[Peter Cunningham, author of the 'Handbook of London'.] Autograph Letter Signed, asking for an engraving [for his edition of Walpole's letters], for which the publisher Richard Bentley will pay.

Peter Cunningham (1816-1869), editor and author of the 'Handbook of London', son of the Scottish poet Allan Cunningham [Richard Bentley, publisher]
Publication details: 
18 January 1858. Kensington.

1p, 16mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of mount adhering to reverse of second leaf. Folded once. Signed ?Peter Cunningham?. The recipient (?Dear Sir?) is not named. Written in a tight difficult hand. Clearly with regard to his nine-volume edition of Horace Walpole's letters, published between 1857 and 1859, he asks him to have ?ye enclosed seal cut on wood for me [?] to suit the page description I enclose. .. I will make Bentley pay for it.? I asks to have it ?within ten days of this?.

[Hugh Walpole [Sir Hugh Seymour Walpole], popular English novelist, born in New Zealand.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Patterson Webb’ regarding a ‘carol’ he sent him. With double-signed photograph by Elliott & Fry.

Hugh Walpole [Sir Hugh Seymour Walpole] (1884-1941), popular English novelist, born in New Zealand [Elliott & Fry, London photographic studio]
Publication details: 
Letter dated 30 December 1932; on letterhead of 188 St John’s Road, Corstorphine, Edinburgh 12. Photograph (by Elliott & Fry) dated by Walpole to December 1932.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The two items were previously held together by a small dab of glue at the head of the letter. They are now separated, and traces of the glue remain, not affecting any text. Otherwise they are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: ALS, 30 December 1932. 1p, 12mo. Signed Hugh Walpole. He thanks him for his charming ‘Carol’: ‘I have been picking it out on the piano. And I send back the photo autographed. With every good wish for 1933’.

[Hugh Walpole [Sir Hugh Seymour Walpole], popular English novelist and author, born in New Zealand.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Hunt', regarding a proof he is sending, and explaining the source of a quotation.

Hugh Walpole [Sir Hugh Seymour Walpole] (1884-1941), popular English novelist, born in New Zealand
Publication details: 
10 July 1935. On letterhead of Brackenburn, Manesty Park, Keswick.

Of his activities around this time the Oxford DNB writes: 'he 'wrote film scripts in Hollywood in 1934–5 for classics such as David Copperfield (MGM, 1935), in which he played a bit part, and Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936)'. The subject of the letter may be his novel 'The Inquisitor', published by Macmillan in 1935. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once. Reads: ‘Dear Mr. Hunt / Here is a proof. The quotations are from the [?] Version. to me the only [last word underlined] version. / Yours sincerely / Hugh Walpole’.

[Hugh Walpole [Sir Hugh Seymour Walpole], popular English novelist and author, born in New Zealand.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Miss Jennings’, complaining that there was ‘no half crown in the envelope’.

Hugh Walpole [Sir Hugh Seymour Walpole] (1884-1941), popular English novelist and author, born in New Zealand
Publication details: 
27 December 1937. On letterhead of 188 St. John’s Road, Corstorphine, Edinburgh 12 [Scotland].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Reads: ‘Dear Miss Jennings / Thank you for your letter. There was however no half crown in the envelope. I searched carefully. / Yours sincerely / Hugh Walpole’.

[The Navy Office, London.] Manuscript document, addressed to ‘Mr: Turnpenny’ from the Navy Office, in the matter of ‘the Hire of the Pulteney Advice Boat’, regarding a request to delay payment of a bill, signed by six Commissioners of the Navy.

The Navy Office, Seething Lane, City of London [Commissioners of the Navy; Navy Board; Royal Navy; Admiralty]
Publication details: 
30 December 1748. Navy Office [Seething Lane, City of London].

