[Felix Moscheles, genre painter.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Lewis’ [Kate Terry], regarding ‘the necklace you spoke of the other day’.

Felix Moscheles [Felix Stone Moscheles] (1833-1917), English genre painter of German Jewish extraction, pacifist and advocate of Esperanto [Kate Terry (1844-1924), actress]
Publication details: 
29 June 1888. No place.

Felix Mendelssohn was his godfather. See the entry on his father Ignaz Moscheles (1794-1870) in the Oxford DNB. Moscheles discusses his acquaintance with Kate Terry and her husband Arthur Lewis in his 1896 reminiscences ‘In Bohemia with Du Maurier’. 1p, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and creased, with part of mount adhering to the blank second leaf. Addressed to ‘Dear Mrs Lewis’ and signed ‘Felix Moscheles’. He asks her to ‘let the bearer have the necklace you spoke of the other day’, as he ‘can just use it this morning’.

[Fanny Trollope, novelist and abolitionist.] Autograph Signature ('Frances Trollope')

Fanny Trollope [Frances Milton Trollope; Mrs. Trollope] (1779-1863), novelist whose book on the United States caused great offence, and whose abolitionist writings inspired Harriet Beecher Stowe
Fanny Trollope
Publication details: 
'Carlton Hill [i.e. Carleton Hill, near Penrith, Cumbria] / 3d Feby 1843'.
Fanny Trollope

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. Neatly written out on a 6 x 11 cm piece of paper, laid down on a slighty larger piece of card. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Frances Trollope / Carlton [sic] Hill / 3d Feby 1843'. Mrs Trollope had the house named Carleton Hill built in 1840, just outside the village of Carleton. The cold climate proved unbearable, and she sold the residence in the year of this autograph. See Image.

[Mrs Humphry Ward, novelist and anti-suffrage campaigner.] Autograph Note Signed ('Mary A. Ward') to 'Mr. Courtney', regarding an advertisement she wishes to have placed in the Daily Telegraph.

Mrs Humphry Ward [Mary Augusta Ward, née Arnold] (1851-1920), novelist and anti-suffrage campaigner, wife of Thomas Humphry Ward (1845-1926), author and journalist
Publication details: 
3 March 1910; on letterhead of 25 Grosvenor Place, S.W. [London]

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, but with traces of grey paper and glue from mount adhering to the blank reverse. Folded once. In her neat controlled hand, with good firm signature, the letter reads: 'Dear Mr. Courtney / I shall be so grateful if you will put this in to the Telegraph, to morrow: / Yours sincerely / Mary A. Ward'.

[‘Nothing but death or the gout’: Lord Haldane [Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane], Lord Chancellor.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to ‘Mrs Sturgis’ [George Meredith’s daughter], about plans for visits, one preceding dinner with the king.

Lord Haldane [Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane] (1856-1928), Scottish Liberal and Labour politician, philosopher, and Lord Chancellor
Publication details: 
ONE: 27 January [1901?]; 3 Whitehall Court [London]. TWO: 16 February [1904?]; on letterhead of 10 Old Square, Lincolns Inn, W.C. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both letters are in good condition, lightly aged, and both folded once. Both addressed to ‘Mrs Sturgis’, and both signed ‘R B Haldane’. The year in both cases is in the first decade of the twentieth century, but the last digit is hard to decipher. ONE: 27 January [1901?]. 2pp, 12mo. On the first leaf of a bifolium. He fears that he will not reach Leatherhead (where the Sturgis had a country house) before ‘the late train after dinner on Sat. the 21st.’ He plans to ‘send down a servant ahead’, and himself ‘come at bedtime’.

[Ellen Terry, distinguished Shakespearian actress of the Victorian and Edwardian period.] Intimate Autograph Letter Signed (‘Nellaline’), sending her ‘very little heart [to George Meredith’s daughter]’.

Ellen Terry [Dame Alice Ellen Terry] (1847-1928), distinguished Shakespearian actress of the late-Victorian and Edwardian periods, acted opposite Henry Irving
Publication details: 
17 March 1889; on letterhead of 22 Barkston Gardens, Earls Court, S.W. [London]

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. An attractive and unusual item of correspondence, neatly written out in her distinctive handwriting. 1p, 12mo. On leaf of onion paper, carefully laid down on thicker backing. In good condition, slightly discoloured. Folded three times for postage. Reads: ‘A little little heart! So little! but anything “in the way of” a heart should not be flouted, nor scouted, & so I pray you to accept my very little heart - / It’s not worth the thanking for, only don’t send it back to me. / Nellaline. / March 17: 89:’.

