[Lord Combermere [Field Marshal Stapleton Cotton, 1st Viscount Combermere, army officer and Governor of Barbados] Autograph Letter Signed to W. J. Smith, regarding ?the correspondence of the late Mrs: Cathne. Stapleton with the Grenville family'.

Lord Combermere [Field Marshal Stapleton Cotton, 1st Viscount Combermere (1773-1865), British Army officer, Commander in Chief in Ireland and India, and Governor of Barbados [William James Smith]
Publication details: 
?C[ombermere]: Abbey [Shropshire] Novr: 5th: 1855.?

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, with that of the engraver Charles John Smith FSA (1803-1838), the brother of the recipient. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, on first leaf of bifolium, the second leaf carrying a thin strip of tape from the mount. Folded twice. Addressed to ?Wm. James Smith Esqr:? and signed ?Combermere.? (the addressed and signature being somewhat smudged and merged).

[‘Lord Wellington is in full pursuit of the French’: Col. Thomas Abernethie of the Royal Marines, 1811.] Autograph Letter Signed from Major Thomas Abernethie, Royal Marines, to Cox and Son, regarding a cask of madeira and news of the Peninsular War.

Col. Thomas Abernethie (c.1759-1840) of the Royal Marines [Duke of Wellington; Peninsular War; Madeira Wine, Portugal]
Publication details: 
‘Lisbon 16 March 1811’.

He receives the briefest of obituaries in the Gentleman's Magazine, July 1840: 'May 10. At Exeter, aged 81, Col. Thomas Abernethie, K.H. on the retired list of the Royal Marines.' 3pp, 4to. Bifolium. On aged and discoloured paper, with the usual damage to the second leaf from the breaking of the seal. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with postmark, to ‘Messrs Cox & Son / 20 Bartletts Buildings / Holborn / London’. Signed ‘Thos. Abernethie’ and docketed ‘Maj: Abernethie / 16 March 1811’. Begins: ‘Gentlemen / I have requested a Cap.

[Lieut.-Gen. Sir Manley Power, British Army officer in the Peninsular War and then Lieutenant Governor of Malta.] Autograph Signature (‘M. Power / M Genl. Comm[andin]g’).

Lieut.-Gen. Sir Manley Power (1773-1826), British Army officer who lead a Portuguese brigade in the Peninsular War, later appointed Lieutenant Governor of Malta
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On piece of 8.5 x 4.5 cm laid paper cut. In fair condition, on aged paper with reverse bearing traces of glue from mount. Reads: ‘M. Power / M Genl. Comm[andin]g’. Endorsed on reverse: ‘M General / Sir Manley Power / K.C.B’. See Image.

[Lord Fitzroy Somerset, later Lord Raglan.] Secretarial Letter, Signed by him, regarding the application to purchase a commission by Captain Thomas Monck Wilson, 59th Foot, on behalf of his son Charles.

Lord Fitzroy Somerset, latterly Lord Raglan [Field Marshal FitzRoy James Henry Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan], Private Secretary to the Duke of Wellington, commander of British troops in the Crimean War
Publication details: 
'Horse Guards [Whitehall, London] / 1st August 1846'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper with nicks and small closed tears to extremities. Addressed to ‘Thos. M. Wilson Esqre / the Captain 59 foot’, and signed ‘Fitzroy Somerset’. The document is in a secretarial hand, only the signature being in Somerset’s autograph.

[The Duke of Wellington, conqueror of Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Waterloo.] Autograph Valediction to Letter, with signature 'Wellington' .

The Duke of Wellington [Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington] (1769-1852), conqueror of the French in the Peninsular Campaign, and of Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Waterloo; prime minister
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

One of the great figures of world history. On one side of 10 x 3.5 cm piece of wove paper, cut from the end of a letter, with blank reverse. In fair condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of glue at right (away from signature) and central horizontal fold (over signature). Evidently cut from the letter in response to a request for an autograph. Reads 'Your obedient servant / Wellington'. See Image.

['The most respected soldier of his time' after Wellington: Sir George Murray.] Autograph Letter in the third person, sending a copy of his ‘speech on the Catholic Relief Bill’.

Sir George Murray (1772-1846), distinguished British soldier and Tory politician, Wellington’s quatermaster-general during the Peninsular War, Governor of Sandhurst [Catholic emancipation]
Publication details: 
5 April 1829. 5 Belgrave Square [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, which states that he 'was after Wellington the most respected soldier of his time in Britain, whose opinion carried immense weight both at home and abroad and not only on military matters'. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight creasing at head. Reads: ‘Sir George Murray has to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Wrights letter of the 4th.

