
[Sir Henry Lucy, political journalist.] Autograph Letter Signed to A. M. Broadley (?Broadley Pasha?), English agent to the former Khedive of Egypt, Ismail (leading promoter of the Suez Canal), boasting of his influence and offering his services.

Sir Henry Lucy (1842-1924), Victorian political journalist [A. M. Broadley (?Broadley Pasha?), journalist and autograph collector; Ismail, Khedive of Egypt, leading promoter of the Suez Canal]
Publication details: 
16 July 1883; 158 Brixton Road, on cancelled House of Commons letterhead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient A. M. Broadley was widely-regarded as an expert on the middle east. The year before the present letter, he had represented Ahmed Urabi after an uprising in Egypt, earning himself 10,000 guineas and the nickname ?Broadley Pasha?. At the time of writing he was acting as English agent and legal adviser of the ex-Khedive Ismail, who had been deposed in 1879 and was living near Naples (although at the time of writing he was clearly in London). 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with strip of tape from mount adhering to second leaf.

[?Poor old Oscar?: Edmund Yates [Edmund Hodgson Yates], Scottish journalist and author.] Autograph Letter Signed (?E Y.?) to his de facto editor at The World, with apparent reference to Oscar Wilde, and to Randolph Stewart (Earl of Galloway).

Edmund Yates [Edmund Hodgson Yates] (1831-1894), Scottish journalist and author, friend of Charles Dickens [Alexander Meyrick Broadley (1847-1916); Oscar Wilde]
Publication details: 
?Sep 10 [1891]?. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient (?Broadley Pasha?) was a renowned autograph collector and shady social figure, as well as the de facto editor of Yates?s ?World?, until the Cleveland Street scandal drove him into exile in 1890. Broadley was a prominent figure in freemasonry, and the present item appears to link two individuals who were members of Oxford?s Apollo University Lodge: Oscar Wilde (whose proclivities Broadley shared) and Randolph Stewart (later Earl of Galloway). 1p, 16mo. On first leaf of bifolium, with second leaf tipped-in onto a page from one of Broadley?s albums.

[Edmund Yates, journalist and author, friend of Dickens, proprietor of The World newspaper.] Auttograph Signature and conclusion of letter, with autograph not by his de facto editor A. M. Broadley.

Edmund Yates [Edmund Hodgson Yates] (1831-1894), Scottish journalist and author, friend of Charles Dickens, proprietor of The World newspape
Publication details: 
Dated by Broadley to 1890.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient (?Broadley Pasha?) was a renowned autograph collector and shady social figure, as well as the de facto editor of Yates?s ?World?, until the Cleveland Street scandal drove him into exile in 1890 (the year of this item with its reference to 'going away'). A 9 x 5 cm piece of paper, cut from the end of a letter, and laid down on a 13 x 7.5 cm piece, which has been neatly annotated by Broadley: 'Signature of Edmund Yates 1890'. In good condition, lightly aged, with one postage fold. Reads, with good firm stylized signature: '[...] of going away?

[‘The most famous newspaper correspondent the world has ever seen': W. H. Russell [Sir William Howard Russell] of The Times.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘brother Broadley’ [A. M. Broadley], regarding a masonic ‘junction’ and ‘promotion’.

W. H. Russell [Sir William Howard Russell] (1820-1907), correspondent for The Times in the Crimean War, American Civil War, Indian Mutiny [A. M. Broadley [Alexander Meyrick Broadley] (1847-1916)]
Publication details: 
‘The Raven [Hotel] / Droitwich / Ap. 6. 87 [1887]’.

According to Russell’s entry in the Oxford DNB, while reporting on the Civil War, he was described by one American newspaper as ‘the most famous newspaper correspondent the world has ever seen'. The inscription on his memorial in St Paul’s Cathedral calls him ‘'the first and greatest of War Correspondents'. He coined the phrase ‘thin red line’, was instrumental in the sending of Florence Nightingale to the Crimea, and is said to have written the report that inspired Tennyson to write ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’.

