[John Forster; Dickens' friend & biographer] Autograph Letter Signed John Forster to [Alexander Ireland, (1810?1894) Scottish journalist, man of letters, and bibliophile] about donation of his book to the London Library etc.

John Forster (1812-1876), biographer and critic, friend of Charles Dickens
Publication details: 
Waterloo Hotel - Manchester - | 15th March 1868.

Four pages,16mo, bifolium, good condition. Dear Mr Ireland, | I will gladly be the means of transmitting your handsome volume [see Note b.] to the London Library. | I thank you for enabling me thus, even before my return, to glance over its pages. Such are my engagements here - that for the present I can do little more; but it has shown me for how much more I shall be indebted to you than I at first supposed.

[ Maria M. Grant, novelist and proprietor of the magazine 'Piccadilly'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Maria M Grant') to Planche.

Maria M. Grant, Victorian novelist and proprietor of the magazine 'Piccadilly', edited by Theodore Watts Dunton [ James Robinson Planché (1796-1880), dramatist, antiquary and herald ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 9 Wilton Place, S.W. [ London ] 'Friday' [ no date ].

Grant published six novels between 1870 and 1882, four of them published by Chapman & Hall, and two by Bentley. 1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. She is enclosing (not present) 'Piccadilly's cheque for "Hilda"' The poem he has submitted 'is really too deep and sad for my frivolous paper - in which we want something to brighten us up'. She hopes that when he feels better he will 'do some little thing in this line - Something Short [last word underlined] & humorous'.

[ John Scott, editor of the 'London Magazine'. ] Autograph signature.

John Scott (1784-1821), editor of the 'London Magazine', killed in a duel by Jonathan Henry Christie, London agent of John Gibson Lockhart of Blackwood's Magazine
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

Strip of paper cut from end of letter. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'Your obedt humble Sert | John Scott'.

[Abel Heywood & Son Ltd., Manchester booksellers.] Large printed order sheet for the supply of newspapers and periodicals to distributors.

Abel Heywood & Son Ltd., Manchester booksellers [newspaper distribution; twentieth-century book trade]
Publication details: 
[Abel Heywood & Son Ltd., Manchester.] 'WEEK - OCT. 31st to NOV. 5th, 1966'.

2pp., on a folio sheet (63 x 36cm). In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. Not filled in. Stamped '577' in red. One side listing the newspapers available from the Monday to the Friday of the week, and the other giving those on the Saturday, 'Odd Papers', 'BRANCHES' and 'TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SUPPLIES'. A range of periodicals is listed, including local and national newspapers, 'Continental Publications', comics ('Sparky', 'Wham' and 'Smash'), specialist ('Architect and Building News') and hobby ('Philatelic Mag.') magazines, 'Bolton Journal Series'

Three financial documents from 1880 on 'Vanity Fair': holograph 'Report' by the editor Thomas Gibson Bowles, accompanying 'Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account' and 'Comparative Statement of Income and Expenditure' by accountants Masson & Lewis.

Thomas Gibson Bowles (1841-1922), editor of the London society magazine 'Vanity Fair', founded by him in 1868 [Masson & Lewis, Accountants, 27 Leadenhall Street, London]
Publication details: 
Bowles's report dated 10 November 1880. 'Balance Sheet' and 'Comparative Statement' both by Masson & Lewis, Accountants, 27 Leadenhall Street, London, and both for the half-year ending 30 September 1880.

The three items, all in manuscript, are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. All three are folded into the usual packets, with the two items by the accountants each titled in manuscript on the outside. Item One (Gibson's report): 'Report to accompany the Accounts of "Vanity Fair" for the six months ending 30th. Septr. 1880'. In Bowles's autograph, and signed by him at the foot, 'Thos. G. Bowles | 10 Novr 1880'. 1p., foolscap 8vo.

Itemised manuscript account of 'Mr. Alexr. J. Murray's Charges in relation to the Sale to Mr. Hanbury of 1/18th. Share in "Vanity Fair"'.

Alexander J. Murray, solicitor, 1 Clement's Inn, London [Hanbury; Thomas Gibson Bowles (1841-1922), editor of the London society magazine 'Vanity Fair', founded by him in 1868]
Publication details: 
Entries dating from 1 November 1881 to 1 July 1882. Document carrying tax stamp postmarked 14 March 1883.

5pp., foolscap 8vo. Attached with green ribbon. The sale was a protracted affair, and the detailed nature of these accounts may be due to Murray's desire to justify his charges of £22 1s 6d. The first entry reads: '1881 | Novr. 1st. Attending Mr. Bowles on his calling and receiving his instructions to act for all parties in the Sale of 1/18th. Share in "Vanity Fair" and General Roberts Executors would call and hand me the necessary papers [6s 8d]'. Other entries include 'Novr. 28th [1881] Writing Mr. Bowles that the Deed would be ready for his signature tomorrow morning [5s]', 'Jany.

