[Mary Russell Mitford, author of 'Our Village'.] Autograph Letter in the third person to the bookseller William Baynes, expressing pleasure at sending contributions for his 'intended publication'. With reference to her publisher G. B. Whittaker.

Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855), author and playwright, best known for her collection of sketches, ‘Our Village’ [William Baynes & Son; George Byrom Whittaker (1793-1847), London publisher]
Publication details: 
'Three Mile Cross, near Reading / June 10th. 1825.'

See her entry, and that of Whittaker, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, landscape 12mo. A corner of the letter carrying a few words of text has been torn away on opening; it is still attached, beneath a red wax seal, so that the entire document is present in two parts. Otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed by Mitford 'To / Messrs. Baynes & Son / 23 Paternoster Row'. Begins: 'Miss Mitford presents her Compts. to Mr.

[Finances of Ireland, 1911.] Printed pamphlet by ‘An Irishman’ (i.e. Thomas T. Shaw): ‘The Financial Relations of Ireland with the Imperial Exchequer’.

‘An Irishman’ [i.e. Thomas T. Shaw]; M. H. Gill & Son, Dublin publishers [finances of Ireland, 1911; Robert Lynd]
Publication details: 
1911. Dublin and Waterford: M. H. Gill & Son, Limited.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Four copies traced: National Library of Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, the British Library and Oxford University. BL identifies the author as ‘Thomas T. Shaw’; another source states ‘Thomas J. Shaw’. 47pp, 8vo. In green printed wraps. Stapled. Lightly aged, in worn wraps, and with slight blooming at head of first few leaves. The author goes about the ‘self-imposed task’ of his ‘little brochure’ with copious statistical evidence, including an eight-page appendix of tables.

[Printed satirical political novel, in original cloth.] Pantalas and what they did with him.

Edward Jenkins [John Edward Jenkins (1838-1910), Liberal Member of Parliament; Richard Bentley and Son, London publishers]
Publication details: 
London: Richard Bentley and Son, Publishers in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen. 1897. [Billing and Sons, Printers, Guildford. | G., C. & Co.]

[7] + 243pp., 8vo. On aged paper, with slight damage at top edge of first few leaves; in heavily-worn binding with blind-stamped decoration; corner torn away from front free endpaper, and glue spots to front pastedown. Described in an advertisement by the publisher in The Times, 16 July 1897, as 'A SOCIAL SATIRE.' Six copies on COPAC, but now a scarce item. Note: In Pantalas Mr. Jenkins is at his best.

[Major John Lodington, Royal Marine, future Naval Officer at Dominica.] Two Autograph Letters Signed by him, and one by his wife, to Messrs Cox & Son, Royal Marine Agency Office, regarding a creditor's 'unpleasant letter', 'Monte Video Prize Money'.

Major John Lodington, Royal Marines, Aide-de-Camp to the Governor of Dominica, the Earl of Huntingdon [HMS Ardent; Messrs Cox & Son, Royal Marine Agency Office, London]
Publication details: 
Lodington’s two letters: first, 25 May 1808, Royal Marine Barracks; second, 8 June 1808, ‘H.M.S. Ardent, Sheerness’. Mrs Lodington’s letter, 29 May 1808; Norwich.

Lodington would be ‘appointed naval officer at Dominica’ in 1814, and the last heard of him is in a letter of 1824 from the same place (offered separately), where ‘Lieut. Col. Lodington’ is awaiting trial, having been abandoned by the Governor, the Earl of Huntingdon. The three items are in good condition, lightly aged, and each is docketed on the reverse, with the usual folds for postage. ONE: Lodington to ‘Charles E. Cox Esqr | For Cox & Son’, 25 May 1808, ‘Royal Marine Barracks’. 1p, 4to. Signed ‘John Lodington / Major Royal Mars’.

[The oldest regiment in the British Army: the Honourable Artillery Company.] Printed booklet: ‘List of the Chiefs, Officers, Court of Assistants, &c. &c. &c. of the Hon. Artillery-Company, For the Year 1845.’ With engraved cover and frontispiece.

