[Anne Cobden-Sanderson; suffragette; Hammersmith Publishing Company] Pro Forma Invoice [Printed Heading] Bought of the Hammersmith Publishing Company sent to anarchist Ambrose Barker.

[Anne Cobden-Sanderson; suffragette; Hammersmith Publishing Company]
Publication details: 
River House Hammersmith [handwritten]; printed 7 Hammersmith Terrace, W. excised. See image

Obl.12mo, 20 x 13cm, foxing but text legible. Dated 6 Oct 1903 with details in Anne Cobden-Sanderson's hand (as other handwritten detail) of two items purchased by Barker, both by J.W. Mackail and printed at the Chiswick Press: Socialism & Politics and Parting of the Ways. I've found no substantial discussion of the Hammersmith Publishing Company. See image for full text.

[Chiswick Press, London.] Small printed pamphlet: 'A List of Typographical and Bibliographical Works by Chas. T. Jacobi | Managing Partner of the Chiswick Press'.

'Chas. T. Jacobi, Managing Partner of the Chiswick Press' [Charles Whittingham and Co., London publishers and printers]
Publication details: 
London: At the Chiswick Press | Tooks Court, Chancery Lane'. [Colophon: 'Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co. Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London.'] No date [1909].

[16]pp, 16mo (11.5 x 7.5 cm). Stitched unpaginated pamphlet, tastefully printed with decorative headpiece to title, and the Press's celebrated device to the colophon. A frail survival, aged, worn and spotted, with one corner of last leaf dogeared. At foot of title-page: 'Any volume will be sent on receipt of Postal Order in advance.' Following the title-page are two pages with a history of 'The Chiswick Press. | Founded 1789.' Then a full-page advertisement for 'A Practical Treatise on the Art of Typography', with a full page containing 'Some Press Opinions'.

[Admiral Beatty, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Fleet, thanks the U.S. Sixth Battle Squadron for their help in 'bringing about the greatest naval victory in history'.] Pamphlet: '“Comrades of the Mist” | Admiral Beatty's Message to U.S. Squadron'.

[Earl Beatty [Admiral of the Fleet David Richard Beatty, 1st Earl Beatty] (1871-1936), distinguished Royal Navy officer]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from “The Times,” London, Wednesday, 18 December 1918.' London: Chiswick Press. [1918]

An attractive Chiswick Press item (on the firm's own paper), possibly printed for Beatty himself. No other copy traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC. 3pp., 12mo. Printer's slug at foot of otherwise-blank reverse of second leaf. On laid paper with 'Chiswick Press' watermark. Aged and worn, with pin-hole through top inner corner of both leaves, and light staining at foot of first page. Reprinting a speech thanking the US Atlantic Fleet 'again, again, and again for the great part the Sixth Battle Squadron has played in bringing about the greatest naval victory in history'.

Printed pamphlet: 'Agriculture'.

Peter Kropotkin [ James Tochatti, Liberty Press, Chiswick ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed and Published by James Tochatti, "Liberty" Press, Chiswick, W. 1896.

18 + [2]pp., 8vo. Disbound. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Two pages of advertisements at rear: the first carrying a list of titles in the 'Liberty Bookshelf' series, the second listing 'Liberty Pamphlets'. Now uncommon.

[Private Press; Manuscript] Francis James Publishing Co. | Purchases Book, "Dissection Book", Sales Book, and a notebook with Purchases and Receipts..

F. J. Newbery [Francis James Newbery (b.1881)], sometime with the Golden Cockerel Press and director and manager of the Chiswick Press, here Publisher as "Francis James Publishoing Co.
Publication details: 
[Purchases Book] 1944-1948; [Dissection Book] Dec. 31, 1943- Dec. 1947; Sales Book AND Notebook Feb.1944-Dec.1948;

All in Francis James Newbery's hand. Four volumes, sm. folio (3), 8vo (Notebook), good condition. [Purchases Book] c.32pp. used; [Dissection Book] c.14pp. used; Sales Book. 18pp. used; Notebook, 16pp total - Payments 10pp, Receipts, 6pp.A. PURCHASES BOOK: Sources of various items (usually multiple) with costs include: George Bell & Sons (permit to use illustration); Craske, Vaus & Crampton (Fine line blocks); Chiswick Press (colour printing etc; many references); National News Letter (cartridge paper); Novello & Co. (Binding - 3017 copies of 'Easter Eggs'); H.H.

A Catalogue of an Unique Collection of Ancient English Broadside Ballads printed entirely in the Black Letter.

