[R. B. Brough [Robert Barnabas Brough], playwright, poet and journalist, brother of Lionel ?Lal? Brough and William Brough.] Autograph Letter Signed, teasing actor-manager Thomas Hailes Lacy over his wish for a 'tag' (to a piece Brough is writing).

R. B. Brough [Robert Barnabas Brough] (1828-1860), playwright, poet and journalist, brother of actor Lionel ?Lal? Brough and author William Brough [Thomas Hailes Lacy (1809-1873), actor-manager]
Publication details: 
19 April [1852]. From 'Cl[?]'.

See his entry, with those of his brother Lionel and Lacy, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, landscape 8vo. On grey paper. Neatly placed in a trimmed windowpane mount, with a triangle of paper lost on opening the seal skilfully replaced with paper. In fair condition, folded for postage. On the reverse is a penny red stamp, a black wax seal, and two postmarks, with the address by Brough: ?T. H. Lacy Esqr. / 17 Wellington Street / Strand / London?, and Brough?s initials ?R. B. B.? at bottom left.

[The funeral of Robert Stephenson, locomotive engineer.] Autograph Letter Signed from Richard Chenevix Trench, Dean of Westminster Abbey (later Archbishop of Dublin) to Stephenson?s cousin G. R. Stephenson, agreeing to officiate.

Richard Chenevix Trench (1807-1886), Anglican Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of All Ireland [Robert Stephenson (1803-1859) and his cousin George Robert Stephenson (1819-1905), locomotive engineers]
Publication details: 
'Westminster / Oct 15/59 [1859]'.

See his entry, and those of the Stephenson?s, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On the first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with the blank second leaf carrying traces of mount. Folded for postage. Addressed to ?George Robt. Stephenson Esqr.? and signed ?R. C. Trench?. Reads: ?Dear Sir / May I express to you, as the first of those who have signed a communication which I have just received, the pleasure that it will give me to comply with the request therein contained; and I shall look forward to performing the part which you have desired in the funeral of the late Mr.

[Mary Anne Keeley, actress and theatre manager.] Autograph Letter Signed, responding to a request for an autograph with ‘a Specimen of my calligraphy’ and date of birth.

Mary Anne Keeley [née Goward] (1805-1899), English actress, wife of the actor Robert Keeley (1793-1869), with whom she managed London’s Lyceum Theatre
Publication details: 
‘10 Pelham Crescent / South Kensington [London] / June 6 1895’.

See her entry, and that of her husband, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, in trimmed windowpane mount. Although a short letter, her expansive and elegant hand fills the whole page. Reads: ‘Dear sir / With great pleasure I comply with your request and send a Specimen of my caligraphy [sic] / Yours very truly / Mary Anne Keeley / I was born Novr 22 1805’.

[Robert Leighton, Scottish author of boys’ fiction.] Autograph Note Signed to ‘Scout Sibson’.

Robert Leighton (1858-1934), Scottish author of boys’ fiction, husband of author Marie Connor and father of poet Robert Aubrey Leighton
Publication details: 
‘Heather Cliff / Lowestoft / Jan: 1920’.

1p, landscape 12mo. On ruled paper. In fair condition, but with traces of glue from mount from reverse, a strip of which shows through along the outer edge, not affecting text. Good firm signature, underlined: ‘Robert Leighton’. Clearly a response to a request for an autograph: ‘Dear Scout Sibson, / I have much pleasure in acceding to your wish. / Very truly yours / Robert Leighton’.

[D'Arcy Power; R. P. Pott, son of the surgeon Percivall Pott of Bart’s Hospital, London.] Offprint of article on him by Edith Humphris, with 8 items including 3 Autograph Letters from her to Sir D’Arcy Power and Signed Autograph genealogy by Power.

[Robert Percivall Pott (1756-1795), son of the celebrated surgeon Percivall Pott of Bart’s Hospital, London] Sir D’Arcy Power (1855-1941), surgeon and medical historian; Edith Mary Humphris, author
Publication details: 
Offprint article from 'Bengal: Past and Present' (Journal of the Calcutta Historical Society). Calcutta, 1936.

Humphris wrote a number of books, including biographies of Fred Archer, Mathew Dawson, Adam Lindsay Gordon. See Power’s entry in the Oxford DNB. From Power’s library. The material is in good condition, lightly aged, in good tight green cloth binding made for Power, with ‘BOB POTT’ in gilt on spine. The printed article is 36pp, 4to, paginated 69-104, with two plates: black and white photographs of George Romney’s portraits of Pott and his wife Emily. A couple of minor manuscript emendations by the author at the start, and a few pencil annotations by Power.

