[Sir Frederick Ouseley, Professor of Music, Oxford University.] Autograph Letter Signed concerning requirements for an Oxford degree in music, appended to printed notice by him: ‘University of Oxford. Directions for Candidates for Degrees in Music.'

Sir Frederick Ouseley [Sir Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley] (1825-1889), Anglican composer, church musician and musicologist, Professor of Music at Oxford University
Publication details: 
Notice dated 'OXFORD, / March, 1878.' Autograph Letter undated, but from around the same time.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The ALS, whose recipient is not identified, is appended on the last page of the printed notice, which is 4pp, foolscap 8vo, on a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The notice is headed 'University of Oxford. / Directions for Candidates for Degrees in Music.' and signed in type at the end 'Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley, / Professor of Music. / Oxford, / March, 1878.' Divided into sections concerning a bachelor's and doctor's degree. The ALS, on the last page, reads: 'Dear Sir / You will see by this paper that your Dublin B.A.

[ Royal Commission on Cathedrals, 1853 ] Signed Copy of long Autograph Letter from Rev. Dr Richard Harington, Principal of Brasenose College, responding to circular letter signed by Richard Jones, Secretary. With printed 'copy of the Commission'.

Rev. Richard Harington D.D. (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford; Rev. Richard Jones, Secretary of the Royal Commission on Cathedrals in Whitehall
Publication details: 
All three items from 1853. Harington's letter from Brasenose College, Oxford. Jones's circular letter from Cathedral Commission, 1 Parliament Street, Whitehall, London.

Three items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Harington's 28-page letter is a significant assessment, by a senior member of the university, of the situation in the period immediately preceding the Oxford University Act of 1854. ONE: Signed Autograph Copy of Letter from 'Richd Harington' to 'The Rev. R. Jones'. Brasenose College, Oxford. 28pp., foolscap 8vo. On seven bifoliums of grey paper. Deletions and emendations throughout.

[ Thomas Vowler Short, academic and clergyman. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos V Short') to Rev. Richard Harington

Thomas Vowler Short (1790-1872), English academic and clergyman, successively Bishop of Sodor and Man and of St Asaph [ Dr Richard Harington (1800-1853) , Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford ]
Publication details: 
Kingsworthy. 6 September 1833.

4pp., 4to. On bifolium. In fair condition, In good condition, lightly aged, with part of second leaf torn away and adhering under the red wax seal, which carries a good impression. Addressed by Short to 'Rev Ricd Harington' in Northamptonshire, and redirected to 'Robt. Harington Esqre', Torrance, East Kilbride, Glasgow.

[ Ruth Ellis Messenger, hymnologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ruth E. Messenger') to 'Mr. Wilshire' [ Frederick Allen Wilshire ], thanking him for providing her with an 'open sesame' to the Inns of Court in London.

Ruth E. Messenger [ Ruth Ellis Messenger ] (1896-1993), American hymnologist [ Frederick Allan Wilshire (1868-1944), Recorder of Bridgwater ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Cumberland Hotel, Marble Arch, London W1. Undated, but marked as 'Rec[eive]d 17 . 7. 39. [ 17 July 1939 ]'

4pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with minor rust marking from a paperclip. She writes that she and her sister have that day 'worshipped at the Temple Church and enjoyed to the full all the delights that were spread before us, in that rare environment'. His cards have 'proved an "open sesame" wherever we went', and they have 'enoyed the Hall with its associations, and indeed, every bit of the section. Just to look at the courts and walls was an experience not to be forgotten'.

[ William Paley, theologian and moralist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Paley') to 'Dear Law' [ John Law ], regarding the state of his health, and assistance for the widow of the tenant of Carleton Mill, Carlisle, Cumbria. With proof engraving.

William Paley (1743-1805), theologian and moralist [ John Law (1745-1810), successively Bishop of Killala and of Elphin and mathematician ]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 22 April [no year, but probably after 1777, when Paley became Dean of Carlisle, and before 1782, when Law went to Ireland ].

2pp., 4to. On watermarked laid paper. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Twenty-nine lines of text. Law was appointed prebendary of Carlisle in 1773 and archdeacon four years later. In 1782 he left for Ireland. According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, Paley, 'his friend and successor in the archdeaconry, accompanied him to Ireland and preached his consecration sermon'.

[Printed British civil service paper.] Open Competition for registration as Boy Copyist (New Class) in the Civil Service, August, 1898. Regulations, Examination Papers, and Table of Marks.

