[Ivor Novello, hugely-popular Welsh stage and screen actor, dramatist, singer and composer.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph.

Ivor Novello [David Ivor Davies] (1893-1951), Welsh stage and screen actor, dramatist, singer and composer, one of the most popular British entertainers of the first half of the 20th century
Publication details: 
No date or place [1930s?].

Novello’s three decades of unprecedented success began with the First World War song ‘Keep the home fires burning’. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 8.5 x 13.5 cm publicity photograph on postcard, printed in sepia. In good condition, with tiny dink at top left. Captioned at foot ‘MR. IVOR NOVELLO’. Prim-looking with side-parting in white shirt, tie, and dark double breasted suit, the darkness of which makes the signature ‘Ivor Novello’ rather difficult to make out. Scan on application

[Ivor Novello, popular Welsh composer, actor, playwright and movie star.] Autograph Signature for autograph hunter.

Ivor Novello [born David Ivor Davies] (1893-1951), Welsh composer, actor, playwright and movie star, one of the most popular British entertainers of the first half of the twentieth century
Publication details: 
Without place or date (circa 1943?).

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 17.5 x 11 cm leaf of pink paper, extracted from an autograph album. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. In a large sprawling hand: ‘All good wishes / Ivor Novello’. On the reverse: ‘The “Cock-lodger” July 1943 / Don. Dobson / (Dobbie)’.

[‘If it suits me to sing it’. Mary Davies, Welsh mezzo-soprano, first President of the Welsh Folk Song Society.] Autograph Signature to conclusion of Autograph Letter Signed.

Mary Davies (1855-1930), English-born Welsh mezzo-soprano, co-founder and first President of the Welsh Folk Song Society, principal vocalist at the London Ballad Concerts and 1906 National Eisteddfod
Publication details: 
6 October 1882; no place.

On 11 x 14.5 piece of paper, cut for an autograph collector from the conclusion of a letter. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with light patches of discoloration and a couple of pin holes; laid down on piece of cream paper from album. One fold line. Reads: ‘[...] I will be very pleased to look through it and if it suits me to sing it. / With kind regards to all / Believe me to remain / Yours faithfully / Mary Davies’.

['The tarn is metres above the level my legs would take me': Norman Nicholson, Cumbrian poet.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Eric’, commenting wistfully on two correspondents pointing out a ‘simple slip’ in Hunter Davies’ ‘Walk Around the Lakes’.

Norman Nicholson [Norman Cornthwaite Nicholson] (1914-1987), Cumbrian poet [Millom, Cumbria; Lake District; Hunter Davies]
Publication details: 
25 September 1981; Millom, Cumbria.

1p, landscape 8vo. In fair condition; a little creased. Folded twice. Nicholson’s signature is a stylized squiggle, and there are a few minor autograph corrections to the typescript. The letter begins: ‘Dear Eric / I think the correspondent is probably right and that it is Windermere and not Coniston Water which can be seen from near Stickle Tarn.’ Nicholson cannot speak from experience, ‘as the tarn is metres above the level my legs would take me, but the map does seem to confirm what the two correspondents say’.

[Archdeacon Coxe, historian, gives instructions to the parliamentary printer Luke Hansard.] Autograph Letter in the Third Person to 'Mr Hansard'

Archdeacon Coxe [William Coxe, Archdeacon of Bemerton] (1748-1828), historian and Anglican cleric [Luke Hansard (1752-1828), London printer after whom publication of parliamentary debates is named]
Publication details: 
15 December 1805; Bath.

2pp, 18mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with a couple of emendations. The subject is Coxe's 'History of the House of Austria', which was 'Printed by Luke Hansard and Sons, for T. Cadell and W. Davies, in the Strand'. The letter begins: 'Mr. Coxe wishes to keep back for a week or two sheet 3z, because he intends to divide the first Volume into two parts; and therefore desires Mr Hansard not to strike off that Sheet; and will trouble Mr Hansard to transfer the commencement of Ferdinand's reign from p 542.

[David Davies ('Dai'r Cantwr'), the Rebecca Riots and Transportation to Australia: Victorian Welsh street ballad.] Printed poem, titled: 'Can Hiraethlon David Davies (Dai'r Cantwr,) Pan yn Garcharor yng Nghaerfyrddin, am y Terfysg yn amser Becca'.