'Black-letter Ballads' [ John Russell Smith, London bookseller; Charles Whittingham, Chiswick Press ]
Publication details: 
On Sale by John Russell Smith, No. 36, Soho Square, London. 1856. [ Chiswick Press: - C. Whittingham, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane. ]

vii + 141 + [1]pp., 8vo. Final leaf with Chiswick Press device of dolphin and anchor and lion. In sturdy nineteenth-century black leather half-binding, with marbled boards and 'Russell's Catalogue 1856' in gilt on spine. Ownership stamp of 'Alfred H Maurais' on fly-leaf. A characteristically-elegant Chiswick Press item, with 408 items listed, the titles in black letter. Three-page anonymous preface, dated 'May, 1856.' Tight copy, but aged and lightly damp-stained, in worn binding.

[ The Soakers' Club, a 'convivial club' in Covent Garden. ] Club rules and 'Promoter's Address' by Julian Sharman, printed by the Chiswick Press.

Julian Sharman, 'Promoter' of the Soakers' Club, Covent Garden, London [ The Chiswick Press, London ]
Publication details: 
'Printed at the Chiswick Press' [ Chiswick Press: - Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane ]. 1874. [ Sharman's address dated from 'Covent Garden, | May, 1874.'

[1] + 13pp., 12mo. Stitched. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. A tasteful production in grey printed wraps. Elaborate pseudo-seventeenth-century design to title-page replicated on front cover. Five-page 'Promoter's Address'' to 'My Friend and Pitcher', signed in type by Sharman, followed by a page listing the five members of the 'Committee, 1874-5' (Julian Sharman; Henry S. Leigh; Bourchier F. Hawksley; Jas. J. Railston; F. W. Robinson), and five pages carrying the club's fourteen rules.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Special Collections of Local Books in Provincial Libraries.

W. H. K. Wright, F. R. Hist. Soc. Public Librarian, Plymouth [ Charles Whittingham, Chiswick Press, London; the Library Association ]
Publication details: 
A paper read at the First Annual Meeting of the Library Association, Oxford, October 1878. Printed for the Author: Chiswick Press [ London ], 1879. [ Chiswick Press: C. Whittingham, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane. ]

32pp., 16mo. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in aged and worn wraps. Nicely printed. The only copies on COPAC at the British Library and Oxford.

[ Printed item. ] One Hundred Years of Book Auctions 1807-1907 Being a Brief Record of the Firm of Hodgson and Co. (commonly known as "Hodgsons").

[ Hodgson & Co. [ 'Hodgsons' ], London book auctioneers; Chiswick Press, Charles Whittingham, Chancery Lane ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed at the Chiswick Press for Private Circulation. [ Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co. Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London. 1907.

27pp., small 4to. In vellum-paper wraps with decorative cover printed in red and brown. With six plates: two collotypes (portraits of Edmund Hodgson and Henry Hill Hodgson) and four black and white photographs: 'Exterior of Premises, 115, Chancery Lane', 'The Auction Room', 'Compiling a Catalogue (First Floor Room)' and 'Unpacking a Library (Basement)'. Title-page in red and black. In fair condition, internally good, on aged and worn paper, lacking free endpapers. A characteristically-tasteful production by the Chiswick Press. Now scarce.

[ Sale catalogue, with pencil annotations. ] Catalogue of an Exhibition of a Unique Collection of Autograph Letters of Famous Painters.

The Leicester Galleries, Leicester Square, London; Charles Whittingham & Co., The Chiswick Press, London
Publication details: 
Ernest Brown & Phillips, The Leicester Galleries, Leicester Square, London. March, 1912. Printed by Charles Whittingham and Co., The Chiswick Press, London.

Medium-length unpaginated volume, 16mo. With ten fold-out plates (Perugino, Raphael, Giulio Clovio, Paolo Veronese, Rubens, Nicolas Poussin, Jean Marc Nattier, Thomas Gainsborough, Raeburn, Francois Millet). In printed wraps. On aged and worn paper, in heavily worn wraps. 118 items, well described, with prices.

Typed and signed 'Contract for the supply of a Motor Ambulance and accessories' between 'The Vulcan Motors (London) Ltd & The Urban District Council of Chiswick'. With three blueprints and two sets of specifications.

Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. Ltd., Southport [The Urban District Council of Chiswick]
Publication details: 
London. 12 Setpember 1923.

Six items stitched together with green ribbon. Heavily aged and with extensive damp damage. ONE: Typed agreement between The Vulcan Motors (London) Limited and The Urban Distric Council of Chiswick, dated 12 September 1923, signed by the directors of Vulcan Motors and their secretary. 2pp., folio. TWO: Typed 'Specification of Ambulance Body to be securely attached in an approved manner to Vulcan One Ton Chasis. As shown on the blue print attached.' By 'Engineer's Dept., Town Hall, Chiswick.' Dated 1 May 1923. 2pp., 8vo.

