[Mary Anne Clarke; Duke of York] Handbill satire on the Duke of York, entitled 'Love a-la-mode, or, My Darling; A Duett, As Sung by An Overseer of the United Parishes of John Bull and St. George's, and Mrs. Clarke, late of Gloucester Place Theatre.'

[Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany; Mary Anne Clarke (1776-1852)]
Mary Anne Clarke
Publication details: 
[circa 1809] 'Printed and Published by J. Lowe, No 27, Bakers Row, Whitehcapel Road.'
Mary Anne Clarke

Printed on one side of a piece of laid paper, watermarked with date 1808, roughly 34.5 x 21 cm. Very good. Illustration at head, coloured in red and green, roughly 6.5 x 10 cm.

Samuell's Guide: How to know Sydney. Illustrated. Maps of Sydney, the harbour, the suburbs. Fishing resorts, masonic, shooting information, carriage drives, telegraphic code, &c. &c.

H. J. Samuell's Guide to Sydney, 1897.
Publication details: 
Printed by McCarron, Stewart & Co., for the Samuell Publishing Company, Sydney, N.S.W. [New South Wales], 1897.

16mo (13.5 x 10.5 cm), 288 pp. In original black and red printed wraps, illustrated on front with illustrations relating to the city. Fold-out 'Map of Sydney' (26 x 38 cm) in black and grey, with advertisements on reverse. Lacking the fold-out map which should be present on a stub between pp 124 and 125. Good, a little aged with slight staining at foot of first leaf. In worn and stained wraps, becoming detached from book at front. Ownership inscription of 'U Reynell 1895' in pencil on front wrap. Advertisements throughout. Numerous photographic illustrations.

[ Mountaineering ] Victorian album, containing 82 photographs, including several large-scale images of mountaineering in Switzerland, and of the 1900 Oberammergau Passion Play.

[Victorian mountaineering in Switzerland; Oberammergau; Tonneson Sisters of Chicago]
Publication details: 
[American?] Circa 1900.

Album, in maroon cloth and fake leather half-binding, containing 24 leaves of thick paper (dimensions 36 x 26.5 cm). Small stamp on front paste-down: 'D.A.I. LONDON | No. 20[2]' (last digit added in manuscript). The binding is heavily-worn, with spine lacking, and the pages are somewhat discoloured with age, but the 82 photographs are in good condition, with four creased before insertion into the album, and one with slight discoloration. One photograph has been removed. Can be dated from picture of the 'Kreuzigung.

Printed handbill requesting 'a Meeting of the Owners and Masters of Vessels' to discuss 'the establishment and maintenance of one or more Floating Lights', 'particularly on the East Coast' of England.

J. Herbert, Secretary, Trinity House, London [Dawson Turner; lighthouses]
Publication details: 
'TRINITY-HOUSE, LONDON, | 23rd November, 1826.'

On one side of a piece of laid paper, roughly 31 x 20 cm. 30 lines. Tipped in along one edge inside modern folder with grey paper boards. Good, on paper lightly creased at foot. Addessed 'To Dawson Turner Esqre' by 'Custom House | Yarmouth | 11 December 1826 | [signed]

66 albumen print photographs of Belle Epoque decorative mouldings [moldings] and other architectural features; with one drawing of an overmantel.

Le Roy & Cie, Brussels, Belgium [architecture; architectural design; interior decoration; furniture; nineteenth century albumen print photography]
Publication details: 
Brussels, Belgium. Undated [Edwardian?].

Stamped on front pastedown 'LE ROY & CIE. | DECORATION GENERALE | 58, Avenue Fonsny, 58 | TEL. SABLON 2061'. In a landscape 12mo (roughly 12 x 17 cm) album of 29 leaves, bound in coarse brown cloth. The majority of the photographs are in good condition though lightly aged, with around 20 showing varying degrees of damage involving staining and chipping. The album itself is worn and aged, in a binding heavily-worn at spine and corners, and with spotted and aged leaves.

Newspaper Cuttings (Guardbooks) of reviews of their much travelled act, cartoons and newspaper advertisements.

