
[Florence Nightingale, social reformer, statistician and the founder of modern nursing.] Autograph (Clipped) Signature only.See Image

Florence Nightingale, social reformer, statistician and the founder of modern nursing.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Clipped signature on paper 5 x 1cm. F Nightingale with characteristic flourishing F and the very tops of other words. See Image

[Florence Nightingale and her charity the Nightingale Fund, established in 1855.] Printed Circular of facsimile of an ALS by Samuel Carter Hall, on the proposed dissolution of the Fund, with manuscript letter announcing a meeting of the trustees.

[Florence Nightingale and her charity the Nightingale Fund, established in 1855.] S. C. Hall [Samuel Carter Hall] (1800-1889), editor of Art Journal; Lord Herbert of Lea [Sidney Herbert] (1810-1861)]
Publication details: 
Facsimile letter as a circular from 'Office of the Nightingale Fund. / 5 Parliament Street / May 19. 1857.' Actual manuscript letter: 22 March 1858; on letterhead of Lord Herbert's town house, 49 Belgrave Square [London].

See the entries on Nightingale, Hall and Herbert in the Oxford DNB. The Nightingale Fund was established in the Crimea on 29 November 1855, to raise money for the training of nurses. As a result of discussions held at the time of this circular the money from the Fund was used to set up the first nursing school, the Nightingale Training School, at St Thomas’s Hospital in 1860. ONE: Printed circular in form of a facsimile ALS from ‘S. C. Hall / Hon. Sec.’ 1p, 8vo. On first leaf of a bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Twenty-four lines of text.

[Sir Fenwick Williams [General Fenwick Williams], British Army officer - led the defence of Kars (Crimean War]; London Library] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir George Cornewall Lewis, asking him to support the election of E.H. Nolan as below.

Sir Fenwick Williams [General Sir William Fenwick Williams] (1800-1883), British Army officer who led the defence of Kars during the Crimean War, born in Nova Scotia [Sir George Cornewall Lewis]
Publication details: 
‘Woolwich April 7th. 1857.’

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Signed ‘W F Williams’ and docketed by the recipient ‘Sir Fenwick Williams of Kars’. Written while Lewis was Chancellor of the Exchequer in Palmerston's government. Begins: ‘Dear Sir Cornewall, / I take the liberty of asking you for your influence for Dr. Nolan as Secretary & Librarian of the London Library’.

[Lord Fitzroy Somerset, later Lord Raglan.] Secretarial Letter, Signed by him, regarding the application to purchase a commission by Captain Thomas Monck Wilson, 59th Foot, on behalf of his son Charles.

Lord Fitzroy Somerset, latterly Lord Raglan [Field Marshal FitzRoy James Henry Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan], Private Secretary to the Duke of Wellington, commander of British troops in the Crimean War
Publication details: 
'Horse Guards [Whitehall, London] / 1st August 1846'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper with nicks and small closed tears to extremities. Addressed to ‘Thos. M. Wilson Esqre / the Captain 59 foot’, and signed ‘Fitzroy Somerset’. The document is in a secretarial hand, only the signature being in Somerset’s autograph.

[Col. Charles Booth Brackenbury, R.A., military historian and Times correspondent.] Autograph Letter Signed to his editor J. T. Delane, on writing and reviewing after the Franco-Prussian war, with claim to have ‘started the Intelligence Department’.

Col. Charles Booth Brackenbury, R.A. [C. B. Brackenbury] (1831-1890), military historian and British Army officer in Crimea, and war correspondent [John Thadeus Delane (1817-79), editor of The Times]
Publication details: 
10 April 1874; from Hill Street [Woolwich], on letterhead of Hill House, Woolwich, S.E.

An excellent letter, casting light on the relationship between the editor of The Times and a senior correspondent. See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. Brackenbury’s states that ‘During the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 Brackenbury was the Times correspondent with the Austrian army, and was at the battle of Königgrätz (Sadowa) — riding with Benedek under fire at Chlum — and reported the naval battle of Lissa.