[The richest woman in Victorian England: Angela Burdett-Coutts, philanthropist.] Autograph Letter Signed to A. M. Broadley, regarding a concert by the pianist Linda Dutton Cook.

Angela Burdett-Coutts [Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, Baroness Burdett-Coutts] (1814-1906), the richest woman in Victorian England [A. M. Broadley [Alexander Meyrick Broadley] (1847-1916)]
Publication details: 
7 November 1887. On letterhead of Heydon Hall, Norwich (with illustration of racquet carrying telegram details).

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, from which the scandalous recipient, a high-society fixer, is unaccountably absent. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Fifty-seven lines of text, sloping upwards. Addressed to ‘Mr Broadley’ and signed ‘Burdett Coutts’. The handwriting is difficult, and the following reading tentative.

[Sir Arthur Wing Pinero, English playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed, inviting the journalist A. M. Broadley to a ‘plain breakfast’.

Sir Arthur Wing Pinero (1855-1934), late-Victorian and Edwardian playwright [A. M. Broadley [Alexander Meyrick Broadley] (1847-1916)]
Publication details: 
On embossed letterhead of 64 St John’s Wood Road [London], NW.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient (‘Broadley Pasha’), at the time de facto editor of Edmund Yates’s magazine ‘The World’, was a scandalous figure, who richly deserves his own entry in the same work. 2pp, 16mo. Bifolium. Text on the outer pages, the inner pages carrying the remains of newspaper cuttings which were previously laid down on them. Otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of tape from mount adhering to the last page, which also has a newspaper cutting laid down at its foot, regarding the death of A. Sutherland Sutton. Folded once.

[‘The Old Bohemian’: G. L. M. Strauss [Gustave Louis Maurice Strauss], Anglo-Canadian writer and dramatist.] Autograph Letter Signed to Octavian Blewitt of the Royal Literary Fund describing his poor personal and financial situation.

G. L. M. Strauss [Gustave Louis Maurice Strauss] (c.1807-1887), Anglo-Canadian writer and dramatist, nicknamed ‘The Old Bohemian’ [Octavian Blewitt (1810-1884), Secretary, Royal Literary Fund]
Publication details: 
4 June 1883; 4 Inverness Terrace, Broadstairs, Kent.

See his entry and Blewitt’s in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged laid paper, with thin strip of tape from mount on reverse of second leaf. Thirty-seven lines of text. Addressed to ‘Octavian Blewitt Esq.’ and signed ‘G. L. M. Strauss’. He begins by describing his situation: ‘I venture to solicit your kind friendly advice.

[The richest woman in Victorian England: Angela Burdett-Coutts, philanthropist.] Autograph Letter Signed to A. M. Broadley, regarding a concert by the pianist Linda Dutton Cook.

Angela Burdett-Coutts [Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, Baroness Burdett-Coutts] (1814-1906), the richest woman in Victorian England [A. M. Broadley [Alexander Meyrick Broadley] (1847-1916)]
Publication details: 
7 November 1887. On letterhead of Heydon Hall, Norwich (with illustration of racquet carrying telegram details).

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, from which the scandalous recipient, a high-society fixer, is unaccountably absent. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Fifty-seven lines of text, sloping upwards. Addressed to ‘Mr Broadley’ and signed ‘Burdett Coutts’. The handwriting is difficult, and the following reading tentative.

[Finances of Ireland, 1911.] Printed pamphlet by ‘An Irishman’ (i.e. Thomas T. Shaw): ‘The Financial Relations of Ireland with the Imperial Exchequer’.

‘An Irishman’ [i.e. Thomas T. Shaw]; M. H. Gill & Son, Dublin publishers [finances of Ireland, 1911; Robert Lynd]
Publication details: 
1911. Dublin and Waterford: M. H. Gill & Son, Limited.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Four copies traced: National Library of Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, the British Library and Oxford University. BL identifies the author as ‘Thomas T. Shaw’; another source states ‘Thomas J. Shaw’. 47pp, 8vo. In green printed wraps. Stapled. Lightly aged, in worn wraps, and with slight blooming at head of first few leaves. The author goes about the ‘self-imposed task’ of his ‘little brochure’ with copious statistical evidence, including an eight-page appendix of tables.