MIlner & Storey (Dulcie Milner and George Storey), vaudeville artists.
Publication details: 

Two vols, hf-lea, one 4to the other 8vo, title "Newspaper Cuttings on front of one, "Cuttings" on spine of the other, boards bumped and bent but mainly good condition, 112pp. and [160]pp, vast majority of items, some substantial and folded, laid down and with a neat statement of the newspaper source and the date. The Names "Milner & Storey" and "Dulcie Milner & George Storey" are written attractively at the beginning of the volumes. The record, charting the theatrical careers of the partnership in great detail, was obviously a labour of love (self-love?).

Printed paper serviette, illustrated in colour, headed 'Official Programme and Route of the Lord Mayor's Show'.

William Burgess & Co., printers, Aldgate, London [Sir James Thompson Ritchie, Lord Mayor of London, 1903]
Publication details: 
Burgess William & Co. Printers 12, Mansell St. Aldgate, E. London'. [1903]

Printed in blue, pink, green, gold, white, yellow, brown and purple on one side of a piece of tissue paper roughly 34.5 cm square. Good, on lightly creased paper with a little wear to extremities and slight loss to the top left-hand and bottom right-hand corners (not affecting the design). The text, with an engraved portrait (5.5 x 4.5 cm) of Lord Mayor Ritchie, is printed in blue in two columns of around 32 lines each, and surrounded by coloured decorative border of flowers, around 6 cm thick. It lists the order and route of the procession. An attractive piece of ephemera.

Printed paper serviette, illustrated in colour, headed 'Souvenir in Commemoration of the King of Portugal's Visit to England, November 15 to 20, 1909.'

Mrs S. Burgess, printer, Bishopsgate, London [the visit of King Manuel of Portugal to England, 1909; royal souvenir; ephemera; King Edward VII]
Publication details: 
MRS. S. BURGESS, 14, Artillery Lane, Bishopsgate, E.C.' [1909]

Printed in black, blue, red, green and gold on one side of a piece of tissue paper roughly 37 cm square. Good, on lightly creased paper with a little wear to extremities. The text, with a woodcut portrait of the king (10 x 8.5 cm) in black at its centre, is enclosed in a coloured border of flags and flowers. The text descibes the 'programme of the first week' of the King's visit, with the 'route to be taken by King Manuel on his visit to the Guildhall', and a list of the 'distinguished guests who have been inivited to the reception and luncheon'.

The Sans Pareil; or, Curiosities of Literature, no. 1, 17 March 1832. with Prospectus (Handbill).

[Nineteenth-Century Periodical, Prospectus and Issue]
Publication details: 
Printed (for the Editor) by G. Smeeton, 74 Tooley Street; and sold also by Strange, Paternoster Row, and Purkiss Wardour Street, Soho., 17 March 1832

Four pages, 8vo, good condition. Price one farthing. It includes an obituary of William Roscoe, a facsimile of the playbill "in which the late Mrs Siddons was announced to sing!", notes on "The Arts", "Metropolitan Weekly Return" (including "Seduced females 1000"), and "Stocks" ("Impudence, open . . . Merit, shut").. With the Prospectus , c. 8 x 7ins., headed "The Cheapest Periodical in the World" and listing contents as above and printing information as above, anticipating its eight columns and price.

The Strand Magazine [containing 'Mr. Andree's Balloon Voyage to the North Pole' by Alfred T. Story]

Salomon August Andrée [Andree] (1854-1897) [Strand Magazine, arctic exploration, Conan Doyle; William Le Queux; Alfred W. Porter]
Publication details: 
London: George Newnes, Ltd. July 1896.

8vo: xxiv + 120 + viii pp. In original blue printed wraps. Good, in grubby, lightly worn wraps. Thumbprint in margin of one page. Numerous illustrated advertisements at front and rear. Front wrap headed 'TO THE NORTH POLE BY BALLOON! Special Interview with Mr. Andrée.' Many illustrations. Story's piece on Andrée's balloon voyage covers fifteen pages (77-91) and features 25 illustrations and diagrams. Among the other contributions are an installment of Conan Doyle's 'Rodney Stone' and an early illustrated article on X-ray photography, 'The New Photography' by Alfred W. Porter.

