['By consent of the Police? NO.': E. V. Knox, editor of 'Punch'.] Typed Card Signed from Cyril Clemens of the Internation Mark Twain Society, asking for Knox's 'definition of democracy', with carbon copy of Knox's reply.

Cyril Coniston Clemens (1902-1999), founder of the International Mark Twain Society, the writer’s third cousin twice removed; E. V. Knox [Edmund George Valpy Knox, ‘Evoe’] (1881-1971), 'Punch' editor
Publication details: 
Clemens' TCS: 10 January 1969, with his stamp as president of the Internation Mark Twain Society, Webster Groves, Missouri. Carpon of Knox's reply, 1 March 1949.

See Knox’s entry in the Oxford DNB. The two items are in fair condition, lightly aged and creased, each with a couple of lightly-rusted pin holes. Clemens’s plain card, with stamps and postmarks, is addressed to ‘E. V. Knox Esq / c/o Punch / London, England.’, and is signed ‘faithfully / C C Clemens’. The message reads: ‘Dear E.V. Knox / We hope the life of President Truman reached you safely? / The Society is arranging a symposium on democracy You may care to send your definition of democracy and a few comments.

[ B.P. Shillaber; humorist ] Autograph Note Signed B.P. Shillaber to a Walter G. Webster responding to a request for his autograph

B.P. Shillaber [Benjamin Penhallow Shillaber (1814-1890), American printer, editor, and humorist.]
Publication details: 
Chelsea, Mass., 20 July 1872.

Part of leaf from exercise book (it seems), 12.5 x 11.5cm, laid down on paper slightly larger, good condition. Dear Sir: I comply with your request very willingly, and subscribe myself Yours autographically | and truly | B.P. Chillaber | for sef and | Mrs Partington.

[ Bret Harte, American author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Bret Harte') to 'Colonel Colville' [ Col. W. J. Colville ], concerning an 'Inspection' at Clarence House, and 'a sentimental pilgrimage' of 'old London'.

Bret Harte [ Francis Bret Harte ] (1836-1902), American short story writer and poet [ Col. William James Colville (1827-1903), Comptroller of the Household of the Duke of Edinburgh ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 15 Upper Hamilton Terrace, N.W. [ London ] 12 June 1890.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of glue on reverse of blank second leaf. He thanks him for his 'kind remembrance', and undertakes to 'come with much pleasure to Clarence House, a little before the time of Inspection and bring two friends'. The letter concludes: 'Meantime we must not forget that you and I are going to set apart some afternoon to make a sentimental pilgrimage into the Past in some corner of old London!'

[ Printed items. ] Steel engraving by 'R. O'Brien' of Bloodgood H. Cutter, 'The New York Farmer Poet', from a photograph by 'Beniczky'. With another leaf bearing a wood-engraving of Cutter, together with another portrait [ of Mark Twain ].

Robert O'Brien, engraver; K. W. Beniczky, New York photographer [ Bloodgood H. Cutter [ Bloodgood Haviland Cutter; Bloodgood Cutter ] (1817–1906), 'The Long Island Farmer Poet'; Mark Twain ]
Publication details: 
American. Circa 1860.

On two leaves. The illustrations on both are undamaged, but both leages are aged and worn, with chipping and closed tears to extremities. Fragile. ONE: Steel engraving: 'Photo. by Beniczky. | Engd by R. O'Brien.' Captioned with a facsimile of Cutter's signature, with 'THE LONG ISLAND FARMER POET' beneath it. 30 x 24 cm. On thickish wove paper. Head and shoulders image of a middle-aged Cutter, with goatee beard, smartly dressed with bow tie, waistcoat and jacket. TWO: Two small wood engravings on a 31 x 24 cm leaf of wove paper (thinner stock than Item One).

[ Cyril Clemens, editor of the Mark Twain Journal. ] Typed Letter Signed to military historian Barrie Pitt, informing him of his election as 'A Knight of Mark Twain'. With photocopy of letter from Winston Churchill to Clemens, inscribed to Pitt.

Cyril Clemens [ Cyril Coniston Clemens ] (1902-1999), editor, Mark Twain Journal [ Barrie Pitt (2006), military historian; Winston Spencer Churchill ]
Publication details: 
Clemens' letter to Pitt is dated 5 May 1978. On his letterhead as editor of the Mark Twain Journal, Kirkwood, Missouri. The photocopy is of a Churchill letter dated from 10 Downing Street, 25 October 1943.

ONE: Typed Letter Signed from Clemens to Pitt. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Expansive signature in blue ink. Letterhead with printed quotations from President Ford, Carl Van Doren, William Faulkener, Lyndon B. Johnson, John F. Kennedy and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Message reads: 'Dear Barrie Pitt | In recognition of your outstanding contribution to Biography, you have been unanimously elected, in succession to the late Captain Basil Liddell Hart | A KNIGHT | of | MARK TWAIN'. TWO: Photocopy of letter from Churchill to Clemens.

[Cyril Clemens] Autograph Letter Signed to Robert Lynd, author.

Cyril Clemens (1902-1999), President, International Mark Twain Society, Missouri.
Publication details: 

ALS, on his presidential letterhead; 14 July 1932, 2pp., 8vo, good condition, with enclosure. His 'Little Visits to the Great' is 'almost ready to go to press, but we are holding things up for the Chapter on "Robert and Sylvia Lynd." If you and Mrs Lynd could glance it over and scratch out any thing that I remembered inaccurately, [...]'. With a mimeographed typewritten copy (1 p, fol.), transcribing three 1937 letters to Clemens, two from Douglas Hyde and the last from W. B. Yeats.

[Simplified Spelling Board, New York.] Twenty-five printed circulars, numbered 1-21, 23-25 (including two versions of 16), promoting English spelling reform.

Simplified Spelling Board, New York [Thomas R. Lounsbury; Mark Twain; Calvin Thomas; Brander Matthews; Henry Holt; Burt G. Wilder; William Hayes Ward, Editor of The Independent; William H. Maxwell]
Publication details: 
The twenty-five items printed by the Simplified Spelling Board, 1 Madison Avenue, New York, between 30 April 1907 and 30 September 1911.

The Simplified Spelling Board was founded in 1906, funded by Andrew Carnegie, and counted Mark Twain and President Theodore Roosevelt, and the English lexicographers James A. H. Murray, Walter W. Skeat and Joseph Wright among its members. The present collection of the Board's Circulars consists of 25 uniform items, all unbound and stapled. The collection is in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with occasional wear. Stamps, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London.

A folio leaf containing seven 'Specimen Pages from Books made at the Walpole Printing Office in New Rochelle, N.Y, including the title-page and frontispiece of the limited edition of T. S. Eliot's 'John Dryden'.

The Walpole Printing Office, in New Rochelle, N.Y. [Peter Beilenson; Edmund B. Thompson; Peter Pauper Press; Herb Roth; American fine printing; typography; T. S. Eliot]
Publication details: 
1929-1932. The Walpole Printing Office in New Rochelle, N.Y.

Printed in black and sepia on both sides of a leaf of watermarked wove paper, 45 x 30 cm. On lightly-aged paper with one vertical and two horizontal fold lines. The seven sample pages feature a total of six illustrations, in a variety of styles, two by Herb Roth. The arrangement is as follows. Recto: Title ('Specimen Pages from Books made at the Walpole Printing Office in New Rochelle, N.Y. 1929-1932') with vignette of Walpole. Specimen One, titled 'Piratical Barbarity, &c.', with illustration of pirate ship by Roth. Specimen Two, title-page of T. S. Eliot's 'John Dryden. The Poet.

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