[W. H. Hudson [William Henry Hudson; Guillermo Enrique Hudson], American-Argentine author, naturalist and ornithologist, who settled in England.] Autograph Signature and inscription.

W. H. Hudson [William Henry Hudson; Guillermo Enrique Hudson] (1841-1922), American-Argentine author, naturalist and ornithologist, who settled in England
Publication details: 
27 June 1920. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On a 17.5 x 12 cm piece of ruled paper, laid down on a piece of card. The high-acidity paper is browned, otherwise in good condition, with small nick to one edge. The signature ‘W. H. Hudson / June 27. ’20’ is beneath two lines written in a foreign language, a tentative reading of which is ‘Te semiron mulei moy / To dariau tis viden’. See Image.

[Sir David Wilkie, Scottish genre painter.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'the Director Waagen' [Gustav Friedrich Waagen], arranging a visit to 'the house of the Duke of Wellington.

Sir David Wilkie (1785-1841), Scottish painter noted for genre pieces such as 'The Chelsea Pensioners' [Gustav Friedrich Waagen (1797-1868), Director of the Berlin Gemäldegalerie; Duke of Wellington]
Publication details: 
'7 Terrace Kensington / July 19th 1835'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Wilkie was in a good position to assist Waagen, who was touring England making notes on significant art collections, for use in his ‘Kunstwerke und Künstler in England und Paris’ (3 vols, Berlin, 1837–39), which formed the basis for his influential ‘The Treasures of Art in Great Britain’ (translated by Lady Eastlake, 4 vols, London, 1854 and 1857). Wilkie had strong connections with Wellington. His 1822 painting ‘The Chelsea Pensioners reading the Waterloo Dispatch’ had been commissioned by the Duke, and was sold to him for the unheard-of sum of 1,200 guineas.

[Sir Charles Craufurd [Sir Charles Gregan Craufurd], gallant British soldier.] Autograph itemised financial statement: 'Major Craufurd's Account', with signed receipt, for costs including the Duke of York's 'Pellice' and 'Post Horses'.

Sir Charles Craufurd [Sir Charles Gregan Craufurd] (1761-1821), gallant British soldier, equerry to the Duke of York, and later a Tory Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
16 January 1794. No place [on active duty in the Netherlands].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. In 1787 he had been appointed equerry to the Duke of York, and he accompanied him to the Netherlands as Aide-de-Camp. The present item was written a three months before the Battle of Villers-en-Cauchies, at which Craufurd, at the head of two squadrons, is said to have captured three guns and a thousand men. 1p, 12mo. On watermarked laid paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with creases from having been folded into a packet. Docketed on reverse. Reads: ‘Major Craufurd’s Account. / Paid to the Russian Minister at Brussels for a Pellice for the Duke ..

[Lord Macaulay [Thomas Babington Macaulay] (1800-1859), great Victorian historian, poet, Whig Member of Parliament.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Richardson', declining a dinner engagement.

Lord Macaulay [Thomas Babington Macaulay] (1800-1859), great Victorian historian, proponent of the ‘Whig interpretation of history’, poet, Member of Parliament, a great influence on Winston Churchill
Publication details: 
'Albany [London] June 17. 1851'.

With Thomas Carlyle recognised by the Victorians as one of their two greatest historians. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On grey wove watermarked paper. In good condition, lightly creased and aged. Folded twice. Reads ‘Dear Miss Richardson, / I am extremely sorry that I have an engagement which will make it impossible for me to have the pleasure of dining with you on Wednesday fortnight / Very truly yours, / T B Macaulay’.

[British Army during the Seven Years’ War.] Manuscript ‘Return of the Men of the Royl. Regiment of Artillery Horses & Drivers under the Command of Lieutent. Davd. Scott’, signed by Scott.

Lieutenant David Scott, Royal Artillery [British Army during the Seven Years’ War]
Publication details: 
‘at the Camp near Winchester - June 28th 1762’.

1p, foolscap 8vo. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium of laid watermarked paper. Docketted on reverse of second leaf. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice into a packet. Neatly written out by a secretary, and signed by Scott (‘Dad. Scott Lieut. / Artillery.’). Headed ‘Return of the Men of the Royl. Regiment of Artillery Horses & Drivers under the Command of Lieutent. Davd. Scott at the Camp near Winchester - June 28th 1762.’ Begins with numbers of ‘Mattross’s’, ‘Drivers the Conductor included’, ‘Horses’.