The War of Jenkin’s Ear had ended a few months before, and Daniel A. Baugh, ‘British Naval Administration in the Age of Walpole’ (Princeton, 1965) describes the sorry state into which the Navy Board had fallen at this point. 1p, foolscap 8vo. On recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, the verso of the second leaf being addressed ‘To / Mr Turnpenny / Navy Office’ and docketted ‘Com[missione]rs of Navy to Mr Turnpenny’. In poor condition and urgent need of archival repair. The laid and watermarked paper is flaking away, and part of text, including a couple of the signatures, is lacking.

[Lady Catharine Long, novelist and religious writer.] Latter part of Autograph Letter Signed [to Mr. Harris], discussing her view of the state of the soul after death, and Mrs Jervoise’s ‘troubled married life’.

Lady Catharine Long (1797-1867), novelist and religious writer, daughter of Horatio Walpole, 2nd Earl of Orford
Publication details: 
No date or plafe.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Twenty-three lines of text. In fair condition, lightly aged, but with slight creasing at head of leaf. Folded twice. Financial calculations written lengthwise underneath signature, with light smudging.

[Mary Berry, diarist, close friend, with her sister Agnes, of Horace Walpole.] Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Georgiana Agar-Ellis, explaining confusion over accepting an invitation.

Mary Berry (1763-1852), diarist and close friend, with her sister Agnes, of Horace Walpole, whose papers her family inherited [Lady Georgiana Agar-Ellis, latterly Countess of Carlisle (1783-1858)]
Publication details: 
‘tuesy / 8 May’. No place.

See 2pp, 16mo. On first leaf of a bifolium, with the reverse of second leaf addressed ‘To the / Lady Georgiana Ellis / Spring Garden [sic]’, and with torn corner of second leaf beneath red wax seal. Folded twice for postage. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. ‘I have a thousand apologies to make for not having already said that my sister & I should have much pleasure in dining with you on the 19th. The truth is, that she thought I had done it & I thought she had - We are ashamed of ourselves’. The second part of the letter is difficult to decipher.

[‘you are much too young & handsome to be convenient’: Edward Jerningham, high-society poet and playwright, protégé of Horace Walpole.] Unsigned Autograph Letter, flirting with unnamed male recipient, and giving details of his relation Lady Stafford.

Edward Jerningham (1737-1812), high-society poet and playwright, protégé of Horace Walpole on whom Sheridan is said to have based the character of Sir Benjamin Backbite in ‘The School for Scandal’
Publication details: 
1798. No other details.

Jerningham’s entry in the Oxford DNB, states that he died unmarried, ‘despite habitual flirtations with young actresses’; the present letter indicates that the members of the other sex were not exempted from his attentions. 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, on a leaf of laid watermarked paper, folded for postage. Twenty-six lines of text. Dated ‘1798’ at top right, with ‘From Edward Jerningham the Poet’ above it. Unsigned, but in Jerningham's distinctive hand.

[Georgiana, Countess Spencer, mother of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire] Copy in her Fair Hand of the Ode by Mr Mason [Adapted] [William Mason, poet, divine, correspondent of Walpole, Gray etc.]

Margaret Georgiana Spencer, Countess Spencer (née Poyntz; 8 May 1737 – 18 March 1814), English philanthropist.
Publication details: 
May 1781. No. 59 in top corner (from album of commonplace book).

Entitled Hope - to the Dutchess of Devonshire (an Ode to her daughter adapted from Mason's Ode 13 or vice versa - see Note below.). Four pages, 4to, aged but clear and complete, fold mark, right edge uneven and glue remnant, from album of commonplace book presumably. Text begins: What magic warblings to my Ear and concludes 39 lines later (if I've counted correctly) [itself in quotation marks] Nor will I quit thee at the grave.

[William Frederick Wyndham, diplomat.] Autograph Memorandum Signed (W Wyndham | His Majestys Envoy Extra at the Court of Tuscany'), with seal, to Italian document signed by Lorenzo Fabbrucci, Cammillo Cateni and Giovanni Gualberto Uccelli.

William Frederick Wyndham (1763-1828), British envoy to the Court of Tuscany, son of 2nd and father of 4th Earl of Egremont; Cammillo di Paolo Cateni; Giovanni Gualberto Uccelli; Lorenzo Fabbrucci
Publication details: 
From Florence. Wyndham's memorandum signed 13 January 1800; the Italian text 2 January 1800.

