[Benny Hill, English comedian famed for his television series ‘The Benny Hill Show’.] Signed Autograph Inscription to black and white publicity photograph, with Autograph Note Signed on reverse.

‘Benny Hill’ [Alfred Hawthorne Hill] (1924-1992), English comedian famed for his television series ‘The Benny Hill Show’, and his use of slapstick, burlesque and double entendre
Publication details: 
No date or place, but the portrait of Hill apparently dating from the 1960s or early 1970s.

Despite criticism for his supposedly sexist humour, Hill’s work was admired by men from the novelist Anthony Burgess to Michael Jackson and Burt Reynolds. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged, with light traces of glue from mount on reverse. An 8.5 x 14 cm photographic print, carrying an 8.5 x 10.5 cm black and white head and shoulders shot of a smirking Hill, staring fixedly at the viewer in black top. Inscribed in light ink in the blank patch beneath the image: ‘To Eric / Cheers! / Benny Hill’.

[Patrick Moore [Sir Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore], British astronomer, broadcaster and celebrity.] Typed Postcard Signed (‘P. M.’) to John Graham, complaining of being ‘a broken reed’ with regard to future plans.

Patrick Moore [Sir Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore] (1923-2012], English astronomer, broadcaster and celebrity
Publication details: 
Postmark dated 15 April 1972 from Chichester, Sussex. Letterhead ‘From Patrick Moore, Farthings, 39 West Street, Selsey, Chichester, Sussex, PO20 9AB’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Plain postcard. Lightly aged. Addressed to John [Graham, obscured by postmark], The Willows, Church Road, Lowfield Heath, Crawley, Sussex. Reads: ‘Many thanks. I am terribly sorry to say that I am a broken reed at the moment, because there are various conference dates I haven’t got. I’ll write when the situation clarifies. / Best wishes / [in autograph] P. M. / PS Last Wed. of each month is no good: BAA [i.e. British Astronomical Association monthly meeting] day!’ Image on application.

[Howard Keel, American actor, star of stage, screen and television.] Publicity photograph from the 1947 London production of ‘Oklahoma’, with inscription to ‘Mary’ signed with his real name ‘Harold Keel’.

Howard Keel [stage name of Harold Clifford Keel] (1919-2004), American actor, star of stage, screen and television, and singer noted for his rich baritone voice
Publication details: 
No date, but for the 1947 London production of Oklahamo. Stamped on back by the Perfect Photo Repro Co, 24 William IVth Street, London WC2.

A brown-tinged print (not sepia), on 16 x 21 cm matt card, with 0.75 cm border. In fair condition, very lightly creased and worn. A full length shot of a smiling and clean-shaven Keel, in cowboy getup with ponyskin chaps and his cowboy hat in his left hand, opening what is clearly a stage-prop wicket gate, with backdrop of farm behind him. In Keel's autograph in light blue ink to the left of his torso: 'To Mary, / Best of Everything / Sincerely / Harold Keel'. See Image.

[Lowell Thomas, American author and broadcaster associated with Lawrence of Arabia.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr. McCormick’ regarding a publication he has forgotten.

Lowell Thomas [Lowell Jackson Thomas] (1892-1981), American author and broadcaster associated with T. E. Lawrence [Lawrence of Arabia] and television executive
Publication details: 
18 October 1977; on his letterhead, Hammersley Hill, Pawling, New York.

Thomas broadcast many of his programmes from the Hammersley Hill estate, overlooking the Catskills. 1p, foolscap 8vo. On cream paper with letterhead in green. In good condition, folded twice for postage. Thomas’s bold signature, also in green, rises at an angle. Reads: ‘Dear Mr. McCormick, / I’ve entirely forgotten. / If you know of an extra copy I would like to add it to my collection. / With best wishes. / Sincerely, / Lowell Thomas’.

[‘the greatest theatrical comic of his age’: Ken Dodd, Liverpool comedian and singer.] Typed Letter Signed with biographical details, and signed publicity postcard with photographic portrait.

