[West Indian Slave Trade; rum; sugar.] Eighteen manuscript documents (most from Lewis Simond & Co, New York Merchants) regarding slave trader and Jamaican plantation owner William Atherton and his Green Park Estate in Trelawny Parish.

West Indian Slave Trade: William Atherton (Wikipedia) (1742-1803), slave trader & owner of Jamaican sugar plantations, including the Green Park Estate in Trelawny Parish [Lewis Simond, NY merchants]
Publication details: 
One item from 1777, from Bounty Hall Estate, Jamaica; three items from London, 1800 and 1801; fourteen items from New York [Lewis Simond & Co.], 1803 and 1804.

All 18 items are in very good condition, with slight signs of age and wear. Items One and Eighteen are letters (Eighteen being a ‘triplicate’), the other sixteen items are accounts, with items Five to Eighteen relating to the firm of the New York merchant Lewis Simond. Items Seven, Nine and Twelve are copies (i.e. written out afresh but containing the same text) of Items Six, Eight and Eleven. ONE: Henry Hough (overseer of the Bounty Hall estate, Jamaica) to ‘William Fairclough / Green Park’: Autograph Letter Signed.

[Charles Pratt; America; Plantations] Section only of MS. Document (Secretarial text) Signed C. Pratt, memorialist as Attorney-General, concerning the Commissioners of Prizes and Plantations in America

Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden (1714-1794) judge and politician.
Publication details: 
Lincolns Inn Fields, 3 Dec. 1759.

Surviving section 20 x 10cm, closed tears 2.5cm, edges sl. ragged, foxing but text fully legible. See images.

[ Thomas Herbert Maddock ] Autograph Letter Signed "T H Maddock" to "Gladstone", presumably John Gladstone, merchant, politician, father of W.E. Gladstone.

Sir Thomas Herbert Maddock (1792–1870), civil servant in India and a Conservative MP.
Publication details: 
Clarendon Hotel, 24 April 1850.

Four pages, 12mo, good condition. "I have just received from Ceylon a formal evaluation of my coffee property. The sums stated ampount to £8471 & as there is upwards of 800 acres of uncleared forest which is valued at £2 peracre the whole amount will be upwards of £10,000. I send the paper in hopes it may enable your froiend [...] to effect a sale. His correspondent from Ceylon has enclosed a report "made by a Mr Simon Keir and Mr. George Hamilton Dundas" [Keir, Dundas & Co.

Cheque drawn on Messrs. Thomson Hankey & Co., London bankers, signed by Thomas Hankey junior, on account of the executors of his brother-in-law Sir William Alexander, for 'Funeral Expenses', with itemised Autograph Note Signed by Hankey on reverse.

Thomas Hankey junior (1805-1893), London banker [his brother-in-law Sir William Alexander (1755-1842), Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer]
Publication details: 
Messrs. Thomson Hankey & Co., 7 Mincing Lane, London. 20 July 1842.

Printed Hankey & Co. cheque for £156 17s 10d., on account of the 'Exors Sir Wm. Alexander', signed by 'Thomas Hankey Jnr. | Exor'. In fair condition, on aged paper. On the reverse: 'Travelling Expenses of | Mr. J. A Hankey | Coll. Hankey | J Hankey J. | R. Alexander | A. Js. Alexander | } and 3 Servants | from London to Edinburgh & back to attend the funeral Expenses of Sir W. Alexander. | £156. 17. 10. | J H Jnr'.

[The Chester Vale coffee plantation, Jamaica, owned by the Breon family.] Six sets of manuscript accounts, four for Edmund Breon; one for Thomas Cockburn, guardian of Miss Elizabeth Susanna Breon; and one for her husband Colin McLarty, MD.

[The Chester Vale coffee plantation, Jamaica; Edmund Breon, proprietor; his daughter Elizabeth Susanna Breon; her husband Colin McLarty; Thomas Cockburn of Cockburn, Robertson & Vassall, solicitors]
Publication details: 
Kingston, Jamaica. 1785, 1787, 1789, 1791, 1792, 1795.

Chester Vale, a substantial estate of 1420 acres, paid taxes on 124 slaves in 1801. McLarty (d.1844) was Physician-General for Surrey (Jamaica), and several letters written by him from the island are in the National Library of Scotland, and are quoted in Alan L Karras's 'Sojourners in the Sun: Scottish Migrants in Jamaica and the Chesapeake, 1740-1800' (Cornell, 1992). In 1794 he acquired Chester Vale on his marriage to Elizabeth Susanna Breon, whose father Edmund Breon had died in 1792, leaving her the ward of the solicitor Thomas Cockburn.

