[W. H. Hudson [William Henry Hudson; Guillermo Enrique Hudson], American-Argentine author, naturalist and ornithologist, who settled in England.] Autograph Signature and inscription.

W. H. Hudson [William Henry Hudson; Guillermo Enrique Hudson] (1841-1922), American-Argentine author, naturalist and ornithologist, who settled in England
Publication details: 
27 June 1920. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On a 17.5 x 12 cm piece of ruled paper, laid down on a piece of card. The high-acidity paper is browned, otherwise in good condition, with small nick to one edge. The signature ‘W. H. Hudson / June 27. ’20’ is beneath two lines written in a foreign language, a tentative reading of which is ‘Te semiron mulei moy / To dariau tis viden’. See Image.

[General Peron; Argentina; cyclostyled or similar] Traduccion || BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF GENERAL PERON.

[Juan Domingo Perón (1895 – 1974), Argentine Army general and politician] Anon., Translator: J.W. de Kember.
Publication details: 
Presidencia de la Nacion | Subsecretaria de Informaciones [printed on each page] | Division Publicaciones | Sec. Traductores e Interpretes | Octubre 20 de 1954.

Five pages, folio, good condition, apart from rust marks around the paper clip holding the pages together. With embossed stamp top of each page, two arms holding a torch aloft. A favourable view of the life of Peron from birth up to and including his second presidency (4 June 1952), concluding: On the 7th of May of 1953 National Congress, convened in extraordinary sessions, expressing the will of the people, recognized and acclaimed General Juan Peron as Liberator of the Republic. With two carbon copies of pp.2 & 3. Image of page 1 available.

[Lillah McCarthy [Lady Keeble], actress.] Typescript, with a few autograph emendations, of commencement of a radio talk [given in Argentina?], telling stories about George Moore and George Bernard Shaw from her autobiography 'Myself and My Friends'.

Lillah McCarthy [Lady Keeble] (1875-1960), actress associated with Bernard Shaw and her husband Harley Granville-Barker [Leslie Mead, Director, Argentine Association of British Culture, Buenos Aires]
Publication details: 
[After the publication of her autobiography in 1933. Argentina?]

Carbon typescript. 4pp, 4to. Paginated 1-4. In fair condition, aged and worn, with chipping to edges. The text concerns George Moore and Bernard Shaw, but the introduction suggests that this is the start of a longer piece: 'I will give Mr. Mead, who has done such fine work and who has been so energetic in developing the work of the Associacion de Cultura Inglesa, the full particulars of the E. V. S. A., [i.e. English Verse Speaking Association] and I hope that you will all become Members.' | Mr.

[ The Falklands War, 1982. ] Spoof Typed Document, a British Army in-joke regarding 'Rehabilitation of soldiers returning frok the Falkland Islands', purporting to come from the 'British Dept of Psychiatry | Port Stanley'.

'British Dept of Psychiatry | Port Stanley' [ Falklands War, 1982; Falkland Islands; Great Britain; British Army; Argentina ]
Publication details: 
Supposedly addressed from 'British Dept of Psychiatry | Port Stanley | BFPO 666 | Stanley Mil Ext 3002'.

7pp., 8vo. A duplicated typescript on seven leaves stapled together. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. A long document, initially convincing, presenting itself as a form to be sent to the womenfolk ('Mrs/Miss') of soldiers who have suffered post traumatic stress in the Falklands conflict, but soon revealing itself to be a British Army in-joke. A revealing piece of military social history. Supposedly addressed from 'British Dept of Psychiatry | Port Stanley | BFPO 666 | Stanley Mil Ext 3002'. Ends: 'Your faithfully | [BLANK] | A. I. R.

[Col. C. Morley Knight, livestock breeder in Argentina.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Morley Knight') to C. E. Fagan, Secretary of the British Museum, commenting on Oliver Lodge and other trustees, and discussing the depression in Argentina.