David Davies (c.1812-1874), Welsh poet known as Dai'r Cantwr (David the Singer), transported to Van Diemen's Land after the Rebecca Riots [nineteenth-century Welsh street ballad]
Publication details: 
No place or date. [Welsh, late Victorian.]

The full title reads: 'Can Hiraethlon | David Davies (Dai'r Cantwr,) | Pan yn Garcharor yng Nghaerfyrddin, am y Terfysg yn amser Becca. | Cenir ar y dôn “Roslin Castle.'” The title may be translated as 'A nostalgic song, written when a prisoner in Carmarthen, for the riot in Becca's time. | Sung to the tune of 'Roslin Castle'. 4pp, 12mo (15.5 x 9 cm). Paginated [1]-4. Disbound. A frail survival: aged and worn, with damp-stain along one edge. Beneath the title is a small vignette of a sailing ship, and at the end of the final page is another of a crown. Poem in four sixteen-line stanzas.

[G. Lionel Wright of Bristol.] Printed educational work on 'How Children may Read at the Age of 6', titled 'The Vocal System based on The Fundamental Laws of Language'.

G. Lionel Wright [Allen, Davies & Co., Bristol printers; Victorian education; language; linguistics; pronunciation]
Publication details: 
Bristol: Printed by Allen, Davies & Co., Nelson Street & Rupert Street. [1902]

20pp., 4to. Stapled into card wraps printed in blue and red. In fair condition, aged and worn, with vertical crease and rusted staples. The front inside wrap carries an 'Introductory Note' (including the claim: 'Half-an-hour's daily practice will produce material results in a very short time.') Labels and stamp of the Board of Education Library. The cover is illustrated with an engraving of two hands emerging from mountains and icebergs and shaking across the waters, above which are the Union Flag and two ensigns (Australia and Canada?), captioned 'Semper Fidelis'.

[John Aikin, physician and author.] Autograph Memorandum Signed ('J. A.') to the London publishers Cadell and Davies, a reader's report providing a damning assessment of a work 'much below mediocrity'.

John Aikin (1747-1822), physician and author, brother of Anna Laetitia Barbauld (1743-1825) [Cadell & Davies [Thomas Cadell the younger and William Davies], London publishers]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but after the establishment of the firm of Cadell & Davies in 1793.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Messs. Cadell & Davies'. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to one edge. An interesting document, providing an insight into the world of Georgian publishing. Without preamble or salutation, reads: 'This work, in point of style, composition, & sentiment – everything, in short, in which the writer's merit is concerned, is much below mediocrity. But whether its subject, & the side it takes in party, might not at the present moment gain it some public favour, is what I cannot answer.

[Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke, Whig politician and writer of the 'Athenian Letters'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hardwicke'), asking Thomas Astle to request the aid of John Topham on a projected third volume of his 'Miscellaneous State Papers'.

Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke (1720-1790), Whig politician and author [Thomas Astle (1735-1803), antiquary; Thomas Cadell the elder (1742-1802), publisher; John Topham (1746-1803), antiquary]
Publication details: 
Bath. 22 November 1783.

The Athenian Letters, primarily written by Hardwicke and his brother Charles, enjoyed considerable vogue on the publication in 1781 of the second edition (a first edition of ten copies had appeared in 1741). The present item relates to a projected third volume of the 'Miscellaneous State Papers', the first two volumes of which had been published by Strahan and Cadell in 1778. John Topham (later Librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury) and Thomas Astle worked together on the public records at Westminster. The present item is 1p, 4to. Bifolium.

[W. H. Davies, Welsh poet, author of 'Autobiography of a Super-Tramp'.] Four Typed Letters Signed, encouraging the writing of 'Mr Harris', i.e. Christopher Fry. With Fry's copy of Davies's 'Ambition and Other Poems' and poem in Fry's autograph.

W. H. Davies [William Henry Davies] (1871-1940), Welsh poet and author of 'Autobiography of a Super-Tramp' [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
The first two letters on letterhead of Malpas House, Oxted; the last on letterhead of The Crofts, Nailsworth, the third from Shenstone, Nailsworth. Between 23 March 1928 and 16 May 1935. Book: London: Jonathan Cape, 1929.