[Prospectus printed by the Chiswick Press.] The Junior Art-Workers' Guild. What it is - and where it stands. An Appeal to Craftsmen.

Hugh Arnold and Dudley Heath, Hon. Secretaries, The Junior Art-Workers' Guild [The Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London; Board of Education Library]
Publication details: 
Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London. June 1905.

7 + [1]pp., 8vo. In grey-green printed wraps, with vignette and title on cover. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with loose stitching. Light pencil annotation in margins. Shelfmark, stamp and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Subtitles: 'Early History of the Movement', 'The Emergence of New Art', 'The Economic Question', 'Back to Tradition', 'The Limitations of the Arts and Crafts Movement', 'An Appeal to Artists and Craftsmen'. Only copy on COPAC at NLScotland.

[Chiswick Press.] Small collection of material by director F. J. Newbery, including a manuscript account of the press and a typewritten chronology by him, an address by him titled 'Picture Making' and a booklet of 'Interesting Facts' about the firm.

F. J. Newbery [Francis James Newbery (b.1881)], director and manager of the Chiswick Press [Adam Maitland; Christopher Sandford; Charles Whittingham & Griggs Ltd; The Golden Cockerel Press]
Publication details: 
[Chiswick Press, London.] One of the printed items from 1930; part of the correspondence from 1953.

The collection is in good condition, lightly aged and worn, apart from Item Seven. ONE: Autograph notes by Newberry on the firms of 'Chiswick Press Tooks Court' and 'Wm. Griggs & Sons Ltd. Peckham'. 4pp., 12mo. Closely written, with corrections. The first section concludes: 'Jacobi was certainly an experienced and successful printer of fine printed volumes and H.M. paper. William Morris drew inspiration from Chiswick Press that led to his founding the Kelmscott Press. His first experiments in the use of type designed at K. P. were carried out under Jacobi. C. P.

[Two printed documents in one.] St. Thomas's Hospital | Royal Charter. | 12th August, 5th Edward VI. (1551). [Dated 26th June, 7th Edward VI. (1553) incorporating the Hospitals of Christ, Bridewell, & St. Thomas.]

[Royal Charters of St. Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, 1551 and 1553; Bridewell; Christ's Hospital] [Chiswick Press, Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane]
Publication details: 
Chiswick Press: - Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane. [1860s]

7 + 10 pp., folio. Stitched and unbound. Printed front wrap, with vignette and 'St. Thomas's Hospital | Royal Charter.' in black letter. Worn and aged, with heavily-worn front wrap detached. Each of the two sections has its own drophead title, and printers' slug on last page. Tastefully printed on thick paper, with vignettes above the two drophead titles. All text in Latin. Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC. Whittingham and Wilkins were active in Tooks Court in the 1860s.

[book] The Task. By William Cowper, of the Inner Temple, Esq. [printed by Whittingham and with illustrations from Westall]

William Cowper; Charles Whittingham; the Chiswick Press; Richard Davey, book binder of Bristol
William Cowper
Publication details: 
London: Printed for John Sharpe, Duke Street, Piccadilly; by C. and C. Whittingham, Chiswick. 1825.
William Cowper

12mo, 220 pp. Engraved title and six other plates, each carrying an engraving from Westall. In green calf binding, gilt, with spine in compartments. Marbled edges and endpapers. Internally tight, on lightly-aged paper, with the plates a little foxed. Rebacked and in worn and lightly-stained binding. Tasteful small bookplate, with the single word 'Simpson' in copperplate, an initial 'M.' added in manuscript. Pink ticket on front pastedown: 'GEORGE DAVEY, | Bookseller, Binder, | & STATIONER, | NO. 1 BROAD STREET, | BRISTOL.' An uncommon Chiswick Press item.

Ecce Mundus. Industrial Ideals and the Book Beautiful.

T. J. Cobden-Sanderson [Hammersmith Publishing Society]
Publication details: 
Hammersmith: Hammersmith Publishing Society, 7 The Terrace. 1902. ['Printed at the Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham & Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London. And sold by the Hammersmith Publishing Society, 7 The Terrace, Hammersmith.']

8vo: [38] pp (unpaginated). In original quarter binding, with buff boards and vellum spine on which is stamped in black 'ECCE MUNDUS'. Good copy: internally tight and clean, in slightly-grubby and worn binding bumped at foot of spine and at one corner. Presentation copy, with autograph inscription by Cobden-Sanderson on the front free endpaper: 'To Mr. Wheatley [the bibliographer Henry Benjamin Wheatley] with the compliments of the writer'. With green leather and gilt bookplate of Alfred Sutro on front pastedown.

Elizabeth: or, The Exiles of Siberia. Translated from the French of Madame Cottin.

