[Humphrey Lyttelton, jazz musician, author and broadcaster, presenter of the BBC radio panel show ‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue’.] Autograph Signature written on flap of envelope.

Humphrey Lyttelton [Humphrey Richard Adeane Lyttelton, nicknamed ‘Humph’] (1921-2008), jazz musician, author and broadcaster, presenter of the BBC radio panel show ‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue'
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See the biography of this much-beloved figure in the Oxford DNB. Stylish signature ‘Humphrey Lyttelton’, on irregularly-shaped piece of paper, roughly 7.5 x 4.5 cm, torn from an envelope flap. Somewhat worn and a little creased.

[Robert Graves [Robert von Ranke Graves], poet and author of ‘I Claudius’ and ‘Goodbye to All That’.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr Scarr’, declining to give any further talks, ‘not being an extemporizer’.

Robert Graves [Robert von Ranke Graves], poet and author, noted for his war memoir ‘Goodbye to All That’ and his historical novel ‘I Claudius’
Publication details: 
25 July 1962; on letterhead of Canellun, Deya, Mallorca, Spain.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Reads: ‘Dear Mr Scarr: / I’m sorry but I have already engaged myself for three talks besides my offical three and, not being an extemporizer, can’t undertake any more. / Yours sincerely / Robert Graves’. See Image.

[Tsar Nicholas I (visit to England)][Undeciphered signature] Autograph Letter Signed (name not deciphered - see Image] to unknown barge owner, about Grand Duke Nicholas's (later Tsar Nicholas) wish to see The Docks (West India Docks etc.)

[Tsar Nicholas I (visit to England)][Undeciphered signature]
Publication details: 
Stratford Place, 6 July [1816?]. See Image.

Three pages,12mo, bifolium, corner marked, mainly good condition. Text: The Grand Duke is desirous to see the Docks [underlined] on Wednesday, & we thought the best way of peforming it would be in going there by water. | Could we therefore have your Barge on that day - when [underlined] should we embark & at what o'clock [phrase underlined] - for the tide.

[‘We are so vexed, & not our fault’: Augusta, first Empress of Germany [Augusta of Saxe-Weimar], wife of Kaiser Wilhelm I.] Autograph Letter Signed, in English, to Lady Ashbourne, regarding a conflict of invitations with the Abercorns.

Augusta, Empress of Germany [Augusta Marie Luise Katharina of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach; Queen of Prussia] (1811-1890), wife of Kaiser Wilhelm I [Frances Maria Adelaide Gibson, Lady Ashbourne (1849-1926)]
Publication details: 
‘Easter Sunday / 1887.’ On letterhead of the Royal Hospital, Dublin.

In 1858 her son Frederick married Princess Victoria, the eldest child of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert; her grandson was Kaiser Wilhem III. For Lady Ashbourne, see her husband’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Before receiving Lady Ashbourne’s invitation, ‘The Duke & Duchess of Abercorns, [sic] my Cousins, had begged us attend a Masonic Concert the 18th.

[Queen of Romania: Elisabeth of Wied.] Long Autograph Letter Signed ('Elisabeth'), in French, to the novelist Louis Ulbach, lamenting the death of her cousin Marie of Waldeck and praising his work.

Queen of Romania: Elisabeth of Wied [Pauline Elisabeth Ottilie Luise] (1843-1916), wife of King Carol I, prolific author under the pseudonym ‘Carmen Sylva’ [Louis Ulbach (1822-1889), French novelist]
Publication details: 
'Sinaie, [i.e. Sinaia, Romania] ce 1. Mai 1882'.

Not only an unusually intimate letter for a member of royalty to write, but also an interesting communication from a poet to her mentor.

[Tyrone Power I, celebrated Irish actor.] Seven items: two drafts of Typed Article on him for 'Everybody's' magazine by theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, with page proof of the same, and related correspondence and other items.

Tyrone Power I [William Grattan Tyrone Power] (1797-1841), celebrated Irish actor, great-grandfather of the eponymous film star [W. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
Seven items, all dating from 1950. [‘Everybody’s’, magazine, 114 Fleet Street, London.]