[Lord Vivian [Lieutenant General Richard Hussey Vivian, 1st Baron Vivian], British Army officer in the Peninsular War.] Autograph Letter Signed, informing Lieutenant Colonel Wylde that his son is among candidates for the Royal Military Academy.

Lord Vivian [Lieutenant General Richard Hussey Vivian, 1st Baron Vivian], British Army officer who distinguished himself in the Peninsular War [General William Wylde (1788-1877), Royal Artillery]
Publication details: 
25 August 1841; Ordnance Office [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, on recto of first leaf of bifolium, with recto of the second bearing remains of the red wafer. Folded twice for postage. Good firm signature, ?Vivian?. He has placed the name of Wylde?s son ?on the Official List of Candidates for admission to the Royal Military Academy which will be transferred to my Successor?.

[‘I make no doubt will succeed in a very extensive degree’: Sir Robert Mends, distinguished Royal Navy officer.] Long Autograph Letter Signed to the British Envoy at Lisbon Charles Stuart, describing his Portuguese situation during the Peninsular War

Sir Robert Mends (1767?-1823), distinguished Royal Navy officer in American War of Independence and Peninsular War [Charles Stuart (1779-1845), Baron Stuart de Rothesay, diplomat]
Publication details: 
‘His Majesty’s Ship Arethusa / Corunna 18th. August 1810’.

See his entry and that of Stuart in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 4to. On bifolium. Sixty-six lines of neatly-written text, signed ‘R Mends’ and addressed ‘To / The Honble Chas. Stuart / His Majestys Envoy / Lisbon’. A vivid and substantial historical document.

[Lieutenant-General Sir John Hope, one of Wellington’s commanders in the Peninsular War.] Autograph Signature as Commander in Chief, Scotland: ‘John Hope / M. Genl. Commdg / in N. B.’

Lieutenant-General Sir John Hope (1765-1836), Scottish soldier, British Army officer, one of Wellington’s commanders in the Peninsular War; Commander-in-Chief in Scotland, 1816-1819
Publication details: 
[Between 1816 and 1819; Scotland.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Between 1816 and 1819 Hope held the post of Major General Commanding in North Britain (i.e. Commander-in-Chief in Scotland). On 9.5 x 4 cm slip of wove paper, presumably the valediction cut from a letter. In good condition, lightly aged, with the reverse bearing a thin strip of grey paper from mount along thin strip at head. Reads: ‘John Hope / M. Genl. Commdg / in N. B.’ See image.

[Sir Charles Oman, military historian.] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all ‘C. W. C. Oman’), as Librarian of All Souls College, to ‘Mr Harlow’ of Rhodes House Library, regarding his proposal about ‘the long series of Cape Parliamentary proceedings’.

Sir Charles Oman [Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman] (1860-1946), English military historian and Librarian of All Souls College, Oxford [Professor Vincent Todd Harlow, Keeper, Rhodes House Library]
Publication details: 
2, 7 and 21 June 1937. All three on the letterhead of the Library of All Souls College, Oxford.

See Oman’s entry in the Oxford DNB. Each letter 1p, 12mo. Each folded once. All three in good condition, lightly aged. The correspondence concerns Harlow’s proposal, according to the letter of 2 June 1937, ‘that All Souls College should present to the Rhodes House Library the comparatively few yearly numbers of the Cape Parliamentary proceedings 1875-1910 which are not already in either the Bodleian or the Rhodes House shelves - keeping for the College the residuence, a broken set of about 200 volumes’.

[William Sibbald, MD, Deputy Assistant-Inspector to Ceylon [Sri Lanka].] Manuscript translations [from Tamil?] of folk tales titled 'The Origin of the Kandelay Tank', 'Story of Manderapaudey' and 'The History of Santiraksen'. With fourth tale.

[William Sibbald (1789-1853), Scottish British army physician [in the Peninsular, at New Orleans, Mauritius, and Maidstone, Kent] and Deputy Assistant-Inspector to Ceylon [Sri Lanka]]
Publication details: 
[Ceylon [Sir Lanka]?] One item on paper watermarked 1827, the other items undated.

Sibbald was in Ceylon between 1818 and 1833. There is no indication that any of these four items have been published. One: 'The Origin of the Kandelay Tank'. 8pp., foolscap 8vo. On two bifoliums of paper with Gater watermark dated 1827. In good condition, on aged paper.

[Captain George Richards, Royal Marines.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo. Richards'), sending his likeness and describing his service: '23 Actions' including 'the death of Nelson and Abercrombie', serving under Wellington in Peninsular War.

