[Thomas Coutts, banker with London firm Coutts & Co.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding arrangements for a party with the Duke of Sussex.

Thomas Coutts (1735-1822), Scottish banker, a founder of the London banking house Coutts & Co. [Prince Frederick Augustus (1773-1843), Duke of Sussex]
Publication details: 
‘Stratton Street [London] / 2nd March / 1818’.

See his entry and that of the Duke of Sussex in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo, on first leaf of bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with strip of tape from mount adhering to blank second leaf. With two folds. The recipient is not named; signed ‘Thomas Coutts’. Twenth-two lines of text, neatly written and sloping upwards. Begins: ‘My Dear Sir / I send for your personal attn from The Duke of Sussex by which you will see he has promised to attend The Subscription Dinner for the benefit of decayd artists & cannot dine with me but says he will call before a day with Mrs Coutts’.

[Ivo Bligh, 8th Earl of Darnley, England cricket captain in the first Ashes series against Australia.] 15 manuscript items of banking correspondence between Darnley (8 signed items), his attorneys Wadeson & Malleson (6) and bankers Coutts & Co (1).

Ivo Bligh (1859-1927), 8th Earl of Darnley, England cricket captain in the first ever Ashes series against Australia, 1882-3; his attorneys Wadeson & Malleson, London; his bankers Coutts & Co, London
Publication details: 
All items from 1901. The Earl of Darnley, Cobham Hall, Gravesend, Kent; Coutts & Co, 59 Strand, London, WC; Malleson & Co, 7 Devonshire Square, Bishopsgate Without, London, EC.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The correspondence dates from the year 1901, Bligh having acceded to the earldom on the death of his elder brother Edward on 31 October 1900, and the material consists of what is probably the first set of banking instructions, mainly relating to his ‘accession account’, with recipients of payments ranging from the Dowager Countess to Rochester Golf Club. 10pp, foolscap 8vo; 2pp, 4to; 10pp, 12mo. The fifteen items range in size from foolscap 8vo to 12mo. Four items (letters to Coutts from Wadeson & Malleson) are typed and the rest are in manuscript.

[Simond and Hankey, London bankers involved in the West Indian sugar and slave trade.] Two manuscript bills in French, ‘A Messieurs Messrs. Ante. & Dan. Bierens a Amsterdam’, each signed by ‘Pre: Simond’ and endorsed by ‘Jean Hankey’.

Simond and Hankey, London bankers deeply involved in the West Indian sugar and slave trade; Peter Simond (1691-1785); John Hankey (1741-1792)
Publication details: 
Both dated from ‘Londres ce 15e. Decembre 1758’ [London].

With the surge of interest in the slave trade attention has lately been directed at Simond and Hankey, a ‘past constituent’ of the NatWest Bank. These two items are nice artefacts of the firm. Both are in good condition, lightly aged, and laid out in the same way, with the bill written out on one side of a 22.5 x 9 cm slip of laid paper. One is for ‘Deux Cent Livres Sterling a trente quatre Sols neuf deniers de gros’ and the other for ‘Cent Soixante Sterling a Trente quatre Sols dix deniers de gros’. Both drawn on ‘Messrs. Vernede & Co’.

[The Legislative Council of Jamaica, 1855.] Packet of six manuscript documents regarding the rejection by the Council of 49 chairs ordered from Druce & Co. of London, damaged in transit from England.

William R. Myers, Secretary, Executive Committee, Legislative Council of Jamaica [Thomson Hankey & Co, merchant bankers, London; Thomas Charles Druce; Druce & Co., upholsterers, Baker St, London]
Publication details: 
Items from the Executive Committee Office, Jamaica, and from Spanish Town, Jamaica, West Indies. All dating from 1855.

Packet of six items, held together with a pin. Totalling 8pp., folio; 3pp., 8vo. In good overall condition, on aged and worn paper. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed from 'Wm: R: Myers | Secy' to Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co, London. Executive Committee Office; 26 December 1855. 2pp., folio. Giving details of five documents which he is forwarding, 'on the Chairs received from Messrs. Druce & Co'. He writes that he is 'directed to communicate through you, that the Chairs are not accepted and will not be paid for, but will be kept on the account and risk of Messrs.

[Printed report.] Comparative Statement of the Imports into Bristol from the West Indies of Sugar, Rum & Coffee, together with Sugar from the East Indies and Mauritius from the 1st. January to the 30th. Septr in the Years 1839 & 1840 [...].

Ariel & Beloe, Colonial Brokers, Bristol [West Indian merchants; Mauritius; Messrs. Hankey, Wilson & Co., London merchant bankers]
Publication details: 
Ariel & Beloe, Brokers. 30 September 1840.

