[Alan Bennett, playwright, screenwriter and author.] Autograph Card Signed, with reference to 'Sam Barnett (ex History Boys)', the Nottingham Playhouse and his health.

Alan Bennett (b.1934), playwright, screenwriter and author whose career began in the Cambridge Footlights, and includes the script for the film 'The Madness of King George'
Publication details: 
[2021.] Place not stated.

In good condition. Printed on one side of the card is one of Bennett's self-caricatures, and printed on the other, on a left hand panel, a note apologising for not writing in autograph, as answering so much mail would take away 'time which I would like to spend working'. On the right-hand panel, in actual autograph, is the following: 'Thank you for yr letter and I hope 2021 is a better year for you. I gather from Sam Barnett (ex History Boys) that the Nottingham Playhouse is keeping going. I'm getting slower but still coming to my desk every day. / All good wishes / Alan Bennett.'

[Alan Bennett, playwright, screenwriter and author.] Autograph Card Signed to Robert J. Drury of Cleethorpes, regarding the Academy Awards.

Alan Bennett (b.1934), playwright, screenwriter and author whose career began in the Cambridge Footlights, and includes the script for the film 'The Madness of King George'
Publication details: 
1 August 1995. Place not stated.

On a ‘Lion Brand’ plain post card. In good condition, but with the hurriedly-written text somewhat smudged, and a small staple at one corner. Addressed to ‘Robt J Drury / 141 Chichester Rd / Cleethorpes / S. Humberside / DN35 OJL.’ The message on the other side is hurriedly written: ‘August 1 1995 / Dear Mr. Drury / I’ve no thought on the Academy Awards I’m afraid. Some are well deserved some not - but thats true of a [?] Alan Bennett.’

[ Viscount Falkland, Governor of Nova Scotia, loses his temper.. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Falkland'), with frank, to his Steward George Brigham, giving inscructions, with a bad-tempered postscript regarding 'the old mans head and the naked boys'.

Lucius Cary, 10th Viscount Falkland (1803-1884), Liberal politician and Governor of Nova Scotia
Publication details: 
St James's [ London ]. 14 June 1832.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged, with loss caused by breaking of the red wax seal, which is present on the reverse, and biographical details typed in small line at head. Frank on reverse reads: 'London June fifteen | Mr. Geo: Brigham, | Windy Hill, | Stokesly | Yorkshire.' Franked in customary fashion at bottom left: 'Falkland.' With 'FREE' postmark. The letter reads: 'Have the goodness to send the enclosed without delay to Fawcett and likewise the one I have sent for Wrightson. | Falkland. | P.S. Keep the post & rail & <?> accounts separate as you propose.

[ Printed volume. ] A Brief History of Boys' Journals | With interesting facts about the writers of boys' stories. [ 'The Old Boys' Books' on cover. Printed handbill advertisement for the 'Old Boy's Book Club' pasted in at rear. ]

Ralph Rollington [ John J. Wilson, Secretary, The Old Boy's Book Club', Liverpool; Harold Simpson, Leicester periodical dealer ]
Publication details: 
H. Simpson, Grove Road, Leicester. Appendix by 'H. S.' dated 'Leicester, July, 1913.'

111 + [1]pp., 8vo. Frontispiece and eight plates. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, in worn grey printed wraps, with light staining to front cover and slight loss at head of spine. Rollington's account begins: 'Some enthusiastic old readers of Boys' Journals of nearly forty years ago have asked me to write a brief history of the rise and fall of Boys' Papers during that period. | I can speak from experience, for I have been the proprietor of four Boys' Journals, and have written many boys stories.' Pasted inside the back cover is a full-page advertisement, by 'JOHN J.

[ Printsellers' catalogue with F. B. Daniell & Son bookplate. ] A Catalogue of Engravings, by the most esteemed Artists, after The finest Pictures and Drawings of the Schools of Europe; [...] Forming part of the stock of Moon, Boys, and Graves, [...]

Moon, Boys, and Graves, Printsellers to His Majesty, And Publishers of Works of Art. No. 6, Pall-Mall. [ F. B. Daniell & Son, London printsellers ]
Publication details: 
[ Moon, Boys, and Graves, Printsellers to His Majesty, And Publishers of Works of Art. No. 6, Pall-Mall. ] London: Printed by J. Moyes, Took's Court, Chancery Lane. 1829.

Full title: 'A Catalogue of Engravings, by the most esteemed Artists, after The finest Pictures and Drawings of the Schools of Europe; Systematically arranged under the painters, and by Index to the Subjects: Accompanied by a List of Works in Progress, or recently completed: And also of various Books of Prints, Forming part of the stock of Moon, Boys, and Graves, Printsellers to His Majesty, And Publishers of Works of Art. No. 6, Pall-Mall.' viii + 214pp., 8vo. In original quarter-binding of grey printed boards and black leather spine.

[Printed pamphlet.] Intermediate Education Board for Ireland. 1909. Exhibition and Prize Lists. Boys & Girls.