[The man responsible for the British bobby: Sir Robert Peel, two-time Prime Minister.] Autograph Signature cut from letter.

Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (Tory, Conservative, Peelite), founder of the Metropolitan Police (who were nicknamed 'bobbies' and 'peelers' after him)
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Loose flowing signature, reading 'R Peel'. On a rectangle of paper, roughly 4.5 x 2.5 cm. Lightly discoloured and creased, with traces of glue on blank reverse from mount. See Image.

[Sir George Smyth Baden-Powell, explorer and colonial official, brother of the founder of the Scouting movement Sir Robert Baden-Powell.] Autograph Signature cut from letter.

Sir George Smyth Baden-Powell (1847-1898), explorer, author, commissioner in Victoria, Australia, the West Indies, Malta and Canada, and brother of Sir Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry, and those of his father and brother, in the Oxford DNB. On rectangle of paper, roughly 8.5 x 3.5 cm. In good condition, lightly aged, with the 'Powell' of the signature slightly smudged, and traces of glue from mount on reverse. Reads '[...] and Love [...] / Yours truly / George Baden-Powell'.

[Sir Oswald Mosley and his secretary Jeffrey Hamm; British Union of Fascists.] Typed Letter Signed from Hamm to Philip Dosse of Books and Bookmen, regarding a review by Mosley and Peter Liddle, with copy of Mosley letter on Boothby and Skidelsky

Sir Oswald Mosley and his secretary Jeffrey Hamm [Edward Jeffrey Hamm] (1915-1992), Welsh fascist who succeeded him as leader of the Union Movement and edited ‘Lodestar’ [British Union of Fascists]
Publication details: 
Hamm's letter: 15 March 1979; on letterhead of the 'Sir Oswald Mosley Secretariat', 76A Rochester Row, London SW1. Copy of Mosley letter to Dosse: undated ('For June Issue' in 1975); on his letterhead, 1 Rue des Lacs, Orsay 91, France.

See Mosley’s entry in the Oxford DNB. Hamm’s papers are in the University of Birmingham. The recipient Philip Dosse (1925-1980) was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players.ONE: Typed Letter Signed from ‘Jeffrey Hamm’ to ‘Mr. Dossé’ (Dosse did not employ an accent). 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and folded once. Begins: ‘Sir Oswald dictated this review over the telephone today on to my recording machine.

[Sir Robert Smirke, RA, architect of the British Museum.] Autograph Note Signed to Charles Fowler, a vice-president of the Artiists' General Benevolent Institution, enclosing a cheque.

Sir Robert Smirke (1780-1867), RA, architect of the British Museum
Publication details: 
'Stanmore / April 20. 1843'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, torn along the inner edge on removal from mount. Addressed to ‘Chas. Fowler Esqr:’ (a vice-president of the Artists’ General Benevolent Institution) and signed ‘Rob. Smirke.’ Reads: ‘Dear Sir / May I request you will have the goodness to add the amount of the enclosed cheque for me to the collection recently made for the Artists Genl. Benevolent Institution.’

[Robert Graves [Robert von Ranke Graves], poet and author of ‘I Claudius’ and ‘Goodbye to All That’.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr Scarr’, declining to give any further talks, ‘not being an extemporizer’.

Robert Graves [Robert von Ranke Graves], poet and author, noted for his war memoir ‘Goodbye to All That’ and his historical novel ‘I Claudius’
Publication details: 
25 July 1962; on letterhead of Canellun, Deya, Mallorca, Spain.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Reads: ‘Dear Mr Scarr: / I’m sorry but I have already engaged myself for three talks besides my offical three and, not being an extemporizer, can’t undertake any more. / Yours sincerely / Robert Graves’. See Image.

[The Peace with Ireland Council (London), 1921.] Printed handbill titled ‘The Voice of the Churches on Ireland’.

The Peace with Ireland Council, London, founded by Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck, with Basil Williams as treasurer and Margaret Buckmaster as honorary secretary
Publication details: 
[1921.] Published by the Peace with Ireland Council, 30a Queen Anne’s Chambers, Westminster, S.W.1 and printed by the Caledonian Press Ltd., 74 Swinton Street, Gray’s Inn Road, W.C.1.