Col. C. Morley Knight [Captain Charles Lewis William Morley Knight] (1863-1937), livestock breeder in Argentina [Charles Edward Fagan (1855-1921), Secretary of the British Museum; Sir Oliver Lodge]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Knight & Porteous, 'La Maria Luisa', Bonifacio, F.C.S. [Buenos Aires, Argentina.] 21 October 1913.

2pp., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with wear to extremities. He begins by discussing his own holiday, Fagan's and that of Porteous, before describing the weather on his trip to Argentina from England, with news of his plans ('I will try & get home for B.M. meeting 10th Janry.' Changing the subject, he writes: 'Hope you are getting to work in the Spirit room. It is a pity we cant have Oliver Lodge on the Sub Cttee. His address bored me & I think it most disappointing. I hoped for something much more exciting. It was only anti-cock-sure-Schafer.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. O'Connor'), in Spanish, from the Argentinian Admiral Eduardo O'Connor to Coronel Ricardo Mombello, with reference to 'el Conscripto Carlos Wasington [sic] Anthony'.

Admiral Eduardo O'Connor (1858-1921), Argentinian naval officer, Director General de Administrativa, y Gefe del Arsenal de Puerto Militar [Belgrano]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Gefe del Arsenal de Puerto Militar. 26 February 1914.

2pp., 8vo. On bifolium. O'Connor's signature damaged by wear along a vertical fold, otherwise in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Scan on request.

Printed circular letter, signed by Walter Townley [Sir Walter Beaupre Townley] as 'Chairman', and headed 'Argentine Centenary 1910. | British Memorial.' Regarding 'the presentation of a Memorial Clock Tower' by 'the British Community' in Argentina.

Walter Townley [Sir Walter Beaupre Townley (1863-1945), British Ambassador to Argentina], Chairman, Argentine Centenary 1910, British Memorial
Publication details: 
Buenos Aires, July 1909.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lighty-aged and creased paper, with a few short closed tears. Printed in blue and black. The circular reads: 'Argentine Centenary 1910. | British Memorial. | It has been decided by the British Community to celebrate the Argentine Centenary in 1910, and that the form should take the presentation of a Memorial Clock Tower, to be erected in a suitable place. | Subscriptions towards the above object are solicited andn may be forwarded to Mr. A. C. Allen, London Manager of the Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway, River Plate House, Finsbury Circus, London.

Detailed coloured hand-drawn plan of a broad gauge locomotive, with dimensions, on large piece of cloth headed 'F.C.G.O.A.', and text in Spanish and English, designed by the Stephenson Locomotive Works for the Argentine Great Western Railway Company.

Robert Stephenson & Co. Ltd., Locomotive Works, Darlington [railway engines; F.C.G.O.A.; Ferro Carril Gran Oeste Argentino; the Argentine Great Western Railway Company]
Publication details: 

An attractive item, on one side of a piece of cloth roughly 57 x 94 cm. Good: lightly aged and creased. Side section of the engine roughly 21 x 61 cm, with dimensions in grey, outlines and other lines in purple, one block in pink and red, and a few small parts in blue. Also a cross-section from the front, of the left side of the train only, roughly 22 x 9.5 cm. Beneath the heading 'F.C.G.O.A. are six lines of neatly-written text, the first reading 'Trocha de. 1676<?> Gauge.

Autograph Signature ('Bernardino Rivadavia').

Bernardino de la Trinidad Gónzalez Rivadavia y Rivadavia (1780-1845), first President of Argentina
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of paper roughly 5 x 8 cms. The signature is clear and firm, on a piece of lightly discoloured grubby paper, with a spike hole to the right (not affecting any text). Reads '[in another hand] Bernardino Rivadavia | [signature] Bernardino | Rivadavia' | [in another hand, in pencil] President of Buenos Ayres'. Laid down on irregular shaped piece of paper removed from autograph album, on which is written, in a nineteenth-century hand 'President of Buenos Ayres'.

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