[Joan Barry, British film actress who worked with Alfred Hitchcock in the early days of the ‘talkies’.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph.

Joan Barry [born Ina Florence Marshman Bell] (1903-1989), British film actress, who worked with Alfred Hitchcock and was mother of the Duchess of Bedford
Publication details: 
No date or place (1920s or early 1930s).

Sepia portrait on 10 x 15 cm photographic print, on card. In good condition, lightly aged. Good bold inscription across foot: ‘Best wishes / Joan Barry’. A soft-toned head-and-shoulders portrait of a Marcel-waved Barry, staring dreamily to the left, with pursed made-up lits, in a sleeveless white gown with pearls and bracelet, left hand to chin and right hand supporting left elbow. Scan on application.

[Mary Berry, diarist, close friend, with her sister Agnes, of Horace Walpole.] Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Georgiana Agar-Ellis, explaining confusion over accepting an invitation.

Mary Berry (1763-1852), diarist and close friend, with her sister Agnes, of Horace Walpole, whose papers her family inherited [Lady Georgiana Agar-Ellis, latterly Countess of Carlisle (1783-1858)]
Publication details: 
‘tuesy / 8 May’. No place.

See 2pp, 16mo. On first leaf of a bifolium, with the reverse of second leaf addressed ‘To the / Lady Georgiana Ellis / Spring Garden [sic]’, and with torn corner of second leaf beneath red wax seal. Folded twice for postage. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. ‘I have a thousand apologies to make for not having already said that my sister & I should have much pleasure in dining with you on the 19th. The truth is, that she thought I had done it & I thought she had - We are ashamed of ourselves’. The second part of the letter is difficult to decipher.

[?The Bachelor Duke?: William George Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire.] Autograph Letter Signed, regarding a portrait of his mother ('not Duchess of Richmond').

William George Spencer Cavendish (1790-1858), 6th Duke of Devonshire, ?the Bachelor Duke?, Whig grandee and art connoisseur, son of Georgiana (1757-1806), Duchess of Devonshire
Publication details: 
'Chatsworth / 21 Feb. [no year]'. [Chatsworth House, Chesterfield, Derbyshire.]

See his entry, and that of his mother, in the Oxford DNB, as well as James Lees-Milne?s biography ?The Bachelor Duke? (1991). 2pp, 12mo. With thin mourning border, and his monogram at top left of recto. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight discoloration to extremities on recto. Folded for postage.

[Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge, latterly the Duchess of Teck.] Autograph Letter Signed to ?Mr. Russell? (the future Lord Russell of Killowen?), on plans for a road near ?our stables?, and a ?very stiff and uncivil letter? received by her.

Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge, latterly the Duchess of Teck (1833-1897), granddaughter of George III, first cousin of Queen Victoria [Sir Charles Russell [Lord Russell of Killowen] (1832-1900)?]
Publication details: 
24 June 1868. No place.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. 31 lines of text. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Signed ?Mary Adelaide?. She has seen Russell's ?envoy??, who had ?planned a road, which he assures me cannot be objected to, and can easily be intro-duced [sic] into and carried out with your proposed alterations?.

[‘I knew the lady well’: General Sir Nevil Macready on Millicent, Duchess of Sutherland, her field hospital and marital misadventures.] Autograph Letter Signed to William Toynbee, editor of the diaries of his father, actor William Charles Macready.

Sir Nevil Macready [Cecil Frederick Nevil Macready] (1862-1946), World War general, son of William Charles Macready [William Toynbee (1849-1942); Millicent, Duchess of Sutherland (1867-1955)]
Publication details: 
28 August [no year]. On embossed letterhead of Les Sapins, Boulevard Thiers, Fontainebleau S & M’.

Macready’s entry in the Oxford DNB states that he destroyed his diary and personal papers after the publication of his memoirs in 1924. If the present gossipy specimen is anything to go by, the loss of this material is most regrettable. (The ODNB entry for his father notes that he dealt with William Charles Macready's ‘copious and uninhibited diaries’ in similar fashion in 1914 - two years after the appearance of Toynbee’s edition.) See also the entry for Millicent, Duchess of Sutherland (1867-1955). 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and folded for postage.

[Georgiana, Countess Spencer, mother of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire] Copy in her Fair Hand of the Ode by Mr Mason [Adapted] [William Mason, poet, divine, correspondent of Walpole, Gray etc.]

Margaret Georgiana Spencer, Countess Spencer (née Poyntz; 8 May 1737 – 18 March 1814), English philanthropist.
Publication details: 
May 1781. No. 59 in top corner (from album of commonplace book).

