[Francis G. Pease's photographs of space, used by Edwin Hubble to identify new galaxies.] Five framed photographic astronomical prints of images by Pease, taken from Mount Vernon. Owned by Charles Chilton ('Journey into Space').

Francis G. Pease [Francis Gladheim Pease] (1881-1938), American astronomer at the Mount Wilson Observatory, California [Edwin Hubble [Edwin Powell Hubble] (1889-1953); Charles Chilton (1917-2013)]
Publication details: 
Mount Wilson Observatory, Los Angeles County, California, USA. None of the prints dated (1940s?). Two of the five photographic images dated 1919.

Five black and white prints, all laid down on mount and in glass frame. Later prints (1940s) rather than the early silver gelatin ones. Each with manuscript caption at foot of mount, and Negative Number written in manuscript on reverse of frame. Each print in excellent condition. All five behind glass in worn plain black frames. From within the papers of Charles Chilton, the creator and producer of the influential BBC Radio series 'Journey into Space' (1953-1958), which numbered among its admirers Stephen Hawking and Colin Pillinger.

[The Wesleyan Missions.] Three printed pamphlets in the series 'Papers relative to the Wesleyan Missions, and the State of Heathen Countries.' All illustrated, two with illustrations hand-coloured.

The Wesleyan Missions; James Nichols, printer, 46 Hoxton Square, London [Fiji; Captain Dillon; Charles F. Allison, Wesleyan Academy, Mount-Allison, New Brunswick]
The Wesleyan Mission
Publication details: 
ONE: No. LXXII, June 1838. TWO: No. CXV, March 1849. THREE: No. CXXXVII, September 1854. All three printed by James Nichols, 46 Hoxton Square, London.
The Wesleyan Mission

See W. Moister, ‘A History of Wesleyan Missions in all Parts of the World’ (1871). Each item 4pp, 12mo bifolium. All three with engraved illustration on first page, which has a drophead title. The three are worn and discoloured, with loss of text in caption in Item One (see below), and the first two items with cover illustrations crudely hand-coloured. ONE: No. LXXII, June 1838. Mostly consisting of ‘An appeal to the sympathy of the Christian public, on behalf of the cannibal Fejeeans’.

[Harkness Fellowships.] Five Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed from Lansing V. Hammond of the Commonwealth Fund to Mark Bonham Carter, discussing the organization, cultural matters and death of his father William Churchill Hammond.

[Harkness Fellowships] Lansing V. Hammond of the Commonwealth Fund of New York City [his father William Churchill Hammond (1860-1949), organist and choir master; Mark Bonham Carter (1922-1994)]
Publication details: 
ONE (ALS): 10 January 1948; on letterhead of the Hotel Durant, Berkeley. TWO to SIX (TLsS): 29 December 1948; 18 February, 9 June and 8 July 1949; 3 May 1950; all on letterhead of The Commonwealth Fund, 41 East Fifty-seventh Street, New York 22, N.Y.

Lansing Van der Heyden Hammond (b.1906), son of the distinguished organist and choirmaster of Mount Holyoake College William Churchill Hammond, was for many years Director of the Commonwealth Fund Division of International Fellowships. For Bonham Carter, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present group of six items shed light on the 1940s administration of the Commonwealth Fund. They are in good condition, lightly aged and creased. The autograph letter is 1p, 12mo; the five single-spaced typed letters total 6pp, 4to. All six are signed ‘Lance’. ONE: ALS, 10 January 1948. 1p, 12mo.

[Lord Bute, builder of Cardiff Docks: John Crichton-Stuart, 2nd Marquess of Bute.] Autograph Letter Signed to A[lexander]. Milne, regarding legal opinions he has received, and a ‘complete abstract of the title to all the family estates’.