The Honourable Artillery Company, London, the oldest regiment in the British Army, founded in 1537The Honourable Artillery Company, London, the oldest regiment in the British Army, founded in 1537
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Norris and Son, Blomfield-street, Finsbury-circus. 1845. [Honourable Artillery Company, London.]

Scarce: no other copy traced. The only similar material are the volumes for 1851, 1852 and 1853 in the Bishopsgate Institute. Stitched booklet. 16pp, 8vo. With card cover and frontispiece, both ornately engraved. Text and illustrations complete and undamaged, on aged paper worn at edges and with front cover detached. The cover carries the royal arms beneath the engraved words: ‘FIELD MARSHAL / His Royal Highness / The Prince Albert / K.G. K.T. G.C.B. K.P. G.C.M.G. &c. &c. &c. / Captain General and Colonel.’ At foot of page: ‘Honourable Artillery Company.

[Henry Beveridge, Scottish historian and translator.] Autograph Letter Signed to Joseph L. Williams, responding to suggested corrections, and mentioning Dr Walter Graham Blackie of his publishers Blackie & Son, Glasgow.

Henry Beveridge (1799-1863), Scottish historian, author of ‘A Comprehensive History of India’ (1858-1863) and translator with the Calvin Translation Society, Edinburgh [Blackie and Son, Glasgow]
Publication details: 
‘8 Roxburgh Terrace Haverstock Hill [London] / 29 June 1858’.

The recipient is clearly not the American politician Joseph Lanier Williams (1810-1865), but rather an editor of Beveridge’s history of India at Blackie’s. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, but with diagonal crease at bottom right going through Beveridge’s signature. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘Joseph L. Williams Esqr’ and signed ‘Henry Beveridge’. He begins by undertaking to ‘attend to the matters’ mentioned in Williams’s note.

[ Vero Kemball Shaw writes to his publishers 'Messrs Geo Routledge & Sons'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vero Shaw') concerning the production of his books 'The Encyclopaedia of the Kennel' and 'The Encyclopaedia of the Poultry Yard'.

Vero Kemball Shaw (1851-1921), author of books on dogs and animal husbandry [George Routledge & Sons, London publishers]
Publication details: 
56 St John's Park Mansions, Highgate, N. [London] '3 of July [1913]'.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter would appear to concern both of the books which Shaw published with Routledge in 1913: 'The Encyclopaedia of the Poultry Yard' and 'The Encyclopaedia of the Kennel'. He begins by explaining that he is finally sending in 'title page, & dedication, which I should have sent in earlier had I not been awaiting Mr T[?]s permission to dedicate the book to him.

[ Leadenhall Press publication, with ownership inscriptions of Charles Sarolea and J. Laurie Coulson. ] The dear Neighbours! By the Author of "John Bull and his Island" &c., &c.

'Max O'Rell' [ i.e. Leon Paul Blouet (1848-1903) ] [ The Leadenhall Press, London; Professor Charles Sarolea [ Charles Louis-Camille Sarolea ] (1870-1953); J. Laurie Coulson; Blackie and Son, binders]
Publication details: 
[ The Leadenhall Press. ] London: Field & Tuer; Simpkin, Marshall & Co.; Hamilton, Adams & Co. [ 1885 ]

vi + 268pp., 12mo. In sturdy red morocco half-binding, with brownish-black boards in ribbed patterned cloth, and gilt tooling, marbled endpapers. Binders' ticket at rear: 'Bound by Blackie and Son'. On browned high-acidity paper, with slight damage to title-leaf. On the front free endpaper is the ownership inscription of 'Chas Sarolea', i.e. Professor Charles Sarolea [ Charles Louis-Camille Sarolea ] (1870-1953), noted Belgian philologist and author who settled in Scotland. Facing this, on a flyleaf, is the ownership inscription of 'J.

[ 'In the Shadows', one of the last songs played on the Titanic. ] Three printed scores of music by Herman Finck, from his papers and with autograph emendations by him: 'Two Little Dances', 'Dance'. and a proof of 'In the Shadows'.

[ Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), Anglo-Dutch composer and conductor ] [ RMS Titanic ]
Publication details: 
All three items by Hawkes & Son, London. 'In the Shadows', 'Copyright, 1910, in U.S.A.'; 'Dance', 'Copyright, MDCCCCX, in U.S.A.'; 'Two Little Dances', 'Copyright 1914 in U.S.A.'

