[C. Dudley Langford, chemist and mathematician whose discussion of ‘Langford pairing’ (Langford sequence) is of importance in computing.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to ‘Sir Richard [Dundas Hamilton]’, one about his health, the other about a theorem

C. Dudley Langford [Charles Dudley Langford] (1905-1969), chemist and mathematician [Sir Richard Dundas Harington (1900-1981), 13th baronet]
Publication details: 
27 March and 2 October 1945; both from 16 Henrietta Street, Girvan, Ayrshire [Scotland].

Langford trained as an industrial chemist and was a member of Royal Chemical Society. In later life he turned to mathematics, and published thirty articles in the Mathematical Gazette. One of these (‘Problem’) appeared in 1958 and concerned what came to be known as the Langford Sequence. Its significance is discussed by Martin Gardner, in his ‘Mathematical Magic Show’ (1978). Both items aged and creased, with closed tears, but with text complete and legible. Both are addressed to ‘Dear Sir Richard’ and signed ‘C Dudley Langford’. ONE: 3pp, 12mo. On two leaves.

[Beauchamp Tower, inventor and railway engineer.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Dick’ [Sir Richard Harington], describing the contest for North Sea Trophy, and the presentation by the German emperor, written from the winning yacht ‘Dianthus’.

Beauchamp Tower (1845-1904), English inventor and railway engineer [Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931), Puisne Judge in High Court of Justice, Fort William, Bengal]
Publication details: 
‘Yacht “Dianthus” / Copenhagen / June 29th / 1899’.

In this letter Tower describes his personal experience of the winning of the North Sea trophy by C. L. Salaman’s 35-ton yacht Dianthus. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper chipped at head. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘My dear Dick’ and signed ‘Beauchamp Tower’. A long letter with 105 lines of text. He begins by congratulating Harington ‘on getting an Indian judge ship which will enable you to marry, though I and all your other friends will be very sorry to lose you’.

[East India Company.] Printed Counterpart Indenture, completed in manuscript and sealed, between ‘Sir John Edward Harington of Berkeley Square Baronet’ and ‘the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East-Indies’.

East India Company [United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East-Indies, London; Sir John Edward Harington (1760-1831) of Ridlington, 8th Baronet]
Publication details: 
29 January 1812. [India House, London.]

The East India Company has come under renewed scrutiny in recent years as ‘the world’s first multinational’: an early model of the acquisition of hegemony by means of transnational non-governmental corporations. 2pp, foolscap 8vo. On bifolium of thick laid paper, whose head has been cut into the customary wave. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice into the customary packet. On the recto of the first leaf is the long printed form ‘Indenture’ with blank parts completed in manuscript. Red wax seal under paper at bottom right.

[Oxford University Act 1854.] Autograph Memorandum by Rev. Dr Richard Harington, Principal of Brasenose College, headed 'Oaths imposed by College Statutes and Declarations against change in Statutes'.

Rev. Dr Richard Harington (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford [Oxford University Act 1854; Report of Royal Commission, 1852; Edward Hawkins, Provost of Oriel College]
Publication details: 
[Oxford University'At a meeting of the Commission Committee held on March 5. 1853.'

In 1850 Lord John Russell had set up a Royal Commission to enquire 'Into the State, Discipline, Studies, and Revenues of the University and Colleges of Oxford'. The Law Magazine, in its issue of August-November 1852, praised the Commission's report as 'most valuable' and 'meritorious', noting among the obstacles to its completion 'the resolute and dogged refusal of information on the part of many, intimately connected with the University', including Harington's college Brasenose. The Spectator discussed the report on 29 May 1852, and reproduced all 47 recommendations on 5 June 1852.

[Oxford University Act, 1854.] Autograph Draft Memorandum by Rev. Dr Richard Harington, Principal of Brasenose College, stating his opposition to 'Oxford University Commission. | Proposals for remodelling the Constitution of the University'.

