
[Benny Hill, English comedian famed for his television series ‘The Benny Hill Show’.] Signed Autograph Inscription to black and white publicity photograph, with Autograph Note Signed on reverse.

‘Benny Hill’ [Alfred Hawthorne Hill] (1924-1992), English comedian famed for his television series ‘The Benny Hill Show’, and his use of slapstick, burlesque and double entendre
Publication details: 
No date or place, but the portrait of Hill apparently dating from the 1960s or early 1970s.

Despite criticism for his supposedly sexist humour, Hill’s work was admired by men from the novelist Anthony Burgess to Michael Jackson and Burt Reynolds. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged, with light traces of glue from mount on reverse. An 8.5 x 14 cm photographic print, carrying an 8.5 x 10.5 cm black and white head and shoulders shot of a smirking Hill, staring fixedly at the viewer in black top. Inscribed in light ink in the blank patch beneath the image: ‘To Eric / Cheers! / Benny Hill’.

[Irish potholing.] Anonymous printed document titled ‘Cave Exploration in Ireland’, giving ‘a general indication of the cave areas of Ireland’.

[Cave exploration in Ireland; Irish potholing]
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Post 1962. Irish.]

3 pp, foolscap 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. Central horizontal fold. Each page on a separate piece of paper, with the three pieces stapled together. In small print (not typed).

[C. Gordon Tether: ?Lombard? of the Financial Times of London.] Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse of ?Books and Bookmen?, regarding reviews and his anti-Common Market pamphlet.

C. Gordon Tether, economic author and journalist, the ?Lombard? columnist of the Financial Times of London [Philip Dosse (1925-1980) of Hansom Books, publisher of 'Books and Bookmen']
Publication details: 
7 June 1979. With printed label with address Hetheringstoke, Lawfords Hill Road, Worplesdon, Guildford.

Such was the longevity of Tether?s Financial Times ?Lombard? column that it featured in the Guinness Book of Records, so the entire absence of biographical information seems odd. Conspiracy theorists might point to the fact that he was an early opponent of the Bilderberg Group: an article on them was rejected by the Financial Times in November 1976. It is reprinted in his ?Banned Articles of C. Gordon Tether? (1977). From the papers of Philip Dosse, proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players.

[The Osmonds, 1970s pop sensation.] Autograph Signatures of Donny Osmond and his brothers Jay and Alan, with that of the disgraced glam teen idol Gary Glitter.

The Osmonds, 1970s pop sensation [Donny Osmond (b.1957); Jay Osmond (b.1955); Alan Osmond (b.1949)] Gary Glitter [Paul Francis Gadd (b.1944)], disgraced glam rock teen idol
The Osmonds,
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Mid 1970s.]
The Osmonds,

In good condition, lightly aged. The Osmond’s signatures are written with brown felt-tip pen on an 8.5 x 13.5 piece of pink paper with rounded edges, evidently removed from an autograph album. With portrait orientation. Alan Osmond writes: ‘Best Wishes - / The Osmonds / Alan Osmond’ and beneath this, one on top of the othe, are the signatures of ‘Donny Osmond’ and ‘Jay Osmond’. The names are written out in another hand at bottom right. On the reverse, with landscape orientation, the large signature of ‘Gary Glitter’. See Image.

[The National Association for Freedom, London.] Publicity pamphlet and membership application form.

The National Association for Freedom, libertarian pressure group set up in London in 1975 by Viscount De L'Isle, Norris McWhirter, Ross McWhirter and John Gouriet; now called the Freedom Association
Publication details: 
The National Association for Freedom, 500 Chesham House 30/32 Warwick Street, London W1R 5RD. No date (dating from between 1975 and late 1978).

A scarce piece of political ephemera, from the turbulent days of 1970s Britain. The only other copy traced at the British Library, where it is tentatively dated to 1977.

[Barbara Castle, Labour politician.] Autograph Note Signed to ‘Pip’, accompanying signed press photograph to him, the other side of the note carrying an Autograph Note from deaf Labour politician Jack Ashley.

Barbara Castle [Barbara Anne Castle, Baroness Castle of Blackburn, née Betts] (1910-2002), Labour politician [Jack Ashley [John Ashley, Baron Ashley of Stoke] (1922-2012)]
Publication details: 
Barbara Castle’s note dated 11 July 1973; no place. The ‘British Official Photograph’ dated on accompanying leaf to 1974.

See their entries in the Oxford DNB. Castle was a pioneer for woman in British politics and a champion of the welfare state; and Ashley, said to have been the first totally deaf democratic representative in the world, was a campaigner for the rights of the disabled.. Both items in good condition. The ANS is on a 16mo leaf of pink paper. On one side: ‘To Pip / who has lightened our load and brightened our lives for so many years. / Bless you! / Barbara Castle / 11. 7. 73.’ On the other: ‘To PIP THE POPular / With every good wish / Jack Ashley / P.S. And lots and lots of fun. / JA’.

Four Typed Letters Signed and two Autograph Cards Signed from the Hampstead poet Frederick Grubb (one in full, four 'Fredk G' and one 'Comrade G') to the critic Derek Stanford, including a virulent attack, and with two other items signed by Grubb.

Fred Grubb [Frederick Grubb] (born 1930), English poet [Derek Stanford (1918-2008), English writer; 1960s Hampstead coterie]
Fred Grubb [Frederick Grubb] (born 1930), English poet
Publication details: 
1973 and 1974; most from 243 Haverstock Hill, Hampstead.
Fred Grubb [Frederick Grubb] (born 1930), English poet

All items clear and complete, on aged paper. Letters totaling: 4to, 1 p; landscape 8vo, 5 pp. The two cards carry long messages, written in red ink in Grubb's close, neat hand; one is standard size, the other 27 x 13.5 cm. Five envelopes are stapled to their letters. Grubb ('one of the last survivors of the famous 1960s Hampstead coterie of writers, actors and critics') writes entertainingly in an emphatic, energetic manner marvellously evocative of the 1970s London literary scene.

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