[Bob Hope’s wife Dolores and Frank Sinatra’s wife Barbara.] Typed Letters Signed from the two women to ‘Bonnie and John’, each thanking them for the Christmas gift of a ‘peppered ham’.

Dolores Hope [née DeFina] (1909-2011), American singer, wife of Hollywood comedian Bob Hope; Barbara Sinatra [née Blakeley] (1927-2017), wife of singer and actor Frank Sinatra
Bob Hope’s wife Dolores and Frank Sinatra’s wife Barbara
Publication details: 
Dolores Hope's letter: 26 January 1993; on letterhead of 'Dolores and Bob Hope'. Barbara Sinatra's letter: undated; embossed 'Barbara Sinatra'.
Bob Hope’s wife Dolores and Frank Sinatra’s wife Barbara

Both letters are addressed to ‘Dear Bonnie and John’. Both in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: TLS from Dolores Hope. Signed ‘Dolores’ in red ink (the letterhead is also red). 1p, 12mo. Reads: ‘The black peppered ham was a big hit at our house and Bob and I can’t thank you enough. We really enjoyed this tasty ham and your thoughtfulness in remembering us at Chistmastime. / Have a healthy and happy New Year!’ TWO: TLS from Barbara Sinatra. Signed ‘Barbara’. 1p, landscape 12mo. On the lower half of an 8vo leaf, which has been converted into a bifolium by a central horizonal fold.

[Barbara Cartland, ‘The Queen of Romance’, best-selling author of romantic fiction.] Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, proprietor of ‘Books and Bookmen’, responding to his praise of a speech she has given.

Barbara Cartland [Dame Mary Barbara Hamilton Cartland] (1901-2000), ‘The Queen of Romance’, best-selling author of more than 700 works of romantic fiction [Philip Dosse (1925-80); 'Books and Bookmen']
Publication details: 
‘From: Miss Barbara Cartland, D.ST.J.’ 1 October 1979; on letterhead of Camfield Place, Hatfield, Hertfordshire.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse (often addressed, as in this letter, as ‘Dossé’) was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Large and ebullient signature in red felt-tip pen.

[Bernard Braden, Canadian actor and broadcaster, married to Barbara Kelly.] Typed Letter Signed to Ken Sephton, with reminiscences inspired by his autobiography.

Bernard Braden [Bernard Chastey Braden] (1916-1993), Canadian actor and broadcaster, married to Barbara Kelly (1924-2007)
Publication details: 
21 November 1990. On his letterhead, 5 Kidderpore Avenue, London, N.W.3.

Braden features prominently in his wife?s entry in the Oxford DNB, where it is stated that he ?deserves recognition not only for his extreme versatility, but for his major contribution to broadcasting by pioneering consumer television?. The letter concerns Braden?s autobiography ?The Kindness of Strangers? (1990). 1p, 12mo. On grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Twenty-five lines of text. Addressed to ?Dear Ken Sephton? and with good firm signature. ?Your letter made me feel very humble.

[‘Suzette Tarri’, music hall comedienne.] Typed Letter Signed to P. W. Kerby and Typed Letter (signed on her behalf by her husband David Jenkins) to ‘Mr. Horsfield’, regarding bookings, with Autograph Letter Signed to W. Macqueen-Pope from Jenkins.

Suzette Tarri [stage name of Ada Barbara Harriett Tarry (1881-1955), music hall and 'radio comedienne'; her husband and accompanist David Edmund Jenkins [W. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
ONE (ST to Kerby): 23 January 1944; her Southgate letterhead. TWO (ST to Horsfield): 29 March [no year]. THREE (Jenkins to Macqueen-Pope): 23 June 1950; different Southgate letterhead.

From the papers of theatre historian Walter James Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960). (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) The three items are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Her two letters are pinned together. The letter to Kerby has the large and firm signature ‘Suzette Tarri’; the letter to Horsfield is evidently signed ‘Suzette Terri’ on her behalf by her husband. ONE (ST to P. W. Kerby): 23 January 1944. Letterhead of ‘“Suda” / 25 Manor Drive, Southgate, N. 14’ (‘SUZETTE TARRI / RADIO COMEDIENNE / WITH / DAVID JENKINS / THE POPULAR PIANIST-VOCALIST’). 1p, 4to.

