[Earl Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey], Liberal politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to Tom Taylor, editor of Punch, praising a performance of his play ‘The Ticket-of-Leave Man’.

Earl Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey], Secretary of State for War in two Liberal administrations [Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright and editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
2 June [no year, but 1863, and on paper watermarked with that date]; on letterhead of 13 Carlton House Terrace.

See the entry for Grey and Taylor in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Begins: ‘Dear Mr Taylor - / I am just come home from seeing “the ticket of leave man,” & before I go to bed I must thank you for an evening of very great enjoyment.’ It pleased him ‘to see so good a play, not taken from the French, but really English, [the play was in fact adapted from the French] & teaching the public what is true instead of encouraging a popular delusion of the day’.

[Sir Edward Grey [Viscount Grey of Fallodon, First World War Foreign Secretary.] Autograph Note Signed to Lady Ilbert, wife of the Clerk of the Commons.


See the entries on Grey and Lady Ilbert's husband (who was Clerk of the Commons) in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. In an elegant hand. Reads: '15. 2. 15 / Dear Lady Ilbert / Many thanks: I shall be very glad to dine on Wednesday / Yours sincerely / E Grey.'

[Sir Edward Grey [Viscount Grey of Fallodon], Foreign Secretary during First World War.] Autograph Letter Signed to the ?Provost? [of Oriel College, Oxford, Sir David Ross], regarding what is probably not ?a matter for the head of a College'.

Sir Edward Grey [Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon] (1862-1933), Liberal Party politician, Foreign Secretary for much of the First World War [Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971)]
Publication details: 
30 November 1922; on letterhead of Fallodon, Christon Bank, Northumberland.

See the entries for Grey and Ross in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Reads: ?My dear Provost / Probably you will not think that the enclosed requires any answer or that it is a matter for the head of a College but as it concerns a member of Oriel I send it on to you / Yours very truly / Grey of Fallodon.?

[Lord Grey and ‘unsteady habits’ of immigrants to Mauritius (and West Indies), 1846.] Three printed items: Colonial Office circular dispatch; copy of dispatch to Governor of Mauritius; ‘Heads of an Ordinance for Promoting Immigration’ to Mauritius.

Lord Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1846 [Colonial Office, Whitehall; Sir W. M. Gomm, Governor of Mauritius; West Indies]
Publication details: 
ONE: Printed circular dispatch, Downing Street, 23 October 1846. TWO: Grey’s Dispatch No. 38, Downing Street, 29 September 1846. THREE: ‘Heads of an Ordinance’ [London, 1846].

All three items are scarce, with no copies on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. Both in good condition, lightly aged. Disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript. ONE: Printed ‘Circular’, headed in manuscript ‘Immiration / W. Indies & Mauritius’, and dated from Downing Street, 23 October 1846. Paginated in manuscript 93. At foot of page (not in Grey’s hand): ‘/sd/ Grey’.

[Lord Grey and the ‘Publication of Colonial Papers’, 1849.] Private Circular Dispatch to Colonial Governors, discussing the question.

Lord Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1849 [publication of colonial papers]
Publication details: 
Dated from Downing Street, 15 June 1849.

An interesting indication of the Victorian approach to transparency in government. A scarce item: no other copy traced. Dispatch with ‘Circular. / Private.’ in the margin. Headed in manuscript ‘Publication of Colonial Papers. / (Parliamentary Papers)’. At end in manuscript (not Grey’s handwriting): ‘/sd/ Gray’. In good condition, lightly aged. 4pp, 8vo. Disbound from volume, and paginated in manuscript 175-178. Printed in copperplate font.

[Lord Grey and colonial postal arrangements, 1850.] Two printed Colonial Office documents: a copy of a letter from W. L. Maberly of the General Post Office to H. Merivale of the Colonial Office; and a covering circular dispatch on ‘Book Posts’.