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. See his entry, and that of Power, in the Oxford DNB. The seven items are in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Typed article titled ‘The Other Tyrone Power / by / W. Macqueen-Pope.’ Undated. 11pp, 4to, paginated 1-9, with two-page ‘Inset’. With a few minor autograph emendations. Begins: ‘At the present moment, Mr Tyrone Power, “in person”, is appearing at the London Coliseum in a play called “Mr Roberts”.

[William I, King of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange, as Erfprins (hereditary prince).] Autograph Letter Signed (‘G. F. Pr Hed.d’Orange’), in French, to Lord Auckland, while in exile in England, expressing thanks and condoling upon a sad event.

William I, King of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange, and Grand Duke of Luxembourg [Willem Frederik, Prince of Orange-Nassau (1772-1843)]; Lord Auckland [William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland (1745-1814)]
William I
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Written while in England, c. 1795.]
William I

The recipient is not named (the salutation is to ‘Mylord’), but William ends with compliments to ‘Lady Auckland’, and the letter also contains a reference to Eden Park. 1p, landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, laid down on part of leaf cut from album. Signed ‘G. F. Pr Hed.d’Orange’. The mount is captioned, in a contemporary hand, ‘George [sic] Prince of Orange (Holland) date 1798’.

[Oscar I, King of Norway and Sweden.] Part of document, with Autograph Signature (‘Oscar’), date and large embossed seal under paper.

Oscar I, King of Sweden and Norway (born Joseph François Oscar Bernadotte; lived 1799-1859; reigned 1844-1859)
Publication details: 
'Stockholms Slott [Stockholm Castle] den 6 Maj 1847.'

On 22 x 14 cm piece of laid paper, cut from the foot of a document. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with tiny closed tear to one edge. Folded three times. At head, in the kings hand: ‘[...] terrattelse lander. Stockholms Slott den 6 Maj 1847. / Oscar’. Directly beneath the firm, clear signature, is the embossed circular seal, under paper, 6 cm in diameter, with motto ‘OSCAR SVER NOR GOTH OCH W KONUNG / RATT OCH SANNING’.

[Sir Edward Northey, Attorney General under Queen Anne and King George I.] Signed Autograph Receipt.

Sir Edward Northey (1652-1723) of Epsom, lawyer and politician, Attorney General under Queen Anne and King George I
Publication details: 
9 December 1715. No place.

See his entries in the Oxford DNB and History of Parliament. On 11 x 6 cm slip of paper, laid down on thicker paper cut from album. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: ‘9th Dececmr. 1715 / Receit in full / Edw Northey’. See image.

[Adalbert, Prince of Bavaria.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Adalbert | Prince de Bavière.’), in French, to Lady Cullum, discussing the benefits of dehorning livestock, and presenting her with two gold medals for her efforts in promoting the practice.

Adalbert, Prince of Bavaria (1828-1875), ninth child of King Ludwig I, and uncle of the ‘mad king’ Ludwig II [Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875), wife of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855) of Hardwick House.
Publication details: 
4 November 1861; Munich [Germany].

Written while his brother Maximilian II was on the throne. (Following Maximilian’s death in 1864 Bavaria would be ruled by the celebrated ‘mad king’, Adalbert’s nephew Ludwig II.) The recipient is Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875), widow of Rev. Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855), 8th Baronet, of Hardwick House, Bury St Edmunds, who is referred to as ‘botanist and antiquary’ in his eponymous father’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. Thirty-six lines, neatly and closely written. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded twice.

[Dodie Smith, children's writer, author of 'The Hundred and One Dalamatians'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Dodie') to 'Popie' [the theatre historian W. J. MacQueen-Pope], praising his writing, theatre work and latest book, discussing Vivien Leigh.

Dodie Smith [Dorothy Gladys Smith] (1896-1990), children's writer and playwright, author of 'The Hundred and One Dalmatians' (1956) and 'I Capture the Castle' (1948) [W. J. MacQueen-Pope (1888-1960)]
Publication details: 
5 March 1958. On letterhead of The Barretts, Finchingfield, Essex.

