[John Walter the younger, proprietor of The Times.] Autograph Letter Signed to Tom Taylor, editor of Punch, regarding the Arundel Society, and a ‘wonderful’ chromolithograph of a Van Eyck.

John Walter (1818-1894) the younger, proprietor of The Times [Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright, editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
20 February 1873. On letterhead of 40 Upper Grosvenor Street [London].

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once. From Taylor’s papers. Addressed to ‘Tom Taylor Esq’. Begins: ‘Dear Mr Taylor / I have profited by your kind instructions, & enrolled myself on the List of the Arundel Society.’ He finds the collection ‘well worth seeing’, and ‘the Van Eyck in particular strikes me as being the most wonderful example of successful reproduction in Chromo Lithography that I have yet seen’. Signed ‘J Walter’. From Taylor’s papers.

[John Murray IV, London publisher.] Autograph Letter Signed from 'John Murray junr.' to Colonel Fellows, regarding the difficult rebinding of his leather volumes.

John Murray IV (1851-1928), notable London publisher
Publication details: 
2 April 1910. Letterhead of 50 Albemarles Street, W. [London]

See the entry on the Murray family in the Oxford DNB. In fair condition lightly aged and worn. Folded for postage, with short closed tears to the edges of central horizontal fold. Small biographical slip laid down at top left. Addressed to ‘Dear Colonel Fellows’ and signed ‘John Murray junr.’ Reads: ‘Our binders have done the best they can with your Volumes, short of rebinding, but as you know patching up leather bindings in a really satisfactory way is not easy. / However, I hope that you will be satisfied with the volumes which I am sending on to you today.’

[Elliott Carter, American modernist composer.] Publicity photograph with Signed Autograph Inscription.

Elliott Carter [Elliott Cook Carter Jr.] (1908-2012), American modernist composer
Publication details: 
Dated by Carter 28 March 1972. No place.

Black and white print of an 11.5 x 15 cm head and shoulders portrait of a smiling Carter on 12.5 x 21 cm piece of shiny paper. In good condition. Beneath the portrait, in red ink, Carter writes: ‘for Michael Robuck / Elliott Carter, March 28, ’72.’ On the reverse, in another hand, is the note ‘4. 3. 72 / Elliott Carter Composer’. See Image.

[Sir Joseph Whitwell Pease, Liberal politician and industrialist.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Joseph W Pease’) to ‘Dale’, noting the ‘happy’ state of England and improved governance of London, on the opening of the Darlington Junior Liberal Club.

Sir Joseph Whitwell Pease (1828-1903), Liberal politician, Quaker industrialist and banker.
Publication details: 
19 April 1884; from Hotel de Luxembourg, Nimes; on letterhead of 24 Kensington Palace Gardens, W. [London]

4pp, 12mo. Fifty lines of neatly-written text, addressed to ‘My Dear Dale’. On bifolium. In good condition, with creases from being folded into a packet. Minuted by recipient at head of first page. He is sorry that his ‘continued absence abroad’ will prevent him from attending the formal opening of ‘the Committee of the Darlington Junior Liberal Club’. He describes the ‘several reasons to look forward to the opening day as a very auspicious one’.

[Arthur James Lewis, artist and illustrator.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Arthur J Lewis') to publisher Ernest Gambart, regarding the disposal of the disposal of the remaining copies of 'Hood's Poems'.

Arthur James Lewis (1824-1901), artist and illustrator, promoter of the Junior Etching Club [Ernest Gambart (1814-1902), London art publisher; James Abbott McNeill Whistler]
Publication details: 
43 [?] Street. 10 November 1860.

2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Addressed to 'E Gambart Esq' and endorsed by the recipient. Two years earlier Gambart had published 'Passages from the Poems of Thomas Hood', illustrated with 34 plates by the Junior Etching Club (of which Whistler was a member between 1857 and 1862). The book had been well-received, but the letter makes clear that it had not covered its costs.

[ Richard Bentley the younger. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Ambrose Heal, 're Writing Masters' and Buckinghamshire local history. With presentation copy of 'Some Stray Notes upon Slough and Upton collected from Various Sources'.

Richard Bentley the younger (1854-1936), London publisher and antiquary [ Sir Ambrose Heal (1872-1959) furniture designer and proprietor of a celebrated London store, Heal's of Tottenham Court Road ]
Publication details: 
Both letters on letterheads of Upton, Slough, Bucks. 4 May 1927 and 4 June 1928. Book limited to 200 copies: 'Privately Printed | 1892'.