[Intermediate Education Board for Ireland]
Publication details: 
Dublin: Printed for the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland By Browne and Nolan, Ltd., Nassau Street. [1909.]

73pp., 8vo. In blue card wraps, with notice on pink slip tipped-in at front. In fair condition, on aged paper, with rusting staples. Shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Giving the names and schools of the recipients of various prizes. Scarce.

[City of Cardiff Education Week, 1932.] Printed programme ('Cardiff Juvenile Welfare Council') of the 'Hobbies Exhibition'; and 'Educational Handbook for Citizens and Parents'.

[City of Cardiff Education Week, 1932] [Cardiff Juvenile Welfare Council] [Wales; Welsh schools]
Publication details: 
Programme: Territorial Drill Hall, Newport Road, Cardiff (corner of West Grove). 29 February to 5 March 1932. Handbook: Cardiff: Priory Press Ltd., The Friary, Cardiff. [1932.]

Both items in good condition (see separate descriptions). ONE: 'City of Cardiff Education Week. Cardiff Juvenile Welfare Council. Hobbies Exhibition and Demonstration of Voluntary Juvenile Organisations' Activities. Programme of Demonstrations and Displays, and Handbook of Stalls and Stallholders.' Cardiff: Territorial Drill Hall, Newport Road (corner of West Grove). 29 February to 5 March 1932. 20pp., 8vo. Stapled pamphlet, in printed wraps. Advertisements throughout. In good condition, on aged paper, with wear along the fore-edge. Photograph on cover of 'H.R.H.

[John Henry Robinson, engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. H. Robinson') to an unnamed male recipient, discussing his engraving of the Marchionness of Abercorn, and pointing out that the plate belongs to the printseller F. G. Moon.

John Henry Robinson (c.1796-1871), engraver [Sir Francis Graham Moon (1796-1871), London printseller and publisher]
Publication details: 
20 Spring Street [London]. 23 February 1842.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight creasing and chipping at head. In answer to an enquiry, he states regarding 'the Portrait of the Marchioness of Abercorn' that 'though Mr Moon & I have not yet completed our arrangements I consider that the Plate is his property & not mine as you appear to have been informed'. He concludes by thanking him 'for the favorable opinion you are pleased to express both of the plate in question & the engraving'.

[John Henry Robinson, engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. H. Robinson') to an unnamed male recipient, discussing his engraving of the Marchionness of Abercorn, and pointing out that the plate belongs to the printseller F. G. Moon.

John Henry Robinson (c.1796-1871), engraver [Sir Francis Graham Moon (1796-1871), London printseller and publisher]
Publication details: 
20 Spring Street [London]. 23 February 1842.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight creasing and chipping at head. In answer to an enquiry, he states regarding 'the Portrait of the Marchioness of Abercorn' that 'though Mr Moon & I have not yet completed our arrangements I consider that the Plate is his property & not mine as you appear to have been informed'. He concludes by thanking him 'for the favorable opinion you are pleased to express both of the plate in question & the engraving'.

[Rev. Frederic Smith, Registrar, East India College.] Printed form, filled in and signed by him, giving 'Mr. Balfour's Account' with the College.

Rev. Frederic Smith, Registrar, East India College [now Haileybury College, Hertford Heath, Hertfordshire]
Publication details: 
East India College [Hertford Heath, Hertfordshire]. 17 December 1840.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, but with damage to one margin (not affecting text) caused by the tearing of the item out of a book. The account is itemised into: Apothecary; Bookseller and Stationer; Hair Cutter; Porter, for Letters, &c; Purveyor; Shoemaker; Tailor, with four categories added in Smith's hand: Fencing; Wine; Advances; Jackson (Packing Cases). Balfour's account comes to £60 19s 1d. Beneath the account are fourteen lines of printed notifications, concluding: 'N.B. The Registrar's Address, during the ensuing College Vacation, may be had of Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Richd. Morris') from the philologist Rev. Richard Morris, Headmaster of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, to J. T. Baron of Blackburn, giving publication details of two of his works.

Rev. Richard Morris (1833-1894), English philologist, Headmaster of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, 1875-1888
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, Wood Green, London. 10 June 1882.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good on lightly-aged paper. In original envelope, with stamp and postmarks, addressed by Morris to Baron at 18 Griffin Street, Witton, Blackburn. Morris begins by giving details of the availability of his 'Etymology of Local Names' and 'Historical Outlines', before informing Baron (a brazen autograph hunter) that he does not know 'Wm. Morris' Address, but a letter addressed to him & sent to his publisher would be forwarded'.

Original photograph of the 'First group of boys for Canada from the Hampton Home' [the Hampton Training Home for boys], run by Joseph Merry and his wife Rachel Merry (sister of Annie Macpherson), with George Thom.