The Peace with Ireland Council was founded in November 1920 by Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck, following a meeting at the House of Commons by a group concerned at the deteriorating situation in Ireland following the introduction of the Black and Tans, and spurred on by the treatment of former MP Annan Bryce and his wife Violet. Among those involved were the historian Basil Williams, who acted as treasurer, and the suffragette Margaret Buckmaster (daughter of Lord Buckmaster) who served as honorary secretary. From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers.

[Home Rule, 1912.] Printed item: ‘A “Modern Eye”-Opener. 60 Points against Home Rule (A reply to the Daily News “50 Points in Favour of Home Rule”) by T. S. Frank Battersby, M.A., K.C. With a preface by The Right Hon. Sir Edward H. Carson, M.P.'

T. S. Frank Battersby [Thomas Stephenson Francis Battersby (1855-1933)], M.A., K.C., author; with preface by Sir Edward H. Carson, M.P.; Unionist Associations of Ireland, Dublin and Belfast
Publication details: 
1912. Unionist Associations of Ireland: Dublin, 109 Grafton Street, and Belfast, Old Town Hall.

From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers. Scarce: three copies on JISC and in NLI. The Lynd copies of the first and third editions of the work to which this is a response are offered separately. 76pp (vi + 66 + [4]), 12mo. Stapled. In printed card wraps with vertical red, white and blue bands on the cover. Grubby and worn, with slightly-rusted staples, and short closed tear to fore-edge of front cover. Includes four-page index.

[Richard Cobden, Radical Liberal politician and Anti-Corn Law League leader.] Autograph List of petitions to the House of Commons, headed ‘Pet[itio]ns Mr Cobden’ [for James Johnstone or Robert Knox?].

Richard Cobden (1804-1865), Radical Liberal politician and leading figure in the Anti-Corn Law League [James Johnstone (1815-1878), newspaper proprietor; Robert Knox, editor of the Morning Herald]
Publication details: 
No date, but with newspaper cutting from the Morning Herald, London, 18 February 1854.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item was enclosed in a letter from Serjeant Shee (the future Sir William Shee), offered separately, sent from the House of Commons on 17 February 1854, in which he writes: ‘I enclose Mr. Cobdens own handwriting to send to the Papers -’. Attached to a corner at the head of the first page of the present item is a cutting from the Morning Herald newspaper, 18 February 1854, reproducing the details in the manuscript.

[The Peace with Ireland Council (London) and the Black and Tans, 1921.] Printed handbill titled ‘Irish Reprisals / Auxiliary Divisions Record / Indictment by Sir John Simon / To the Editor of The Times’.

Sir John Simon; The Peace with Ireland Council, London, founded by Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck, with Basil Williams as treasurer and Margaret Buckmaster as honorary secretary [The Black and Tans]
Publication details: 
[1921.] Published by the Peace with Ireland Council, 30 Queen Anne’s Chambers, S.W.1; and printed by the Caledonian Press Ltd. (T. U.) 74 Swinton Street, London, W.C.1.

The Peace with Ireland Council was founded in November 1920 by Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck, following a meeting at the House of Commons by a group concerned at the deteriorating situation in Ireland following the introduction of the Black and Tans, and spurred on by the treatment of former MP Annan Bryce and his wife Violet. Among those involved were the historian Basil Williams, who acted as treasurer, and the suffragette Margaret Buckmaster (daughter of Lord Buckmaster) who served as honorary secretary. From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers.

[Irish Public Finance, 1912: ‘The present position is indefensible’.] Printed pamphlet: ‘The Public Finances of Ireland / By Professor C. H. Oldham, B.A., B.L., University College, Dublin’.

Professor C. H. Oldham [Charles Hubert Oldham (1859-1926)], B.A., B.L., University College, Dublin; Richard Clay and Sons, printers [Irish Public Finance, 1912]
Publication details: 
1912. Printed by Richard Clay and Sons, Limited, Brunswick St., Stamford St., S.E. [London], and Bungay, Suffolk.

From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers. Scarce: no copy on JISC, but in NLI. 16pp, 12mo. Stitched. No wraps. The outer covers spotted, and the back cover grubby, otherwise in good condition, lightly aged. One vertical fold. The author’s position, supported with statistical analysis, is that ‘The present position is indefensible as it stands; and it is becoming worse.

[Northern Ireland: Special Powers Acts.] Two printed items: ‘Report of a Commission of Inquiry appointed to examine the Purpose and Effect of the Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Acts (Northern Ireland) 1922 & 1933.’ and handbill with reviews.