All three items are in good condition, lightly aged. Both letters are signed 'Richard Bentley'. ONE (ALS, 4 May 1927): 2pp., landscape 12mo. Annotated by Heal at head of first page: 're Writing Masters'. Begins: 'My dear Sir | I thought you MUST have the mezzo of Tomkins! The private schools being adjacent to that of St. Pauls is hardly accidental? It would seem to imply a connection of duties (though not of schools.) and in former times people lived close to their work. No railways – no omnibuses even then. Stage Coaches, pre-Palmer, also slow'.

[ Richard Bentley the younger, London publisher: author's own copy. ] A Brief Note upon the Battles of Saintes and Mauron 1351 and 1352.

[ Richard Bentley the younger (1854-1936), London publisher and antiquary ]
Publication details: 
Edition limited to 100 copies. Printed at Guildford in 1918. [ Billing and Sons, Ltd., Printers, Guildford, England. ]

Bentley is without a doubt the author of this anonymous work, and the present copy comes from the Bentley Archives. viii + 67 + [1]pp., 8vo. In attractive paper-vellum quarter-binding, with red cloth boards on the cover of which the title is stamped in gilt. In good condition, lightly aged. Attractively printed, with title-page in black and red. Divided into six parts: 'Events in the Reign of Edward III', 'English Governors of Brittany'; 'Introductory: The Attack on Vannes', 'The Battle of Saintes', 'The Battle of Mauron' and 'After Mauron'.

[ James Dredge Jr, civil engineer and co-editor of 'Engineering'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('James Dredge') to 'Willy' [ presumably Stanhope Forbes of Newlyn's brother -see note below], condolences on death of his father, ruminating on mortality.

James Dredge Jr (1840-1906), English civil engineer and co-editor with William H. Maw of the periodical 'Engineering'
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'Engineering: An Illustrated Weekly Journal, Edited by William H. Maw and James Dredge', 35 & 36 Bedford Street, Strand, London, W.C. 8 December 1888.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Letterhead in black and red ink. In fair condition, aged and worn, with creasing at head. A sensitive letter of condolence, beginning: 'Dear Willy | I was so shocked to hear on Thursday of the great loss you have sustained, and I hesitated to write to you, for letters of condolence are such empty useless things. But on the other hand I dont want you to suppose that I feel indifferent to anything that touches you so closely & deeply.

[ William Scoresby junior, Arctic explorer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Scoresby') to Edward Magrath, Secretary of the Athenaeum, correcting his address.

William Scoresby junior (1789-1857), Arctic explorer, scientist and clergyman
Publication details: 
Torquay. 11 February 1852.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with small tape stain at head. Reads: 'Dear Sir, | Will you be so good as to have my address registered in the Athenaeum books as above, which is my place of residence & not Whitby - from whence I have just recd. a circular about the payment of a subscription, which I had ordered to be made some days ago.'

[ George Grossmith junior. ] Unpublished autograph family reminiscences by his younger daughter, with two Autograph Letters Signed by her ('Rosa George' and 'Rosa George. | (Grossmith)') to W. Macqueen Pope, praising her father in the fondest terms.

George Grossmith junior (1874-1935), actor-manager and comedian, his daughter Rosa Mary George (1907-1988) [ W. Macqueen-Pope [ Walter James Macqueen-Pope ] (1888-1960), theatre manager and historian]
Publication details: 
The reminiscences without place or date. The letters from 26 Lawnbodle Road, Hampstead, NW3 [ London ]. 30 October and 4 December 1950.

ONE: Autograph family reminiscences by Rosa Mary George (née Grossmith). 19 pp., 12mo. Rough pencil notes, on ruled pages torn from a notebook. Seventeen pages on George Grossmith junior, with a page apiece on 'His Father' and 'His Uncle'. TWO: The two letters, totalling 9pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper.

[ Dion Boucicault the younger, actor and theatre manager. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Dion Boucicault') to 'Mr Clarkson', regarding 'wigs that are being made for Sir Arthur Pinero's new play'.

Dion Boucicault the younger (1859-1929), actor and theatre manager, husband of the actress Irene Vanbrugh [ Sir Arthur Wing Pinero; Duke of York's Theatre, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Duke of York's Theatre, London. 25 September 1912.