The letters are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, except for the third, which is damp-stained with closed tears at head and foot. The book is in fair condition, without dust wrapper. All four letters are signed 'W. H. Davies.' The first three are addressed to 'Mr Harris', and the last (an ANS rather than an ALS) to 'Mr Fry'. Each is 1p, 12mo. Letter One: 23 March 1928; Malpas House, Oxted. After reading his poem, Davies states, 'I begin to think you ought to take some step towards publishing, as soon as you have enough material.

[ David Davies, editor and proprietor of the South Wales Daily Post, Swansea ] Typed Letter Signed ('Dd. Davies'), with long autograph postscript, to Sir Courtenay Mansel, regarding Mansel's palmistry reading and Davies's subsequent health problems.

David Davies, editor and proprietor of the South Wales Daily Post, Swansea [ Sir Courtenay Cecil Mansel (1880-1933), Welsh politician ]
Publication details: 
On elaborate engraved letterhead of the South Wales Daily Post, 211 High Street, Swansea. 12 May 1921.

3pp., 8vo. Autograph postscript of nine lines on otherwise-blank reverse of second leaf. On aged and worn paper, with holing to one corner from stud which attached the leaves together. He was pleased to hear from Mansel, and understands from his letter that 'notwithstanding your disabilities you manage to put in a deal of work'. He continues: 'I shall be particularly interested in your plays, which are more in my line than music. He quotes Mansel's 'notes on the print of my hand', which he finds 'particularly interesting, in view of the fact that they were made more than 11 years ago'.

[ Fanny Davies, concert pianist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed party, sending a lithograph on the recommendation of the critic J. A. Fuller Maitland, who is singing in her 'little choir'.

Fanny Davies (1861-1934), English pianist, dedicatee of Edward Elgar's 'Concert Allegro' [ J. A. Fuller Maitland [ John Alexander Fuller Maitland ] (1856-1936), music critic ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 52 Wellington Road, St. John's Wood N.W. [ London ]. 13 February 1910.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. Begins: 'Dear Sir | Mr. J. A. Fuller Maitland, who is singing in my little choir is also most kindly helping me by suggesting the right people to sing! & has told me to use his name & send you one of the enclosed lithographed letters which will speak for itself.' She concludes in the hope that he will 'help by singing'.

[ Agnes Nicholls, English soprano, and Ben Davies, Welsh tenor. ] Autograph Signatures on leaf from album.

Agnes Nicholls (1876-1959), English operatic soprano; Ben Davies (1858-1943), Welsh operatic tenor with the Carl Rosa Opera Company
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

Written one above the other on one side of a pink 12mo leaf of paper removed from an album. In fair condition, aged and worn, with small square of tape staining at head, and some light offsetting of ink over Nicholls' signature. Reads: 'Yours sincerely | Ben Davies.' and 'In remembrance of | Agnes Nicholls'.

[ Henry Huntingford, classical scholar, praises the work of Richard Watts, former Printer to the University of Cambridge. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Huntingford') [ to Richard Watts ], praising the work on his edition of Pindar,.

Henry Huntingford (1787-1867), classical scholar [ Richard Watts (d.1844), Printer to the University of Cambridge; Thomas Cadell and William Davies, London booksellers and publishers ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ Circa 1814. ]

The subject of this letter is Huntingford's 'Pindari Carmina', 'excudit R. Watts sumptibus T. Cadell et W. Davies', published in London in 1814. Watts had been made Printer to the University of Cambridge in 1802, resigning in 1809 because, as Stokes notes in his 'Cambridge Stationers, Printers, Bookbiinders, &c' (1919), 'the Press did not prosper under his rule, although, when he left Cambridge, he did good work as a printer of Oriental volumes'. Between around 1812 and 1815 he was working in Broxbourne. In 1816 he moved to London, where he established the Oriental Type-Foundry, Temple Bar.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Thomas Harwood') to Messrs Cadell & Davies, London publishers of his 'History and Antiquities of Lichfield', regarding the price and sending of a presentation copy.

Thomas Harwood (1767-1842), clergyman, author and antiquary, perpetual curate of Hammerwich, near Lichfield, Staffordshire
Publication details: 
Lichfield, Staffordshire. 2 April 1816.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-agedl, with slip of paper from a Victorian book catalogue laid down beneath the signature. Addressed by Harwood on reverse of second leaf, with two postmarks, one of them from Lichfield, 2 August 1806, to 'Mess: Cadell & Davies | Strand | London'. The text reads: 'Gentlemen | I have just been informed, but have not my self seen it, that the History of Lichfield is advertised to be sold at thirty Shillings; lest there should be any mistake, it might be right to remind you, that the price of it is thirty five Shillings.

