[Postal history: Sir Matthew John Tierney, surgeon.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Francis Freeling, Secretary of the General Post Office, complaining of a misdirected letter, with annotation by Freeling and postal inspector Benjamin Critchett.

Sir Matthew John Tierney (1776-1845), Anglo-Irish surgeon [Sir Francis Freeling (1764-1836), Secretary of the General Post Office; Benjamin Critchett, Inspector of Letter Carriers]
Publication details: 
5 February 1835. Brighton.

See the entries on Tierney (Physician-in-Ordinary to George IV and William IV) and Freeling (also a noted bibliophile) in the Oxford DNB. The letter is 3pp, 12mo, with underlinings in red pencil (probably by Freeling), and the reverse of the second leaf carrying the address and annotations by Freeling and Critchett. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with folds for postage and strip of tape from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf, which also has a strip of paper with an ANS by Critchett laid down lengthwise along the outer edge.

[Norfolk postal history.] Autograph Album titled ‘The Posts in Norfolk Related under the headings of the respective Towns and Villages’, ‘Compiled and Arranged by A. E. Trout / South Cave. E. Yks’; franks, stamps, covers and other matter inserted.

[Norfolk postal history; British Post Office in East Anglia] A. E. Trout of South Cave, East Yorkshire [Society of Postal Historians, London]
Publication details: 
Written in 1950s. Introductory note dated April 1956; from Church Street, South Cave, East Yorkshire. Volume begins around 1952, and latest item is from December 1959. Contains Norfolk franks from 1829, 1835 and 1884.

An interesting and informative item in postal history, which in 1956 received the endorsement of being exhibited at the Pall Mall headquarters of the Society of Postal Historians (see below). Manuscript title-page reads: ‘The Posts in Norfolk. / Related under the headings of the respective Towns and Villages. / With various Post Town Lists, Introductory Notes, and Illustrated with Letters, Covers, Stamps, Postmarks, Cuttings, and other Postal Material. / Compiled and Arranged by / A. E. Strout / South Cave. E. Yks.’ 173pp, 4to.

[William Manning, Governor of the Bank of England, West Indian merchant, slaveowner.] Autograph Letter Signed to Francis Freeling of the Post Office, regarding a 'communication' indicating 'the delusion which prevails in the public mind' on a subject

William Manning (1763-1835), Governor of the Bank of England, West Indian merchant, slaveowner, Tory MP, father of Cardinal Manning [Francis Freeling (1764-1836), Secretary of the General Post Office]
Publication details: 
‘Bank of England, / April 28th. 1818.’ London.

See his entry, and Freeling’s, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. Aged and worn, with nicks and closed tears around the edges, but not near the valediction ‘Yours very faithfully / W: Manning.’ Addressed to ‘Francis Freeling, Esqr.’ Begins: ‘My dear Sir, / Your Letter of yesterday I have just received & am exceedingly obliged to you for the communication it contains - it is quite distressing to see the delusion which prevails in the public mind on this subject -’. He is ‘submitting the Extract of the Norwich paper sent by Mr.

[Lord Grey and colonial postal arrangements, 1850.] Two printed Colonial Office documents: a copy of a letter from W. L. Maberly of the General Post Office to H. Merivale of the Colonial Office; and a covering circular dispatch on ‘Book Posts’.

Lord Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1850 [W. L. Maberly of the General Post Office; Herman Merivale; Royal Mail; book post]
Publication details: 
ONE: W. L. Maberly to H. Merivale; dated from General Post Office, 14 December 1850. TWO: Headed ‘Book Posts’; dated from Downing Street, 27 December 1850.

Both items scarce: no other copies traced. In good condition, lightly aged. Disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript. ONE: Copy of letter from W. L. Maberly to ‘H. Merivale, Esq., / &c. &c. &c. / Colonial Office’, dated from General Post Office, 14 December 1850. 2pp, 8vo. Paginated in manuscript 257-258.

[Admiral George Anson Byron, 7th Baron Byron of Rochdale, cousin and successor of the poet Lord Byron.] Autograph Signature ('Byron') on frank of letter to the Hon. Mrs Collingwood.

George Anson Byron (1789-1868), 7th Baron Byron of Rochdale, Royal Navy admiral, and cousin of the poet Lord Byron, whom he succeeded to the title [Admiral Collingwood; Collingwood House, Kent]
Publication details: 
'Portsmouth December Seventh 1826', with frank of 8 December 1826.