Lord Bute, builder of Cardiff Docks: John Crichton-Stuart (1793-1848), 2nd Marquess of Bute [Lord Mount Stuart, 1794-1814], aristocratic landowner and industrialist, developed the Welsh coal industry
Publication details: 
‘Luton Hoo 24 Novr 1830’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight damage to the blank reverse of the second leaf from mount. Folded three times, with a short closed tear at the edge of one crease. The recipient is named by Bute as ‘A. Milne Esq’ (the Aberdeen merchant Alexander Milne of Crimonmogate?). The letter is signed ‘Bute’.

[Sir John Hunt [Lord Hunt], mountaineer, leader of the successful 1953 British Expedition to Mount Everest.] Original print of non-commercial colour photograph of Hunt, with his Autograph Signature on a label on the reverse.

Sir John Hunt [Brigadier Henry Cecil John Hunt, Baron Hunt, KG, CBE, DSO; Lord Hunt] (1910-1998), mountaineer and army officer who led the successful 1953 British Expedition to Mount Everest
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Colour Kodac print on matte paper: 3 and 3/8 x 5 inches (8.5 x 12.5 cm). In good condition, with light indentation of paperclip at head. A smiling elderly Hunt stands, with plaid shirt and hands in pockets of brown trousers, looking to his right, in front of a range of mountains. On the reverse is stuck a label signed ‘John Hunt’. See images.

[ Wings over Everest; film ] Photograph of Camera Crew at work, with note by and signature of Ronald L. Read, sound recordist, and commemorative stamp. See image.

[Houston Mt Everest Flight Film] Ronald L. Read, sound recordist (at least)
Publication details: 
Mount Everest, 1933.

Detached album page, 14 x 10cm, a little grubby, with , laid down, a photograph of the camera crew in action, 10 x 8cm, Signed Ronald L. Read, with a note in his hand, Flight over the Top | April 3rd 1933. Item stamped twice The Houston-Mt. Everest Flight Film. A commemorative stamp partly obscures the photograph (plane at centre of Union Jack). See image. Read also features on Google as a cameraman.

[Leslie Hotson and Norman Holmes Pearson on a George Washington letter.] Autograph Letter Signed from Hotson, and Typed Letter Signed from Pearson, both to Robert Beloe, discussing the proposed sale of his George Washington letter.

Leslie Hotson [John Leslie Hotson] (1897-1992), authority on Elizabethan literature; Norman Holmes Pearson (1909-75), Yale academic [Robert Beloe (1905-84), educationalist; George Washington]
Publication details: 
Hotson's letter from Northford, Connecticut (but sent from a museum in Pieter Cornelisz Hooftstraat, Amsterdam), 29 January 1955. Pearson's letter from 233 Hall of Graduate Studies, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 1 February 1955.

Two Air Mail letters, both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Both letters are addressed to Beloe (author of the 1960 Beloe Report - education at The Hill House, Queen's Road, Richmond, Surrey. The subject of the two letters is a letter from George Washington to Lieutenant Governor Dinwiddie, Belvoir, 7 March 1754, beginning ''Honble. Sir | If the Vessel you Honour hir'd of Colo. Eyre has not left York'. The letter is now at Mount Vernon. ONE: Hotson's letter, signed 'Leslie Hotson'. 29 January 1955. 1p., 12mo.

[ George Washington ] The Pinney archive of material relating to the English branch of the family of George Washington

S. C. Pinney, American authority on George Washington Genealogy.
Publication details: 

Large archive of material relating to the English branch of the Washington family, assembled by American authority S. C. Pinney, comprising manuscripts, typescripts, printed extracts and offprints, photographic and other illustration, and a small batch of letters to Pinney from the English Washington expert Thomas Pape. The collection in good condition, with no more than a handful of items aged or worn. Containing a mass of obscure and difficult to obtain material, from English and American sources, mostly dating from the first two decades of the twentieth century.A. Manuscript material: ONE.

[ Daniel Terry, actor and dramatist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Danl. Terry') to the wife of the architect William Atkinson

Daniel Terry (c.1780-1829), English actor and dramatist, friend of Sir Walter Scott [ William Atkinson (c.1774-1839), English architect ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but with note stating that it was written 'about the year 1829'.