30 photographs illustrative of the life of Sir Walter Scott, marked up for publication.

Sir Walter Scott photographic illustrations
Publication details: 
Undated [1920s?]

The photographs vary in size from 24 x 18.5 cm to 8 x 6.5 cm. The overall condition is good, with one chipped along the edges. 13 have been touched up for publication, a few quite heavily. Annotated, with dimensions, on backs.

Scrapbook entitled 'Lightning and other Records.'

Commander James Liddell, Royal Navy, of Bodmin, Cornwall [thunder and lightning; thunderstorms; natural phenomena; meteorology; the weather]
Publication details: 

Small quarto of around forty pages, covered in easily in excess of a hundred press cuttings, primarily relating to lightning strikes, thunder storms and other natural phenomena. Internally loose but in reasonable condition, but externally in need of attention: the heavily worn original quarter-binding, has the leather spine worn away. Manuscript label, in Liddell's hand, laid down on the marbled front board. Several of the cuttings reproduce letters from Lidddell himself, the first, dated 'Bodmin, Dec.

Articles of Visitation and Inquiry, concerning Matters Ecclesiastical, given to the Ministers, Church-Wardens, and Sidesmen, of every Parish within the Diocese of Lincoln, at the triennial Visitation of [...] George, Lord Bishop of that Diocese.

Sir George Pretyman Tomline (1750-1827) [as Bishop of Lincoln] [Church of England Ecclesiastical History]
Publication details: 
In the Year of Our Lord, M,DCC,XCIV [1794].

4to, 8 pp. Unbound and unstitched. Grubby, worn and stained, but with text clear and entire, except for words on a couple of lines of the heavily-stained final leaf. The reverse of the title reproduces 'The Church-Wardens Oaths. On Coming into Office.' and 'In Delivering Presentments.' Mainly consisting of two sections (both clear and entire): 'Concerning Churches and Chapels; the Fabrick, Furniture, and Ornaments thereunto belonging.' (pp.3-4) and 'Concerning the Church-Yard, and the Houses, Glebe, Tithes, and other Dues belonging to the Church.' (pp.4-6).

Eight printed nineteenth-century items relating to salmon fishing, including offprints of newspaper articles entitled 'Stormontfield Ponds - The Exodus of 1861' and 'The Coquet as a Salmon River'.

William Dickson; Anthony Wimmer; Thomas Ashworth [nineteenth-century salmon fishing; Coquet River; Stormontfield Ponds; Alnwick Castle; Kelso; Duke of Northumberland; piscatorial; Victorian angling]
Publication details: 
All British: 1857, 1858, 1860, 1861, two from 1871, and two undated (one from the 1860s).

All items with text clear and entire. Item One: offprint, on one side of a piece of wove paper 25 x 18.5 cm. Good, on lightly-aged paper with some wear to extremities. Headed 'AQUAECULTURE, And the Artificial Propogation [sic] of the Danube Salmon in Bavaria, BY DR. WIMMER. | Re-printed from the Macclesfield Courier June 27, 1857.' The letter, dated 'Landshut, 11th June, 1857', is addressed to 'Thomas Ashworth, Esq.' and covers two columns of small print. Item Two: four-page offprint, on all sides of a grey-paper bifolium, leaf dimensions 20 x 12 cm. Very good. Headed 'ON PISICULTURE.

The Pilgrim Fathers (1620-1920).

W. J. Douglas-Hamilton [Pilgrim Fathers Records Society]
Publication details: 
Published by Commonwealth Fine Art and General Publishers, Ltd., For the Pilgrim Fathers Records Society, 4, Vernon Place, London, W.C.1. 1920.

8vo, [ii] + 8 pp. Unbound stitched pamphlet. Lightly aged, and with short closed tears at head and foot of outer leaves. Dogeared corner to rear leaf. A 116-line 29-stanza poem, beginning 'The Pilgrims loved Old England, | Their hearts fed on her sod, | Their souls clung close to England, | But closelier [sic] to God.' and ending 'And through those centuries strenuous | In services to Man, | If sometimes sadly tenuous, | We claimed, and kept the Van.' Scarce: no copy on COPAC, in the British Library or Library of Congress.