Frank on 7 x 13 cm panel cut from front of envelope. In good condition, lightly aged, laid down on part of leaf from album, with the reverse carrying part of the frank to a letter from another unidentified individual, with free postmark from 1826. Byron's frank has the customary red-ink postmark at top right ('FREE | 8 DE 8 | 1826'), and is laid out by him in the customary fashion: 'Portsmouth December Seven | 1826 | The Honble. Mrs. Collingwood | Hawkhurst | Kent'. Byron's signature 'Byron.', at bottom left, is only underlined, and not enclosed within the two parallel lines as required.

[Royal Mail; General Post Office.] Six items in Postal History: subscription form for Post Office Relief Fund, 1914; circular from E. W. Walker of National Federation of Sub-Postmasters; article on 'A Postal Anniversary'; three Glasgow District items

[Royal Mail; General Post Office; postal history; Post Office Relief Fund, 1914; National Federation of Sub-Postmasters; Glasgow District Manager; George Ritchie of Linlithgow]
Publication details: 
[Royal Mail; General Post Office; Glasgow District Manager] 1914, 1916 and 1940.

Six items. The collection in fair condition, apart from Item Two. ONE: Printed form, a 'List of Subscribers' for the 'Post Office Relief Fund. | Second Appeal.' Dated '11/14T', i.e. November 1914. (In 1914 the Post Office set up a relief fund to help relatives of GPO staff who had gone off to fight.) 1p, folio. Eleven lines of text are followed by the 'List of Subscribers', in three columns headed: 'Name', 'Rate for every complete 10/-' and 'I hereby authorise the deduction of my Subscription from my salary', the last subdivided into 'Signature' and 'Rank'.

[Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent, son George III, brother of George IV and father of Queen Victoria.] Secretarial Letter, Signed ('Edward'), requesting Sir Francis Freeling to take particular pains in sending a letter to Germany.

Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent and Strathearn (1767-1820), fourth son of George III, brother of George IV, father of Queen Victoria [Sir Francis Freeling (1764-1836), Secretary, General Post Office]
Publication details: 
'Castle hill Lodge [Ealing] | 30th. June 1803'.

3pp, 4to. Bifolium. Signature ('Edward') in the prince's hand, the rest of the letter by a secretary. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight damage to one corner of first leaf, and thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf, which is franked 'Kent & Strathearn', with postmark, and addressed to 'Francis Freeling Esquire | &c &c &c | Genl. Post Office | Lombard Street | London'. Folded four times.

[ David Davies, editor and proprietor of the South Wales Daily Post, Swansea ] Typed Letter Signed ('Dd. Davies'), with long autograph postscript, to Sir Courtenay Mansel, regarding Mansel's palmistry reading and Davies's subsequent health problems.

David Davies, editor and proprietor of the South Wales Daily Post, Swansea [ Sir Courtenay Cecil Mansel (1880-1933), Welsh politician ]
Publication details: 
On elaborate engraved letterhead of the South Wales Daily Post, 211 High Street, Swansea. 12 May 1921.

3pp., 8vo. Autograph postscript of nine lines on otherwise-blank reverse of second leaf. On aged and worn paper, with holing to one corner from stud which attached the leaves together. He was pleased to hear from Mansel, and understands from his letter that 'notwithstanding your disabilities you manage to put in a deal of work'. He continues: 'I shall be particularly interested in your plays, which are more in my line than music. He quotes Mansel's 'notes on the print of my hand', which he finds 'particularly interesting, in view of the fact that they were made more than 11 years ago'.

[ John Harraden of the Post Office. ] Autograph Letter Signed to the Earl of Chesterfield, complaining of the 'hardships' of his case, and requesting his intervention, with reference to William Hayley of Earlham, John Palmer, George White Thomas.

John Harraden of the Post Office [ Philip Stanhope, 5th Earl of Chesterfield (1755-1815), Postmaster General; William Hayley (1745-1820); George White Thomas (c.1750-1821); John Palmer (1742-1818) ]
Publication details: 
No. 26 Compton Street, Soho. 10 November 1808.

The recipient of the letter, the 5th Earl of Chesterfield, was Postmaster General between 1790 and 1798. The 'Mr. Palmer' mentioned in the text is John Palmer (1742-1818), MP for Bath, who was Comptroller General of the Post Office between 1786 and 1792. Harraden appears to have been regarded by his superiors as a whistle-blower and trouble-maker.

