[Thomas Davies, bookseller; Boswell & Johnson; Thomas Cadell] Autograph Letter Signed Thos Davies to Unnamed correspondent (Thomas Cadell, publisher? see below), unwilling to participate in an auction including books in quires.

Thomas Davies, bookseller (1713-1785}
Publication details: 

One page, 12mo, laid down on l. larger stiff paper, some staining but text clear and complete. I would willingly be of service to Mrs Evans & attend the sale; but I wish not to buy books in quires - I am besides so very deaf that it is a pain to me to be in company - | Mrs Evans & you may depend upon my doing what little service is in my power when y[ou]r bound stock is sold [...] | P.S. I am delighted greatly with y[ou]r Travels ['Voyages' excised] of Mr. Coxe - He is a most accomplished Gentleman & I am sure has a most excellent heart..

[Archdeacon Coxe, historian, gives instructions to the parliamentary printer Luke Hansard.] Autograph Letter in the Third Person to 'Mr Hansard'

Archdeacon Coxe [William Coxe, Archdeacon of Bemerton] (1748-1828), historian and Anglican cleric [Luke Hansard (1752-1828), London printer after whom publication of parliamentary debates is named]
Publication details: 
15 December 1805; Bath.

2pp, 18mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with a couple of emendations. The subject is Coxe's 'History of the House of Austria', which was 'Printed by Luke Hansard and Sons, for T. Cadell and W. Davies, in the Strand'. The letter begins: 'Mr. Coxe wishes to keep back for a week or two sheet 3z, because he intends to divide the first Volume into two parts; and therefore desires Mr Hansard not to strike off that Sheet; and will trouble Mr Hansard to transfer the commencement of Ferdinand's reign from p 542.

[David Daniel Davis, Professor in Midwifery at the University of London, who attended at the birth of Queen Victoria.] Autograph Letter Signed ('D D Davis') to his publishers Cadell & Davies, about his translation of Pibel's 'Treatise on Insanity'.

David Daniel Davis (1777-1841), Physician Accoucher at the Queen Charlotte Lying-in Hospital; attended at birth of Queen Victoria; Professor in Midwifery, University of London [Cadell & Davies]
Publication details: 
Sheffield; 6 April 1807.

2pp, 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf, which is addressed, with Sheffield postmark, to 'Messrs Cadell & Davies | Booksellers | Strand | London'. Folded several times. He begins by reporting the safe arrival of 'The parcel', with thanks for 'attending to my request in point of time'. The letter continues, with reference to his 1806 translation of Phillipe Pinel's 'Treatise on Insanity'.

[John Aikin, physician and author.] Autograph Memorandum Signed ('J. A.') to the London publishers Cadell and Davies, a reader's report providing a damning assessment of a work 'much below mediocrity'.

John Aikin (1747-1822), physician and author, brother of Anna Laetitia Barbauld (1743-1825) [Cadell & Davies [Thomas Cadell the younger and William Davies], London publishers]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but after the establishment of the firm of Cadell & Davies in 1793.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Messs. Cadell & Davies'. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to one edge. An interesting document, providing an insight into the world of Georgian publishing. Without preamble or salutation, reads: 'This work, in point of style, composition, & sentiment – everything, in short, in which the writer's merit is concerned, is much below mediocrity. But whether its subject, & the side it takes in party, might not at the present moment gain it some public favour, is what I cannot answer.

[Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke, Whig politician and writer of the 'Athenian Letters'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hardwicke'), asking Thomas Astle to request the aid of John Topham on a projected third volume of his 'Miscellaneous State Papers'.

Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke (1720-1790), Whig politician and author [Thomas Astle (1735-1803), antiquary; Thomas Cadell the elder (1742-1802), publisher; John Topham (1746-1803), antiquary]
Publication details: 
Bath. 22 November 1783.

The Athenian Letters, primarily written by Hardwicke and his brother Charles, enjoyed considerable vogue on the publication in 1781 of the second edition (a first edition of ten copies had appeared in 1741). The present item relates to a projected third volume of the 'Miscellaneous State Papers', the first two volumes of which had been published by Strahan and Cadell in 1778. John Topham (later Librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury) and Thomas Astle worked together on the public records at Westminster. The present item is 1p, 4to. Bifolium.

[ Quakers and pacifism in the eighteenth century. ] Printed form ('No. 40.'), a warrant of distress for 'one of the people called quakers', who has failed to provide a substitute to serve in the militia.

