[Archdeacon Coxe, historian, gives instructions to the parliamentary printer Luke Hansard.] Autograph Letter in the Third Person to 'Mr Hansard'

Archdeacon Coxe [William Coxe, Archdeacon of Bemerton] (1748-1828), historian and Anglican cleric [Luke Hansard (1752-1828), London printer after whom publication of parliamentary debates is named]
Publication details: 
15 December 1805; Bath.

2pp, 18mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with a couple of emendations. The subject is Coxe's 'History of the House of Austria', which was 'Printed by Luke Hansard and Sons, for T. Cadell and W. Davies, in the Strand'. The letter begins: 'Mr. Coxe wishes to keep back for a week or two sheet 3z, because he intends to divide the first Volume into two parts; and therefore desires Mr Hansard not to strike off that Sheet; and will trouble Mr Hansard to transfer the commencement of Ferdinand's reign from p 542.

[ Bill for Removing the Civil Disabilities of the Jews, 1834. ] Contemporary manuscript transcript of the conclusion of the debate on the motion for the second reading of the bill.

Bill for Removing the Civil Disabilities of the Jews, 1834 [ British Parliament; House of Lords ]
Publication details: 
[ 1834. ]

21pp., 4to. On six loose bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Incomplete: paginated 23 to 32 (the last a mistake for 33).

[Report from the Select Committee on Publications, together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. [with] Index to the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Publications.

[Report from the House of Commons Select Committee on Publications, 1908.]
Publication details: 
Both 'Report' and 'Index': 'Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 10th December, 1908.' and both 'London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, By Vacher and Sons, Westminster House, Great Smith Street, S.W.'

Report: 8vo, xvi + 115 pp. In original blue printed wraps. Index: 8vo, ten pages, unbound, continuing pagination to 126. Both items fair, on aged paper, and both carrying unobtrusive stamp of the University of Hull. Chipping and repair with archival tape to wrap of 'Report'. The Committee was 'appointed to examine the Publications printed by Order of this House [of Commons] or presented to it through Public Departments, and to call attention to any case in which unnecessary expense has been incurred'. Scarce: the only copy of the 'Report' on COPAC at Southampton, and no copy of the 'Index'.

Report of the Select Committee on Publications; together with the Proceedings of the Committee.

[Report of the House of Commons Select Committee on Publications, 1907.]
Publication details: 
'Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 26 July 1907.' London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, By Wyman and Sons, Limited, 109, Fetter Lane, E.C.

8vo, xii + [i] pp. Unbound. Fair, on aged paper, with title carrying unobtrusive stamp of the University of Hull. The Committee was 'appointed to examine the PUBLICATIONS printed by Order of this HOUSE [of Commons], or presented to it through PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS, and to call attention to any case in which unnecessary expense has been inucurred.' Scarce: the only copy on COPAC at Southampton.

Report from the Select Committee on Official Publications, &c. together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. [with] Index and Digest of Evidence to the Report from the Select Committee on Official Publications, &c

[Report from the House of Commons Select Committee on Official Publications, 1906.]
Publication details: 
Both 'Report' and 'Index': 'Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 23 July 1906.' and both 'London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Wyman and Sons, Limited, 109, Fetter Lane, E.C.'

Report: 8vo, xxxii + 141 pp. In original blue printed wraps. Index: 8vo, 28 + [i] pp, unbound, continuing pagination to 169. Both items fair, on aged paper, with the 'Report' in chipped wraps. Both items carrying unobtrusive stamp of the University of Hull, the 'Report' also with the reception stamp of Alexander Pollard, 26 June 1907. Uncommon: the only copy of the 'Report' on COPAC at Southampton, and the only copy of the 'Index' at Birmingham.

Report from the Select Committee on Official Publications, &c. with the Proceedings of the Committee.

[Report from the House of Commons Select Committee on Official Publications, 1906.]
Publication details: 
'Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be Printed, 23 July 1906.' London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Wyman and Sons, Limited, 109, Fetter Lane, E.C. 1906.

8vo, 31 + [i] pp. Unbound. Fair, on aged paper. Title page carries small stamp of the University of Hull, and ownership inscription of J. R. Warburton. The Committee was appointed 'to inquire into the Number, Bulk, Cost, and Circulation of the Documents printed by Order of this House [of Commons], or presented to it through Public Departments, and to report what Reductions, if any, can be made thereon', those documents comrpising: '(1) The Votes and Proceedings of the House of Commons. (2) Journals of the House of Commons. (3) Bills. (4) Acts of Parliament. (5) Parliamentary Debates.

Report from the Select Committee on Publications; together with the Proceedings of the Committee and Minutes of Evidence. [with] Index and Digest of Evidence to the Report from the Select Committee on Publications. Session 1907.

[Report from the House of Commons Select Committee on Publications, 1907.]
Publication details: 
Both 'Report' and 'Index': 'Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 26 July 1907.' and both 'London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Wyman and Sons, Limited, 109, Fetter Lane, E.C.'

Report: 8vo, xiv + 76 pp. In original blue printed wraps. Index: six pages, unbound, continuing pagination to 81. Both items fair, on aged paper with slight damp staining to extremities and both carrying unobtrusive stamp of the University of Hull. The Select Committee was 'appointed to examine the PUBLICATIONS printed by Order of this HOUSE [of Commons], or presented to it through PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS, and to call attention to any case in which unnecessary expense has been incurred'. Uncommon: the only copy of the 'Report' on COPAC at Southampton, and no copy of the 'Index'.

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