[ Maurice O'Connell, Irish politician. ] Two Autograph Letters, the first signed and the second in the third person, to the Postmaster General the Earl of Lichfield, recommending individuals for employment in the Post Office.

Maurice O'Connell (c.1801-1853), Irish politician, Member of Parliament for Tralee 1832-1837 and 1838-1853, son of Daniel O'Connell ('The Liberator') [ Thomas Anson, 1st Earl of Lichfield (1795-1854)]
Publication details: 
Both from 16 Pall Mall, London. June 1838 and June 1840.

The two letters are in fair condition, lightly aged and soiled. ONE: 'Friday' (docketed date June 1838). 2pp., 12mo. Applying for 'the Post of Guard to Any of the Roads', on behalf of 'James Poyntz of Tralee'. On the reverse Lichfield has written 'sorry cannot'. TWO: 'Friday' (docketed date 19 June 1840). 2pp., 12mo. 'Mr Maurice O'Connell presents his Compliments to Lord Lichfield and begs to recommend bearer John Keating for employment as a Letter Carrier - Mr M O'C will feel much obliged by Keating's appointment'. Docketed by Lichfield on reverse: 'a test - but negligible chance'.

[ Morgan John O'Connell, Member of Parliament for Kerry. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. J: O'Connell') to the Postmaster General the Earl of Lichfield

Morgan John O'Connell (1811-1875), Irish politician, Member of Parliament for Kerry, 1835-1852, half-brother of Daniel O'Connell ('The Liberator') [ Thomas Anson, 1st Earl of Lichfield (1795-1854) ]
Publication details: 
14 Manchester Buildings, Westminster. 15 May 1840.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Recommending for employment in the Post Office 'Mr. Paul Scollard, who is a young man of most respectable connexions, but whose circumstances are such as to render a very humble situation an object to him - If a vacancy should soon occur in the Letter Carrying Department, I would respectfully solicit the appointment from Your Lordship for him'.

[ Sir Andrew Halliday, Scottish physician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Andrew Halliday') to the Postmaster General the Duke of Manchester, giving details of his investigation into 'some system of individual plunder' involving franks.

Sir Andrew Halliday (1782-1839), Scottish physician [ William Montagu, 5th Duke of Manchester (1771-1843), Governor of Jamaica, Postmaster General; Sir Horace Beauchamp Seymour (1791-1851) ]
Publication details: 
Hampton Court. 27 June 1829.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Docketed crosswise across the valediction, including the signature, but not in an overly-obtrusive fashion. An interesting letter, casting light on the franking system and fraud within the pre-Hill Post Office.

[ Royal Navy and Post Office Packets. ] Two printed forms, proofs completed in manuscript, one with diagrams, the other 'Private Signals for His Majesty's Brigs, Cutters, Luggers, &c. employed in Cruizing on the Coasts of the United Kingdom [...]'.

[ Royal Navy and Post Office Packets, signals of 1812 ]
Publication details: 
[ Royal Navy. ] Dating from May 1812, with later notes referring to cancellation in March 1818.

Four items, in fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with slight creasing. ONE: Printed form, partially completed in manuscript. On one side of 31.5 x 19.5 cm piece of laid paper with Britannia watermark. Headed: 'PRIVATE SIGNALS for His Majesty's Brigs, Cutters, Luggers, &c. employed in Cruizing on the Coasts of the United Kingdom, Commanded by Lieutenants, viz.' Above the heading, in manuscript: 'Proof | See letter 1st. October 1812.

[ Sir Algernon Borthwick, Conservative politician and newspaper proprietor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Algernon Borthwick') to 'Miss Frere'

Sir Algernon Borthwick [ Algernon Borthwick, 1st Baron Glenesk ] (1830-1908), Conservative Party politician and owner of the Morning Post newspaper
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 139 Piccadilly, W. [ London ]. 5 January [ no year ].

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight smudging to second page. Annotated by the recipient 'read & burn'. He explains that he is 'just off to Eastbourne', and asks her to send on her letter 'to The Editor [of the Morning Post]', adding that it is 'a risk to send to me'. He concludes by explaining that he and his wife have 'given our present long ago & I am subscribing to a Kensington one. We cannot subscribe to all.'