Rev. Dr Richard Harington (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford [Oxford University Act 1854; Report of Royal Commission, 1852; Hebdomadal Council]
Publication details: 
[Brasenose College, University of Oxford] Undated, but written in response to the Royal Commission Report of 1852.

A significant document by an Oxford college head, responding negatively to the 1852 Report of the Royal Commission appointed in 1850 by Lord John Russell to enquire 'Into the State, Discipline, Studies, and Revenues of the University and Colleges of Oxford'.

[Oxford University Act, 1854.] Autograph Draft Memorandum on 'Oxford University Commission' by Rev. Dr Richard Harington , Principal of Brasenose College, stating his opposition to 'those who propose to strip the favoured classes of the privileges'.

Rev. Dr Richard Harington (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford [Oxford University Act 1854; Report of Royal Commission, 1852; Hebdomadal Council]
Publication details: 
[Brasenose College, University of Oxford] 8 April 1852.

A highly-interesting document, written by a college head on the verge of the reforms resulting from the passing of the Oxford University Act of 1854 and setting up of the Hebdomadal Council, in which Harington states - in detail, at length and with great emphasis - his opposition to 'those who propose to strip the favoured classes of the privileges which Founders of Colleges have thought proper to confer on them', arguing that this will not 'necessarily ensure the election of the most distinguished candidates'.

[Oxford University Act 1854.] Autograph Memorandum by Rev. Dr Richard Harington, Principal of Brasenose College, headed 'Oaths imposed by College Statutes and Declarations against change in Statutes'.

Rev. Dr Richard Harington (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford [Oxford University Act 1854; Report of Royal Commission, 1852; Edward Hawkins, Provost of Oriel College]
Publication details: 
[Oxford University'At a meeting of the Commission Committee held on March 5. 1853.'

In 1850 Lord John Russell had set up a Royal Commission to enquire 'Into the State, Discipline, Studies, and Revenues of the University and Colleges of Oxford'. The Law Magazine, in its issue of August-November 1852, praised the Commission's report as 'most valuable' and 'meritorious', noting among the obstacles to its completion 'the resolute and dogged refusal of information on the part of many, intimately connected with the University', including Harington's college Brasenose. The Spectator discussed the report on 29 May 1852, and reproduced all 47 recommendations on 5 June 1852.

[Oxford Circuit in the 1880s.] 27 sketches and caricatures by Lauriston Leonard Batten of barristers (including Lord Loveburn; C. J. Darling), judges and others, including several court scenes; for fellow barrister the future Sir Richard Harington.

Lauriston Leonard Batten (1863-1934) [the Oxford Circuit in the late nineteenth century; Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931), Puisne Judge in the High Court of Justice at Fort William in Bengal]
Legal sketches
Publication details: 
The Oxford Circuit [Gloucester, Reading, Shrewsbury Assizes; Birmingham Assizes]. A few items dated to 1887, 1888, 1891, 1894.
Legal sketches

Lauriston Leonard Batten studied at Trinity College, Cambridge (see his entry in Alum. Cantab.). He was admitted at the Inner Temple in 1882 and called to the bar four years later. KC, 1905. Bencher, 1914. The present collection is from the papers of his colleague on the Oxford Circuit, Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931), 12th baronet, who was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford. Called to the Bar in 1886, he practised on the Oxford Circuit before taking up an appointment as a Puisne Judge in the High Court of Justice at Fort William in Bengal in 1899.

[Charles Buller Heberden, Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford.] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'C B Heberden') to Sir Richard Harington, concerning the replacement of a college stained glass window, Harington taking the old one.

Charles Buller Heberden (1849-1921), classical scholar and Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford [Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911), 11th Baronet, of Ridlington and Whitbourne Court]
Publication details: 
2, 4 and 14 January 1897. All three on letterhead of Brasenose College, Oxford.