Ken Dodd [Sir Kenneth Arthur Dodd] (1927-2018), Liverpool comedian and singer, ‘the greatest theatrical comic of his age’
Ken Dodd
Publication details: 
Letter dated ‘C/o B.B.C. Manchester. / October 9th 1957.’
Ken Dodd

Dodd’s entry in the Oxford DNB by Michael Billington concludes with the assessment that he was ‘the greatest theatrical comic of his age and the last link with the hallowed days of music hall’. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: TLS, 9 October 1957. 1p, 4to. Good large signature ‘Ken Dodd’. The male recipient is not named. He apologises for the late reply to the recipient’s letter. ‘May I also thank you for the compliments paid to my performance on Television. / I am a Liverpudlian, residing in Knotty Ash Liverpool.

[Bamber Gascoigne (1935-2022), television presenter and author, original quizmaster on the ITV television series ‘University Challenge’.] Autograph Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, on reviewing (for ‘Books and Bookmen’), Harold Acton and Lord Longford.

Bamber Gascoigne (1935-2022), television presenter and author, original quizmaster on the ITV television series ‘University Challenge’ [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher]
Publication details: 
27 February 1974. On letterhead of One Saint Helena Terrace, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1NR.

Victoria Coren’s comment to the BBC on Gascoigne’s death is most apt: ‘No quiz host has ever seemed more like they could answer all the questions themselves.’ The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. 1p, 4to. Written in green ink. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr.

[Alan Bennett, playwright, screenwriter and author.] Autograph Card Signed, regarding his 'second TV play', 'Sunset Across The Bay'.

Alan Bennett (b.1934), playwright, screenwriter and author whose career began in the Cambridge Footlights, and includes the script for the film 'The Madness of King George'
Publication details: 
No date or place.

Plain white card, blank on reverse. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: ‘I’m sorry I don’t have any photographs - there’s not much demand. / My second TV play (1974) was about Morecambe. Sunset Across The Bay - probably still available from the BBC / All good wishes / Alan Bennet.’

[Alan Bennett, playwright, screenwriter and author.] Autograph Card Signed, with reference to 'Sam Barnett (ex History Boys)', the Nottingham Playhouse and his health.

Alan Bennett (b.1934), playwright, screenwriter and author whose career began in the Cambridge Footlights, and includes the script for the film 'The Madness of King George'
Publication details: 
[2021.] Place not stated.

In good condition. Printed on one side of the card is one of Bennett's self-caricatures, and printed on the other, on a left hand panel, a note apologising for not writing in autograph, as answering so much mail would take away 'time which I would like to spend working'. On the right-hand panel, in actual autograph, is the following: 'Thank you for yr letter and I hope 2021 is a better year for you. I gather from Sam Barnett (ex History Boys) that the Nottingham Playhouse is keeping going. I'm getting slower but still coming to my desk every day. / All good wishes / Alan Bennett.'

[Alan Bennett, playwright, screenwriter and author.] Autograph Card Signed to Robert J. Drury of Cleethorpes, regarding the Academy Awards.

Alan Bennett (b.1934), playwright, screenwriter and author whose career began in the Cambridge Footlights, and includes the script for the film 'The Madness of King George'
Publication details: 
1 August 1995. Place not stated.

On a ‘Lion Brand’ plain post card. In good condition, but with the hurriedly-written text somewhat smudged, and a small staple at one corner. Addressed to ‘Robt J Drury / 141 Chichester Rd / Cleethorpes / S. Humberside / DN35 OJL.’ The message on the other side is hurriedly written: ‘August 1 1995 / Dear Mr. Drury / I’ve no thought on the Academy Awards I’m afraid. Some are well deserved some not - but thats true of a [?] Alan Bennett.’

[‘the play goes on night after night’: Alan Bennett, playwright, screenwriter and author.] Autograph Letter Signed, thanking ‘Mr Robinson’ for his letter [about his play ‘The Old Country’], stating that he likes to hear from members of the audience.

Alan Bennett (b.1934), playwright, screenwriter and author whose career began in the Cambridge Footlights, and includes the script for the film 'The Madness of King George'
Publication details: 
‘Queens Theatre W1 [London] / February 18 1978’.

1p, 12mo. On grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed ‘Dear Mr Robinson’ and signed ‘Alan Bennett.’ A short response to a letter about his play ‘The Old Country’, whose run at the Queen’s Theatre had started on 7 September 1977. He thanks him for his kind letter, and states that ‘It’s nice to hear from people in the audience as I often feel the play goes on night after night & has nothing to do with me at all - one penalty for not performing very much.’ See Image.