[ Charles Coote, historian and biographer. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to Cadell of the London pubishers Cadell and Davies

Charles Coote (c.1760-1835), historian and biographer [ Thomas Cadell the younger (1773-1836), publisher with London firm Cadell and Davies ]
Publication details: 
28 January 1814.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Tipped in onto leaf of grey paper removed from an album. Addressed by Coote on reverse to 'Mr. Cadell'. Reads: 'Dr. Coote presents his Compliments to Mr. Cadell, & offers many Apologies for having solong [sic] kept back, from Inattention and Negligence, the Books which Mr. C. furnished for the Supplement to Mosheim. - January 23, 1814.' For more on Coote, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. Cadell & Davies published his six-volume supplement to Mosheim's ecclesiastical history in 1811.

[ Ben Davies, Welsh tenor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ben Davies.'), expressing condolences to the widow of the composer Herman Finck.

Ben Davies (1858-1943), Welsh tenor with the Carl Rosa Opera Company [ Herman Finck [ Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), Anglo-Dutch composer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 33 Compayne Gardens, West Hampstead, NW [ London ]. 23 April 1939.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Docketed at head 'Answered'. Reads: 'Dear Mrs Finck - | We were very grieved to hear of the passing of your dear husband & our old friend - will you please accept our deepest sympathy in your great sorrow - & our prayers that you & your daughters may be greatly comforted - | Very sincerely Yrs. | Ben Davies'. From the Finck papers.

[ Davies Gilbert, President of the Royal Society. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Joseph Banks, praising him fulsomely, while explaining why he cannot attend a meeting on 'the forgery of Bank Notes'.

Davies Gilbert [ born Davies Giddy ] (1767-1839), mathematician, President of the Royal Society [ Sir Joseph Banks (1743-1820), naturalist ]
Publication details: 
'East Bourn' [ Eastbourne ]. 19 July 1818.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper, with slight damage to a few words along one edge due to removal from album. On his return to Eastbourne he has 'found a note announcing the Commission under the Great Seal for appointing Commissioners to inquire into the best mode of preventing the forgery of Bank Notes', and requiring his attendance the following day.

[ Paul Sandby, artist and engraver. ] Pencil notes by 'Paul Sandby Esqr.', over 'Monthly Return of the Classes under the First drawing Master at the Royal Military Academy'. With portrait of Sandby, engraved by H. Landseer from a drawing by W. Evans

Paul Sandby (c.1731-1809), English artist and engraver, Chief Drawing Master at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich [ H. Landseer; W. Evans ]
Publication details: 
Engraving 'Published Dec. 4 1809 by T. Cadell & W. Davies, Strand, London'.

MANUSCRIPT: 1p., folio. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium. On good watermarked laid paper, with pencil text written over an elegantly printed page divided into five columns ('Class', 'Studies', 'Order', 'Names', 'Remarks'), headed (with manuscript additions in square brackets): 'Monthly Return of the Classes under the First drawing Master at the Royal Military Academy. [March] 1st. 17[39 Paul Sandby Esqr.]'. The manuscript text is written both across the page and lengthwise. At the foot is a stave of music, with the words 'Violoncelloe [sic] de la music militaire'.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] A Brief Memoir of James Davies, Master of the National School, on Devauden-Hill, Monmouthshire. By a Clergyman.

'A Clergyman' [ also 'J. A. G.', i.e. James Ashe Gabb ] [ James Davies (1765-1849), schoolmaster of Devauden Hill, Monmouthshire, Wales ]
Publication details: 
London: C. & J. Rivington, Hatchard & Son, Seeley & Son; Chilcot and Richardson, Bristol; and all Booksellers in Monmouthshire. 1832. [ 'Chilcott, Printer, Wine Street, Bristol.' ]

xi + 41pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, in worn twentieth-century binding, with the bookplate of the City of Cardiff Public Libraries, but no library stamps or other indications. Two-page dedication to 'Edward [ Copleston ], Bishop of Llandaff', followed by seven-page preface. The memoir is contained in letters to 'Miss B.' In 1831 Gabb writes of a visit to Davies: 'He s still the same. Keeping the noiseless tenor of his way on his favourite hill.