[A. W. Kinglake [Alexander William Kinglake], historian and travel writer.] Autograph Letter Signed stating his opposition to ‘the Bill which threatens to make Charities liable to local assessment’.

A. W. Kinglake [Alexander William Kinglake] (1809-1891), historian and travel writer whose great achievement was the eight-volume ‘Invasion of the Crimea’
Publication details: 
25 March [no year, but presumably during his period in Parliament, from 1857 to 1869]; 12 St James’s Place [London]. 3pp, 12mo.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 25 March [no year]; 12 St James’s Place [London]. 3pp, 12mo. On a bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip cut from top of first leaf (not affecting text). Signed ‘A W Kinglake’. The recipient is not named. Presumably writing during his period as Member of Parliament for Bridgewater, between 1857 and 1869, he begins ‘My dear Sir / I shall make a pint of being present at the discussion of the Bill which threatens to make Charities liable to local assessment’.

[Sir Richard Airey: the man who issued the order for the Charge of the Light Brigade.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs. Gardiner’, describing the ‘escape by a miracle’ of ‘Gardiner’ after a dangerous fall from his horse.

Sir Richard Airey [Richard Airey, 1st Baron Airey] (1803-1881), senior British Army officer, remembered for writing out the order for the Charge of the Light Brigade, and 1879-1880 Airey Commission
Publication details: 
29 June 1865; ‘Horseguards’ [Horse Guards, London.], on embossed government letterhead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB: ‘Following Raglan's instructions, he wrote out the order which led to the fateful charge of the light brigade on 25 October 1854, but unfortunately in the heat of battle kept no duplicate. Subsequently, he had to request a copy from Lieutenant-General Lord Lucan, the cavalry division's commander, to whom the order was addressed and who strongly resented implications that he was at fault. In writing and in person Airey attempted to placate Lucan, reputedly arguing that “it is nothing to Chillianwallah”’.

[General Sir James Simpson, Commander of British troops in Crimea after Lord Raglan's death.] Autograph Letter Signed ('James Simpson') to Lady Ann Cullum, making plans for dinner party, with reference to 'two Miss Lockharts', other guests, his dogs.

General Sir James Simpson (1792-1868), commander of British forces in Crimea after Lord Raglan's death [Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875), wife of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855) of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
27 April [no year]; on letterhead of Horringer, Bury St Edmunds.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. From the Cullum papers, Simpson being a neighbour of the family. Having 'just come in from a longish walk', he is sorry to have missed Lady Cullum.

[ 'Mrs. George Wrottesley' [ Margaret Anne Wrottesley ], journalist and daughter of Sir John Fox Burgoyne. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mr Lacy' [ theatrical bookseller Thomas Hailes Lacy ], regarding copies of two plays.

'Mrs George Wrottesley' [ Margaret Anne Wrottesley, nee Margaret Anne Burgoyne ] (c.1832-1883), journalist ('M. A. B.'), daughter of Sir John Fox Burgoyne [ Thomas Hailes Lacy, theatrical bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Wrottesley, Wolverhampton. 10 February 1864.

See Mrs George Wrottesley's obituary in The Times, 10 May 1883, in which she is praised for 'her undaunted courage and unshaken endurance of difficulties displayed repeatedly during her father's mission to the East' in 1854. 1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. The main body of the letter reads: 'Mrs. George Wrottesley will feel much obliged to Mr Lacy if he will send her a copy of the play of | "The Wonder" - | The address is to | The Honble. | Mrs. George Wrottesley | Wrottesley | Wolverhampton'. At the head of the letter she adds a query concerning 'the play of Donna Diana'.

[ Élisabeth de Mac Mahon, wife of the French president Patrice de MacMahon, Duke of Magenta. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Male. de Mac Mahon'), in English, to the artist and women's activist Barbara Bodichon, regarding meetings in Algeria.