The three letters total 7pp, 12mo. All three in good condition, on lightly aged paper. From the papers of Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911), 11th Baronet, whose father Rev. Dr Richard Harington (1800-1853), had been Principal from 1842 to his death. All three endorsed by Harington with date of receipt. The subject is the replacement of a stained glass window in the college, with Harington receiving the old window, which he put up at his Worcestershire country house, Whitbourne Court.

[Beauchamp Tower, inventor, describes his 'yachting cruises during the past season' in the Gwynfa to Sir Richard Harington.] Nineteen-page Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dick', comprising extracts from his diary, including a pair of hand-drawn diagrams.

Beauchamp Tower (1845-1904), English inventor and railway engineer, discoverer of full-film or hydrodynamic lubrication [Sir Richard Harington, 12th Baronet (1861-1931)]
Publication details: 
Warley Mount, Brentwood, 30 October 1901.

19pp, foolscap 8vo. On five bifoliums. Neatly and closely written. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Tower's letter begins: 'My dear Dick | I enclose a chart [not present] which will show you at a glance my yachting cruises during the past season'.

[ Arthur Wellesley Batson, composer, artist and cleric. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A Wellesley Batson') to 'Johnnie', whom he has seen in Marlow Church, causing him to reminisce about their time at Whitbourne.

Arthur Wellesley Batson (1852-1917), composer, artist and cleric, Rector of Ringstead, Norfolk
Publication details: 
Ringstead Rectory, Lynn. 16 July 1890.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The letter begins: 'My dear Johnnie - | I saw you in Marlow Church the Sunday before last & recognised you although when I saw you last you had long curls falling on your shoulders 10 years ago!' He hopes to meet with him if he is still at Marlow when he goes there again. 'Edward stayed here for a week a short time ago.' The letter concludes: 'I often think of my Whitbourne days & Barkie & the good times we had.' From the papers of the Harington baronets of Whitbourne Court. Batson was a student of theology at Oxford in 1881.

[ The Boer War, the Rifle Brigade and Brigadier-General John Harington. ] Nineteen items relating to the embarkation of the 2nd Battalion, including 'Nominal Roll', drill instructions, 'Musketry Orders for Pembroke Camp', orders, letters, telegram.

Brigadier-General John Harington (1873-1943), son of Sir Richard Harington, 11th Bart [ 2nd Battalion, Rifle Brigade; Second Boer War; Natal Field Force ]
Publication details: 
South Africa, including Pembroke Camp and Klein Oliphant. 1902.

For details of Harington's distinguished military career, see his entry in Who Was Who. The present collection, from his papers, is an interesting assemblage of ephemeral items, casting light on British Army practices at the time of the Boer War. Nineteen items. In fair condition, with some signs of age and wear. ONE: Duplicated orders in mimeograph of handwriting. Titled: 'Depôt Battalion | Orders for Reservist Companies passing through'. At end: 'By order | B St Clair-Ford Captain | Adjutant Depôt Battalion' and 'Green Point | 1st August 1902.' 2pp., folio.

[ The Oxford Architectural Society. ] Bookplate of the Society, by the wood-engraver Orlando Jewitt, on mount signed by secretaries John Portal and Robert Wilmot.

Orlando Jewitt [ Thomas Orlando Sheldon Jewitt ] (1799-1869), architectural wood-engraver [ The Oxford Architectural Society; The Society for promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture
Publication details: 
[ Executed for the Oxford Architectural Society. ] Inscription on mount dated 'A: A: May 1850.'

A scarce piece of Oxford ephemera. The Society for promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture was founded in 1839; renamed the Oxford Architectural Society in 1848; renamed the Oxford Architectural and Historical Society in 1860; merged with The Oxfordshire Archaeological Society in 1972 to become The Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society. In good condition, printed in black ink on a 15 x 11 cm piece of white India paper, laid down on a 22 x 18.5 cm grey card mount. At the foot of the design, in tiny letters, is engraved 'O. JEWITT. | DEL.

[ The Greenway Bank Fraud and Victorian 'Prison Rules'. ] Copy of Manuscript 'Statement by Mr Campbell on Greenway', headed 'In the matter of G. a prisoner', regarding an incident at Chatham Gaol resulting in the suspension of privileges.