[Alfred Waterhouse, RA, Victorian Gothic Revival architect who designed Manchester Town Hall and the Natural History Museum, London.] Autograph Letter Signed to Thomas Haigh, regarding designs for a house in Keston.

Alfred Waterhouse (1830-1905), RA, Victorian Gothic Revival architect who designed Manchester Town Hall and the Natural History Museum, London
Publication details: 
'Manchester / 2 : Aug : 1856'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB: ‘In 1848 he was articled to the staunchly Quaker P. B. Alley, then in partnership with Richard Lane, the leading neo-classical architect of Manchester. In 1853 his education was completed with a ten-month tour of France, Italy, and Germany, after which he set up in practice as an architect in Manchester.’ (Waterhouse’s first success would come with his winning design for the Manchester assize courts in 1859.) 1p, 12mo. On the first leaf of a grey-paper bifolium. In good condition. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘Thomas Haigh Esq:’ and signed ‘A Waterhouse’.

[Alfred Waterhouse, RA, Victorian Gothic Revival architect who designed Manchester Town Hall and the Natural History Museum, London.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Horsley’ [John Callcott Horsley?], responding to an appeal and requesting no 'mystery'..

Alfred Waterhouse (1830-1905), RA, Victorian Gothic Revival architect who designed Manchester Town Hall and the Natural History Museum, London [John Callcott Horsley (1817-1903), painter]
Publication details: 
8 August 1878; on letterhead of 20 New Cavendish Street, Portland Place, W. [London]

See his entry, and that of his fellow Academician Horsley, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On the first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Signed ‘A Waterhouse’. Reads: ‘Dear Horsley. / You are quite right. No “mystery” between us if you please. / I say “yes” to your query to the extent of 2 guineas. / I hope you will soon gain the sum you desire without any great trouble to yourself’.

[Joan of Arc: Rev. Dr Walter Sidney Scott of Shortfield House, Frensham.] Autograph and Typescript material by him relating to Joan of Arc (talk, paper, article, dramatic ‘Reverie’), with material relating to his family pedigree.

[Joan of Arc] Walter Sidney Scott (1900-1980) [Rev. Dr W. S. Scott of Shortfield House, Frensham], English cleric, author and biographer of Joan of Arc [Jeanne d’Arc]
Publication details: 
Between 1956 and 1974. (Genealogical material earlier?)

Scott was the author of books on subjects as diverse as the bluestockings and metaphysical poets. He produced two works on Joan of Arc: first, in 1956, the Folio Society published his edition of ‘The trial of Joan of Arc, being the verbatim report of the proceedings from the Orleans Manuscript’; then, in 1974, appeared his biography ‘Jeanne d’Arc’, published by Harrap. With regard to the present material, Items One to Five are all typed, and Item Seven contains exclusively-autograph material.

[G.F. Watts, painter and sculptor; Rothschild] Autograph Note Signed G.F. Watts to Dear Baroness [Juliana, wife of Baron Mayer de Rothschild] co9ncerning his portrait of Miss [Hannah] de Rothschild later married to the Earl of Rosebery

G.F. Watts [George Frederic Watts (1817 – 1904) painter and sculptor associated with the Symbolist movement.]
Publication details: 
Little Holland House, 5 Feb. 1873.

One page, 12mo, fold marks, good condition. Dear Baroness | I will send the picture as you dsire & shall be ready to finish Miss de Rothschild when convenient to her to sit.Note: a. A particularly significant portrait was of the 23 year old Hannah de Rothschild painted in 1874, four years before her marriage to Lord Rosebery. The small portrait (it was only 10×12) gave Lord Rosebery such pleasure that, after Hannah’s early death in 1890, he told Watts that he carried it wherever he moved as he could not bear to be parted from it; b.

[William Warde Fowler, historian and ornithologist, tutor at Lincoln College, Oxford.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Bridge’, discussing 'the diminution of corn-growing' and an ornithological excursion.

William Warde Fowler (1827-1941), classical historian and ornithologist, tutor at Lincoln Colege, Oxford
Publication details: 
‘Kingham, April 13 1913’.

Fowler’s entry in the DNB states that he resigned his tutorship in 1910, when he ‘retired to Kingham, where, since 1873, he had enjoyed a country home and entertained his pupils. From 1899 he lived there with his sister Alice’. On both sides of what was an 8vo leaf, the lower part of which has been torn away, leaving a piece roughly 20 cm square, with 26 typed lines and the autograph valediction, in a large bold hand, ‘Yours sincerely / W. Warde Fowler’. Aged and worn, but with the remaining text clear. A nice letter, combining Fowler’s main interests.