[Gwen Watford, English actress.] Autograph Card Signed to [Kenneth] Sephton, standing up for Jeffrey Archer (in a London production of whose ?Beyond Reason Doubt? she is acting).

Gwen Watford (Gwendoline Watford) (1927-1994), English actress on stage, screen and television [Jeffrey Archer]
Publication details: 
8 December 1988. No place.

Watford?s obituaries noted her sensitive acting style, and ranked alongside Peggy Ashcroft. On both sides of a 14.5 x 10 cm card, with no printing but for the name ?GWEN WATFORD? in red at the head of recto. Addressed to ?Dear Mr Sephton? and with good firm signature ?Gwen Watford?. In good condition lightly aged. Twelves lines of neatly written text. She has ?just finished another mid-week matinee?, and is writing thank him for his ?most encouraging letter?, which she will ?treasure?.

[Geraldine McEwan, distinguished English actress on stage, screen and television.] Autograph Inscription Signed to menu for Gallery First Nighters? Club luncheon in honour of Prunella Scales and Timothy West.

Geraldine McEwan [born Geraldine McKeown] (1932-2015), distinguished English actress on stage screen and television [Timothy West and Prunella Scales; The Gallery First Nighters? Club]
Publication details: 
Luncheon by the Gallery First Nighters? Club on 24 April 1994, at the London Marriott Hotel.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. A nice item, printed on shiny card. Bifolium folding to 21 x 14.5 cm. In good condition, lightly aged. On the front is a photograph of Scales and West by Jane Bohn. On reverse of first leaf is the menu, on recto of second the ?Toast List?, and the verso of the second a list of officers. McEwan?s inscription, in a good firm hand is at top left of the menu. It reads: ?With Best Wishes / Geraldine / McEwan?. From the papers of Kenneth Sephton. See Image.

[Bernard Braden, Canadian actor and broadcaster, married to Barbara Kelly.] Typed Letter Signed to Ken Sephton, with reminiscences inspired by his autobiography.

Bernard Braden [Bernard Chastey Braden] (1916-1993), Canadian actor and broadcaster, married to Barbara Kelly (1924-2007)
Publication details: 
21 November 1990. On his letterhead, 5 Kidderpore Avenue, London, N.W.3.

Braden features prominently in his wife?s entry in the Oxford DNB, where it is stated that he ?deserves recognition not only for his extreme versatility, but for his major contribution to broadcasting by pioneering consumer television?. The letter concerns Braden?s autobiography ?The Kindness of Strangers? (1990). 1p, 12mo. On grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Twenty-five lines of text. Addressed to ?Dear Ken Sephton? and with good firm signature. ?Your letter made me feel very humble.

[Norman Collins, author of ‘London Belongs to Me’.] Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, publisher of ‘Books and Bookmen’, regarding a review he has written, and a party in his honour held by the English Centre of P.E.N.

Norman Collins [Norman Richard Collins] (1907-1982), author of ‘London Belongs to Me’ and TV executive [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher of ‘Books and Bookmen’]
Publication details: 
2 March 1977; on letterhead of ATV House, 17 Great Cumberland Place, London W1.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The present item is 1p, 4to. Signed ‘Norman Collins’. In good condition, lightly aged. He is submitting a review of J. B. Priestley’s ‘Instead of the Trees’, in the hope that it is ‘the kind of thing that you had in mind’.

[‘The rudest man in Britain’ reduced to tears: Gilbert Harding, radio and television personality.] Producer Hugh Burnett's corrected proof of typescript of Harding’s celebrated interview with John Freeman in the BBC TV series 'Face to Face'.

Gilbert Harding [Gilbert Charles Harding] (1907-1960), irascible British radio and television personality [John Freeman, interviewer on BBC programme ‘Face to Face’; Hugh Burnett]
Publication details: 
Undated, but BBC interview broadcast on 18 September 1960, and this item prepared for publication in 1964.