Quakers and pacifism in the eighteenth century [ W. Strahan and M. Woodfall, Law-Printers to his Majesty; T. Cadell, Bookseller in the Strand, London; Francis Newbold (b.1768), Macclesfield surgeon ]
Publication details: 
Printed by W. Strahan and M. Woodfall, Law-Printers to his Majesty; for T. Cadell, and sold only by the said T. Cadell, Bookseller in the Strand. Late eighteenth century ('in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and [blank]').

1p., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn laid paper, 1.5" closed tear. A printed form which has not been completed in manuscript. At top right: 'No. 40.', and the royal coat of arms at head. A rare and interesting piece of pacifist and Quaker ephemera, and a testament to nonviolent resistance.

[ Henry Huntingford, classical scholar, praises the work of Richard Watts, former Printer to the University of Cambridge. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Huntingford') [ to Richard Watts ], praising the work on his edition of Pindar,.

Henry Huntingford (1787-1867), classical scholar [ Richard Watts (d.1844), Printer to the University of Cambridge; Thomas Cadell and William Davies, London booksellers and publishers ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ Circa 1814. ]

The subject of this letter is Huntingford's 'Pindari Carmina', 'excudit R. Watts sumptibus T. Cadell et W. Davies', published in London in 1814. Watts had been made Printer to the University of Cambridge in 1802, resigning in 1809 because, as Stokes notes in his 'Cambridge Stationers, Printers, Bookbiinders, &c' (1919), 'the Press did not prosper under his rule, although, when he left Cambridge, he did good work as a printer of Oriental volumes'. Between around 1812 and 1815 he was working in Broxbourne. In 1816 he moved to London, where he established the Oriental Type-Foundry, Temple Bar.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Thomas Harwood') to Messrs Cadell & Davies, London publishers of his 'History and Antiquities of Lichfield', regarding the price and sending of a presentation copy.

Thomas Harwood (1767-1842), clergyman, author and antiquary, perpetual curate of Hammerwich, near Lichfield, Staffordshire
Publication details: 
Lichfield, Staffordshire. 2 April 1816.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-agedl, with slip of paper from a Victorian book catalogue laid down beneath the signature. Addressed by Harwood on reverse of second leaf, with two postmarks, one of them from Lichfield, 2 August 1806, to 'Mess: Cadell & Davies | Strand | London'. The text reads: 'Gentlemen | I have just been informed, but have not my self seen it, that the History of Lichfield is advertised to be sold at thirty Shillings; lest there should be any mistake, it might be right to remind you, that the price of it is thirty five Shillings.

[ Charles Coote, historian and biographer. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to Cadell of the London pubishers Cadell and Davies

Charles Coote (c.1760-1835), historian and biographer [ Thomas Cadell the younger (1773-1836), publisher with London firm Cadell and Davies ]
Publication details: 
28 January 1814.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Tipped in onto leaf of grey paper removed from an album. Addressed by Coote on reverse to 'Mr. Cadell'. Reads: 'Dr. Coote presents his Compliments to Mr. Cadell, & offers many Apologies for having solong [sic] kept back, from Inattention and Negligence, the Books which Mr. C. furnished for the Supplement to Mosheim. - January 23, 1814.' For more on Coote, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. Cadell & Davies published his six-volume supplement to Mosheim's ecclesiastical history in 1811.

[ MS. Sermon ]] A Series of Sixty Manuscript Sermons Containing Four in Each Part. PART XIII (ONLY)

Anon. ["By a Doctor of Divinity]
Publication details: 
Sold by T. Cadell, Strand, [1820-1836].

Total 73pp., 4to, crude brown paper wraps, sewn, chipped and crumpled at the edge, contents good. Comprising four sermons based on Revelations, pp.15, 20,, 19, and 19. The titles of the 52 sermons already published are printed (also in MS.) on the inside covers, some titles faded. The lithographic process has been used to give the effect of a manuscript perhaps to deceive the eye of the sermon's audience into thinking it the sermoniser's own work.

Two numbers of 'Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine', containing 'Adventures in the North of Ireland: the demon of the mist', G. W. Hemans; 'Evils of the state of Ireland', William P. Alison; 'A glance at the state and prospects of Ireland', Macleod Wylie

[ Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine; William Pulteney Alison (1790-1859), Scottish physician; George Willoughby Hemans (1814-1885), architect; MacLeod Wylie, hymnologist ]
Publication details: 
ONE: No. 252, October 1836. William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh; and T. Cadell, London. TWO: No. 264, October 1837. 'Theodore Foster's Edition' and 'New American Edition'. New York: William Lewer, Publisher, Broadway, Corner of Pine-street.