2pp, 18mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded once. Written in a close, elegant hand. Written on receipt of a presentation copy of MacQueen-Pope's latest book, the letter begins: 'My dear Popie, | Thank you so very much for St James's, Theatre of Distinction. I think I am enjoying it even more than I usually enjoy your individual-theatre books, because the St James's meant so much to me. It was the first London theatre I ever went to - long before I could read or went to a school.

[President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's mother Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Sara D Roosevelt') to 'Peggy', on a sketch to be made of the 'village' library she and her son are endowing in Hyde Park in memory of her husband.

Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt (1854-1941), second wife of James Roosevelt I, mother of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt [James Roosevelt Memorial Library, Hyde Park on the Hudson]
Publication details: 
23 February [no year]; on letterhead of Hyde Park on the Hudson, N.Y. [New York].

The subject of the letter is a sketch which Mrs Roosevelt wishes the recipient to make on a scroll, depicting the library which she and her son the future president Franklin Delano Roosevelt are endowing in the 'village' of Hyde Park, in memory of her husband James Roosevelt I (1828-1900). (The library opened in 1927, and is still in use.) 4pp, 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once, with short closed to one edge of the fold. She begins: 'My dear Peggy | I received your parcel just before I came up here so have a few days of country air with my son [F. D.

['M. de Wagner' [Jean-Emile de Wagner?], London Chargé d'Affaires of Kingdom of Württemberg.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Wagner'), in English, to Sir John Coxe Hippisley, announcing his transfer to Berlin, and reporting on court news of King William I

'M. de Wagner' [Jean-Emile de Wagner?], London Chargé d'Affaires of the Kingdom of Württemberg [Wurtemberg] [Sir John Coxe Hippisley (c.1747-1825), diplomat and politician; William I (1781-1864)]
Publication details: 
Berlin; 4 September 1820.

The letter announces the transfer to Berlin of 'Monsieur de Wagner', London Chargé d'Affaires of the the Kingdom of Württemberg, resident at 42 Alpha Place, Regent's Park. The recipient Sir John Coxe Hippisley, whom George III had described as a 'busy man' and 'grand intriguer', had retired from public life two years previously, but was clearly still involved in diplomatic affairs. 2pp, 4to. Bifolium. Forty-one lines of neatly-written text, addressed to 'Sir J C Hippisley Bart. | Lower Grosvenor Street.' On aged and worn paper, with short closed tears at edges of folds.

[Christmas Card from the British Expeditionary Force, France, 1939.] Lithographed Christmas Card, with 'B.E.F.' and Spearhead Badge of 1 British Corps, and illustration by 'L. D. C.' of White Cliffs of Dover, France, military convoy, army camp.

[British Expeditionary Force (B.E.F.), France, 1939; 1 British Corps; British Army]
Publication details: 
British Expeditionary Force [France]. Christmas 1939.

A nice piece of Second World War ephemera, of which no other copy has been traced. 1 British Corps formed part of the B.E.F., travelling to France in September 1939, and withdrawing from Dunkirk at the 'Darkest Hour' in May 1940. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Lithographed in black on the four sides of a 9.5 x 15 cm bifolium. Two parallel diagonal red lines printed at top left of front cover, which also carries the Spearhead badge of 1 British Corps at centre, above 'B.E.F.' in a scroll, with 'Christmas – 1939' at bottom left.

[ Richard Royston, 'bookseller to three kings'. ] Autograph Signature, with that of 'Jo Smyther', to a Latin bond (by Giles Horsington for Hercules Comander, both signing), with English memorandum, regarding an obligation to pay Anne Blofeild.

[ Richard Royston (1601-1686), 'bookseller to three kings'; Joseph Smyther; Hercules Comander, scrivener; Giles Horsington; Henry Lacock; the Court of Chancery ]
Publication details: 
[ The Court of Chancery, London. ] 1664, 1665 and 1669.

1p., folio. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, with the neat, controlled signature of 'Richard Royston' at the foot, with that of 'Jo Smyther' above it. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with two seals cut from the first leaf. The document was produced in the Chancery suit 'Kensey ads Smythyer': there is a note by 'Heydon' of the Court on the reverse of the first leaf, and the following docketing – written at different points in different hands – on the reverse of the second: 'Mr.