The Rival Houses of the Hobbs and Dobbs: or, Dress-Makers & Dress-Wearers. By Crotchet Crayon.

Crotchet Crayon' [Victorian fashion; nineteenth century satire]
Publication details: 
New Edition. London: G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beekman Street. 1857. [London: Savill and Edwards, Printers, Chandos Street.]

12mo, [ii] + 235 pp. In contemporary brown-calf half-binding, with marbled boards and grey endpapers. Internally sound and tight, if a little foxed, with some wear to the extremities of the title-leaf. In worn binding with label on spine mostly worn away. The identity of the author is unknown.

"Two Thunder-Clouds, closing in conflict": the meeting of Madvig and Cobet at the tercentenary of Leyden University and its historical background. Authorised translation by H. J. Rose.

B. A. Van Proosdij [H. J. Rose, translator; Johan Nicolai Madvig (1804-1886); Carel Gabriel Cobet (1813-1889); Leiden University]
Publication details: 
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1954.

8vo, 47 pp. In original grey printed wraps. With frontispiece portrait of Madvig and one plate. Good, in dusty wraps. Presentation copy, with card 'With the compliments of Dr B. A. Van Proosdij, Scientific Advisor to Messrs. Brill' loosely inserted. Divided into four parts: 'The Intellectual Background', 'Preparations and the Eve of the Day', 'The Dies Natalis' and 'Epilogue', with six appendices of passages from original sources, and a postscript of 'Four Letters from Madvig to Geel, Bake, and Cobet'.

Offprint of article entitled 'Thomas Randolph. A Neglected Poet. 1605-1634.'

Mrs Reginald Brown [Thomas Randolph (1605-1635); Northampton Natural History Society and Field Club]
Publication details: 
[Journal of the Northampton Natural History Society and Field Club, 1932.]

8vo: 11 pp (on 6 leaves) paginated 127-137. Plate carrying portrait of Randolph facing p.132. Stitched and unbound. Heavily foxed, and with a central vertical fold. PRESENTATION COPY, with the words 'With the writer's Compliments.' at head of p.127. The source of the article is deduced from the information contained on the verso of final leaf, which is headed '56th Annual Report, 1932.' No copy of this offprint listed on COPAC.


Inti Illapa' (pseud. of Santiago Pereda Hidalgo) [Peru; Peruvian]
Publication details: 
Peru [Santiago de Chuco]: Editorial INTI, '1950' and '16 de Febrero de 1951'.

8vo: xii + 64 pp. In original green wraps, printed in red with illustration on front, with printed signature of 'Inti Tupac', and large distinctive publisher's device on back. Good, on yellowed high-acidity paper, in faded wraps, with Yapp edges a little chipped. Inscribed on fly-leaf 'Para el gran rotativo The Times. Inti Illapa. | Direccion: Inti Illapa | Santiago de Chuco | Dep. La Libertad | Peru.' No copy in the British Library. COPAC only lists one copy, at Cambridge, whose catalogue entry does not explain that 'Inti Illapa' is a pseudonymn.

7-inch extended play 45 rpm vinyl record entitled 'Tobacco Chant - Part 1 | The Song of the Auctioneer' ['Tobacco Chant - Part 2' on the b-side].

Bob Cage [Produced by G. J. Ashton; Recorded by C. U. Krieger; Tobacco Auctions Ltd, Southern Rhodesia; Halifax, Virginia]
Publication details: 
Tobacco Auctions Limited, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia.

Undated. Dusty, but veryy good, on black vinyl with yellow label and triangular insert. In lightly worn, creased and grubby original sleeve printed in green and yellow, carrying a lengthy note by G. J. Ashton, beginning 'On this record you can hear parts of an actual sale of tobacco held on the floor of Tobacco Auctions Ltd., Salisbury, introduced by BOB CAGE. Mr. Cage, a native of Halifax, Virginia, has been auctioneering tobacco for over fifteen years in the United States and Rhodesia.

Handbill entitled 'The Recruiting Officer's Speech.'