Autograph Letter Signed from the satirist Percival Leigh to 'My dear Brooks' [fellow 'Punch' contributor Shirley Brooks], regarding his writing, the nature of the joke, the unsuitability of his Hampshire surroundings to literature, and other matters.

Percival Leigh (1813–1889), satirist, the first writer to carve his name into the 'Punch' table [Charles William Shirley Brooks (1816-1874), editor of 'Punch' from 1870 to his death]
Publication details: 
Shirley Warren, near Southampton. 28 July 1865.

4pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He considers the cut excellent, and is grateful to Brooks for having 'managed so well' with his article. 'Many such an article of mine has been sacrificed, though absolutely a pretty good one, and comparatively to that which stood in its place, superexcellent. But such is my luck. By the by, don't measure the quantity of all that I do by what appeareth.' He reports that 'Fred is much amused with the verses on the Queen's first baby. I said that there are two men here besides himself who understand a joke.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. B. Tinker'), Typed Letter Signed ('C. B. T.') and Autograph Note Signed ('Tinker') from the Boswell scholar Professor Chauncey Brewster Tinker of Yale University to the Johnson scholar Charles McCamic.

Chauncey Brewster Tinker (1876-1963), Professor of English Literature at Yale University, and authority on James Boswell
Publication details: 
All three on letterheads of 847 Memorial Quadrangle, New Haven. Autograph Letter. 22 October 1924. Typed Letter: 30 May 1928. Autograph Note: 7 June 1928.

Autograph Letter: 1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In envelope addressed by Tinker to McCamic at Wheeling, West Virginia. He thanks him for sending 'the book on Barber'. 'It enriches my working library, and I shall be frequently reminded of what I owe to your kindness and interest.' Typed Letter: 1p., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper with light rust stain from staple at head. McCamic's 'file of the British Magazine' is 'rare, if not unknown'.

Autograph Letter Signed from 'R. A. Bennet', editor of 'Truth', to 'Osbert' [Burdett], regarding the Irish journalist and politician T. P. O'Connor.

R. A. Bennett, editor of 'Truth' [Thomas Power O'Connor (1848-1929), Irish journalist and proprietor of 'T. P.'s Weekly', founder and first editor of the Sun newspaper; Sir Osbert Sitwell]
Autograph Letter Signed from 'R. A. Bennet', editor of 'Truth',
Publication details: 
11 December 1925; on letterhead of 'Truth' Buildings, Carteret Street, Queen Anne's Gate, London.
Autograph Letter Signed from 'R. A. Bennet', editor of 'Truth',

12mo, 1 p. Nine lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Docketed in pencil on reverse 'R. A. Bennett re T. P. O'Connor'. He is enclosing 'the promised note to "T. P". I see that he is ailing and going to the Riviera at an early date, so you had better try and catch him at once.' Bennett had to get the recipient's address from his publishers, as O'Connor left without passing it on.

[First issue of a printed periodical.] The Law Clerk.

[The Law Clerk and Municipal Assistant, Edwardian English periodical]
The Law Clerk and Municipal Assistant
Publication details: 
Vol. I. No. I. March, 1906. [For the proprietors: - Printed by F. HEARN, 113, Leyton High Road, Stratford, in the County of Essex, and Published by S. ENGLEMAN, 61, Fore Street, Moorgate Street, in the City of London.
The Law Clerk and Municipal Assistant

4to, [ii] + 12 + [ii] pp [i.e. 16 pp in toto]. Prelims paginated I-IV. Boasting of being 'the first Journal to be devoted exclusively to the interests of legal assistants'. Containing some light-hearted matter, including 'Office Yarns. No. I - The Firm and the Feminine', 'Relevant Irrelevancies', but also with reviews ('The Law Book-Worm') and columns containing useful information ('Municipal Mems', 'Practice').

No. 20 of the 'Bibliotheca Entomologica'.

Felix L. Dames, German natural history publisher and bookseller
Publication details: 
Berlin: Tasuben-Strasse 47. 1892.

8vo, 90 pp. Stitched and unbound. 3328 priced items. Text clear and complete. On aged paper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Bernard Partridge.') to 'Miss Smith'.

Bernard Partridge [Sir John Bernard Partridge] (1861-1945), English cartoonist and illustrator, best-known for his work for 'Punch'
Publication details: 
24 January 1897 ('M.dccc.xc.vij: | jan: xxiv.'); on letterhead of 11 Marlborough Road, St John's Wood, [London] N.W.

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Attractive red letterhead, in the Arts and Crafts style. The writings she referred to in a previous letter have not come. 'You probably forgot to enclose them. I expect to read some of the papers in the days when I look in the P[all]. M[all]. G[azette].' He asks her to give him 'an idea of what the publisher proposes to spend on the illustrations, and also the size of them, and the style - pen & ink, or "wash".' He has heard news of her 'from Welsh, Ethel Johnson's husband, who is with me at the Haymarket'.