[Frank Dicksee, R.A. [Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee, artist and illustrator.]] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Sturgis’ (George Meredith’s daughter), commiserating with her over her illness, and accepting an invitation.

Frank Dicksee, R.A. [Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee (1853-1928), artist and illustrator] [George Meredith and his daughter Marie Eveleen 'Mariette' Sturgis]
Publication details: 
5 April [no year]. On letterhead of Greville House, 3 Greville Place, St John’s Wood, N.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged, and folded once for postage. The recipient is the novelist George Meredith's daughter Marie Eveleen (Mariette; 1871-1933), wife of Henry Parkman Sturgis (1847-1929), American-born banker and Liberal politician. Addressed to ‘Mrs Sturgis’ and signed ‘Frank Dicksee’. He is sorry to hear of her illness, but ‘fortunately the summer is coming & long before it is here I trust you will be yourself again’.

Mrs. Henry Wood [Ellen Wood, née Price], English author whose best-known work is ‘East Lynne’ (1861).

Mrs. Henry Wood [Ellen Wood, née Price] (1814-1887), English author whose best-known work is ‘East Lynne’ (1861)
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The valediction of a letter, cut away for an autograph collector. On a slip of paper, around 7.5 x 1.5 cm. On lightly discoloured paper, with tear through signature, attached to piece of card with archival tape. Reads: ‘Very sincerely yours / Ellen Wood’.

[Victorian London: Somers Town.] Printed pamphlet of ‘“The Hall of Light.” / Somers Town Blind Aid Society’, giving ‘Report, 1898’, statement of accounts, press reports, list of officers and so on.

Somers Town Blind Aid Society [Somers Town, London; Mrs. Alec Tweedie]
Publication details: 
‘LONDON, 14th March, 1899.’ Somers Town Blind Aid Society.

A nice item of Victorian charitable ephemera. The Society (later the Hepburn Starey Blind Aid Society) was instituted in 1864, and according to p.5 of the present item the phrase ‘Hall of Light for the Blind’ was ‘Given to Somers Town Blind Aid Society by a Blind Chinese Christian lad’. No copy of this item, or of any other material relating to the Society found on either WorldCat or JISC. 24pp, 12mo. Stitched. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The front cover is laid out in decorative fashion: ‘“The Hall of Light.” / Somers Town / Blind Aid Society.

[Mrs Alec Tweedie [Ethel Brilliana Tweedie, née Harley], travel writer, author and society figure.] Three substantial volumes of newspaper cuttings, collected by her, relating to her life, work and travels in Iceland and Mexico.

Mrs Alec Tweedie [Ethel Brilliana Tweedie, née Harley] (1862–1940), travel writer, author and society figure
Publication details: 
1887-1909. England, Iceland, Mexico, USA. Vol.1: January 1887 to July 1899. Vol. 2: February 1900 to January 1909. Vol. 3: July 1906 to January 1909.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, which carries a quotation pointing out her ‘unerring sense of admiration for herself’. What the present collection of well over a thousand cuttings assembled by her from newspapers and magazines appears to indicate is that the admiration was to a certain extent also felt by the general public; and taken as a whole the collection serves as a memorial to a once-celebrated English public figure, a woman making her mark on society in the age of suffrage. The first volume (1887-1899) is 117pp, folio: firm and tight in brown leather half binding.

[Maud Tree, actress and wife of Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs. Le Blond’, regarding her efforts to stage a matinée, with reference to Sir Oswald Stoll, Sir Alfred Butt, George Grossmith and various London theatres.

Mrs Beerbohm Tree [Maud Tree; Lady Tree; born Helen Maud Holt] (1863-1937), actress, wife of Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, mother of Viola Tree [Sir Oswald Stoll; Sir Alfred Butt; George Grossmith]
Publication details: 
Undated (after 1901). On letterhead of 7 Adam Street, Adelphi [London].