2pp, 8vo. On first leaf of bifolium. Text complete and clearly legible, on aged and worn paper. The first page is begins with text in the hand of Cammillo Cateni, headed 'Adì 2 Gennaio 1800', written on behalf of Cateni and Giovanni Gualterro Uccelli, 'Medici filii di questa Citta di Firenze', attesting the signature of 'la Siga. Angiola Lucchi'.

[Eleven British authors of the 1920s and 1930s.] Autograph Signatures of Hugh Walpole, J. B. Priestley, C. S. Forester, V. S. Pritchett, Lord Dunsany, Alec Waugh, Norman Collins, A. G. Macdonell, Ivor Brown, Philip Jordan and Lionel Hale.

Hugh Walpole, J. B. Priestley, C. S. Forester, V. S. Pritchett, Lord Dunsany, Alec Waugh, Norman Collins, A. G. Macdonell, Ivor Brown, Philip Jordan, Lionel Hale, Pauline Donalda, H. Lane Wilson
Publication details: 
Without date or place [London? Late 1920s? 1930s?]

The signatures feature with no other text on a single page, on one side of a 15 x 18 cm leaf of thickish cream paper removed from an album. In fair condition, aged, and dusty, with slight pinkish-red staining on edges, and not near any of the signatures. The signatories are: 'Hugh Walpole', 'Dunsany' [Lord Dunsany], 'Alec Waugh/', 'V S Pritchett', 'Lionel Hale.', 'Norman Collins', 'Philip Jordan' [Philip Furneaux Jordan (1902-1951), journalist and author], 'A. G. Macdonell.', 'Ivor Brown', 'J. B. Priestley', 'C. S. Forester'.

[Caroline of Ansbach, signing as Regent ('Guardian of the Kingdom') to her husband King George II.] Autograph Signature ('Carolina R. C. R.', i.e. 'Regina Custos Regni') to warrant, also signed by Sir William Strickland, Secretary at War.

Caroline of Ansbach [Princess Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach] (1683-1737), Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, and Electress of Hanover, Consort of George II [Sir William Strickland (1686-1735)]
Publication details: 
'Given at the Court at Kensington this 23d. Day of June 1732. In the Sixth Year of His Majesty's Reign.'

The Oxford DNB explains the context of the document: 'During his four absences in Hanover in 1729, 1732, 1735, and 1736–7 [George II] left her as regent entrusted with “all domestic matters”. Foreign affairs were dealt with by the king and the secretaries of state, one of whom accompanied him to Germany, but other affairs were left “entirely to the Queen with the advice of the Lords of the Council”'. 2pp, foolscap 8vo. On bifolium, the verso of the second leaf of which is endorsed: 'Warrant for placing upon Half Pay Captain Stanhope Yarborough'.

[ Strawberry Hill Press. ] Engraving ('C. Grignion sculp.') depicting 'Earl Rivers presenting his Book & Caxton his Print to Edw. 4'.

Charles Grignion the elder (1721-1810), Huguenot engraver [ William Caxton, English printer; Horace Walpole; the Strawberry Hill Press ]
Publication details: 
Frontispiece to Horace Walpole's 'Royal and Noble Authors', published by the Strawberry Hill Press, 1758 [ 1759 ].

Printed in black ink on one side of a piece of 18 x 11 cm piece of laid paper. Dimensions of image 15.5 x 10 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The image forms the upper part of the engraving, within a decorative border, with the caption, covering eleven lines, as the lower part, within its own lapidary border. The image is, as the caption explains, from 'a curious M.S. in the Archbishop's Library at Lambeth'.

[George Walpole, 3rd Earl of Orford.] Autograph Letter in the third person, expressing a desire to join 'Mr. Hudson' of the College of Physicians as he canvasses in Lynn in favour of Thomas Walpole. With manuscript draft of letter (by Hudson?).