[David Welsh, Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Edinburgh University, then Free Church of Scotland minister and Professor at New College.] Autograph Signature and valediction to a letter.

David Welsh (1793-1845), Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Edinburgh University, then Free Church of Scotland minister and first Professor of Ecclesiastical History at New College
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Autograph Signature and valediction to letter on 11 x 4.5 cm slip of paper: 'My dear Sir / Yours most truly / David Welsh'. In good condition on lightly-aged laid paper, with neat vertical fold. Tiny slip of paper with pencil note in contemporary hand laid down on blank space at left of slip.

[Sir John Graham Dalyell, Scottish antiquary and naturalist.] Autograph Letter Signed undertaking to promote the recipients' ‘views & interests’.

Sir John Graham Dalyell (1775-1851), Scottish antiquary and naturalist
Publication details: 
‘H[?] Street 17 Nov 1820’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In his expansive hand, with a good bold signature. On worn and aged leaf of laid paper, with two small punch holes to inner edge, affecting one word of text. Reads: ‘Dear Sirs / I feel quite at a loss to express my sense of this mark of your attention. I can only assure you that my best exertions shall not be wanting to promote your views & interests. / Meantime / I am Dear Sirs / Yours faithfully / John Graham Dalyell’.

[Dannie Abse, Welsh Jewish poet.] Autograph Letter Signed to Paul Furness, recalling poets like Paul Potts and George Barker in the Soho pub the French House, and John Conway and Alun Owen in pubs in Cardiff, and Jews and pubs.

Dannie Abse [Daniel Abse] (1923-2014), Welsh Jewish poet, brother of politician Leo Abse and psychologist Wilfrid Abse [Gaston Berlemont (1914-1999), landlord of the French House, Soho, London]
Publication details: 
November 1982; 85 Hodford Road, London NW11. On embossed government letterhead.

A good informative letter. See Abse's entry in the Oxford DNB, along with that of Gaston Berlemont, proprietor of the French House (the nickname of the York Minster), Soho. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded one for postage. On a leaf of light-grey paper, in matching stamped envelope with postmark, addressed to Furness in Battersea. One of a number of letters from British poets in response to enquiries from Furness with regard to their pub memories.

['We weren't very angry either': Arnold Wesker, radical English Jewish playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed to Paul Furness, about the part played by the pub and drinking for Jews, the ‘angry young men’, David Mercer, and in his own life.

Arnold Wesker (1932-2016), radical English Jewish playwright, one of the 1950s ‘angry young men’
Publication details: 
9 October 1982. On his letterhead, 27 Bishop’s Road, London.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage and in stamped and postmarked envelope (with Wesker’s address printed on it), addressed to Furness in Battersea. One of a number of letters from British poets in response to enquiries from Paul Furness with regard to their pub memories. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr Furness’ and signed ‘Arnold Wesker’.

[‘The English Mayakovsky’: Adrian Mitchell, radical poet.] Typed Letter Signed to [Paul] Furness, describing his youthful experiences in pubs, ‘with the Merseylads’ (‘Liverpool poets’), in London and Oxford, with Jeff Nuttall, David Mercer and others

Adrian Mitchell (1932-2008), radical poet who made his name in the nineteen-sixties, described by Kenneth Tynan as ‘the British Mayakovsky’
Publication details: 
‘13 South Hill Park, London NW 3 March 31st 83’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, foolscap 8vo. Forty-three lines. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded for postage. Signed in red ink ‘Adrian Mitchell’, and with red ink underlining and one manuscript addition. Addressed to ‘Mr Furness’ (One of a number of letters from British poets in response to enquiries from Paul Furness with regard to their pub memories.) Begins: ‘Pub I think of with the Merseylads is the Phil.

[The 'Apostle of Liberalism': Sir James Mackintosh, Scottish historian and Whig politician.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to Rev. Thomas Maurice of the British Museum, on topics including Anglican ordination and a visit to Christie's auction house.