Almanach Dramatischer Spiele zur geselligen Unterhaltung auf dem Lande von A. von Kotzebue. Zweiter Jahrgang. [with 6 hand-coloured plates]

August von Kotzebue [G. M. Kraus, artist]
Publication details: 
1804. Berlin bei F. T. de La Garde.

12mo (leaf and plate dimensions 115 x 80 mm): [ii] + 247 pp + 6 hand-coloured engravings. Good, on lightly aged and spotted paper, in heavily worn original boards, with ink stain on back board. The plays included are: [1] Das Urtheil des Paris; [2] Die Tochter Pharaonis; [3] Ruebezahl; [4] Incognito; [5] Die Uhr und die Mandeltorte; [6] Sultan Bimbambum. Engraved title and six whimsical hand-coloured engravings by Mueller from the designs of the Frankfurt artist G. M.

Autograph Letter Signed to the poet, journalist and editor Alaric A[lexander]. Watts (1797-1864).

Thomas Haynes Bayly (1797-1839), English poet and song writer.
Publication details: 
Friday [no date]; 5 Wyndham Place, London.

Two pages, quarto. Very good, on lightly aged and creased paper. He is sorry that he has not been able to 'become personally acquainted with' Watts since coming to town, but will 'very soon make another attempt', hoping to find him at home.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mitford') to unnamed male correspondent.

Rev. John Mitford (1781-1859), editor of the Gentleman's Magazine and several volumes of poetry
Publication details: 
Date not stated; Benhall, <?>.

One page, 12mo. Very good on lightly aged paper. Difficult hand. He is sending 'one number of the Magazine which was mislaid', together with 'a book of the . The is very cold & , the <?>, to have a late Spring.'

Illustration entitled 'THE ROLL OF FAME. 1800-1900.', with key.

Linley Sambourne [Punch, or the London Charivari; Caricature]
Publication details: 
Dated in facsimile October 1899.

Sambourne (1844-1910) contributed illustrations to Punch for more than forty years. On good laid paper, dimensions roughly 22 inches by 17 1/2. With facsimile signature and date. Folded twice. Slightly discoloured and a little creased, but suitable for framing. Depicts Mr Punch, with his dog Toby, sitting atop a pile of the 'evolutions of the century' (including a bicycle and typewriter), and waving to 116 of the century's worthies, including Bismark, General Tom Thumb and the jockey Fred Archer, but without Karl Marx.

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to Monsieur Van Santen.

William Roberts (1767-1849), editor of the 'British Review'
Publication details: 
Without date or place [but before 1811?].

One page, 12mo. Very good. He presents his correspondent with 'deux petits ouvrages sortis de ma plume'. The first was mentioned by 'Mr. Burgess' and the second is 'un petit traite qui a eu le bonheur il y a quelques ans de remporter le prix annuel dans l'Universite d'Oxford'. Signed 'Willm. Roberts'. In a postscript asks to be recommended to any acquaintances Van Santen may have 'a Rotterdam Anvers ou Bruxelles'. Address, with broken wafer, on second leaf of bifolium. Roberts is perhaps best remembered for the controversy brought on by a passage in Byron's 'Don Juan'.

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Henry T[rueman]. Wood[, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Oliver Armstrong Fry [VANITY FAIR]
Publication details: 
30 January 1915; on letterhead 'MELBOURNE LODGE, | EAST MOLESEY, | SURREY.'

Journalist (1855-1931), editor of Vanity Fair, 1889-1904. One page, quarto. Very good, if a little dusty. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. There is 'no apparent chance' of F. V. Brookes delivering his 'promised lecture' at the R.S.A. 'Of course I would be willing if necessary to read this paper for my old friend; but [...] I would very strongly urge that it would be better in every way to postpone this lecture for some time. Its subject is one that is peculiarly Mr. Brooks's own, and I think no one else would deal with it so well.' Signed 'Oliver A. Fry'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Sir Francis Cowley Burnand
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Burnand (1836-1917) was editor of Punch between 1836 and 1917. Paper dimensions roughly 4 1/2 inches by 2 1/2 inches. In good conditon. Reads '<...> with you | faithfully | F. C. Burnand'. On verso '<...> be most <?> & happy & ought to get on well with his purser a straightforward <?> & gentlemanly <...>.

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr Dawson William Turner.

Robert R. Hamilton
Publication details: 
30 August 1883; 61 Westbourne Park Crescent, W.

Turner (1815-85; DNB) was the son of the noted botanist and autograph collector. 4 pages, 16mo. Creased, stained and grubby. Odd cross between an offer of work and a begging letter. Marked 'Private'. From their 'former relations' Hamilton feels sure Turner will assist him as he did before, when he was 'engaged in bringing out the West-End'. He hopes 'it will not be long before I can again avail myself of your facile pen for a few more of your graphic sketches of what comes under your observation.

Autograph Signature.

Sir Francis Cowley Burnand
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Editor of Punch (1836-1917), and co-author with Sir Arthur Sullivan of 'Cox and Box'. In good condition. On slip, 1 inch by 2 1/2, cut from letter. Signed 'F C Burnand'.

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