George Walpole, 3rd Earl of Orford (1730-1791) [Hudson; College of Physicians, Warwick Lane; Thomas Walpole (1727-1803), MP for Lynn, 1768-1780]
Publication details: 
[Regarding Lynn, Norfolk., and the College of Physicians, Warwick Lane, London.] Neither Walpole's letter nor the draft [of Hudson's] dated. [At the General Election of either 1768 or 1774.]

The letter and draft each on one side of the same piece of 8vo paper. In good condition, aged and worn, with a short closed tear along one fold line.

[Paget Toynbee, English Dante scholar.] Three Autograph Letters Signed and two Autograph Cards Signed to fellow Dantist Herbert Macartney Beatty, topics including English translators of Dante (Musgrave and Ellaby), and the tomb of Henry Francis Cary.

Paget Toynbee [Paget Jackson Toynbee] (1855-1932), English Dante scholar and editor of Horace Walpole, whose Fiveways library was bequeathed to the Bodleian [Herbert Macartney Beatty; George Musgrave]
Publication details: 
All from Fiveways, Burnham Bucks (the last on embossed letterhead). 1911 (2), 1912 (2) and 1914.

Toynbee was, as his entry in the Oxford DNB notes, 'recognized by his contemporaries as one of the great English Dantists, and a "giant of scholarship" (Oxford Magazine, 723)'. All five items in very good condition, lightly-aged. The three letters on bifoliums, and all five items in Toynbee's neat, close hand. Items One to Four with mourning borders (for his wife, who had died in 1910). ONE: ACS. 30 January 1911. He thanks him for sending 'the Gibbon reference', which he had overlooked, and discusses his 'Chronological List of English Translations from Dante'. TWO: ACS. 13 February 1911.

[Sir Egerton Brydges.] Part of the Autograph Manuscript of his 'Clavering's Auto-Biography', containing portraits of Mrs Chapone, Captain Francis Grose, Joseph Ritson, Isaac D'Israeli, the Miss Burys; Dr Charles Symmons and Caroline Symmons.]

Sir Egerton Brydges [Samuel Egerton Brydges] (1762-1837), writer and genealogist [Lee Priory Press; Mrs Chapone; Francis Grose; Joseph Ritson; Isaac D'Israeli; Dr Charles Symmons; Horace Walpole]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but published in 'The Metropolitan' magazine, London, July 1832.

On both sides of a 33 x 12.5 cm strip of paper. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with tiny part of mount adhering to one corner, and the merest loss to another. 'Egerton Bry' is written in another small hand in light pencil at the head. The Osborn Collection at Yale possesses what its catalogue entry describes as a 'probably incomplete' section of the manuscript, ' purporting to be the memoirs of a certain John Fitznigel Clavering, whose career and interests bear a strong likeness to those of Brydges himself'. The Yale cataloguer is unaware that 'Clavering's Auto-Biography.

[Printed translation into Portuguese of the first Gothic novel, Horace Walpole's 'The Castle of Otranto'.] Livraria Amena | O Castello de Otranto. Conto Gothico por W. Marshall. Esq. Vertido do Inglez.

'W. Marshall. Esq.' [Horace Walpole] [J. J. A. Silva, Lisbon publisher]
Publication details: 
Lisboa [Lisbon]: Typographia de J. J. A. Silva, 1854.

[1] + 111pp., 16mo. Unbound or lacking wraps (?). Aged and worn, with slight ink staining to title-page. The text is preceded by a full-page 'Prologo' from the publishers. No other copy traced on either Worldcat, COPAC, or PORBASE, and does not feature in the list of 'Later Editions' of the novel on pp.66-67 of A. T. Hazen's 1948 Walpole bibliography.

[Osbert Sitwell and Margaret Barton.] Offprint of their chapter on 'Taste' in 'Johnson's England', presented to Margaret Llewellyn Davies, Peter Pan's aunt, by Margaret Barton, with ANS stating that 'It is one of a "limited edition" of three.'

