[William Manning, Governor of the Bank of England, West Indian merchant, slaveowner.] Autograph Letter Signed to Francis Freeling of the Post Office, regarding a 'communication' indicating 'the delusion which prevails in the public mind' on a subject

William Manning (1763-1835), Governor of the Bank of England, West Indian merchant, slaveowner, Tory MP, father of Cardinal Manning [Francis Freeling (1764-1836), Secretary of the General Post Office]
Publication details: 
‘Bank of England, / April 28th. 1818.’ London.

See his entry, and Freeling’s, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. Aged and worn, with nicks and closed tears around the edges, but not near the valediction ‘Yours very faithfully / W: Manning.’ Addressed to ‘Francis Freeling, Esqr.’ Begins: ‘My dear Sir, / Your Letter of yesterday I have just received & am exceedingly obliged to you for the communication it contains - it is quite distressing to see the delusion which prevails in the public mind on this subject -’. He is ‘submitting the Extract of the Norwich paper sent by Mr.

[William Walker Stephens, Edinburgh merchant and inventor.] Autograph Letter Signed to Frederic Harrison, presenting a copy of his book ‘Higher Life for Working People’, intended to counter ‘revolutionary “Socialism”’ and ‘Social mal-adjustments’.

William Walker Stephens of Leith and Einburgh, Scottish merchant, mechanic and inventor
Publication details: 
22 May 1899; on letterhead of Rosehall Lodge, Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh.

See Harrison's entry in the Oxford DNB. Previous to the appearance in 1899 of ‘Higher Life for Working People’ Stephens had published a life of Turgot in 1895. Both appeared with the long-established London publishers Longmans. He was sole trustee of the soap manufacturers William Taylor & Co when it failed in 1883. He was also an inventor: in 1853 the Journal of the Royal Society of Arts noticed his patent relating to ‘retorts in gas-ovens’. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Twenty-five lines of text. In fair condition, lightly aged.

[ John Brumfit, nineteenth-century City of London cigar merchant. ] Autograph account books ('Journal' and 'Cash') from the firm's foundation in 1864, with explanatory letter from the founder's grandson K. F. Brumfit, and trade letterhead.

John B. Brumfit, nineteenth-century City of London cigar merchant [ subsequently John Brumfit Ltd
Publication details: 
London [ John B. Brumfit, Cigar Merchant, 86, King William Street, City. ].Journal: 1864-1870. Cash Book, 1864-1872.

For more than a century the firm of John Brumfit Ltd of the City of London was one of Britain's leading cigar and tobacco merchants, its reputation international. The firm was founded in 1864 by John B. Brumfit, son of Charles Brumfit of No. 1 Pall Mall West. The items offered here are the journal and cash book written out by the founder at the firm's inception, together with two related items (Items Three and Four below).

[Edward Grenfell [Edward Charles Grenfell, 1st Baron St Just], banker and politician.] Autograph Letter Signed, praising ‘Mr Ross’ for the extra work he has undertaken during ‘this unhappy year’, in an attempt to ‘aid your country’s interest'.

Edward Grenfell [Edward Charles Grenfell, 1st Baron St Just] (1870-1941), banker and politician [Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971), Scottish philosopher]
Publication details: 
31 December 1915; on letterhead of 22 Old Broad Street, London, E.C.

See the entries for Grenfell and Ross in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium of light-grey paper. In fair condition, aged and spotted. Folded once for postage. The identity of the recipient is unclear, but the item derives from the papers of Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross], Scottish philosopher and Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University (see the Oxford DNB).

[Napoleonic Wars: the arming of six British merchant ships, c.1807.] Manuscript ‘Account of Sundry Stores received from the Pilot Boates [sic]’, ‘Respecting Arming Pilot Boates / Account of Stores’.