[C. M. Ingleby, Shakespeare scholar who unmasked John Payne Collier.] Autograph Letter Signed, ordering a work he doesn’t ‘actually want’ from a bookseller’s catalogue.

C. M. Ingleby [Clement Mansfield Ingleby (1823-1886), Shakespeare scholar who unmasked John Payne Collier as a forger
Publication details: 
‘Valentines / Ilford. / Novr. 19. ’73 [1873] Essex’.

See his entry, and that of Collier, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, on worn and spotted paper. Folded twice for postage. The recipient is not named. Addressed to ‘Dear Sir’ and signed ‘C. M. Ingleby’. He offers ten pounds for ‘yr. copy of the Encycl: Metropolitana’, and will pay the carriage if he sends it. ‘I don’t actually want it: but its a good book, & I’ll give that as an investment.’ He will send a cheque, once he receives ‘a Post Card: with “yes” on it’. Ends: ‘Other matters in yr. excellent Catalogue I postpone.’

[General J. M. Wainwright [Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright IV], US Army general, Commander of Allied forces in the Philippines.] Typed Note Signed, complying with a request for an autograph.

General J. M. Wainwright [Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright IV (1883-1953), US Army general, Commander of Allied forces in the Philippines who surrendered Corregidor to the Japanese in 1942
Publication details: 
30 September 1945, on letterhead of the War Department, Washington.

The note was written in a momentous month for Wainwright. On 5 September 1945, on his release after three years in captivity following his surrender at Corregidor, Wainwright was promoted to four-star General. On 10 September he was presented with the Medal of Honor by President Truman at the White House. On 13 September a ticker-tape parade in New York City was held in his honor. And on 28 September he was named commander of the Second Service Command and the Eastern Defense Command at Fort Jay, Governors Island, New York.

[Charlotte M. Yonge, Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed discussing arrangements regarding proofs over Christmas.

Charlotte M. Yonge [ Charlotte Mary Yonge; C. M. Yonge ] (1823-1901), English novelist associated with the Oxford Movement
Publication details: 
9 December 1893. 'M. U | Elderfield' [Otterbourne, Hampshire].

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On grey paper. In fair condition, with blocks of discoloration. Addressed to 'Dear Madam' and signed ' M Yonge'. She cannot tell her 'how late the final proof must be, as it depends on the printers, and the Christmas week so disturbs arrangements that they generally wish to have all finished earlier than usual'. She suggests sending he a card 'when the proofs come in to me', as there will be a few days to spare, 'while the other ladies are correcting them'.

[C. E. M. Joad, popular philospher and member of the BBC ‘Brains Trust’.] Autograph Letter Signed, in pencil to V. H. Collins, complimenting him on his book [‘The Choice of Words’].

C. E. M. Joad [Cyril Edwin Mitchinson Joad] (1891-1952), popular philosopher and radio personality on the BBC programme ‘The Brains Trust’ [Vere Henry Collins, author]
Publication details: 
[25 July 1952.] On cropped letterhead ‘The Hills and Bridgefoot Farm / From C. E. M. Joad, The Hills, Stedham, Midhurst / Manager: / John Hill / Bridgefoot’.

A poignant letter, written during Joad's final illness (he died on 9 April 1953). Joad’s entry in the Oxford DNB ends with this assessment: ‘Cyril Joad was an outstanding educator, a tireless proponent of ‘progressive’ causes, and one of the best-known broadcasters of the 1940s.’ The recipient Vere Henry Collins (1872-1966), was an author and grammatical stickler, and the letter concerns his 1952 book 'The Choice of Words'. 2pp, 4to. Aged and discoloured, and cropped at the head with loss of a line of text. Folded once for postage. Date given in ink at head, presumably by Collins.

Hodder & Stoughton ephemera: Christmas List [1910] with Dulac’s ‘Sleeping Beauty on cover; prospectus for Rackham’s ‘6/- net edition’ of 'Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens'; Christmas List [1911] with F. D. Bedford’s ‘Peter and Wendy’ on cover..