Full title: 'Comparative Statement of the Imports into Bristol from the West Indies of Sugar, Rum & Coffee, together with Sugar from the East Indies and Mauritius from the 1st. January to the 30th. Septr in the Years 1839 & 1840 shewing the Stocks remaining under Bond at the latter date.' 3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Addressed (with two postmarks, one of them from Bristol) on reverse of second leaf: 'P.P. | Messrs. Hankey Wilson & Co | London', and docketed by the recipients: '496 | Ariel & Beloe | 30 Sept 1840 | recd 2 Oct [1840] | no answer'.

[Albion Iron Works, West Bromwich.] Autograph Letter Signed from the proprietor Walter Williams to London bankers Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co, regarding the purchase of 'nails & chains' for casks.

Walter Williams of Rose Inn, proprietor of Albion Iron Works, West Bromwich [Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co, London merchant bankers]
Publication details: 
Albion Iron Works, Westbromwich [West Bromwich]. 21 June 1844. With 'WEST BROMWICH' postmark.

1p., 4to. Bifolium, addressed on the reverse of the second leaf to 'Messrs. Thomson Hankey <& Co> | Merchants | 7 Mincing Lane | London'. The second leaf is also docketed, and carries two circular postmarks, one from 'WEST BROMWICH'. Williams writes that he has returned to find 'an enquiry about the nails & chains'. He gives a price below which he cannot go, adding: 'I must be paid for the Casks: but if a quantity of nails had been wanted I would have given my trouble on the other things, as I should have made a profit on the nails'.

[Alexander Johnstone, proprietor of Westerhall [Baccaye] slave Plantation, Grenada, West Indies.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Alexr. Johnstone') to his London bankers Messrs Simond & Hankey, regarding the 'neglect & misconduct' of 'Capn. Mackintosh'.

Alexander Johnstone (1727-1783), proprietor of the Westerhall [Baccaye] slave Plantation, Grenada, West Indies [Messrs Simond & Hankey, London bankers]
Publication details: 
Bulstrode Street [London]. 4 October 1777.

The story of the Johnstone family has been told in Emma Rothschild's 'Inner Life of Empires' (Princeton, 2012). According to Rothschild, Alexander Johnstone 'became a soldier in the British army and was sent to North America.

[Jamaican sugar plantations in the slavery period.] Detailed double-entry signed manuscript accounts of 'Sales of 20 Hogsheads Sugar received by Gibbs, Son & Bright, Pr. the St. Elizabeth Geo: Lewis from Jamaica for account of Thomas Foster Esqr.'

Gibbs, Son & Bright, Bristol merchants [Thomas Foster; Daniel Stanton; Thomson Hankey senior (1773-1855), City of London merchant banker with extensive West Indian interests]
Publication details: 
[Gibbs, Son & Bright.] Bristol. 3 December 1822.

On one side of a 47 x 20 cm piece of paper. Docketted on reverse. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. In part a form, printed in copperplate, with the details completed in manuscript, and signed on behalf of the firm 'Bristol 3rd December 1822 | Errors Excepted | Gibbs Son & Bright'. Included on the debit side are: Duty; Entry Fees, Wharfage, Town & Dock dues; 95 day's Interest; Freight; Warehouse Rent, Porterage, Weighing & Hauling; Insurance from Fire; Brokerage; Commission, leaving 'Nett Proceeds' of £257 18s 10d on £819 5s 0d.

[Henry Chetwynd-Talbot, 18th Earl of Shrewsbury, as Lord Talbot.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Talbot') to the London bankers Messrs Hankey & Co., regarding payments due and 'the price of W. India produce'.

Henry Chetwynd-Talbot, 18th Earl of Shrewsbury [Lord Talbot] (1803-1868) [Messrs. Thomson Hankey & Co., London bankers]
Publication details: 
'Kiplin [Hall] Catterick [Yorkshire]'. 17 November 1851.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Docketted 'Answered same date G H'. The letter begins: 'As the time is approaching when another instrument will be due to <?>, I should be much obliged to you if you could send me the amount of the balance due to you at the time the arrangement was made, & the different payments that have been made since'. The letter continues on the same subject. The postscript reads: 'Please mention what are the profits of the price of W. India produce'. From the Hankey & Co. banking archive.

[Thomas Coutts & Co., London bankers.] Manuscript Letter from the firm (signed 'Thomas Coutts & Co.') to John Hankey of the London banking family, expressing 'much surprize' at his firm's treatment of a bill from Lord St John.

Thomas Coutts & Co., London bankers [John Hankey, member of the London banking family of Hankey & Co.; Lord St John]
Publication details: 
Strand [London]. 17 July 1790.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf 'To | John Hankey Esqr'. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper.

[Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co., London bankers.] Signed Manuscript Document giving a barrister's opinion (Paterson?) on a disputed right of way between property owned by the firm in Grenville, Grenada, 'and a lot in the occupation of Mrs. V. Morrison'.

[Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co., London bankers; Grenville, Grenada; Mrs. V. Morrison; Paterson]
Publication details: 
'Chambers | St. Georges [Grenada] | 9th. May 1906'.

3pp., foolscap 8vo. 90 lines of text. Bifolium. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The signature, in a different hand from the rest of the document, is difficult to decipher: '<?> | Barrister at Law'. (The Paterson family were prominent on the island.) The document begins: 'The question submitted to me for an opinion is whether Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co. are entitled to a right of way for carts drawn by cattle &c along a passage lying between a lot of land in the Town of Grenville the property of the firm, and a lot in the occupation of Mrs. V. Morrison.

[Executive Committee of Jamaica.] Manuscript Letter Signed ('Wm: R[?]:') from Executive Committee Office to Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co., London bankers, regarding the payment of substantial sums towards the Bank of England Jamaica Guaranteed Loan.

[Executive Committee of Jamaica; Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co.; Bank of England; Jamaica Guaranteed Loan]
Publication details: 
'Jamaica No 81'. Executive Committee Office. 26 January 1856.

3pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. The letter begins: 'Gentlemen, | I am directed to inform you that a Bill of Exchange drawn by His Excellency the Governor and the Members of the Executive Committee, on the Lords of the Treasury, for the sum of £10.822 .. 9 ..

[Trinidad in 1842.] Autograph Letter Signed from 'G. E.' to the banker William Wilson of Messrs. Hankey, Plummer & Wilson, London, describing his activities on the island, including a visit to the Pitch Lake and capture of an alligator.

[Trinidad in 1842; William Wilson, banker, of Messrs. Hankey, Plummer & Wilson, 7 Mincing Lane, London]
Publication details: 
Port of Spain, Trinidad. 30 December 1842.

4pp., 4to. 112 lines of text. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper, with closed tears along fold lines. Addressed, with two postmarks (one of Trinidad) to 'W. Wilson Esqr. | 7. Mincing Lane | London | Packet'. A closely-written letter, well-written and filled with content, and with a few clues about the identity of the writer. It begins: 'A merry Xmas to you & all my friends in England. I remembered you in my cups, but the liquor was only water for I have become almost a teetotaller of late, having had a little about me when I left St Kitts.

Rare $1 [one dollar] banknote issued by H. G. Hotchkiss & Co's Bank, Lyons, New York in 1866.

H. G. Hotchkiss & Co's Bank, Lyons, New York
Rare $1 [one dollar] banknote issued by H. G. Hotchkiss
Publication details: 
H. G. Hotchkiss & Co's Bank, Lyons, New York. 1866.
Rare $1 [one dollar] banknote issued by H. G. Hotchkiss

7.5 x 15 cm. With green overprint. In poor condition: worn and with one small hole, and faded manuscript signature and endorsement.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Edward Charles Baring, 1st Baron Revelstoke
Publication details: 
20 December 1887; on letterhead 'Membland, | Plympton, | South Devon.'

Merchant banker (1828-1897). 1 page, 16mo. Grubby but in good condition overall. 'Dear Sir. | I enclose £10 for the boy Evans - The Calls of all sorts on me increase daily & it is quite out of the question to comply with half of them | Yours truly | Revelstoke'. Docketed in pencil at head.

Autograph Letter Signed to J. Lawford

Henry Baring
Publication details: 
Somerley; 27 September [1817].

Banker and gambler (1777-1848), father of the politician Henry Bingham Baring (1804-69). 1 page, 8vo. In very good condition although grubby. Addressed on verso of second leaf of bifoliate, which carries a red wax seal in two parts, to 'J. Lawford Esqr | Drapers hall'. Docketed in ink on verso of second leaf. 'Pray tell me whether my Berkeley Sqr. purchase is likely to be accepted soon as I want to move some funiture I have bought at a Sale into the house -'. Having been away from home he has sent no game.

Autograph Letter Signed [to his bankers].

Herbert G. Sotheby
Publication details: 
18 October 1901; blindstamped letterhead '26, Green Street, Park Lane, W.'

Son of Admiral Sir Edward Southwell Sotheby (for whom see DNB). 1 page, 16mo. In good condition. 'Gentlemen | I beg to inform you that for the future I shall draw my own cheques instead of my brother Mr. Alfred Sotheby.' Docketed in red ink along both long edges.

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