femmes a l'Occasion d'une Pétition contre la Prostitution. Rapportée Par M. de Goulhot de Saint-Germain, sénateur.

M. Le Procureur Général Dupin [André Marie Jean Jacques Dupin (1783-1865)] [prostitution in nineteenth-century France]
Publication details: 
Paris: Garnier Frères, Libraires-Éditeurs, 6, Rue des Saints-Peres, et Palais-Royal, 215. [1865.]

[1] + 11, 16mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound, with slight damage to spine. The only copy on COPAC at the British Library. There is a copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale.

'Ballade de la Geôle de Reading'. [Numbered copy of livre d'artiste': a French prose translation of Oscar Wilde's 'Ballad of Reading Gaol', with drypoint engravings by Robert Fonta.

Oscar Wilde; Robert Fonta (1922-1976), illustrator; Société des Bibliophiles et Graveurs d'Aujourd'hui, Paris [Jacques Le Désert; Jean Brisset; Fequet et Baudier; Georges Visat]
Publication details: 
[Paris.] Bibliophiles et Graveurs d'Aujourd'hui. 1950.

80 + [1]pp., 8vo. Unstitched signatures with brown paper wraps and grey boards, both with text in red. In plain black paper-covered slipcase. On reverse of half-title: 'Il a été tiré de cet ouvrage, imprimé sur Vélin de Rives, 110 exemplaires numérotés de 1 à 110, réservés aux Membres de la Société des Bibliophiles et Graveurs d'Aujourd'hui. | En outre, dix exemplaires numérotés de I à X ont été réservés à l'artiste et aux divers collaborateurs de l'édition. | Exemplaire No 35 imprimé pour M. Jacques Le Désert'.

[BBC TV International Balloon Race, May 1965.] BBC Press Service press pack with two maps (one of the 'Revised Route'), plan with text of 'The Free Balloon', biography of producer Brian Branston, 'Who's Who', 'Topographical Background' and 'History'.

BBC TV International Balloon Race, May 1965 [Brian Branston (1914-1993); Jacques Demenint; Charles Dollfus; ballooning]
Publication details: 
One item on BBC Press Service (London) letterhead, dated 'May 1965 | CMG'

Eight items, in good condition on aged paper, with the three photographic illustrations darkened. In blue card folder. ONE: Mimeographed typed biography of 'Ronald Victor Brian Branston'. On BBC Press Service letterhead; May 1965. 1p., 4to. TWO: Mimeographed typed 'Who's Who'. 2pp., foolscap 8vo. With entries on nine balloonists (from Albert van den Bemden to Anthony Smith, and including Charles Dollfus, 'curator of France's air museum') and two passengers. THREE: Mimeographed typed 'Topographical Background'. 2pp., foolscap 8vo.

[Printed broadside, in French, relating to the estate of King Louis Philippe.] Faits à l'appui de la défense du droit de propriété Contre les décrets, du 22 janvier, 1852.

[André Dupin [André Marie Jean Jacques Dupin] (1783-1865); Duc de Montmorency; Comte de Montalivet; Laplagne-Barris; Scribe; Louis d'Orléans (Duc de Nemours); Prince de Joinville; Louis Philippe]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Paris, France? 1852.]

2pp., folio (approximately 41 x 21.5 cm), in double column. Fair, on aged paper, creased and with outer margin trimmed. Tipped-in onto leaf removed from album. The first column introduces the problem, and is followed by a 'Lettre de M. DUPIN ainé, au Prince Président de la République', dated 'Paris, ce 23 Janvier, 1852'. This is in turn followed by a letter 'Au Prince-Président de la République', Paris, 26 January 1852 by five 'Les executeurs testamentaires du feu Roi Louis Phillippe'. They are: Dupin, Duc de Montmorency, Comte de Montalivet, Laplagne-Barris, Scribe.

Typed Letter Signed, in French, from Jacques Lerolle of Paris music publishers Rouart, Lerolle & Cie, to Henry Prunieres of 'La Revue Musicale', concerning the manuscript of 'Valse-improvisation sur le nom de Bach' by Francis Poulenc.

Jacques Lerolle, of the French music publishers Rouart, Lerolle & Cie [Henry Prunieres of 'La Revue Musicale'; Francis Poulenc (1899-1963), French composer]
Publication details: 
On the letterhead of Rouart, Lerolle & Cie, Editeurs de Musique, Paris. 18 November 1932.