Edmund Dulac; Arthur Rackham; F. D. Bedford; Peter Pan; Hodder & Stoughton, London publishers; J. M. Barrie; Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch
Edmund Dulac
Publication details: 
All three items by Hodder & Stoughton, Warwick Square, London, E.C. All undated. Dulac 'Christmas List' from 1910; and ‘new 6/- net edition’ of ‘Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens’ dating from the same year. Bedford 'Christmas List' from 1911.
Edmund Dulac

Three pieces of ephemera from a golden period of English children’s book illustration. All three items printed on shiny paper, and all worn and discoloured. ONE: ‘Hodder & Stoughton’s Christmas List’, with advertisement for Edmund Dulac’s edition of A. T. Quiller-Couch’s ‘The Sleeping Beauty’ on cover. 20pp, folio. With rusting staples. Folded once. Undated, but containing items published in 1910, apart from the cover item, which appears to have been published in 1912.

[J. M. Barrie [Sir James Matthew Barrie], Scottish writer, author of 'Peter Pan'.] Copy of numbered edition of 'Sir J. M. Barrie / His First Editions Points and Values By Andrew Block', with numerous knowledgeable manuscript annotations.

J. M. Barrie [Sir James Matthew Barrie], Scottish writer, author of 'Peter Pan'; Andrew Block, London bookseller; W. and G. Foyle Limited [Foyles], London booksellers
J. M. Barrie
Publication details: 
'W. & G. Foyle Limited / At the Sign of the Trefoile / London'. 'The edition is limited to Five hundred copies. / Copy number 16'. Vol.3 in the 'First Editions and their Values' series. [Annotations from around the 1970s.]
J. M. Barrie

xiv + [1] + 38pp, 12mo. No.16/500. In blue cloth binding, titled in gilt on cover and spine. No dust wrapper. Printed on thick paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Annotated in pencil throughout, and with a page of annotations at the end. The handwriting is distinctive (and certainly not Block’s), with the capital N in particular. Some of the annotations give dates from the 1970s, but the handwriting is that of someone from an earlier generation. As an example, one of the longer pencil annotations, on p.5, listing an additional item: ‘Caught Napping. / c. 1883.

[ Sir Henry Mendelssohn Hake, Director of the National Portrait Gallery, London.] Typed Letter Signed (‘H M. Hake’) to S. Hodgson recording portraits of George Cruikshank and Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson.

Sir H. M. Hake [Sir Henry Mendelssohn Hake] (1892-1951), Director of the National Portrait Gallery, London, 1927-1951 [George Cruikshank (1792-1878), caricaturist; Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson]
Publication details: 
11 June 1937; on letterhead of the National Portrait Gallery, London.

1p, 4to. On discoloured and somewhat grubby paper, folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘S. Hodgson Esq.’ and signed ‘H M. Hake’. Hodgson has sent Hake ‘a manuscript fragment’, which does not seem to indicate either of ‘the portraits in the Gallery’. He has ‘looked up the record of portraits offered in the past but there is no mention of Mrs. Cruikshank or her executors.’ He asks a related question before turning to the subject of the physician Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson (1828-1896), who was in Hake’s opinion ‘more of a professional worthy than a national one’.

[Elizabeth Missing Sewell, English author of religious and educational texts.] Autograph Signature (‘Elizabeth M Sewell’) cut from a letter.

Elizabeth M. Sewell [Elizabeth Missing Sewell] (1815-1906), English author of religious and educational texts
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

An uncommon signature. See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The valediction of a letter, cut away for an autograph collector. On a slip of paper, around 7.5 x 2 cm. Somewhat aged and worn, backed with discoloured card. Reads: ‘Very truly yours / Elizabeth M Sewell’. See Image.

[‘How brilliant of you’: ‘E. M. Delafield’, pseudonym of the novelist Edmée Elizabeth Monica Dashwood, author of ‘The Diary of a Provincial Lady’.] Autograph Card Signed (‘E. M. D.’) to Martin Bretherton, commending him for finding ‘Willow Brook’.