The Greenway Bank Fraud and Victorian 'Prison Rules', 1890 [ Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Ridlington, 12th Baronet; Kelynge Greenway ]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. Docketed 'Rec[eive]d 26 Nov 1890'.

3pp., 8vo. In good condition, on two leaves of lightly-aged paper, folded into a packet and docketed (by Harington?) on the outside 'Recd 26 Nov 1890 | Copy | Statement by Mr Campbell on Greenway'. Headed 'In the matter of G. a prisoner'. The document begins with an interpretation of the current arrangements: 'In accordance with the Prison Rules a prisoner under sentence of Penal servitude whilst he continues in the 3rd.

[ E. C. Mountfort, illustrator and caricaturist. ] Offprint from 'The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart' of a page of portraits of seven legal figures from the Midland Circuit

E. C. Mountfort, illustrator and cartoonist [ The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart; Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Ridlington, 12th Baronet; the Midland Circuit; Assize Courts ]
Publication details: 
Offprint from 'The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart': lithographed illustrations by E. C. Osborne & Son, New Street, Birmingham; theh page dated 19 March 1897. Facing page dated 16 March 1897.

2pp., 4to. Printed in black on the inner two pages of a bifolium. The left-hand page (i.e. verso of the first leaf) carries text, in two columns of small print, of a prospectus for a share flotation for 'Hanman's Cycle and Needle Co.', dated 16 March 1897. The facing right-hand page (i.e. the recto of the second leaf) is headed 'Twenty-first Year | No. 1,065.] The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart. [Friday, March 19th, 1897'. It carries Mountfort's lithographed illustrations, with a facsimile of his signature at bottom right, printed by 'E. C. OSBORNE & SON. LITHO. NEW ST.

[ Winchester Cathedral, the Philpot Window. ] Detailed coloured drawing by Alice Philpot of the stained glass window she donated to the Cathedral in memory of her husband, son and family. With newspaper cutting of long article describing the window.

Alice Philpot [ The Philpot Window, Winchester Cathedral ]
Publication details: 
[ Winchester Cathedral. ] Dated by Philpot 29 July 1917.

John Vaughan, in his 'Winchester Cathedral, its Monuments and Memorials' (1919), describes the Philpot Window on p.303, stating that it was executed by Messrs. Powell of Whitefriars, and was 'the gift of Mrs. Alice Philpot, whose husband and son are also commemorated'. On the strength of the present illustration, Alice Philpot is quite capable of having designed the window in addition to donating it. It is on one side of a piece of laid grey tracing paper, roughly 57 x 36 cm.

[ Scoresby Routledge, ethnographer and anthropologist. ] Typed copy the 'Will of William Scoresby Routledge Esq.', made out for his executor and trustee J. C. D. Harington, with Typed Letter Sgned to Harington from solicitor Norman C. Hurst.

William Scoresby Routledge (1859-1939), Australian-born British ethnographer, anthropologist and adventurer
Publication details: 
Will by Stapley & Hurst, Eastbourne; dated 27 January 1938. TLS from Hurst to Harington on the firm's letterhead, Westminster Bank Chambers, Eastbourne; 17 July 1947.

ONE: Typed copy of will. 3pp., 4to., on three leaves. In fair condition, worn and aged. Folded into the customary packet, with the details typed on the reverse of a fourth leaf. The four leaves held together with a brass stud. Routledge ('formerly of “Ewers” Old Bursledon in the County of Southampton but now of Tjiklos Kyrenia in the island of Cyprus') declares: 'I was born at Melbourne in the year 1859. My father brought me to England at an early age. I was educated at Christ Church Oxford and studied at University College Hospital.

[ Royal Commission on Cathedrals, 1853 ] Signed Copy of long Autograph Letter from Rev. Dr Richard Harington, Principal of Brasenose College, responding to circular letter signed by Richard Jones, Secretary. With printed 'copy of the Commission'.

