[Lord Grey and ‘unsteady habits’ of immigrants to Mauritius (and West Indies), 1846.] Three printed items: Colonial Office circular dispatch; copy of dispatch to Governor of Mauritius; ‘Heads of an Ordinance for Promoting Immigration’ to Mauritius.

Lord Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1846 [Colonial Office, Whitehall; Sir W. M. Gomm, Governor of Mauritius; West Indies]
Publication details: 
ONE: Printed circular dispatch, Downing Street, 23 October 1846. TWO: Grey’s Dispatch No. 38, Downing Street, 29 September 1846. THREE: ‘Heads of an Ordinance’ [London, 1846].

All three items are scarce, with no copies on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. Both in good condition, lightly aged. Disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript. ONE: Printed ‘Circular’, headed in manuscript ‘Immiration / W. Indies & Mauritius’, and dated from Downing Street, 23 October 1846. Paginated in manuscript 93. At foot of page (not in Grey’s hand): ‘/sd/ Grey’.

[Lord Derby [as Lord Stanley] and emigration from West Africa to West Indies, 1843.] Two printed Colonial Office items: Circular dispatch on ‘Emigration from the W. Coast of Africa’ and ‘A circular to all the West India Colonies’ on ‘Emigration’.

Lord Derby [Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1843 [Colonial Office; immigration to West Indies; West Africa; African emigration]
Publication details: 
ONE: ‘Emigration from the W. Coast of Africa.’ Downing Street, 25 February 1843. TWO: ‘A circular to all the West India Colonies.’ Downing Street, 25 February 1843. Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street, for Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

Important items, reflecting the state of affairs regarding movement of West Africans to the British West India colonies in the period immediately following the abolition of slavery. Both items excessively scarce: no copies traced on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. In good condition, lightly aged. The two items disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript. ONE: Printed ‘Circular’ dated ‘Downing Street, / 25th. February 1843.’ Lithographic reproduction of manuscript text, headed in real manuscript ‘Emigration from the W. Coast of Africa’.

[Catchpenny; Spoof?; Miss Faithfull; Employment and Emigration of Women] Autograph Letter Signed E.S. Faithfull to unnamed correspondent (Madam) saying how working class women are better provided for than the educated classes.

E.M. Faithfull [pseud.?][Miss Faithfull]
Publication details: 
[Printed Heading] several lines (SEE IMAGE and text below) concluding Sole Office: 136 Regent Street, W. | London, 18 February 1887.

Two pages, 12mo, remnants of tipping in process, good condition. Printed heading commences: English and Foreign Educational, Industrial, Commercial, Plain Work, Benevolent and Emigration Institute for the Employment of Women. Conducted by Miss FAITHFULL [...........] See IMAGE for the (substantial) rest. Text: All my sympathies I must say are given to the homeless & destitute of the educated classes'[.] [T]hey are so utterly friendless. The working classes have untold benefits.

[Queensland immigration] Printed advertisement, with long descriptive text, issued by the 'Agent-General for Queensland, 409 & 410, Strand, London, W.C.', for emigration from England to 'Queensland Crown Lands'.

The Agent-General for Queensland [emigration to Australia; Australian immigration]
Publication details: 
[Edwardian] The Agent-General for Queensland, 409 and 410, Strand, London, W.C.

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. First page carries the decorative title beneath the Queensland crest.The central two pages carry a long text, in small type, under the headings 'AGRICULTURE SELECTIONS', 'GRAZING SELECTIONS', 'GROUP SETTLEMENT' and 'OTHER MODES', and the subheadings 'AGRICULTURAL FARMS', 'AGRICULTURAL HOMESTEADS', 'GRAZING FARMS' and 'GRAZING HOMESTEADS'. The final page advertises 'FREE PASSAGES [...] TO Female Domestic Servants of Good Health and Character, between 17 and 35 years of age. Plenty of Work!

[ Pamphlet; Canada 1887 ] From Britain to British Columbia; or, Canada as a Domain for British Farmers, Sportsmen, and Tourists

J.P. Sheldon
Publication details: 
No imprint or Colophon [London, 1887?].

