[The National Association for Freedom, London.] Publicity pamphlet and membership application form.

The National Association for Freedom, libertarian pressure group set up in London in 1975 by Viscount De L'Isle, Norris McWhirter, Ross McWhirter and John Gouriet; now called the Freedom Association
Publication details: 
The National Association for Freedom, 500 Chesham House 30/32 Warwick Street, London W1R 5RD. No date (dating from between 1975 and late 1978).

A scarce piece of political ephemera, from the turbulent days of 1970s Britain. The only other copy traced at the British Library, where it is tentatively dated to 1977.

[F.M. Wibaut, social democrat politician, writer on economic subjects etc; Mrs Wibaut-Berdenis, feminist writer] Marriage in the Making, translated from Wordend Huwelijk by Cornelie Russell. (unpublished)

F.M. Wibaut and Mrs Wibaut-Berdenis van Berlekom. Translator: Cornelie Russell
Publication details: 
Authorised Translation [1933] unpublished. Wordend Huwelijk first published in 1932, third edition 1933

Typescript, 99pp., 4to, paper wraps, stapled, sl. chipped and stained, text good+. Enclosed: Brief biographical information about the Dutch joint authors, typescript, one page, edge dusted and ragged but complete. WITH: 5 pages of complimentary reviews of the Dutch edition in periodicals or by distinguished individuals. The reviews include statements that illuminate the text.

[ Freedom of Speeech; Democracy; the Film industry ] John Howard Lawson petitioner [...] Brief of Alexander Meiklejohn, of Cultural Workers in Motion Pictures and Other Arts, and of Members of the Professions, as Amici Curiae

[ In the Supreme Court of the United States ]
Publication details: 
Parker & Company, Law Printers, Los Angeles, "October Term, 1949".

[vi].36, 8vo, paper wraps, edges sunned, minor creasing, mainly good condition. Notes: A. "John Howard Lawson ( 1894 - 1977) was an American writer. He was for several years head of the Hollywood division of the Communist Party USA. He was also the organization's cultural manager and answered directly to V.J. Jerome, the Party's New York-based cultural chief. He was the first president of the Writers Guild of America, West after the Screen Writers Guild divided into two regional organizations": B.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] "That blessed Word - Liberty." By Alex. M. Thompson

Alex. M. Thompson [ Alexander Mattock Thompson (1861-1948) ]
Publication details: 
[ London. ] Published by the Clarion Newspaper Co., Ltd. [ 1894 or 1895. ]

16pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged. Drophead title only (full publication details presumably on missing front wrap).

[ Albie Sachs, South African activist. ] Typescript of his book 'Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter', with variations from the published version.

Albie Sachs [ Albert Louis Sachs ] (b.1935), African National Congress activist and former judge on the Constitutional Court of South Africa
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but between 1988, when the events described occurred in South Africa, and the publication of the book in 1990.

113pp., 8vo. On 57 leaves, stapled together, with white card backing. No title-page. Worn and aged, with first leaf detached, but in fair condition overall. In 1988, in Maputo, Mozambique, where Sachs was exiled as an ANC activist, he lost an arm and his sight in one eye when a bomb was placed in his car by agents acting for the South African Regime. Sach's memoir is an important document in the history of the South African freedom struggle. Widely praised on its publication, it received the Alan Paton Award in 1991.

[ The Siberian 'Katorga' in Imperial Russia. ] English translation (by Peter Kropotkin?) from the French, of Émile Andreoli's account of his captivity following the January Uprising, titled ''Siberian Convicts' Life'. Containing unpublished material.

Émile Andreoli (1835-1900), Franco-Italian writer and inventor, sent to Siberia following his participant in the Polish 'January Uprising', 1863-1864 [ Peter Kropotkin, Russia; Russian Katorga ]
Publication details: 
Without details or date. [London, 1880s? Certainly after 1869.]

99pp., 8vo. Each page typed on a separate piece of paper ruled with red marginal borders. The manuscript housed in a contemporary thumb-indexed ledger, with each leaf tipped-in onto the recto of a leaf of the ledger. The manuscript in good condition, lightly-aged and worn; the ledger heavily worn and shaken, and lacking covers. Andreoli's name is not given anwhere in this item. Title-page with typed title 'Siberian Convicts' Life'. Above the title, in manuscript is '? Convict-Life', and typed beneath the title is a six-line epigram from Goethe.

Original 45rpm record of 'South African Freedom Songs', sung by Pete Seeger, Robert Harter, Garrett Morris, Guy Carawan, Ned Wright, with booklet of words and music, with 'Notes by Peter Seeger'.