Captain George Richards (d.1866), Royal Marines, meritorious British Army officer [Solihull, Warwickshire]
Publication details: 
16 September 1863. Solihull [Warwickshire].

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, aged and creased. Folded twice. Written in a shaky hand, as explained by the text: 'My dear Sir / | Agreeable to promise I send my Likeness, I wish it was something worthy of your acceptance - suffice it to say the original saw the death of Nelson and Abercrombie. Served under Wellington in the Spanish peninsular War, attended his funeral, and from 1797 to 1814 was by Sea and Land in 23 Actions[.] I am well in health but cannot see what I write - My sincere love to Mrs. Macwey - God bless you'.

[General Sir William Napier, Irish soldier, historian of the Peninsular War.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W N') to 'Macdonald', declining to ask for rank of Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath, with resentment towards Admiral Sir William Parker.

Sir William Napier [General Sir William Francis Patrick Napier] (1785-1860), Irish soldier in British Army and military historian of the Peninsular War [Admiral Sir William Parker]
Publication details: 
'Rotterdam Dec 13' [on paper with watermark date 1830].

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of tape from mount adhering along one edge. Endorsed 'Genl. Wm. Napier'. On wove paper with watermark 'CANSELL | 1830'. The letter - written with energy and some resentment - refers to Admiral Sir William Parker (1781-1866), who was made a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath in 1815.

[Sir George Thomas Napier, distinguished soldier.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo. Napier') to 'Captn. Hamilton', regarding his request for a position, and quoting from a letter from Secretary at War Fox Maule.

Sir George Thomas Napier (1784-1855), distinguished British army officer who served in the Peninsular War and commanded the army of the Cape Colony [Major-General William Craig Emilius Napie]
Publication details: 
Geneva. 11 July [1855].

The letter must have been written in 1855, as Fox Maule (later Earl of Dalhousie) was appointed Secretary of State for War on 8 February of that year, and Napier died on 16 September. 4pp, 16mo. Bifolium with black border. Loss to part of second leaf caused by removal from mount, resulting in loss of a few words of text, otherwise in good condition. Begins: 'In consequence of a letter from my Son William of your regt. [i.e. the King's Own Scottish Borderers] stating your wish to be appointed a Paymaster to the Out Pensioners, I wrote to my friend Mr Fox Maule the Secy.

[ Sir Thomas Erskine Napier to Sir Edward Blakeney, Commander in Chief, Ireland. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos. E. Napier') in which he states that his time serving under Blakeney was the happiest of his military career.

Sir Thomas Erskine Napier (1790-1863), Commander in Chief, Scotland; Colonel of the 71st (Highland) Regiment of Foot [ Sir Edward Blakeney (1778-1868), Commander in Chief, Ireland ]
Publication details: 
No place (Dublin?). 12 November 1846.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Two days before the writing of this letter the London Gazette had announced (10 November 1846) that Napier, then Deputy Adjutant-General in Ireland, had been promoted to Lieutenant General. The letter, in which he writes to his Commander in Chief in Ireland, is headed 'Private'.

[ The British Army in the Peninsular War. ] Autograph Letter Signed (twice 'J. Barker') from Deputy Storekeeper General John Barker to British Minister at Lisbon [ Charles Stuart ], giving details of 'Stores shipped by this Department' to Portugal.

John Barker, Deputy Storekeeper General, Storekeeper General's Office, London [ Charles Stuart (1779-1845), 1st Baron Stuart de Rothesay; Peninsular War ]
Publication details: 
Storekeeper General's Office [ 23 Great George Street ], London. 28 January 1812.

2pp., folio. In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. On first leaf of bifolium, the second leaf docketted in pencil. In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. Detailed letter, filling two whole folio pages, beginning: 'Sir. | In the absence of the Storekeeper General I have the honour to refer you to his letters of the 12th. Novr. 19th. & 31st. Decr.

[ Bertrand, Count Clausel, Marshal of France. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Mal Clausel'), in margin of a petition from the widow Sallemant to Baron de Schonen, requesting a the continuance of a civil list pension.

Bertrand, comte Clausel [ Count Bertrand Clausel or Clauzel ] (1772-1842), Marshal of France [ Baron Auguste Jean Marie de Schonen (1782-1849) ]
Publication details: 
The petition dated from Paris, 18 July 1838.