76pp., 8vo, with folding map, illustrations throughout, printed illustrated wraps, staples rusted (staining immediate area), front wrap detached, little nicks in initial pages, spine sl. damaged. Very scarce apparently. None currently on the market. Information on WorldCat too confusing but there appear to be copies in Cambridge, Maynooth and Erfurt/Gotha, but other libraries (inc. all Canadian except perhaps the National Library in Ottawa?) having only microform (WorldCat). COPAC lists no copies.

Part of a Manuscript Letter written from Carter Hall, Millwood, Clarke County, Virginia, to an Englishman intending to emigrate to America, discussing various elements of life there, including dress

[Carter Hall, MIllwood, Clarke County, Virgina, estate of the Burwell family]
Publication details: 
Carter Hall, Millwood, Clarke County, Virginia. 21 February 1876.

4pp., 12mo. 210 lines. The first bifolium of a letter only, and hence lacking a signature. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with closed tears along fold lines. George Burwell, who had inherited Carter Hall in 1814 (see below) had died three years before the writing of this letter, and the identity of its author is unknown, although he does claim to be a 'Scotchman'. The letter begins: 'Dear Sir | Your letter of Jany 31 is received. I am glad to answer any questions, but I must not be supposed to advise you in any thing regarding a change of residence.

Autograph Letter Signed from Alfred Musty, an immigrant to Canada, writing to a benefactor [Mr Challinor?] back in England, to describe his 'first year', and including a reference to M. H. Cochrane, 'the great celebrated Herd Farmer of Canada'.

Alfred Musty [Matthew Henry Cochrane (1823-1903), Canadian industrialist and breeder of livestock]
Publication details: 
Huntingville, Eastern Townships, Province of Quebec, Canada. 29 September 1883.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. 77 lines of text. In good condition, on aged paper, with a little wear and a few closed tears along folds. He begins by describing his 'prospects': 'My first year in Canada I stayed with Mr. Bridges, during which time I got a pretty fair knowledge of the country. I then decided to speculate on a woodland Lot of Fifty Acres, price Five Hundred Dollars.

Original photograph of the 'First group of boys for Canada from the Hampton Home' [the Hampton Training Home for boys], run by Joseph Merry and his wife Rachel Merry (sister of Annie Macpherson), with George Thom.

[The Hampton Training Home for boys [Hampton Home]; George Thom; Joseph Merry and his wife Rachel Merry (sister of Annie Macpherson [Annie Parlane Macpherson]); Home of Industry; Canadian emigration]
Publication details: 
Circa 1870.

Landscape photograph, 19.5 x 14.5 cm, laid down on a piece of thin card cut from an album, 18 x 21 cm. Around sixty boys are posed in four rows in front of a grand house, with two masters to the right and two to the left, and with a fifth in the centre of the group. The group are surprisingly fat-faced, posing sulkily in jackets, with some waistcoats and tam o'shanters. Five more boys look out of a downstairs window, three from an upstairs window, and one peeks out from behind the front door.

Yr American; yn Cynwys Nodau ar Daith O Ddyffryn Ohio i Gymru golwg ar Dalaeth Ohio, Hanes Sefydliadau Cymreig yn America . . .

B.W. Chidlaw, A.M.
Publication details: 
Llanrwst: Argraffwyd, Gan John Jones, 1840.

48pp., 12mo, unopened save title, original green wrappers, chipped, good condition"Yr Ail Argraffiad" (Second edition - no record found of a "First"). The author, in a "Notice" (the only English in the work), says "I have disposed of my Book called "The American," to Mr. J. Jones Printer, Llanrwst, and grant to him all the right and Claim to the same. / B.W. Chidlaw, A.M. / Paddy's Run, Ohio. / Llanrwst Decr. 25, 1839. The purpose of the pamphlet is to encourage Welsh emigration to Ohio, Indiana and Illinois at an interesting time.

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