[Jack Rosenthal, playwright and television dramatist (including eight years on ‘Coronation Street’.] Two photographs of Rosenthal while teaching the residential writer course at Fen Farm, Suffolk, each with signed caption by organizer Sally Worboyes

Jack Rosenthal [Jack Morris Rosenthal] (1931-2004), playwright and television dramatist (including eight years on ‘Coronation Street’), husband of actress Maureen Lipman [Sally Worboyes, Fen Farm]
Publication details: 
1992. Fen Farm, Suffolk.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The two items are from the papers of Sally Worboyes, organiser of the residential arts courses at her home, Fen Farm in Suffolk, who has provided a signed caption on the reverse of both of the prints. Both colour prints. ONE: 23 x 16 cm photograph, in Landscape. Slightly creased at corners. A relaxed Rosenthal, in plaid shirt, jeans and trainers, seated on the steps of a farm outhouse, with five students and Warboyes grouped around him. On the reverse: ‘Jack Rosenthal / with his students / Sally Worboyes’.

[Alan Plater, playwright and television dramatist (Z-Cars and the Beiderbecke series).] Three photographs of Plater with students at the residential writing course at Fen Farm in Suffolk, each with signed caption by organizer Sally Warboyes.

Alan Plater [Alan Frederick Plater] (1935-2010), playwright and television dramatist (Z-Cars and the Beiderbecke series) [Sally Worboyes, Fen Farm, Suffolk]
Alan Plater
Publication details: 
No date (1990s). Fen Farm, Suffolk.
Alan Plater

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The three items are from the papers of Sally Worboyes, organiser of the residential arts courses at her home, Fen Farm in Suffolk, who has provided a signed caption on the reverse of each of the prints. All three in good condition. ONE and TWO: Black and white photographs, both 12 x 17 cm. ONE is in portrait, and shows Plater seated at a country table, in shirtsleeves, jeans and trainers, looking over with concentration and expressively spread hands. On back: ‘Alan Plater at my home. / Sally Worboyes’. TWO is in landscape.

[ Tariff Reform and the Hop Industry in Kent. ] Autograph Letter Signed from Sir Richard Harington to Frederick Neame, Hop Grower and member of the Hop Industry Tariff Commission. With circular by Neame accompanied by copy letter from W. A. S. Hewins

Frederick Neame junior, Macknade Farm, Faversham, Kent [ Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911) of Ridlington, 11th Baronet ]
Publication details: 
Neame circular: The Offices, Macknade, Faversham [ Kent ]; January 1907. Copy Letter from Hewins: The Tariff Commission, 7 Victoria Street, London. 27 November 1906. Harington to Neame: on letterhead of Whitbourne Court, Worcester. 13 January 1907.

Three items from the papers of Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911) of Ridlington, 11th Baronet. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed ('Richard Harington Bt.') to Neame. With date stamp 13 January 1907. 2pp., 12mo. It's presence among the Harington papers suggests that the letter was never sent.

[ Charles Croke, Gresham Professor of Rhetoric. ] Autograph Signature ('Ch: Croke:') and seal to receipt of one thousand pounds from his brother, against Cannon Court Farm, Chilton, Bucks. Witnessed by John Weekes and signed by Nathaniel Hoban.

Charles Croke (d.1657), clergyman and third Gresham Professor of Rhetoric, schoolmaster and cleric, son of Sir John Croke (1553-1620), Speaker of the House of Commons [ Court of Chancery, London ]
Publication details: 
[ Court of Chancery, London. ] 10 January 1643.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on an aged and worn bifolium. The document, in a Chancery hand, has been written out by the witness John Weekes. It reads: 'Received the Tenth day of January Anno dni 1643. of my brother John Croke the Sume of one thousand pounds of lawfull money of England wch. sume of one thousand pounds was given me by my ffather Sr. John Croke late of Chilton in the Contie of Bucks Knight, and for the true paymt.