Napoleonic Wars: the arming of six British merchant ships, c.1807 [Brittania, Stephen Brown; Sloop Neptune, John Hurry; Syren, William Jackson; Fox, Thomas Lundie; Rover, Robert Jackson]
Publication details: 
Entries dated between May 1805 and June 1809. On paper watermarked ‘J WHATMAN / 1807’.

None of the boats and captains named in the present item are present in contemporary Navy Lists, so they would appear to be merchant ships. 2pp, foolscap 8vo. Aged and worn, with slight loss along edges and faded to a small portion of text. Folded four times into a packet, named (on the reverse): ‘Respecting Arming Pilot Boates / Account of Stores’. The whole of the recto is filled with text, divided into six rectangles in two columns of three rectangles each, under the heading ‘Account of Sundry Stores received from the Pilot Boates’.

[West Indian Slave Trade; rum; sugar.] Eighteen manuscript documents (most from Lewis Simond & Co, New York Merchants) regarding slave trader and Jamaican plantation owner William Atherton and his Green Park Estate in Trelawny Parish.

West Indian Slave Trade: William Atherton (Wikipedia) (1742-1803), slave trader & owner of Jamaican sugar plantations, including the Green Park Estate in Trelawny Parish [Lewis Simond, NY merchants]
Publication details: 
One item from 1777, from Bounty Hall Estate, Jamaica; three items from London, 1800 and 1801; fourteen items from New York [Lewis Simond & Co.], 1803 and 1804.

All 18 items are in very good condition, with slight signs of age and wear. Items One and Eighteen are letters (Eighteen being a ‘triplicate’), the other sixteen items are accounts, with items Five to Eighteen relating to the firm of the New York merchant Lewis Simond. Items Seven, Nine and Twelve are copies (i.e. written out afresh but containing the same text) of Items Six, Eight and Eleven. ONE: Henry Hough (overseer of the Bounty Hall estate, Jamaica) to ‘William Fairclough / Green Park’: Autograph Letter Signed.

[George E. Dunn, author and editor.] Autograph Letter Signed to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, discussing the perils of the proof-reading process, with reminiscences.

George E. Dunn, author and editor [Walter James Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
5 July [year?]. Three Corners, Watledge, Gloucestershire.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) 2pp, foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with creasing at head, which is annotated by MP ‘(author)’. After thanking him for his letter he writes: ‘It is fatal to have a book published without seeing a proof. In my “G[ilbert] & S[ullivan] Dictionary” I had occasion to mention “The Yeomen of the Guard” 14 times. The comp[ositor], aided by the reader, deliberately channged them to “Yeoman”.

[East India Company.] Printed Counterpart Indenture, completed in manuscript and sealed, between ‘Sir John Edward Harington of Berkeley Square Baronet’ and ‘the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East-Indies’.

East India Company [United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East-Indies, London; Sir John Edward Harington (1760-1831) of Ridlington, 8th Baronet]
Publication details: 
29 January 1812. [India House, London.]

The East India Company has come under renewed scrutiny in recent years as ‘the world’s first multinational’: an early model of the acquisition of hegemony by means of transnational non-governmental corporations. 2pp, foolscap 8vo. On bifolium of thick laid paper, whose head has been cut into the customary wave. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice into the customary packet. On the recto of the first leaf is the long printed form ‘Indenture’ with blank parts completed in manuscript. Red wax seal under paper at bottom right.

[ Peter Fenwick, Merchant, Glasgow ] [Manuscript] Account Book for Jan-Mar. 1856 (post mortem) of Peter Fenwick, Merchant (textiles), Glasgow.

[ Peter Fenwick, Merchant, Glasgow ]
Publication details: 
Glasgow, 1856.

Disbound, Total [55]pp., folio, first page with closed tears and grubby, rest in good condition. Contents: P/[1]. Cash Book (mainly bank transactions; eg.

[Nineteenth-century New Hampshire.] Printed pamphlet: 'Discourse Delivered at the Funeral of Hon. William M. Richardson, on the 26th Day of March, A.D., 1838. By Rev. Jonathan Clement, Pastor of the Congregational Parish in Chester, N.H.'