Peter Seeger; Folkways Records, New York [South African; Pete Seeger, Robert Harter, Garrett Morris, Guy Carawan, Ned Wright]
Publication details: 
Folways Records and Service Corp., 117W. 46th St. NYC USA. [1960.]

In black 19.5 cm square sleeve, with striking cover design showing the aftermath of Sharpeville, and notice 'The American Committee on Africa receives royalties from the sale of this record.' The four songs are Tina Sizwe (We, The Brown Nation); Nkosi Waqcine (God Save the Volunteers); Asikatali (We Do Not Care If We Go To Prison); Liyashizwa (Pass-Burning Song). Very good, lightly-aged, with the record itself (in brown paper sleeve) seemingly unplayed. The twelve-page booklet is stapled, with illustrated cover and three photographs of the Sharpville Massacre.

The Class Nature of the Soviet Union. Two Articles by Leon Trotsky: 'Once Again; the U.S.S.R. and its Defence.' [...] 'The U.S.S.R.; Non-Proletarian and non-Bourgeoise State?' [With anonymous foreword discussing Trotsky's 'political tendency'.]

Leon Trotsky [Trotskyite; W.I.R. Publications; British Communism Party; Communist]
Publication details: 
[Early 1960s.] 'Printed in Swansea by voluntary labour.' Published by W.I.R. Publications, 374, Grays Inn Rd., London W.C.I [cancelled to 'Order from W.I.R. Publications, 197, Kings Cross Road, London, W.C.1.']

Mimeographed and stapled. [i] + iii + 17 pp. Printed on eleven leaves, the first two and last two 26 x 21 cm, and the middle seven leaves 25.5 x 20 cm. Fair, on foxed paper with wear to extremities. It would appear that the leaves of the two articles had been printed previously, and were newly bound up here with the preliminary matter. The first articles is, according to the title 'Taken from "Fourth International", July Aug 1951. (American edition)' and the second 'Taken from "Workers International News", Sept-Oct 1946.

Two broadsheet songs: 'Oh, Brother, did you weep?' (words and music by MacColl, illustration by Audrey Seyfang) and 'Yankee Doodle' (words by MacColl, and illustration by 'Catchpole').

Ewan MacColl; Audrey Seyfang; 'Catchpole' [Folksingers for Freedom in Vietnam]
Publication details: 

Excessively scarce survivals, with no copies of either item appearing on COPAC or WorldCat. Both are printed on one side of a leaf roughly 25 x 20 cm. In fair condition, with light creasing to extremities. Item One (on grey paper, with illustration by Audrey Seyfang): 'Oh, Brother, did you weep? | words and music by Ewan MacColl'.

Four illustrated broadsheets. Three with words and music, to songs: 'Oh, Brother, did you weep?' by MacColl; 'Lament of the Soldier's Wife', 'words: Claudi Paley'; and 'Nam Bo', 'by an American'. The fourth with McColl's words to 'Yankee Doodle'.

Folksingers for Freedom in Vietnam [Ewan MacColl; Claudia Paley; Karl Dallas; Gordon McCulloch; Audrey Seyfang; 'Catchpole'; English folk revival; sixties protest singers; Yankee Doodle]
Publication details: 

According to Karl Dallas (Morning Star, 16 November 2007) it was he who 'first mooted the idea' of an anti-Vietnam War 'campaign in the folk scene', with the 'singers' group' being formed by Dallas in conjunction with Ewan MacColl and Gordon McCulloch. The four items are excessively scarce survivals, with no copies of any of them appearing on COPAC. All are printed on one side of a leaf roughly 25 x 20 cm. Each leaf is differently coloured. The items are in fair condition, dogeared and with light creasing and chipping to extremities.

Printed programme of the 'Arrangements for the Ceremony of the Presentation of the Freedom of the City of London to The Right Hon. Lord Milner of St. James' and Cape Town, G.C.B., G.C.M.G.'

Alfred Milner (1854-1925), 1st Viscount Milner [Lord Milner] [The Corporation of the City of London; freedom of the city; Guildhall]
Publication details: 
Tuesday, 23rd July, 1901.'

4tp bifolium: 3 pp. Text clear and complete on aged and lightly-creased paper. The first page is headed by the crest of the City of London. Gives the timetable for the ceremony, and the routes to be followed by the holders of 'three distinct Cards [white, pink and blue] assigning seats in different localities'. 'The Prime Warden and Wardens of the Fishmongers' Company will present Lord Milner with the Freedom.

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