[ Violet Loraine, music hall artiste who duetted with George Robey on 'If I were the only Girl in the World'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Violet Loraine Joicey'), a letter of condolence to the widow of composer Herman Finck.

Violet Loraine [ Violet Loraine Joicey, born Violet Mary Tipton ] (1886-1956), English music hall artist [ Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), Anglo-Dutch composer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Blenkinsopp Castle, Greenhead, Carlisle. 22 April [ 1939 ].

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. She expresses 'heartfelt sympathy' at 'the loss of our darling old Herman. How we all loved him & what a dear & true friend he always was to me. I am terribly sorry at his going'. The word 'Answered' is written at the head. Violet Loraine's signature song was her duet with George Robey, 'If I were the only Girl in the World'. Finck's 'In the Shadows' was one of the last pieces played by the orchestra on the Titanic.

[ 'John Gawsworth', poet and 'King of Redonda'. ] Corrected Autograph Drafts of ten poems from his collection 'Marlow Hill', including the title poem and the 'suppressed' poem 'Was'. With presentation inscription as 'Abdicated' monarch 'Juan R'..

John Gawsworth [ pseudonym of Terence Ian Fytton Armstrong (1912-1970) ], poet and 'King Juan I' of Redonda [ Jean Fanchette (1932-1992), editor of the Paris magazine 'Two Cities' ]
Publication details: 
[ London. ] The poems published in 1941. The presentation inscription dated 16 February 1967.

On nine loose 12mo leaves torn from an album. In fair condition, on aged and browned paper. Wrapped by Gawsworth in a larger piece of paper, on the front of which he has written in pencil the presentation inscription: 'Kenilworth | love | from | His King | J R | 16 Feb. 1967', with the following in blue ink over the 'J R': 'Abdicated | Juan R'. 'Marlow Hill' was Gawsworth's fourth collection, self-published by his Richards Press in 1941. Three of the nine leaves carry layouts of the book's title-page and prelims, with pencil notes 'Pubd 15 Oct 1941' and '33 lines to page'.

[ 'John Gawsworth', poet and 'King Juan I' of Redonda. ] Typescript of long poem 'The Passions of Juan | (Missives and Missiles)', with autograph emendations and signed note.

John Gawsworth [ pseudonym of Terence Ian Fytton Armstrong (1912-1970) ], poet and 'King Juan I' of Redonda [ Jean Fanchette (1932-1992), editor of the Paris magazine 'Two Cities' ]
Publication details: 
No place or date. [ London, circa 1961. ]

9pp., 8vo. In fair condition, on nine leaves of worn and creased paper, the first leaf white, the others green. Minor emendations throughout. The poem is in five sections: 'The Exhortation' (beginning: 'In the crook of my arm | Rest again, nest again.

[ Colonel Percy H. H. Massy of British Military Intelligence. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('P. H. H. Massy') to 'Cochrane' discussing the botanical interests of Prince Ferdinand I of Bulgaria, with reference to the botanist W. Siebe, and his own post.

Col. P. H. H. Massy [ Colonel Percy Hugh Hamon Massy ] (1857-1939), traveller, sportsman and British Military Intelligence officer in the Balkans [ Prince Ferdinand I of Bulgaria (1861-1948) ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Vice Consulate, Varna. 14 October 1903.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Although he finds it strange that Cochrane should have had no reply from 'the professor', he points out that he sometimes goes travelling for weeks. He gives the address of 'Monsieur le Docteur W. Siebe' at the German Consulate in Mersine, before continuing: 'Strange to say I have another letter to forward to him from a friend of mine, and Prince Ferdinand, with whom I was talking here a few days ago, knows Dr. Siebe also and gets many bulbs from him and looks on him as a wonderful botanist.

[ Sir Edward Stanley of Bickerstaffe, later 11th Earl of Derby. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edwd Stanley') to Sir John Chetwood, regarding a commission for the levying of 3000 for the Earl of Cheshire (i.e. George Augustus, Prince of Wales).