[The Hampton Training Home for boys [Hampton Home]; George Thom; Joseph Merry and his wife Rachel Merry (sister of Annie Macpherson [Annie Parlane Macpherson]); Home of Industry; Canadian emigration]
Publication details: 
Circa 1870.

Landscape photograph, 19.5 x 14.5 cm, laid down on a piece of thin card cut from an album, 18 x 21 cm. Around sixty boys are posed in four rows in front of a grand house, with two masters to the right and two to the left, and with a fifth in the centre of the group. The group are surprisingly fat-faced, posing sulkily in jackets, with some waistcoats and tam o'shanters. Five more boys look out of a downstairs window, three from an upstairs window, and one peeks out from behind the front door.

Autograph Card Signed from the Scottish artist Robert Macaulay Stevenson to his 'brother-artist' David Sassoon of Kirkcudbright. With signed print of a landscape by Stevenson.

Robert Macaulay Stevenson (1854-1952), Scottish artist, associated with the 'Glasgow Boys' school [David Sassoon (1888-1978), Kirkcudbright artist]
Autograph Card Signed from the Scottish artist Robert Macaulay Stevenson
Publication details: 
'Kirkcudbright | Yuletide 1934'.
Autograph Card Signed from the Scottish artist Robert Macaulay Stevenson

Dimensions of card 14.5 x 11 cm. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Cloudy print of landscape on recto of second leaf, signed in pencil 'R Macaulay Stevenson'. Neat pen inscription on recto of first leaf: 'My dear brother-artist Sassoon and dear Madame Sassoon this is just from Stansmore and myself to wish you a Merrie Christmas and a Happy New Year | [signed] R Macaulay Stevenson | Kirkcudbright | Yuletide 1934'.

Typed Note Signed "J. Buchan" to Arthur Poyser, City of London Boy Scouts (first ever Troop by some accounts, inspired by Baden Powell's 1907 experiment), re-founder of the City of London Boy Players.

John Buchan, novelist, later Lord Tweedsmuir, Governor-General of Canada
Publication details: 
[Headed Notepaper] Thomas Nelson and Sons Publishers, 5 November 1910

With printed pamphlet. Letter is one page, 12mo, tipped on to page extracted from personal album of Arthur Poyser, trimmed to fit a plastci envelope, with a small nick not affecting text, illustrating his career with the City of London Boy Scouts and the Boy Players (album offered separately). Buchan is only free for luncheon on the Wednesday but would be happy to discuss "the book" [the first "Scouts' Song Book" published in 1912) with him then.

Autograph Signature ('W Gordon-Stables | MD - RN').

William Gordon Stables (1840-1910), Scottish Royal Navy physician and writer of adventure stories
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On a piece of paper roughly 7 x 10 cm. Laid down on a piece of card. Fair, rucked and grubby, with traces of previous mount adhering to the reverse. Presmuably in response to a request for an autograph. Reads: 'I wish thee well | [signed] W Gordon-Stables | MD - RN'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Dear France'.

Edgar Jepson [Edgar Alfred Jepson] (1863-1938), English writer of detective fiction, sometimes under the name 'R. Edison Page'
Publication details: 
Letter One: 17 May 1907; Hillfarance, Elm Road, Wembley. Letter Two: 29 June 1907; 23 Bath Road, Bedford Park. London W.

Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged and foxed paper. Letter One: 12mo (15 x 10 cm), 1 p. He thanks him 'for the Tickets': 'we are looking forward to seeing you act. I shall be very pleased to come to smoke a cigarette after the first act off the Duel.' ('The Duel' was produced at the Garrick Theatre, London, in 1907.) Letter Two: 12mo, 2 pp. He thanks him 'for the excellent evening you gave me at The Coronet the other night. | The Incubus is an admirable play, and admirably acted.' He hopes France 'had a good week of it': 'I told innumerable people not to miss it.'

Autograph Letter Signed to [Sir Francis Graham?] Moon.

William Chevalier
Publication details: 
Thursday Morn' [no date, but on paper watermarked 1825]; '3. Edwards Place | Hackney Road.'

English engraver (1804-66). One page, octavo. Good, on slightly discoloured paper with spike hole at centre. Addressed to 'Mr. Moon' on verso of second leaf of bifoliate, which has a hole from the breaking of a wafer which still adheres. Reads 'I've taken the liberty of leaving for your inspection a few specimens of my stile of engraving - your brother Mr.

Typed Memorandum of Agreement Signed in which Freeman undertakes 'to write a contribution to THE NEW LONDON SPY edited by Hunter Davies on the subject of Male Homosexuals in London'.

Gillian Freeman [Anthony Blond Ltd; The New London Spy]
Publication details: 
1965; London.

One page, A4. Creased, dogeared and with a few small closed tears. The contribution was to be five thousand words in length, 'at the rate of 10 guineas for each thousand words'. Signed by 'Gillian Freeman', and by 'Desmond Brian' on behalf of Blond. Docketed record of two payments of fifty guineas in red ink manuscript in top right-hand corner.

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