[Sir Malcolm Sargent, composer and conductor.] Large sprawling stylized Autograph Signature in blue pencil on front of printed programme for a Royal Albert Hall performance of Berlioz’s ‘Grande Messe des Morts’.

Sir Malcolm Sargent [Sir Harold Malcolm Watts Sargent] (1895-1967), composer, organist and conductor of choral works, especially at the Henry Wood Promenade Concerts (‘The Proms’)
Publication details: 
Programme for performance at the Royal Albert Hall, London, 8 April 1954. ‘Published by The British Broadcasting Corporation, 35 Marylebone High Street, London, W.1.’

Stapled pamphlet. 20pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Sargent’s unusual bold stylized signature, in blue pencil, almost occupies a 5 cm square. All but the top centimeter which touches the printed date at points, is written on blank space on the cover. See image.

[Marcus Ward & Co., chromolithographic printers, London and Royal Ulster Works, Belfast.] 36 attractive chromolithographic prints of autumn leaves, each on a separate card, laid down in album by Marcus Ward & Co.

Marcus Ward & Co., chromolithographic printers, London and Royal Ulster Works, Belfast [chromolithographs]
Marcus Ward
Marcus Ward2
Publication details: 
No date [1870s?]. In album with printed title-page of ‘London: Marcus Ward & Co., / And / Royal Ulster Works, Belfast.’
Marcus Ward
Marcus Ward2

An attractive collection of chromolithographs, suited to display. The plates are all in good condition, laid down on the aged and sometimes damaged leaves of a small 4to (17 x 21 cm) album with good tight bevelled-edged binding in dark brown cloth, on which an embossed stylized pattern of foliage and two storks is printed in black with the word ‘ALBUM’ on the front cover and blind-stamped on the back cover. The album has an ornate title page, printed in red, with illustration of flowers, branches and a butterfly, together with the word ‘Album’ and publishers’ details.

[Reading Cooperative Society Limited.] Large illustrated poster, in three colours, with 1913 ‘Members’ Calendar’ and information on the Society, from ‘Women’s Guild’ to ‘Artificial Teeth’.

Reading Cooperative Society Limited [Co-operative Wholesale Society’s Printing Works, Longsight, Manchester]
Publication details: 
‘Members’ Calendar’ for 1913 [printed in 1912]. Co-operative Wholesale Society’s Printing Works, Longsight, Manchester.

Reading Cooperative Society Limited came into existence in the 1860s, as ‘Reading Industrial Co-operative Society’. A nice piece of ephemera from the high-tide mark of the co-operative movement. No other copy has been traced. 50 x 68 cm. A striking and attractive production in six columns, printed in red, olive-green and grey-black, and black, with border of raspberry leaves, calendar split between the outer edges. Large illustration of ‘Llandudno and the Great Orme’ beneath the heading ‘Each for all, & all for each.

[Catharine Tait, philanthropist.] Printed facsimile of Autograph Letter Signed ('Catharine Tait'), with one addition in her genuine autograph: a circular regarding 'the election of Harriet Amelia Johnson to St Ann's School Brixton'.

Catharine Tait (1819-1878), philanthropist [St Ann's School, Brixton; Harriet Amelia Johnson]
Publication details: 
June 1864. Fulham Palace S.W. [London].

For information on Tait, see her entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Aged, worn and lightly stained. The fact that Tait was able to produce a lithographed circular for such a minor purpose indicates her resources. The only words in the document in Tait's genuine autograph are the interpolated 'now & in Jan'. The circular reads: 'My dear Sir | I am very anxious to secure the election of Harriet Amelia Johnson to St Ann's School Brixton. Her father who was well known to us died this year leaving a widow and three children unprovided for.

[Richard Beresford, signed limitation, with second signature inscribing the book to 'Diana'.] Glist'ring Phaeton. [A verse translation of the French source of Shakespeare's Richard II, 'Histoire du Roy d'Angleterre Richard'.]

Richard Beresford [William Shakespeare, 'Richard II'; 'Histoire du Roy d'Angleterre Richard']
Publication details: 
'Published by the Morija Printing Works & sold by the Constantia Booksellers Johannesburg: 1945'.

