[St Andrews University, Kate Kennedy Day 1871.] Victorian photographic print of illustration depicting nine St Andrews Professors, one of them said to be John Stuart Mill, in fantastic revels.

[St Andrews University, Fife, Scotland: Kate Kennedy Day 1871; John Stuart Mill]
St Andrews
Publication details: 
Victorian photographic print of illustration ‘signed’ ‘Kate Kennedy pinxit / 1871’.
St Andrews

The tradition of this annual day of revels at Scotland's oldest university St Andrews is said to date back to the fifteenth century and is said to commemorate the visits of a lady Katharine Kennedy to her uncle, Bishop Kennedy of St Andrews, every Spring. 9 x 5 cm sepia photographic print of illustration, laid down on 10.5 x 6 cm piece of card, and clearly made in the nineteenth century. In fair condition, lightly aged. As part of the print, at bottom right: ‘Kate Kennedy pinxit / 1871’.

[ George Vicat Cole, English artist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vicat Cole'), requesting tickets to Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee Procession.

Vicat Cole [ George Vicat Cole ] (1833-1893) ], English painter
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Little Campden House, Kensington, W. [ London ] 9 June 1887.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient is an unnamed man and the subject is Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee Procession, London, 21 June 1887. Asking for tickets, if there are 'any good places left', 'to view the procession of the 21st.'

Printed leaflet advertising 'SEATS TO VIEW . . . | THE CORONATION PROCESSION' of King George V in 1911, with a pricing scale for the floors and roof of 41 King William Street, 'FINEST VIEWS ON THE ROUTE.'

Buzzacott & Co., London estate agents [1911 Coronation Procession of King George V]
Publication details: 
[Buzzacott & Co., 40, Praed Street, Paddington, London, W. 1911.]

2pp., 12mo; with the reverse folding out to make 1p., landscape 8vo, with the words 'CORONATION, 1911.' printed in red. The text begins on the first page beneath the firms letterhead: 'HOUSES LET OR SOLD. | RENTS COLLECTED IN ANY DISTRICT. | WEEKLY PROPERTIES MANAGED. | REPAIRS ECONOMICALLY EXECUTED. | DISTRAINTS LEVIED. | [...]'. The text of the announcement is headed, in red: 'SEATS TO VIEW . . . | THE CORONATION PROCESSION.' The first page reads: 'We have pleasure in submitting prices of Seats which we have To Let at | 41, KING WILLIAM STREET, E.C., | to view the Procession on June 23rd.

Twenty-one glass slides of photographs of the funeral procession of King Edward VII through the streets of London, 1910.

[Photographs of the funeral procession of King Edward VII through the streets of London, 1910]
Publication details: 
[London, 1910.]

All twenty-one slides bound in 8 cm glass squares, with the black and white images themselves in good condition and unfaded, with only one slide damaged (glass shattered in a corner, not affecting image). All with labels numbered 394.5.

Printed paper serviette, illustrated in colour, headed 'Official Programme and Route of the Lord Mayor's Show'.

William Burgess & Co., printers, Aldgate, London [Sir James Thompson Ritchie, Lord Mayor of London, 1903]
Publication details: 
Burgess William & Co. Printers 12, Mansell St. Aldgate, E. London'. [1903]

Printed in blue, pink, green, gold, white, yellow, brown and purple on one side of a piece of tissue paper roughly 34.5 cm square. Good, on lightly creased paper with a little wear to extremities and slight loss to the top left-hand and bottom right-hand corners (not affecting the design). The text, with an engraved portrait (5.5 x 4.5 cm) of Lord Mayor Ritchie, is printed in blue in two columns of around 32 lines each, and surrounded by coloured decorative border of flowers, around 6 cm thick. It lists the order and route of the procession. An attractive piece of ephemera.

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