[Chapman Cohen, English freethinker.] Printed pamphlet titled ‘God and Man. An Essay in Common Sense and Natural Morality. By Chapman Cohen.’

Chapman Cohen (1868-1954), English freethinker
Publication details: 
London: The Pioneer Press, 61 Farringdon Street, E.C. 4. 1918.

Only two copies of any edition of this title on JISC: at the BL and Glasgow University. Cohen’s obituary in The Times describes him as ‘outstanding as a forthright, witty and courteous debater and lecturer’. This item is 30pp, 12mo. Stitched into wraps with title printed on the front and publicity material on the other three sides. Internally in good condition, lightly aged, in slightly spotted and worn wraps.

[Anne Cobden-Sanderson; suffragette; Hammersmith Publishing Company] Pro Forma Invoice [Printed Heading] Bought of the Hammersmith Publishing Company sent to anarchist Ambrose Barker.

[Anne Cobden-Sanderson; suffragette; Hammersmith Publishing Company]
Publication details: 
River House Hammersmith [handwritten]; printed 7 Hammersmith Terrace, W. excised. See image

Obl.12mo, 20 x 13cm, foxing but text legible. Dated 6 Oct 1903 with details in Anne Cobden-Sanderson's hand (as other handwritten detail) of two items purchased by Barker, both by J.W. Mackail and printed at the Chiswick Press: Socialism & Politics and Parting of the Ways. I've found no substantial discussion of the Hammersmith Publishing Company. See image for full text.

Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti, 1921. ] Printed 'Report to the Governor [ of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Michael S. Dukakis ] in the Matter of Sacco and Vanzetti', with letter from the Governor's Press Office and photostat of pardon.

[ Daniel A. Taylor, Chief Legal Counsel, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; the 1921 Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti; Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Italian-American anarchists ]
Publication details: 
Introduction by Daniel A. Taylor, Chief Legal Counsel, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Department, State House, Boston, dated 13 July 1977.

[1] + 38pp., 4to. Stapled in brown printed wraps. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. In his introduction Taylor explains: 'The accompanying Report has been prepared under the auspices of the Office of the Governor's Legal Counsel in response to your questions: first, as to whether there are substantial grounds for believing - at least in light of the criminal justice standards of today - that Sacco and Vanzetti were unfairly convicted and executed, and, second, if so, what action can now appropriately be taken.

[ The Siberian 'Katorga' in Imperial Russia. ] English translation (by Peter Kropotkin?) from the French, of Émile Andreoli's account of his captivity following the January Uprising, titled ''Siberian Convicts' Life'. Containing unpublished material.

Émile Andreoli (1835-1900), Franco-Italian writer and inventor, sent to Siberia following his participant in the Polish 'January Uprising', 1863-1864 [ Peter Kropotkin, Russia; Russian Katorga ]
Publication details: 
Without details or date. [London, 1880s? Certainly after 1869.]

99pp., 8vo. Each page typed on a separate piece of paper ruled with red marginal borders. The manuscript housed in a contemporary thumb-indexed ledger, with each leaf tipped-in onto the recto of a leaf of the ledger. The manuscript in good condition, lightly-aged and worn; the ledger heavily worn and shaken, and lacking covers. Andreoli's name is not given anwhere in this item. Title-page with typed title 'Siberian Convicts' Life'. Above the title, in manuscript is '? Convict-Life', and typed beneath the title is a six-line epigram from Goethe.

[ Rossetti ] Autograph Note Signed "Olivia Rossetti" to "Dr Rukes[?]".

Olivia Rossetti [ Olivia Rossetti Agresti ] (1875–1960), activist, author, editor, and interpreter. member of one of England's most prominent artistic and literary families
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] 3 St Edmund's Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. [no date].

One page, 12mo, black border, speckled (foxing?) and smudged, text clear although hand difficult. She tahnks him for enquiries and tells him all are "fairly well". She has heard form a Mrs Coben that "Coben is very ill" and encourages him to visit him, giving him directions and expressing sympathy with the wife.

[Dr César De Paepe, French syndicalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Dr. De Paepe'), in English, to the Liberal economist Thorold Rogers, asking for a copy of one of his books to review in his journal 'Le National Belge'.

Dr César De Paepe (1841-1890), French syndicalist, a major influence on the Industrial Workers of the World [Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), economist and Liberal politician]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Le National Belge, Bruxelles. 2 May 1885.

1p., 12mo. Good, on aged paper. De Paepe's grasp of the English language is not firm, but he makes himself understood. He has seen Rogers' 'new scientific book' 'Six Centuries of Work and Wages' advertised in 'many English papers'.

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