Lord Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1850 [W. L. Maberly of the General Post Office; Herman Merivale; Royal Mail; book post]
Publication details: 
ONE: W. L. Maberly to H. Merivale; dated from General Post Office, 14 December 1850. TWO: Headed ‘Book Posts’; dated from Downing Street, 27 December 1850.

Both items scarce: no other copies traced. In good condition, lightly aged. Disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript. ONE: Copy of letter from W. L. Maberly to ‘H. Merivale, Esq., / &c. &c. &c. / Colonial Office’, dated from General Post Office, 14 December 1850. 2pp, 8vo. Paginated in manuscript 257-258.

[Adalbert, Prince of Bavaria.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Adalbert | Prince de Bavière.’), in French, to Lady Cullum, discussing the benefits of dehorning livestock, and presenting her with two gold medals for her efforts in promoting the practice.

Adalbert, Prince of Bavaria (1828-1875), ninth child of King Ludwig I, and uncle of the ‘mad king’ Ludwig II [Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875), wife of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855) of Hardwick House.
Publication details: 
4 November 1861; Munich [Germany].

Written while his brother Maximilian II was on the throne. (Following Maximilian’s death in 1864 Bavaria would be ruled by the celebrated ‘mad king’, Adalbert’s nephew Ludwig II.) The recipient is Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875), widow of Rev. Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855), 8th Baronet, of Hardwick House, Bury St Edmunds, who is referred to as ‘botanist and antiquary’ in his eponymous father’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. Thirty-six lines, neatly and closely written. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded twice.

[Anthony Grey, novelist and journalist.] Five Signed Letters, three in Autograph and two Typed, to playwright Christopher Fry, with material relating to his organisation Hostage Action Worldwide.

Anthony Grey (born 1938), novelist, journalist and author, imprisoned by the Chinese government for 27 months from 1967 to 1969 [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
The five letters between 1989 and 1991. Three of the letters on letterhead of The Old Granary, Charlton, West Sussex. Hostage Action Worldwide material all c/o The Charlton Foundation, 28 Nottingham Place, London.

Nine items, all in good condition. All of the letters are signed 'Anthony', and four of them (two autograph and two typed) are each 1p, 8vo. The other letter, in autograph, is 1p, 16mo. With four items of material relating to Hostage Action Worldwide. The first letter (11 May 1989) accompanies 'our first reply to our first 350 donors – we're hoping to build rapidly now'. He reports that 'The Archbishop of Canterbury has this week responded positively to us and appointed a man, John Lyttle to our Advisory Council.

[The first census of the British Empire.] Two documents printed for Earl Grey at the Colonial Office: Major Graham's 'Memorandum' of 'suggestions' on how to take a colonial census; and a letter from Grey instructing colonial governors to prepare one.

Major George Graham (1801-1888), Registrar General of England and Wales, 1842-1879; Earl Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey (1802-1894)] [Sir Frederick Peel (1823-1906), Liberal MP]
Publication details: 
[HMSO, London.] The Major Graham document, dated from the General Register Office [Somerset House, London], 7 December 1848. The Grey circular dated from Downing Street, 20 January 1849.

Two printed documents: the first carrying Major Graham's 'Memorandum' of 'suggestions respecting the mode of taking a Census in each of our Colonial Posssessions', together with his observations on the making up of 'Statistical Abstracts', a specimen 'Form of Return' and a covering letter; the second a circular letter from Earl Grey, instructing colonial governors 'to cause a Return of the Population of the Colony under your Government to be prepared'. For the background to these two documents, see A. J.

[ Sir Philip Grey Egerton, soldier. ] Autograph Card Signed ('Philip') to 'Colonel Barker', inviting him to 'a table at the Sudan dinner' he is trying to organise.

Sir Philip Grey Egerton [ Sir Philip Reginald le Belward Grey Egerton, 14th Baronet ] (1885-1962), British Army officer
Publication details: 
On his letterheada, Oulton Park, Tarporley. 21 June 1949.