The present item is producer Hugh Burnett's own copy, from his papers, of the transcript of John Freeman's interview with Harding, broadcast in the groundbreaking BBC television series 'Face to Face' on 18 September 1960, a few weeks before Harding’s death on 16 November 1960. Harding’s entry in the Oxford DNB states that, ‘in radio programmes such as The Brains Trust and Twenty Questions, and on television in What's my Line?, Harding became a great popular figure, especially of television in which he was probably the best-known performer in the country.

[‘I have never felt more like chucking my hand in’: Jack Warner, English actor.] Typed Letter Signed to W. J. Macqueen-Pope (‘Popie’), regarding a bad bout of the flu, with signed publicity photograph in the part of Dixon of Dock Green.

Jack Warner [Horace John Waters] (1895-1981), English actor who played PC George Dixon in film ‘The Blue Lamp’ and TV series ‘Dixon of Dock Green’ [W. J. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
19 November 1957. 9 Courtfield Mews, Courtfield Road, SW5 [London]. On his letterhead.

See the entries for Warner and Macqueen-Pope in the Oxford DNB. Such was the popularity of Warner’s portrayal of George Dixon, that the Queen told him it had become part of ‘the British way of life’, and he was carried to his grave by six real officers from Paddington Green Police Station. LETTER: 1p, 4to. Folded twice. In good condition, lightly aged. Signature ‘Jack.’ and salutation to ‘My dear Popie’ in Warner’s hand; the rest typed. Letterhead with his name. He is sending ‘the long promised photos’, delayed because he ‘had to get some new prints of the “pipe” one.

[‘Before your very eyes!’ Arthur Askey, comedian and entertainer.] Signed Autograph inscription: ‘Yours Big-Heartedly. / Arthur Askey.’

Arthur Askey [Arthur Bowden Askey] (1900-1982), comedian and entertainer
Publication details: 
1938. No place.

Dating from what his entry in the Oxford DNB describes as Askey’s ‘prime professional days’: ‘In 1938 Askey joined Powis Pinder's Sunshine concert party at Shanklin, Isle of Wight, where he performed successfully for the next eight years. In 1938 the BBC also engaged him for a new radio show called Band Waggon, in which his partner was Richard Murdoch. The show, first broadcast in January 1938, was an enormous success and its innovative style was perhaps Askey's greatest contribution to the entertainment business.’ On one side of a 12.5 x 8.5 cm piece of light-green card.

[Jack Rosenthal, playwright and television dramatist (including eight years on ‘Coronation Street’.] Two photographs of Rosenthal while teaching the residential writer course at Fen Farm, Suffolk, each with signed caption by organizer Sally Worboyes

Jack Rosenthal [Jack Morris Rosenthal] (1931-2004), playwright and television dramatist (including eight years on ‘Coronation Street’), husband of actress Maureen Lipman [Sally Worboyes, Fen Farm]
Publication details: 
1992. Fen Farm, Suffolk.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The two items are from the papers of Sally Worboyes, organiser of the residential arts courses at her home, Fen Farm in Suffolk, who has provided a signed caption on the reverse of both of the prints. Both colour prints. ONE: 23 x 16 cm photograph, in Landscape. Slightly creased at corners. A relaxed Rosenthal, in plaid shirt, jeans and trainers, seated on the steps of a farm outhouse, with five students and Warboyes grouped around him. On the reverse: ‘Jack Rosenthal / with his students / Sally Worboyes’.

[Alan Plater, playwright and television dramatist (Z-Cars and the Beiderbecke series).] Three photographs of Plater with students at the residential writing course at Fen Farm in Suffolk, each with signed caption by organizer Sally Warboyes.

Alan Plater [Alan Frederick Plater] (1935-2010), playwright and television dramatist (Z-Cars and the Beiderbecke series) [Sally Worboyes, Fen Farm, Suffolk]
Alan Plater
Publication details: 
No date (1990s). Fen Farm, Suffolk.
Alan Plater

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The three items are from the papers of Sally Worboyes, organiser of the residential arts courses at her home, Fen Farm in Suffolk, who has provided a signed caption on the reverse of each of the prints. All three in good condition. ONE and TWO: Black and white photographs, both 12 x 17 cm. ONE is in portrait, and shows Plater seated at a country table, in shirtsleeves, jeans and trainers, looking over with concentration and expressively spread hands. On back: ‘Alan Plater at my home. / Sally Worboyes’. TWO is in landscape.