[Thomson Hankey senior, merchant banker with extensive West Indian interests.] Autograph Letter Signed to his son Thomson Hankey junior, making him a gift of £4000 and share 'of the Ship Elizabeth Capt. Walker now on her Voyage to Grenada'.

Thomson Hankey senior (1773-1855), City of London merchant banker with extensive West Indian interests [his son the banker, economist and Liberal politician Thomson Hankey junior (1805-1893)]
Publication details: 
Mincing Lane [City of London]. 19 June 1826.

1p., 8vo. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf 'To Thomson Hankey Junr.' In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'Dear Thomson, | I give to you as a free Gift the Sum of Four Thousand Pounds & authorize you on 30th. of this Month to place that Sum to your Credit with our House by the Debit of my private Account. I also give you the one fourth Share of my two thirds Share of the Ship Elizabeth Capt.

[Mrs Isabella Hankey, widow of West Indian merchant banker John Peter Hankey.] Signed manuscript 'Bond of Indemnity | Mrs. Hankey to Executors and Trustees of John Peter Hankey Esqr. deceased', referring to 'Sugar Plantations' and 'Negroes Slaves'.

Mrs Isabella Hankey, widow of John Peter Hankey (d.1807) of Grenada, West Indian merchant banker [Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co., London bankers; Sir William Alexander]
Publication details: 
[London, England.] 21 July 1814.

3pp., folio. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Signed 'Isabella Hankey' and witnessed by 'John fforster Carey Street'.

[Jamaican sugar plantations in the slavery period.] Detailed double-entry signed manuscript accounts of 'Sales of 20 Hogsheads Sugar received by Gibbs, Son & Bright, Pr. the St. Elizabeth Geo: Lewis from Jamaica for account of Thomas Foster Esqr.'

Gibbs, Son & Bright, Bristol merchants [Thomas Foster; Daniel Stanton; Thomson Hankey senior (1773-1855), City of London merchant banker with extensive West Indian interests]
Publication details: 
[Gibbs, Son & Bright.] Bristol. 3 December 1822.

On one side of a 47 x 20 cm piece of paper. Docketted on reverse. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. In part a form, printed in copperplate, with the details completed in manuscript, and signed on behalf of the firm 'Bristol 3rd December 1822 | Errors Excepted | Gibbs Son & Bright'. Included on the debit side are: Duty; Entry Fees, Wharfage, Town & Dock dues; 95 day's Interest; Freight; Warehouse Rent, Porterage, Weighing & Hauling; Insurance from Fire; Brokerage; Commission, leaving 'Nett Proceeds' of £257 18s 10d on £819 5s 0d.

[Sugar plantations in Jamaica.] Two Manuscript Banker's Letters relating to the Duckenfield Hall, Meylersfield and Friendship Estates, made out for the London firm of Hankeys, and signed by partners Cyril Gurney, H. A. Trotter and L. M. Harvey.

[Cyril Gurney (1868-1926); H. A. Trotter; L. M. Harvey; Duckenfield Hall Estate; Meylersfield Estate; Friendship Estate; Jamaica; Jamaican sugar plantations]
Publication details: 
Duckenfield Hall Estate letter: On [Hankey's] letterhead of 7 Mincing Lane, London, EC; 29 December 1915. Meylersfield and Friendship Estates letter: no place; dated 26 June 1917.

The two items are in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Accompanying the two items is the envelope in which they were contained, docketted: 'Letters. | Duckinfield [sic] Hall Estate | { | Meylersfield Estate & Friendship Estate Trust'. Both items are signed 'Cyril Gurney | H. A. Trotter | L. M. Harvey'. ONE (Duckenfield Hall Estate letter): 1p., 4to.

[The Cornwall Estate, Jamaica.] Manuscript bill of loading of 'Supplies required for Cornwall Est[at]e. for the year 1838' to London bankers Messrs Hankeys, with letter from William Ridyard and estate manager Robert Locke, and copy letter from Locke.