[4] + 78 + [1]pp, 8vo. In printed wraps. Internally in fair condition, on lightly discoloured paper, in worn and stained wraps. Verse translation of the French source of Shakespeare's Richard II, 'Histoire du Roy Angleterre Richard'.

[ Alfred Bromley, Yorkshire sculptor, statuary, marble mason. ] Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed member of the clergy (Revd. Walker), requesting the payment of 'the small Acc[oun]t', as he has taken over Tilney's marble works in Leeds.

Alfred Bromley (c.1828-1887), sculptor, statuary, marble mason, born in Birstal, Yorkshire [ Thomas Tilney's marble works, Leeds ]
Publication details: 
Marble Works, Saville Street, Wellington Street, Leeds. 20 January 1852.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. He begins by calling in 'the small Acct', explaining that he has 'lately been subjected to rather an expensive personal, [sic] having taken the old established Marble Works late in the occupation of Mr. Tilney, directly opposite the Gt Northern Railway Station'. He is obliged to use all his endeavours 'to get together all my small outstanding Accounts, or exclusive of any other, I would not of some time yet caused [sic] yourself the slightest trouble concerning its remittance'.

[ Fodens Motor Works Band, celebrated brass band of Sandbach, Cheshire. ] Autograph Signatures of the conductor Fred Mortimer and 26 members of the band, annotated in pencil with their instruments.

Fodens Motor Works Band [ Foden's Band ], celebrated brass band from Sandbach, Cheshire [ Fred Mortimer (1880-1953), conductor ]
Publication details: 
[ Fodens Motor Works Band, Sandbach, Cheshire. ] Undated, but between 1927 and 1953, the 27 years that Fred Mortimer served as conductor.

On one side of a ruled 13.5 x 19 cm. leaf extracted from an album. A very nice piece of Fodens ephemera, in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Mortimer's signature ('F Mortimer') is centred at the head, with the 26 names of band members in two columns beneath. Lightly annotated in pencil, with identification of: first cornets (5); repiano; flugel; second cornet; third cornets (2); soprano; horns (3); baritones (2); euphoniums (2); trombones (3); bass (4); and drums. For information on the band, see the works by F. D. Burgess (1977) and Allan Littlemore (2000).

[ Sir Johm Alexander. Hammerton, editor of reference works. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. A. Hammerton'), an effusive letter of condolence to the widow of composer Herman Finck.

J. A. Hammerton [ Sir John Alexander Hammerton ] (1871-1949), Scottish author and editor of works of reference [ Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), composer and conductor ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of De Walden Lodge, Eastbourne, Sussex. 24 April 1939.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. He knew that Finck was ill, but 'the news of his death broadcast on Friday night came as a shock to me. | He & I had known each other for many years, & specially during the last five or six years we had much to say to each other at the Savage, my admiration for him deepening the more I knew him.' Another member of the Savage Club, Philip Page, referred to Finck as 'the most genial man he ever knew', and this was 'endorsed by all his fellow Savages'.

[ Murdoch's Family Bible and Standard Works Warehouse. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H Dodd') from the manager of the branch in Aston, Birmingham, to 'Mr J Gulliver', requesting payment for a subscription in order to 'save the expences of sending a man

Murdoch's Family Bible and Standard Works Warehouse [ Henry Dodd, Manager of the branch in Aston, Birmingham; National Fine Art Association, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the branch in Aston, Birmingham, of Murdoch's Family Bible and Standard Works Warehouse. 17 December 1880.

1p., 4to. On pink paper. In fair condition, lightly aged, worn and creased. With Dodd's personal oval stamp in purple ink. Reads: 'Mr J Gulliver | Sir | Will you kindly forward to me at the above the subscription on Bible you had of us in September | In so doing you will save the expences of sending a man'

[ Major-General Sir Benjamin Charles Stephenson, Surveyor-General of the Board of Works. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('B C Stephenson') to 'Lieutt: Lawrence R:N:' about an invention.