[Matilda Betham Edwards, English author.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘M Betham-Edwards’) to ‘Miss Birkett’, proposing a four o’clock call, as she does not like ‘climbing the hill in the dark’,

M. Betham-Edwards [Matilda Barbara Betham Edwards] (1836-1919), English travel writer poet and author of children's stories
Publication details: 
13 January 1899; on letterhead of Villa Julia, Hastings.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, which does not accord her name a hyphen, although she does in this letter. 2pp, 12mo. On grey-paper bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Signed ‘M Bethan-Edwards’ and addressed to ‘Dear Miss Birkett’. She apologises for having to decline her kind invitation: ‘I never can lunch out being busy till 1 pm’. Since ‘the afternoons are now so very short’, and she does not like ‘climbing the hill in the dark’, she proposes calling on her at 4pm. ‘It will then give me much pleasure to see you.’

[Barbara Castle, Labour politician.] Autograph Note Signed to ‘Pip’, accompanying signed press photograph to him, the other side of the note carrying an Autograph Note from deaf Labour politician Jack Ashley.

Barbara Castle [Barbara Anne Castle, Baroness Castle of Blackburn, née Betts] (1910-2002), Labour politician [Jack Ashley [John Ashley, Baron Ashley of Stoke] (1922-2012)]
Publication details: 
Barbara Castle’s note dated 11 July 1973; no place. The ‘British Official Photograph’ dated on accompanying leaf to 1974.

See their entries in the Oxford DNB. Castle was a pioneer for woman in British politics and a champion of the welfare state; and Ashley, said to have been the first totally deaf democratic representative in the world, was a campaigner for the rights of the disabled.. Both items in good condition. The ANS is on a 16mo leaf of pink paper. On one side: ‘To Pip / who has lightened our load and brightened our lives for so many years. / Bless you! / Barbara Castle / 11. 7. 73.’ On the other: ‘To PIP THE POPular / With every good wish / Jack Ashley / P.S. And lots and lots of fun. / JA’.

[Sir Rupert Hart-Davis, publisher.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rupert') to antiquarian bookseller Percy Muir, praising his catalogues as his 'favourite reading', and ordering items while 'saving up' for his daughter's wedding.

Rupert Hart-Davis [Sir Rupert Charles Hart-Davis] (1907-1999), publisher, editor and letter-writer [Percy Muir [Percy H. Muir] (1894-1979), leading bookseller with firm Elkin Mathews]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Bromsden Farm, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon. 20 April 1963.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with three punch holes to margin, and endorsement of number in a circle. The letter begins: 'My dear Percy | Your catalogues – especially the literary parts of them – are my favourite reading. You find such unusual books, and describe them with such care and skill.' He asks him to send him, 'to Soho Square', the two Rothenstein items nos 260 and 260 a'. He explains that while he longs 'for some of the Blunts', his daughter is getting married that June, and he is 'saving up for that'.

[T. E. B. Clarke, Oscar-winning screenwriter and crime writer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tibby') to the novelist Barbara Kaye, discussing common acquaintances after the episode of the TV programme 'This Is Your Life' devoted to him.

T. E. B. Clarke [Thomas Ernest Bennett 'Tibby' Clarke] (1907-1989), screenwriter who won an Oscar for 'The Lavender Hill Mob', and crime writer [Ealing Comedies; Barbara Kaye, novelist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Tanners Mead, Oxted, Surrey. 10 November 1960.

Other than 'The Lavender Hill Mob', for which he won an Oscar, Clarke's screenplays include 'The Blue Lamp' and 'The Titchfield Thunderbolt'. For the recipient Barbara Kaye [Barbara Kenrick Gowing] (1908-1998), writer, bookseller and wife of Percy Muir, see her obituary by Nicolas Barker in the Independent, 12 March 1998. The present letter was written a few days after Clarke's appearance on 31 October on the television programme 'This Is Your Life'. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, aged and worn. Folded once. The letter begins: 'Dear Barbara, | Many thanks for your kind letter.