Rev. Jonathan Clement, Pastor of the Congregational Parish in Chester, New Hampshire [William Merchant Richardson (1774-1838), Chief Justice of the New Hampshire Supreme Court]
Publication details: 
'Published by request of the citizens of Chester. | Concord, N. H. [New Hampshire] | Printed by Asa M'Farland, opposite the State House. | 1838.'

16pp, 8vo. Saddle-stitched into (the original?) plain blue wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight damage and damp staining to back wrap. A laudatory assessment of Richardson's life, attainments and achievements, concluding with the observation that 'no marble monument will be needed to tell the coming age, that he lived and died in the heart of this community. Confusing entries on OCLC WorldCat appear to list six copies, none in England. "William Merchant Richardson (January 4, 1774 – March 15, 1838) was a member of the U.S.

[Suttons Seeds, Reading.] Typed Letter Signed from Martin H. J. Sutton of the Royal Seed Establishment to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, regarding his experiments with 'radio-active fertilizers'.

[Suttons Seeds] Martin Hubert Foquet Sutton (1875-1930) of the Royal Seed Establishment, Reading, grandson of Martin Hope Sutton (1815-1901), seed merchant
Publication details: 
18 September 1915. On letterhead, with Royal Warrant, of The Royal Seed Establishment, Reading, England.

See the entry for Martin Hope Sutton in the Oxford DNB, and that for his grandson Martin Hubert Fouquet Sutton in Who Was Who. 2pp, 4to. I good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded three times. With RSA date stamp. Signed 'Martin H F Sutton'. In reply to a letter from Menzies, Sutton expresses regret that 'it will be impossible for you to attend the Demonstration here on the 24th inst.' Sutton will be 'publishing certain particulars for the benefit of those present' and will be glad to send Menzies a copy.

[The Royal Aid in Bristol, 1666.] Two Manuscript Assessments of 'three moneths Royall Aide mony' (land and goods) for 58 individuals, each signed by four mayors of Bristol: John Willougby, Walter Sandby, Sir John Knight and John Lawford.

[The Royal Aid in Bristol, 1666.] Mayors of Bristol: John Willougby of the Society of Merchant Venturers; Walter Sandby; Sir John Knight; John Lawford
Publication details: 
Both Bristol, 1666.

Ainsworth's 'Thesaurus' (1752) neatly defines 'The Royal Aid, or subsidy money' as 'tributum quod regi ex plebiscito in sumptus belli, &c. praestatur'. It was a one-off household tax, set by assessors and collected locally. (For further information see M. J. Braddick's 2013 paper 'Resistance to the Royal Aid and Further Supply in Chester, 1664–1672'.) The present two documents are each laid out in identical fashion, the two carrying different assessments for 'Land' and 'Goods' for the same 58 individuals.

[ Sir Daniel Cooper, Australian merchant and first Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Daniel Cooper') to 'My dear James',arranging a meeting, enquiring about a lost £580, and giving family news.

Sir Daniel Cooper (1821-1902), Australian merchant and philanthropist, first Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales, and philatelist
Publication details: 
'London | 20 Prince's Gardens | 6th. Decr. 1861'.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Docketted on reverse of second leaf of bifolium: 'London 6th. Decr. 1861 | Sir Daniel Cooper', and beneath this in pencil 'Australian Bart.' The letter has an embossed armorial motif at its head. Written to a family member or close friend, the letter begins: 'I will meet you at the Bank of New South Wales on Monday at One O'Clock when I hope Mr. Ludlow will also be able to give me the statement for Thomas -'. He asks him to inform him 'what has become of the £580 alluded to in the enclosed letter'.

[ William Johnstone, General Merchant of Launceston, Van Diemen's Land [ Tasmania ].] Manuscript accounts of six Australian firms with him: William Bayles; Henry Burge; Westgarth, Ross & Co.; Lewis Cohen; Du Croz, Nichols & Co.; Moses Moss.