Osbert Sitwell and Margaret Barton [Margaret Llewellyn Davies (1861-1944), general secretary of the Women's Co-Operative Guild; suffragist; Arthur Stanley Turberville; Samuel Johnson]
Publication details: 
Published in 'Johnson's England', ed. A. S. Turberville. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1933.

40pp., 8vo, with four plates. Paginated 1-40 (the chapter appears with the same pagination at the beginning of the second of the two volumes of the book). Bound in green buckram, with 'TASTE | OSBERT SITWELL | AND | MARGARET BARTON' stamped in gilt on front board. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in lightly-worn binding.

[Cardinal Manning.] Autograph copy of memorandum on 'the Reformatory School for Catholic Boys at Brook Green, Hammersmith', addressed to the Home Secretary Spencer Walpole, and docketted by Nicholas Wiseman.

Henry Edward Manning [Cardinal Manning] (1808-1892), Roman Catholic Cardinal-Archbishop of Westminster [Spencer Walpole (1806-1898), Conservative politician; Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865)]
Publication details: 
St Mary's, Bayswater [London]. 14 September 1858.

6pp., foolscap 8vo. On two grey-paper bifoliums. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Docketted by Wiseman on the reverse of the last leaf: 'Dr Manning's Mem[orandu]m to Walpole on Reform[ator]ies'. The document (presumably copied by Wiseman expressly for Manning) is addressed to 'The Right Hon. Spencer Walpole M.P.', and is complete to the valediction, but unsigned. It begins: 'Sir | I beg leave to lay before you a subject of much importance affecting the Reformatory School for Catholic Boys at Brook Green, Hammersmith which is under my direction.

[George Robins, auctioneer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo Robins') to the editor of the Morning Chronicle James Black, pushing for an article to be inserted in the paper, to tie in with his sale of the contents of Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill.

George Robins [George Henry Robins] (1777-1847), celebrated London auctioneer [James Black (1783-1855), editor of the Morning Chronicle [Horace Walpole; Strawberry Hill]
Publication details: 
'Covent Garden [London] | Friday [1842]'.

2pp., 12mo, bifolium. Very good, on lightly aged paper. The letter reads: 'Strawberry Hill is to the classic world much more important than the turmoil of everlasting Politics. It will be a little refreshing as a contrast to your readers to hear of Horace Walpole - the Inclosed is from Gallignani's Journal[.] in Paris they give a better attention to the Arts as well as the nuisance of everlasting Politics'. Postscript reads: 'Would you like to have a card to see'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('M Berry') from the diarist Mary Berry, sister of Agnes Berry and friend of Horace Walpole, [to her publishers Longman & Co] regarding proofs [of her book 'A Comparative View of the Social Life of England and France'].

Mary Berry (1763-1852), author and diarist, sister and companion of Agnes Berry (1764-1852), and friend of Horace Walpole [Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, publishers, of Paternoster Row, London]
Publication details: 
'Petersham Wedy. Mony' [1828].

1p., 12mo. 12 lines. Good on lightly-aged paper. She is requesting 'an alteration to be made in the Contents of Chapr 9. to the necessity of which I had not adverted till I saw that Chapr. in Print'. After correcting the chapter she 'desired a Revise', but 'foolishly forgot to Revise the Contents of the Chapr.' 'It cannot however be too late & must be done, as the Chapr: ends with Mr Fox'. The work referred to is clearly Miss Berry's 'Comparative View', published by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green in 1828, the ninth and last chapter of which does indeed end with Charles James Fox.

Autograph Manuscript Signed ('M Berry') by the diarist Mary Berry, sister of Agnes Berry and friend of Horace Walpole, a flight of fancy headed 'Devonshire Cottage to its well-beloved Mistress [Hon. Mrs George Lamb], Greeting -'.

Mary Berry (1763-1852), author, sister and companion of Agnes Berry (1764-1852), and friend of Horace Walpole [Hon. Mrs George Lamb [Caroline 'Caro George' Lamb']; Devonshire Cottage, Richmond]
Publication details: 
[Devonshire Cottage, Richmond.] 29 June and 1 July 1844.