Constant Lambert referred to 'In the Shadows' as 'that rightly renowned piece'.For the playing of the song as the Titanic sank, see Ian Whitcomb, 'The Titanic Songbook' (2011) and Steve Turner, 'The Band Played On' (2011). The three items of sheet music are from Finck's papers, and their condition bears testimony to their having been working copies. ONE: 'In the Shadows'. 8pp., 12mo. In poor condition, with outer leaves detached from one another. At head of first page: 'In the Shadows. | Dance. | Piano-Conductor. HERMAN FINCK.' Rest of page blank. Two sections deleted in blue pencil.

[ Victorian house sale in Herefordshire. ] Poster doubling as auction catalogue: 'The Rectory, Stoke Lacy | Catalogue of Valuable and Modern Household Furniture [...] By Order of the Adminstratrix of the late Rev. Charles Harrington.

Oakley & Son, auctioneers, and Henry E. Oakley, printer, both of Bromyard, Herefordshire [ Rev. Charles Harington (1837-1868), Rector of Stoke Lacy ]
Publication details: 
'On 24 September 1868. [ Henry E. Oakley, Printer, Market-Square, Bromyard. ]

Rev. Charles Harington [sic] was grandson of Sir John Edward Harington (1760-1831) of Ridlington, 8th Baronet, and the item is from the Harington papers. The full title reads: 'The Rectory, Stoke Lacy | Catalogue of the Valuable and Modern Furniture | Including Iron Bedsteads, Blankets and Quilts, Chests of Drawers, Mahogany and Painted Wardrobes, Dairy & Kitchen Requisites, Bacon, Whitechapel Trap, Saddles, Casks, Hurdles, & numerous Effects,| To be sold by Auction, by Oakley & Son | On Thursday, 24th.

[ W. H. Smith, bookseller, newsagent and politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W H Smith') to 'Mr Perkins' regarding 'Crown rights for money advanced', with carte de visite (portrait photograph) and label for his firm's subscription library.

W. H. Smith [ William Henry Smith (1825-1891) ], bookseller, newsagent and politician; First Lord of the Admiralty and the 'Sir Joseph Porter' of Gilbert and Sullivan's 'HMS Pinafore'
Publication details: 
Letter on House of Commons letterhead. 14 March [ no year ]. Undated carte de visite by the London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company, 110 and 108 Regent Street and 54 Cheapside. Undated label of W. H. Smith & Son's Subscription Library, 186 Strand.

LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. On lightly aged and worn paper. He summons him to a meeting, telling him to read a memo beforehand, before writing: 'I am not disposed to waive any Crown rights for money advanced | Lenders may have notice, but if P. W L C advance public money, the public must be protected against persons who are trading for profit'. CARTE DE VISITE: In fair condition, lightly aged, with 'W. H. SMITH, ESQ., M.P.' printed beneath the image, and the details of the London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company on the reverse.

[ Printed book, said to be published 'for private circulation'. ] A Selection from the Poems, Translations, and Occasional Pieces of the Late Right Hon. Henry Cecil Raikes, Formerly Member for Cambridge University. Edited by Henry St. John Raikes.

The Late Right Hon. Henry Cecil Raikes, Formerly Member for Cambridge University [ Henry St. John Raikes; Richard Bentley and Son, London publishers; Billing and Sons, Printers, Guildford ]
Publication details: 
London: Richard Bentley and Son, Publishers in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen, 1895. [ Billing and Sons, Printers, Guildford. ]

viii + 132pp., 8vo. Unopened. In good condition, lightly aged, in lightly-worn cloth quarter-binding with cream spine and grey boards, gilt. Three-page preface by the editor, beginning with the self-contradictory assertion that 'it has been decided to publish [sic] the following collection of pieces for private circulation'. A parody of Scott's 'Bonny Dundee', pp.7-9, is said to have been first published (in Punch in 1862) at 'The time of the Anarchist scare', and is accompanied by a long note regarding 'the epidemic of garotting from which London suffered in 1862'. No other copy recorded!