Rev. Richard Harington D.D. (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford; Rev. Richard Jones, Secretary of the Royal Commission on Cathedrals in Whitehall
Publication details: 
All three items from 1853. Harington's letter from Brasenose College, Oxford. Jones's circular letter from Cathedral Commission, 1 Parliament Street, Whitehall, London.

Three items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Harington's 28-page letter is a significant assessment, by a senior member of the university, of the situation in the period immediately preceding the Oxford University Act of 1854. ONE: Signed Autograph Copy of Letter from 'Richd Harington' to 'The Rev. R. Jones'. Brasenose College, Oxford. 28pp., foolscap 8vo. On seven bifoliums of grey paper. Deletions and emendations throughout.

[ Mexican Revolution and British interests. ] Typed Letter Signed from Robert Vansittart, Foreign Office, to Sir Richard Harington, regarding 'Mexican Railways'. With two printed documents: one ('Confidential') on 'Anglo-Mexican Claims Convention'.

Robert Gilbert Vansittart, Baron Vansittart (1881-1957), diplomat [ Sir Richard Harington of Ridlington (1861-1931) 12th Baronet; the Mexican Revolution, 1910-1920; railways of Mexico; Thomas Linton ]
Publication details: 
The three items from 1927. Vansittart's letter on letterhead of the Foreign Office [ Whitehall, London ]. The second ('Confidential') document a Foreign Office press statement. The third document from Finsbury Pavement House, London.

ONE: Typed Letter Signed from 'Roger Vansittart' to 'Sir Richard Harington, Bart., | Whitbourne Court, | Worcester.' Foreign Office; 13 April 1927. 1p., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition aged and worn. He is 'directed by Secretary Sir Austen Chamberlain to refer to your letter of the 5th instant regarding the possibility of a claim being preferred against the Mexican Government in respect of your holding in Mexican Railways'.

Sir Richard Dudley Harington: mathematical correspondence with T. A. A. Broadbent, G. A. Garreau, C. Dudley Langford, T. B. W. Spencer, A. S. Gosset Tanner and J. Travers.

T. A. A. Broadbent [ Thomas Arthur Alan Broadbent ]; G. A. Garreau [ Gabriel Armand Garreau ]; C. Dudley Langford; T. B. W. Spencer; Arthur Spencer Gosset-Tanner; J. Travers [ Sir Richard Harington ]
Publication details: 
London; The Royal Naval College, Greenwich; Girvan, Ayrshire; Wimbledon; Derby, Harrow. Between 1941 and 1947.

16 Autograph Letters Signed, 10 Autograph Cards Signed and one Typed Letter Signed. The letters total 32pp. The collection is in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The correspondence deals exclusively with mathematical questions raised in the Mathematical Gazette, with the writers providing mathematical calculations and demonstrations. From six individuals, as follows. ONE: T.A.A. Broadbent [ Thomas Arthur Alan Broadbent ] (1903-1973) of the Royal Naval College, Greenwich: 4 ALsS and 3 ACsS. TWO: G.A. Garreau [ Gabriel Armand Garreau ]: 2 ALsS and one TLS. THREE: C.

[ Eric Harold Neville, mathematician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. H. Neville') to 'Sir Dundas' [i.e. Sir Richard Dundas Harington ]

E. H. Neville [ Eric Harold Neville ] (1889-1961), English mathematician, of Trinity College Cambridge and the University of Reading, who convinced Srinivasa Ramanujan to come to England
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Copse, Sonning on Thames. 26 October 1944.

See W. J. Langford's glowing obituary of Neville (described as 'the greatest of them all' from a pedagogical point of view) in the Mathematical Gazette, May 1964. 2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He begins by reassuring Harington that his books are 'safely here', but continues: 'I fear that every book I possess on numerical equations is on duty for the time being in the computing department of one of the RAF establishments.' He does not know of 'any book which gives an account of the processes actually used nowadays.