See the entries on the various members of the Tree family in the Dictionary of National Biography. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Thirty-eight lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged, with pin holes to corner. Folded once. Good firm signature ‘Maud Tree’. She does not want her to think that she is ‘losing sight of the Sunday Matinée’. She had to wait for Sir Oswald Stoll’s answer, ‘& it was kind, but it said regretful No’. She then wrote to Sir Alfred Butt ‘for the Palace or the Empire. His answer was also a sad No. - But now Mr. George Grossmith has offered me His Majestys or the Winter Garden.

[Mrs Humphry Ward, author and anti-suffrage campaigner.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Mary A. Ward’) to ‘Miss Parker’, thanking her and her sisters for agreeing to ‘sing in the Anthem’ at her daughter’s wedding. With printed wedding invitation.

Mrs Humphry Ward [Mary Augusta Ward, née Arnold] (1851-1920), author and anti-suffrage campaigner, wife of Thomas Humphry Ward (1845-1926), author and journalist
Publication details: 
Letter of 11 March 1904; on letterhead of 25 Grosvenor Place, S.W. [London.] Printed invitation to wedding at Manchester College, Oxford, 19 March 1904.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. Both letter and invitation have been repaired with archival tape after being torn in half; otherwise in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Letter of 11 March 1904. 2pp, 12mo. She has ‘heard from Mr. Tierny’ that Miss Parker and her sisters ‘have very kindly offered to sing in the Anthem on the occasion of my daughter’s wedding. It is most kind of you to give your time in this way, and we are sure that the music will be a very great addition to the service.’ She hopes that the sisters will see her ‘in the Library after the service’.

[ Arthur Murphy, Irish writer ] Autograph Instruction Signed to Cadell Esq [publishers].

Arthur Murphy, Barrister and Author [(1727–1805), Irish writer.
Publication details: 
Lincoln's Inn, 21 July 1788.

Paper, 15 x 9cm, trimmed with minimal loss of text, some staining, text clear and legible. Pay to Lady Montfort's Bearer the sum of Eighy seven Shillings & charge the same to | Your Humble Servt. | Arthur Murphy. A bold and impressive signature. Note: A, He studied at Jesuit run Saint-Omer, France, and was a gifted student of the Latin and Greek classics. He worked as an actor in the theatre, became a barrister, a journalist and finally a (not very original) playwright. He edited Gray's Inn Journal between 1752 and 1754.

[Marie Belloc Lowndes, novelist, sister of Hilaire Belloc.] Autograph Letter in the third person, declining a dinner invitation on account of ill health.

Marie Belloc Lowndes [Marie Adelaide Elizabeth Rayner Lowndes; Mrs Belloc Lowndes] (1868-1947), novelist, sister of Hilaire Belloc, author of Jack the Ripper novel 'The Lodger', filmed by Hitchcock
Publication details: 
30 May [no year]. On letterhead of 9 Barton Street, Westminster, S.W.

1p, landscape 12mo In good condition, with glue stain to one corner. Folded once. 'Mrs Belloc Lowndes regrets, on the score of ill health, that she cannot have the pleasure of accepting Lord [Treghre?]'s kind invitation.'

[Card games: 'Whist for two' and 'the game of Mrs. Allport'.] Autograph instructions by 'Miss Stanton' on 'How to play the game of Mrs. Allport' and 'Whist for two'.

[Card games; pastimes; Miss Stanton; Mrs Allport; whist; Chelsea, London]
Publication details: 
No date (1920s?). On letterhead of 72 Elm Park Mansions, Park Walk, Chelsea, London, S.W.

9pp, 12mo. On twi bifoliums and a single leaf, only the first of the bifoliums carrying the letterhead. In good condition, on aged paper. Folded once and in an envelope with 'Whist for 2. | Rules by Miss Stanton.' on cover. The letterhead has the feel of the 1920s, but the handwriting is Victorian, and presumably that of an old spinster. The first bifolium carries a separate set of instructions over four pages, headed 'Whist for two', and concluding: 'Hope you can read it excuse blots for I cant see what I have written'.

['Mrs. Oliphant' (Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant), Scottish author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. O. W. Oliphant') to 'Mr. Payn', i.e. James Payn, editor of the Cornhill Magazine, submitting for publication her son's story 'The Grateful Ghosts'.