[ Stratford-upon-Avon Tercentenary Celebration of the Birth of Shakespeare, 1864. ] Chromolithographic invitation to the 'Banquet', strikingly designed in vivid colours.

Stratford-upon-Avon Tercentenary Celebration of the Birth of Shakespeare, 1864 [ Day & Son, Lithographers to the Queen, London ]
Publication details: 
By Day & Son, Lithographers to the Queen, London. [ Banquet at Stratford-upon-Avon on 23 April 1864 at 3p.m. ]

On one side of a 12 x 16.5 cm piece of card. In good condition, with light aging and spotting. Printed in gold, red, light-brown and black. Ornate border in the Tudor style, incorporating Shakespeare's coat of arms within a circular band with quotation 'Take him for all in all I shall not look upon his like again'. The border encloses: 'SATURDAY APRIL 23, 1864. | BANQUET | ONE GUINEA. NO. 54 | At 3 P.M.' Added in manuscript: 'Table D'. The lithographers slug, very faded, is in small letters at bottom right.

[ Richard Cobden-Sanderson, publisher. ] Typed Letter Signed ('R. Cobden Sanderson') to literary agents J. B. Pinker & Son, declining to publish three titles they have submitted.

R. Cobden-Sanderson [ Richard Cobden-Sanderson ] (1884-1964), publisher, son of printer T. J. Cobden-Sanderson of the Doves Press, Hammersmith [ J. B. Pinker & Son, London literary agents ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'R. Cobden-Sanderson: Publisher | 17 Thavies Inn, Holborn, E.C.1' [ London ]. 9 February 1925.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged. He has 'given consideration to the following MSS.': 'THE WEB OF FATE by M. Garahan | ANTONY IN LOVE [by] C. E. Rose | THE NIGHT MOTH [by] Amy Miller'. As he cannot make any offer for their publication he is returning the manuscripts forthwith.

[ Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, as Commander at Aldershot. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Arthur') to 'Lloyd', strongly urging the suit of 'Lt: Col: Hay'.

Prince Arthur (1850-1942), Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, son of Queen Victoria, Governor General of Canada and Commander at Aldershot, 1893-1898
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Head-Quarter Office, Aldershot. 13 July 1897.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper, with traces of tissue mount running along one edge. Addressed to 'My dear Lloyd'. He is sending on Mrs Hay's letter, and asks his 'intentions with regard to Lt: Col: Hay - when he left Aldershot it was understood that the Command of the 2nd. Bde. Divn. Field Artillery would be kept open for him, but now Major Hall has been appointed Hay has lost his command here'. He praises Hay as 'so good an officer & has done such good work here that I am very anxious to help him' He suggests him for another appointment at Okehampton.

[ 'Knight's Juvenile Library': book with coloured frontispiece. ] The Life and Adventures of Thomas Titmouse, And Other Stories. By Peter Parley, Author of "The Wanderers by Sea and Land," etc.

'Peter Parley' [ Samuel Griswold Goodrich (1793-1860) ], children's author [ Knight and Son, 12 Clerkenwell Close, London juvenile publishers ]
Publication details: 
London: Published by Knight and Son, Clerkenwell Close. [c.1855]

64 + 16pp., 16mo. In blue cloth binding, with cover design stamped in gilt. All edges gilt. In fair condition, aged, worn and shaken, with rear endpaper torn away. Coloured frontispiece showing 'The Soldier and the Blind Fiddler'. At rear is a sixteen-page catalogue of 'Books for the Young, Published by Knight and Son, 12, Clerkenwell Close.' Now scarce: although there are 10 copies on WorldCat (where the book is ascribed to Goodrich, and dated), none of them, or on COPAC, are noted as being in Britain.

[Printed volume.] The Pythouse Papers: Correspondence concerning the Civil War, The Popish Plot, and A Contested Election in 1680. Transcribed from MSS. in the possession of V. F. Benett--Stanford, Esq., M.P.