[ The Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, in the aftermath to the Great War. ] Typed circular, with cyclostyled signature of 'O. Murray' [ Sir Oswyn Murray ], inviting the parents of cadets to withdraw their offspring as fewer officers are needed.

Sir Oswyn Murray [ Sir Oswyn Alexander Ruthven Murray ] (1873-1936), Permanent Secretary to the Admiralty, 1917-1936 [ Sir Richard Harington of Whitbourne Court ]
Publication details: 
Embossed letterhead of the Admiralty, S.W.1. [ London ] 1 March 1920. [ 'C. W. 3832.' ]

2pp., foolscap 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged. In good condition, lightly aged and neatly folded. Addressed with typed name of 'Sir R. Harington, Bart.', followed by his address 'Whitbourne Court, | Worcester' in manuscript.

[ James John Hornby, Headmaster of Eton College. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. J. Hornby') to Sir Richard Harington regarding the portrait just done of him [ by John Collier ].

J. J. Hornby [ James John Hornby ] (1826-1909), Headmaster of Eton College, 1868-1884 [ John Collier (1850-1934), painter ] [ Sir Richard Harington, 11th Baronet (1835-1911) ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Lodge, Eton College. 10 December 1897.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter concerns a portrait of Hornby described in Lionel Cust's 'Eton College Portraits' (1909, dedicated to Hornby's memory), as being '56 x 45 inches. Painted by the Hon. John COLLIER, 1897. […] Seated figure to the knees, facing the spectator; in black gown and D.D. Hood. | Presented to the College by Old Etonians. (Provost’s Dining Room.)' Responding to Harington's congratulations, Hornby writes that it is 'a great pleasure to have such kind words from an old friend'.

[ Victorian poem describing the public execution of a woman. ] Autograph poem by Sir Richard Harington, titled 'The Judicial Murder - A Fragment', a fictional account of a woman's execution, with drawings by the author.

Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931), 12th Baronet, of Ridlington [ Eton College; hanging; public execution in Victorian England ]
Publication details: 
[ Eton? 1870s? or Oxford? 1880s? ]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. On paper watermarked 'J GREEN & SON'. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight loss at the spine.From the Harington family papers, the author's identity being established from other items. Clearly a youthful production, and either written during Harington's time at Eton in the 1870s, or Christ Church, Oxford, in the 1880s. Written employing the long s. The 140 lines of verse are numerated by the author, and a catch-word at the end suggests that more followed or the poet's invention failed him.

[ Victorian penology. ] The Punishment of Crime. Paper. Read at Sion College, 19th November, 1895, by Sir Richard Harington, Bart., Chairman of the Herefordshire Quarter Sessions.

Sir Richard Harington, Bart., Chairman of the Herefordshire Quarter Sessions [ Transportation ]
Publication details: 
Worcester: Printed by J. S. Cook, Reliance Work, Foregate Street. [ 1896. ]

32pp., 8vo. Stitched pamphlet. In fair condition, aged and spotted. In small print, with footnotes. One minor manuscript emendation.

[ Augustus Short, Bishop of Adelaide. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'A Short'), written while at Oxford to Rev. Richard Harington, regarding the Oxford Movement and 'Schismatics', and reporting a comment by John Henry Newman.

Augustus Short (1802-1883), first Bishop of Adelaide, Librarian of Christ Church [ Rev. Richard Harington (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose;J ohn Henry Newman; the Oxford Movement; Tractarians ]
Publication details: 
Neither with place or year [ 1840s ]. One 'Wednesday. Mh. 13.'; the other 'Tuesday | June 4'.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. According to Short's entry in the Oxford DNB, he 'had many friends among the Tractarians, and wrote (but did not publish) a defence of Tract 90, though he voted for the condemnation of W. G. Ward's Ideal of a Christian Church in 1845. In 1846 he delivered at Oxford the Bampton lectures entitled The Witness of the Spirit with our Spirit'. ONE: 'Tuesday | June 4'. 3pp., 12mo. He begins by stating that he is enclosing the 'Extracts from the Tracts', together with Harington's 'paper of observations'.