Both numbers are in the distinctive Blackwood's printed covers, with illustration of George Buchanan. Both are good tight copies, on lightly-aged paper, in worn and aged wraps. All articles are anonymous, and attributions are from the Wellesley Index. ONE: No. 252, October 1836. Unopened. Several advertisements bound in front and back. 144pp., 8vo, paginated [2] + 437-578. Hemans' piece, paginated 459-467, is the second in the volume, and Alison's, paginated 495-514, is fourth. The volume also contains work by George Croly, D. K. Sandford, John Wilson, John Eagles and Alfred Mallalieu.

[ Paul Sandby, artist and engraver. ] Pencil notes by 'Paul Sandby Esqr.', over 'Monthly Return of the Classes under the First drawing Master at the Royal Military Academy'. With portrait of Sandby, engraved by H. Landseer from a drawing by W. Evans

Paul Sandby (c.1731-1809), English artist and engraver, Chief Drawing Master at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich [ H. Landseer; W. Evans ]
Publication details: 
Engraving 'Published Dec. 4 1809 by T. Cadell & W. Davies, Strand, London'.

MANUSCRIPT: 1p., folio. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium. On good watermarked laid paper, with pencil text written over an elegantly printed page divided into five columns ('Class', 'Studies', 'Order', 'Names', 'Remarks'), headed (with manuscript additions in square brackets): 'Monthly Return of the Classes under the First drawing Master at the Royal Military Academy. [March] 1st. 17[39 Paul Sandby Esqr.]'. The manuscript text is written both across the page and lengthwise. At the foot is a stave of music, with the words 'Violoncelloe [sic] de la music militaire'.

[ Cadell & Davies, London booksellers. ] Autograph Note Signed from 'S. Cadell' to 'Mr Lawless' [ the firm's assistant Robert Lawless ], instructing him to deliver copies of Pope's Homer to 'Mr Nichols' [ John Bowyer Nichols ].

S. Cadell [ John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863), printer and publisher; Robin Lawless (1724-1806), Irish-born assistant to the London booksellers Cadell & Davies [ Thomas Cadell & William Davies ] ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London, pre-1806. ]

On one side of a small rectangle of laid paper, with one corner snipped off. In fair condition, aged and worn, with spike hole not affecting text. Reads: 'Mr Lawless | Deliver Mr Nichols Ninety Popes omer 4 Vol. | S. Cadell'. Although clearly a member of the firm, the identity of the writer is unclear, the descriptions of Cadell & Davies material at the Huntingdon and Yale not yielding any information.

[Robert Owen, Welsh utopian socialist.] Manuscript List of newspapers, addressed to 'Robert Owen, Esqr.' [by his publishers Cadell & Davies], with note stating that they are 'The Papers Mr Owens Pamphlet [probably 'A New View of Society'] is to go'.

[Robert Owen (1771-1858), Welsh social reformer and utopian socialist; Cadell & Davies, London publishers]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. On paper watermarked 'H WILLMOTT | 1812'.

1p., small 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper, with spike hole (not affecting text). Listing seventeen newspapers, from 'The Times' to 'Drakard's paper', with note running up the right-hand margin: 'The Papers Mr Owens Pamphlet is to go'. Addressed on reverse to 'Robert Owen, Esqr.' From the archives of Cadell & Davies, publishers in 1813 of Owen's 'New View of Society'.

[Thomas Medland, engraver.] Signed Autograph Receipt of payment for two engravings executed for the London booksellers Cadell & Davies.

Thomas Medland (c.1765-1833), engraver, and drawing-master at Haileybury College [Cadell and Davies, London booksellers; Thomas Cadell the younger (1773-1836) and William Davies]
Publication details: 
24 July 1802.

On 9.5 x 19cm piece of paper. With twopenny embossed official stamp 'For Receipts'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of mount on blank reverse. Reads: '24 July 1802 | Recd. of Messrs. Cadell & Davies the sum of Twenty pounds Nine Shillgs. & 6. as pr. bill delivered for engraving two Plates St. Geo: de Mina & a Naval Medal. | Thos: Medland | £20 . 9 . 6'. Itemised at foot in another hand: 'View of St. Geo: de Mina - 18 . 18 . 0 | A naval Medal 1 . 11 . 6 | [total] 20 . 9 . 6'.