Sir James Mackintosh (1765–1832) of Kyllachy, Scottish historian, jurist and Whig politician [Thomas Maurice (1754-1824), Assistant Keeper of Manuscripts at the British Museum, orientalist
Publication details: 
ONE: ‘Serle Street Lincolns Inn August 13th. [no year]’. TWO: ‘‘Charlotte Street / Monday Eight OClock P.M.’ [No date.] THREE: ‘Wednesday’. [No date or place.]

Although he later repudiated his position, Mackintosh is notable for having defended the French Revolution from Edmund Burke's strictures. See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. With regard to Maurice's oriental studies, it is worth noting that Mackintosh was Recorder of Bombay, 1804-1811. The three items are in good condition, lightly aged and worn and folded for postage. The last two show slight evidence of the breaking of the wafer, and the last has minor traces of brown paper mount. All three are bifoliums, and all are signed ‘James Mackintosh’.

Sir Walter Elliot, Scottish orientalist, archaeologist, naturalist, and senior East India Company servant.] Autograph Letter Signed to the German orientalist Reinhold Rost, regarding books he donated to ‘the Library’, needing a ‘Pandit’ to read them.

Sir Walter Elliot (1803-1887), Scottish orientalist, archaeologist, naturalist, and senior East India Company functionary [Reinhold Rost (1822-1896), German orientalist in England]
Publication details: 
11 November 1876; on letterhead of Wolfelee, Hawick, N[orth]. B[ritain]. (i.e. Scotland).

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Addressed to ‘R. Rost Esq Ph.D’ and ‘Dear Dr Rost’, and signed ‘Walter Elliot’. He thanks him for taking the trouble to ‘hunt out the books. I gave a large number in 1866 & some in subsequent years but it is difficult to recal [sic] to mind the details of transactions of so distant a date’.

[Margaret Froude, daughter and editor of James Anthony Froude, historian and biographer of Thomas Carlyle.] Autograph Letter Signed, explaining why she is denying the unnamed recipient’s request to reprint two passages from Thomas Carlyle.

Margaret Froude, daughter and editor of J. A. Froude [James Anthony Froude] (1818-1894), historian, editor of Fraser’s Magazine, disciple and biographer of Thomas Carlyle
Publication details: 
4 October [no year]; on letterhead of 8 Cresswell Gardens, South Kensington [London].

Although it does not state so explicitly, Froude’s entry in the Oxford DNB appers to suggests that the Margaret Froude who edited his work after his death was the same daughter as the Georgina Margaret Froude (1850-1935) who married William Mallock. 1p, 12mo. On first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient is not named. Addressed to ‘Dear Madam’ and signed ‘Margaret Froude’. She cannot alter the opinion that she expressed to ‘Mr Longman’ (the London publisher).

[Croquet in the Raj.] Anonymous nineteenth-century manuscript poem titled ‘Lines on a picture of “Croquet at Materan” [Matheran hill station] by a Cynic.’ With cartoon of bewhiskered man behind mask of comedy.

Croquet in the Raj [Matheran hill station; British India; Edward Lear (1812-1888)]
Croquet in the Raj
Croquet in the Raj
Publication details: 
No date (mid-Victorian). On ‘J WHATMAN’ laid paper.
Croquet in the Raj
Croquet in the Raj

Although there is no clear connection, the present unpublished poem dates from around the same time as Edward Lear was drawing watercolours in the place referred to in it. Vidya Dehejia’s‘Impossible Picturesqueness / Edward Lear’s Indian Watercolours, 1873-1875’ (1989) describes how Lear visited ‘The two small hill-stations of Matheran and Mahabaleshwar near Bombay’. Of the former Lear wrote: ‘Matheran by the bye, has most probably been the original Eden - I don’t mean the first Lord Auckland, - but Paradise -’.

[Spenser Wilkinson, military historian, the first Chichele Professor of Military History at Oxford University.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Bryan' regarding a meeting with 'Col. [A. G. A.] Durand'.

Spenser Wilkinson [Henry Spenser Wilkinson] (1853-1937), military historian, the first Chichele Professor of Military History at Oxford University [Colonel A. G. A. Durand of the Hunza-Nagar Campaign]
Publication details: 
2 January 1901; 99 Oakley St. S.W. [London] On letterhead of the Morning Post, 246 Strand, W.C. [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of brown paper mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. Folded twice for postage. Signed ‘Spenser Wilkinson.’ Begins: ‘Dear Mr. Bryan, / I am glad to hear from you again, for you seemed lost. My wife went to Beauchamp Place long ago to call on Mr. Bryan but found that you had left & could not learn your address.’ He accepts with pleasure the invitation to lunch with him and Colonel Durand, ‘whose book I read with much interest’.