[Edgar Jepson, popular novelist; .] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edgar Jepson'), replying to a fan letter from 'Miss Gowing' [novelist Barbara Kaye] by suggesting that they meet to prevent him from injuring his constitution by 'industrious excess'

Edgar Jepson [Edgar Alfred Jepson, pseudonym 'R. Edison Page'] (1863-1938), popular author of adventure, detective, supernatural and fantasy fiction [Barbara Kaye [Barbara Kenrick Gowing] (1908-1998)]
Publication details: 
120 Adelaide Road, Chalk Farm, London NW3. 8 July 1920.

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Folded once.

[ The Le Fleming family of Rydal Hall. ] 16 manuscript items from the family papers of Barbara Le Fleming Benson (sister of Sir Daniel Fleming), including material relating to a disputed will, miscellaneous correspondence and genealogical memoranda.

[ The Le Fleming family of Rydal Hall, Cumbria, landlords of the poet William Wordsworth; Barbara Le Fleming Benson (1784-1862); Sir Daniel Le Fleming (c.1785-1821), 5th Baronet ]
Publication details: 
Carlisle; Kendal; Crosthwaite; New Mills, near Stockport; Douglas, Isle of Man; St Bees Grammar School, Cumbria. Between 1813 and 1874.

The Le Flemings of Rydal Hall were a leading Cumbrian family, notable as the landlords of the poet William Wordsworth. The present collection of 15 items derive from the family papers of Barbara Le Fleming, eldest child of Roger and Ann Fleming, and sister of Sir Daniel le Fleming (c.1785-1821), 5th Baronet, who married John Benson (1780-1830) in 1809.

Galley proofs of an article in the London Magazine, entitled 'Conversation with Lawrence'; with a Typed Letter Signed by Lawrence's biographer Edward Nehls, and covering letter by Barbara Cooper, assistant editor, London Magazine.

Brigit Patmore (1882-1965) [D. H. Lawrence; the London Magazine; Barbara Cooper; Edward Nehls]
Publication details: 
Proofs of an article appeared in the London Magazine for June 1957. Nehls's Letter: 7 June 1957; Urbana, Illinois. Cooper's Letter: 18 June 1957; on letterhead of the London Magazine.

The proofs are on one side each of five strips (each approximately 60 x 15.5 cm) of discoloured high-acidity paper. They are in good condition, with a little light creasing, and slight chipping at head of first strip (not affecting text). They are headed 'GALLEY ONE [TWO, THREE, FOUR, EIGHT]'. Text clear and entire. The article reads continuously, with no hiatus between Galleys Four and Eight. Some simple errors indicate that these are early proofs, i.e.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Felicity Hill'). Together with autograph signature (also 'Felcity Hill').

Air Commodore Dame Felicity Hill [Felicity Barbara Hill] (1915-?), Director, Women's Royal Air Force, 1966-1969
Publication details: 
Undated; from Worcester Cottage, Mews Lane, Winchester, Hants.

The six-line letter, which is laid down on a slightly larger piece of lilac paper, was originally on one side of an octavo leaf, but it has had a strip (presumably carrying the name and address of the recipient) beneath the address cut away. It is now in two pieces: 5 x 15.5 and 12 x 15.5 cm. Otherwise very good. Laid down on the top piece is a slip of paper in Hill's hand, reading 'From: Air Commodore Dame Felicity Hill D.B.E. WRAF (retd)'. In the bottom right-hand corner of the second piece of paper is a strip carrying Hill's autograph.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to her 'Cousin'.

Barbara Hofland
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Author (1770-1844) and friend of Miss Mitford. Paper dimensions roughly three and a half inches by one inch. Slightly discoloured, creased, and with one small closed tear. Read 'Believe me dear friend, | your truly affectionate Cousin | B Hofland'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Joshua Sharpe.

Edward Blakeney
Publication details: 
Mahon the 8th. November 1753', Mahon, Minorca.

The recipient Joshua Sharpe (c.1716-86) was a solicitor of Lincoln's Inn, and counsel for various American colonies before the Board of Trade and Privy Council. His brother Horatio was Lieutenant Governor of Maryland. Two pages, folio. Grubby, frayed and worn, with some closed tears and minor fraying and loss to extremities, and minor loss to text. Appears to concern the investigation into a case brought against an English ship by the owners of the Spanish vessel Sancta Barbara ('Patron Joseph de la Torre').

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