[ United States Postal Service. ] Folder of 35 printed publicity items, including 22 issues of the 'Philatelic Release' of the 'Information Service | Post Office Department', posters for postmasters' bulletin boards,

[ United States Postal Service ]
Publication details: 
United States Postal Service, Washington, D.C. Dating from between 1960 and 1966.

The collection of 37 items (35 publicity items and two cables) is in good condition, in a blue card folder. The following description is divided into seven parts. ONE: 22 issues of the 'Philatelic Release' of the 'information Service | Post Office Department', dating from between 22 October 1965 and 11 June 1966. Totalling 51pp., 8vo. An incomplete run. Giving information relating to the new releases of stamps, including 'the John F.

[ Robert S. Sievier, Anglo-Australian bookmaker, racehorse owner and gambler ] 'The Imperial Number' of 'The Winning Post' newspaper, entirely devoted to a commemoration of King Edward VII, well printed in letterpress on vellum paper.

Robert S. Siever [ Robert Standish Sievier (1860-1939)], Anglo-Australian bookmaker, racehorse owner, gambler and journalist, editor of 'The Winning Post'
Publication details: 
[ London. ] 14 May 1910.

For information about Sievier's colourful and disreputable career, see his entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography, which states that, under the name of 'Sutton', Sievier was 'the first bookmaker in Victoria to bet with bag and clerk, standing on a regular pitch and issuing numbered tickets for the horses backed'. In 1887 he returned to England afer his bookmaker's license was withdrawn following his assault on Lord Deerhurst.

[ Victorian valentine Card. ] Hand-coloured engraved Victorian valentine card, depicting a young lady in shorts posting a letter, with the caption 'A valentine for my little friend'.

[ Victorian valentine card, engraved and hand-coloured ] [ Royal Mail; Post Office; women's fashion ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [ London, 1880s? ]

On one side of a piece of 14 x 9 cm paper, with embossed design to the scalloped edges. Hand-coloured in yellow, pink, red, purple, grey and plum. A smiling young girl, blonde-haird and rosy cheeks, in gentleman's hat, muffler, plum velvet jacket, purple shorts and red tights, stands on the pavement, looking smiling at the viewer as she posts a letter with a red wax seal into a box marked 'Post Office' and 'London 12'. The caption at the foot reads: 'A VALENTINE | FOR MY LITTLE FRIEND'.

[Sir William Henry Preece, electrical engineer to the Post Office system.] Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Note Signed (both 'W. H Preece') to Clement Hoult.

Sir William Henry Preece (1834-1913), electrical engineer and inventor, a student of Faraday, electrican to the Post Office system [Clement Hoult, Wolverhampton accountant]
Publication details: 
The letter on letterhead of 8 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, S.W. [London] 24 April 1902. The note on letterhead of Gothic Lodge, Wimbledon Common. 30 April 1902.

Both items in good condition, on lightly aged paper. LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He begins by informing him when he will be arriving in Wolverhampton from Euston, adding that he will be 'very glad' to see Hoult 'and the Chairman at the R[ailway]. S[tation].' He 'will have to go direct to the Agricultural Hall to give directions to my men what to do. Kerr comes down later.' He concludes in the hope that 'Mr Hook from Birmingham will come early also'. NOTE: 1p., 16mo. Mourning border. 'I have not seen a report of my address. Was it printed?'

[Handbill; General Post Office] Late Posting of Letters

[Postmaster General]
Publication details: 
General Post Office, June 1897. Printed for H.M. Stationery Office by W.P. Griffiths & Sons Ltd [...] 6/97.

One page, 8vo, fold mark, small chip off corner, text complete and ow good. A request for letters to be posted earlier to relieve strains on the system. No other copy yet traced.

[Printed pamphlet in favour of postal reform.] Our Postal Express. Speech of Hon. William Sulzer, of New York, In the House of Representatives. Thursday, June 9, 1910. [Including endorsement by Frederick C. Beach, editor of Scientific American.]

William Sulzer ['Plain Bill Sulzer'] (1863-1941), 39th Governor of New York; Frederick C. Beach, President Postal Progress League and Editor of Scientific American [postal service]
Publication details: 
[Washington, D.C., June 1910.] Beach's printed letter of endorsement dated 13 June 1910.

8pp., 12mo. Stapled and unbound. In good condition, on aged high-acidity paper, with slight wear to extremities. Blind stamps and shelfmark of the Hartford Theological Seminary. The text begins: 'The House having under consideration the bill (S. 5876) to establish postal savings depositories for depositing savings at interest with the security of the Government for the repayment thereof, and for other purposes - | Mr SULZER said: [...]'.