Stamped and postmarked, and addressed to 'Colonel Barker | Bourchins Lodge | Tolleshunt D'Arcy | Essex'. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'I am trying to get some of the old firm together for a table at the Sudan dinner. I have got Kennedy Cook & wife, Griselda Maurice & myself. Would you & your wife join us | Yrs ever | Philip'. Egerton was with the Sudan Civil Service; and with the 3rd battalion of Shropshire Light Infantry won a 4th clasp of the Order of the Nile.

[ From the stock of Henry Grey of Acton?] Collection of 114 genealogical and heraldic items, relating to British families, including manuscript and printed pedigrees, engraved coats of arms (including proofs) and armorial bookplates.

[ Henry Grey of Acton, genealogical bookseller; genealogy; heraldry; heraldic; bookplates ]
Publication details: 
[ Henry Grey, 1 Churchfield Road East, Acton, London? ] Ranging in date from the eighteenth century to the early twentieth century.

114 items, ranging in size and format. Many are extracted from eighteenth and nineteenth century English and French volumes. In fair condition, with signs of age and wear. Containing a few duplicates. Perhaps indicating provence is the presence, with two other items in a folder titled 'Hunt Family of Ireland', of a TLS to Grey from W. H. Hunt of Selkirk, 25 February 1923, asking him to supply genealogical 'extracts'. Of the present collection, the pedigrees, variously in manuscript, printed and engraved, are 24 in number.

[ Prime Minister Lord John Russell and the Manchester Health of Towns Association. ] Autograph Letter Signed from Lord John Russell's private secretary Charles Grey ('C. <A.?> Grey') to P. H. Holland, regarding 'a Memoria from the Committee'.

Charles Grey, Private Secretary to Liberal Prime Minister Lord John Russell [ Downing Street; P. H. Holland of the Chorlton Dispensary; the Manchester Health of Towns Association ]
Publication details: 
Downing Street [ London ] 10 August 1846.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with head of the document trimmed and blank second leaf with traces of mount. He acknowledges 'the receipt of your letter enclosing a Memorial from the Committee of the Manchester Health of Towns association' and apologise for the delay in the acknowledgement, 'owing to the great pressure of business'.

[ General Sir Charles Grey, Private Secretary to Prince Albert and Queen Victoria. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Grey'), on behalf of Prince Albert, to unnamed individual, regarding gifts of a photograph of Folkestone Harbour, and a book on Malta.

General Sir Charles Grey (1804-1870), Private Secretary to Albert, Prince of Wales, and Queen Victoria
Publication details: 
Buckingham Palace [London]. 20 February 1858.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Thanking him for 'the Photograph of Folkestone harbour, & the volumes you have sent on the subjects of Malta, & the Order of St. John. [by Major-General Whitworth Porter (1827-1892) of the Royal Engineers]'. Prince Albert had intended to buy the book, but will take pleasure in accepting the copy the recipient of the letter has 'had so handsomely bound'.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Is the Exercise of the Suffrage Unfeminine? Published by the London National Society for Women's Suffrage.

Mrs. William Grey [Maria Georgina Shirreff Grey (1816-1906)] [The London National Society for Women's Suffrage] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
[The London National Society for Women's Suffrage.] Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., New-street Square, London. 1870.

12pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. With a few pencil annotations. A total of five copies on COPAC and OCLC WorldCat. No copy on market currently.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Legislative Restrictions on the Industry of Women, considered from the Women's Point of View.

Josephine E. Butler, Ada Smith, Elizabeth C. Wolstenholme, Dinah Goodall, Emilie A. Venturi [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
'Matthews and Sons, Steam Printers, 54, Berwick Street, London, W.' [1874.]

18 + [1]pp., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, no wraps, disbound. Authors named at end as: 'JOSEPHINE E. BUTLER, Liverpool. | ADA SMITH, (Factory Worker,) Nottingham. | ELIZABETH C. WOLSTENHOLME, Congleton. | DINAH GOODALL, (Factory Worker,) Leeds. | EMILIE A. VENTURI, London.' Apparently no copy on market currently.