Major-General Sir Benjamin Charles Stephenson (c.1766-1839), G.C.H., Surveyor-General of the Office of Works
Publication details: 
Office of Works [London]. 19 March 1823.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with a short closed tear along a crease and slight loss to one corner. He regrets that 'it is not in my power to afford any Official Assistance, in promoting the use of your very Ingenious, & Valuable Invention; as the Business of this Department is exclusively confined to the Building, & <?>, belonging either to His Majesty, or the Public, such as Palaces, Public Offices &c.' He suggests a number of organisations to which Lawrence should apply., 'as the Departments most likely to encourage your useful Undertaking'.

[William Ford, Birmingham gun maker.] Manuscript letter from the firm to F. Gardner, giving the cost of improving the shooting of his 'little .410'. On letterhead with much text as advertisement.

William Ford, Gun Maker, "Eclipse" Works, 15, St. Mary's Row, Birmingham
Publication details: 
Letterhead of William Ford, Gun Maker, "Eclipse" Works, 15, St. Mary's Row, Birmingham. 21 February 1907.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper with wear to extremities. Addressed to 'F. Gardner Esq | Little Coggeshall | Essex'. The letter is signed 'Wm Ford | Per Pro' and reads: 'Dear Sir | In reply to your kind enquiry the cost to improve the shooting of your little .410 would be about 10/- if a double gun as near as I can tell without seeing it. | Trusting to be favoured with your kind command'. The letterhead contains a mass of text at the head and filling the left-hand margin.

[J. Rhodes & Sons, Ltd., manufacturers of sheet metal working machinery.] Trade catalogue, profusely illustrated with photographs and diagrams, and detailed descriptive text.

J. Rhodes & Sons, Ltd. Grove Iron Works, Wakefield, manufacturers of sheet metal working machinery, founded 1824 [Edwardian trade catalogue]
Publication details: 
J. Rhodes & Sons, Ltd., Grove Iron Works, Wakefield. London Office, 37, Walbrook, E.C. [J. H. Davenport & Co., Columbian Printing Works, Leeds, Yorks.] [1901.]

409 + [6]pp., 8vo. In blue cloth, with ornate design printed in silver on front cover, around a laid down photographic portrait of 'The late Alderman J. Rhodes, J.P. Founder of the Firm in 1824.' Spine reads: '1824. J. RHODES & SONS, LTD., 1901.' Text embossed on back cover. In fair condition, on aged paper, in lightly-worn and aged binding. Two leaves of addenda tipped-in, the first, with text printed in red, headed 'Notice. - American Competition!'; the second carrying text and illustration of the '"Rhodes" "Excelsior" Treadle Guillotine Shear'.

[Printed pamphlet by the 'Guest Keen Iron & Steel Company Limited', Wales.] Description of Cardiff Works.

[Guest Keen Iron & Steel Company Limited, Cardiff, Wales]
Publication details: 
[Cardiff:] Guest Keen Iron & Steel Company Limited. No date [circa 1950]. Printed by Stanford & Mann Ltd., Birmingham.

66pp., 8vo. With 29 illustrations in text. Stapled pamphlet on shiny art paper, in grey printed card wraps. In fair condition, aged and worn.

[Albion Iron Works, West Bromwich.] Autograph Letter Signed from the proprietor Walter Williams to London bankers Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co, regarding the purchase of 'nails & chains' for casks.

Walter Williams of Rose Inn, proprietor of Albion Iron Works, West Bromwich [Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co, London merchant bankers]
Publication details: 
Albion Iron Works, Westbromwich [West Bromwich]. 21 June 1844. With 'WEST BROMWICH' postmark.

1p., 4to. Bifolium, addressed on the reverse of the second leaf to 'Messrs. Thomson Hankey <& Co> | Merchants | 7 Mincing Lane | London'. The second leaf is also docketed, and carries two circular postmarks, one from 'WEST BROMWICH'. Williams writes that he has returned to find 'an enquiry about the nails & chains'. He gives a price below which he cannot go, adding: 'I must be paid for the Casks: but if a quantity of nails had been wanted I would have given my trouble on the other things, as I should have made a profit on the nails'.