Élisabeth de Mac Mahon [ née Castries ] (1834-1900), La Maréchale de Mac Mahon [ MacMahon ], Duchesse de Magenta, wife of French President Patrice de Mac Mahon (1808-1879) [ Barbara Bodichon ]
Publication details: 
One dated 'Alger the 16th March' and the other 'Alger Sunday' [ Algiers. Between 1864 and 1870? ]

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Accompanied by an envelope, with broken red wax seal, addressed by the Maréchale to 'Madame Bodichon | Mustapha Supérieur | Chemin de la Colonne Voirol | à El Biar'. (In 1857 Bodichon had married the French physician, ethnographer, and scholar Eugène Bodichon (1810-1885), and thereafter divided her time between Algeria and England.) General MacMahon was Governor General of Algeria between 1864 and 1870. ONE: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. 'Alger Sunday'.

[Edward Mason Wrench] Three hectograph duplicates of manuscripts describing his service and that of his uncle Captain Henry Kirke in the 12th Royal Lancers, during the Sepoy Mutiny [Indian Rebellion] of 1857. With typed transcript and commentary.

Edward Mason Wrench (1833-1912) of the 34th Regiment of Foot and 12th Royal Lancers [The Indian Mutiny; Sepoy Mutiny; Indian Rebellion of 1857; Capt. Henry Kirke; Maj.-Gen. William Astell Franks]
Publication details: 
Two duplicate letters, one dated from Park Lodge, Baslow, Derbyshire, on 23 December 1907 (and 'Christmas 1907'); and the other from the same place, 'Aug 1909' and 13 September 1909. Third duplicate and typescript without place or date.

Wrench was the son of a clergyman, and well educated and well connected (being presented to the Prince of Wales and staying at Chatsworth in his old age). His obituary in the British Medical Journal (27 April 1912), describes how, after service in the Crimea, 'he was transferred to the 4th Lancers, went to Madras with that regiment in the following month, and served with it during the whole of the Indian Mutiny. For his services in India he received the Indian medal and clasp for Central India. He returned to England in 1860, and married in 1861 his cousin, the daughter of Mr.

[Edward Mason Wrench] Manuscript describing events in 1855-6, during his service in the Crimean War with the 34th Regiment of Foot. With duplicated (hectograph) letter by him and handbill advertisement for talk by him, both on the Siege of Sebastopol

Edward Mason Wrench (1833-1912) of the 34th Regiment of Foot [The Crimean War; Siege of Sebastopol; Crimea]
Publication details: 
The account of 'Events in 1855 [and 1856]' dated by Wrench from Park Lodge, Baslow [Derbyshire], 1902. The duplicated letter dated 12 December 1880. The printed advertisement for talk at the School, Baslow, and dated 14 January 1881.

Wrench was the son of a clergyman, and well connected, being presented to the Prince of Wales and staying at Chatsworth in his old age. His obituary in the British Medical Journal (27 April 1812), describes how he went out to the Crimea in 1854. 'He had been gazetted Assistant Surgeon to the 34th Regiment in November, and joined it on its arrival in the Crimea. He served during the terrible winter of that year, and was present at the capture of the quarries, the successful assault on the Redan of June 18th, and the final capture of Sebastopol on September 8th, 1855.

[Northwick; Crimea] Autograph Letter Signed "Northwick", art collector, to the Rev. A. Boyd, offering support for his "most humane & Patriotic views".

John Rushout, 2nd Baron Northwick (1770–1859), peer, landowner and collector of art works.
Publication details: 
Northwick P[ark], 20 Oct. 1854.

Four pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition. He's jsu reeive notification of a meeting held recently "for the purpose of raisinhg a Subscription for the indigent Families of the Soldiers & Sailors whose lives have been sacrificed for their countries [sic] Glory in the disastrous Warfare in the East & of which you were the revered Chairman [...]" He is in concurrence, and has instructed his bank to pay him £100 "in aid of your most humane & Patriotic Views."

[Lieutenant-Colonel John Vandeleur, 10th Royal Hussars.] Autograph Letter Signed to the Military Secretary FitzRoy Somerset [Raglan]l, re. an application from one of his adjutants named Gladstone. Docketed with Autograph Note on subject by Somerset.