The Recruiting Officer' [evangelical Christianity; handbills; Salvation Army; George Brimmer, London printer; G. and I. Offer, booksellers; ephemera]
Publication details: 
[c. 1818] London: Printed by G. Brimmer, 15, Water-lane, Fleet-street; and sold by G. and I. Offer, Postern Row, Tower Hill, and J. Higham, 6, Chiswell Street.

On one side of a piece of unwatermarked wove paper, 32 x 25 cm. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Attractively produced within a decorative border, with the title in gothic script and the text beginning in a single column before splitting into two. Printer's and publishers' details at foot, with advertisement of five works published between 1815 and 1817.

Souvenir of the Visit of the King of Spain to England', printed as napkin or handkerchief on tissue paper, illustrated, and with coloured border.

Burgess, William & Co., London printers [King Alfonso XIII of Spain; King Edward VII of the United Kingdom; typography; typographical]
Publication details: 
[1905] 'Burgess William & Co., Printers, 12, Mansell Street, Aldgate, London City.'

An unusual, scarce and frail survival. Printed on one side of a piece of tissue paper, roughly 35 cm square. Surprisingly well preserved: heavily creased, with some wear to extremities, one small hole (not affecting text or image) and one closed tear of approximately 4 cm to coloured border.

List of the Officers of the Foreign Men of War invited to the Naval Review, Spithead.

Naval Review, Spithead, 1937 [Royal Portsmouth Corinthian Yacht Club; Royal Navy; Admiralty; Maritime]
Publication details: 
Admiralty. 20 May 1937. [Printed by 'H & S, Ltd.']

8vo; 33 pp. In original blue printed wraps. On lightly-aged paper, with occasional foxing, in creased wraps. With the stamp of the Royal Portsmouth Corinthian Yacht Club. The entries for the eighteen nations listed on the second page have been ticked off in blue pencil, and the ships of two other nations (Canada and India) added beneath the list in manuscript. Listing the crews of the various ships, with seniority. Represented are both the U.S.S.R., with the 'Marat' ('Flagman 2nd Rank (Rear Admiral) - V. I. Ivanov (Commanding Officer)...

An Article on the Debts of the States from the Christian Review for March, 1844.

[Boston; The Christian Review; <T Nayland? or Wayland?>; Sir E. F. Bromhead; nineteenth century economics; economic history]
Publication details: 
Boston: Printed by William S. Damrell, 11 Cornhill. 1844.

8vo: 24 pp. Unbound and stitched. With printed grey front wrap, inscribed to 'Sir E. F. Bromhead | Bassingham | Lincolnshire | from the author | '. On aged paper, grubby at extremities and a little dogeared, but tight and with text clear and entire. 'The general fact has been long before the public, that the several States in the Union are indebted to various individuals in Europe, to the amount of about two hundred millions of dollars. At the time when this debt was incurred, very few persons, either in or out of the indebted States, gave themselves any trouble about it.

Verses on the Monumental Effigy of Alice-Evelyn, The Infant-Daughter of Martin Farquhar Tupper, Esq. Sculptured as a Sleeping Child, by J. Durham, Esq. Written by R. T. for W. H. [...]'.

R. T. [Martin Farquhar Tupper (1810-1889); Joseph Durham (1814-1877); Thomas De La Rue & Co.]
Publication details: 
London: Imprinted by Thomas De La Rue & Co. Dwelling in Bunhill Row. For Presentation to Private Friends. 1854. Not Published.'

Printed on all four pages of a bifolium, with each leaf roughly 17.5 x 13.5 cm. Lightly creased, and with the outer pages a little grubby, but good overall. A self-consciously well-printed production, with each page encased in a black ruled border, and with an engraving of the sculpture on the front page, beneath which, 'A. C. CHISHOLM. DEL. J. DURHAM. NV.' Possibly complete in itself, but in view of the elaborate title probably a taster for a volume which, considering the fact that there is no record of this item on COPAC, was probably never printed.

Science at Cambridge, by Dr. Monckman. (Of Downing College.)