Northern Ireland, Special Powers Acts of 1922 and 1933; The National Council for Civil Liberties, London [Robert Lynd; H. G. Wells]
Publication details: 
Report: London, 1936. Published by The National Council for Civil Liberties, 99a Charing Cross Road, WC2.

Two items from the Robert and Sylvia Lynd papers. The first item is well represented in academic libraries, no copy of the second has been found. Item Two below asserts that ‘Under these Acts the Home Minister of Northern Ireland is furnished with what are practically dictatorship powers’, which are ‘now a permanent part of Northern Irish law’. (Robert Lynd’s interest in the matter was no doubt heightened by the fact that he was himself an Ulsterman.) ONE: Printed pamphlet.

[Francis Joseph Bigger, ed.] Printed pamphlet: ‘The Legislative Union. A Protest by Dr. William Drennan.’ [‘Protest against a union with Great Britain’.]

Francis Joseph Bigger (1863-1926), editor; Dr William Drennan; R. Carswell & Son, Belfast printers [Robert Lynd]
Publication details: 
‘Reprinted. / Belfast: R. Carswell & Son, Ltd., Printers, Queen Street. / 1911.’

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. A scarce item: five copies on JISC. In NLI, but not in the British Library. Bigger, a notable antiquary and republican (see Dictionary of Irish Biography), is the friend to whom Sir Roger Casement entrusted the ‘black box’ of incriminating documents, which Bigger destroyed after Casement’s execution. 12pp, 16mo. Stapled. In good condition, lightly aged, with lightly-rusted staples.

[Gaelic League of London [London Branch of the Gaelic League].] Printed periodical: number of ‘Inis Fa´il’ [Inisfa´il; Inis Fail], ‘A Magazine for the Irish in London’.

Gaelic League of London [London Branch of the Gaelic League]: Inis Fa´il [Inisfa´il; Inis Fail], ‘A Magazine for the Irish in London’ [Michael Davitt]
Publication details: 
Iúl [July] 1906 number. Gaelic League of London [no address].

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Scarce: this number is lacking from the run in the National Library of Ireland. The title as one word ‘INISFÁIL’ on cover, but as the two words ‘INIS FÁIL’ on first page. 12 pp, 4to. Stapled in light-green printed wraps. In good condition, lightly aged, on high-acidity paper, in lightly-worn wraps carrying advertisements.

[Home Rule, 1912: ‘The Voice of the Empire is on the Side of Ireland.’] Printed pamphlet: ‘The Empire and Home Rule / Special Messages to “The Daily Chronicle” from Premiers, Ministers, Representative Public Men, and Editors in the Oversea dominions’

[Home Rule for Ireland, 1912] The Daily Chronicle, London newspaper [Andrew Fisher, Prime Minister of Australia]
Publication details: 
[1912.] Published by: The Daily Chronicle, 31, Whitefriars Street, London, E.C.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Scarce: the only copy on JISC at Bristol University. Not in NLI or BL. 16pp, 12mo. Stapled. In green printed wraps. Heavily worn, with lightly-rusted staples, and with the back wrap separated. The centre pages carry a map of ‘The Real Position in Ulster’, with explanatory note. Begins with ‘Facsimile of Message from the Hon. A. Fisher, Premier of the Australian Commonwealth.’, dated 16 February 1912. Quotations (some with portraits) from individuals from South Africa, Canada, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Australia, New Zealand.

[Irish Land Question, 1854.] Autograph Letter Signed from Serjeant Shee [later Sir William Shee] [to James Johnstone or Robert Knox?], regarding the parliamentary response to his speech bringing in the ‘amended Tenants’ Compensation (Ireland) Bill’.

[Irish Land Question, 1854.] Sir William Shee [Serjeant Shee] (1804-1868), English-born Irish Liberal politician and judge [Richard Cobden (1804-1865), Radical politician; James Johnstone (1815-1878)]
Publication details: 
'House of Commons / Feby 17 1854'.

According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, Shee entered the House of Commons as Member for County Kilkenny in 1852, and promptly took charge of the Irish Tenant Right Bill. ‘On 16 February 1854 Shee brought in a bill which, with the exception of three clauses, was the exact counterpart of Sharman Crawford's bill of the previous session, but it met with little encouragement.’ Shee’s speech is reproduced in his ‘Papers, Letters, and Speeches in the House of Commons, on the Irish Land Question’ (London, 1863).

[Finances of Ireland, 1911.] Printed pamphlet by ‘An Irishman’ (i.e. Thomas T. Shaw): ‘The Financial Relations of Ireland with the Imperial Exchequer’.