[Victorian Fleet Street. ] Manuscript Letter Signed ('C. A<lcock?>') to 'Mr. Clarke', discussing in detail the setting up of a newspaper, with 'promised contributions' by 'Baron Reuter', and funding by 'Capitalists' Duddell and Davies.

[ Paul Julius de Reuter (1816-1899), Baron de Reuter, news agency founder [ George Duddell (1821-1887); Henry Daniel Davies of Spring Grove House, Isleworth; Charles William Alcock; Fleet Street ]
Publication details: 
10 Hohenzollern Strasse W., Berlin [ Prussia ]. 16 July 1874.

6pp., 12mo. Bifolium and single leaf. On aged and worn paper, with 4 cm closed tear to all three leaves. A highly interesting letter, illuminating Victorian Fleet Street and City of London practices. The author's signature is frustratingly illegible, but may well be that of sports journalist Charles William Alcock (1842-1907). The recipient is possibly James Clarke (d.1888), editor of The Christian World. The author opens the letter with the 'conclusions' he has arrived at regarding the 'various schemes' which he 'maturely reflected upon' in a discussion with Clarke the previous week.

[ Cadell & Davies, London booksellers. ] Autograph Note Signed from 'S. Cadell' to 'Mr Lawless' [ the firm's assistant Robert Lawless ], instructing him to deliver copies of Pope's Homer to 'Mr Nichols' [ John Bowyer Nichols ].

S. Cadell [ John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863), printer and publisher; Robin Lawless (1724-1806), Irish-born assistant to the London booksellers Cadell & Davies [ Thomas Cadell & William Davies ] ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London, pre-1806. ]

On one side of a small rectangle of laid paper, with one corner snipped off. In fair condition, aged and worn, with spike hole not affecting text. Reads: 'Mr Lawless | Deliver Mr Nichols Ninety Popes omer 4 Vol. | S. Cadell'. Although clearly a member of the firm, the identity of the writer is unclear, the descriptions of Cadell & Davies material at the Huntingdon and Yale not yielding any information.

[Robert Owen, Welsh utopian socialist.] Manuscript List of newspapers, addressed to 'Robert Owen, Esqr.' [by his publishers Cadell & Davies], with note stating that they are 'The Papers Mr Owens Pamphlet [probably 'A New View of Society'] is to go'.

[Robert Owen (1771-1858), Welsh social reformer and utopian socialist; Cadell & Davies, London publishers]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. On paper watermarked 'H WILLMOTT | 1812'.

1p., small 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper, with spike hole (not affecting text). Listing seventeen newspapers, from 'The Times' to 'Drakard's paper', with note running up the right-hand margin: 'The Papers Mr Owens Pamphlet is to go'. Addressed on reverse to 'Robert Owen, Esqr.' From the archives of Cadell & Davies, publishers in 1813 of Owen's 'New View of Society'.

[Osbert Sitwell and Margaret Barton.] Offprint of their chapter on 'Taste' in 'Johnson's England', presented to Margaret Llewellyn Davies, Peter Pan's aunt, by Margaret Barton, with ANS stating that 'It is one of a "limited edition" of three.'

Osbert Sitwell and Margaret Barton [Margaret Llewellyn Davies (1861-1944), general secretary of the Women's Co-Operative Guild; suffragist; Arthur Stanley Turberville; Samuel Johnson]
Publication details: 
Published in 'Johnson's England', ed. A. S. Turberville. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1933.

40pp., 8vo, with four plates. Paginated 1-40 (the chapter appears with the same pagination at the beginning of the second of the two volumes of the book). Bound in green buckram, with 'TASTE | OSBERT SITWELL | AND | MARGARET BARTON' stamped in gilt on front board. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in lightly-worn binding.

[Census of England and Wales, 1911.] Six printed documents comprising: 'Welsh Schedule' and 'enlarged' schedule, set of 'Explanatory Notes', and circular, memorandum and notice issued by the Welsh Department, Board of Education, Whitehall.

[Census of England and Wales, 1911; Welsh Department, Board of Education, Whitehall, London; Bernard Mallet, Registrar-General; John Burns, President; Alfred T. Davies]
Publication details: 
Three of the documents from the Welsh Department, Board of Education, Whitehall. 1910 and 1911.