William Ansell Day, editor [ The Pythouse Papers, 1642-1680, of V. F. Benett-Stanford, Esq., M.P. ]
Publication details: 
London: Bickers & Son, 1 Leicester Square. 1879. [ Wyman and Sons, Printers, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C. ]

A total of 211pp., 8vo, paginated vii + xcviii + 105 + [1]. In red leather quarter-binding, with a coat of arms stamped in gilt on the green cloth front cover, and the title in gilt on the spine. Internally in fair condition, on lightly aged paper, in shaken and worn binding, with damage at head and tail of spine. Tastefully printed in a heavy style by Wyman and Sons. Day's 98-page introduction concludes by explaining thaht 'the documents now printed are in possession of Mr. Benett Stanford, the collateral descendant of Colonel Benett, and present member for Shaftesbury.

[Richard Bentley, publisher.] Two copies (one proof) of his pamphlet 'Death of the Broad Gauge', describing a Great Western Railway journey during the switch to Narrow Gauge, in a series of letters to his father George Bentley. With printed envelope.

Richard Bentley the younger (1854-1936), member of celebrated firm of London publishers, son of George Bentley (1828-1895) and grandson of Richard Bentley (1794-1871) [Great Western Railway]
Publication details: 
[Privately printed for Richard Bentley the younger, of Richard Bentley & Son, New Burlington Street, London. 1892 and 1893.]

All three items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Untitled proof, with 'Proof 6.12.92 [i.e. 6 December 1992]' in manuscript at foot of first page. 20pp., 8vo. Unbound and unstitched. Two manuscript corrections, and two indications of where maps are to be placed. The first letter is written from 'Dawlish, S. Devon, | May 20, 1892', and the last from 'Clifton, | May 31, 1892'. A passage, on pp.5-8, is under the heading 'The End of the Broad Gauge', the first paragraph reading: 'On Thursday the men arrived from all parts of the G.W.

Printed 'Duplicate' of grant by 'The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company to Messrs. W. H. Smith and Son', of 'exclusive right of Selling Newspapers &c., and of Advertising at the Company's Stations and Premises', with two related documents.

[The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company; Messrs. W. H. Smith and Son, stationers and booksellers; A. de C. Parmiter, Manchester.
Publication details: 
Grant of 1908: A. de C. Parmiter, Manchester. 'Dated 5th November, 1908.' Agreement of 1915: place not stated. Duplicated agreement of 1918: A. De. C. Parmiter, Solicitor, Manchester. 'Dated 10 January 1918'.

ONE (Grant of 1908): 9 + [1]pp., 8vo. Unstitched and unbound. Properly printed and paginated, with marginal glosses. On aged and worn paper, with closed tears along fold lines. Containing 27 clauses, in an agreement for a term of seven years from 1 January 1909. Between the railway company and, on behalf of W. H. Smith and Son, the Honourable William Frederick Danvers Smith MP, Charles Awdry, Alfred Dyke Acland, Charles Harry St John Hornby and Charles Selwyn Awdry. W. H. Smith had opened their first railway bookstall almost exactly sixty years before, in November of 1848.

[Lyon Playfair, Scottish scientist and Liberal politician.] Autograph Signature on cover of envelope franking a letter to the London publishers George Routledge & Sons.

Lyon Playfair (1818-1898), 1st Baron Playfair, Scottish scientist and Liberal politician [George Routledge & Sons, London publishers]
Publication details: 
With London frank dated 9 February 1886.

On the 8 x 13cm cover of the envelope. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with loss at head and to top right-hand corner from removal from an album, traces of which adhere to the reverse. Playfair's signature ('Lyon Playfair') in the bottom left-hand corner is unnaffected, and the address, also in his hand, reads: 'Messrs George Routledge & Son | Broadway | Ludgate Hill | E.C.' The orange circular franking postmark is incomplete, and reads: 'LON | OFF | PAID | B | 9 FE 86'.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Queen's University of Belfast. Session 1912-13. The Faculty of Science. Regulations Relating to Degrees and Subjects of Examination.

[The Queen's University of Belfast, Faculty of Science]
Publication details: 
Belfast: Mayne, Boyd & Son, Ltd., Printers to the University. 1912.

60pp., 12mo. In good condition, on aged paper, with rusted staples. Shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce.