William Johnstone (c.1819-1874), General Merchant, Launceston, Van Diemen's Land [ Tasmania ]; William Bayles; Henry Burge; Westgarth, Ross & Co.; Lewis Cohen; Du Croz, Nichols & Co.; Moses Moss
Publication details: 
[ Launceston, Van Diemen's Land [ Tasmania ]; and Sydney and Melbourne, Australia. ] Between 1853 and 1866.

See William Johnstone's obituary in the Illustrated Tasmanian News, May 1874. He was born in England and left Somerset for Van Diemen's Land in 1841. He set up in business the following year in Launceston, which had been founded in 1806, and is said to be the third oldest colonial settlement in Australia, after Sydney and Hobart..As the years proceeded he prospered spectacularly, and by the time of his death he was so highly esteemed, that 'many places of business had the front windows partially closed while the shipping in port and the Town Hall had the Union Jack hoisted at half mast'.

[ William Joseph Denison (1770-1849), banker and politician, one of the wealthiest men in Britain. ] Autograph Notr Signed ('Wm.. Denison') to unnamed recipient, declining an invitation.

William Joseph Denison [ William Denison ] (1770-1849), banker and Whig politician, a founder of the Reform Club [ Denison, Haywood, and Kennard, London bank ]
Publication details: 
P[all]. Mall [ London ]. 'Friday' [ no date, but 1836 watermark ].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor tape stain at head. Reads: 'Dear Sir - | I have had an attack of gout - within the last few days, which I am sorry will prevent me from accepting your kind Invitation on Wednesday next.' According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, 'Denison spent his business career in his father's bank, Denison, Heywood, and Kennard of Lombard Street, becoming senior partner upon his father's death.

[ Sir Walter Gilbey, wine-merchant and philanthropist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Walter Gilbey') to 'Mr Howard', regarding the 'serious state and suffering' of Howard's grandfather.

Sir Walter Gilbey, 1st Baronet (1831-1914), English wine-merchant and philanthropist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Elsenham Hall, Essex. 11 August 1895.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He is 'deeply grieved' at the news of Howard's grandfather: 'I could wish, as you all do, his life spared a few years longer but when you tell me of his serious state and suffering, I feel we must be prepared for the worst and not desire a lingering death.' He asks for his 'sympathy and regret' to be conveyed to the whole family.

[ Wolf Van Hemert, Dutch merchant in London. ] Autograph Signature ('Wolfert van Hemert'), as attorney to 'Herman VAnder Keere, & Adriaen Verstolk', to Exchequer receipt.

Wolfert van Hemert [ Wolf Van Hemert ] (1703-1786), Dutch merchant in London [ Herman Vander Keer; Adriaen Verstolk ]
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 28 September 1765.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper, with damage and loss along one edge (not affecting signature). Set out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Begins (with manuscript text in square brackets): 'Annuity for Life, 1746. | Record' [24 Septr. 1765] | Received the [28] Day of [Septr.] 176[5] by me [Wolf Van Hemert Atty to Herman Vander Heere, & Adriaen Verstolk'. Recording a payment of £45 on an annuity. Witness signature of ' Newland'. Van Hemert was born in Amsterdam and is buried in Austin Friars churchyard, London, with a memorial to him inside the church. London.

[ James Augustus Hessey, cleric and educationalist. ] Autograph Testimonial Signed ('J A Hessey, D. C. L. | Archdeacon of Middlesex, | (late) Head Master of Merchant Taylors' School.') to 'the Governors of Bath College', for Rev. Robert Hutchison.