[Item printed for the Chetham Society, inscribed by the editor.] A Forme of Confession grounded upon the ancient Catholique and Apostolique Faith. Made and composed by the Honorable Ladie the Lady Bridget Egerton. A.D.1636.

Lady Bridget Egerton; Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton, Bart., M.P.; Chetham Society, Manchester
Publication details: 
Printed for the Chetham Society. 1871.

Beneath title on title-page: 'From the original MS. in the possession of Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton, Bart., M.P.' [1] + 31pp., 4to. With frontispiece facsimile in black and red. On aged and worn paper, in damaged binding, with front hinge split and spine held together with tape. Bookplate label of M. A. E. Cotton on front pastedown. In dark-green cloth binding, with gilt design on front board incorporating the words of 'BRIDGETS BELIEFE' within a ruled border. Inscribed by the editor on the front free endpaper: 'Marianne | from her affectionate brother | P. M.

[Printed parliamentary paper.] University and National Education (Ireland). Copies of Memorials addressed to the Secretary of State for the Home Department by Roman Catholic Prelates in Ireland, [...]. (Sir George Grey.)

[University and National Education (Ireland), 1866; House of Commons; H. Waddington; Sir George Grey]
Publication details: 
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 5 March 1866. [Printer not stated.]

40 + [1] pp., crown 8vo. On aged and worn paper, with broken stitching causing the loosening of the leaves. Shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. The end of the title reads, in full: 'by Roman Catholic Prelates in Ireland, and of the Correspondence relating thereto; and of all Memorials addressed to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on the subject of University Education in Ireland. (Sir George Grey.)' Scarce.

[Pamphlets and Ephemera; Women and Education] A Collection of pamphlets and printed ephemera issued by "The Maria Grey Training College for Women Teachers established by the Teachers' Training & Registration Society" [found by Maria Grey].

[The Maria Grey Training College for Women Teachers]
Publication details: 
Much printed by the Women's Printing Society, Limited, 66 Whitcomb Street, [London], WC 1892-1906 (some missing, see below).

Seven pamphlets, unbound, 20-32pp., 8vo, one damaged but complete,another sl. chipped, others complete and in fair condition, with labels, numbers and stamps of the Board of Education, sometimes obtrusive. Dating 1892-3, 1898-99 (missing 1893-4 to 1897-8), 1899-1900, 1900-1, 1901-2-3, 1903-4, 1905-6. Contents listed on title as follows: 1. Council of the Society; 2. Objects of the Society; 3. Prospectus of the Training College; 4. List of Former Students (many of their later "appointments", jobs, listed).

[Sir William Grey-Wilson, colonial governor.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Grey Wilson'), writing to an unnamed female correspondent on his return to England from the Bahamas.

Sir William Grey-Wilson (1852-1926), KCMG, Governor of St Helena, 1887-1897; of the Falkland Islands, 1897-1904; and of the Bahamas, 1904-1912
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Midland Grand Hotel, London. 12 June 1912.

1p., 8vo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'Dear Madam | As I only landed in England yesterday your two letters of May 31st: and June 9th. have only just reached me.' He thanks her for forwarding photographs, which he is returning, and informs her 'that the Isle of Wight is at present not considered a suitable climate for my wife'.

[Inscribed printed booklet.] Presidential Address 1976 | John Murray C.B.E. | A Poet and his Publisher. [i.e. Lord Byron and John Murray]

John Murray [John Murray VI [John Arnaud Robin Grey Murray] (1909-1993), publisher] [George Gordon Noel, Lord Byron]
Publication details: 
The English Association, 1 Priory Gardens, London, W4 1TT. 1976.

16pp., 8vo. Stapled. In blue printed wraps. Inscribed at the head of the front wrap: 'For Cecil Clarabut who is also subject to Byron's magnetism | from John Murray | and with gratitude for Kindnesses | 30.xii.76'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper.

[Sir George Grey, Whig Home Secretary.] Autograph Letter in the third person to Rev. Reginald Smith, regarding 'the selection of a gentleman to fill the office of Chaplain at the Portland Convict Depôt'.