[Jamaican sugar plantations in the slavery period.] Detailed double-entry signed manuscript accounts of 'Sales of 20 Hogsheads Sugar received by Gibbs, Son & Bright, Pr. the St. Elizabeth Geo: Lewis from Jamaica for account of Thomas Foster Esqr.'

Gibbs, Son & Bright, Bristol merchants [Thomas Foster; Daniel Stanton; Thomson Hankey senior (1773-1855), City of London merchant banker with extensive West Indian interests]
Publication details: 
[Gibbs, Son & Bright.] Bristol. 3 December 1822.

On one side of a 47 x 20 cm piece of paper. Docketted on reverse. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. In part a form, printed in copperplate, with the details completed in manuscript, and signed on behalf of the firm 'Bristol 3rd December 1822 | Errors Excepted | Gibbs Son & Bright'. Included on the debit side are: Duty; Entry Fees, Wharfage, Town & Dock dues; 95 day's Interest; Freight; Warehouse Rent, Porterage, Weighing & Hauling; Insurance from Fire; Brokerage; Commission, leaving 'Nett Proceeds' of £257 18s 10d on £819 5s 0d.

[Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company, London.] Illustrated handbill advertisement for 'Colt's New Lightning Magazine Rifle. .22 inch calibre.'

Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company, 14, Pall Mall, London, S.W. [J. Blanch & Son, 29, Gracechurch St., London, Gun Makers; Samuel Colt (1814-1862)]
Publication details: 
Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company, 14, Pall Mall, London, S.W. January, 1888. [With stamp of 'J. Blanch & Son, 29, Gracechurch St., London, Gun Makers'.]

Printed on both sides of a 4to (28 x 22.5cm) leaf of semi-opaque paper. Both sides with oval purple stamp of 'J. Blanch & Son, 29, Gracechurch St., London, Gun Makers'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with one dog-eared corner, folded three times. An attractively-produced item, with specifications, and text printed in small type. Engraving of a bullet in top right-hand corner of first page, with the Colt prancing horse at top left, also a small engraving of the rifle, with a larger one, by R. M. Smart, showing how 'To Charge the Magazine'.

[Priced auctioneers' copy of catalogue.] By direction of the Executors of Mrs. Eliza Jane Moore. Lawneswood House, near Stourbridge. Catalogue of the Valuable and Extensive Library Formed by the late Colonel Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.G.S.

[Colonel Thomas William Fletcher (1808-1893), FRS, FSA, of Lawneswood House, near Stourbridge; Edwards, Son & Bigwood, auctioneers]
Publication details: 
Edwards, Son & Bigwood, F.A.I. At the residence [Lawneswood House, near Stourbridge] on 9 October 1923. [Hudson & Son, Printers, Birmingham.]

18pp., 8vo. Stapled and unbound. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with rusted staples. According to the title-page the library comprises 'Topographical and Genealogical Books, County Histories, including Nash's Worcestershire. Plot's Staffordshire. Dugdale's Warwickshire. Hutchins's Dorset. Whitelaw's Dublin. Berry's Genealogies. Publications of learned societies, etc.' In manuscript at head of title: 'MARKED CATALOGUE - PRICES REALISED'.

[Auction catalogue.] Library of Books which Jolly & Son, Ltd., Incorporated Auctioneers will sell by Auction on Friday, 5th May, 1939, commencing at two o'clock. [By direction of Mrs. Haynes-Smith, of Turleigh Mill House, Nr. Bath, and other Owners.]

Jolly & Son, Ltd., Incorporated Auctioneers, The Auction Rooms, Charlotte Street, Bath
Publication details: 
Jolly & Son, Ltd., The Auction Rooms, Charlotte Street, Bath. [Harding & Curtis, Ltd., Bath.] 1939.

7pp., 8vo. Stapled. In poor condition, on aged and worn paper. The prices, and in most cases the names of the purchasers, are untidily given in pencil, the buyers seeming to be mainly members of the West Country trade, and including George [of Bristol], Grey, Lowe, Colbeck, Cox Towes, Brown, Williams. A collection strongly biased towards the English novel, with Henry James particularly well represented. A small collection of 'Dutch Books' features at the end of the sale. A scarce item, with no copy traced either on COPAC or on WorldCat.