J. A. Hessey [ James Augustus Hessey ] (1814-1892), Archdeacon of Middlesex and Headmaster of Merchant Taylors' School [ Rev. R. H. Hutchison of Exeter College, Oxford; Bath College ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 41 Leinster Gardens, Hyde Park, W. [ London ] 12 February 1878.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. An approving testimonial, closely and neatly written over thirty lines, beginning: 'The Rev: Robert Hutchison, M.A. was educated by me at Merchant Taylors' School, and, after having reached the distinguished rank of Fifth Monitor, (or Fifth in the whole School,) was sent up by me to Oxford, and obtained by competition an open Scholarship at Exeter College.

[ King George II, as George, Prince of Wales. ] Manuscript list, for the Royal Household, of 'Wines To be sent for to France For His Royall Highness.s service for the Year 1718.'

[ King George II (1683-1760), as George, Prince of Wales ] [ Hanoverian wines and spirits ]
Publication details: 
[London? Circa 1717 or 1718.]

1p., folio. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with traces of buff card mount adhering to reverse, which is docketed: 'Wines To be sent for | To France for the Year | 1718.' Written in a fair bold hand, employing the long s, and amended in second looser hand. Reads: 'Wines To be sent for to France, For His Royall Highness.s service for the Year 1718. | 2 Tunn Pontac. | 3 Tunn Castle Margoux [sic] [amended to 'La '] | 4 Tunn La Fite or La Tour. | 15 Tunn Dessenam, Chateau Dassan & Obrian. [amended to 'High Mar<?>'] | 24 Tunn Claret | 1 Tunn ['Graves' added] White Pontac.

[Nathaniel Wegg, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Red Lion, No. 1, East Street, Greenwich.] Printed circular advertisement, informing the public that he has purchased the business of Mr. Gosling. With price list and engraving of the Red Lion Inn.

Nathaniel Wegg, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Red Lion, No. 1, East Street, Greenwich
Publication details: 
Nathaniel Wegg, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Red Lion, No. 1, East Street, Greenwich. [Henry S. Richardson, Printer, Greenwich.] July 1841.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. The recto of the first leaf is headed by a 6.5 x 8 cm engraving of the Red Lion Inn. Beneath this is an advertisement in the form of a letter from 'NATHANIEL WEGG' to 'Sir, or Madam', addressed from 'RED LION, EAST STREET, GREENWICH. | July, 1841.' He states that he has 'repurchased the business lately carried on by Mr. GOSLING', and recommends his 'STOCK OF WINES, which was laid in by me at my commencement in business in December 1838, and which for selection and flavour may safely defy competition'.

[Sir Robert Graham, merchant banker.] Two letters from the firm of Sir Robert Graham & Co to an unnamed recipient, the first regarding a dishonoured draft and the second on the payment of two approaching bills.

Sir Robert Graham, merchant banker [Sir Robert Graham & Co., 2 Walbrook, City of London]
Publication details: 
[Sir Robert Graham & Co., 2 Walbrook, City of London.] Both from London, the first dated 30 March 1829, and the second 28 April 1829.

Both items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Both 1p., 4to, and both signed 'Robert Graham & Co.' ONE (30 March 1829): Docketed on reverse: 'Letter from Sir R Graham respg Hunts Bill'. They have already informed him that his 'draft on Hunt of £20 was dishonoured & noted for nonpayment', and now 'have now to intimate that your draft on Foreman for the same amount has met the same fate'. Consequently they request a remittance. TWO (28 April 1829): They are 'rather surprised' that they have received no reply to their letter of 14 April.

Elizabethan manuscript vellum bond of Robert Mote of Lambeth Surrey yeoman to William Evans citizen and merchant tailor of London, concerning a messuage in the Parish of St Saviour's Southwark.

[Robert Mote of Lambeth; William Evans, citizen of London and merchant tailor]
Publication details: 
[London.] 3 June 22 Eliz. [1580].

On one side of a small skin of vellum (circa 28 x 29 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn. In English, with signed Latin note on reverse by a notary public. Boundaries given. Scan on application.