[Charles Nunneley and C. O. Smith, eds.] Edwardian circulating magazine 'The Budget: An AGD Magazine', containing unique original contributions by workers at General Post Office, North London, including 14 photographs of Cambridge by E. G. Richardson

Charles Nunneley [Lieut. Charles Francis Nunneley (1883-1914)] and C. O. Smith, eds [E. G. Richardson; W. H. Haines; General Post Office, North London; postal; Edwardian circulating magazine]
Publication details: 
'A & R Branch | A. G. Dept | General Post Office (North) | London | E.C.' Issue 16, undated [c.1902].

99 + [3] pp., 4to, of which 31pp. are original photographs, on grey card mounts, each with tissue guard and manuscript caption in white ink. A further five small photographs laid down on pages of the typed text. In very good condition, on aged paper, in modern green leather quarter-binding with cloth boards and misleading title on spine 'THE BUDGET | CAMBRIDGE' In a contemporary hand on leaf preceding title-page: 'Please return to | Chas Nunneley | (Room 1, 3rd Floor) | A & R Branch | A. G. Dept | General Post Office (North) | (London) | E.C. | or to | C. O.

['A Llanbrynmair Farmer'.] Printed pamphlet: 'Letters on Improvements, addressed to Landlords and Road Commissioners, with a Petition to Parliament for a Cheap Ocean Postage; and a Memorial to the Prime Minister for Franchise Reforms.'

'A Llanbrynmair Farmer' [Rev. Samuel Roberts (1800-1885), Welsh author on economic matters, and advocate of postal reform] [Royal Mail; the Post Office; postal reform; transatlantic postage]
Publication details: 
'Albion Office: Published and Sold by the Rev. S. Roberts, Llanbrynmair; and Henry Parry, Printer, Horse-market, Newtown.' 1852.

59pp., 12mo. Stitched. Front wrap present, with the title printed within an ornate border on yellow paper, and the price given as sixpence. In fair condition, on aged paper, with dog-eared corner and slight loss at foot of the worn front wrap. Two ownership inscriptions: 'David Davies his Book' on the inside wrap, and 'David Davies his Book | 1852 | Tynyfawnay Llanfair | Montgomeryshire'.

Autograph Letter in the third person from Lord Bingham [later George Charles Bingham, 3rd Earl of Lucan] to Sir Francis Freeling, Secretary of the General Post Office, regarding a petition to be presented to the House of Commons. With two cuttings.

George Charles Bingham (1800-1888), 3rd Earl of Lucan [Lord Lucan], until 1839 known by the courtesy title Lord Bingham [Sir Francis Freeling (1764-1836), Secretary of the General Post Office]
Publication details: 
3 Park Place [London] 12 June 1830. One of the cuttings dating from the commencement off the Crimean War, 1853.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. 'Lord Bingham presents his compliments to Sir Francis Freeling & will feel much obliged to him if he will be good enough to have the accompanying letter opened & returned to him free of postage as Ld. B. knows it to be a Petition to the House of Commons | Ld. B.

[Printed booklet.] GPO Satellite Station [GPO Satellite Ground Station, Goohilly Downs, England].

[Maurice Rickards (1919-1998); GPO Satellite Station, Goonhilly Downs, England; Telstar]
Publication details: 
Designed and photographed for the Public Relations Department of the GPO by Maurice Rickards. Produced by Contact Studios Ltd and pritned at The Riverside Press Ltd. London and Whitstable. PH 1033. [Circa 1962.]

12pp., 4to. On art paper and in shiny printed wraps. In fair condition, with closed tear to front cover and creased corner to back cover. Strikingly designed by Rickards: heavily printed in black with an occasional touch of pink to headings. Scarce: no copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. From the Pat Hawker archive.

[Printed conference paper.] Earth Station Site Selection.

S. Simpkins, B.Sc. & D.I. Dalgliesh B.Sc. (Eng.), C.Eng. M.I.E.E., British Post Office [United Kingdom Seminar on Communication-Satellite Earth Station Planning and Operation, London, 1968]
Publication details: 
London: United Kingdom Seminar on Communication-Satellite Earth Station Planning and Operation, 1968 (Section B, Paper No. 1).