[Augustus John, OM RA, celebrated Welsh painter.] Producer Hugh Burnett’s copy of the typed transcript of John’s BBC TV interview with John Freeman in the series ‘Face to Face’, with proof and typographical marks for publication.

Augustus John [Augustus Edwin John] (1878-1961), OM RA, celebrated Welsh painter [John Freeman (1915-2014), Labour MP and interviewer on 'Face to Face'; Hugh Burnett (1924-2011), BBC TV producer]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but BBC TV interview on 15 May 1960; and this transcript produced for inclusion in version published in London in 1964.

The present item is the producer Hugh Burnett's own copy, from his papers, of the transcript of John Freeman's interview with John, broadcast in the groundbreaking BBC series 'Face to Face' on 15 May 1960. This single-spaced typed transcript was produced for inclusion in Burnett's book 'Face to Face / Edited and introduced by Hugh Burnett' (London: Jonathan Cape, 1964), and is marked up with printing instructions in pencil and red ink, with a few proof corrections in green ink. 3pp, foolscap 8vo, on three leaves stapled together.

[Henry Livings, playwright and screenwriter.] Typed Letter Signed ('Henry Livings') to Ian McPherson

Henry Livings (1929-1998), Lancastrian playwright and screenwriter [Ian McPherson]
Publication details: 
49 Grains Road, Delph, Oldham [Lancashire]. 18 September 1986.

1p, 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged, folded twice. He does not have a copy of his book 'Flying Eggs', but intends 'to order a few. Since computerization, ordering is a longwinded business, but there's reasonable hope they'd arrive before the Christmas post.' He gives instruction concerning payment and postage. He makes a suggestion if McPherson should 'at any point in the future [be] tempted to buy my first book of short stories, PENNINE TALES' (go for the paperback which is cheaper and 'much better edited').

['Max Wall' [Maxwell George Lorimer), comedian and actor.] Autograph Signature: 'Good luck to Enid! | Max Wall | 1951'.

'Max Wall' [Maxwell George Lorimer (1908-1990)], comedian and actor in music hall, theatre, film and television
Publication details: 
No place. 1951.

On one side of 8 x 13.5 cm leaf of cream paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight creasing to one corner. A good, firm underlined signature. Reads: 'Good luck to Enid! | Max Wall | 1951'. On the reverse is the autograph of an unknown signatory: 'To Enid | [Sister? Lister?] [J?] Ferguson'.

[BBC General Television Training Course, 1958.] Folder compiled by the producer Charles Chilton, containing documents (typescripts and forms) relating to the course, headed by Andrew Miller Jones, another attendee being the poet Louis MacNeice.

BBC General Television Training Course, 1958, headed by Andrew Miller Jones (1910-1994), Chief Television Instructor [Charles Chilton (1917-2013), producer; Louis MacNeice (1907-1963), poet]
Publication details: 
The British Broadcasting Corporation [BBC], London. April to June 1958.

A significant document in the history of BBC Television, casting valuable light on production practices and internal procedure in the years following the end of the BBC's television monopoly. From the papers of distinguished producer Charles Chilton (1917-2013), best known for his radio series 'Journey into Space' and association with the Goon Show. The present item relates to the first of the BBC Television Training Courses.

[ Mandela; Sir Ronald Harwood, playwright and screenwriter. ] Shooting Script, with numerous pages of amendments, of the British television drama film 'Mandela'.,directed by Peter Saville and starring Danny Glover.

Sir Ronald Harwood (born South Africa, 1934 as Ronald Horwitz), Oscar-winning playwright and screenwriter [ Peter Saville (1930-2016), British film director; Nelson Mandela ]
Publication details: 
[ TVS Limited, Shepperton Studios. ] Dated 9 September 1986.

Typed screenplay, 103pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Paginated to 99, but with the pagination heavily disrupted by the addition and removal of a large number of pages of revisions on pink or blue paper, each amended leaf dated at the head. Held together with two metal studs, in yellow card binding with windowpane for title. Title-page states 'MANDELA | by | Ronald Harwood | 9 September 1986', without further details. Loosely inserted is a six-page 'Call Sheet No.