[ Victorian women and the legal profession. ] Illustrated humorous manuscript valentine poem, in the form of a 'Brief | for the opinion of Mr Harington', on what would happen if the 'ladies' appeared 'in wig and gown', with '”chambers” up in town.'

[ Victorian women and the legal profession ] [ Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Ridlington, 12th Baronet, judge ]
Publication details: 
[ London. ] Dated at head 'February 13th. A.D. 1890'.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Folded in customary fashion, with 'Brief | for the opinion of Mr Harington' on the outside of the packet, beneath which, in another hand: 'Feby 14th. 1890 | Richard Harington Esq'. The author's hand is clearly disguised, as is usual with valentines, the writing being markedly ornate. There are various crude drawings in the margins, ranging from images of a barrister and a woman, faces of two women (one smoking a pipe), to small representations of cigar boxes, briefs and books.

[ Worcester Quarter Sessions, 1895. ] Printed item signed and annotated by Sir Richard Harington: 'A Calendar of Prisoners, for trial at the Easter Quarter Sessions of the Peace'.

Worcester Quarter Sessions, 1895; Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Ridlington, 12th Baronet [ John William Willis Bund; Richard Holmden Amphlett; Oxford Circuit; Victorian assizes ]
Publication details: 
'To be held At the County Hall, Worcester, on Monday, the 8th day of April, 1895.' Printed by Deighton and Co., High Street, Worcester.

[12]pp., 4to. Aged and worn pamphlet, with rusted staples. The title-page states that the cases are heard 'Before John William Willis Bund, Esq., Chairman, and Richard Holmden Amphlett, Esq., Vice-Chairman.' The calendar consists of a table of fifteen prisioners, over four double-pages, with entries divided into fifteen columns, giving name of prisoner, age, trade, 'Degree of Instruction', details of committing magistrate, date of warrant, date of receipt into custody, details of 'Offence as charged in the Commitment'.

[ Regent's Canal Company, London. ] Seven items, comprising five printed circulars, an Autograph Letters Signed from secretary Edmund Leonard Snee to Sir John Edward Harington, and the autograph draft of Harington's letter..

Regent's Canal Company, London; Edmund L.eonard Snee (1793-1864), Secretary [ Sir John Edward Harington of Ridlington, 8th Baronet (1760-1831) ]
Publication details: 
[ Regent's Canal Company. ] Regent's Canal Office, 98, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury. [ London ] Between 1827 and 1831.

First proposed by Thomas Horner in 1802, the Regent's Canal was incorporated by John Nash in 1811 in his plans for the development of Regent's Park. Hugely-successful in the nineteenth century despite the rise of the railways, it fell into decline in the early twentieth, but is now firmly established as an amenity of London. The seven items in the present collection are in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Items ONE to FOUR are printed circulars from Snee, transmitting copies 'of the Resolutions this day passed at the General Assembly of Proprietors of the Regent's Canal'.

[ Sir Kenelm Digby of the Home Office. ] Six Autograph Letters Signed and two Typed Letters Signed to Sir Richard Harington, on topics including the Radnorshire Police Enquiry. With letter from secretary F. J. Dryhurst.

Sir Kenelm Digby [ Sir Kenelm Edward Digby ] (1836-1916), lawyer and civil servant, Permanent Under Secretary of State at the Home Office,1895-1903 [ Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911), 11th Baronet ]
Publication details: 
The ten items from the Home Office, Whitehall, S.W. [ London ]. One from 1895, the other nine from 1897.

The collection of ten items (six ALsS, two TLsS, one secretarial letter signed, and one letter from Dryhurst) is in good overall condition, with light signs of age and wear. Digby's two typed letters, both 1897, are both formal letters on behalf of the Home Secretary, regarding the Radnorshire Police Enquiry, the first being the 'official thanks' (see below). The content would appear to largely concern the Radnorshire Police Enquiry.

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