Lady Katherine Barham [Lady Katharine Foster-Barham (née Grimston)] (1810-1874) [Messrs. Hankeys, Plummer & Wilson, London bankers]
Publication details: 
Both letters from Westmoreland, Jamaica. Ridyard and Locke's letter dated 28 July 1837; Locke's 'Duplicate' letter dated 10 July 1837.

The three items form a letter of 4pp., foolscap 8vo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf: 'Bill loading | Messrs. Hankeys Plummer & Wilson | Mincing Lane | London | Lady Kathe Barham'. Docketed '97 Robert Locke | 10 | 28 July 1837 | Received 20 September [1837]'. The bill of loading covers the whole of the first page, with two columns of closely written items, ranging from '2300 yds Osnabury 8lbs do thread' to quinine, opium and '1 Box Hydrometer proof Bubbles from 15 to 30'.

Manuscript Letter from William Walker & Co. in Sydney, Australia, to William Kerr of Richmond, Virginia, regarding the state of the Australian tobacco trade and 'unfavorable' prices fetched by consignments of his tobacco.

[William Walker & Co.; William Kerr of Richmond, Virginia; Messrs Gilmour & Kerr, Glasgow]
Publication details: 
Marked 'Per Caledonia', with ship's name altered to 'William Hyde'.

1p., 4to. The second leaf only of a bifoliate letter. Addressed on reverse to 'William Kerr Esqr. | (of Richmond - Virginia) | Care of Messrs Gilmour & Kerr | Glasgow | NB'. An accompanying typed note identifies the postal features as follows: 'Postage: - 3d. pre-paid. Colonial outward Ship Letter rate. | 8d. to collect. Private Ship Letter rate. | Handstruck Marks: - PAID SHIP LETTER SYDNEY AP+21 1847 in red. (SL 3, var. 1 - early use.) | NN 29AU29 1847 in red.

[William Beckford.] Manuscript copy by Fownes & White of 'Points stipulated for & agreed to with Messrs. Thompson Hankey & Co. on their taking the Consignments of the West India Estates of Wm. Beckford Esq: in succession to Messrs. Plummer & Wilson.

[William Beckford (1760-1844), author and 'England's wealthiest son'; his London solicitors James Fownes and Richard Samuel White; Messrs Thompson Hankey & Co. and Messrs. Plummer & Wilson, bankers]
Publication details: 
[Messrs. Thompson Hankey & Co., 'at a meeting held at their Counting House in Fenchurch St. on the 24th Decr. 1830.' 27 January 1831.

The connection between the two firms of London bankers Thompson Hankey & Co., and Plummer & Wilson & Co. is unclear, but after the bankruptcy of John Plummer and William Wilson of Fenchurch Street 1831, a new firm named Hankey, Plummer & Wilson was formed, Plummer & Wilson bringing to it a number of clients including Beckford. The source of Beckford's vast wealth was of course the family's sugar plantations in the West Indies, and this document dates from before the abolition of slavery. 3pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Huskisson') from the Tory politician William Huskisson, Member of Parliament for Chichester, to 'My dear Morley', as First Commissioner of the Woods and Forests, regarding hares and rabbits in Delamere Forest., Cheshire

William Huskisson (1770-1830), Tory politician, Member of Parliament (for boroughs including Chichester, 1812-23; Liverpool, 1823-30); early railway casualty, struck by George Stephenson's Rocket
Publication details: 
Whitehall Place [London]; 3 February 1817.

3pp., 12mo. 27 lines. Fair, on aged paper, with some closed tears along crease lines.

Autograph Letter Signed from the West Indian merchant Justinian Casamajor, of Potterells, Hertfordshire, to 'Mrs. Curling', describing the judgement of the Court of Chancery in Antigua regarding the estates of the late Mathew Christian.

Justinian Casamajor [Justinian Casamayor; Casamayorga] of Potterells Grove, Hertfordshire, West Indian merchant [Mathew Christian [Matthew Christian] (d.1778) of Antigua; sugar plantations; slavery]
Publication details: 
St Helens Place, London; 19 January 1809.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. 56 lines. Good, on aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mrs. Curling'. Casamajor is taking 'the earliest opportunity' to inform Mrs Curling 'by the last Packet', that he has 'received an Acc[oun]t. from my agent in Antigua, that the Court of Chancery in that Island had disallowed all Charges of Interest on the Arrears of the Annuities on the late Mathew Christians Estates amounting to £2567.2.5 also the Trustees Commission of £50 a year for 16 years, to this our Counsel'.

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