1p., 12mo. Addressed to 'My dear Mrs. Atkinson', and with contemporary note at head stating that the letter is 'To Mrs. Atkinson Grove end - about the year 1829', Grove End in Paddington being the estate of the architect William Atkinson. In good condition, lightly-aged, with minor traces of stub adhering to one edge on blank reverse. He thanks her for her 'beautiful present' and informs her that he has 'secured 6 places in the front Boxes for to-morrow evening - and shall do myself the pleasure of bringing up admissions for that Number either to day or early to morrow morning'.

[ Daniel Terry, actor and dramatist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Danl. Terry') to William Campbell, playfully inviting him to come and drink with him and 'Geddes' in Mount Street.

Daniel Terry (c.1780-1829), English actor and dramatist, friend of Sir Walter Scott
Publication details: 
'Sunday Afternoon'. Without place or date.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on second leaf to 'Wm Campbell Esqr. | Brook Street'. In good condition, lightly-aged. The letter begins: 'Had I been aware, before dinner, of what our friend Geddes has just informed me after dinner, - that you are at present a Batchelor, you certainly should have had no excuse for not returning with him to a friendly knife & fork in Mount Street'. He asks him, if he is 'quite alone', to 'come immeditely & lecture him for his remissness - & drink to his better behaviour - we are quite en famille with only Geddes'.

[ John Braddick of Boughton Mount ] Long manuscript responses to a questionnaire in a prospectus titled 'Preparing for publication, | By S. Lewis, | A Topographical Dictionary of England, | From a Personal Survey through every Parish in the Kingdom'

John Braddick of Boughton Mount, Monchelsea, Kent, slave trader; Samuel Lewis (c.1782-1865), topographer and publisher
Publication details: 
Prospectus published from 12, Devereaux-court, Temple, London. [Late 1820s.]

The prospectus is 4pp., folio. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper and creased paper, with slight damage to margins at foot of both leaves. Beneath the heading on the first page is a list of around 75 princes, dukes and lords, headed by 'His Most Gracious Majesty the King', under whose 'immediate patronage' the work is to be commenced.

[John Francis Clark of Newmarket, architect and 'racing judge'.] Three unpublished Autograph lectures, one a vivid account of a visit to 'Naples and Mount Vesuvius' in 1841, the second a similar account of Rome; the third a history of architecture.

John Francis Clark (1816-1898) of Newmarket, Suffolk architect and 'racing judge' [Horse Racing]
Publication details: 
The first paper signed 'J. F. Clark | Newmarket | Feb. 2. 1852 read at Kirtling [Suffolk]'. The second dated 'Jan. 1860'. The third without date or place.

For more information on Clark, see the account by Eric C. Graham, privately printed in 2010. All texts clear and legible, on aged and worn paper (especially the outer ones). ONE: Headed 'J. F. Clark | Newmarket | Feb. 2. 1852 read at Kirtling'. 30pp., foolscap 8vo. Saddle stitched.

[Printed item.] American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf. Report of the Proceedings of the Fifth Summer Meeting held at the Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa.

[American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf; Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Mount Airy, Philadelphia; Western New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes, Rochester,]
Publication details: 
Rochester, N.Y.: Western New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes. 1896.

275pp., 8vo. With frontispiece and one plate. In poor condition, on aged and worn paper, divided into two parts, with only the loose remains of the printed front cover present, carrying a shelf-mark label. Uncommon: three copies on OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed booklet, with photographic illustrations.] The Mount Pleasant Artists' Rest Home. Rickmansworth. Hertfordshire. Founded 1929.

[The Mount Pleasant Artists' Rest Home, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, founded in 1929 by the artist Francis William Reckitt (1860-1932), 'as a Convalescent Rest Home for [...] male artists'
Publication details: 
[The Mount Pleasant Artists' Rest Home, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire.] Undated. [Circa 1929.]