‘E. M. Delafield’, pseudonym of novelist Edmée Elizabeth Monica Dashwood [née de la Pasture (1890–1943), prolific novelist, best known for ‘The Diary of a Provincial Lady’ (1930)
Publication details: 
15 January 1943. Printed at head: ‘From Mrs. DASHWOOD, Croyle, Cullompton, Devon.’

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. On post card with red stamp printed on it, addressed to ‘Martin Bretherton Esq. / Wakefield / Mortimer / Berks.’ The message reads: ‘How brilliant [last word underlined] of you to have found Willow Brook! Please bring it to Whitchall at all costs, & let me see it. I never have. / E. M. D. / 15. 1. 43.’

[Martin Nadaud, French revolutionary in exile as Wimbledon teacher ‘Henri Geo. Martin’.] Autograph Letter Signed, as ‘Martin’, in French, telling ‘Mons Delabussière’ to seek assistance from his ‘bon ami’ the Christian Socialist J. M. Ludlow.

Martin Nadaud (1815-1898), French revolutionary who spent 18 years in exile in England after 1848, under the name ‘Henri Geo. Martin’ [John Malcolm Forbes Ludlow (1821-1911), Christian Socialist]
Publication details: 
‘18bre [sic] 1855’ [Wimbledon, London].

An interesting letter, indicating the networks of sympathisers who assisted those fleeing to England in the years following the revolutions of 1848. In the July 1895 edition of the Atlantic, the subject of this letter, the Christian Socialist J. M. Ludlow, in reviewing Nadaud’s memoirs, described him as ‘a friend of my own, of many years’ standing’. The present item was written in the seventh of the eighteen years of Nadaud’s English exile, part of which was spent as a teacher in Wimbledon under the name ‘Henri Geo. Nadaud’. The identity of the recipient is not known. 4pp, 16mo.

[Oxford degrees to J. M. Barrie, Ethel Smyth, Sir Henry Newbolt, Lord Dawson of Penn.] Material printed by the Clarendon Press relating to ‘Convocation / Encaenia, June 23, 1926 / The Right Hon. George, Viscount Cave, Chancellor / Presiding’.

[Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press; John Johnson, Printer to the University; J. M. Barrie; Ethel Smyth; Sir Henry Newbolt; Lord Dawson of Penn]
Publication details: 
The University of Oxford, 1926. Oxford: John Johnson / Printer to the University.

Material which, by its very nature, is extremely uncommon. Five items, three of them beautifully printed with the Fell Types. From the papers of King George V’s doctor Lord Dawson of Penn (see his entry in the Oxford DNB). Among those to whom degrees are conferred (all of whom receive the customary praise in florid Latin) are J. M. Barrie, Sir Henry Newbold, Dame Ethel Smity, Sir Austen Chamberlain and the Speaker of the Commons John Henry Whitley. The first three are printed with the Fell Types, and the first two and the fifth carry Johnson’s slug.

[Oxford degrees to J. M. Barrie, Ethel Smyth, Sir Henry Newbolt, Lord Dawson of Penn.] Material printed by the Clarendon Press relating to ‘Convocation / Encaenia, June 23, 1926 / The Right Hon. George, Viscount Cave, Chancellor / Presiding’.

[Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press; John Johnson, Printer to the University; J. M. Barrie; Ethel Smyth; Sir Henry Newbolt; Lord Dawson of Penn]
Publication details: 
The University of Oxford, 1926. Oxford: John Johnson / Printer to the University.

Material which, by its very nature, is extremely uncommon. Three items, two of which are beautifully printed with the Fell Types. Duplicates from the papers of King George V’s doctor Lord Dawson of Penn (see his entry in the Oxford DNB). Among those to whom degrees are conferred (all of whom receive the customary praise in florid Latin) are J. M. Barrie, Sir Henry Newbold, Dame Ethel Smythe, Sir Austen Chamberlain and the Speaker of the Commons John Henry Whitley. The first three are printed with the Fell Types, and the first two and the fifth carry Johnson’s slug.

[Printed pamphlet poem with note by ‘A. H. M.’, i.e. Alfred H. Mayhew, bookseller at 56 Charing Cross Road, London.] St. Patrick’s Breastplate [Adapted by Katherine M. Buck]. ['Made for the Wayland-Dietrich Saga'.]