[Henry G. Bohn, bookseller and publisher.] Printed 'Catalogue of a Collection of Works on the Fine Arts, comprising Books of Prints, Picture Galleries, Treatises on Painting, Sculpture and Engraving, Lives of Artists, &c.'

Henry G. Bohn [Henry George Bohn] (1796-1884), British bookseller and publisher [Christie's, London auctioneers]
Publication details: 
Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods, At their Great Rooms, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, London. [Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.] Sold on 30 March 1885 and following day.

30pp., 8vo. Stitched and unbound. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper, with a few closed tears. Full title: 'Catalogue of a Collection of Works on the Fine Arts, comprising Books of Prints, Picture Galleries, Treatises on Painting, Sculpture and Engraving, Lives of Artists, &c. Forming a Portion of the Library of that well-known Amateur Henry G. Bohn, Esq., Deceased, Late of North End House, Twickenham'. 395 lots. A few items priced in pencil, some with name of purchaser.

Autograph Signature of the Victorian philanthropist Catharine Tait, wife of Archibald Campbell Tait, Archbishop of Canterbury.

Catharine Tait (1819–1878), philanthropist, daughter of William Spooner (c.1778-1857), Archdeacon of Coventry, and wife of Archibald Campbell Tait (1811-1882), Archbishop of Canterbury
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On slip of paper, 2 x 9 cm, cut from a letter for an autograph hunter. In good condition, on lightly-creased paper.

Small archive of 22 Typed Letters Signed ('Frank Baines') and one Autograph Letter Signed, to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, with documents including a draft speech by Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin, with Baldwin's emendations.

Sir Frank Baines (1877-1933), British architect, Director of Works, Her Majesty's Office of Works [Stanley Baldwin]
Publication details: 
1927 to 1928; on letterheads of the Director of Works, H.M. Office of Works, and 34, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2. [London].

The collection is in very good condition, on slightly aged and dusty paper. Several items bear the Society's stamp. An interesting and significant correspondence. The letters, in a variety of formats from 12mo to foolscap, are often long, and are written in an informal tone. Indicating Baines's deep involvement in the Society's affairs, they most significantly concern an appeal, organised by Baines on behalf of the Society, 'for the preservation of the cottage architecture of Great Britain', with the backing and involvement of Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin.

Detailed coloured hand-drawn plan of a broad gauge locomotive, with dimensions, on large piece of cloth headed 'F.C.G.O.A.', and text in Spanish and English, designed by the Stephenson Locomotive Works for the Argentine Great Western Railway Company.

Robert Stephenson & Co. Ltd., Locomotive Works, Darlington [railway engines; F.C.G.O.A.; Ferro Carril Gran Oeste Argentino; the Argentine Great Western Railway Company]
Publication details: 

An attractive item, on one side of a piece of cloth roughly 57 x 94 cm. Good: lightly aged and creased. Side section of the engine roughly 21 x 61 cm, with dimensions in grey, outlines and other lines in purple, one block in pink and red, and a few small parts in blue. Also a cross-section from the front, of the left side of the train only, roughly 22 x 9.5 cm. Beneath the heading 'F.C.G.O.A. are six lines of neatly-written text, the first reading 'Trocha de. 1676<?> Gauge.

Promotional booklet in English, with photographic illustrations: 'From Industrial Sweden. Aktiebolaget Bofors. Bofors, Sweden.

Bofors Steel Works, Gothenburg, Sweden [Bofors anti-aircraft gun; armaments; warfare; military]
Publication details: 
Gothenburg: 1923. ['Wald. Zachrissons Boktr. A.-B., Göteborg 1923'.]

4to (28.5 x 21.5 cm): 8 pp. In original buff printed wraps. Printed on shiny art paper. Text complete and clear. Lightly spotted, with central vertical fold, grubby wraps, rusted staples. Twelve photographs, ranging in size from half- to quarter-page: 'General View of the Bofors Works', 'Erecting shop', 'Fitting shop', '15 cm. Guns', 'Hardening tower', '15 cm. (6 inch.) double gun-carriage M/12', 'Rolling Mill housing, weight 33 tons', 'Runner for water turbine', 'Ore Crusher', 'Exterior of the Bofors Steel Works', 'Screw Automatics' and 'Details'.