'Mrs. Oliphant' [Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant] (1828-1897), Scottish novelist and historical writer [James Payn (1830-1898), editor of the Cornhill Magazine]
Publication details: 
12 December [circa 1885]; on 'Windsor' letterhead.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Referring to her son Francis Romano ('Cecco') Oliphant (1859-1894), she writes: 'Dear Mr. Payn | I send you with this in a registered packet by book post a story written by my youngest son, called "The Grateful Ghosts" which he wishes me to submit to you.' Her opinion is that the story 'would bear compression but that is usual to youthful productions'. She will be 'much gratified' if Payn likes it 'and can use it', and feels sure he will give it his consideration.

[John Baldwin Buckstone, comedic actor and playwright.] Five Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Jno B Buckstone') to M. H. Simpson, lessee of the Theatre Royal, Birmingham, regarding arrangements, benefits, and Mrs Fitzwilliam.

John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879), dramatist and actor-manager of Haymarket Theatre, London [Mercer Hampson Simpson (1801-1877), actor-manager, Theatre Royal, Birmingham; Mrs Fitzwilliam (1801-1854)]
Publication details: 
From the Adelphi and Haymarket in London, and the Theatre Royal in Liverpool. 20 August August 1839, [November 1839], 29 April [1840], 29 November 1842, and undated.

See the appreciative entry on Buckstone by Donald Roy in the Dictionary of National Biography. Interesting and informative letters, shedding vivid light on the day-to-day workings of early-Victorian theatre, written by a leading London actor-manager and dramatist and sent to a provincial actor-manager, regarding the arrangement of engagements, benefits, and plays. Of particular interest is the fourth letter, which refers to Mrs Fitzwilliam [Fanny [Frances Elizabeth] Fitzwilliam, née Copeland] (1801-1854), with whom Buckstone toured New Orleans and the South, c. 1840-1841. Five items.

[Dinah Maria Craik ['Mrs. Craik'], novelist and poet, author of 'John Halifax, Gentleman'.] Autograph Note Signed ('D M Mulock') to 'Mrs. Suckling', suggesting a meeting.

Dinah Maria Craik [Dinah Maria Mulock; Miss Mulock; Mrs. Craik] (1826-1887), novelist and poet, author of 'John Halifax, Gentleman'
Publication details: 
Wildwood, North End, Hampstead. 14 August 1856.

1p, 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight damage to blank reverse caused by removal from mount. Reads: 'Dear Mrs. Suckling – if it be you that is C. S. - I can't come into Town – but shall always be glad to see you here.'

[Mrs Humphry Ward, novelist.] Autograph Signature ('Mary A. Ward'), on letter in a secretarial hand, to 'Mrs. Story', suggesting - with 'a considerable hesitation' - a meeting when she and her family reach Rome.

Mrs Humphry Ward [Mary Augusta Ward] (1851-1920), novelist, author, educationalist and founding President of the Women's National Anti-Suffrage League
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Hotel Timeo, Taormina. 3 April 1903.

2pp, 12mo. Creased and worn. Folded once. She explains that she and her husband and daughter are on the way to Rome, where they will stay at the Hotel Molaro for six days, and expresses the hope that 'we may have the pleasure of seeing you & Mr. Story during that time, if you are at home'. She admits that she feels 'a considerable hesitation about letting any of our friends in Rome know of our coming', as they are 'so overdone with “forestieri” at this time of year'.

[ 'Mrs. George Wrottesley' [ Margaret Anne Wrottesley ], journalist and daughter of Sir John Fox Burgoyne. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mr Lacy' [ theatrical bookseller Thomas Hailes Lacy ], regarding copies of two plays.

'Mrs George Wrottesley' [ Margaret Anne Wrottesley, nee Margaret Anne Burgoyne ] (c.1832-1883), journalist ('M. A. B.'), daughter of Sir John Fox Burgoyne [ Thomas Hailes Lacy, theatrical bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Wrottesley, Wolverhampton. 10 February 1864.

See Mrs George Wrottesley's obituary in The Times, 10 May 1883, in which she is praised for 'her undaunted courage and unshaken endurance of difficulties displayed repeatedly during her father's mission to the East' in 1854. 1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. The main body of the letter reads: 'Mrs. George Wrottesley will feel much obliged to Mr Lacy if he will send her a copy of the play of | "The Wonder" - | The address is to | The Honble. | Mrs. George Wrottesley | Wrottesley | Wolverhampton'. At the head of the letter she adds a query concerning 'the play of Donna Diana'.