Sir George Grey (1799-1882), Liberal Home Secretary, 1846-52, 1855-58, 1861-66 [Reginald Southwell Smith (1809-1896), Canon of Salisbury; Portland Convict Depot; transportation; penal servitude]
Publication details: 
Whitehall. 22 July 1847.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with traces of mount adhering at head of reverse of leaf. Regarding Smith's 'note with reference to the selection of a gentleman to fill the office of Chaplain at the Portland Convict Depôt', he writes that he must 'defer the consideration of this question, as it must necessarily be yet some considerable period before the works at the Island are sufficiently advanced for the reception of Convicts'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Member of Parliament for Norfolk Thomas de Grey of Merton Hall near Thetford, regarding the supply of 'a pipe of Port and a Hogshead of Calcavalla [sic]', and 'a Hogshead of Sherry'.

Thomas de Grey (1717-1781) of Merton Hall near Thetford, Member of Parliament for Norfolk from 1764 to 1774 [fine wine]
Publication details: 
'Merton' [i.e. Merton Hall, near Thetford, Norfolk]. 15 December [no year].

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper. De Grey begins: 'You have very much obliged me by accepting a small Present of Game, and many of my neighbours as well as myself will rejoyce in your Correspondent supplying me with a pipe of Port and a Hogshead of Calcavalla, [sic] if a Hogshead of Sherry could be procured without any additional trouble, it would add to the Obligation'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the London publisher John Murray the sixth ('John Grey Murray') to the diplomat Ernest Frederick Gye ['Dear Ernest Gye'], congratulating him on his posting to Tangier.

John Murray the sixth [John Grey Murray; Jock Murray; John Arnaud Robin Grey Murray] (1909-1993), London publisher [Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat, son of Ernest Gye and Dame Emma Albani]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of John Murray, 50 Albemarle Street, London. 9 January 1933.

1p., 4to. Fair, on aged paper. He offers Gye his 'very best wishes' on his 'new appointment', adding: 'of course do not trouble to answer for this deserves none'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'E P Loftus Brook') from Edgar Philip Loftus Brook, FSA, FRIBA, Hon. Sec. of the British Archaeological Association, to Norwich geologist and antiquary John Gunn, regarding membership and contributions of papers.

Edgar Philip Loftus Brook (d.1895), FSA, FRIBA, Hon. Secretary of the British Archaeological Association [Rev. John Gunn (1801-1890), Norwich geologist and antiquary; Walter de Gray Birch (1842-1924)]
Publication details: 
The first from 37 Bedford Place, Russell Square, and the second from 19 Montagu Place, Bedford Square; both on letterheads of the British Archaeological Association. 11 September 1879 and 6 May 1880.

Both letters 2pp., 12mo, on bifoliums. Both good, on lightly-aged paper. On both letterheads Brook has cancelled the printed address and the name of the Association's president. ONE: Regarding the renewal of Gunn's membership, 'the guinea entrance fee' being unnecessary in his case. 'I have also noted my enquiry if you will contribute a paper when convenient upon the Saxon works in your district. This will be very acceptable to us.' TWO: He has sent Gunn the proof of his 'interesting little paper with which you favoured us at Caistor'.

Autograph Letter Signed ['C S Lefevre'] from Charles Shaw-Lefevre, 1st Viscount Eversley

George John Shaw-Lefevre
Autograph Letter Signed ['G Shaw Lefevre'] from George John Shaw-Lefevre
Publication details: 
14 April [no year]; House of Commons.
Autograph Letter Signed ['G Shaw Lefevre'] from George John Shaw-Lefevre

12mo, 2 pp. 13 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. His unnamed correspondent has 'done no end of good by rousing the attention of the Engineering World to the Portsmouth Question'. He is engaged on 20 April, and so will be prevented from availing himself of 'Col Grey's Offer'.