[Lieutenant-General Sir William Stewart.] Autograph Letter in the third person from Major-General Stewart to his wine merchant Knobel of South Audley Street, regarding the sending of a hamper of wine and ale to Woodbridge, and an order for port.

Lieutenant-General Sir William Stewart (1774-1827), Commanding Officer of the Rifle Corps, and Scottish Member of Parliament [Solomon Knobel, wine merchant, South Audley Street, London]
Publication details: 
3 Gloucester Street [London]. 24 July 1812.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with Stewart's seal in red wax, to 'Mr. Knobel | Wine Merchant | South Audley Street'. He asks Knobel to 'send a person & a Hamper to pack up three dozen of wine & ale left at the Major General's for the Country, as before'. He asks for the hamper to be sent, 'so packed & sealed, together with 3 dozen hamper of His, (Mr. Knobel's) best Port ready for immediate drinking by the Hoy to Woodbridge in Suffolk, as last winter'.

[The Legislative Council of Jamaica, 1855.] Packet of six manuscript documents regarding the rejection by the Council of 49 chairs ordered from Druce & Co. of London, damaged in transit from England.

William R. Myers, Secretary, Executive Committee, Legislative Council of Jamaica [Thomson Hankey & Co, merchant bankers, London; Thomas Charles Druce; Druce & Co., upholsterers, Baker St, London]
Publication details: 
Items from the Executive Committee Office, Jamaica, and from Spanish Town, Jamaica, West Indies. All dating from 1855.

Packet of six items, held together with a pin. Totalling 8pp., folio; 3pp., 8vo. In good overall condition, on aged and worn paper. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed from 'Wm: R: Myers | Secy' to Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co, London. Executive Committee Office; 26 December 1855. 2pp., folio. Giving details of five documents which he is forwarding, 'on the Chairs received from Messrs. Druce & Co'. He writes that he is 'directed to communicate through you, that the Chairs are not accepted and will not be paid for, but will be kept on the account and risk of Messrs.

[Joseph Prestwich, wine merchant of Broseley, Shropshire.] Autograph Letter Signed to the family firm of Talver, Milburn & Prestwich, London, regarding three bills (one for his father Elias Prestwich), 'Russel''s contract, an order for brandy.

Joseph Prestwich of Broseley, Shropshire, wine merchant, and father of the geologist Sir Joseph Prestwich (1812-1896)
Publication details: 
Broseley [Shropshire]. 25 October 1806.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. On aged paper worn at extremities. Addressed on reverse (which also carries docketing and calculations) to 'Messrs. Talver Milburn & Prestwich | 24 High St. Boro' | London'. The letter begins: 'Gentn. | The enclosed bill value £186. 13. 4 - you will place to my Fathers acct. & acknowledge Pr. return to this place. In the statement made of the balance of his acct. I presume you omitted to give him credit for the Stock sold & the Dividend upon it'. In the second paragraph he gives details of '2 bills' he has drawn on the firm.

[Printed report.] Comparative Statement of the Imports into Bristol from the West Indies of Sugar, Rum & Coffee, together with Sugar from the East Indies and Mauritius from the 1st. January to the 30th. Septr in the Years 1839 & 1840 [...].

Ariel & Beloe, Colonial Brokers, Bristol [West Indian merchants; Mauritius; Messrs. Hankey, Wilson & Co., London merchant bankers]
Publication details: 
Ariel & Beloe, Brokers. 30 September 1840.

Full title: 'Comparative Statement of the Imports into Bristol from the West Indies of Sugar, Rum & Coffee, together with Sugar from the East Indies and Mauritius from the 1st. January to the 30th. Septr in the Years 1839 & 1840 shewing the Stocks remaining under Bond at the latter date.' 3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Addressed (with two postmarks, one of them from Bristol) on reverse of second leaf: 'P.P. | Messrs. Hankey Wilson & Co | London', and docketed by the recipients: '496 | Ariel & Beloe | 30 Sept 1840 | recd 2 Oct [1840] | no answer'.