‘An Irishman’ [i.e. Thomas T. Shaw]; M. H. Gill & Son, Dublin publishers [finances of Ireland, 1911; Robert Lynd]
Publication details: 
1911. Dublin and Waterford: M. H. Gill & Son, Limited.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Four copies traced: National Library of Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, the British Library and Oxford University. BL identifies the author as ‘Thomas T. Shaw’; another source states ‘Thomas J. Shaw’. 47pp, 8vo. In green printed wraps. Stapled. Lightly aged, in worn wraps, and with slight blooming at head of first few leaves. The author goes about the ‘self-imposed task’ of his ‘little brochure’ with copious statistical evidence, including an eight-page appendix of tables.

[China exploration; Sir Clement Markham, geographer and explorer, President of the Royal Geographical Society.] Autograph Letter Signed re author of an account of a journey in Chih-l (china)..

Sir Clements Markham [Sir Clements Robert Markham] (1830-1916), English geographer, explorer and writer, President of the Royal Geographical Society who organised Scott’s Antarctic expedition
Publication details: 
18 April 1905; 21 Eccleston Square S.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice, with spots of discoloration around the creases and slight nick at head of leaf. On monogram (Order of the Bath?) letterhead with motto ‘Tria juncta in uno’. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Townshend’ and signed ‘Clements R Markham’. Acknowledging receipt ‘of a paper by your brother-in-law Mr.

[Sydney Smirke, RA, architect of the British Museum Reading Room.] Autograph Letter Signed to fellow Royal Academician Edward William Cooke, regarding a photograph by Vernon Heath.

Sydney Smirke (1797-1877), RA, architect of the British Museum Reading Room [E. W. Cooke [Edward William Cooke] (1811-80), RA, marine painter; Vernon Heath (c.1819-95), photographer]
Publication details: 
'The Hollies / Tunbridge Wells / Aug: 7 [no year]'.

See Smirke’s entry, and those of Cooke and Heath, in the Oxford DNB. His most celebrated design is the Reading Room of the British Museum. 2pp, 12mo. With monogram and mourning border. On first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Begins: ‘My dear Sir, / Vernon Heath, of Piccadilly, has made me a photograph of our new front, which is I think fairly satisfactory.’ He has told Heath to deliver a copy ‘addressed to you at the R. Academy’. As it is ‘rather large’, he did not like to send it ‘by post or Parcel’, as it ‘might get crushed on its way to you.

[China exploration; Sir Clement Markham, geographer and explorer, President of the Royal Geographical Society.] Autograph Letter Signed re author of an account of a journey in Chih-l (china)..

Sir Clements Markham [Sir Clements Robert Markham] (1830-1916), English geographer, explorer and writer, President of the Royal Geographical Society who organised Scott’s Antarctic expedition
Publication details: 
18 April 1905; 21 Eccleston Square S.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice, with spots of discoloration around the creases and slight nick at head of leaf. On monogram (Order of the Bath?) letterhead with motto ‘Tria juncta in uno’. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Townshend’ and signed ‘Clements R Markham’. Acknowledging receipt ‘of a paper by your brother-in-law Mr.

[British Guiana and Sir Henry Barkly, 1850.] Nine pages of cuttings from The Times and the Globe, by ‘NIGER’ - identified herein as Sir James Robert Carmichael - and ‘Jacob Omnium’ (Matthew James Higgins), on Governor Barkly and slavery.

British Guiana; Sir James Carmichael-Smyth (1779-1838), governor; Sir James Robert Carmichael (1817-1883); Sir Henry Barkly (1815-98), governor; Matthew James Higgins ('Jacob Omnium') (1810-68)
Publication details: 
The Times and the Globe, London. Four letters by 'NIGER' to the Globe dated 29 and 30 January, 9 February and 2 March 1850. Four letters to The Times (two apiece from 'NIGER' and 'JACOB OMNIUM'), dated in October and November [1850].

A contemporary manuscript note to the present item reveals for the first time the identity of ‘Niger’, one of the two correspondents of whose letters it consists. (And minor manuscript corrections to the last of the four letters would seem to suggest the involvement of the author.) This is Sir James Robert Carmichael (1817-1883), 2nd Bart, who was intimately connected with British Guiana through his father Sir James Carmichael-Smyth (1779-1838).