[Dr James Monckman of Downing College, Cambridge; Bradford]
Publication details: 
Cambridge - Deighton, Bell & Co., Trinity Street. Bradford - Honorary Secretaries of the Scientific Association, - Mr. J. Skelton, Crossley Hall; Mr. Wm. Pickles.' [J. Green, Printer, &c., 311, Manchester Rd., Bradford.] [1888]

8vo: 16 pp. Unbound and stitched. On brittle, discoloured paper chipping at extremities and with the first and last leaves detached from one another. All but the first four pages consisting of a 'list of Original Papers, published by resident members of the University during the years 1886 and 1887', compiled to indicate the 'extent to which the country is indebted to the endowments of the University'. Including works by J.J. Thomson, Francis Darwin, George Darwin. Scarce: no copy in the British Library and the only copy on COPAC at Cambridge University Library.

Oda en elogio de la Marina Española, por Doña María Rosa de Galvez.

Dona María Rosa de Gálvez [Maria Rosa Galvez de Cabrera] (1768-1806)
Publication details: 
Madrid: En la Imprenta de Repullés. 1806.

4to, 12 pp. Disbound and stitched. Very good. The poem covers pp. 3-11, with five 'Notas' on p. 12. Scarce (in the Anglo-Saxon world at least): COPAC only lists a copy at the British Library. Includes a passage on Nelson and 'el feroz Britano'. No copy found in Sanish Union Catalogue etc. (accessed through German Union Catalogue).

Handbill, advertising 'Messrs. Raphael Tuck & Sons' next Amateurs' "Literary" and "Painting" Prize Competition, (A Special Section being reserved for Children of varying ages), in May 1895.', judged by 'Walter Besant and Marcus Stone, R.A.'

Raphael Tuck & Sons, Fine Art Publishers, London [Walter Besant; Marcus Stone]
Publication details: 
London: Messrs. Raphael Tuck & Sons, Fine Art Publishers, 72/73 Coleman Street, City. [1895]

On one side of a piece of paper roughly 24 x 14.5 cm. With card backing. Good, though lightly aged. Headed by the Royal warrant, the top-half of the handbill features, in a variety of types and point sizes, the announcement of Tuck and Sons' intention to award 'Upwards of 4,000 prizes, of the value of 3,000 guineas, and a number of judges' diplomas', with Besant and Stone as judges. The lower part has two columns featuring fifteen testimonials, by newspapers ranging from 'Windsor and Eton Gazette' to the 'Sheffield Telegraph'.

Offprint entitled 'Notice sur Mr. F.-G. Maurice, l'un des Rédacteurs de la Bibliothèque Britannique et Universelle.'

[Fréderic-Guillaume Maurice (1750-1826), French-Swiss savant, one of the founders in 1796 of the Bibliothèque Britannique [Bibliothèque Universelle]
Publication details: 
Tiree de la Division Litterature de la Bibl. Univ. [Bibliothèque Universelle] Nov. 1826'.

8vo, 13 pp. Paginated I-XV. Eight-leaf unbound bifolium. Unbound and unstitched, the whole held together by a pin in the gutter. Good, on wove paper, but with title-page somewhat discoloured with damp. Separate printed title, 'NOTICE SUR Mr. F. G. MAURICE.' Inscribed [to?] at head of title-page, 'Msr Marshall Newton-Kyme, Tadcaster, Yorkshire'.

Collection of the firm's estimates, invoices and receipts, mainly addressed to Percy Young of Messrs. H. Young & Co. Ltd., Constructional Engineers, and concerning items for a 'House at Sheen' designed by the architect H. V. Milnes Emerson.

Doulton & Co. Limited, Manufacturers of Sanitary Equipment, Lambeth [Royal Doulton Potteries; bathroom fixtures and fittings; Percy Young; H. V. Milnes Emerson]
Publication details: 

A collection of twenty-two items, with one printed envelope, all in good condition, and relating to a complex order to one of the United Kingdom's best-known business concerns. Interesting for the light it casts on the best business practice in the British building industry of the 1930s. Includes typed two-page foolscap estimate, dated 1 November 1930, initialed and on the firm's letterhead, addressed to H. V.

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