[Sharon Turner, historian and Anglo-Saxon scholar.] Autograph Letter Signed

Sharon Turner (1768-1847), historian, author of an influential four-volume ‘History of the Anglo-Saxons’
Publication details: 
'32 Red Lion Sq. / 18 [Fy.?]' [No year; London.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged; laid down on part of a leaf removed from an album. The male recipient is unnamed, and he signs 'Sho. Turner'. Begins: 'Dear Sir / I shall have great pleasure in accompanying you to Mrs [?]. But I would much rather go with you than meet you - and will therefore call upon you to morrow at No 24 Chapel Street Grosvenor Square at 1/2 past 5 precisely - unless you wish me to make it any other hour'. He thanks him for apologising for the short notice, 'But it happens to be a day on which I have no opposing engagement'.

[General J. M. Wainwright [Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright IV], US Army general, Commander of Allied forces in the Philippines.] Typed Note Signed, complying with a request for an autograph.

General J. M. Wainwright [Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright IV (1883-1953), US Army general, Commander of Allied forces in the Philippines who surrendered Corregidor to the Japanese in 1942
Publication details: 
30 September 1945, on letterhead of the War Department, Washington.

The note was written in a momentous month for Wainwright. On 5 September 1945, on his release after three years in captivity following his surrender at Corregidor, Wainwright was promoted to four-star General. On 10 September he was presented with the Medal of Honor by President Truman at the White House. On 13 September a ticker-tape parade in New York City was held in his honor. And on 28 September he was named commander of the Second Service Command and the Eastern Defense Command at Fort Jay, Governors Island, New York.

[Sir John Barrow, geographer and author, Second Secretary to the Admiralty.] Autograph Letter in the third person to ‘Mr. Clowes’, regarding his ‘Art[icle]. on Egypt’.

Sir John Barrow (1764-1848), geographer and author, Second Secretary to the Admiralty, 1804-1845
Publication details: 
'Tuesday' (no place or date).

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Laid down by the four corners to piece of paper neatly cut down from a leaf of an album. Reads: 'Sir J. Barrow will thank Mr. Clowes to let him have the Art. on Egypt, as soon as set up, as he will have considerable alterations to make towards the

Printed pamphlet: 'The Credibility of Herodotus' Account of Egypt in the Light of the Egyptian Monuments / Being a Lecture delivered at the Fifty-fifth Congress of the German Philologists and Schoolmasters at Erlangen'.

Wilhelm Spiegelberg; Aylward M. Blackman, translator
Publication details: 
Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1927.

[6] + 40pp, 8vo. Two plates and five figures in text. Stitched into brown printed wraps with attractive representation of Horus. Ownership signature 'E. B. Fry.' In good condition, lightly aged, in worn and lightly-creased wraps.

[The Fall of Fort Bowyer to the British, following the Battle of New Orleans, 1815.] Contemporary Manuscript Copy of Autograph Despatch from Major John Lambert to Earl Bathurst, describing the action.

Sir John Lambert (1772-1847), British Army general in the Napoleonic Wars [Henry Bathurst (1762-1834), 3rd Earl Bathurst; Battle of New Orleans and Fall of Fort Bowyer, 1815]
Publication details: 
'Head Quarters Isle Dauphine | February 14th. 1815.' [On paper with Golding & Snelgrove watermark dated 1811.]

3pp, foolscap 8vo. On laid paper with watermark: 'GOLDING | & | SNELGROVE | 1811'. Aged and worn, with closed tears along folds, but with text complete and clear. The document includes two passages written in red ink which has faded but is still legible. The background to the present letter is given in Lambert's entry in the Oxford DNB: 'On 4 June 1813 Lambert was promoted major-general, and was appointed to a brigade of the 6th division. [?] Having been sent to America, he joined the army under Sir Edward Pakenham below New Orleans on 6 January 1815, with the 7th and 43rd foot regiments.

[Sir Fenwick Williams [General Fenwick Williams], British Army officer - led the defence of Kars (Crimean War]; London Library] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir George Cornewall Lewis, asking him to support the election of E.H. Nolan as below.

Sir Fenwick Williams [General Sir William Fenwick Williams] (1800-1883), British Army officer who led the defence of Kars during the Crimean War, born in Nova Scotia [Sir George Cornewall Lewis]
Publication details: 
‘Woolwich April 7th. 1857.’