Typed transcripts of a number of First World War documents, including copies of Sir John French's despatches on the Retreat from Mons, and the Battles of the Marne and of Aisne, as well as communications from French, Joffre and Sir Edward Grey.

[Transcripts of First World War documents by Sir John French, Sir Edward Grey, General Joseph Joffre and others]
Publication details: 
Undated. The original documents dating from between 28 July 1914 and 2 January 1915.

Folio, 38 pp; and 4to, 22 pp. Trade source stated that this material was found in a file marked War Office, suggesting official file copies. All documents clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. All foreign documents translated into English. The main documents are Sir John French's Despatch on the Retreat from Mons, 7 September 1914 (folio, 10 pp); French's Despatch on the Battle of the Marne, 17 September 1914 (folio, 5 pp); French's Despatch on the Battle of the Aisne, 8 October 1914 (folio, 12 pp); Joffre's General Instruction No. 1, 8 August [1914] (folio, 4 pp).

The Unhappy Princesses. In two Parts. Containing First, The Secret History of Queen Anne Bullen. [...] Secondly, The History of the Lady Jane Grey. [...] Adorn'd with Pictures.

R. B.' [i.e. 'Robert Burton', pseudonym of Nathaniel Crouch (c.1640-1725?), London printer and bookseller]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for N. Crouch, at the Bell against Grocers-Alley, in the Poultry, near Cheapside. 1710.

12mo: 159 + [9] pp. (Publisher's catalogue of 'Books Printed for Nath. Crouch at the Bell against Grocers-Alley in the Poultrey near Cheapside.' begins at foot of p.159 and continues for nine unpaginated pages, ending 'FINIS.') Lacks frontispiece. Woodcuts on pp.26, 61 and 121. In worn original calf binding. No endpapers. Aged and with worn fore-edge. Separate title to second part on p.89 ('The Secret History of the Lady Jane Gray', 'London: Printed for Nath. Crouch. 1710.') Scarce: COPAC only lists reproductions, with the note: 'R.B.

Typed Letter Signed ('John G. Murray') to 'Mrs. Norsworthy'.

John Murray the sixth [John Grey Murray; Jock Murray; John Arnaud Robin Grey Murray (1909-1993), London publisher
Publication details: 
9 March 1936; on the firm's 50 Albemarle Street letterhead.

4to, 1 p. Eight lines in typescript and one line in manuscript. Good, on lightly-aged paper. With stamped Envelope addressed in manuscript. The firm is 'sorry to hear' that she intends to 'take two volumes' over her book on Henry III, not considering that 'a biography of him could succeed in more than one complete volume. To take him to 1237 in the first volume would spoil the completeness of what we feel should be a one-volume biography.' He adds in manuscript: 'I hope we will not prove too unwieldy.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Walpole') to unnamed male correspondent.

Horatio Walpole (1723-1809), 4th Baron Walpole, 2nd Baron Walpole of Wolterton, created Earl of Orford in 1806
Publication details: 

4to: 3 pp. A bifolium, mounted onto a larger piece of paper by a strip along the inner margin of the verso of the second leaf. Separated horizontally into two parts by a central tear which has been neatly repaired with archival tape, but with the 39 lines of text clear and entire. A signficant letter regarding the political climate in the County of Norfolk in the period preceding the general parliamentary election of 1768.

Autograph Letter [or draft?] Signed ('Geo. Grey') to unnamed male correspondent.

Sir George Grey (1799–1882), politician [South Africa; Captain Stockenstrom]
Publication details: 
15 May 1838; Downing Street.

12mo, 3 pp. Good, with traces of previous brown-paper mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium. His 'time is too fully occupied' for him 'to attend the meeting of the Aborigines Protection Society'. Discusses the parliamentary prospects of 'Mr. Baines' motion relative to the emigration of certain inhabitants of the Eastern district of the Cape'. 'In the meantime however I hope Mr is aware that he is fully at liberty to call on Mr. <?> the Librarian of this Dept. who is authorized to submit to him Captain Stockenstrom's despatches on this subject'.

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