4pp., 12mo. 75 lines. On bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The entire document is in Mary Berry's autograph. The letter proper, of 57 lines, is signed 'Devonshire Cottage / a true Copy / M Berry', the joke, such as it is, being that Mary Berry has copied out a document written by Devonshire Cottage itself to its owner, the Hon. Mrs George Lamb (Caroline, or 'Caro George' Lamb, from whom the Berry sister's were leasing it).

Autograph Letter Signed ('A Berry') from Agnes Berry, sister of the poet Mary Berry and friend of Horace Walpole, to the Berry sisters' landlady the Hon. Mrs George Lamb of Richmond, describing Mary Berry's ill health.

Agnes Berry (1764-1852), sister and companion of the poet Mary Berry (1763-1852), and friend of Horace Walpole [Hon. Mrs George Lamb [Caroline 'Caro George' Lamb'] of Devonshire Cottage, Richmond]
Publication details: 
Curzon Street, London. 7 December [1840s?].

2pp., 12mo. 30 lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper. She begins by explaining that it was 'by an entire mistake' that Mrs Lamb's money (presumably the rent for Devonshire Lodge, owned by Mrs Lamb) was not paid, and that the mistake is 'now cleared up, & the money is to be paid this very morning by Coutt's into your Banker's'. Her sister Mary is not able to pass on this information herself, as 'she has been for above a fortnight so very unwell as not to be able to write, or occupy herself in any way - a severe fit of & Influenza has confined her, & kept me in great agony about her'.

Manuscript 'Licence for Elizabeth Adams to Lett to Robert Adams' premises in Longhoughton, Northumberland, signed by Hugh Percy, Earl (later Duke) of Northumberland, and his wife ('Northumberland' and 'Elizabeth Northumberland').

Hugh Percy (1714-1786), 1st Duke of Northumberland; his wife Elizabeth Percy (1716-1776), née Seymour, Duchess of Northumberland] [Longhoughton, Northumberland]
Hugh Percy (1714-1786), 1st Duke of Northumberland; his wife Elizabeth Percy
Publication details: 
3 October 1753.
Hugh Percy (1714-1786), 1st Duke of Northumberland; his wife Elizabeth Percy

Folio, 1 p. Bifolium. Text on recto of first leaf; docketed on reverse of second leaf. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Headed 'Longhoughton | Northumberland'. Signed at foot by the Earl and Countess. Begins 'Licence is hereby Granted to Elizabeth Adams to Lett Lett or Assign over to Robert Adams All That Messuage or Tenement and the Lands thereto belonging with the Appurtenances Lying and being in Longhoughton held of us by Lease for Twenty One yeares from Ladyday One thousand Seven hundred forty and Nine'.

[printed handbill] Prologue written by the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, And spoken by him at the opening of the Theatre, Strawberry Hill, Nov. 1800.'

Richard Edgcumbe (1764-1839), 2nd Earl of Mount Edgcumbe [Anne Seymour Damer (1748-1828; née Conway), whose guardian Horace Walpole left her his villa at Strawberry Hill; Strawberry Hill Press]
[printed handbill] Prologue written by the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe
Publication details: 
Without place or date [Strawberry Hill Press? c.1804'].
[printed handbill] Prologue written by the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe

4to, 1 p. On bifolium of wove paper, watermarked 'J LARKING | 1804'. Nicely printed. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The poem is thirty-four lines long, beginning 'Hold, hold! What's this? No prologue to our play? | Down with the curtain - let it down, I say; | Let me go forth - I must, I will have way!' It is preceded by title and 'Noise and disputing behind the Sccenes. - The Curtain begins to rise.

A Letter to the Right Honorable the Lord Brougham and Vaux, &c. &c. &c. On the late Decision of the Earldom of Devon.

T. C. B.' [Thomas Christopher Banks; Henry Peter Brougham, Lord Brougham and Vaux; the Earl of Devon]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for J. Wilson, 19, Great May's Buildings, St. Martin's Lane. 1831. [G. Norman, Printer, Maiden Lane, Covent-Garden.]