1p., landscape 8Vo. In fair condition, aged and with a number of vertical crease lines. Reads: 'Dear Mr Clarkson, | Will you please give instructions that any wigs that are being made for Sir Arthur Pinero's new play should be here not later than 11 o'clock on Monday morning next. Our Dress Parade is at 12 o'clock.' The play Boucicault refers to is 'The Widow of Wasdale Head'.

[ William Reade, junior. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Reade jun.') to 'The Editor', agreeing to act as dramatic critic to London 'a literary periodical'.

William Reade, junior, of Ringwood, Hampshire, Victorian poet, lawyer, playwright and dramatic critic
Publication details: 
14 Upper Porchester Street, Cambridge Square [ London ]. 16 February 1861.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He is 'willing to undertake the office' under the rules mentioned: 'the two theatres you mention shall invariably be noticed - also the Panorama'.

[Prospectus printed by the Chiswick Press.] The Junior Art-Workers' Guild. What it is - and where it stands. An Appeal to Craftsmen.

Hugh Arnold and Dudley Heath, Hon. Secretaries, The Junior Art-Workers' Guild [The Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London; Board of Education Library]
Publication details: 
Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London. June 1905.

7 + [1]pp., 8vo. In grey-green printed wraps, with vignette and title on cover. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with loose stitching. Light pencil annotation in margins. Shelfmark, stamp and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Subtitles: 'Early History of the Movement', 'The Emergence of New Art', 'The Economic Question', 'Back to Tradition', 'The Limitations of the Arts and Crafts Movement', 'An Appeal to Artists and Craftsmen'. Only copy on COPAC at NLScotland.

Three printed items relating to the Royal Westminster Volunteers, from the papers of Lieut-Col. Richard Twining, Junior: a 'General Order' (on a review by the Russian Emperor), a Circular by Twining, and an 'Extract from the Star'.

[Royal Westminster Regiment of Volunteers; Richard Twining the younger (1772-1857), tea and coffee merchant and banker, eldest son of the firm's founder Richard Twining the elder (1749-1824)]
Publication details: 
The 'General Order' (1814) and the 'Circular' (1819) both printed by 'R. Spragg, Printer, Bow-street, Covent-garden.' The 'Extract' printed by 'Seeley, Printers, Buckingham.' [1805.]

The three items all cropped, but in good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. ITEM ONE: Headed 'Extract from the Star of Thursday, 17th October, 1805. | Royal Westminster Volunteers.' 1p., 8vo. Printer's slug in bottom left-hand corner. Autograph note by Twining at foot: 'This was printed by the voluntary act of my honor'd friend Dr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L: D: Campbell') from Captain Lawrence Dundas Campbell [to either of his publishers Thomas Cadell or William Davies], concerning the placing of advertisements for two of his books.

L. D. Campbell [Captain Lawrence Dundas Campbell], editor of the Asiatic Annual Register [Thomas Cadell, jnr (1773-1836); William Davies (d.1819)]
Publication details: 
St. Alban's Hotel, St. Alban's Street [London]. 'Wednesday' [circa 1808].

1p., 4to. Spike hole. In good condition, on aged dusty paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir, I must request, as a particular favour, that you will advertise both the "Reply" and the "Letter on the Charges &c" in all the Morning and Evening papers both on Friday, and on Monday next. | I am | Dear Sir, | Very faithfully yours | L: D: Campbell'.

[Small printed booklet.] Some Account of Mrs. Henry Ware, Jun. of America. Derived from Dr. Hall's Memoir. By R. L. Carpenter, B.A.

R. L. Carpenter, B.A. [Mary Lovell Ware [née Pickard] (1798-1849), wife of Henry Ware, Jun. (1794-1843), Unitarian Minister and mentor of Ralph Waldo Emerson; Edward B. Hall]
Publication details: 
Published by The Christian Tract Society. London: E. T. Whitfield, 178, Strand. [No year: 1850s?] [Letts, Son & Steer, Printers, 8, Royal Exchange, London.]

24pp., 12mo. Stitched into brown card wraps. Near fine on lightly-aged paper. Title-page on front cover, and drop-head title on p.1. An excessively scarce item, with no copy listed on COPAC or OCLC.

Autograph Letter Signed ('N. Hale jr.') from the newspaper editor Nathan Hale junior to the Springfield attorney Henry Vose.