Katherine M. Buck; ‘A. H. M.’ [i.e. Alfred H. Mayhew, bookseller at 56 Charing Cross Road, London] [the Wayland-Dietrich Saga]
Publication details: 
‘PUBLISHED BY ALFRED H. MAYHEW / At the Sign of “The Smithy,” 56, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2. / 1926. / Printed in Great Britain by R. Stockwell, Baden Place, Crosby Row, S.E.1.’

Five copies listed on JISC. Now scarce. 8pp, 16mo. Stitched pamphlet, on good wove paper. In fair condition, lightly aged, with small closed tear at head of first leaf. First two leaves with light crease. Enfolded in ‘wallet’ of the same paper, repeating the title on the front (differently positioned), and also giving the price as sixpence. The poem, covering pp.2-7, is in small print, and the first stanza reads: ‘I bind upon myself to-day / The Strength of the Holy Trinity: / That mighty Breastplate be my Stay! / I here invoke . . . I here confess . . .

[J. S. M. Fonblanque, legal writer and Commissioner of Bankruptcy.] Autograph Letter Signed

J. S. M. Fonblanque [John Samuel Martin de Grenier Fonblanque] (1787-1865), legal writer and Commissioner of Bankruptcy [Henry Holmes Joy (1805-1875)?; Lord Brougham
Publication details: 
5 August 1844. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with closed tear (not affecting text) to a fold on second leaf, which also carries traces of mount on its blank reverse. Small printed slip relating to the Court of Bankruptcy, bearing Fonblanque’s name, laid down at head of first page. Folded four times for postage. Signed ‘J S M Fonblanque’.

[Matilda Betham Edwards, English author.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘M Betham-Edwards’) to ‘Miss Birkett’, proposing a four o’clock call, as she does not like ‘climbing the hill in the dark’,

M. Betham-Edwards [Matilda Barbara Betham Edwards] (1836-1919), English travel writer poet and author of children's stories
Publication details: 
13 January 1899; on letterhead of Villa Julia, Hastings.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, which does not accord her name a hyphen, although she does in this letter. 2pp, 12mo. On grey-paper bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Signed ‘M Bethan-Edwards’ and addressed to ‘Dear Miss Birkett’. She apologises for having to decline her kind invitation: ‘I never can lunch out being busy till 1 pm’. Since ‘the afternoons are now so very short’, and she does not like ‘climbing the hill in the dark’, she proposes calling on her at 4pm. ‘It will then give me much pleasure to see you.’

[Arun Manilal Gandhi, peace activist and grandson of Mahatma Gandhi.] Three Typed Letters Signed to the playwright Christopher Fry, concerning his contribution to a book to be titled ‘World Without Violence’.

Arun Manilal Gandhi (born April 14, 1934), peace activist, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi [Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi], founder of the M. K. Gandhi Institute of Nonviolence [Christopher Fry, playwright]
Publication details: 
5 October and 15 November 1993, and 24 March 1994. All three on letterhead of the M. K. Institute for Nonviolence, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.

As a pacifist of Quaker stock the recipient Christopher Fry would have been sympathetic to Gandhi’s goals. See Fry’s entry in the Oxford DNB. The three items in good condition, lightly aged and with slight creasing along one edge. All three 1p, 4to, and signed ‘Arun Gandhi’ and folded twice. ONE: 6 October 1993. He thanks him for his ‘positive response’ to the invitation to ‘contribute a statement for our forthcoming book WORLD WITHOUT VIOLENCE’, to be published to commemorate his grandfather’s 125th birthday. He concludes with details of an extended deadline. TWO: 15 November 1994.

[‘I feel rather as a brother than as a client’. Captain George Jones, RA, Librarian of the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘George Jones’) to his close friend Sir Francis Chantrey, explaining his embarrassment at selling him a painting.

Captain George Jones (1786-1869), RA, Librarian and acting President of the Royal Academy, and army officer, close friend and executor of J. M. W. Turner and Sir Francis Chantrey
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but before Chantrey's death in 1841, and probably from London.