Sir Edward Stanley (1689-1776) of Bickerstaffe, later 11th Earl of Derby [ Sir John Chetwood; George Augustus, Prince of Wales (as Earl of Chester), future King George I ]
Publication details: 
'Moesley' [ Mosley, Lancashire ]. 9 September 1717.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed on second leaf 'To | Sr John Chetwood Barrtt'. On aged and worn paper. Neatly and attractively written out. Reads: 'Sr | I brought down from London the Prince's Patent for ye levyeing 3000 Markes in Cheshire due to his Royall Highness, as Earle of Chester on whic a Comis[si]on is issued out directed to you and Others for ye levyeing the Same which Comis[si]on I am oblig'd to acquaint you will be at Chester on Tuesday the first day of October next'.

[ Pierre-Louis Caron de Vernon, French art collector and inventor. ] Address, in French, signed 'Caron de Vernon', 'A Son Altesse Royale Monseigneur le Duc D'Orléans', presenting him with two marble statues.

Pierre-Louis Caron de Vernon, French art collector and inventor [ King Louis Philippe I of France (1773-1850), who was Duc D'Orléans between 1793 and 1830
Publication details: 
Paris. 18 November 1828.

2pp., folio. On bifolium. In a contemporary hand in margin of first page: 'Mr. Leblond' and a reference number. The document begins: 'Pre. Louis Caron de Vernon a eu l'honneur de servir sous les ordres de V: Altesse Royale en 1793 dans le 73 Bataillon de Paris, et au camp de Ste. Margueritte celui d'offrir son pain a V: Altesse, qu'Elle volut bien daigner accepter, en recommandant de lui rappeller cette circonstance dans l'occasion.

[Printed volume.] The Pythouse Papers: Correspondence concerning the Civil War, The Popish Plot, and A Contested Election in 1680. Transcribed from MSS. in the possession of V. F. Benett--Stanford, Esq., M.P.

William Ansell Day, editor [ The Pythouse Papers, 1642-1680, of V. F. Benett-Stanford, Esq., M.P. ]
Publication details: 
London: Bickers & Son, 1 Leicester Square. 1879. [ Wyman and Sons, Printers, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C. ]

A total of 211pp., 8vo, paginated vii + xcviii + 105 + [1]. In red leather quarter-binding, with a coat of arms stamped in gilt on the green cloth front cover, and the title in gilt on the spine. Internally in fair condition, on lightly aged paper, in shaken and worn binding, with damage at head and tail of spine. Tastefully printed in a heavy style by Wyman and Sons. Day's 98-page introduction concludes by explaining thaht 'the documents now printed are in possession of Mr. Benett Stanford, the collateral descendant of Colonel Benett, and present member for Shaftesbury.

[Chapbook] The Prince of the Assassins; or, The Cruel Saracens.

Publication details: 
London: Printed for J. Mackenzie [...] By J. Norris, 8 Moor Street, Soho.

[ii].[1]-48 pp., 12mo, disbound, staining and other defects, but complete, text clear. Illegible ownership signature [?] on title. This includes the duel between Richard I and Saladin. BL copy recorded on COPAC only.

Elizabethan manuscript vellum bond of Robert Mote of Lambeth Surrey yeoman to William Evans citizen and merchant tailor of London, concerning a messuage in the Parish of St Saviour's Southwark.

[Robert Mote of Lambeth; William Evans, citizen of London and merchant tailor]
Publication details: 
[London.] 3 June 22 Eliz. [1580].

On one side of a small skin of vellum (circa 28 x 29 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn. In English, with signed Latin note on reverse by a notary public. Boundaries given. Scan on application.

Signed seventeenth-century Vellum Manuscript Indenture, an Exemplification of a fine between John Dent and Thomas Hutchinson, plaintiffs, and William Mankin and Anne his wife, defendants, re a messuage and lands in Thirne [Thorne, Yorkshire].

[John Dent; Thomas Hutchinson; William Mankin; Anne Mankin; Thirne [Thorne, Yorkshire]]
Publication details: 
[Thirne [Thorne, Yorkshire].] 19 June 15 Charles I [1639].