[Captain Willoughby Trevelyan of the East India Company.] Autograph Letter Signed to London merchant banker Thomson Hankey, regarding a mistake in receiving his pay, a 'family remittance from India' and 'the Mess Wine'.

Major-General Willoughby Trevelyan (1805-1871), East India Company's Service, third son of Rev. Walter Trevelyan
Publication details: 
Crescent, Bath. 25 August 1844.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper. Small square cut away from second leaf of bifolium, not affecting text. Docketed: 'Pay Receivable 2 Monday in Augt.' and '663. | Captn. W. Trevelyan | 25 Aug: 1844 | Recd. 26 - - | Ansd 27 -'. The letter begins: 'My dear Thomson | There appears to be some mistake; what I wished to know was, "when my Pay was due at the India House", commencing from the 20th May last - my Pay certificate was included amongst the Papers I left at your House - the sum you mention recoverable on the 29th Inst.

[Albion Iron Works, West Bromwich.] Autograph Letter Signed from the proprietor Walter Williams to London bankers Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co, regarding the purchase of 'nails & chains' for casks.

Walter Williams of Rose Inn, proprietor of Albion Iron Works, West Bromwich [Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co, London merchant bankers]
Publication details: 
Albion Iron Works, Westbromwich [West Bromwich]. 21 June 1844. With 'WEST BROMWICH' postmark.

1p., 4to. Bifolium, addressed on the reverse of the second leaf to 'Messrs. Thomson Hankey <& Co> | Merchants | 7 Mincing Lane | London'. The second leaf is also docketed, and carries two circular postmarks, one from 'WEST BROMWICH'. Williams writes that he has returned to find 'an enquiry about the nails & chains'. He gives a price below which he cannot go, adding: 'I must be paid for the Casks: but if a quantity of nails had been wanted I would have given my trouble on the other things, as I should have made a profit on the nails'.

[Thomson Hankey senior, merchant banker with extensive West Indian interests.] Autograph Letter Signed to his son Thomson Hankey junior, making him a gift of £4000 and share 'of the Ship Elizabeth Capt. Walker now on her Voyage to Grenada'.

Thomson Hankey senior (1773-1855), City of London merchant banker with extensive West Indian interests [his son the banker, economist and Liberal politician Thomson Hankey junior (1805-1893)]
Publication details: 
Mincing Lane [City of London]. 19 June 1826.

1p., 8vo. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf 'To Thomson Hankey Junr.' In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'Dear Thomson, | I give to you as a free Gift the Sum of Four Thousand Pounds & authorize you on 30th. of this Month to place that Sum to your Credit with our House by the Debit of my private Account. I also give you the one fourth Share of my two thirds Share of the Ship Elizabeth Capt.

[Jamaican sugar plantations in the slavery period.] Detailed double-entry signed manuscript accounts of 'Sales of 20 Hogsheads Sugar received by Gibbs, Son & Bright, Pr. the St. Elizabeth Geo: Lewis from Jamaica for account of Thomas Foster Esqr.'

Gibbs, Son & Bright, Bristol merchants [Thomas Foster; Daniel Stanton; Thomson Hankey senior (1773-1855), City of London merchant banker with extensive West Indian interests]
Publication details: 
[Gibbs, Son & Bright.] Bristol. 3 December 1822.

On one side of a 47 x 20 cm piece of paper. Docketted on reverse. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. In part a form, printed in copperplate, with the details completed in manuscript, and signed on behalf of the firm 'Bristol 3rd December 1822 | Errors Excepted | Gibbs Son & Bright'. Included on the debit side are: Duty; Entry Fees, Wharfage, Town & Dock dues; 95 day's Interest; Freight; Warehouse Rent, Porterage, Weighing & Hauling; Insurance from Fire; Brokerage; Commission, leaving 'Nett Proceeds' of £257 18s 10d on £819 5s 0d.

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