[ Eighteenth-century Letchworth in Hertfordshire. ] Signed Manuscript 'Mem[orandu]m': 'Aggreem[en]t. for Lease of Letchworth' between Richard Price (on behalf of Richard Warburton Lytton of Knebworth House) and Henry Eve of Barnish Roothing, Essex.

[ Letchworth in Hertfordshire; Richard Warburton Lytton (1745-1810) of Knebworth House, grandfather of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873), Lord Lytton; Henry Eve; Joseph Males; Richard Price ]
Publication details: 
[ Letchworth, Hertfordshire. ] 10 August 1780.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. 47 lines of text, with emendations. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Begins (spelling and capitalization uncorrected): 'Memm. | August 10 1780 It is this Day hearby agreed betwen Richd. Price of knebworth in hartfordshire on the behalf of Richard warburton Lytton Esqr. and Henry Eve of Barnish Roothing in Essex on his Own behalf as fallows vizt.

[ R. H. Mottram, author of the 'Spanish Farm' trilogy. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. H. Mottram') to 'Mr Pettitt', regarding the autographing of books and his Rankin relations in Rochford.

R. H. Mottram [ Ralph Hale Mottram ] (1883-1971), English novelist, author of the 'Spanish Farm' trilogy
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Poplar Avenue, Eaton, Norwich. 11 July 1928.

1p., 8vo. Lightly aged, and with creasing and closed tear at head. He will be pleased to autograph any copies of his book which Pettitt would like to send, and concludes: 'Are there any Rankin's in Rochford now? They are related to me'.

[Mary Anderson, American actress.] Autograph Card Signed ('Mary de Navarro') to an unnamed female recipient.

Mary Anderson [Mary Navarro; Mary Antoinette Anderson; Mary Anderson de Navarro] (1859-1940), American actress
Publication details: 
6 July 1925. On letterhead of Court Farm, Broadway, Worcestershire.

On both sides of an 8.5 x 11 cm card. The item has been soaked in order to remove it from backing, and this has resulted in fading of the ink and slight ruckling. She explains that she would have been pleased to accept the recipient's offer 'under usual circumstances', but that 'firms are volunteering to let me have their articles at wholesale prices', so she is 'bound in the interest of Boys and Girls to accept their more favorable terms'.

[Nineteenth-century agricultural poetry.] Fair copy manuscript of anonymous (American?) poem titled 'Elegy on the death of a Farm Laborer.' With emendations and additions in pencil.

[Nineteenth-century English or American agricultural poetry; Victorian rural verse; provincial literature; working class writing]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [1840s?]

10pp.,, 8vo. On five leaves torn from a notebook. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. A creditable effort, showing the influence of Gray's 'Elegy' and Goldsmith's 'Deserted Village', describing the unnamed farm hand's funeral, and reflecting on the virtues and hardships of the poor. Begins: 'From yonder peaceful and secluded dell, | Snug in the bosom of th'encircling hills, | The perfumed Zephyr bears a passing knell, | And melancholy o'er the Soul distils.

Album containing 53 original photographs, with captions, by William Nichols, Farm Bailiff at Felix Hall, the country house of Sir Thomas Burch Western.

William Nichols, photographer and Farm Bailiff at Felix Hall, Essex, the country house of Sir Thomas Burch Western
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Felix Hall, Essex; 1860s.]

An evocative collection of photographs, in which, unusually, a Victorian servant has been allowed to make a record of his masters, their country house, and household. The 53 photographs are laid down on 17 leaves of a contemporary stitched 4to album. In fair condition, lightly-aged, and with the brown marbled wraps of the album detached and separated from one another. Three of the photographs are lacking from the album.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Ruggles-Brise') from prison reformer Sir Evelyn John Ruggles-Brise, to Captain Robert Arnold Vansittart , arranging a meeting with him and Captain Conor, Governor of Parkhurst, regarding development of the farm at Borstal