[Rev. David Henry Urquhart.] Autograph Letter Signed from his wife Eliza Urquhart to his publishers [Cadell & Davies], urging them to send proofs [of his 'Commentaries on Classical Learning'] more quickly, or 'the Season will inevitably be lost'.

Rev. David Henry Urquhart (c.1754-1829), Prebendary of Lincoln [Cadell & Davies, London publishers; Thomas Cadell (1773-1836); William Davies; Andrew Strahan (1750-1831), printer; Spottiswoode]
Publication details: 
Doncaster. 5 May [1803].

1p., 4to. On aged paper, with damage and discoloration to one margin. Eliza Urquhart begins her letter: 'Gentlemen, | Mr Urquhart has desired me to acquaint you that he thinks it would be adviseable immediately to see Mr Spotswood [i.e. Spottiswoode, then an employee of the book's printer Andrew Strahan] on the subject of accelerating the printing of his work, as from the present tardiness with which the proofs are sent, he thinks the Season will inevitably be lost'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L: D: Campbell') from Captain Lawrence Dundas Campbell [to either of his publishers Thomas Cadell or William Davies], concerning the placing of advertisements for two of his books.

L. D. Campbell [Captain Lawrence Dundas Campbell], editor of the Asiatic Annual Register [Thomas Cadell, jnr (1773-1836); William Davies (d.1819)]
Publication details: 
St. Alban's Hotel, St. Alban's Street [London]. 'Wednesday' [circa 1808].

1p., 4to. Spike hole. In good condition, on aged dusty paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir, I must request, as a particular favour, that you will advertise both the "Reply" and the "Letter on the Charges &c" in all the Morning and Evening papers both on Friday, and on Monday next. | I am | Dear Sir, | Very faithfully yours | L: D: Campbell'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Trollope') from Rev. William Trollope, classics master at Christ's Hospital, offering the London publishers Cadell & Davies his 'Analecta Theologica'. Together with the a statement of account by Cadell & Davies.

Rev. William Trollope (1798-1863), MA, Pembroke College, Cambridge, one of the masters of Christ's Hospital [Cadell & Davies, London publishers; Thomas Cadell (1773-1836); William Davies]
Publication details: 
Trollope's letter: Christs Hospital. 12 September 1827. The statement of account at 28 December 1829 (volume 1) and August 1835 (volume 2).

Trollope's letter: 3pp., 12mo. 48 lines. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper. Addressed, with postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Messrs. Cadell & Co. | Booksellers | Strand.' Trollope begins by announcing that he has 'a work nearly ready for the Press, wh. may probably be worth your attention [...] It is designed as companion to Mr Horne's work on the Scriptures, of wh. as you are the publishers, you may perhaps have no objection to engage in another, wh.

Stamped Autograph Receipt Signed ('R C Dallas') for an advance from his publishers Cadell & Davies.

Robert Charles Dallas (1754-1824), English writer [Cadell & Davies, London booksellers]
Publication details: 

On a piece of paper 7.5 x 18 cm. Neatly mounted (windowpane mount) on leaf of paper 27 x 23 cm. Neatly written out by Dallas, and reading 'Received Decr. 23d. 1800 the sum of Ten Pounds on account from Messrs Cadell and Davies. | [signed] R C Dallas. - | £10.-.-' On the right a blind-stamped government two pence stamp, 'FOR RECEIPTS'. Dallas published several works with Cadell & Davies, and the receipt may possibly relate to his 'Annals of the French Revolution' (1800), or his 'Natural History of Volcanoes' (1801).

Two Autograph Notes Signed to A. "Mr. [Andrew] Wilson, Oriental Press, Wild Court, Wild Street, Lincolns Inn Field.

L.D. Campbell. (Lawrence Dundas Campbell)
Publication details: 
A. Stratford Place, Sunday, no date [1804?] and B. St. Alban's Hotel, St. Alban's Street, Wednesday, no date [1808].

A. One page, 8vo, bifoliate, spike-hole, fold marks, minor damage, corner nearly detached, text clear and complete. "Dear Sir./ I beg you will do me the favour to let me know immediately on receipt of this, the exact quantity of tonnage it will be necessary to apply for in order to send 500 [underlined] Copies of the Register to Calcutta, 300do. to Madras, and 100 [underlined] to Bombay.

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