20pp. (11+2+3+1+2+1), foolscap 8vo, with a further four pages of figures. Stapled, with front cover printed in black, red and blue, carrying stylised design of satellite design. Cover stamped with date 4 June 1968. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Scarce: no copies on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. From the Pat Hawker archive.

[Printed conference paper.] Baseband Assembly Equipment and Terrestrial Extensions.

J. B. Holt, C.Eng. M.I.E.E., British Post Office [United Kingdom Seminar on Communication-Satellite Earth Station Planning and Operation, London, 1968]
Publication details: 
London: United Kingdom Seminar on Communication-Satellite Earth Station Planning and Operation; May 1968 (Section E, Paper No. 5).

14pp., foolscap 8vo, with a further six pages of figures, three of them fold-out. Stapled, with front cover printed in black, red and blue, carrying stylised design of satellite design. Cover stamped with date 4 June 1968. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with corner of last leaf creased. Scarce: no copies on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. From the Pat Hawker archive.

Autograph Signature ('Wm Molesworth'), on a frank, of the Radical Member of Parliament for Southwark.

Sir William Molesworth (1810-1855), 8th Baronet, Radical Member of Parliament for Southwark, editor (with John Stuart Mill) of the Westminster Review
Publication details: 
London. 4 May 1839.

On piece of paper cut from front panel of envelope, 7 x 12.5 cm. In fair condition, with hole in paper made by seal or wafer (not affecting text). Red circular government postmark: 'FREE | 4 MY 4 | 1839'. All in Molesworth's hand, and reading: 'London May four 1839 | H H. Molesworth | St John Coll | Cambridge', with the signature as usual at bottom left: 'Wm Molesworth'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'H. Montagu Butler') from Henry Montagu Butler, successively Headmaster of Harrow School and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, declining an interview with [Sydney Walton of] the Morning Post.

H. Montagu Butler [Henry Montagu Butler] (1833-1918), headmaster of Harrow School, 1859-85, and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1886-1918 [Sydney Walton (1882-1964), publicist]
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of Trinity College, Cambridge. 7 and 12 May 1913.

Each 3pp., 12mo, on bifoliums with the first page headed 'Private'. Both in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper with minor staining from paper clip. Letter One: He hopes he will not 'appear wanting in courtesy to yourself or to the Editor of the Morning Post if I say frankly that I had much rather not have any conversation about my coming birthday, which certain old Harrow pupils and friends propose so kindly to celebrate.' He 'must beg' Walton to 'make allowance for my feeling of reserve on so delicate a matter'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Dungannon') from Arthur Hill-Trevor, 2nd Viscount Dungannon, to an unnamed individual [his agent?], directing him to arrange for the forwarding of letters from Oxford to London.

Arthur Hill-Trevor, 2nd Viscount Dungannon (1763-1837) [Post Office; postal history]
Publication details: 
7 Hertford Street, London. 4 December 1827.

On one side of piece of paper trimmed down to roughly 15 x 18 cm. On aged paper, with wear and loss to corners and extremities caused by removal from a mount. He writes: 'Sir, | I should feel extremely obliged if you cou'd take out of the Post Office two Letters, directed to me at Oxford, as I unexpectedly arrived today in town - | I remain | Sir | Sincly. Yrs. | [signed] Dungannon | 7. Hertford St | 4th. Decbr. 1827'. The signature is complete, but being placed in a corner, is close to an area of wear. Docketed on the reverse in an unknown hand: 'recd.

Interleaved 'P.P.L.' copy, annotated for official use by 'T.K.S.', of the Royal Mail 'Post Office Guide', with two years' corrections (1900-1902), abbreviations for various Post Offices, table of 'Post Towns' between 1900 and 1902, and other matter.

[Royal Mail Post Office Guide, 1899, with official annotations by 'T.K.S.'; philately; post marks; wireless telegraphy]
Publication details: 
'To be obtained at all Post Offices in the United Kingdom. Price Sixpence.' No. 174. 1 October 1899. [Annotations dating from between 1900 and 1902.]

8vo volume, bound up and interleaved for official use. Internally sound and tight, on aged paper; in worn black leather quarter-binding with repair to loose boards. In gilt on spine is the title 'P. P. L.', with 'T. K. S.' at the foot, and these abbreviations are also present in pencil on the title page. The printed guide has a total of 282pp: title leaf + pp.7-24, 43-44, 47-258, 261-280, 357-374. It is interleaved from p.48 to the end with 128 leaves (256pp).

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