1p., folio. In fair condition, on aged paper. The petition is headed 'A Monsieur le Baron de Schonen | liquidateur de l'ancienne liste civile', with 'Sallemant' (the name of the petitioner) beneath it in another hand. Clausel's note, of eleven lines of a few words each, is in the left-hand margin, and recommends to 'la bienveillance de Mr. de Schonen' the petition of a woman who describes herself as 'une malheureuse veuve'. Laid down on the reverse is a piece of card, carrying a biographical note in English in an nineteenth-century hand.

[ The Peninsular War. ] Manuscript Letter, in a secretarial hand, signed by J. L. Mallet of the Audit Office, to Charles Stuart, British envoy to Portugal, regarding £277,450 spent by him on supplies for Wellington's army.

John Lewis Mallet (1775-1861), Secretary of the Audit Office, Somerset Place, London [ Charles Stuart (1779-1845), 1st Baron Stuart de Rothesay; the Peninsular War ]
Publication details: 
Audit Office Somerset Place [ London ]. 29 January 1812.

2pp., folio. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. He is directed to 'make up and transmit to this Office an account Current of the receipt & application of the [...] Sum of £277,450, duly attested upon oath & accompanied by the necessary vouchers & authorities in support thereof'. The money is made up of 'various bills of Exchange drawn by you upon their Lordships on 4th. Novr: 1810 payable to M. T. Sempayo [Sampayo]'.

[Lieutenant-General Sir William Stewart.] Autograph Letter in the third person from Major-General Stewart to his wine merchant Knobel of South Audley Street, regarding the sending of a hamper of wine and ale to Woodbridge, and an order for port.

Lieutenant-General Sir William Stewart (1774-1827), Commanding Officer of the Rifle Corps, and Scottish Member of Parliament [Solomon Knobel, wine merchant, South Audley Street, London]
Publication details: 
3 Gloucester Street [London]. 24 July 1812.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with Stewart's seal in red wax, to 'Mr. Knobel | Wine Merchant | South Audley Street'. He asks Knobel to 'send a person & a Hamper to pack up three dozen of wine & ale left at the Major General's for the Country, as before'. He asks for the hamper to be sent, 'so packed & sealed, together with 3 dozen hamper of His, (Mr. Knobel's) best Port ready for immediate drinking by the Hoy to Woodbridge in Suffolk, as last winter'.

[The Royal Fusiliers in the Peninsular War.] Autograph Letter Signed from Sergeant-Major Dove of the Royal Fusiliers ('of six Years service [...] in the Peninsula') to 'Mr. Smith' of Manchester, regarding his journal history of the Regiment.

Sergeant-Major Dove, Royal Fusiliers (7th Regiment of Foot) [Smith, Mechanics Arms, Henry Street, Manchester]
Publication details: 
Chester Castle. 10 July 1827.

2pp., small 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr. Smith | Mechanic Arms | Henry Street | oppe Ancott Street | Manchester'. With contemporary note, in another hand, on separate piece of paper: '312. | Journal of Sergt. Major Dove, of six Years Service of the 7th Royal Fusiliers, in the Peninsula'.

[Lieutenant-General Sir George Thomas Napier.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo. Napier') to Daniel Flexney, concerning the loss of some bonds, written with his left hand following the loss of his right arm during the Peninsular War.

Lieutenant-General Sir George Thomas Napier (1784-1855), British army officer who served in the Peninsular War, and was Commander-In-Chief of the army in the Cape Colony, 1839-1843
Publication details: 
Upminster [Middlesex]. 30 July [1818].

1p., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr. Danl. Flexney | Westborne Place | Bayswater | near London', with two postmarks in red ink, one round and the other oval (the second in two parts), both giving year 1818. Docketed and with the following note above the text of the letter: 'From Lieut Col George Napier | To Mr. Danl.

[William Sibbald, MD, Deputy Assistant-Inspector to Ceylon [Sri Lanka].] Manuscript of folk tale titled 'The History of Santirakasem | a free translation from the Tamal [sic]'.

[William Sibbald (1789-1853), Scottish British army physician [in the Peninsular, at New Orleans, Mauritius, and Maidstone, Kent] and Deputy Assistant-Inspector to Ceylon [Sri Lanka]]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Circa 1844?]

30pp., 4to. On seven bifoliums and one single leaf, the bioliums stitched to one another. With several watermarks of J. Whatman, Turkey Mill, all dated to 1844. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Sibbald is not named, but the item is from his papers, and in his hand. Sibbald was in Ceylon between 1818 and 1833. There is no indication that this item has been published.

[Lieutenant-Colonel John Vandeleur, 10th Royal Hussars.] Autograph Letter Signed to the Military Secretary FitzRoy Somerset [Raglan]l, re. an application from one of his adjutants named Gladstone. Docketed with Autograph Note on subject by Somerset.