Entitled Hope - to the Dutchess of Devonshire (an Ode to her daughter adapted from Mason's Ode 13 or vice versa - see Note below.). Four pages, 4to, aged but clear and complete, fold mark, right edge uneven and glue remnant, from album of commonplace book presumably. Text begins: What magic warblings to my Ear and concludes 39 lines later (if I've counted correctly) [itself in quotation marks] Nor will I quit thee at the grave.

[Duchess of Atholl.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to the wife of Professor David Waterston of St Andrews, the second discussing her position on the question of ‘moral courage’.

Duchess of Atholl [Katharine Marjory Stewart-Murray, Duchess of Atholl (1874-1960), Scottish Unionist Party politician and opponent of fascism [Professor David Waterston (1871-1942) of St Andrews]
Publication details: 
24 January and [8 February?] 1940. Each on letterhead of 98 Elm Park Gardens, S.W.10 [London]

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, which describes her passionate opposition to fascism, but omits the fact that her name featured among those in the Nazi ‘Black Book’. Waterston was Bute Professor of Anatomy at the University of St Andrews from 1914 to 1942. In 1913, while Professor of Anatomy at King's College, London, he was the first authority to debunk the Piltdown Man hoax.

[Catherine, Duchess of Cleveland, mother of the Prime Minister Lord Rosebery.] Autograph Signature (‘C Clevd.’) to Typed Note urging ‘Dear Jim’ to visit her.

Duchess of Cleveland [Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Powlett; née Stanhope; also Lady Dalmeny, Lady Harry Vane] (1819-1901), aristocrat, historian, genealogist, mother of Earl of Rosebery, Prime Minister
Publication details: 
‘May 24 Wednesday [no year]’; on letterhead of Osterley Park, Southall.

On one side of 19 x 9 cm slip of paper with Osterley Park letterhead with her crested monogram in gold and black. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Somewhat shaky and curiously-antiquated signature. Typed note in capitals. One word and a few minor corrections to text in autograph. Reads: ‘May 24 Wednesday / My dear Jim / I am here at the receipt of custom - will you come & when? Come to dine & sleep - or stay.

[Ronald Craufurd Munro Ferguson, 1st Viscount Novar, 6th Governor-General of Australia; Katharine Marjory Stewart-Murray, Duchess of Atholl, the first woman elected to a Scottish seat at Westminster.] Autograph Signatures from album.

Ronald Craufurd Munro Ferguson, 1st Viscount Novar (1860-1934), 6th Governor-General of Australia, 1914 to 1920; Katharine Marjory Stewart-Murray (1874-1960), Duchess of Atholl
Publication details: 
Novar's signature dated by him from Stirling, 14 October 1922.

See their entries in the Oxford DNB. Two Autograph Signatures, on an 11 x 5 cm slip cut from a leaf of an album. In good condition, lightly aged. On one side: ‘Novar / G. G. Australia 1914 - 20. / Stirling 14. 10. 22.’ (The date ‘1914’ is slightly smudged. On the other side ‘Katharine Atholl - Jan. [...]’; and above it, in another hand ‘Duchess of Atholl - Under Secretary for Edu’. See image.

[Princess Marie Radziwill, French noblewoman at the Prussian court.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Marie Radziwill’), in French, inviting an unnamed princess to a ‘bazar de charité’.

Princess Marie Radziwill [née Marie Dorothée Élisabeth de Castellane] (1840-1915), French noblewoman, granddaughter of the Duchess of Dino, a leading figure at the Prussian court
Publication details: 
2 February 1878; Berlin [Prussia].

1p, 8vo. On grey laid paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Reads: ‘Madam / Permettez-moi de joindre à cette lettre l’annonce du bazar de charité que va avoir lieu dans notre maison et que j’espère sera visité par Votre Altesse Royale. / Designez agréer, Princesse, mes plus respectueux hommages. / Marie Radziwill’.

[William Ewart Gladstone, as Prime Minister, to the Duchess of Edinburgh (Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Russia).] Autograph Letter Signed ('W E Gladstone'), sending her 'specimens of labour performed in a field which is now not much frequented'

William Ewart Gladstone, Liberal Prime Minister [Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Russia (1874-1900), daughter of Tsar Alexander II of Russia and Duchess of Edinburgh as wife of Prince Alfred]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hawarden Castle, Chester. 13 December 1883.