Chronicles of Wingham. (Being a contribution towards the History of the Parish.) Compiled from Various Works by Arthur Hussey, (Member of the Kent Archaeological Society.)

Arthur Hussey [Kent Archaeological Society; Wingham]
Publication details: 
Canterbury: Printed & Published by J. A. Jennings, City Printing Works. 1896.

8vo: 211 pp. In original brown cloth binding, with title in gilt on front board. A good tight copy, on aged paper with occasional spotting, in worn binding with fraying at head and tail of spine. Four-page list of subscribers at rear. Fifteen chapters, with subjects including Wat Tyler, John Cade, Wingham College; the Oxenden and Palmer families, and the manor house of the Archbishops of Canterbury.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to G[eorge]. K[enneth]. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir John Benton
Publication details: 
Both letters 14 January 1918; Westeroft, Liverdale Road, Eastbourne.

Scottish hydraulic engineer (1950-1927), of the India Public Works Department; Chief Engineer and Secretary to Government, Punjab Irrigation Branch. Both letters 12mo. Both very good, docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. LETTER ONE (two pages): Benton and a friend will make use of the two cards of invitation to A. Newland's paper on 'Water Power in Great Britain'.

Twelve Typed Letters Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Percy Dunsheath
Publication details: 
Between 28 October 1925 and 30 June 1926; all on letterhead 'W. T. HENLEY'S TELEGRAPH WORKS COMPANY, LIMITED. | RESEARCH DEPARTMENT. | Gravesend, | Kent.'

English electrical engineer and research scientist and writer (1886-1979), Member of the Senate, University of London. All items one page, quarto. All but one very good; one item discoloured and creased at head, and with several closed tears. All signed 'P Dunsheath' and most docketed or bearing the Society's stamp. The letters concern a lecture at the Society Dunsheath agreed to give following a conversation with Sir George Sutton entitled 'Science in the Cable Industry'. Dunsheath suggests that L. B.

SPECIAL LIST FOR Brewers, Wine Merchants, Aerated Water Trade, &c.' of firm making 'Carts, Wagons, Vans, Drays, &c. of all descriptions, also Dog-Carts, Phaetons, and other Carriages'.

The Bristol Wagon & Carriage Works Co. Ltd. [TRANSPORT]
Publication details: 
February 1895; 'HEMMONS, TYP., BRISTOL'.

4 pages of advertisements. 2 leaves folio (roughly 12 inches by 18 inches). In extremely poor condition: grubby, creased and stained, with several closed tears and damage involving loss, particularly to the first leaf, the heading of which has been cut away, so that the name of the firm can only be deduced from the illustrations. There are 27 steel-engravings of various vehicles, of which 5 on the first leaf have been seriously damaged. Details, including prices, are given for each vehicle.

Autograph Letter Signed to E. J. Wheatley.

Henry R. Potter [David Love, the Nottingham poet]
Publication details: 
Wymeswold Sat[urda]y AM.'

Possibly the Henry R. Potter, of the Office of Works, who corresponded with Gladstone in 1885 and 1894. 4 pages, 16mo. In good condition: neatly folded twice, with traces of stub along one edge of verso of second leaf of bifoliate. Apologises for 'the numerous omissions of which I have been guilty' in his lecture. His only excuse is that he 'submitted the lists to two or three persons resident in Nott[ingha]m and consequently, as I concluded, conversant with its "Notables" '.

two letters signed to E. S. Gibb,

Joseph Rowntree
Publication details: 
6 and 7 November 1890, with letterhead of the Engineering Department of Rowntree & Co., The Cocoa Works, York.

The younger. Quaker cocoa manufacturer and philanthropist (1836-1925). Both letters one page, 4to, and written by an amanuensis. The letters deal with a "proposed new siding", for which "Mr Copperthwaite & my Clerk of Works" think it will be necessary to "take down the bridge which connects the north & south portions of my land, & which is situated midway between the road to & the road to ." In the second letter he says he is leaving for Scarborough that morning, and that he fears his two days' absence "might delay operations with the branch line".

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