Madame Cottin [Whittingham Press, Chiswick]
Publication details: 
Chiswick: From the Press of C. Whittingham, College House. Sold by R. Jennings, Poultry; T. Tegg, Cheapside; A. K. Newman and Co. Leadenhall Street; London: J. Sutherland, Edinburgh; and Richard Griffin and Co. Glasgow. 1822.

12mo: 123 + [iv] pp. Engraved title (dated 'Octr. 1823') featuring engraving Heath from design by Corbould. Four pages of publisher's advertisements at rear. In contemporary green leather binding with decorative gilt spine and pattern to edges of boards, marbled endpapers and marbling to edges. Contemporary ownership inscription of 'Miss L. Smith'. A tight, sound copy, on lightly-aged paper, with light staining to engraved title, and wear to binding. COPAC only lists copies of this edition at Durham, St Andrews, Oxford and the British Library.

Janus, Lake Sonnets, etc. and other Poems.

David Holt [William Pickering, London bookseller; the Aldine Press; Charles Whittingham, printer; the Chiswick Press]
Publication details: 
London: William Pickering, Piccadilly. George Bell, Fleet Street. 1853. ['C. Whittingham, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane.']

12mo: viii + 207 pp. Advertisement and printer's slug on reverse of last leaf. Additional sepia engraved title ('T. Letherbrow. Del. W. Morton. Sc. Manchr.') with illustration depicting a stern-looking woman (one of the fates?) holding a bobbin of thread. By her side a cherub with a lyre and a large, incongruous metal cog. In original blind-stamped green cloth binding. A tight copy, lightly foxed and aged, in faded binding with slight wear and a small stain to the front board. Ownership stamp of Florence Armaghdale on front free endpaper. Last two leaves opened clumsily. Scarce.

Prospectus for Keynes's 'William Pickering, Publisher. A Memoir & a Hand-list of his Editions.'

Geoffrey Keynes; The Fleuron [William Pickering; The Chiswick Press]
Publication details: 
1924. 'London . MCMXXIV | At the office of THE FLEURON'. ['London: Chiswick Press.']

Quarto (25.5 x 19 cm) bifolium. Attractively-printed on watermarked laid paper. Unbound. Foxed and lightly-creased. Two short 0.5 cm buff strips of cloth from mount neatly adhering to the margin of the reverse of the second leaf. 'PERENNIS ET FRAGRANS.' enclosed within engraved wreath on title. Eighteen-line prospectus for the work on reverse of first leaf, with the recto of the second carrying a full-page facsimile of the title of Pickering's 1844 edition of John Merbecke's 1550 'The Book of Common Prayer Noted', printed in red and black. Printer's slug on reverse of second leaf.

Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, Autographs and Drawings.

Alexander Denham and Co. [Charles Whittingham; Chiswick Press; autographs; booksellers' catalogues]
Publication details: 
London: For Sale by Alex'r Denham and Co., 23 Haymarket, S.W.; 1902. [Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co. Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London.]

Quarto: 65 pp. Numerous plates. In original grey printed wraps. Internally good, with a little spotting and creasing to the ruckled edges; wraps worn and stained. A beautifully printed item, on thick laid paper. Among the printed matter are books of hours, breviaries, psalters, and letters (with facsimile plates) by Byron, Keats, Johnson and Sterne; and manuscripts of Fielding and Horace Walpole.

No. 3. Important and Precious Autographs and Authors' Original MSS. from Froissart (1338 to 1404) to Clemenceau. Over five Centuries.

G. Michelmore & Co., London autograph dealers [Chiswick Press; Oscar Wilde]
Publication details: 
London: G. Michelmore & Co., 5 Royal Opera Arcade, Pall Mall, S.W.1. [early 1920s] [Charles Whittingham and Griggs (Printers), Ltd. Chiswick Press, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane.]

Octavo: ii + 174 pp. Stitched. In original grey printed wraps. Internally clean and tight, in grubby and worn wraps. A first class catalogue, with excellent entries on items including letters and documents by Byron, Carlyle, Dickens, Disraeli, Edward Fitzgerald, Garibaldi, Pitt the Younger, Sir Walter Scott, Tennyson, Horace Walpole, George Washington. Fifteen books from the library of Mrs Piozzi.

Two hundred books from the libraries of the world's greatest book collectors : Grolier (1479-1565) to Beckford (1759-1844)

J. Pearson & Co. (Booksellers: London)
Publication details: 
London : J. Pearson & Co., [1910]

vi, 126 p., 1 l : plates (partly fold.) facsim, covers worn and soiled, weat and tear to the deckle-edges, hinge strain, contents complete and clear. Printed by the Chiswick Press. From the Reference Library of (Albert) Winifred Myers, autograph-dealer, note by a company hand inserted with basic details of the catalogue and the price "15/-" crossed out. Note (introductory remarks): "...

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