2pp, 12mko. In fair condition, aged and worn, with slight discoloration along central horizontal fold. Addressed to 'Her Imperial & Royal Highness | The Duchess of Edinburgh'. Reads: 'Madam | At Windsor Your Imperial & Royal Highness was good enough to say I might send these specimens of labour performed in a field which is now not much frequented | Under cover of the permission thus accorded, I take the liberty allowed, and add my request that it may not entail the trouble of any acknowledgment | I have the honour to be | Your I. R. Highness's | most faithful humble servant | W E Gladstone'.

[Louisa, Duchess of Buccleuch, regarding charity work for the Mahdist War.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Christison', asking on behalf of the Princess of Wales for her assistance in relation to a charity for British troops in Egypt and the Sudan.

Louisa, Duchess of Buccleuch [Louisa Montagu Douglas Scott; previously Lady Louisa Jane Hamilton] (1836-1912), wife of William Scott, 6th Duke of Buccleuch and 8th Duke of Queensberry (1831-1914)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Dalkeith House, Dalkeith [Scotland]. 6 April 1885.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. Writing with regard to the Mahdist War, she has been asked by the Princess of Wales to 'start a Sub-Committee to H. R. H's. Branch of the National Aid Society (Soudan & Egypt)', and is 'anxious to know' whether the recipient can help her 'by allowing your name to be placed on the General Committee the object of which is to collect funds to secure some further provisions for the health & comfort of the British Troops, more especially the Sick & Wounded, in that trying climate'.

[ Lord Whitworth, as British Ambassador to France. ] Autograph Note in the third person, inviting Lord Glenbervie to dinner with himself and his wife, known as the Duchess of Dorset..

Charles Whitworth, 1st Earl Whitworth (1752-1825) [ Lord Whitworth, 1800-1813; Viscount Whitworth, 1813-1815 ], British diplomat [ Sylvester Douglas, 1st Baron Glenbervie (1743-1823) ]
Publication details: 
Hôtel de l'Empire [ Paris ]. Undated [ 1819? see note below ]..

1p., 16mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Lord Whitworth & the Duchess of Dorset [now his wife] request the honor of Lord Glenbervie's Company at dinner to morrow [sic] at ½ past five. | Hôtel de l'Empire | Sunday morn.' Whitworth was British Ambassador to Paris. 1802-1803. Note: "After the restoration of the Bourbons in France, which as a political expedient he [Whitworth] highly approved, he visited Paris in April 1819 with the Duchess of Dorset and a numerous train."

[ Susan Euphemia, Duchess of Hamilton, daughter of William Beckford of Fonthill. ] Long Autograph Letter Signed ('S E H & B') to 'dearest dear Lolotte' (Charlotte Stuart), regarding the misfortunes of Madame Regnaudin of the Royal Academy of Music.

Susan Euphemia Douglas-Hamilton, Duchess of Hamilton (1786-1859), wife of Alexander Douglas-Hamilton, 10th Duke of Hamilton, and daughter of William Beckford of Fonthill [ Royal Academy of Music ]
Publication details: 
'Hamilton Palace [ Lanarkshire, Scotland ] | July 9th: [ between 1822 and 1825 ]'.

Susan Euphemia Beckford, daughter of William Beckford of Fonthill, had married the 10th Duke of Hamilton in 1810. The recipient Charlotte Stuart (d.1867) was the daughter of Margaret, Lady Pulteney, by her first husband Andrew Stuart of Torrance. In 1830 she married Robert Harington, son of Sir John Edward Harington of Ridlington, 8th Baronet. The present item is two closely written pages, 4to. On bifolium of wove paper with watermark 'C WILMOT | 1822'. In good condition, lightly aged. Closely and neatly written over 63 lines.

[ Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Marie, GD de Russie et de Saxe'), in French, thanking the unnamed female recipient for the gift of a book, sending her own presents, and urging her to return to Germany.

Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia (1786-1859)
Publication details: 
'Du Belvédère près de Weymar, ce 22 May / 3 Juin 1830.'

1p., 4to. On bifolium with mourning border. Nineteen lines of closely-written text, with valediction: 'Votre affectionnée, | Marie, GD de Russie et de Saxe'. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with minor traces of grey paper from mount adhering to edge. She begins by stating that the 'charmant ouvrage' that she sent has given her real pleasure: 'il orne ma demeure champêtre'.

[ Rev. Robert Anderson Jardine, the man who married the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. ] Album of newspaper cuttings and other material, with signed note on front cover: 'PROTESTANT CUTTINGS | PAMPHLETS & general items: | R. Anderson Jardinee'.