[Civil Service Commission, 1898; British civil service; Her Majesty's Stationery Office; Eyre and Spottiswoode]
Publication details: 
'Civil Service Commission. [All Rights Reserved.]' London: Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, by Eyre and Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. 1898.

24pp., foolscap 8vo. With 3pp. of lithographed plates ('Copying MS.') between pp.6 and 7, giving two examples of uncorrected manuscripts for the contestants to copy out. Stitched and unbound. On aged paper, with the first and last leaves and fore-edges of plates worn and chipped at extremities. Divided into three sections: 'Regulations, &c.', 'Examination Papers' and 'Table of Marks'.

[Harry Duncan O'Neill, Secretary of the Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Society.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. D. O'Neill') to 'Hay', with copy of his privately printed 'Clerical Verses. 1889-1910. By H. D. O'N.', containing 28 inserts.

'H. D. O'N.' [Harry Duncan O'Neill (1867-1946), Secretary of the Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Society] [Arthur Digby Besant (1869-1960)]
Publication details: 
Book: [London?] Printer not stated. [Circa 1911.] Letter: on letterhead of 15 St James's Square, Pall Mall, SW [London]; 9 February 1912.

For more about O'Neill (son of the Victorian artist George Bernard O'Neill) see his obituary in The Times, 15 June 1946. LETTER: 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

[Rev. Frederic Smith, Registrar, East India College.] Printed form, filled in and signed by him, giving 'Mr. Balfour's Account' with the College.

Rev. Frederic Smith, Registrar, East India College [now Haileybury College, Hertford Heath, Hertfordshire]
Publication details: 
East India College [Hertford Heath, Hertfordshire]. 17 December 1840.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, but with damage to one margin (not affecting text) caused by the tearing of the item out of a book. The account is itemised into: Apothecary; Bookseller and Stationer; Hair Cutter; Porter, for Letters, &c; Purveyor; Shoemaker; Tailor, with four categories added in Smith's hand: Fencing; Wine; Advances; Jackson (Packing Cases). Balfour's account comes to £60 19s 1d. Beneath the account are fourteen lines of printed notifications, concluding: 'N.B. The Registrar's Address, during the ensuing College Vacation, may be had of Mr.

[printed form filled out in manuscript] St. John the EVANGELIST, Waterloo Road, District Church. [...] A Bill of Dues for the Burial of a STRANGER. [i.e. 'John Thomas Gardiner'] [signed by the sexton, 'R Booker']

R Booker, Sexton, St. John the Evangelist, Waterloo Road, Lambeth
A Bill of Dues for the Burial of a STRANGER
Publication details: 
20 November 1835.
A Bill of Dues for the Burial of a STRANGER

On one side of a slip of laid paper, roughly 21 x 8 cm. Printed form for burial in the 'SECOND GROUND.' (amended in manuscript to 'Third'). Gardiner is said to be 'Above [amended from 'Under'] the Age of 10 Years.' Printed charges are for Ground and Bell, Rector, Clerk, Sexton, and Registrar'; with 'Extra Digging' added in manuscript, with '4 OClock Precisely'. Printed note at foot: 'N.B. The Sexton is directed not to enter an Order for any funeral until the Fees are paid.' St.

Autograph Card Signed ('H C Beeching') to Messrs Swan Sonnenschein & Co., publishers.

Henry Charles Beeching (1859-1919), Dean of Norwich and author
Publication details: 
Postmarked 21 June 1905; on letterhead '3, Little Cloisters, Westminster.'

Plain card, roughly 8.5 x 11 cm. Five lines of text. A little grubby, but good. Asking for his manuscript, so that he can 'correct the proof of the Introduction to Crashaw. It was written so many years ago that I can't always recall what I wrote'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Helen Frances Church [née Bennett].

Robert Scott (1811-1887), Dean of Rochester, lexicographer [Liddell & Scott's Greek-English Lexicon; Richard William Church (1815-1890), Dean of St Paul's]
Publication details: 
23 July 1875. Deanery of Rochester.

12mo, 2 pp. Fourteen lines of text. He has put her 'memorandum' with 'the others of a like kind', and does not doubt that he will 'be able to vote for your Orphan Boy -'. The Scotts are 'on the point of escaping to Folkestone', and hopes that Mrs Church is 'going to some place which [will] do you all much good'. Sends kind regards to Mrs Church '& the Dean'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John W Burgon') to 'D[ear] L.'

John William Burgon (1813–1888), Dean of Chichester and biblical scholar
Publication details: 
Wed[nesda]y [no date]; on letterhead of the Lower House of Convocation, Jerusalem Chamber, Westminster, S.W.