[ Count and Comtess Magri, dwarf entertainers ] Autographs of Count Primo Magri and the Comtesse M.L. Magri (Mrs General Tom Thumb

Count Primo Magri, Italian dwarf entertainer AND "Mrs Genl Tom Thumb", later married to Magri.
Publication details: 
no date (verso unrelated autographs dated 1890-1), Bologna, Italy.

Page from an autograph album, 16.5 x 12cm, containing autographs as follows: "Compliments of | Count Primo Magri | from Bologna | Italy || Comtess [sic] M L Magri (Mrs Genl Tom Thumb)", filling the page. Overleaf signatures of C. W. Couldock, American Shakespearian Actor; Theodore Thomas, American conductor; M.W. Whitney and another ("W.. Fort"[?]).

[ Mrs Molesworth, children's writer. ] Autograph Signature ('Louisa Molesworth') on valediction to letter.

Mrs Molesworth [ Mary Louisa Molesworth, née Stewart; M. L. S. Molesworth; 'Ennis Graham' ] (1839-1921), English children's writer
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On one side of a 2.5 x 11 cm slip of paper, cut from the end of a letter. Reads 'Yours very sincerely | Louisa Molesworth'.

[ Mrs Oliphant to her editor, Mrs. S. C. Hall. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M O W Oliphant.') to 'Mrs. Hall', regarding the publication by her of a 'bit of a story', and the acquiring of postage stamps in 'primitive' Rosneath.

Mrs Oliphant [ Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant ] (1828-1897), Scottish novelist [ Anna Maria Hall [ née Fielding ] (1800-1881), author, wife of Samuel Carter Hall (1800-1889), journalist ]
Publication details: 
Willow-burn, Rosneath, Helensburgh. 25 June [1861?].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. On lightly aged and ruckled paper, with slight damage at head of gutter. The letter would appear to concern a contribution intended for 'The Juvenile Forget Me Not', the annual Mrs S. C. Hall began editing in the late 1820s. begins: 'My dear Mrs. Hall | I sent you the story or rather the bit of a story you have - because you asked for it. Therefore if you like it, the pay is not to be considered - But at the same time if you dont like it, pray dont think of using it out of courtesy.

[ Mrs Oliphant, Scottish novelist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. O. W. Oliphant') to Miss <Lansbury?>, regarding an invitation to visit Mrs Hargreaves at Silwood Park.

Mrs Oliphant [ Margaret Wilson Oliphant Wilson ] (1828-1897), Scottish novelist [ John Hargreaves of Silwood Park ]
Publication details: 
On 'Windsor' letterhead. 'Monday' [ no date ].

2pp., 16mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with the second leaf neatly placed in a windowpane mount. The letter begins: 'I am delighted to see your handwriting again - It will give me the greatest pleasure to avail myself of Mrs Hargreaves kind invitation.' She explains why the following Wednesday will suit her best, and proposes to 'drive over arriving at Silwood about one o'Clock and if it is quite convenient for Mrs. Hargreaves to send me back in the afternoon, that will be very kind of her'.

[ Dinah Maria Craik ('Miss Mulock', 'Mrs Craik'), English novelist and poet. ] Autograph Note Signed ('D. M. C.') to 'A. E. W.', regarding 'a list of autographs'.

Dinah Maria Craik [ born Dinah Maria Mulock; 'Miss Mulock'; 'Mrs Craik' ] (1826-1887), English novelist and poet
Publication details: 
Without date or place. On envelope with printed address 'Far Country | Kitchens Lane | Mt. Airy, Penna.'

Written lengthwise on front of a 9 x 15.5 cm. envelope. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'A. E. W. | I had a list of the autographs in thy literary collection but unfortunately have mislaid it. If there is a duplicate it wont make any difference because this is an uncessary little note of | D. M. C.' The page also carries annotations in another hand in light pencil.

Series of ten printed handbills by Mrs. Humphry Ward, on behalf of the Unionist Party in the General Election of 1910, under the title 'The Coming Election | Letters to My Neighbours | by | Mrs. Humphry Ward'.

Mrs. Humphry Ward [ Mary A. Ward (1851-1920), novelist ] [ Jerome K. Jerome ]
Publication details: 
Addressed from 'Stocks, Aldbury, Tring.', and dating from between 10 and 17 January 1910. Published by Smith, Elder, & Co, London, and printed by Spottiswoode & Co. Ltd, London.