15pp., landscape 12mo. With four additional pages of photographic plates ('Exterior facing south', 'The lounge', 'The dining room', 'A bedroom'). Stitched into grey printed wraps. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The booklet includes a list of trustees and other officers, a descriptive text, the 'Regulations relating to the home', 'Form of application' (with two pages of 'rules', including 'CASES NOT ADMITTED') and 'Medical Report'. The descriptive text begins: 'The Home has been built and generously endowed by Mr. F. W.

Autograph Letter Signed and three Autograph Cards Signed from the American geologist Bailey Willis to 'Mr. Anthony', discussing a report following a joint trip, and presenting a pamphlet by which he may approach 'the limits of knowledge'.

Bailey Willis (1857-1949), American geological engineer [United States Geological Survey; Mount Rainier]
Publication details: 
Letter dated from Buenos Aires [Argentina]. 19 June 1914. One card dated from the 'Hotel Cecil | Julio 8 - 1914'. The other two cards undated.

The four items are in good condition, lightly-aged and with slight creasing to the extremities of the letter. The letter is 1p., foolscap 8vo. Willis writes that he is 'forwarding the report at the earliest moment practicable. If in any respect it should fail to cover the ground agreed upon, I will gladly supplement it to the best of my ability'. He is waiting for Anthony's instructions over his 'reports': 'I understood that you did not wish them sent by mail.' He ends by expressing his 'sincere appreciation of your courtesy during our trip together'.

Pencil sketch of George Washington's home Mount Vernon by 'G E Blenkins', with leaf from the orange tree planted by Washington, and explanatory Autograph Note by Blenkins.

Mount Vernon, Virginia home of George Washington, first United States President [George Eleazar Blenkins (d.1894), Assistant Surgeon, Grenadier Guards, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons?]
Publication details: 
Sketch made and leaf taken by Blenkins on a visit to Mount Vernon, Virginia, in 1840.

While only a rough pencil sketch, the drawing is an attractive one, landscape on a piece of wove paper, 20 x 25 cm, with 'JESSUPS' watermark. In good condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper, folded into a packet for postage, with remains of red wafer. Beneath the drawing, in ink in a shaky contemporary hand: 'Lawn view from the backs of Mount Vernon | This is from the Orange Tree planted by himself.' The reverse carries the following note: 'I made the enclosed rough sketch of Mount Vernon the residence of Genl.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Sussex physician and engraver Arthur Evershed to the critic William Cosmo Monkhouse

Arthur Evershed (1835-1919), Sussex engraver and physician to the Mount Vernon Consumption Hospital, North London [William Cosmo Monkhouse (1840-1901), poet and critic]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 10 Mansfield Villas, Hampstead. 9 February 1883.

1p., 12mo. Fourteen lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He is sorry to have put Monkhouse to 'the trouble of writing', and hopes someday to show him his 'best etchings'. 'I have been exhibiting etchings at R.A. for about 10 years: and my published work has been very favourably noticed in the "Times", "Athenaeum" "Academy" &c. &c.' He is enclosing (not present) an article which 'the Gazette des Beaux Arts' carried on his work, 'so long ago as 1876'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John C Hamilton') from John Church Hamilton, son of founding father Alexander Hamilton, to the poet Col. George Pope Morris, regarding disputed points following the sale of his house [Undercliff, Bull Hill [Mt Taurus], NYS].

John C. Hamilton [John Church Hamilton] (1792-1882), fifth child of founding father Alexander Hamilton (1755 or 1757-1804) [George P. Morris [George Pope Morris] (1802-1864), American editor and poet]
Publication details: 
New York; 4 July 1835.