12mo, 2 pp. Good on lightly aged paper. Folded twice. Traces of previous mount adhering to reverse of blank second leaf of bifolium. The recipient 'cannot be more conservative' than Burgon himself. 'But remember - it is the interpretation of the Rubric in question which is causing us all this difficulty.

Autograph Letter Signed to the Revd Thomas Helmore.

Francis Edward Paget
Publication details: 
Elford Rectory | Septermber 8.' [1841?].

Divine and author (1806-82). The recipient (1811-90) was a musical writer and composer, and the priest-ordinary of the Chapel Royal, St James's. Three pages. Poor: creased, dogeared, frayed, and with traces of previous mount adhering to blank verso of second leaf of bifoliate. He received the note and inclosure the day before. 'We have copied the beautiful Kyrie Eleeson, and I now return it with many thanks for the trouble you have so goodnaturedly taken in my behalf.' He wishes he could have been at Leeds for what 'must have been a truly gratifying sight.

Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. T. A. <Bargham?>.

Rev. Francis Edward Paget [Elford Rectory, Staffordshire]
Publication details: 
Elford Rectory, | June 15.' [no year].

English divine, author and social reformer (1806-82). Two pages, 16mo. Good, though lightly foxed, and with second leaf of bifoliate carrying traces of glue from previous mounting. Black-bordered, and bearing Paget's remarkably modernistic letterhead, made up of a pattern of his initials. 'Dear Sir | I do not know whether our doings here at our Village Festival are of a kind to interest you, but I take the liberty of assuring you that we shd. be very happy to see you, & any friends you might like to bring over.' Signed 'F. E. Paget'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'H Hoare Esq'.

William Scott
Publication details: 
Hoxton | Monday Even[in]g.'

English high-churchman and writer (1813-72), co-editor of the 'Christian Remembrancer' and one of the founders of the 'Saturday Review'. Three pages, 12mo. Grubby, and with two small closed tears at head of first leaf of bifoliate, and one small closed tear at head of second leaf; remains of grey-paper mount on verso of second leaf. There was a meeting of 'several clergy of this archdeaconry' at his house that morning: 'There were I think ten or twelve present. We agreed to nominate Messrs. Bageley & Toogood on Wednesday'.

Autograph letter signed to 'Mr Thornton'.

William Charles Edmund Newbolt, Canon of St Paul's Cathedral
Publication details: 
On letterhead '3, Amen Court, | St. Paul's E.C.'; 4 August 1908.

Clergyman and theologian (1844-1930), Canon of St Paul's Cathedral, London. One page, 16mo, on grey paper. In good condition. Possibly referring to a volume in the 'Oxford library of practical theology' of which he was co-editor. 'I am sorry to hear that a proof is coming. It is worse than preaching the Sermon. I hope to be here all August - I hope you are havinng a holiday.' Signed 'W Newbolt'.

2 Autograph Letters Signed to unnamed male correspondents.

Thomas Fanshaw Middleton, Bishop of Calcutta
Publication details: 
The first letter, 17 December 1814, Calcutta; the second, 16 April 1822, <?>.

Middleton (1769-1822) was consecrated Bishop of Calcutta in 1814. Both letters are 8vo. The first is 1 page, 8vo, and the second, 2 pages, 8vo. Both are creased and with a few closed tears, but in good condition. Letter one is attached along one edge to the remains of a stub. In the first letter, signed 'T. F. Calcutta', he asks if his correspondent 'will give the Bearer of this, Captain Lockett, who is now about to sail for England, a neatly bound Copy of my Vol. on the Gr[eek]. Article'. The handwriting of the second letter, also signed 'T. F.

Autograph Note.

Christopher Wordsworth, Bishop of Lincoln, when Archdeacon of Westminster.
Publication details: 
October 1867; on blindstamped letterhead 'Stanford in the Vale, | Faringdon, Bucks.'

Wordsworth (1807-85) was made Archdeacon of Westminster in 1865 and Bishop of Lincoln four years later. 1 page, approximately 3 inches square. In good condition. Neat tight handwriting. 'With Archdeacon Wordsworth's compts. requesting a receipt for 5 - 13 - 0. | enclosed'.

Autograph Note to the Editor of Debrett's Peerage.

William Jacobson, Bishop of Chester
Publication details: 
28 October 1875; Chester.

English cleric (1803-84). 1 page, 16mo. In good condition. Formal letter written in the third person. Reads 'Chester, October 28, 1875. | The Bishop of Chester presents his Compliments to the Editor of Debrett's Peerage, &c, and has the satisfaction of stating that he has found no occasion to offer any remark on the inclosed Paper.'