Colonel John Vandeleur (c.1793-1864) of the 10th Hussars, Aide de Camp to General Sir John Ormsby Vandeleur (1763-1849) in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo [Lord Fitzroy Somerset (1788-1855)]
Publication details: 
Dorchester. 17 May 1839.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Green date stamp of the Commander in Chief's Office. Docketed on reverse of second leaf with barely legible note by Somerset (he had had to learn to write with his left hand after losing his right arm at Waterloo), beginning 'Inform Messrs Cox of the intention'. Vandeleur considers that it 'would be a very great Indulgence to Mr. Gladstone to allow him the indulgence he asks provided it can be done without inconvenience to the Service'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A W Kinglake.') from the historian and travel writer Alexander William Kinglake [A. W. Kinglake] to an unnamed recipient.

Alexander William Kinglake (1809-1891), historian and travel writer, author of 'Eothen' and 'The Invasion of the Crimea', Liberal Member of Parliament for Bridgwater.
Publication details: 
On House of Commons letterhead. 16 March 1864.

1p., 12mo. 8 lines. On aged paper with a small hole (not affecting text) and pin marks. He thanks him for his 'kind thought' in sending 'the Danish Images', adding: 'I assure you the present was a very welcome one to me.'

Wayside Musings; or, Poems and Songs.

James Currie, Late 79th, or Cameron Highlanders
James Currie, Late 79th, or Cameron Highlanders
Publication details: 
Published by George Lewis, Printer and Bookseller, Selkirk, 1863
James Currie, Late 79th, or Cameron Highlanders

138pp., 12mo, blue cover, corner bumped , some damage to spine, worn edges, but attractive, foxing throughout, slight hinge strain. Author's Preface gives the background to the publication including experiences at the Crimea and his daily round as Post Runner to Yair [Postman, I suppose]. Much includes dialect words, and many are based on personal experiences or current events. He includes a Burns' Centenary Song. COPAC lists copies at NLS, Glasgow and BL. WorldCat adds the University of Guelph.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all three 'W. Elwin') to historian Alexander William Kinglake (1809-1891).

Whitwell Elwin (1816-1900), English journalist, editor of the 'Quarterly Review'
Publication details: 
1875, 1883, 1887; all three from Booton Rectory, Norwich.

All three letters 12mo, and closely written. All three with rusted pinholes at head. A valuable correspondence, in which one of Victorian England's leading critics describes his response to the work of one of the age's foremost historians. LETTER ONE (1 page, 26 lines, good): He thanks Kinglake for sending his 'new volume' [of 'The Invasion of the Crimea']. 'I am reading it with great delight. The work to me is unique both in military & literary history.

Autograph Letter Signed to James Finn.

Stratford Canning
Publication details: 
25 September 1867; Westbrook.

Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe, British diplomat (1786-1880; DNB), for many years Ambassador to the Sublime Porte. The recipient, James Finn (died 1872), was British consul at Jerusalem from 1849–1858. 2 pages, 16mo. In good condition. He has sent his correspondent's 'memorandum respecting Abyssinia' to Lord Stanley, 'who is a better judge than I can presume to be of any advantage which might result from putting into practice the suggestions it contains'. He has 'a due sense of the confidence you have shewn me'. Signed 'Stratford de R.'

Part of autograph letter signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Sir Richard England.
Publication details: 
The Curragh, Ireland, 5 May 1857.

General (Afghanistan, Crimea, etc.) Final three pages, prob. missing first leaf, 8vo, final page laid down on rather ugly vestiges of card, final page trimmed with no apparent loss of text, small hole not affecting recognition of words,some other damage not effecting text. It commences "The Musketry Rifles practice is in full operation here & encampments, [ooking &c?] - Equitation for Infantry Officers I have established. Tactics for all arms. - And efforts are suggested for the better approval of and . . . must be adopted in the Field.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Alexander William Kinglake
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English historian of the Crimean War (1809-91). On piece of paper roughly 4 1/2 inches by 1 1/4 inches. In very good condition. Remains of mounts adhering to blank verso. Reads '<...> be of use in making the collection. | I have the honour to be | Sirs | faithfully yours | A W Kinglake.'

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