[Joseph Stalin, communist dictator of the Soviet Union.] Printed propaganda: handbill in English, translating text by ‘J. STALIN’ exhorting his followers to do ‘as Lenin taught us’.

Joseph Stalin, communist dictator of the Soviet Union [Lenin; Rabochaya Gazeta, Moscow; Communist Party of Great Britain; propaganda]
Publication details: 
No date or place. [English, 1920s?] Translated from letter sent by Stalin in 1925 to the Rabochaya Gazeta (Worker’s Newspaper), Moscow.

The parallel which Bertrand Russell showed between Marxism and Christianity is apparent in this piece of quasi-religious propaganda, which presumably emanates from the Communist Party of Great Britain. It is printed in red on one side of a 20 x 29 cm piece of shiny paper, scarcely thicker than tracing paper. Lightly aged, and with creasing and wear to extremities. The text, which translates part of a letter sent by Stalin to the Rabochaya Gazeta on the first anniversary of Stalin’s death, reads as follows: ‘Remember, love and study Lenin, our teacher and leader.

[The South African Peace Council; 1960s anti-nuclear movement.] Carnet of 12 stamps (one missing) issued by the SAPC, with mottos ‘Outlaw Atomic Weapons’ and ‘One Year of Negotiation is better than one Day of War’.

The South African Peace Council [1960s anti-nuclear movement; Hilda Bernstein (1915-2006) Marxist anti-apartheid campaigner]
Atom Bomb
Publication details: 
No date [early 1960s]. The South African Peace Council, P.O. Box 10528, Johannesburg.
Atom Bomb

A nice piece of anti-nuclear war ephemera. A 19 x 6.75 cm block of perforated stamps with gum on reverse. The block originally had twelve stamps, but the one at top right is lacking. Printed in blue on white with a simple design of a dove with an olive branch in its mouth, encircled by the words 'THE SOUTH AFRICAN PEACE COUNCIL.' Stapled between two 19 x 6.75 pieces of paper: the one behind the stamps blank and grey, the one before the stamps being the cover, on which is printed: ‘OUTLAW ATOMIC WEAPONS / THE SOUTH AFRICAN PEACE COUNCIL / P.O.

[ Printed First World War pamphlet. ] Pan-German Socialism (Neo-Marxism).

William Stephen Sanders [ The New Age, London ]
Publication details: 
'(Reprinted from "The New Age")'. W. H. Smith & Son, London. [ 1918. ]

24pp., 12mo. Stapled. In good condition, with light signs of age. A wartime pamphlet, the latest reference in which is to 'the "demonstration" vote of the Socialist Party in the Reichstag, July, 1918, against the Budget', and thus written between that date and the end of the war. The author's message is summed-up in his conclusion: 'Franz Mehring is right in declaring that the old German Social Democracy is dead.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sylvia Lynd, poet and novelist.

Thomas Lionel Hodgkin (1910-1982), Marxist historian, son of last.
Publication details: 
20 Bradmore Road, Oxford; 'Easter Sunday 1931'

ALS, on letterhead of 20 Bradmore Road, Oxford; 'Easter Sunday 1931', 2pp., 8vo. Mainly personal long letter thanking her for 'a splendid present - Thank Heavens someone has had the wisdom to give me books, and the bounty to give me a lot of books'. With typed copy (1 p, 4to) of text headed 'Love and the Revolutionaries'. Inscribed at head 'For Sigle [Sheila Lynd], With love from Thomas Hodgkin | Christmas, 1970'.


Autograph Letter Signed to Sylvia Lynd, poet and novelist.

Thomas Lionel Hodgkin (1910-1982), Marxist historian, son of last.
Publication details: 
20 Bradmore Road, Oxford; 'Easter Sunday 1931'

ALS, on letterhead of 20 Bradmore Road, Oxford; 'Easter Sunday 1931', 2pp., 8vo. Mainly personal long letter thanking her for 'a splendid present - Thank Heavens someone has had the wisdom to give me books, and the bounty to give me a lot of books'. With typed copy (1 p, 4to) of text headed 'Love and the Revolutionaries'. Inscribed at head 'For Sigle, With love from Thomas Hodgkin | Christmas, 1970'.

Two Autograph Letters from the historian Thomas Lionel Hodgkin, one (signed 'Thomas') to the poet Sylvia Lynd, the other (unsigned) to her daughter Sigle Lynd, both written in the most effusive terms.

Thomas Lionel Hodgkin (1910-1982), Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford, British Marxist historian of Africa [Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), poet; Sigle ('Sheila') Lynd [later Wheeler] (1910-1976)]
Publication details: 
Both letters on letterhead of 20 Bradmore Road, Oxford. Letter to Sylvia Lynd: 16 December 1930. Letter to Sigle Lynd: 19 July 1930.

Both items in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Both letters are written in an excited, gushing style, and have the margins filled with extra text. Letter to Sylvia Lynd: 2pp., 4to. Addressed to 'Dear Mrs Lynd'.

Four Typed Letters Signed and two Autograph Cards Signed from the Hampstead poet Frederick Grubb (one in full, four 'Fredk G' and one 'Comrade G') to the critic Derek Stanford, including a virulent attack, and with two other items signed by Grubb.

Fred Grubb [Frederick Grubb] (born 1930), English poet [Derek Stanford (1918-2008), English writer; 1960s Hampstead coterie]
Fred Grubb [Frederick Grubb] (born 1930), English poet
Publication details: 
1973 and 1974; most from 243 Haverstock Hill, Hampstead.
Fred Grubb [Frederick Grubb] (born 1930), English poet

All items clear and complete, on aged paper. Letters totaling: 4to, 1 p; landscape 8vo, 5 pp. The two cards carry long messages, written in red ink in Grubb's close, neat hand; one is standard size, the other 27 x 13.5 cm. Five envelopes are stapled to their letters. Grubb ('one of the last survivors of the famous 1960s Hampstead coterie of writers, actors and critics') writes entertainingly in an emphatic, energetic manner marvellously evocative of the 1970s London literary scene.

Four printed leaflets relating to the English League for the Taxation of Land Values.

The English League for the Taxation of Land Values [Frederick Verinder (1858-1948), General Secretary]
Publication details: 
All circa 1903. All 'Printed by Page & Pratt, Ltd., 22 St Andrew St., E.C.' [London].

All four items clear and complete, on aged paper with wear to the extremities of item one. Item One: 'Leaflet No. 1. English League for the Taxation of Land Values. Statement of Principles.' 12mo, 4 pp, on unbound bifolium. Headings include 'Objects of the League', 'Meaning of Land Values', 'The Taxation of Land Values would be just', 'The Taxation of Land Values would promote general prosperity and remove social evils'. Item Two: '[...] No. 3. The Taxation of Land Values: What it would do. 12mo leaflet, 2 pp.

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