[James Cleland, Scottish statistician and historical writer; W.J. Hooker] Autograph Letter Signed James Cleland to Doctor Hooker, Bath Street [W.J. Hooker

James Cleland, (1770–1840) Superintendent of Public Works in Glasgow, Scottish statistician and historical writer
Publication details: 
Glasgow, 23 Nov. 1821
Upon request

See Image.One page, 4to, staining, sl. crumpled, closed tears, but text complete and clear. Dear Sir [Doctor Hooker in bottom corner] I regret exceedingly that hitherto it has not been in my power to offer my services in the way of showing your friend our Manufactures; I have been taken up with two or three meetings every day. On Monday next or any subsequent day which may be convenient for you and your friend.I will bemost happy to accompany you[...]. At the foot of the page is written [James Cleland] Author of Annals of Glasgow - a Statistical Account of the City of Glasgow &c. Notes: a.

Ten loose uncoloured india-paper proofs of the steel engravings of illustrations (from designs by the Marchioness of Waterford) accompanying the poem 'The Babes in the Wood', published in London by Joseph Cundall.

[Joseph Cundall (1818-1895) of 12 Old Bond Street, London publisher and photographer; Louisa Anne Beresford [née Stuart], Marchioness of Waterford (1818-1891), watercolour painter and philanthropist]
Publication details: 
London: Joseph Cundall, Mdcccxlix. [1849.]

Each proof is on 29 x 23 cm paper, and each is laid down on a piece of 38 x 31.5 cm card. In good condition, on lightly-aged and spotted paper, with wear and bumping to mount. The first engraving The Spectator for 23 December 1848 carried an advertisement by Cundall for 'ILLUSTRATED WORKS BY LADY AMATEURS', at the head of which was 'THE BABES IN THE WOOD. Illustrated with Ten Original Designs, Etched on Steel. | Colombier 8vo. price 1l. 1s.; or Coloured after the Drawings, 2l. 2s.

Life of Jack Sheppard, The Notorious House and Gaol Breaker.

Victorian Chapbook [Newcastle; Provincial Printing]
Publication details: 
Newcastle-on-Tyne: Bowman, Publisher, Nuns' Lane. Price One Penny. [Slug on verso of title: 'Bowman, Publisher, 12, Nuns' Lane, Newcastle.'] Undated [1850, or between 1865 and 1875?].

12mo: 24 pp. Leaf dimensions: 15.5 x 9.5 cms. Unbound. Good, on aged paper with fraying to extremities and a little light staining to title. Decorative title-page with vignette. On verso of title: list of twenty-three 'Penny Histories' ('Crown 12mo. Three or upwards sent post free to any address, on receipt of stamps to the amount') and nineteen 'Penny Song Books'. Heavily worn type and loss to text at foot of three pages due to faulty imposition. According to BBTI Robert Benson Bowman was active in Newcastle from before 1826 to after 1859.

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