The six items are in excellent condition, on lightly-aged paper. None of the forms have been filled in. From the Board of Education Reference Library, but with no indications of the fact. ONE: An 'enlarged copy of the front of the Occupier's Schedule' (so described in Item Five below), headed 'CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911.' Printed in March 1911 by Eyre & Spottiswoode ('3/11. E. & S.'), on one side of a piece of 68 x 86 cm. paper.

[Thomas Medland, engraver.] Signed Autograph Receipt of payment for two engravings executed for the London booksellers Cadell & Davies.

Thomas Medland (c.1765-1833), engraver, and drawing-master at Haileybury College [Cadell and Davies, London booksellers; Thomas Cadell the younger (1773-1836) and William Davies]
Publication details: 
24 July 1802.

On 9.5 x 19cm piece of paper. With twopenny embossed official stamp 'For Receipts'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of mount on blank reverse. Reads: '24 July 1802 | Recd. of Messrs. Cadell & Davies the sum of Twenty pounds Nine Shillgs. & 6. as pr. bill delivered for engraving two Plates St. Geo: de Mina & a Naval Medal. | Thos: Medland | £20 . 9 . 6'. Itemised at foot in another hand: 'View of St. Geo: de Mina - 18 . 18 . 0 | A naval Medal 1 . 11 . 6 | [total] 20 . 9 . 6'.

[Rev. David Henry Urquhart.] Autograph Letter Signed from his wife Eliza Urquhart to his publishers [Cadell & Davies], urging them to send proofs [of his 'Commentaries on Classical Learning'] more quickly, or 'the Season will inevitably be lost'.

Rev. David Henry Urquhart (c.1754-1829), Prebendary of Lincoln [Cadell & Davies, London publishers; Thomas Cadell (1773-1836); William Davies; Andrew Strahan (1750-1831), printer; Spottiswoode]
Publication details: 
Doncaster. 5 May [1803].

1p., 4to. On aged paper, with damage and discoloration to one margin. Eliza Urquhart begins her letter: 'Gentlemen, | Mr Urquhart has desired me to acquaint you that he thinks it would be adviseable immediately to see Mr Spotswood [i.e. Spottiswoode, then an employee of the book's printer Andrew Strahan] on the subject of accelerating the printing of his work, as from the present tardiness with which the proofs are sent, he thinks the Season will inevitably be lost'.

Manuscript 'Inventory of Plate and other articles bequeathed by the Fifth Codicil to the Will of The Right Honourable John Manners Earl of Hardwicke, to go and be held and enjoyed with the Title and Honours of Hardwicke.' Signed by the trustees.

Messrs Green & Abbott, 33 Davies Street, Berkeley Square, London; Richard Woollcombe, solicitor, 36 Theobald's Road, London [John Manners Yorke (1840-1909), 7th Earl of Hardwicke]
Publication details: 
In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, London. 1920.

14pp., small 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper, in ruled notebook, in worn black morocco binding, with marbled endpapers, and the following stamped in gilt on the front cover: 'The Right Honble John Manners | Earl of Hardwicke deceased | Inventory of Heirlooms'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L: D: Campbell') from Captain Lawrence Dundas Campbell [to either of his publishers Thomas Cadell or William Davies], concerning the placing of advertisements for two of his books.

L. D. Campbell [Captain Lawrence Dundas Campbell], editor of the Asiatic Annual Register [Thomas Cadell, jnr (1773-1836); William Davies (d.1819)]
Publication details: 
St. Alban's Hotel, St. Alban's Street [London]. 'Wednesday' [circa 1808].

1p., 4to. Spike hole. In good condition, on aged dusty paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir, I must request, as a particular favour, that you will advertise both the "Reply" and the "Letter on the Charges &c" in all the Morning and Evening papers both on Friday, and on Monday next. | I am | Dear Sir, | Very faithfully yours | L: D: Campbell'.

Autograph Signature of the British novelist Margaret Kennedy [Margaret Davies, Lady Davies].

Margaret Kennedy [Margaret Davies, Lady Davies] (1896-1967), English novelist and playwright
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On one side of a piece of 11 x 11 cm paper, cut from the bottom of a letter. In good condition, lightly-aged. Reads, all in Kennedy's hand: 'Yours sincerely | Margaret Kennedy'.

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