Nathan Hale junior (1784-1863), American journalist and editor, associated with the Weekly Messenger, the Boston Daily Advertiser, the North American Review and the Christian Examiner [Henry Vose]
Publication details: 
23 Court Street, Boston; 7 September 1841.

1p., 4to, on recto of first leaf of bifolium, with verso of the second addressed by Hale to 'Henry Vose jr. Esq | Counsellor at Law | Springfield | Mass', and carrying Hale's red wax seal, broken into two parts, and a red postmark. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Hale writes that he is enclosing 'the sum with which you were so kind as to accommodate me last week - I don't know how I should have "got along" without it'. 'I have no news for you to-day, as our steamer has not yet arrived, and I dare not venture uponn the vast perturbed sea of our politics'.

The Institution of Junior Engineers. Founded 1884. [...] Presidential Address delivered by Archibald Denny, Esq. M.Inst.N.A. At the Inaugural Meeting of the Fifteenth Session, Held at the Westminster Palace Hotel, London, on [...] 1st November, 1895.

Sir Archibald Denny (1860-1936), Scottish shipbuilder who chaired the British enquiry into the sinking of the Titanic [The Institution of Junior Engineers]
Publication details: 
Record of Transactions. Part I. Volume 6. Published by the Institution, 47 Fentiman Road, London, S.W. [1895].

8vo: 16 pp. Stapled and unbound, in original blue printed wraps. Good, with light spotting, in stained, spotted wraps. Rust stains from staples. Ownership inscription of H. J. Young, dated November 1895, on front wrap. Advises his audience on 'the education proper for a budding Engineer', 'a lad who intends to tread the higher walks of theh profession'. Moves from apprenticeship to the positions of chief draughtsman and manager, before ending with observations on the 'combination of qualities' required by the 'successful business man'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Joseph Procter.

John Clayton, junior (1780-1865), Minister of Poultry Chapel, London
Publication details: 
29 December 1826; Devonshire Square.

Four pages, 12mo. Very good, with strip of brown paper adhering at the head. Text clear and entire. A long letter, casting light on the effects on the English middle classes of the financial crisis of 1825. Clayton begins by thanking Procter for the 'card case'. He 'will gladly do any thing that may fall within [his] power, to assist the Associate Fund', but does not think that he can 'do much'. 'The times are such, that Cases of

Handbill of 'Rules for conducting the six-pence <...> Society, In Aid of the Funds for defraying the <Expence> of carrying on the Worship of God, In York-street Chapel, Manchester.'

York Street Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Todmorton, Manchester
Publication details: 
To commence from the first of January, 1820. [...] W. Cowdroy, printer, Manchester.'

On one side of a piece of paper roughly 22 x 14 cms. Good, apart from some repaired damage at head from scorching, resulting in loss to two lines of text. Title followed by the eight rules of the Society over twenty-one lines of text. At foot names of the sixteen members of the Committee (eight ladies and eight gentlemen), together with those of the treasurer and secretary. According to BBTI William Cowdroy Jr was a printer, publisher and newspaper proprietor between 1795 and 1824.

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Henry Truman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, together with a cancelled printed application form for membership of the Society.

Edward Unwin Junior [Unwin Brothers Ltd; The Gresham Press]
Publication details: 
23 January 1917; on ornate letterhead of Unwin Brothers Ltd, 27 Pilgrim St, Ludgate Hill.

Chairman of Unwin Brothers (born 1870). One page, quarto. Good, but discoloured and lightly creased, and with staple stain at head. Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. He is sorry not to have answered sooner, but 'some very important business has engaged my attention during the last few days with the result that I put your letter into my private drawer without acknowledging it.

Autograph Letter Signed to Robert Rising.

John Preston Neale
Publication details: 
Bennett Street Blackfriars | Sept. 19th. 1828.'

Architectural draughtsman (1780-1847). Three pages, quarto. Good, but heavily folded and with some loss to second leaf of bifoliate from breaking of red wax seal, the remains of which still adhere. Addressed, with postmarks, on verso of second leaf of bifoliate 'Robt. Rising Esq | Horsey. | To the Care of Robert Cory Junr Esq | Yarmouth'. Rising, of Horsey Hall, was a Norfolk landowner, and Cory (1776-1840) an antiquary. A long and interesting letter. He regrets that he has been unable to spend 'a few happy hours with you and of doing justice to the Chief Magistrate of that Gt.

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