Colonel John Vandeleur (c.1793-1864) of the 10th Hussars, Aide de Camp to General Sir John Ormsby Vandeleur (1763-1849) in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo [Lord Fitzroy Somerset (1788-1855)]
Publication details: 
Dorchester. 17 May 1839.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Green date stamp of the Commander in Chief's Office. Docketed on reverse of second leaf with barely legible note by Somerset (he had had to learn to write with his left hand after losing his right arm at Waterloo), beginning 'Inform Messrs Cox of the intention'. Vandeleur considers that it 'would be a very great Indulgence to Mr. Gladstone to allow him the indulgence he asks provided it can be done without inconvenience to the Service'.

Collection of papers relating to the military career of General Sir William Cator, from the Peninsular War to the Crimean War (during which he was Director-General of Artillery). Comprising three commissions, a printed memoir, five manuscript items.

General Sir William Cator (1785-1866), K.C.B., Royal Artillery, Director-General of Artillery during the Crimean War [British Army; Peninsular War]
Collection of papers relating to the military career of General Sir William Cato
Publication details: 
London, Constantinople and other places. From c. 1853 to c. 1866.
Collection of papers relating to the military career of General Sir William Cato

An short account of Cator's career is to be found in the Gentleman's Magazine for June 1866. This collection of nine items is of particular importance, considering the fact that - remarkably for such a distinguished figure - he was not accorded a Times obituary, and has no entry in the Dictionary of National Biography. The absence of biographical material may be due to the contemporary criticism of Cator's department for its handling of the provision of supplies during the Crimean War. All items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with texts clear and complete.

[Drop-head title:] LETTER, No. 1. To the Editor of the Naval & Military Gazette. [LETTER, No. 2. To the Editor of the Naval & MIlitary Gazette. "The Duke and the Storming of Towns."] [LETTER, No. 3. (Confidential.) 26th August, 1839.]

W. D. B. [Naval and Military Gazette; Duke of Wellington; Birmingham Riots of 1839]
Publication details: 
Dated 'W. D. B. | 4th September, 1839.' Printer not stated.

12mo (leaf dimensions 22.5 x 14 cm): 12 pp paginated [3] to 14. Lacking (presumed) title-leaf. Unstitched, and consisting of one sheet of paper, 45 x 28 cm, folded twice to make four leaves; and one half sheet, 22.5 x 28 cm, folded to make two leaves. Text clear and entire, on heavily aged and spotted paper chipped at extremities. In an attempt to defend a perceived attack on his honour, W. D. B. prints, with commentary, three letters written by him to the editor of the Naval and Military Gazette, only the first of which was published (6 August 1839).

Autograph Note Signed ('Charles Oman') to unnamed correspondent.

Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman (1860-1946), British military historian and Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
1 April 1930; on embossed letterhead of the House of Commons Library.

One page, 12mo. Good but with paperclip spotting at head (not affecting text). Three-line quotation clearly sent in response to a request for an autograph. 'Broadmindedness, so called, is generally no more than the silly fear of being thought narrow-minded - | [signed] Charles Oman'.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to 'Lt Colonel Buchanan - 9th Regiment'

George Robert Gleig
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but docketed in pencil 'Garrison Chapel Portsmouth Oct. 1874'.

Scottish 'Chaplain-General of the Forces' (1796-1888) and military historian. On piece of paper roughly 4 1/4 by 4 inches. Folded once. Very good. Reads 'Sincerely yours - | G. R. Gleig. | Lt Colonel Buchanan - | 9th Regiment' and on reverse '<...> the music of the Te Deum with which I was so greatly pleased, when I heard it sung by your Choir - You have got together an admirable body <...>'.

Autograph note signed to Sir John Cam Hobhouse (1786-1869, later Baron Broughton), President of the Board of Control,

Sir Stapleton Cotton, 1st Viscount Combermere
Publication details: 
4 June 1847, Belgrave Square.

General (1773-1865), who distinguished himself as commander of the allied cavalry in the Peninsular War. One page, 8vo. "Although Captn: Martin did not serve under my Command in India, I venture to forward to you his Memorial, and trust you will take an opportunity of bringing his claim under the gracious & favourable consideration of Her Majesty - I have the honor to be / Sir / Yr. most obt. Hble: Sert: / Combermere. Genl. / late commr: in Chief / in India". Paper ruckled, and with glue stains from previous mounting. With biographical cutting adhering to head of recto.

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