Printed form filled in in manuscript and with the Bishop's Autograph Signature, authorising the removal of the Rev John Gottlieb Lincke, Missionary Minister of Burdwan, to the Missionary Circuit of Calcutta; docketed with Signed Note by Fisher.

Daniel Wilson, Bishop of Calcutta, and Henry Fisher, Commissary
Publication details: 
The form, 9 May 1837; Fisher's note, 22 September 1838; place unstated in both.

Fifth Bishop of Calcutta (1778-1858). 2 pages, 8vo. In very good condition. Signed 'Daniel Calcutta'. Fisher's note reads 'I sanction the return of the Rev Mr Lincke back again to Burdwan his former station pending the confirmation of the Bishop on his return | Henry Fisher | Commissary | 22d. Sept. 1838'.

Autograph Letter Signed to his agent [unnamed].

Frederick Keppel, Bishop of Exeter
Publication details: 
5 March 1773; Deanery House, Windsor.

English ecclesiastic (1729-77; DNB). 2 pages, 8vo. On paper stained and discoloured, with several small closed tears. Amusingly bad-tempered missive.

Autograph Letter Signed to the Prolocutor of Synod.

Richard William Church
Publication details: 
3 July 1888; on black-bordered letterhead 'THE DEANERY, | ST. PAUL'S.'

Dean of St Paul's Cathedral (1815-90). 3 pages, 16mo. In poor condition: discoloured and with rust damage from paper clip. Begins 'My dear Mr. Prolocutor | I think the best arrangement will be for the members to meet at the Chapter House to robe, not later than 10.30'. Describes the arrangements for a procession 'to the West end of the Cathedral' and a service involving 'Holy Communion with Sermon'. Signed 'R W Church'. Apologises in a postscript for not answering sooner: 'I only got the necessary information this morning.'

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

William Dalrymple Maclagan, Archbishop of York
Publication details: 
26 April [no year]; on black-bordered letterhead 'THE VICARAGE, | KENSINGTON, W.'

Successively Bishop of Lichfield and Archbishop of York (1826-1910). 1 page, 16mo. In good condition despite minor discolouration. 'Please send me a post card if you can the name of a book which your son had with him - with short accounts of some of the great <?> of the world's history'. Signed 'W D Maclagan'.

Autograph Note Signed to <Buley?>.

Samuel Wilberforce, successively Bishop of Oxford and of Winchester
Publication details: 
Without date; on blindstamped Athenaeum letterhead.

Darwin and Huxley's 'soapy Sam' (1805-73). 1 page, 16mo. Dusty and discoloured, with remains of stub adhering to one edge. A hurried note, almost illegible. | My dear | Can <?> to <?> & <?> from 26 Pall at 25 to 11 | Yours affly | S Oxon'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Reginald [?].

George Granville Bradley.
Publication details: 
11 March 1893; on letterhead 'DEANERY, | WESTMINSTER, | S.W.'

English divine, scholar and schoolmaster (1821-1903), Dean of Westminster. 2 pages, 16mo. In good condition except for rust stains from a paper clip. 'I am quite right am I not in <?> that I had better not trouble the Speaker about a <?> for the young Hasted Taylor? I think I gathered from you that I had better not. One word will be ample - so very much obliged to you for all the trouble which you took in writing so fully.'

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Harvey Goodwin, Bishop of Carlisle
Publication details: 
26 August 1870; on letterhead 'ROSE CASTLE, | CARLISLE.'

Theologian and ecclesiastic (1818-91). 1 page, 16mo. In good condition although discoloured by the glue with which it is attached to a slightly larger piece of card. 'My Cambridge publishers are Deighton Bell & Co In London Bell & Daldy - | Yours truly | Henry Carlisle -'.

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed archdeacon,

Rev. Edward Coleridge (1800-83), Assistant-Master at Eton College
Publication details: 
Thurs. Morn. 10 a. m. [no date], Eton. Docketted "Feb. 3?".

2 pp, 12mo. "My dear Archdeacon. / I thank God for your note. It is at least an anapneusis in one's deep anxiety at this moment. How very earnestly we ought to pray & long for our good & beloved Primate's recovery - if even but for awhile. I will write to the Bp. of Lichfield (is he in Town) Mr. Watson, & Jelf. naming 10 on Tuesday at King's College as the hour of meeting. / Should an opportunity occur, will you present my dutiful love to the Archbishop, and assure him, that he is remembered in my prayers. / Ever yours in haste.

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