Rev. Robert Anderson Jardine (1878-1950), Vicar of St Paul's, Darlington, who performed the 1937 wedding ceremony of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor
Publication details: 
Cuttings dating from 1910 and 1911, and 1930.

Jardine, dubbed by the press 'the Poor Man's Pastor', travelled to France to perform the ceremony. As a result, his vestry committee resigned and he resigned his living, emigrating to the United States. The cuttings are laid down on 19pp of a Victorian folio volume, in superior brown calf binding, tooled in gilt, with marbled endpapers, and 'HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS' stamped on the spine. As the title on the spine indicates, the volume contains the manuscript of a harmony of the gospels, covering 127pp, with the text written around columns of printed text cut from a printed bible.

[Shelagh Maitland, artist's model.] Autograph Letter Signed, offering her services to the Duchess of Kent, stating she has worked for Lord Plunkett, Cathleen Mann, Simon Elwes, Sir John Lavery, T. C. Dugdale, David Jagger. With risqué autograph poem.

Shelagh Maitland, artist's model [Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent [Princess Marina of Greece and Denmark] (1906-1968); Cathleen Mann; Simon Elwes; Sir John Lavery; T. C. Dugdale; David Jagger]
Publication details: 
40 Queensborough Terrace, W8 [London]. 19 July 1938.

Both items are in an envelope addressed to the Duchess at 3 Belgrave Square. The envelope and its contents are on aged and creased paper. LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Knowing that the Duchess is 'a well-known artist', she is offering her 'services as a model'. 'I was permanent model to the late Lord Plunket [sic] and have been painted by Cathleen Mann, Simon Elwes, Sir John Lavery, T. C. Dugdale, David Jagger and several other well-known painters.' She describes her appearance and asks to be granted an interview. POEM: 2pp., 12mo. In pencil. Unsigned, but clearly by Maitland.

Autograph Letter in the third person from Nina Mary Benita Douglas-Hamilton, Duchess of Hamilton, ordering a book from the London booksellers George Routledge & Sons.

Nina Mary Benita Douglas-Hamilton [née Poore] (1878-1951), Duchess of Hamilton, co-founder in 1903 of the Animal Defence and Anti-Vivisection Society [George Routledge & Sons, Ltd, London booksellers]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Merley House, Wimborne. 28 May 1904.

1p., 4to. Good, on aged and lightly-creased paper. 'The Duchess of Hamilton will be much obliged if Messrs G. Routledge & Sons will send her the newest edition of | A History of British Birds | by Rev. F. O. Morris | Newly revised corrected & enlarged | @ £4 - 10 - 0 | To above address -'.

Printed notice from the Vice Consul of Boulogne, informing the town's residents that 'Divine Service will be performed in his House on Christmas day'.

[Sir William Hamilton (1788-1877), British Consul at Boulogne-sur-Mer from 1826 to 1873]
Publication details: 
'Vice Consular Office | 23rd December 1817.'

1p., landscape 8vo (34 x 22 cm). In fair condition, on aged paper with wear to extremities. An attractive notice, in large type, reading: 'THE VICE CONSUL hereby notifies to the British residents in Boulogne that Divine Service will be performed in his House on Christmas day. | Vice Consular Office | 23rd December 1817.' With faint circular stamp of the 'VICE CONSULAR SERVICE'. Manuscript note on reverse, in a contemporary hand: 'Duplicate of the <?> affiche in the town of Boulogne | on Saturday 24th Decr 1817'.

[Printed handbill.] Sonnet on the late Dutchess of Gordon. [By Sir Brooke Boothby.]

[Sir Brooke Boothby (1744-1824)] [Jane Gordon, Duchess of Gordon (1748-1812), Scottish Tory political hostess]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1810.]

Printed on one side of a 4to leaf, to which a black mourning border has been given by hand. Well printed on wove paper. Fair, on lightly-aged and ruckled paper. The author's name is not given, and the title reads 'SONNET | ON THE LATE | DUTCHESS [sic] OF GORDON.' The poem begins: 'IS then the bright expansive spirit flown, | That wont to animate the admiring throng? | Does the fair theme of many a poet's Song | Exist in pleasing memory alone?' The poem was also printed in 'The Poetical Register, and Repository of Fugitive Poetry, for 1810-1811' (London: F. C. and J.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Bernard') from Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard, 16th Duke of Norfolk, to 'Arthur', concerning the sale of land in Sheffield and elsewhere.

Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard (1908-1975), 16th Duke of Norfolk,
Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard (
Publication details: 
13 January 1938; on letterhead of Everingham Park, York.
Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard (

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to close relation or agent. He agrees to 'the two sales in Sheffield of £52,000 and £90,000', but does not consider 'under £200 an acre' a good price. He wonders 'whether Sandford is inclined to give a bit to get a deal through without much trouble'.

Visiting card with autograph message.

Duchesse d'Uzes
Publication details: 
Bonnelles, 10 October 1913.

Card, 8 x 6 cm, black border. [Printed] "Duchesse d'Uzès / Douairière" with the autograph message on both sides of the card, "Laissez-moi rire d'abord et ensuite dites-moi ce que je dois lui répondre. Avec toutes mes amitiés."

Autograph Letter Signed 'To | the Revd: Doctor Shipley | Canon of Xt: Church | Oxford | by way of London'.

Catherine Douglas (née Hyde), Duchess of Queensberry and Dover (1701-1777), aristocratic beauty and literary patron [Jonathan Shipley (1713-1788), Bishop of St Asaph]
Publication details: 
Ambresbury [Amesbury]; 22 January [13 February] 1755.

4to: 3 pp. Bifolium. On neatly-repaired aged paper, with archival paper covering the two inner pages. Fifty-four lines of text, all clear and entire. Remains of black wax seal, with crest, on verso of second leaf, which carries the address and is docketed 'Maragna Mohammed'. A long letter in two parts, the second part beginning on the verso of the first leaf, which is headed 'now Febry: 13'.

Document signed by these four parties, part printed, part manuscript.

Earl Marchmont, Thomas [ Secker ] Archbishop of Canterbury, Beversham Filmer, J. Stephens.
Publication details: 

One page, 4to, one small tear, staining, pinholes, text clear and complete. The four parties acknowledge receipt of £62.10 in their office aas "executors of Sarah late Duchess of Marlborough assignee of John Rudghe as per margin. In the margin, in manuscript is a list of years 1828-1838 with a list of yearly sums which add up to the £62.50 they are acknowledging. The list has the name John Rudge next to it. They received the money from James Earl Waldegrave (written in ms.

Printed Exchequer receipt for annuities, with manuscript insertions, signed by the Duchess and a witness.

Adelaide Talbot (died 1726), Duchess Dowager of Shrewsbury [Adelhida, daughter of the Marquis Palleotti of Bologna]
Publication details: 
12 January 1720; [London].

One page, octavo. Good, on aged paper with slight fraying and a few small closed tears at extremities. 'Received by me [Adelaide Dutchess Dowager of Shrewsbury Ass[ign]ee of Wm. Harvey] of the Honourable George Parker Esq; One of the Four Tellers of His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, the Sum of [Twenty five pounds] [...]'. Signed 'Adelaide Shrewsbury' and witnessed by 'Hen: Gardie'. Adelaide was (according to the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica) married to Charles Talbot, 1st Duke of Shrewsbury (1660-1718) in 1705.

Autograph Letter to the Duchess of Beaufort.

Frederick William Hervey, 5th Earl and 1st Marquis of Bristol
Publication details: 
St. James's Square | June 23rd. 1853'

English aristocrat (1769-1859). Apparently cropped, but with no loss to text. Dimensions of paper roughly four inches square. Grubby and lightly stained. Docketed in pencil. A formal letter in the third person. Reads 'Lord Bristol presents his Compliments to the Duchess of Beaufort, & sends her Grace the enclosed Paper which came directed by mistake to him this Morning -'.

7 original photographs by Gerald Guttman.

The wedding of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson.
Publication details: 

The pictures, which vary in size from 3 inches by 5 inches to 3 inches square, are crudely pasted to a piece of grey card, beneath a heading made up of three pieces apparently cut out of newspapers or magazines and reading 'Royal Wedding Day | 23 July | Andrew & Sarah 1986'. All seven pictures appear to be cropped, and several bear traces of glue. Corners dogeared. In pencil on reverse 'Photographs by Gerald Guttman (= photographer)'. Four pictures, apparently taken from the television, feature the royal couple.

autograph letter in the third person to the artist Shirley Slocombe

Duchess of Leeds
Publication details: 
3pp, 16mo, 11 August 1904, on letterhead 11 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W.

She 'cannot apologise enough for having left his letter of May 29th so long unanswered'. It was supposed to be answered 'on her return from Italy' but was mislaid. She hopes Slocombe will 'forgive the unintentional rudeness'.

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