Sir Evelyn John Ruggles-Brise (1857-1935), prison administrator and founder of Borstal system [Captain Robert Arnold Vansittart (1851-1938); Captain H. L. Conor, Governor of Parkhurst Gaol]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Prison Commission, Home Office, Whitehall, SW. 13 December 1907.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In Prision Commission envelope, with two postmarks (one of them 'HOME OFFICE PRISONS | OFFICIAL'), addressed by Ruggles-Brise to 'Capt. Vansittart | 24 Cadogan Square | SW'. He writes to inform Vansittart that he has 'arranged for Capt Conor, Governor - Parkhust, to be at Borstal on Tuesday next 17th. inst. to confer with yourself & the Govr. as to the best way of developing the Farm.' He asks Vansittart to 'communicate with Major Elliott as to the time when it will be convenient to you to be there'.

Five Autograph Letters Signed (one 'Alex Comfort' and four 'Alex C') from the poet and sexologist Alex Comfort to John Rogers, regarding poetry, including a discussion of whether poetry is 'finding a language in England, rather than losing one!'

Alex Comfort [Alexander Comfort] (1920-2000), poet, novelist, doctor and sexologist
Publication details: 
Three from Havengrove, Tudor Road, Barnet; one on letterhead of Chase Farm Hospital, Enfield, and another on letterhead of the Royal Waterloo Hospital, London. All undated [c.1942]

Item One: From Havengrove. On reverse of printed 12mo prospectus for the first issue of 'Poetry Folios' magazine (which appeared in 1942), edited by Comfort and Peter Wells. 1p., 12mo. Fair, on aged and creased paper. He thanks him for his letter. 'It is appreciation of this kind that makes one want to go on writing. [...] I wish I could meet you.' Item Two: From Havengrove, on letterhead of 'Poetry Folios'. Undated. 2pp., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-creased and aged paper.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'J Rose Innes') from Sir James Rose Innes, and one letter from his wife ('Jessie Rose Innes'), all to Lady Bower.

Sir James Rose-Innes (1855-1942) and his wife, born Jessie Dods Pringle (d.1943) [Lady Maud Bower (born Maude Laidley Mitchell), wife of Sir Graham Bower (1848-1933)]
Publication details: 
Sir James's letters: 1935, 1936 and 1939. His wife's letter: 1937. All four on letterheads of Kolara Farm, Gibson Road, Kenilworth [South Africa].

All items good, on aged paper, with Lady Rose-Innes' letter in its envelope. Bower and Rose-Innes had worked together when the former was Imperial secretary to the High Commissioners for Southern Africa at the time of the Jameson Raid. Rose-Innes three letters are dated 17 October 1935 (12mo, 4 pp), 9 July 1936 (12mo, 4 pp) and 13 April 1939 (12mo, 4 pp). All are closely and neatly written. In the first letter Rose-Innes describes a journey 'through the S.

Proof of a printed prospectus for the British Piscicultural Company, Limited, 'formed for the purpose of carrying out on a large scale and on commercial principles in this country, the modern system of propagating fresh water and marine fish'.

[The British Piscicultural Company, Limited.; Jean Jacques Marie Cyprien Victor Coste (1807-1873)]
Publication details: 
Undated, but the company 'Incorporated under the Companies' Act, 1862.'

On both sides of a folio leaf (dimensions 42 x 26.5 cm). On aged and lightly creased and spotted paper. Proposing to raise 'CAPITAL, £50,000, in 5,000 SHARES of £10 each.' Details of Directors; Bankers; Auditors; Brokers; Solicitors; Secretary, (pro tem.); and Offices left blank.

Offprint titled 'Aquaeculture, And the Artificial Propogation [sic] of the Danube Salmon in Bavaria.'

Dr. Anthony Wimmer, Professor, of Landshut [Thomas Ashworth; salmon fishing; angling]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from the Macclesfield Courier June 27, 1857.

Printed on one side of a piece of wove paper, 25 x 18.5 cm. Good, on lightly creased paper. Giving detailed information in two columns of small print. Addressed 'To Thomas Ashworth, Esq.' and signed in type, 'Dr. Anthony Wimmer, Professor. Landshut, 11th June, 1857.' Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC.

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