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Signed ‘W F Williams’ and docketed by the recipient ‘Sir Fenwick Williams of Kars’. Written while Lewis was Chancellor of the Exchequer in Palmerston's government. Begins: ‘Dear Sir Cornewall, / I take the liberty of asking you for your influence for Dr. Nolan as Secretary & Librarian of the London Library’.

[Lord Macaulay [Thomas Babington Macaulay], great British historian.] Autograph Signature ('Macaulay') to address on envelope to Lady Theresa Lewis

Lord Macaulay [Thomas Babington Macaulay] (1800-1859), great British historian, a leading proponent of the ‘Whig interpretation of history’, essayist and poet, Liberal politician [Lady Theresa Lewis]
Thomas Babington Macaula
Publication details: 
No date or place.
Thomas Babington Macaula

See his long and appreciative entry in the Oxford DNB, with that of the recipient Lady [Maria] Theresa Lewis (1803-1865), who lived in Kent House in Knightsbridge with her second husband Sir George Cornewall Lewis, Bart, her first husband having been the novelist Thomas Henry Lister (1800-1842). On front of 10.5 x 6.5 cm envelope. In fair condition, lightly aged, with the back flap torn at the tip. Reads: 'The / Lady Theresa Lewis / Kent House / Knightsbridge', with 'Macaulay' written below this at bottom left. See Image.

[Lord Macaulay [Thomas Babington Macaulay], great British historian.] Two Autograph Letters Signed and Autograph Note in third person to Lady Theresa Lewis, with Autograph envelope, including one letter written within sixteen days of his death.

Lord Macaulay [Thomas Babington Macaulay] (1800-1859), great British historian, a leading proponent of the ‘Whig interpretation of history’, essayist and poet, Liberal politician [Lady Theresa Lewis]
Thomas Babington Macaula
Publication details: 
ONE: ALS, ‘Albany [London] July 6. 1853’. TWO: AL, ‘Holly Lodge / December 8. 1859’. THREE: ALS, ‘Holly Lodge December 12. 1859’.
Thomas Babington Macaula

See his long and appreciative entry in the Oxford DNB, with that of the recipient Lady [Maria] Theresa Lewis (1803-1865), who lived in Kent House in Knightsbridge with her second husband Sir George Cornewall Lewis, Bart, her first husband having been the novelist Thomas Henry Lister (1800-1842). All items in good condition, lightly aged, with the letters folded for postage. ONE (6 July 1853): 1p, 12mo. ‘Dear Lady Theresa, / I will breakfast with you on Monday, and, in order to do so, will postpone my departure from town till the afternoon of that day. / Most truly yours, / T B Macaulay’.

[‘Lord Wellington is in full pursuit of the French’: Col. Thomas Abernethie of the Royal Marines, 1811.] Autograph Letter Signed from Major Thomas Abernethie, Royal Marines, to Cox and Son, regarding a cask of madeira and news of the Peninsular War.

Col. Thomas Abernethie (c.1759-1840) of the Royal Marines [Duke of Wellington; Peninsular War; Madeira Wine, Portugal]
Publication details: 
‘Lisbon 16 March 1811’.

He receives the briefest of obituaries in the Gentleman's Magazine, July 1840: 'May 10. At Exeter, aged 81, Col. Thomas Abernethie, K.H. on the retired list of the Royal Marines.' 3pp, 4to. Bifolium. On aged and discoloured paper, with the usual damage to the second leaf from the breaking of the seal. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with postmark, to ‘Messrs Cox & Son / 20 Bartletts Buildings / Holborn / London’. Signed ‘Thos. Abernethie’ and docketed ‘Maj: Abernethie / 16 March 1811’. Begins: ‘Gentlemen / I have requested a Cap.

[Thomas Phillipps, Collector; Middle Hill] Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Thomas Phillipps, collector
Publication details: 
M.H. [Middle Hill], 13 N[ovember?] 1854

Three pages, 8vo, creased and slightly stained, but clear and complete. He's been sent a copy of Seymour's lectures on Convents (pub. 1852), pays for it with stamps, makes one or two points for the next edition, refers to Wiseman (who published a response in 1853) as the Cardinal of Impudentiana, and gives references to other works on nunneries (evidences against). He promotes a campaign to petition for the repeal of the Emancipation Act, and concludes with further suggestions for a new edition (typography etc).

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