[Pamphlet.] The Forty-fifth Report of the Destitute Children's Dinners Society, established 1866. With a List of Donors and Subscribers.

[Destitute Children's Dinners Society] [Freeman & Son, printers, 107 Wilton Road, Victoria Station, London, SW]
Publication details: 
London: Freeman & Son, Printers, 107, Wilton Road, Victoria Station, SW. From July 1st, 1910, to June 30th, 1911.

24pp., 12mo. Stapled. In grey printed wraps. With stamp, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Library, otherwise in good condtion, on lightly-aged paper. No copy in the British Library, or on COPAC.

[Printed first edition of a satirical political novel, in original cloth.] Pantalas and what they did with him.

Edward Jenkins [John Edward Jenkins (1838-1910), Liberal Member of Parliament; Richard Bentley and Son, London publishers]
Publication details: 
London: Richard Bentley and Son, Publishers in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen. 1897. [Billing and Sons, Printers, Guildford. | G., C. & Co.]

[7] + 243pp., 8vo. On aged paper, with slight damage at top edge of first few leaves; in heavily-worn binding with blind-stamped decoration; corner torn away from front free endpaper, and glue spots to front pastedown. Described in an advertisement by the publisher in The Times, 16 July 1897, as 'A SOCIAL SATIRE.' Six copies on COPAC, but now a scarce item. Note: "In Pantalas Mr. Jenkins is at his best.

[Abel Heywood & Son Ltd., Manchester booksellers.] Large printed order sheet for the supply of newspapers and periodicals to distributors.

Abel Heywood & Son Ltd., Manchester booksellers [newspaper distribution; twentieth-century book trade]
Publication details: 
[Abel Heywood & Son Ltd., Manchester.] 'WEEK - OCT. 31st to NOV. 5th, 1966'.

2pp., on a folio sheet (63 x 36cm). In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. Not filled in. Stamped '577' in red. One side listing the newspapers available from the Monday to the Friday of the week, and the other giving those on the Saturday, 'Odd Papers', 'BRANCHES' and 'TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SUPPLIES'. A range of periodicals is listed, including local and national newspapers, 'Continental Publications', comics ('Sparky', 'Wham' and 'Smash'), specialist ('Architect and Building News') and hobby ('Philatelic Mag.') magazines, 'Bolton Journal Series'

[Sir George Hayter, artist.] Autograph Receipt Signed ('George Hayter'), to Messrs Crace, for the loan 'of two spear axe pikes, and a body & helmet suit of armour'.

Sir George Hayter (1792-1871), painter and engraver [Messrs Crace & Son, 14 Wigmore Street, London, interior designers]
Publication details: 
'33 Gloucester Place in the new Road [London]'. 25 April 1855.

On one side of a piece of cm blue paper. Reads: 'April 25, 1855. | 33 Gloucester Place in the new Road | Received of Messrs Crace | The favour of loan of two spear axe pikes, and a body & helmet suit of armour, to be returned. | George Hayter | with Thanks & Compliments.'

[Chatto & Windus, London publishers.] Manuscript letter, signed on behalf of 'Chatto & Windus', to fellow London bookseller Philip Stephen King, declining the offer of a translation of Portuguese novelist Alexandre Herculano's 'O Monge de Cister'.

Chatto & Windus [P. S. King [Philip Stephen King] (1819-1908), London Parliamentary Bookseller of 12 Bridge St, Westminster and other addresses; Alexandre Herculano (1810-1877), Portuguese writer]
Publication details: 
On the firm's letterhead at the 'Office of Belgravia of the Gentleman's Magazine & of "Academy Notes", 74 & 75 Piccadilly, London. 4 January 1878.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Tasteful letterhead including the firm's device within an oval, printed in sepia. In good condition: on aged and lightly-worn paper. King was the leading London parliamentary bookseller, and it is interesting to see him apparently offering a work of his own to other publishers. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir | We beg to acknowledge with thanks your offer of a translation of Herculano's "O Monge de Cister," which we much regret our inability to accept - our hands being very full just now, & all our arrangements for some time to come made.

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