8vo: 24 pp. Stitched as issued. Inscribed at the head of the title-page 'For Mr Walpole'. Text clear and entire. Good, on foxed paper, with one dog-eared corner. A couple of manuscript annotations, one in the form of a footnote, and one correction, whether by the inscriber or recipient unclear. The author defends his claim that he 'cannot believe otherwise, than had the claimant to the Devon Peerage been an humble individual, less affluent, and less powerfully connected, he would not have succeeded in his claim'. Scarce: the only copies on COPAC at the Durham and the British Library.

A folio leaf containing seven 'Specimen Pages from Books made at the Walpole Printing Office in New Rochelle, N.Y, including the title-page and frontispiece of the limited edition of T. S. Eliot's 'John Dryden'.

The Walpole Printing Office, in New Rochelle, N.Y. [Peter Beilenson; Edmund B. Thompson; Peter Pauper Press; Herb Roth; American fine printing; typography; T. S. Eliot]
Publication details: 
1929-1932. The Walpole Printing Office in New Rochelle, N.Y.

Printed in black and sepia on both sides of a leaf of watermarked wove paper, 45 x 30 cm. On lightly-aged paper with one vertical and two horizontal fold lines. The seven sample pages feature a total of six illustrations, in a variety of styles, two by Herb Roth. The arrangement is as follows. Recto: Title ('Specimen Pages from Books made at the Walpole Printing Office in New Rochelle, N.Y. 1929-1932') with vignette of Walpole. Specimen One, titled 'Piratical Barbarity, &c.', with illustration of pirate ship by Roth. Specimen Two, title-page of T. S. Eliot's 'John Dryden. The Poet.

Manuscript Pay Warrant and Receipt, with Autograph Signature.

John Murray, 2nd Earl of Dunmore (1685-1752); [Horatio?] Walpole.
Publication details: 
28 March 1740; Whitehall.

Two pages. Dimensions of paper fourteen and a half inches by nine inches. Aged and stained, with fraying to extremities and some loss to one corner (not affecting text). Order to 'deliver and pay of such his Majesty's Treasure as remains in your Charge unto John Earl of Dunmore or his Assigns the Sum of Two hundred and Fifty Pounds', on Dunmore's 'Annuity or yearly Pension of One Thousand Pounds as one of the Gentlemen of his Majesty's Bedchamber'. With signatures of 'Winnington', 'G Earle' and <?>. Docketed 'Mr. Yorke I pray pay this Order out of Addl.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Walpole') to unnamed male correspondent.

Horatio Walpole (1723-1809), 4th Baron Walpole, 2nd Baron Walpole of Wolterton, created Earl of Orford in 1806
Publication details: 

4to: 3 pp. A bifolium, mounted onto a larger piece of paper by a strip along the inner margin of the verso of the second leaf. Separated horizontally into two parts by a central tear which has been neatly repaired with archival tape, but with the 39 lines of text clear and entire. A signficant letter regarding the political climate in the County of Norfolk in the period preceding the general parliamentary election of 1768.

Pamphlet, beginning with 'An exact list of those who voted against bringing in the Excise-Bill', followed by a section titled 'The Lords Protest', ending with an illustrated satirical poem, in two parts, titled 'Britannia Excisa: Britain Excis'd.'

[Sir Robert Walpole; Excise Bill of 1733; Houses of Parliament; Parliamentary; Georgian political satire]
Publication details: 
[London, 1733.]

Ten pages printed on a total of the six leaves of three folio bifoliums (leaf dimensions roughly 40.5 x 25 cm). The first part, apparently intended to fold around the others, is unpaginated, and printed on the recto of the first leaf and the verso of the last leaf of the bifolium. Each page consists of a list, divided into three columns of small print, giving details of the vote, with the names of the members, their constituencies, and a key revealing biographical information (e.g. 'Privy-Counsellors' [sic] and 'for and against Maintaining the Hessian Troops').

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