[Robert Herrmann, Czechoslovak bookplate artist and architect.] Seventeen original bookplates for various individuals, ranging in style from modernist to traditional, in folder with autograph label by the artist, and photograph of sculpture.

Robert Herrmann (1897-1936), Czechoslovak bookplate artist and architect, born and died in Prague [Judaica]
Publication details: 
The seventeen bookplates dated between 1922 and 1925. [Prague, Czechoslovak Republic.]

Accomplished and attractive bookplates, in an impressive range of styles from modernist to traditional (several with mystical or masonic overtones), produced using various printing processes. The bookplates range in size from 6.5 x 7 cm (Herrmann’s own) to 11.5 x 17.5 cm. Each is dated with Herrmann’s tiny monogram design, adapted to suit its style of composition. The eighteen items are in very good condition, each laid down on a 16 x 25 cm piece of textured grey card.

[Lady Salisbury [Georgina Gascoyne-Cecil, Marchioness of Salisbury, wife of Conservative prime minister Lord Salisbury.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Faithfull'

Lady Salisbury [Georgina Gascoyne-Cecil, Marchioness of Salisbury, née Alderson (1827-1899)] wife of Conservative prime minister Lord Salisbury [Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury]
Publication details: 
25 November [no year, but between 1887 and 1892]. On letterhead of Hewell Grange, Bromsgrove.

Lady Salisbury is referred to in her husband’s entry in the Oxford DNB as ‘a buoyant and forceful woman who could share his intellectual interests and encourage and facilitate his career’. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Written in a good firm hand. Addressed to ‘Dear Miss Faithfull’ and signed ‘G Salisbury’.

[Sir John Taylor Coleridge, judge and editor of the Quarterly Review.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir John Wither Awdry, asking for clarification. On reverse of part of letter from the Lord Chancellor Lord Cranworth.

Sir John Taylor Coleridge (1790-1876), judge and editor of the Quarterly Review [Robert Monsey Rolfe, Lord Cranworth (1790-1868), twice Lord Chancellor; Sir John Wither Awdry (1795-1878), judge]
Publication details: 
'April. 19. 1855 / P[rivy]. C[ouncil].'

Coleridge was the nephew of the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. See his entry, and that of Cranworth, in the Oxford DNB. The letter relates to Palmerston’s first ministry. 1p, 16mo (cut down to a 12 x 10 cm piece of wove paper). In fair condition, lightly aged and discoloured, with traces of glue from mount adhering to one edge of blank reverse. Signing himself ‘J. T C’, Coleridge writes: ‘My dear Awdry / I have been with the Chancellor in consequence of the above - & promised to send him a minute in writing - where we have had trouble. Can you help me with your recollection. / In haste.

[Alfred Perceval Graves, Anglo-Irish poet, father of Robert Graves.] Autograph Letter Signed to Tom Taylor, with news of parliament, an Irish humorous story, a 'treble anagram' and in hopes of meeting with Shirley Brooks, editor of Punch.

Alfred Perceval Graves (1846-1931), Anglo-Irish poet, songwriter and folklorist, father of poet and critic Robert Graves [Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright, editor of Punch; Shirley Brooks]
Publication details: 
10 July [1872?]. Home Office, Whitehall. On letterhead of the Secretary of State, Home Department.

See his entry, those of his sons Philip and Robert, and that of Taylor, in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on discoloured and lightly-worn paper. Addressed to ‘My Dear Mr Taylor’ and signed ‘Alfred P. Graves’. He begins by enquiring after the state of the recipient’s health, before giving details of when Parliament ‘will probably be up’: ‘Otherwise I have no political news to interest you.

[R. E. Forrest [Robert Edward Treston Forrest], author and engineer in British India.] Autograph Letter Signed to James Payn, regarding the death of his mother and its effect on the writing of his latest book.

R. E. Forrest [Robert Edward Treston Forrest] (1835-1914), author and engineer, son of Captain George Forrest of the East India Company, winner of Victoria Cross during Indian Mutiny [James Payn]
Publication details: 
?La Hutte / Dinan / France / 27 July 1887?.

See the Oxford DNB entry of the recipient James Payn (1830-1898), at the time of this letter the editor of the Cornhill Magazine. More significantly, Payn had since 1874 been a reader for Smith, Elder, and the present letter stems from the firm?s interest in Forrest?s ?tale of the Indian Mutiny? which they would publish in 1891 under the title ?Eight Days?. 2pp, 16mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with short closed tear at edge of postage fold. Addressed to ?James Payn Esqr.? and signed ?R. E. Forrest?.

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