On one side of a piece of vellum (roughly 32 x 43 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn, with the remains of the seal sewn up in a cloth bag. With monogram signature in customary place on gutter tab. Ruled with red lines, and with ornate initial capital and decorative margin at head. Docketed on reverse. In Latin. Scan on application.

Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps. Corps News.

Royal Army Medical Corps, British Salonika Force, World War I
Publication details: 
February, 1917. ['British Salonika Force. General Headquarters, British Salonika Force, December 1, 1916.']

8vo: 36 pp, paginated [17] to 52. Disbound and unbound. Grubby, but with text clear and entire. Outer bifolium in poor condition. Lacking stitching, so with each bifolium loose. Mainly consisting of lists of individuals receiving awards.

[Offprint, 'Reprinted by kind permission of "The Morning Post."'] [on cover:] The True Story of the Tank [drophead title:] A Miscarriage of Justice. | How the Tank was devised. | Lord Kitchener's Foresight.

[Captain Bede John Francis Bentley (1878-1939), Royal Army Service Corps, claimed inventor of the tank; Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener [Lord Kitchener] (1850-1916)]
Publication details: 
On cover: 'Morning Post. [London] | Wednesday, August 9 [1922].' At rear: 'Printed by St. Clements Press, Ltd., Portugal Street, Kingsway, W.C.2.'

[2] + 11 + [1]pp., 12mo. Printed in black on cream paper, with the wraps printed in blue in 'Stop Press' style. In very good condition, with minor spotting from staples. Presumably printed up by Bentley himself, and taking the story of his claim to 29 March 1922, the Home Office response to his petition to the king. The text begins: 'When Earl Kitchener called in Captain Bentley, a pioneer of motor transport, to embody in actual design the famous car which became known in the war a a "Tank," he promised that his interests as an inventor would be safeguarded.

Eighteenth-century transcription of inscription relating to the Eleanor Cross, Geddington, Northamptonshire, filled with errors and describing its restoration in 1712. From the papers of John Blackburne of Orford Hall, Warrington.

[Queen Eleanor of Castile, wife of King Edward I of England; Eleanor Cross, Geddington, Northamptonshire; John Blackburne (1694-1786) of Orford Hall, Warrington, naturalist and horticulturalist]
Publication details: 
Without place or date[1750s?].

1p., landscape 12mo. On aged and lightly-creased laid paper ('PRO PATRIA' watermark), with chipping to extremities. On reverse, in another hand: 'At Northampton a Monument at the Inn'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Edw. Foss') from Edward Foss, author of 'The Judges of England', regarding the prosecutor of King Charles I, John Cook [Cooke], Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth. With page of extracts on Cook by the recipient.

Edward Foss (1787-1870), legal writer and biographer, under-sheriff of London, 1827-1828 [John Cook [John Cooke] (c.1608-1660, Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth, prosecutor of King Charles I]
Publication details: 
Churchill House, Dover [Kent]. 15 December 1863.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium, with Foss's letter (33 lines) on both sides of the first leaf, and the page of extracts by the recipient (38 lines) on the recto of the second leaf. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with one corner of the first leaf cut away. The letter is addressed to 'My dear Sir', without any indication of the recipient's identity.

Anonymous Manuscript, apparently unpublished, docketed: 'Copie of a Letter to Sr Philip Warwick [secretary to King Charles I] assisting at the Treatie at the Isle of Wight Oct: 17th 1648', written a few months before the king's trial and execution.

[Sir Philip Warwick (1609-1683), secretary to King Charles I; Isle of Wight, 1648; English Civil War]
Sir Philip Warwick (1609-1683), secretary to King Charles I
Publication details: 
[Seventeenth-century. Docketed date of copied document 17 October 1648.]
Sir Philip Warwick (1609-1683), secretary to King Charles I

Folio, 3 pp. Bifolium. Printed on laid, watermarked paper. Around thirty-four lines to the page. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with loss to one corner (not affecting text). Reverse of second leaf docketed, and with thin strip from mount adhering at fold. Written in a neat seventeenth-century hand, with a number of emendations (including a deletion of three lines) suggesting that this copy was made by the anonymous author himself.

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