1p., 4to. Fair, on aged and worn paper. He begins: 'M. POULENC vous a sans doute remis le paraître dans votre supplément et nous charge de vous demander de nous le renvoyer au plus tôt lorsque votre graveur n'en aura plus besoin.' He accepts that it is likely that the Revue will ask Poulenc to correct the proof.

Secretarial Letter Signed ('Conde de Funchal'), in French, to 'Mr. Falconet, Avocat Celebre a Paris'.

Domingo Antonio de Souza-Coutinho, Conde de Funchal (fl 1803-1833), Portuguese diplomat, Ambassador to England, and botanist [Ambroise Falconet? Jacques Récamier?]
Publication details: 
1 March 1816; Florence, Italy. Carrying postmarks and seal in red wax with impression of family crest.

8vo, 2 pp. Twenty-two lines of text. Bifolium. Address, postmark and seal on reverse of otherwise-blank second leaf of bifolium. On aged and lightly creased paper, chipped and foxed. Text clear and entire. Acting on Falconet's advice, the Count has sent 'une Procure en regle à Mr Recamier [husband of the celebrated Madame Récamier?] à fin qu'il puisse retirer l'argenterie des mains de Mr Delamarre à l'expiration des trois mois'. He is grateful for Falconet's assistance in terminating 'cette facheuse affaire'.

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to unnamed male correspondent.

Jacques Herz (1794-1880), French pianist and composer [Sir Charles Lock Eastlake (1793-1865), President of the Royal Academy and first Keeper of the National Gallery]
Publication details: 
Vendredi 11 Mars' [no year]; 23 Bentinck Street, Manchester Square, London.

12mo, 2 pp. 12 lines of text. Creased and ruckled, with a little smudging. Difficult hand. Asking the recipient 'd'aller passer une soirée avec nous'. Laid down on a piece of paper which is attached to the blank reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium is a slip of paper (roughly 2 x 9 cm) carrying Eastlake's signature ('always truly yours | [signed] C. L. Eastlake').

3 ALsS, 1 ANS and 1 ACS (all 'Robert Speaight') to Kyrle Fletcher.

Robert Speaight [Robert William Speaight] (1904-1976), actor, author and Roman Catholic apologist [Ifan Kyrle Fletcher (1905-1969), bookseller and author]
Publication details: 
12 September to 16 December 1951; variously from the Garrick Club; Campion House, Benenden, Kent; and 44 Onslow Gardens, London.

The collection is in good condition, with items on lightly aged and creased paper. Letter One (12 September 1951, Onslow Gardens; 12mo, 1 p, in envelope): As Kyrle Fletcher 'may have seen', Speaight is engaged in a biography of William Poel, and is 'anxious to trace the letters he received from Shaw & which were sold about 1930'. Kyrle Fletcher has docketed the envelope with a precis of his reply. Card (postmarked 14 September 1951): Thanking Kyrle Fletcher for his 'letter & most useful suggestions'.

Proof of a printed prospectus for the British Piscicultural Company, Limited, 'formed for the purpose of carrying out on a large scale and on commercial principles in this country, the modern system of propagating fresh water and marine fish'.

[The British Piscicultural Company, Limited.; Jean Jacques Marie Cyprien Victor Coste (1807-1873)]
Publication details: 
Undated, but the company 'Incorporated under the Companies' Act, 1862.'

On both sides of a folio leaf (dimensions 42 x 26.5 cm). On aged and lightly creased and spotted paper. Proposing to raise 'CAPITAL, £50,000, in 5,000 SHARES of £10 each.' Details of Directors; Bankers; Auditors; Brokers; Solicitors; Secretary, (pro tem.); and Offices left blank.

Offprint titled 'Observations on the rearing, migration, transport, feeding, ages, and growth of eels. By Mons. Coste.'

Jean Jacques Marie Cyprien Victor Coste (1807-1873) [eel fishing; eels; farming; farms; piscatory; angling; anglers]
Publication details: 
(From THE FIELD, June 19, 1858.)

12mo bifolium: 4 pp. Printed on grey paper. Very good. Small print.

Bibliographie anecdotique et critique des oeuvres de Jacques Casanova.

Joseph Pollio
Publication details: 
Paris: L. Giraud-Badin, 1926.

Edition limited to 680 copies. 8vo: 235 pages. Uncut. With numerous portraits and facsimiles. In original printed wraps with loss and splitting at head of spine. Internally a good tight copy on paper discoloured with age.

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