3pp., 4to. 74 lines of text. Originally a bifolium, but with the two leaves now separate. Good, on aged and lightly-worn paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, to 'George P Morris Esq. | Cold Spring.' The reference in the letter to Morris having 'cut down the wood' around his property is ironic, given that he is most famous for the poem/song 'Woodman! Spare that Tree!' Hamilton begins by stating that he has seen 'Mr. Robinson', who will see Morris on the subject of buying Morris's house. Hamilton considers Morris's price of $8000 for his house 'very cheap'.

Five items, including a notebook, containing manuscript notes taken during the Second World War by a member of the First Quartermaster's Department, Royal Marines, Plymouth.

First Quartermaster's Department, Royal Marines, Plymouth [Jean B. Maclachlan, Mount House, Hartley, Plymouth.]
Publication details: 
Circa 1943. [First Quartermaster's Department, Royal Marines, Plymouth.]

Five manuscript items, all in the same pencil hand. The name and address of Jean B. Maclachlan written twice on Item One indicates the identity of the notetaker. All texts clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper (but see slight damage to Item Two). Item One: Manuscript notebook. 12mo, 61 pp. Stapled. In original blue wraps, 'SUPPLIED FOR THE PUBLIC SERVICE'. Repeatedly and untidily stamped in red ink on front cover 'PLYMOUTH', with 'CAPTAIN, R.M. | ASSISTANT PAYMASTER' and 'ROYAL MARINES | PLYMOUTH'.

The Pinney archive of material relating to the English branch of the family of George Washington

S. C. Pinney, American authority on George Washington Genealogy.
Publication details: 

Large archive of material relating to the English branch of the Washington family, assembled by American authority S. C. Pinney, comprising manuscripts, typescripts, printed extracts and offprints, photographic and other illustration, and a small batch of letters to Pinney from the English Washington expert Thomas Pape. The collection in good condition, with no more than a handful of items aged or worn. Containing a mass of obscure and difficult to obtain material, from English and American sources, mostly dating from the first two decades of the twentieth century.A.

[printed handbill] Prologue written by the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, And spoken by him at the opening of the Theatre, Strawberry Hill, Nov. 1800.'

Richard Edgcumbe (1764-1839), 2nd Earl of Mount Edgcumbe [Anne Seymour Damer (1748-1828; née Conway), whose guardian Horace Walpole left her his villa at Strawberry Hill; Strawberry Hill Press]
[printed handbill] Prologue written by the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe
Publication details: 
Without place or date [Strawberry Hill Press? c.1804'].
[printed handbill] Prologue written by the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe

4to, 1 p. On bifolium of wove paper, watermarked 'J LARKING | 1804'. Nicely printed. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The poem is thirty-four lines long, beginning 'Hold, hold! What's this? No prologue to our play? | Down with the curtain - let it down, I say; | Let me go forth - I must, I will have way!' It is preceded by title and 'Noise and disputing behind the Sccenes. - The Curtain begins to rise.

Autograph Letter Signed to unknown male correspondent; Autograph Signed endorsement of 'Dr. Dick of Dundee'; and facsimile of letter of thanks to his 'Birth-day Benefactors'.

James Montgomery (1771-1854), Scottish hymnwriter and poet
Publication details: 
The letter dated 29 May 1835, 10 New Palace Yard, Westminster; the endorsement dated 'The Mount, September 19. 1850'; the facsimile dated 'The Mount nr Sheffield, Nov. 4. 1851.'

The letter (8vo, 1 p) is foxed, but otherwise very good. Had he not been 'engaged for ten days past to dine three or four miles off with an old acquaintance', whom it is too late to disappoint, he would have been happy to avail himself of the kind invitation. Sends best wishes and prayers to the recipient's family, 'from the elder to the youngest'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Mary W. Findlater') to unnamed female autograph hunter.

Mary Williamina Findlater (1865-1963), Scottish novelist and poet
Publication details: 
27 October 1901; Mount Stuart, Torquay, England.

One page, 16mo. Good, on lightly aged grey paper, with previous paper mount adhering to reverse. Reads 'I have pleasure in sending you the Autograph you desire'.

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