[ Jane Austen's 'Northanger Abbey'. ] Typed Rehearsal Script of Maggie Wadey's 1987 BBC television adaptation. (directed by Giles Foster and produced by Louis Marks)

Maggie Wadey, scriptwriter and wife of actor John Castle; Louis Marks (1928-2010) BBC producer and scriptwriter; Giles Foster, television director; Jane Austen [ British Broadcasting Corporation]
Publication details: 
[ British Broadcasting Corporation, London. ] At head of covering page: '3rd Draft - Typed 3rd June 1986'.

[2] + 170pp., 8vo. On 172 leaves, held together by a steel stud. In good condition, lightly aged, with discoloring to first leaf and the last seven leaves dogeared. The names of the crew are given on the first covering page, and the cast of characters (but not the names of the actors playing them) on the second. An interesting artefact, indicative of the continuing reassessment and reinterpretation of the works of one of Britain's great writers.

[Printed paper.] Report of the E.B.U. Ad-hoc Group on Colour Television.

Georges Hansen, editor [European Broadcasting Union, Technical Centre, Brussels]
Publication details: 
Brussels: European Broadcasting Union, Technical Centre. Second edition - February, 1965.

56pp., foolscap 8vo. Stapled into brown printed wraps. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Includes sections on 'Results of field trials' and 'New developments and proposals'. Two appendices: 'Specifications of the NTSC, SECAM and PAL systems' (pp.46-50) and 'New documents received by the Ad-hoc Group' (pp.51-56). Scarce: no copies on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. From the Pat Hawker archive.

[Printed paper.] Colour motion-picture film materials especially suited to presentation by colour television.

Georges Hansen, editor [European Broadcasting Union, Technical Centre, Brussels]
Publication details: 
Brussels: European Broadcasting Union, Technical Centre. First edition - November, 1968 (Tech. 3087 - E).

11 + [1] pp., foolscap 8vo. Figure and two tables in text. Stapled into brown printed wraps. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Uncommon: OCLC WorldCat lists copies at the British Library, Library of Congress, Hanover and the German National Library. From the Pat Hawker archive.

[Printed paper.] Video player and recording systems for home use.

Dr P. Zaccarian (RAT) and C. B. B. Wood (BBC); Georges Hansen, editor [European Broadcasting Union, Technical Centre, Brussels]
Publication details: 
Brussels: European Broadcasting Union, Technical Centre. Second edition - March, 1972 (Tech. 3093 - E).

31 + [1] pp., foolscap 8vo. Describes the features of Ampex Instavideo; AVCO Cartrivision; EVR Partnership EVR; Nordmende Colorvision; Philips VCR; Sony Videocassette; Teldec Videodisc; Vidicord; and other proposed systems. Illustrations and table in text. Stapled into brown printed wraps. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with initials on front cover. Scarce: no copies on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. From the Pat Hawker archive.

Three Autograph Letters Signed and three Typed Letters Signed (all 'Charles') from the Chairman of the BBC Governors Lord Hill to the Observer journalist Hugh Massingham, mainly regarding their collaboration on the two volumes of his memoirs.

Charles Hill (1904-1989), Baron Hill of Luton [Lord Hill], BBC 'Radio Doctor', Conservative MP, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Chairman of BBC Governors [Hugh Massingham (1905-71), journalist]
Publication details: 
On letterheads of Bury Knowle, Milton Road, Harpenden; The Independent Television Authority, 70 Brompton Road, London SW3; Winch Hill House, Wandon End, near Luton; and last three from Broadcasting House, London W1. 1963 (1), 1967 (1) and 1968 (4).

Totalling 5pp., 4to and 3pp., 12mo. The six items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with the first three in autograph and the last three (from Broadcasting House) typed. Hill begins the first letter (22 April 1963) with the assertion that he is 'taking heed' of Massingham's 'stimulating advice', and this sets the tone of the whole correspondence.

Autograph Signature of the British bass Robert Easton, who took part in the first BBC television broadcast.

Robert Easton (1898-1987), British bass
Publication details: 

On piece of light-blue paper, removed from an autograph album. Firm signature. In good condition. Reads 'Robert Easton.'

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