See the entries for Jones and Chantry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. An interesting letter of 39 lines with text intact, in poor condition, aged and with closed tears, and discoloration from tape used in repair, and ink blot to first page. The surname of the recipient is not given, but the close friendship between the two men (Jones published a memoir of Chantrey in 1849) puts Chantrey’s identity beyond doubt.

[C. L. Graves and Punch editor E. V. Knox.] Autograph Letter Signed from 'C L. G.' to 'Evoe', discussing in detail questions relating to his planned history of Punch, with long autograph 'Notes on your Memorandum'.

C. L. Graves [Charles Larcom Graves (1856-1944), assistant-editor of Punch and the Spectator, uncle of poet Robert Graves [E. V. Knox [Edmund George Valpy Knox] (1881-1971, 'Evoe'), editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of Kent Lodge, Westgate-on-Sea, Thanet. 30 May 1938. Memorandum undated.

For information on Graves see the generous obituary of him in The Times, 18 April 1944. Both items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with minor staining from paperclip to first leaf of letter. The work was not published, and although Graves states in Item One that the greater part of the text is 'in the hands of my typist', there is no record of its survival, or of the thousand related documents he states were sent to him by M. H. Spielmann. ONE: ALS from 'C L. G.' to 'Dear Evoe'. 4pp., landscape 8vo.

[ Charlotte M. Yonge, Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C M Yonge') to 'Miss Sewell' [Elizabeth Missing Sewell?] regarding books, reviews and Hookham's Lending Library.

Charlotte M. Yonge [ Charlotte Mary Yonge; C. M. Yonge ] (1823-1901), English novelist associated with the Oxford Movement
Publication details: 
28 August [no year]. On letterhead of Elderfield, Otterbourne, Winchester.

4pp, 16mo. Bifolium of grey paper, with letterhead printed in red. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded three times. The recipient is undoubtedly Elizabeth Missing Sewell or a member of her family, and the letter begins: 'My dear Miss Sewell, | I wish you could have accomplished giving us a day, hoping you might have found me in more lively and sensible trim than when you were here, when I had a headache just enough to make me stupid.' She is going to post her Roscoe's 'William I', which she got 'from the L[ending] Library'.

[Lady Cynthia Asquith, author, as personal secretary of Sir J. M. Barrie.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Greene. | (For Sir James Barrie)', to Theo Feilden, conveying Barrie's answer regarding 'the honour of your suggestion'.

'C. Greene', i.e. Lady Cynthia Asquith (1887-1960), personal secretary and principal legatee of Sir J. M. Barrie, author of 'Peter Pan' [Theo Feilden, Director General of the Empire Trade League]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Adelphi Terrace House, Strand, W.C.2. 17 May 1922.

Lady Cynthia Asquith was Barrie's personal secretary in his later years, and inherited the bulk of his estate, but not the rights to 'Peter Pan'. The letter is 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with small holes to one corner from staple. With red date stamp marking receipt. Begins: 'Dear Sir | Sir James Barrie directs me to express his regret at your letter having remained unanswered for so long – but he has been absent from London, and unable to attend to his correspondence.

[C. E. M. Joad, philosopher on 'The Brains Trust'.] Typed Letter Signed ('C E M Joad') to BBC producer Hugh Burnett, suggesting changes to the next in a series of talks he is giving.

C. E. M. Joad [Cyril Edwin Mitchinson Joad] (1891-1953), philosopher on the BBC radio programme 'The Brains Trust' [Hugh Burnett (1924-2011), BBC producer]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 4 East Heath Road, Hampstead, N.W.3. 14 August 1951.

Joad's rise and fall are admirably described in Jason Tomes' entry on him in the Oxford DNB. The present letter was written after the disgrace which followed his 1948 conviction for fare-dodging. Not only was Joad dropped from the programme which had made him a nationwide celebrity, 'The Brains Trust', as a result, but his well-founded hopes of a peerage were dashed. It is interesting to note from the present letter that Joad continued to work for the BBC after his disgrace. The letter is 2pp, landscape 12mo. In fair condition, aged and creased, with two punch-holes at head.

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