A total of 41pp., 4to. Complete run of ten issues (a second edition, expanded to 63pp., appeared in the same year). In black cloth binding, with manuscript note on front pastedown: 'George H M Ricketts - | Lent to Mr Blackman with a hope that he will read it & circulate it amongst his friends.' Eight of the ten numbers are of 4pp.; one (no.4) is of 6pp; and another (no.10) of 3pp. Uniform in design and all printed in blue ink.

[ Mrs. Humphrey Ward, novelist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Mary A. Ward') [ to W. J. Fisher ], regarding 'the fund to be raised for Mr. Harold Frederic's widow & children', expressing disquiet over 'circumstances disclosed' at .Frederic's inquest.

Mrs. Humphrey Ward [ Mary Augusta Ward, nee Arnold ] (1851-1920), English novelist [ Harold Frederick (1856-98), London correspondent of New York Times; W. J. Fisher ]
Publication details: 
25 Grosvenor Place, London SW, on cancelled letterhead of Stocks, Tring. 5 December 1898.

An interesting letter regarding a celebrated Victorian scandal. In 1884 Frederic had come to England with his wife and five children as the London correspondent of the New York TImes. He set up a second household with Kate Lyon, with whom he had a further three children. Lyons was a Christian Scientist, and when Frederic suffered a stroke in 1898, she tried to cure him by faith healing, but he died. At the instigation of Mrs Frederic, Lyon was tried for manslaughter, but was acquitted. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border.

[ Mrs Edwin, Georgian actress. ] Autograph Note Signed ('E. R. Edwin') to '- Ward Esqr.', regarding the presentation of a document.

Elizabeth Rebecca Edwin [ 'Mrs. Edwin' ] (c.1771-1854), Georgian actress who often partnered Elliston
Publication details: 
94 Strand [ London ]. Undated.

1p., 12mo. On bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf to '- Ward Esqr. -'. In fair condition, on aged paper. The note reads: 'My dear Sir, | Presuming an old acquaintance, I request the favour of your presenting the enclosed to the Committee'.

[ Rev. Robert Anderson Jardine, the man who married the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. ] Album of newspaper cuttings and other material, with signed note on front cover: 'PROTESTANT CUTTINGS | PAMPHLETS & general items: | R. Anderson Jardinee'.

Rev. Robert Anderson Jardine (1878-1950), Vicar of St Paul's, Darlington, who performed the 1937 wedding ceremony of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor
Publication details: 
Cuttings dating from 1910 and 1911, and 1930.

Jardine, dubbed by the press 'the Poor Man's Pastor', travelled to France to perform the ceremony. As a result, his vestry committee resigned and he resigned his living, emigrating to the United States. The cuttings are laid down on 19pp of a Victorian folio volume, in superior brown calf binding, tooled in gilt, with marbled endpapers, and 'HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS' stamped on the spine. As the title on the spine indicates, the volume contains the manuscript of a harmony of the gospels, covering 127pp, with the text written around columns of printed text cut from a printed bible.

Autograph Letter Signed ('R. H. Sherlock') from Randall Hopley Sherlock, editor of the Liverpool Mail, describing for his friend Mrs Roper the London International Exhibition of Industry and Art of 1862 at South Kensington.

Randall Hopley Sherlock (d.1875), editor of the Liverpool Mail [The London International Exhibition of Industry and Art of 1862 (Great London Exposition) at South Kensington]
Publication details: 
15 Holland Street, Kensington, W [London]. 1 August [1862.]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. He begins: 'My dear Mrs. Roper - | I have been rather long in fulfilling my promise to write - but I must lay all the blame on this most attractive International from which I can hardly tear myself away! My journey was a very pleasant one on Tuesday with agreeable fellow-passengers, there was another Bouquet besides mine in the carriage - but tell dear Annie it would bear no comparison with mine!

Autograph Letter Signed from J. W. Leach in Australia to his aunt Mrs Baker in Sidcup, England, discussing his return to 'good old Sydney', the 'frightful state' of the country post-War, and the arrival of 'a great number of English Brides'.

J. W. Leach of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia [Mrs Baker, Sidcup, Kent, England]
Publication details: 
84 Victoria Street, Potts Point, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. 27 November 1919.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper, with small rust hole to second leaf affecting two words of text. He begins in the hope that she is 'quite well & Plenty of Business'. He reports the death of his mother the previous may: 'she only lasted 5 Months after I left her'.

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